Zurich Herald, 1928-06-21, Page 5vif ••ie N►1r*f,o•+*•.t•, P �♦pi,►irwre+ *�a*`. �+►�►,►+ Autos and Auto Supplies s • w • r • • • • • ••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE WIVE ' OF AUTO ACCESSORIES,, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU• MONEY ON TRES" VARIO.ITS LINES CORD TIRES 30x33 AT ONLY ., .,w ..., .»..: .,. ,.i $8.bp TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY ... $1.40 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ,;, 1 SECOND HAND 131 H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CI I•E'• $15.00 . ,..... 2 FORD TOURING CARS APb 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR, 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. FARM IMPLEMENTS WA ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OP MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICE+: FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR PUMPS. AND ; Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Prang - Zunch • 0444,•••41•4140•04.+n•4,•....ao.••••o••.••...+••444,.•••••11. • es 9 • 9 • • • • t • 8 l HIM 41, 4. *AM Bosoms tow DUDLEY E. HOLNIES• * MRISTER, SOI.IO1TO0, NQ IARY PUBLIC; ETCC, OFEICE—Hamulton S'tre'et, JaM oft ten Square, GODERICH, Ontario *prcial attention to Courieel and Court World. '• Holmes may be consulted at iericb by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11 I1 COWEN L. D. B. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCT—ZURICI'B Every Thursday,! Friday, Saturday M I ABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASUWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS g, HESS — Local Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada MEAD OFFICE — TORONTO • 2 Toga FWant., For Sate, toot, ., u n d, Notice, Eta. Ads IN TM® CIf7.'tIHIS FOR SALE A. baited number of young Pigs for sale, apply tqL—Sat. Giingerich. . FOR .SALE • An outbxur`ltrurg; suitable' for a small thicken house or smoke house Also the old house just, south of the Dominion HoteL Apply to: A. Voisien Prop., FOR SALE A new Quebec Sulky Plow $5-5. A good used 13-eiso drill very cheap at $25. L. A. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE. I hereby wish to advise the pub- lic that I have been appointed for' this district, salesman for new mach- inery and repairs of the well known Cockshutt farm Implements, and sol- icit part of your patronage. Also keep in stock plow points for most generally used plows,, and will ap- preciate your business. Walter Schnurr, Zurich FARM FOR SALE E. E. Wuerth-•'AgentConsisting of 240 acres with good bush, plenty of running water, big EIIRICH Phaa® it -61 hank barn, water in, barna, large brick tee and Accident In urance,1 horse with furnace, all in A. 1. and Strongest Co. in Canada Hwa' A- C T -I 1•N F. Eia • OSCE&' ILOPP l5•duate 'Carey-. M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctlo3 eering- Try ane for Registered .Live. Stock, Breeds). Terms in keeping nth prevailing revailing .prices. Choice Will ae11 anything Weenie for sale. Anywhere. Zurich. ;Phone 18-93• or write. Licensed Auctioneer. ROB HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, reg,ardlesa an to Size or • article to eel]. I Solicit you bu55neas, and if .not #satisfied will make no charms for Services. ,Arthur Weber — Dashwood. *hone 13-57 aNeas+seeeses90saaedos0 Zurich Meal I MARKET 0 s • etc: Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, s Highest Cash Price for Wool DASH FOR SKINS & HIDES s i l'un,eblut Sz`Doichext oBBM.0.oeseslIMs • LIVE OU LT R Y WANTED 'Waken every day till 3 c:clock,p 1 lea not feed [Fowl same morning ;when brought in. Highest. Cash Prices CASH POR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien !hone 91 gluten eadquarters FOR IMES TUBES ;D storage Atterie& & WEIN, Prop vola mr)Te galnciB shape One mile from church and school. Aanyone looking for a farm, this is a real bargain at $10,000. S4000. cash and . the balance on a mortgage at 5 per cent interest. If interested see: T. L. Wurm, Zurich, 'Ont. FARM FOR SALE Consisting• of 59. acre grass farm on Town Line, Hay and Stanley, In Stanley Township, good well with windmill thereon. For fur- ther ,particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. FOR ' SALE 1 Axminister Rug size 9s12. 1 Tapestry rug 9afa. 1 roll 7 yards 22 -in. wide light oak pat- tern floor oilcloth. Apply to H. Cullman. FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Radio ‘Set in A. 1. condition at a bargain for quick sale.—G. Koehler. COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE , Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Poeahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & : Son PHONE 35 — HBNSALL Mr. Wm. Brow/1 was a business visitor to London on W ednesdaY, Miss Susie Johnson, is spending a few days with friends in Bayfield, Messrs. Clayton and Clarence Hoff man of Galt, were week -end visitors under the parental roof. Miss Euloin Geiger, who has been attending Normal School at Lon- don, has returned to her home here.' Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Greb and fam- ily of Detroit, were Sunday visitors' 1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner. A goodly number from the vil- lage illage attended the Seaforth races last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Pope of Hensall, Miss Fssther Graybeil and Mrs. J. Kellerman, of Dashwood, were week -end visitors with Mrs. 'C..Fritz. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf and Mrs. W. C. Cairnes of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson over Sunday. Messrs. Gordon and Maurice Rau and sister Miss Merle Rau of De- troit, were week -end visitors with their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Mr. Frank Siebert and sister, Miss Leila Siebert, of Detroit were Sun- day visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siebert. Messrs. Dennis Corriveau, Lloyd Denonune, Lucien Corriveau, and Russel Sreenan accompanied by Miss DonelIa Denomme all of Drysdale, called on Misses Gelinas of the Gos- hen Line north on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. II. Bender, and son Harold, of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the home of Mn and Mrs. Louis Weber. Mr. John Neuschwanger, has pur- chased from C. Fritz & Son, a good Ford coach, while Mr. Armand Den- nomy of the Blue Water Highway, has purchased a 4 -door sedan from the same firm. The Entrance Examinations in the public school are being held this we- ek, and next week the lower classes will try their knowledge at what they have remembered .of taking up during the year. The Speeiel Price Sale of Merch- andise held by J, W. Merner is meet- ing with Big Success, and the public are taking advantage of the Big Bar- gains offered. Act quick or you will getleft, as the time' is rapidly passing along Progress is being made with the new garage in Zurich, the large .un dergroung steel tanks for the gaso- line fillers have arrived and are be- ing put into place, while the inter- rior of the building is receiving a complete renovation, the floor hav- ing been taken up and rebuilt. It will make a very roomy place and will hold a goodly number of cars. Barn Burned Another sad tragic was experien- ced in the community on Saturday evening at about six o'clock, when the fire alarm was given that the fine large and modern equipped bank barn belonging to Mr. Walter Miller of the 14th con. Hay, was be- ing aflame, assistance with the Zur- ich and Dashwood Fire Brigades at once was aumrnoned, and responded, but arrived too Iate to save the build ing from destruction, while they ren- dered great service in saving some of the adjoining buildings. The origin of the Are is unknown, as it started in a small straw stack adjoin ing the barn, and as there was quite a hot sun all day, probably through some combustion it was ignited. A goodly number of the implements were rescued, as well as the live stock with the exception of eight - .teen pigs, which were not rescued. The lossfelt by Mr. Millet will be very keen, as he is a young man and trying hard to get along. The IWCerald joins with his many friends in extending sympathy. Yx nee �Jry &invert Tour Attic into Ai Attractive Ewa Room at Low Cost With GTPROC " Send See Mddsettee; feet book, "Walls That Redact Good ' judgment?" It gives valuable information on Gyproc w4 liarterior decoration Ceeteelne CSM AND ALAE nnarrEfecansids Peen } Ttitill)rxxo Per Sale By ai. Ka.G.'�3:'n*.t.�w".�` ve. ak rnx LO•OAL ,Mr. Chas Reman was on a busin- ess trip to London en Monday, Mr, Jacob Oesch took a trip to Hickson, Tavistock and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Oesch called on N[r. and Mrs. Chas Reman, Gosh- en line, north. a, Miss Meryl Gelinas spent a few days last week with friends in Lone don. Mn and Mrs. Harry Yungblut and sons Ivan and Earl, visited relatives in New Haven, Mich., recently.. Miss Isobel Manson, R. N., of De- troit, is visiting hex father, Mr. John A. Manson, Goshen Line, Stan Stan- ley Township. Mr. and Mrs, Leon Jeffrey and son Leonard of Blake, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. J. Gelinas, Jr., Goshen Line. (The new Public School Inspector, Mr. Elmer A. Beacom, B. A., called on Zurich Public School one day last week. Mr. Albert Hess is erecting anew gCarage for his private use, just a little south of his business and dwel- ling block. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and dau- ghter Mae, and Miss Mary Merner, attended the Wilhelm re -union in the Stratford Park on Saturday aft- ernoon. , The black bass season opens on July 1st, and the day's limit is six fish, not less than 10 inches in length. Last year's limit was eight fish. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Smith and sons Gordon and Stanley, were weeek- end visitors at Baden and New Ham- burg, and also took in the big Wilhelm re -union at Stratford Park on Saturday. 1 Mr. Casper Walper, who has made a host of friends the past few years by retailing fresh fish among the public, has disposed of his good will and epuipment to Mr. Oscar Klopp of the 14th con, who we trust will serve the public equally as well. A rather peculiar occurance took place the other day when a Kitch- ener car parken in the driveway of A. Foster's house, started to go back words, out of the lane on to the road, where it collided with a car, driven by Mr. W. Hey. The car continued on its backward course until it landed against the porch on Mr. T. Mittleholtz's house on the op -1 posite side of the street, smashing a pillar and some of the flooring. No one was injured or in the car at the time of the accident. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on County highway, ad- joining villake of Varna. Good buildings, well drained and fenced, plenty of good water and wood on the farm. Will sell with or with- out crop. Apply to: !John E. Harnwell, Varna. BLAKE Mn and Mrs. J. A. Manson and family spent a few days with fri- ends at Dundas, Hamilton and Niag- ara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido of Zur- ich called on friends in the village on Sunday.. e Miss Marybell Carnie who was at- tending high cshool in Hensall; re- turned home on Monday, accompan- ied by her cousin, Master Bobbie Hess. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride, ac- companied by Mr. • and Mrs. John McBride spent the week -end in Win- dsor. Miss Isobel Manson spent the week -end with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bechler and family, accompanied by Mr. Brenner man of. Tavistock, and Mr. Peter Brennerman of the village, spent Sunday with friends down east. Mrs. V. Meyers' many friends will be pleased to hear that she is getting along nicely after her serious oper- ation at' Victoria Hospital, London. Miss Dorothy Weido of Zurich, who spent the week -end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, returned home on Sunday. Mrs. E. Clarke and family, ac- companied by Mr. John. Thirsk and Mr. McDougal, . spent Saturday hi Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Gingerich, are visiting friends in Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Yule of Fullerton, who spent a few weeks with friends in this vicinity, returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and family spent a week recently with friends down east. Play Safe Choose a Huron & Erie trustee debenture when investing yot r savings. Mutual farmers insurance CoigR,Riles in Ontario invest tatac• d becausethey iliac fiat by law for such companies. Per almv payable half.yearly - ''.pplicatiorts are accepted by Hess Amit Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Ete' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH 1 i ,+++++++++444.44++4;+4341 USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE TAE CHEAPEST ANIS THE BEST ROOF iWITHOUT ANY PAINTING OR REPAIRING AND WILL OUT .LAST ANY OTHER KIND OP ROOF. SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF - 5X tiled Cedar $1.50 Per Burtch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF S -PT. CCEDAR 'POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL POR YOUR SUPPLY. C. KALBFLEISC PHONE 69 ZURICH +++++++++41+++++++•++++ +4.4.+44++++ 4.*lee++ 3+ E?F.!12 rwwwwwwwww.whwiwwwwwwwwimmi Zurich Drug Store `711 Stationery We Specialize in fine Stationery and have writing tablets of all sizes, fine boxed stationery, Cor. resprndence Cards, Greeting Cards andBirthday Cards. We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAICS AND FILMS DrA1 J. MacKinnon M li nitymSme'1s U 1mmK 1e oa] 9