Zurich Herald, 1928-09-13, Page 1ZURI Vol. XXIX Noll ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER13, 1928. Zurich Fall Fair; Sept. 24 and 25th. 444++.14+ . I` BOLSTER WATCH THIS SPACE FOR THE ADVERTISING OF THE "NEW KOLSTEI" BATTERY AND BAT- T.ER.YESS SETS AND THE NEW LOW PRICES ' E Oesch Agent Zurich BARG,INS BARGAINS Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which 1 am retailing far be- -•v z low Catalogue prices, get your's at • 1 Special Price $12.50 large size • FRED THIEL - ZURICH • 150.........940.4."4#04.4444.0.*********** e40•X40 0444 44 0114E 17. fze 4. 4, 1' 4. 4. 4. 4. L Clteeter >y I meth, per: tLsa rt Usti1Aitorpok. MO IN.I$RgAus, $2 MAY 19I,' d8AR4f> UIR Getyour Exh1b±t TOURISTS HOMES WANTED Parties willing to rent spare bed. rooms, or camping space to tourists for balance of this season or for year 1929. Should write now for particulars, serving meals option- al, give location, etc. Universal Tourist Service 64 Wharencliffe Rd, N. London, Ont. HAY COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Coun- cil of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tues- day September 4th. All the memb- ers were present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. Sy -law No. 8, 1928, confirming rates to be levied for the year 1928, was, read three times and passed. The folllowing accounts covering' township roads, telephone and gener- al accounts were passed: Township roads -John Oesch pay list $63.95; : . A. Foster, balance cement work 335.30; E. Corriveau, balance cem- ent work 190.00; T. Ayotte, pay list 61.75; E. Gabel, pay list 20.25; W. Dearing, pay list, 16.50; G.., J. Thiel hauling cement gravel 84.00; John- ston & Kalbfleisch, cement 282.90; A. Todd, cement gravel 22.75; S. Ropp, pay list 12.40; N Stanlake, pay list 27.75; G. E. Thompson, pay list, 11.50; P. Schade, pay list 10.75; H. H. Neeb, Road Supt., 14.00; T. Kyle, pay list 62.65; Telephone ac- counts -Canadian Telephone & Sup- plies, material 8.43; H. Eickmeier paint for garage, 8.00; L. Albrecht, salary 64.00; M. G. Deitz, salary and car, 90.00; General Accounts.- Hugh McEwen, 1st award, S. M. Sch ollarship 27.50; Elda Gingerich, 2nd award, S. M. Scholarship 16.50; Rich. and Bedard 3rd award S. M. Scholar- ; ship 11.00 ;Municipal World supplies !6.95; S. Martin cutting weeds, Nox. ious Weed Act, 29.55; L. N. Denom me, cutting weeds 10.00. The council adjourned to meet a- gain on Monday, October 1st, at 1.30 to'rllnck, p.m. A. F. Hess, Clerk S t t e••OiB9•• RBH,i ••••4':• 4IDQa4iiossoOlfe8co Alsees69C14 • Newest Fshi In Spring Footwear AT BROWNS,' . of Shop his COAL • • Scranton Anthracite WINDOWS rzatinsrai Am IN- TERESTING STORY OF NEW :i: IA. • .. iy.E;+d.• SPRING M'OOTWIKAN ''$S NS •' 'TREY ARB ADTHORATIVE M TM & AS,T iIS9UE OF VOGUE s THEY WILL anenzas YOU- WITiE AN ALTOGETHER F%D•W STANDARD Or YALr AT 'EKE MODEI3ATT PRICES. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE Only the best et aa-er a ee Aged. Bring theras1 tag me, and Ifaaa are :assured of Satiefectian 4.40f I ( ,W*2-ditTil GOOD SHOES COST LESS. ro4 kms„: Get f,^ SEE 0[17.5 '�'1f a '..et f.rhop WINDOW M; ,lar • twarm de? 'eo aoseeffi� aeoecose6mosseeioe NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL 2 Minehead Alberta, • • Solvay Coke III.41160•60 '*b0'b.#00***41.6644,4044 04440 000.44 4401*.400.*44.****4,V 4➢ IStraw s • Sumrner Unde: athi .Buits 440 14 'fit► .ALL. A. R 0 : ; cy Kb. aid .9, 2. 4 wear 1 tB 'f .19r61 E' "4k#, liaNTO e Pd ,. .MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS Car te1on HtENSALL ONT, Moues -Office 10w, House 10.7 The Business Built By Service `angelical Church Notes ZURICH -- ONT. lr Optimist or Pessimist , .. ... .... The optimist believes that God ov- e:rules all things :for the best and for .1 the highest good. He is ever hope- ful and cheerful; weaning a &many face. It has been said that an opt m ist is one who fell out of the windaw of a high building and as he was pas- sing the fourth fiat, in his flrop, he was heard saying: "well so rar all is going well." An optimist is ono who will buy hair restorer for a bald beaded barber. A. pessimist is a man who has gone security for an optimist. It is one who smiled has- tily and then frowned because he was so rash. The diil'eranee w,etwe- en the optimist and pessimist is droll, the optimist sees the hole. An op- timist is an aeroplane pilot who ar- ranges iianges for hotel accomodation by radio, while he is still very much m the air. • 1'ue.sc[<_ay eve., 7 p,m,-Jr. League Thursday '7.30, Prayer and Praise. Friday 1.30 p.m. ---Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m. -Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES 4 Worship at 10.00 a. in, i h ehiectr---Tn the beginning God i sa.nr,... l.Sible. School, S. IL Gauche, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 I'. M. Subject ---Life atits best. Roz*, , , ,Iia I's•'dto Mr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein and children were Sunday visitors at Ex- eter. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Klopp, of 'Waterloo, were visitors with relatz.. '+es here. le Mrs. Margaret Allen is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Dr. :Routledge. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weide and dau- ghter Dorothy spent Sunday at God -i erich. • Mrs. J. Schwartz and daughter of Detroit are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft and Mr, and Mrs. Peter Haberer, were rec- ent visitors with friends at New .hamburg, Kitchener and Guelph. ;'We are indeed pleased to learn that Mrs. C. Fritz, who has been on the sick list the past week, is impro- ving very rapidly. • Mr. Milton Edighoffer of Yale, Mich., was a Sunday visitor with his brother, Mr. A. G. Edighoffer of the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jervis of Holm- esville, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Syl. Witmer of the Babylon line. Mr. Wilson Allen and son Dean. and Mrs. Margaret Allen. of Exeter. Were Sunday visitors with Dr, and -Mrs. J. Routledge. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber, and •a itgliter Clara. spent the' week -end at Detroit. Mich.. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Diliar, Messrs John and Jacob Smith. and Miss Ella Smith. all of Stouffville, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 0"Broin. Miss Margaret Stelck. R. N. of California and late of hTnwiia.. is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary Stelck, also other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Tune and Sons, George and Leonard, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver, of London, sp- ent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Weber. Miss Luln Albrecht, who has had charge of the Management of the Zurich Telephone Central for the last while. has resigned that position and it will be up to the Council to appoint some else for this important and responsible position. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp, and Mrs. Dan Oswald motored to Lon- don on Tuesday and when returning were accompanied by Mr. Daniel. Oswald, who has been at Victoria Hospital, London, after having an operation performed about two we- eks ago. Mr. Milton Edighoffer of Yalle, and. Edgar Edigholfer of Pigeon, Mich, were Sunday visitors with their mother at Blake. Their mo- ther, Mrs. Edighoffer returned with them for a few weeks. 'T'1 ?,,,• 1 h,.n.,..1 ..^ J1 r, T,-> ni: orf Montreal wishes 'to advise those in- tL r ,Iced in l.n ' Special i'li:.e mat the Bank is offering in the Znrieh Fall Pei„ that th., offer i'' e'er:el to all residents of Stanley Township as well as resident, of Ray Township. All parties interested kindly bear this in mind. In our last week's issue of the Her ald we mule mention of the Zurich •b heol Fair, and in some, way we got the wrong date attached thereto, as the right date is October 2nd, instead of October lst, as rimrtio Tal. How- ever the date of the Dashwood Scho- ol Fair is Oct. :[,t, end we wonurcl urge all those interested to get busy and make preparations for those i11- intcresting events, Don't forget the date of the Zurich Fair, Oct. 2nd. r" We congratulate Mr. John Decher Jr. our noted Standard Bred horse- man' with the wonderful KT -Cess Ilk throe v ar-old colt was at the Tor- onto Ea'hibition, by winning. the trot- ting race at colts of this age,' and fur ther'nore establishing a nh'w three- year-old record in Canada on any `rack. and if the driver would have conscious Of the good time he was .nae-inc', he could leave easily have es- tablished a, new world's record for a three-year-old.. As thedriver was not doing any urging', but just stay- ing ahead f .the rest A lure silver trophy is on exhibition in the win- dow of the lHess jewollcry store, pros entad by the Toronto Driving, Club, and is a Most .creditable asset to Mr. Deehc t s string 'of trophies; end hon- ors. This colt is the most premising three•yc it -•old trotter in Canada or the tjuited States, to -day., and will be ij, goldinine for.Mr Decker as well as a credit to his fhto gtnrtg of tend ax•d breeds; i Dictionery FREE!-. With each Eclipse Fountain Peni at $1.50 Get yours now Hess, The Jeweller .l�M K✓r S �✓r•� ; ; ordrdr� T- 4 .y4 4. 1' TESTS TYLES . -24 WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF WOMEN'S, MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE PRICES, RANGING FROM $ 3,50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, IN"CLTTI}.. INC PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS 1 AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 T C ak $2.95. a�• In Fall Footwear MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK S HOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION °, :WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. 4r REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST TIDE . LONGEST: • t Men's Shoes soled, pr, $1.00 Women's Shoes soled, pr.. 75o, 8.5t - Rubber heels, pr. 35e to. SOc pair„ FORD COUPE -in good condition $115, Terms GRAY DORT TOURING -4 new tires' less than the Laticetl.f.a buggy, with license, 2 STEEL TIRED BUGGIES. 4.� AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEM-' ONSTRATI ON! 0 FRITZ SON FORD DEALERS SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PI C~ t 4. +,+ti ++++444.4.+++ : ++ +++ ^fir;. ;. :-,., .1.:.+.,r, +++Ix. ,F + .a � .„. Spring and When you start out to do your Spring and summer buying come. Here WE CARRY A NICE ASSORTME NT OF PRINTS, BROADCLOTH RAYONS, SH1IBTING S, FLANNELETTES, ETC. SHOES, AND RUBBERS, HARDWARE; gig, PULL L OF PAINTS, FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING„ REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. d! " C UCLA GENE ` L idr°d'E/1014t4 01' PHONE 11 - 97�