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Zurich Herald, 1928-11-15, Page 4
sda , NOVOMber , t , 1928 ».. ZURICH NKR 4,LI c.riflceSale Of General MerChandise We are again putting on a REAL BARGAIN SALE of all Our Dry 2,,, s, ,.End it surely will b �rK«a�.1�£k?�' .;Sale dlEeef11�1""7 'Not Goods bought for, but all Regular Lines. Those of you who have visited our Store during these Sales know that our Saks are real, and it will be better this year as our Stock is larger. Come early and pick up some of these bargains. Read the list below. These are onlya few Bargains we have to offer, Some of the real good lines are not mentioned here. Coupons given with all purchases Satu.day Morning .November er th At a. m. r 14. ,uw s*WEFy!=yrd -A's Fine ° ib :•t=�, a Titiir's F'LiRE WOOL UNPE.RWEAR Regular to 0 r r Y,t i EaT . $1.69 Conh.lrit3:li �•! ..: ...t. .. .Ail Wool. ,.c. ice. 1.00 J =2.95 Penman 3?emmans' 95 Combination $4.00 $3.95 rine Rib. Pari Wool. Combination at $3.15 - NEWS OVERALLS, BLACK, PLAIN BLUE AND BLUE STRIPE Nothing Heavier or no better garment on the Market at $1.9S. Men's Work Shirts COTTON OR LUMBER JACK FLANNEL . Regular $1,50: in: ...... ;Regular $:..;y a?t...... Other. Iinc a ;.t ^9'1.19 5?.39 79c IVI .N'S DRESS SI IllRTS.. Regular Valu.: up to $1,75, at S1.19 MEN'S WORK ?OCK>`S Regular 50c at .: , . wf+c Regular 75e at 39c MEN'S TIES Regular 75c. at a 9 c MEN'S HEAVY WORK MITTS HORSE HIDE AND MULE SKINS Regular $1.50 at, $1.10 Regular $1.25 at ............ .... .... .. 8,9e A good line at 49c MEN'S FLEECED UNDERWEAR Atper Garment ...... .... .. .. ........89c Combinations at $1.43 Men's Sweater Coats ,All Wool, Reg. up to *3.00, Going at $1.9S Regular up to $ 0.00, at ... . .... ........ $3.95 MEN'S SHEEP LINED COATS With Whip Cord Covering, Leather Reinforced, Pockets Large, Beaverine Collar Regular $14.00, Going a.t ..... $10,95 BOY'S FLEECE 'UNDERWEAR Tv o Piece, per Garment 50c Combinations. per Suit .... e98c BOY'S ALL WOOL PULLOVER Polo Colar, Regular. $1.00, at .. .. 69c Pullovers, all wool at .. 98c All Wool Pullovers, Reg. $1.50 at .... $1.19 All wool style Sweaters, Reg. $2.05, at ..... $1.95 MEN'S AND BOY'S . BRACES AT REDUCED PRICES ..• • CAPS AT SALE 'PRICES iVi'r I'i'S I INE3�1 SMOOKS AT MEN'S STRIPED' COTTONADE GOODS HEAVY WEIGHT Pants at $ I.69 and $1.39 Women's Underwear i e long Sleeves and Drawers, Reg. $1. at 79c Short Sleeves., Vests and Bloomers, Reg. - $i. at 79c Regular 75c. at 59c A Good Medium Weight at • 49c Women's Hosiery Regular $1.25 and $1.00 at 89c A Good weight silk over wool Hose at 69c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. AT THE SAME REDUCTIONS Ftern 29c. to 59c Garment Ticking THE HEAVIEST ON THE MARKET Regular 50c a yard, at 89c BLACK, BLUE AND STRIPE CO T TONADE Regular 50c a yard, at 39c Regular 45c a yard, at 35c s • zt,cstc; _; tatu',1 Alt #filo-ii h ISLE ECHED SHEETING Ragular 65c, yard, at ... 49c Regular 55c yard, at ....... 39c BLEECHED COTTON Regular 85c, yard, at ,.. 25c Regular 25e yard, at ... ... 18c Regular 20c yard, at ...•... 14c FACTORY COTTON • Regular 25c, yard, at Regular 20c. yard, at ......._. Regular" 15c yard, at ROCK FAST DRILL SHIRTING At"per yard �..27c 18c 15e 11c Fancy 'Comforter GxOds IN SATEENS AND CHINTZ Regular 50c yard, for 39c Regular 35e yard, for i 29c Regular 25c. yard for ............. 1Sc- l8-oz. Batts at 12?6c Flannelette Blankets A SEAL BARGAIN IN DOU13LE SIZE FLAN- NE;LLRTTE ., BLANKETS, ; GREY . OR WHITE . , SUBSTANDARDS,-,. BUT ALL GUARANTEED To 13e 0. K.,°at ., 12-4 sire .at,. SA TIS TOWELS large. size Wlutg, oz` Eaitey,..pi , , _ ..90c Sni lki size at 3$c Mill Ends MILL END- OF LIGHT STRIPED FLANNELETTE Yard • wide, at per yard .. _ 19c FANCY PYJAMMA FLANNELETTE • Regular 35c yard, at ....'. , 28c FANCY FLANNELETTE Yard wide,' Regular 25o. at . 19c Yarcl wide, Regular 35c. yard, at28c 28 -inches wide, at per yard • .;232c HEAVY LUMBER JACK FLANNEL At per yard 39c FANCY MACKINAC FLANNEL For Children's Dresses, Etc. Regular 35c a yard, for• > _ . 28c ALL OUR PRINTS AND GINGI,I.AMS EJp to 3Oc yard, going at ........ 19c ALL WOOL BED BLANKETS Here is something good in true Value, the Famous O. U. Brand, Real Value at $13.(0 going at $9.95 Plaice. with Pink or glue Border at ............. i$8.95 Bed Coversin several colors at .. _ „ -.$6.25 TABLE OIL. CLOTH 54 -inches wide, at per yard 47c 45 -inches wide, at per yard --- 39.c A FEW PIECES OF KIIVIONA CLOTH, At per yard 49c OUR. CORSETS AND CORSELETTES ARE ALL. REDUCED• •;, THERE ARE A GREAT MANY ARTICLES WE CANNOT GIVE PRICES ON ACCOUNT OF SPACE. BUT EVERYTHING WILL BE - MARKED DOWN;. AND YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT THE BARGAINS OFFERED. COME AND SEE. ''WHETHER YOU HAVE BEEN HERE BEFORE OR. NOT: IF WfIAT WE TELL YOU IS NOT TRUE YOU ARE NOT UNDER ANY OBLIGATIONS TO BUY. "YELLOW FRONT STORE" Sa3^'s w w•«r a•�• i �r r r r s s •r•s•z 4++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Oornmeroial + • + peeled flee We are making the following Special Offer t© the Public 'hanging of Oil -per gallon ' greasing entire Car $1$1.00 .50 1a. 0 0' Above two items for only $1.59 BE SURE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF' THIS OPPORTUNITY. ABOVE IS GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY. Lennie ' rein:. + + + + + + + + Gas Oils Greases Tires AceesSor"yes �' +���+,, h•1Vr .+*,k„A sr `+1r �i�i�.1 "dr'ir'i'"'"i !i 4"� ..., 1 .1, 1•••:";.'1:11-1 ,,i' i°', a r1` •d V` Or^r` ti 4 J .i� JI General Merchant Zuric'h, Ont. Dashwood NIi mark 3rokenshare attended the funera/ of his brother in -St «. Thom on Fiddly_ • s ` t'3 Miss Cunningham of Kitchener,. r e ' 4� to = 2 spent. tile week end with Tier sister, s �'� ''," 1V1rs. I._ Marcum. : Mr: Leorca:rcl Birk, 'who is attend • • • IITIIOL -S sold.for.. e • Nature's Remedy. Product. of'Rock Oil and Ott er Tngrediedts ICMLES . . HEAL WARBLES ' . THRUSH. FISTULA` HEEL FLIES Afteii the maladies aire healed the hair gro Doe's •Not Stuart Nor Blister ' NON-POISONOUS. ' DEATH TO ALL ' See List of OtherMaladies on. Lithol C LITHOL it Positively worth $5.00 of any man's ing .arty. cattle suffering' frot;i .,the above rnalladies. IU ,• 5, NGW ORM we. GERM LIFE an money, hav- tiaoioolo414;4.1. .144:24.:4i L. �chilbe 8t -Son • 41pNii64iYr#tll 4!•40ii.14441i 404111041444400 44•410 i' ing- the O. A. C., Guelph, spent Thanksgiving withhis parents. Mr• and firs. Aaron Oestreiclher entertained :a number of their frien- ds on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.. ' H'ernaan .Zimmer of "9PYnds>rz 'visited with friends here on Sunday. • Mr. and .11,tr.^s. Chas Guenther spent Thanksgiving at Windsor: Miss Alice Hoffman underwent as operation on Saturday for the re tnovat of her tonsils and adenoids. Mrr. i`ra Tietnau of Walkerton and Miss Cornell taf :New Hamburg spent' Thanksgiving with Mr, and Mrs E. Tiernan.. - Mr. Lorne Tieman of London sp- ent the 'week -trod with his 'parent's, lVMMr. Earl irreeb and .son Teddy of Pontiac, spent a few days with fri- ends Itis mother, Mrs. Neob and Mrs. Snell returning with hhn, Miss. G'rrxdys Guenther and friend' Miss Stiller of -Kitchener: r. Ito Mar: G. -,t,,,,r sVi Toxsale and •l;aa". yA Toveni ver .8th, 192E Gucritbor o1 Mitchell spent,Sundayi with ,Mr, and Mrs, Earl Guenther. Mr. null Mrs Louis Kraft spent. Sunday with friends in Zurich. Messrs Addison Tiernan and Merv", . yn, Tiernan spent a few days sbootin- • expedition at Turkey Point last we- ek. Special .Arxnystice Services was conducted in both churches on Sun- clay observing --'the two silent minutes. for the coimui noration of the sign rug of the document that ended the. Groat r and M:rs Taylor spent Thanks- giving with friends in London. Mr. John Hoffman and Mr. R. Eek . stein of London spent Saturday in taavix,y,�k Messrs Milford Koch and Raymond Ca,lifas of Detroit visited with frim -.. ds Suny. A:'n'Amdabex• of the young girls o± - .Dashwood, have organized a sewing circle choosing Cyclone Sally as its name]. The girls expect in this man- ner to while away a few of the long . winter evenings. M% and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and family of Blake; Mr. and Mia. jack M. Dale and son Melvin of Wilton. Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pitt and daughter Alma of London' Mil- ford , Mr. Mil ford and .Aria vch and Mr. Ben Coin- ' pston all , of Detroit, Miss . Roselle Koch of Windsor, all stent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. George Koch. AUCTION SALE -OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -On MONDAY, NOVEMBER lOth On Lot 10-11, Stanley Township, 4 miles south of Bayfield, or 4 miles north of Drysdale on Blue -Water - Highway. • At 1 o"clock .sharp " 'J'he following known _ as the Matt, Westlake Property: • Horses --l. General Purpose Clyde mare, rising 11 years old; 1 grey Per cheron mare rising - llyears old in foal; 1 grey sucking colt; 1 grey Per cheron ' colt rising 3 years; 1 well bred driving: pacing mare rising 8 AUCTION SALE: -- Of Of R1AL ESTATE in VILLAGE .OF ZURICH 04 Saiur'dayt ,lkroveznber'" 3Tt , 192a • ,: A 2.00 o'c>•ockr p, .i ,on the pien3'ses. ' l,ot:: 13S''`Vet , S, Containing., Orn;: -fifth; acre. of lands. comfortable frame lieu§e 18x24 race-• by, decorated .goad,`ceilat,, witl]t__kiieh- en 12x15 attached, good woll, " first _glass 'garden, ,also large l ta;hie, ' cou- Id be used for a four -car garagee, at Present occupied by Mr. F. Kochems.. Also Lots 166 and 167, first• class for - gardening or building Lots. TERMS ---16 per cent on duy -of Sale, 40 per cent in 36 day, when fuii possession will be given, balance may remain on mortgage to 5 ii per cent:• per annum. ' Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer.' N Saundercock, Proprietor. yrs. old; 1 aged driver. ,CATTLE --1 . Ayrshire cow due to freshen 22nd of November, 5' yrs. old; 1 Ayrshire cow 12 yrs. old due January 4th; 1 Reg. Holstein cow 1.1 yrs old fresh; 1 Peg. Holstein heifer rising 2 yrs due in May; 2 months old Reg. Holstein heifer calf; 1 grade Holstein cow fresh 4 yrs. old t POULTRY --10 Pure bred White Rock Roosters. 4 'brood Turkey- • hens; a quantity of young turkeys. IMPLEMENTS---M-H. binder 6 -ft,.. cut in good working order Cockshut disc drill, spring tooth cultivator, 3 - section harrows, Bain wagon nearly new, hay rack, John -Deere' 2 horse- seuffler, disc harro,w sett of Hastings sleigh, bob sleigh, open buggy, cutter road cart,. walking plow, 6 -horse power, Marine engine, sawing mach- ine, trailer box, sling ropes, -bean, , settles, 225 lb. correct scales, good. set of britchen harness;' other parts of harness, pr. heavy horse blankets, 3 tons of cloverhay, skidding tong- ues, ongues, can"t hooks, fogging chain, whippletrees, neckyokes, forks, shov- els, and numerous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Simp. lex 700-1b. machine new; big range - stove wood or coal, wood heater.. side board, kitchen cabinet, 2 kitchen: tables, 2 washing machines, mail box,. 120 egg Wisconsin hot water incu- hater, double barrel shot gun,, 1923:' , Ford Touring in good order, New Perfection coal oil stove 4 b'urner- new, 24 hour clock, Deify churn, bed springs, washing machi,<rc, Suprcane rotary. - TERMS OF SALE ---All sums ooi~- ;$10.00 and under cash, over that a- mount 12 months' credit will be gives. en on furnishing approved joint not- es. otes. With a discount of 7 per cent,. straight ofd:' for cash on credit; am '- . hate. ' Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk. George Patterson, Proprietor: WE ARB', SOT,E AGENTS FOR Scranton OoalL ALSO CARRY Coke Poefilanta •i .And Soft Cosh GOOD SUPPLY Off` Rom TELEPHONE Yfl1T11 ORDERS:: �/ ' r�EA.RL4'. PO' a' CA?",