Zurich Herald, 1929-04-04, Page 5• i u ..i 44.40i; 1029.:" it $U IN r'AR VDLEY E. HOLMES IIJAERISTER, SOLICI"TQA, Nom IARY PUBLIC, ETC. ' FICE—Harniilton " Street, ;lust ort e Square, GODERICU, Ontario. 4SPeclal attentionto Coon el wig Court Work. Zurich Ont.. H4)lra ria nsay be consulted yet , ,�J1tIC.>h„,HE.R.A:LD PVT YOUR Wanto, For Salo Lost, Found, Noticed, Etc. Ads IN Tins comas FOR SAVE A 13 -tooth :M. H. spring tooth,cul- ltivator, with seeder attachment, in good condition. Apply to. Jos. Drum', Asoatrich by phone, and Phone! chargee reversed. FOR aged General �. . ,.. o eral Purpose horse, en good singlex double. Also a ehoie•e pure bred 'Holstein bull calf. Apply to Wm. Sparks, Stanley Tp„ or phone 78-19, Hensall Central. Dr., H: H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D , .S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOOK—ZT3RIGU ;Every Thursday Friday, Bathed* At BARTLEIB' S BLOWS, DASUWOOD E4iery Monday, Tuesday wa.a 'Wednesday OSCAR ' I .LOPP Graduate Carey M. Jonas Nat IOW School of AnictioneeriLng. Try me for Registered Live Stock, AIR breeds): Terris in keeping vitas prevailing prices, Choice Og;grro,s for sale. Will self mai9Lhing Amy'0'here. Zurich. 18-93 or write. Licensed Ructioneer 'FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX • AM IN auctp%nI.TION TO CON - Sal regardless •duet any tam to size or article to %eil. I solicit your business, and if not enitisfled will make xto etargO for rvicee. Arthur Weber — Dashwood• ;Acme ii -fi7, THE NEW Chevrolet is Throughout a Setter Motor Car GOODYEAR TIRES SEISER:LING TIRES CHECK UP' ABOVE rte. STA.TEIVIENTS H. S. WEIN, - Prop 4ib.il33giwnOD 111071('R C R�r&Cit 410111,16604418.01146.0841904018080, I EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Combe Anconas. ' Good eying strain, and from choice stock setting, per 35c. Hy. Eickmeier, 'Zurich tf37 NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that all rubbish; ashes, wood, old cars, and other things must be moved off the streets of the village on or before April 20th next. Help to make the village neater and a place to be proud of. After April 20th all art - ides not moved off the streets will be moved at the owner's expense: 13Y ORDER, Mrs'."Ohas: Weber spent a few days at Godorich last weep; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee and Mrs. IL Lipphar4t of Hensall, called in the village one day last week °; . Mr.• Leonard Prang, 311m,Prang JJ Prang and Miss Vella Prang, were•in Lon- don on Saturday,` ` Miss Euloine Geiger who is teach- ing at Creemore, isspending; her boli„ days with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Itavelle and children were Sunday visitors with Mr, Ravelle's parents, at Grand lend Mr. Wilfred Turnbull; of 'Western University, London, called• end: Newell Geiger one dayvast week. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith and dau-: gaiter Mae, were Sunday and Monday visitors with relatives at, New Ham- burg. Hay Council met on Saturday for the April meeting, a full report of the xn next minutes will be given ' week's issue of the Herald. Mr. Louis Foster and son Clarence of Kitchener, were week -end 'visitors with the former's parents, Mr. • and Mrs. J, Foster, Babylon 'dine. Miss Idella Howald and Miss Edith, Clarkson from London, spent the week -end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howalu. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzen- truber, and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Sch- wartzentruberof the Bronson Line, Wellesley away to attending the Police Trustees, • funeral of a relative. Village of Zurich. Owing to 'the heavy volume of ad- vertising ins,this week's issue, we are unable toinclude several interesting articles which will be held over till next week. Mrs. Gootlbread and family of De - On the 14th Con. Hay, a boys rub- troit, and Mrs. Kaiser and child of her, size 5. Owner can have same at London, are visiting with their par - Herald Office by paying this ad. Al- ents, Mr. and Mrs. -Ed. Axt. so a men's, rain coat., apply at tier- The month of March came in like ald office. • a lamb, but certainly blew itself out on Sunday afternoon and then on on Monday the same blow brought in the always welcome month of April. NOTICE Another severe storm passed over M accounts are now ready for all Western Ontario on Monday and ,al - FOUND .HIP l Chas•Seotehmere of Toronto, spent the week end at his home at Bayfield. Miss Hazel Sparks of Harrietsville, spent Sunday with her parents, .:Mr.,. and Mrs. Jno, Sparks. v, poopeindebted , I to me and I request though there was no damage done in 1urichs' Popular MCAT MARKET of such to call at an early date and this district that we know of, yet' it settle the same. Wellington J. Johnston, -35 ANNOUNCING, TEAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 'FROM THE FIRM OF YUNG73L'UT DETCUTERT, THIS WELL E TAB AND LIMED MEAT BUSINESS, - SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ., Yungbl:ut & Son :ll0NiN0.Nis*41Ns0*0114160 COAL 1929 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR 'GENUINE &ranton Goal WANTED We are in the market for a limited mount of good potatoes, act quick. L_ Sehilbe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 1,4 e. per pound. Feed a handful a day, • 'Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C:. Kalbfleisch,'Zuricix. BABY CHICKS }latched in the Huron Mammoth, ;the cleanest and healthiest hatching irnechine going. Cleans the air from tbe hatching trays before it mixes with the • eggs by patent process., Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Oi+dei "early.. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment Custom hatch - USED CARS SEE OUR USED CARS 1928 Ford 2 -Door, like new for $600. 1927 Whippet 4 -door sedan, only 12000 miles at $650. 1925 Choy, coupe at .. $275. 1923 Star coupe at . $150 1925 Ford 2 -door._ at $225 1924 Studebaker touring, only '$150. Your choice of 5 Ford touring cars, all have starters and license for $50.00 to $75.00. Truck, Ford, 1928 at Truck, Ford 1928, only All with 1929 license. SANDY ELLIOT Ford Dealer Phone 64. _ - . EXETER $800. $175. ESSEX CRYSTAL DWARF SWEET CLOVER It ripens early, generally about the 1st to 6th of August, thus providing an excellent land cleaner, prohibiting weed seeds to ripen with it. The,seed. is smaller than the common Sweet Clover so that it only requires three- fourths as much seed, or from 8 to 10 pounds per acre. It is a wonder- ful seeder, producing an acreage of 20 bushels per acre. Tests have pro - von that this seed will produce a vig- orous growth on sand, clay, loam or muck soil. In quality of Hay it equals alfalfa with a greater yield per acre. It also makes excellent pasturage for dairy or beef cattle, sheep or horses. The stock thrives readily on these fields. In using this Clover while still green makes one of the best soil re• builders when plowed down. This, we believe, is a valuable addition to the lists of forage plants. The name is derived from Essex County, Sacra- mento Valley, California, and the first known crops in the Eastern States were produced by the Huron County growers in the Thumb of is estimated that about. a million dol-. Michigan. Seed experts and analog - lacy damage was done .e other. .places fists familiarize it with the widely- ta the province. The only embarras- sing condition that we noticed• in Zurich was that the hydro power was off until Tuesday forenoon, as the main lines near London were coin- pletely wrecked and for • a consider- able distance had to be rebuilt. The past two weeks we have given publicity as to large hen's eggs that have been laid in Zurich,• bit this. week `we can report of an even larg- er one,. which was reported by by E. Ant of town which measured 6 3 by 81!.i. inches, and this whopper of an egg was laid by one of Mr.lAxt's hens which he calls the slack Minorca' "Ostrich" variety of hens. The Ed- itor of the Herald will not be respon- sible for these statements as none of these nwnster eggs were brought in to the office to exhibit, so we are only taking_the measurement,: of these cit,, izens, which however we feel assured are 'reliable. We would however sug- gest that if and one should .grow any of these hen fruit that is larger than the ones already listed, we Wold sug- gest that they be first nicely hard (boiled, (so as not to) break, and then have them sent to the office, and the ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five editor will then take ample charge of hundred eggs. Phone 97r4, Hen- the egg and contents, and of course salt. J. E. McKinley. tf-32 give the usual amount of publicity. ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal t#OOD STIPPLE ON HAND 'TEI„EPHONE YOUR ORDERS • h HARLY TO :) , Lase & Son Phone 3S, HENSALL L,, I V PQU WANTED iktilkeet every day 611 ff icklockas.D1. Aim *Ot toed Fowl sem* =Owing *hen brought lid. Highest Cask Prices --con irOR— ream and Eggs ".:o' Lfriei •tu..-.. 7he 'THE GREATEST TIRE ,, 'THE WORLD HAS -EVE KNOB Not one Royal Master vt a tbowsand will ever uncture. Not one 1#live thousand xvilf blow out corder two years o service. The Royal Master 'was built without regard for cost. It isthe finest tire that can be built. Its massive tread is double thick, cured by a new slow process. Its carcass is made with extra plies of web fabric. Side-walls are guarded against scuffing. The Royal Master is made' oversize. Or rather, the right size for teal the economy. If you want tires that will last as long t you keep your cat, then buy Royal' Masters, On sale at every DOIH1OWTRE DE min" .........:......... ...:......w . H. Mousgeatt Po4ro Pi** ♦.d *. d, �1"rr�r'�►tIt!*'M�Atd+Rt�lttdtttr�rd �►.dA•1d�►td#d . 4 1d1R . tt�, �l�►A,�►�` ARE HEADQUARTERS FO;R FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND i. WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITI-j JU$T THE KIND OF • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL 1 GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, j• CARRY A'FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGS, • • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. •• LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • • We have the Agency for this District. i • GARAGE SUPPLIES •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i • 0 • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY, ON SAME DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES • YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils add Greases L. A. Frang - Zurich i • • • • 4. • 4. 4w 10,4•••••••d04••420420940G•4.A4> •••• • 4. 4 cc; 4 0.4p4,4,;>4. 4z, t ao•s.3•S 5.O u, known (i'undy County,,Dwarf warf Sweet Clover, except that the Essex Crystal Dwarf Sweet Clover is an earlier ripener, its color of plant differs anal that it is larger yielder on ail types of soil than the other clovers. Essex Crystal Dwarf Clover has many out- standing advantages. It is about four, weeks earlier than the common Sweet Clover and grows much smaller, more branchy .and leafier and has finer stems. : It seldom grows over three and a half feet tall..It produces finer hay in large puantities, and it is a better seeder, yielding as high as 25 bushels per acre. on large acreage. Price per bushel of seed $15.00. Frank Taylor, Exeter, Ont. PETER'S •Evangel cal..'Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang-' ing Worrd:" Sunday, April 7th;. 1t Sunday after Easter. 10. a. m: .German Service. 114 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Subject --World Conquerors. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 811: Luther League. Everybody Welcome to all Services. • E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONt Morsels .of Truth Truth is power, but truth is un- palatable to those who will not let go of error and wrong. If your life is on the level, you can't go downhill. Time wasted spells a scanty exist- ence but wisely used it spells life sup- erb and radiant. Praising yourself to the skies won't get you there. You cannot push forward by pat- ting yourself on the back. The chronic grumbler (like the devil) never takes a vacation. When you are no longer critized, you have finished and the world will soon for- get you. Depond upon it, a pian who is not striving to be Christlile developes a very dark cgmplexion, A dead Aman cannot inherit an est- ate; nor can asoul that is dead in sin inherit heaven. Sin coinpells• the sinner to wear the galling yoke of his .owl). wrong do- ing. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer, and Praise. Friday .'7.30. p,rn.—Senior League Friday 0,30 pan. -Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. Mfe ' "T'"'" Subsea --Stewardship: A. teed ,an a befedietion. 11 a,m,—+Bible Sebiool, J. E. Gaocho, Superinteudent. Worship: 7.30 P. M., Snbjc ct- Ch: ists Cornnii;,aion is the pp, Churches' lrtiissiari. �,yy aikv. Z ' . D W r 2iAt a • The Winter Beason ¢ IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS , • • LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Eters Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH d t KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY C. KALBFI 69 - ZURICH PHONE +++++++++.944++++++++++++++ +++++++3-1-i4+++++A+ ,i.+E riyafihmimvamihwipikwa,rht Zurich Drug Store 1 stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations Sclzoo Supplies of all kinds A1C . s•C Diamond Dyes and Pntnam's Fadeless Dyes s0 KODAKS AND FILIMS MaoKinfl�, Zurichi