Zurich Herald, 1928-12-06, Page 1ZURICH Volo XXIX No 23 ERA ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 61928. LD Castor II Slott% PIMMO* 1 TX tZaftig" CIEEARCIIIM Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide in your Fall Purchases '.1111111111111110111111111111111111 Before You Buy --Hear This Set Nathitig Saw itt ractimixas ewr betesavcifFered than *mew }Coker Ml-likottic Rune. A (:gpst" stet elf beautiful appearance. See it acid heat it and yea will !vast to elm it. Elmer Oesch ZURICH. ONT. - KOLSTER RADIO 'AR that you seek in Radio" !6••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 44444•4•4444444•444114•11111/ 4 BARGAINS BARGAINS Received a shipment of waterproof 4 Robes ,which I am retailing far be-, 4 - low Catalogue prices, get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL - ZURICH */••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• * IMIIIIMMINISIMMOSIMPIINNMII10.40110111 Newest Fashion Thoughts In Fall Footwear AT BROWNS Boot Shop WINDOWS! VORMITAILL, AN IN - TERMING wows Or NEW - AUTUMN FOOTWEAR FASHIONS TERI ART 1=1E0RA:1ave As TEE LAST ISSUE OF VOGUE ''UT WILL IMPRESS YOU WITH AN ALTOGETHER NEW STANDAR* OF VALUE AT THE MODERATE PRIMA REPAIRMOR IcalLTLY DONS Only the beat et Materiels is nped., Raw thew ter are; end you tee &assured et Satisfaction w OOOD SHOES COST LESS. IN MEMORIAM Wurm-Catherine Wurm. In sweetest memory of , our devoted .Mother, who passed away two years ago,, December 11, 1926. Two years have passed, our hearts still sore, As time goes on we miss you more; Your cheerful voice, your welcome face. No one on earth can take our moth- er's place. Her memory is as dear to -day • .As in the hour she passed away. When days are dark and friends are few. Dear little mother, how we long for • you. Your Loving. Children. BAZAAR The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Ev- angelical Lutheran church, Zurich, are holding a Bazaar and hnnie Bak- ing Sale on Saturday, December 8th, in the Town Hall, Zurich. Doors open at 3 p. m. A nice apatising lunch will be served at 25c. a plate. A hearty invitation is extended to every body. Come!, In the Magistrate's Court A young man named Elmer Daltiels of Kincardine, was brought be- fore, Magistrate Reid at Goderich from Seaforth, on charges of passing worthless cheques. He bought a. suit of clothes from a merchant there, tendering a cheque on a Clinton hank and in another store he tendered a cheque for $9 after making a purch- ase. Be worked a similar game at Varna. In all cases the cheques we- re found to be. worthless. Magistr- ate Reid imposed a sentence of two years less one day in the Ontario Re- formatory on each of the three char- ges. the sentences to run concurren- tly: In a case of reckless driving from Hullett Tp. the magistrate sus - ended sentence on payment of costs, nd the accused's license was cancel- ed. For driving without an operat- r's permit a man from Hensel] was ned $10 and costs, and in another ase from Hensel), a dealer in used ars was assessed $10 an costs for tailing to nitify the Department of he sale of a motor car. p a 01 fi :c • • Brown% Boot Shop SEE OUR 1 11181111110111111.1101111181184.001111110111110114011408000410106.1640006608011 0.404•04044444.4,4410.04004••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • Men's YOUNG ,ME And Boys' NEW OVERMATS Prices Ba from • • • .4 '4 '4 .4 • -os 4„. -4 4 aucortts au% /mime ietivieto 40 go 4 Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT. That Filthy Story It advertises your vulgarity and lack of decency. It displays your in- ner soul and character. It depresses your better self and shows your coar- seness; it revsals your defilement. already -reached. It grieves and dis- appoints yotir friends who that more highly of you. t Sails the Imaginat- ion of youy hearers: It disgusts the tner sensibilities of clean men. It :Sickens men who love pure fun but hate foulness. It proves you unwor- thy and •acat'iniplishes your undoing. It convinces others that you are a good man to keep away from. A real man does not laugh at a smutty story but frowns upon it, purity is nower. "liesdaye 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 -Prayer and Praise, Friday 7,30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 6.30 p.m.—Choir Practice SUNDAY, SERVICES Worship 10.A. M. Subject -Why dM God originate the universe of material, physical and. Spiritual being, over a blue iprint of perfection? Wanted! 225 Worshippers to hear this great sub ject disanssed. Pease don't diatt- point your pastor. D. a.m.—Bible Schee!, J. E. Ossetia, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject -A great Musical Oratorio will be given at the everting Serv- ice by Rite choir of the church, as - dieted by Mr. Robert Bechtel, accom- plished musician of New Hamburg. Rev, W. V. Dreier, Pilger '144.4144.7amosminoormlaumemamm..........mmoomommosmarmammo Mr. Elmer Oesch made a business trip to Bayfield on Tuesday. Nr. L. W. Hoffman is having a renew furnace installed in his resi- dential house. Mr. Jonas Hortleib of Dashwood, was a business visitor in town on Tu- esday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt of Hen - sail, visited with friends in the vil- lage one day last week. Mr. Louis Schumacher, of Dash- wood gave some of his Zurich friends a visit on Wednesday. 1Sorry to report that Dr. H. H. Cowen of the village suffered an at- tack of appendicitis the past week, ,Mr. Jacob Kennel of Kitchenerr, is spending a week or so at the home of Mr. J. A. Manson, Goshen Line., Stanley. A goodly number of our sports- men, during the past week have tried their luck at jack rabbit hunting, but the season is still a little early tor this, very interesting sport, M. and Mrs. E. E. Weido of the village entertained anumber of their friends to. a fowl supper on Friday, and needless to say, everything was of the 'very best. Preparations are under way for the Christmas entertainments in the local churches. The dates are as us - alai, the Lutheran Church will hold theirs on the evening .of December 24th, and the Evangelical church on the evening of December 25th. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stoneman and two child- ren all of near Chiselhurst, were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs,- C. Eilber, and being relatives of Mrs. Eilber. Don't forget the bazaar, and sale of home baking in the town hall on Saturday afternoon and evening of this week, put on by the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church. In connect- ion with the Sale, a lunch of dainties will also be served. This alone is worth going a long way to enjoy. A. most blessed Sabbath was en- joyed on Sunday in the St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday, in fact one that will be .long remembered, the occasion being the celebration of the fifieth anniversary of the cong- gegation. The day was ideal and the roads good for this time of year, and friends and forzner members of the congregation came from near and far to enjoy the blessed day's worship. The program wass carried out very successful in every way and the sp- ecial appeal for funds to wipe off the church debt contracted two years age by the re -building of the same,, was also met with huge success, as lit tie, if any, still remains unpaid. The various speakers of the day with their inspiring messages, were given the very best of attention, and sum- ming up, one cannot help but say "it was a blessed day, as the Lord was present." 'PRESENTATION The members of St. Bonirace R. C. Chureh, Zurich could not let their beloved pastor, Rev. A. M. Stroeder, who for the past twenty-four years has been their good and faithful shepherd, leave their midst without a recognition of their appreciation and love, of this happy union spent to, gether. So on Thursday evening Pecknber 27ththey met at the par- sonage and presented Father Stro- ctter with a handsome club bag and an attractive purse of money, and the following address: Dear Father Stroeder: • We, the members of the Saint Boniface Congregation wish to express to you our appreciat, ion a your twenty-four years of ser vice in our parish. We feel that you have given up the best part of your life for our welfare and wish you litany, years of health, happiness and success ht your next parish. Please accept this gift as a token of our esteem and gratitude. Yours Gratefully., The Parishioners. Jewellery Xmas. LET THIS BE A THE GIFT SUPREME FOR "HER" A DIAMOND FOR HIM: A FANCY SIGNET RING WITH INITIALS FREE. SHOP EARLY WE WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE FOR YOU TILL XMAS, Hess, The Jeweller COAL NOW IN YAIUDS EIGHT* CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL. " ALSO POCAHONTAS an.teio3a. H E N SALL ONL Phones—Office low. Roam MI, The Business Built By Sorrir' t : X .ok 'LATEST STYLES' . 4. 4 .1. 4ce' ...r.oh_. e In Fall Footwear .0.,,.. • WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OP WOMEN'S. MISSI3 .14.• • AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE ....•PRICES, RANGING FROM $3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, DICLUD- 4' + .1. .1. ING PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS. + AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TG + MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SH$20.9E5S" + OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 2 1r : WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. 46, + 4' REPAIRING DONE WITH: THE BEST MATERIALS LAST + LONGEST: 4P + * Men's Shoes soled, pr. $1.0O Women's Shoes soled, pr.T5e.111Ses. at + Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50c mei; ,ill" .1* f +++++++++++++++++--1-++++04+++++++4•++++++++++1-i4+++ •IP` Ilk 4It $ 1924 Chevrolet Touring $125.00, Motor just overhauled, Tire& auct t et + Upholstering- goods- 0 Ifit 1927 Ford Coupe paint and upholstering like new. This car has. bast . is the best of care and is equipped with speedometer, snubbers + ,. front and rear bumpers and automatic wior. ft :If , 1925 Ford Coupe, a re -possessed car at what is owing against. the, dm... . , S: same, paint and tires gandt, a • J1927 Chevrolet Coach, like new and 1927 Ford Coach, these ea-i"U• tr. can't be beaten for the price we are asking for them ant 4. both have original tires ore. 4P4' ▪ 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. 4. I 0 FRITZ & SON , + 2, + FORD DEALERS AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEW ONSTRATI ON! 1 + :1; • • SECOND NAND FORD FARTS AT HALE* PRIM ,....t.................,...,,,,.........a......t.......rt...........„,„.......,...........................,..ttwt...t.t.....__ ._____________z • WINTER GOODS We have a full Line of Winter Goods in Stock. Come and see them LADIES AND CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR, HOSE, SWEATERST,„ ' • SWEATER COATS, PULLOVERS, WINDBIREAKERS„, CAPS , MITTS, ETC.. ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL. AND FLEECE umoenwnzr„ SWEATER: COATS,. WINDBREAKERS,.. MARRY. FLAIOMP.„. AND FLEECE LINED TOP SHIRTS, cAPs,, Burrs. GLova*, HEAVY !WEBERS, AND SOCKS OP ALL. KINDS. ALSO HALTERS AND II.ARNESS REPAIRS FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, ALSO NE PEELS AND FRUITS. DRIED APPLES WANTED R.. "N. DOUGLAS OlEIVERAL MEROMAitir PHONE ft 97 ' 1 7 77