Zurich Herald, 1929-01-31, Page 444 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 4. • ZURICH, HERALD; ys IAL SALE Thursdo.y Friday Saturday jarl. 31st Feb. 1 st and 2nd 22 RS?. & G. LAUNDRY SOAP FOR CORN, 2 TINS f'Oil . • 2 TINS FOR 2 TINS FOR DISCUITS, 2 Lbs. FOR Flaur II7anItets, Sale Price ..... .. . * Blankets, Sale Price 52,75. 4. 1: '..71k,t ie. Price4. • $5..00P .1; 4. 4. 4. Da4. . • .$1..00 , • 254Z 25c 25c * 25c 4. 1...AMES SWEATER COATS AT REDUCED PRICES - ALL UNDERWEAR AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES - A,.'..NTNELETTE, AT PER YARD 15c GINGIIAMS AT PER YARD .20e .REMNANT r.:0117NTER ODDS AND ENDS ,OF RAYONS, GING- HAMS, ALSO OILCLOTH REMNANTS SILK HOSE Per Pair 69c COME AND FIT.41, OUT ALL ABOUT THESE INTERESTING • BARGAIN'S PRODUCE WANTED SAVE YOUR COUPONS, ir 4. 4. 4. 4. RMPhone 140 The Store of Service and Quality 94- Aft.,?+++.1.4.4e14•144-444--14004e0-10++.5.44.4‘44++++++++444-I-1-4-H-,P++++.4. DO•as''DeSe(DeCT4g7TAW.C.C.C.OG.PIDVE06G00.01itgEEK,@.0610Q;040011140021e oal 1 1 3 3 8 er "1, THE COW DANS z ;ow HERE., AND WE ARE JUST .IN to A FINE POST -C; T UPPLY THE 'PUBLIC WITH JUST THE KIND OF FUEL BEST ADOPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS. WE HAVE A LAPilt, SUFPLY IN OUR HENSALL COAL SHEDS OF HARD AD SOFT COAL, AND ALSO CAN SUPPLY THE LOCAL CUSTOMERS FROM OUR NEW SHEDS IN ZURICH. iLt Us sell Yu the. very best coal obtainable at the lowest prices. Leave your ,order with us. k.37 TRY OUR CONTINENTAL STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES, CAT. TLE, HOGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY, NONE. BETTER ON THE MARKET TO.DAY • WE HAVE MOST CALLED FOR BRANDS, OF CHOICE HOUSE- HOLD Pl.flUR, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A NEW SEED CLEANING MACHINE WHICH 15 ANOTHER LINE ADDED TO OUR EVERGROWING BUS/NESS. chi & Son o a 1 t lotoosPakaae_gr,4ed.-5-,!.-1.7.;74.waeo,mpoete,4nosiectiooea4nseassaasoaaasiosa 01014,4§1.0440 l'acditEMOREENEIN 111111111111 111111111 Em 11 11111111111i ZURICH HERALD'S 1929 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe ...... ........: .,. $6,00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph. ... ... ...... $5,10 HERALD an.d Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ... ... $6,00 HERALD and Toronto Saturday Mail and Empire ...$3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star , , . e. $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ...... ...ee , $6..00 HERALD and Toronto Daily News , $6.00 HERALD and London Free Frees, Morning edition $6,00 HERALD and London Free Prese; Evening Ed. ... HER ALD and London Adv ertiser, Morning Edition $6,0a HERALD mad London Advertiser, Evening Ed, ... $6,0e HERALD and London Farmer's Advocate $2.25 HERALD and Farm and Dairy , $2.75 HERALD and Farmers' Sun , „ $2,50 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... .., ...$2,25 HERALD and Canadian Countryman , $2,25 HERALD and Weekly Wilnees $3.15 HERALD and Farmers. Magazine . $2.50 HERALD attd Youth's Companion HERALD and Seaforth Huron Expcysitor .....e ... ... 53.25 HERALD and Ontario Journal ...$2,75 HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .. $3.15 _ WE ARE AGENTS FOR NEARLY EVERY MAGAZINE`, IN CANADA AND. It& SAVE koNny BY ORDERING -IP • .• 0.. 41... IP • . e! al a IR Hilt! • Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALO OFFICE Zurieb itelSOUIr 1,1 0, I itIMEIMINE fin oil • , .. . , , , et .1 - • Ambition makes successful men out of barefoot boys. .91,‘ 41-4:z '1 ea, -T URN your visions into realities by means of a Bank of Montreal „savings account, as thousands of other Ca- nadians 4-e doing. N Established 1817 Total Assets in excess of 870,000,000 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager, Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. D: Lippert spent Monday with the 'form- er's Mather. Mr and Mrs., R. F. Stade of Zur- ich, visited in tol,vn•on SinalaY. Mrs. Kraft and Ward ana Mrs:' Kraft are spending this week in Lon- don. Mr. Archie Bender spent Sunday in London. ., Mr. Harry Zimmer spent a few days in Detroit last week. Mr. Mervyn Tieman spent the we- ek -end in London. Mr. Ivan Lippert left on Wednes- day for Burnips., Mich, HILLSGREEN. W.M.S.---The regular monthly meer!: ing of the 'Womens" Missionary nd- 'ety was held on Wednesday, January 23rd at 2.30 p.m.. The meeting was opened by singing hymn 571, Mrs. W. Turner then lead in prayer. The sc riptare responsively from the 12th chapter of St. Lake. The Secretary and Treasurer's reports were read and adopted. The roll was called; an- swered from the text word "Seekk" The text word for the February me- etiag is "Home" The study was ta- ken by Mrs. W. Tinier and Mrs. R. McAllister from the first chanter of "Drums in The. Darkness". The offer .ing and business was then taken. It was decided to hold the February me- eting on the 15th, the Day of Prayer The meeting .closed •by singing hyinn 397. And all' repeated the Lord's Prayer in unison. :Mrand Mrs. Peity Campbell of Hay, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love .for a few days. . The Young People's League will meet on Monday evening, February 4th, Miss Martha Carlile's group will be in charge of the meeting. Mrs. John Stephan is pending few days with friends in Dashwood. • Mr.' Samuel Walker was removed to the Clinton Hospital oil Saturday, and intends going through an oper- taloa in the near -future, The Antit& Meeting of the Hilis- .reen United Church will be held on China, is to be the anniversary speak • Garfield Lawson from Artland, Sas. arrived here with a carload of horses for his brother Eli Lawson. !Bernice Eilber has returned to Alma College, St. Thomas to ream, her studies at this reputable ladies, college Her holidays ware somewhat extended on aceount of illness. Maria Zuefle was born on August 4th, 1837, near the Black ForeAts of Wurtemberg, Germany. She came te 'America_iri 1873 bringing four chil- dren with her of a former marriage, John Charles, Christian and Maggie. She was again married to Mathias Finkbeiner,'Of Stephen, and one son Wilfred was born to them. After 20 years she again became a widow and in the course of of time married to Chas, Bemire of Crediton. -After a period of .years she was again left n widow. The last six years of her !life was spent at the home of her da- ughter, Mrs. S• Lamporte where she died on January 15th, aged 91. years 5 months and T1 days. Her surviv- ing family were mostly present at the funeral. • - COUNTY NEWS. The Goderich elevator is to be in- creased this summer in capacity by one million bushels, or in other words the present storage capacity of two million bushels is being Increased to three million bushels. And the cost of the new .addition will bearound $300;000.00. Rev. J. Foote, B.A., who for the pest ten years has been the popular minister of Cavan Presbyterian ch- urch, Exeter, has severed his connect' ion with the Congregation and on Sun day last preached his farewell sermon MissMary Smith of Seaforth has be eit successful it passing the Peovin- dal Ems. in London and has 'atta- ined -the 'degree of R.N. Miss Rivers o Egraoncivilre, who wrote the e) amination at Owen Sound, was also successful in. attaining R. N., and Miss Lydia Gingerich of Zerieh, who graduated lest summer, Wee received her registration as R.N. The 'annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held the eehursday evening, lilalaelaty 7th, at other afternoon, with Wm. Ward oe- 8 o'clook. ' eupying the chair, the seeeetary's re- port showed that the finances were CREDITON -t ljttlC behind .of last year owing to the wet weather It was decided to hold the fair this year on 'Tuesday and WednesdaY, Sept.. lith and 18th, , Wm B, Elliott, a well-known god- erich old boy has beet' appointed inan aging editor or The Woodstock Sen- tinel -Review Bird bets already taken the position. He Vas mall the Leo. den Pee Press for years ;and • lattorly' had b'it Or staff •at Empire at Toronto, 'XitJiis T. A. Girvin. or Saskatoon, Sask., visited at the borne of Mr. arid Mrs. IL le. Eilber and his Mother, wholly -- lives' at this home during the Winter months. The date far, the Evangelical An- niversary Services Inn: 1Well sept for "elilOth. 1)r. C Ir y tab i of John- •,wn, Pa„ \Oa m. 'the 'STt. of the l'aaagelleal Missionary ActiVitiesef Theeteday, January :31st, 1929 neW posifion he will have charge an important daily newspaper, Members of the board .of Alexan- dra Hospital, Goderich, were greatly' pleased recently upon• receipt' of a, Cheque far the sum of $I0,000 from' Miss Louise M. Trainer, of Chazy, N. Y. This splendid gift follows many other substantial tokens of the int- erest taken by Miss Trainer and the Trainer family in the Goderich Hoe pital, and It is gratifying to the peo- ple of Godericb. 'They were former residents of Gotlerich A beloved and lifelong member of Brucefield Miss Henrietta Munroe, de Parted this life on, January .16th at her home, she had been very, ill for the past six weeks and was not in good health since last summer. Was born seventy years ago on the home- . stead in Tuckersmith where her death occ,ured and was a daughter of the late John Munroe. Three sisters and two brothers survive. Mrs. Agnes McKenzie'aged 8t years, passed away at thehome of her daughter, Mrs. Guthrie, Iowa. She was the craughter of the late Gilbert and Margaret Anderson, of Kippen, and was married to Daniel McKen- aie in 1869 at Brucefield by the late Rev. J. Ross, and was the last rem- aining one of that family. There passed away to her eternal, home on January 18th, Mrs, William Stirling (Rebecca Jane Colwell) of Hayfield She had been 5111 for over two and a half years, suffering feorn paralytic stroke and gradually be- came weaker. Deceased was the dau- ghter Of Mary A.. and John Colwell and was born hi Goderich Township in 1845. in 1862 she was married in Clinton to Wm. Stirling, who pre- deatased her .in 1910 They resided on a farm on the 4th con. of Goder- ich Township until moving to Hayfi- eld 20 yeare, ago. • Irt Magistrates. Office On a second ,conviction of being. intoxicated, Edward Mason of Goder-. ich, was on January leth fined $200 and co Its by Magis.,Reld with the al- ' ternative. of a• month in jail. He is serving the term. A Halowe'en party on October 31st in Hullett Tp., had its seeuel in Magis. Reid's ojee, God- erich one tia.y recently when 16 men of various. ages from 22 to 45 wore fined $35 and costs, a portion of the total amount of about $95 being as- sessed a(raink each one. The charge was that of unlawful assembly, the men having gathered at the premises of John Garrett, near Lencleaboao and committed considerable damage. The delay inthe conviction was be• - cause of difficulty in rounding up all the members of the gang. Bayfield Agricultural Society The annual meeting of the Bayfield Agricultural Society was held at the Town Hall, Hayfield, on .Wednesday, afternoon, January 16th. There was a very good attendance considering the weather conditions and sickness. The following officers and directors were appointed for 1929: President, J. McClure; lst vice-pres., Wm. L. Stinson,; 2nd vice-president, Eobt.. Penhale; Directors: John Rathwell, Ed. Foster, S. Houston, F. Middleton, W Stewart, Bert Dunn, Win. Sparks, W. W. Wise, Len. Talbot, R. Mc- Murray, Mrs. F. McEwen, Mrs, N. W. Woods, Mrs. A. R. Seed, Mrs T. Spee wden, T. Snowden, D. H McNaugh- ton, W. Stewart, Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Reid; Secy. A E. Erwin; Treas. F. A. Edwards; auditors, J. Cameron, F. Keegan. The attendance at the fair last rall was not quite as large as use nal owing to the rain. There is a balance on hand of over $432.00. HURON' COUNTY COUNCIL Among the much business transact ed.at the Huron County Council in session at Goderich, we notice the fol lowing appointments: Alex. Porter- field of E. Waveanosh and A. E. Er- win of Bayfield be appointed as aud- itors; Reeves Hill Ballantyne and Keys of Grey, be the Good ,Roads Commission for 1929. 3. W. Beattie and G. W. Holman be appointed on. the Board of Criminal Audit. The striking committees repart fixed the membership of the standing commit- tees as follows: Executive-- T'rewaxe. tha, Snell, Dodds, Stalker, Wright. Legisiation--Henderson, Rader, And-. erson, Craigie and Mole; Finance -- Higgins, McKibbon, Beattie, Switzer and McKanzie; Education -Dr. Milne Backer. Neeb, Keys (Stauley) and COlEiTIS; County Property -Craigia. Kennett, Hubbard, McKibben anel; Dr. Milne; House of Refuge -Adams Stalker, Turner; Higgins, and Ander- son; Childrens' Shelter --Turner, Ba- ker and- the Warden; Agriculturalee Wright, Henderson, Neeb, Adams and Trewartha; Warden Committee - Middleton, Dodds, Hubbard', Snell and Beattie. A strong petition was sent to the Provincial Government to have them take over the Blue Water Highway, and have it payed es soon: as finances will allow. erL The "Four -Forty" Lowboy Piess Battetil -117-73Tfclatl= iiki,47411M-orr.r,_to,n,1 10.1 $425 Complet' Terms if desireek Zienklett. • _ akmpf4 e i; For homes where a radio nnist be "at home" with other fine furniture LINER alert to provide the finest and latest in batterylest JIL, radio, Rogers has just annotuaced this distinguished Perla! Model Lowboy.. Here is a radio, so beautiful in design and appearance that your will be proud to give it the place of honor in your beaUtifUil living -room. • . The rich, genuine walnut cabinet is a masterpiece of Canadian, craftsmanship. Raised mouldings and medallions grace the: . sunken panels of selected matched butt veneer. Flitted pedestat legs with a shaped crbss-runner add a final note of 'distinction. This Rogers-Batteryleas Receiver is extremely sensitive andi selective, affording the maximum in power, quality and de- pendability. Single dial tuning with illuminated dial, An out-- standing feature is the improved Electro -Dynamic Speaker., Equipped with Rogers A/C Tubes (including 5 Wait Power- ( ube), Automatic. Voltage Control, Rogers Output Filter andl, l'honograpla "Plug-in" Jack- -All the latest ideas in radio. Be first among your circle of friends to own the new "Four. - Forty." Them is nothing finer -unless you wish to ordet a. random -built set. Price, complete $425.00. Terms, if desixed,.. • :4UriCfl