Zurich Herald, 1928-05-10, Page 5d. ',...1161onbilii. Kty 1004.100:: • - X11 it ICH MENA L rt • r *mull= cARns 'DUDLEY E.TIOLIVIES SA'RRISTER, SOL/MTGE, 1O1' IARY PUBLIC, ETC, ieFFICE-liarailten Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special attention to Comm' and Court World. r. Helmee may be consulted at, 0•Daerieb by Phone, and Phone' charges. reversed, 1111111111.111•11.• Dr. II. 11. COWEN L. D. 8. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Memo Thursday, Friday, Saturday 1St IIARTLEIB'S BLOCH, DASF1WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 4111111111111111.1.111..131111111111C. A -UT -CAL LIFE Lt OF NEW YORK COMPLETE PROTECTION LIBERAL DIVIDENDS .A, F., HESS - Local Agent The Imperial We Assurance Co. of Canada BEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. E. Wuerth-Agent • ZURICH' Phone 11-81 Wants, For Salo, Lost, Found g Notice, Eto*Ads IN THIS COLUMN FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 50 acre grassfaree on Town Line, Tiay .and Stanley, In Stanley Township, good . well With windmill thereon. For fur- ther particulars apply to Oscar 'Koehler, Zurich. FOR SALE A good 3-11.p, engine, for both gasoline or kerosene, apply to W. Schneer, blaclosmith, Zurich. WANTED Cattle for pasture for coming season, a limited number taken on Lot 9, Con. 6, Hay Township, ap- ply to Henry Truemner, Zurich. FOR SALE have a supply 'of good Nia- gara Lime OD hand. Suitable for gardens and truck raising. Any- one wanting some kindly call at my place. John Hey, Jr. Zurich NOTICE. The J. I. Case Threshing Mech- ine Co'of Toronto have appointed me as their district representative Anybody in need of a Gas Tr- actor or Threshing machine and tractor plows, see me. Tractors 3 sizes 12-20; 18-32; 25-45. . John Hey, Jr., Zurich, Phone 88 EGGS FOR HATCHING White Peckin Duck Eggs, for sale. Apply to Melvin Smith, Zurich, Phone 10-82. LOST A string of Pearl Beads, be- antee and Accident Insurance. tsveen South end of Town and the _ Lul heran Church. Finder kindly 'Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada return to Herald Office. OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- onal School of Auctioaeering. Try nee for Registered ' Live Stock, 'tA11 Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice Farms for sale. Will sell anything Anywhere. phone 18-93 or write. Zurich. Liiensed Ructioneer FOR EITJRON & MIDDLESEX IN A POSITION TO CO;` any auction Sale, regardless ne to Size or article to sell. I isolicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for dilervices, Arthur Weber - Dashwood. Phone 13-57 entente enneeeeneneeteeeeee %elegem e•-• Zralch MARKET Fresh and Salt Meate BOlegna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for We:A ClASH FOR SKINS & HIDES sresormarr.........c.reterer I) 1.12,11.gbra to 3 Beichert nigesOeneeeneneneVseeneneensee ...1.•11111,61111.21.1.1.........711. L 1 VE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken every day till 3.o'clock,pen. MO not feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR-. Cream an gg O'britei/ , ' Phone 94 - ZurIch N12.,........101[11141,11•0114.1. .111.1.1.* Headquarters FOR /INS TUBES AND Storage Batteries ft S. WEIN, Prop „ao-mastooD, mom& swims FOR SALE Five fresh 'Caws; Holsteins and Durhams; also some alfalfa seed. Aaron Oestreicher, Phone, 57 r 10. Dashwood FOR SALE 1 Axminister Rug size 9x12. 1 Tapestry rug 9x6ee 1 roll 7 yards 22 -in. wide light oak pat- tern floor oilcloth. Apply to H. Gellman. FOR SALE A 5 -Tube Adralo Radio‘Set in A. 1. condition at a bargain for quick sale. -G. Koehler. BABY CHICK HATCHING 1800 Egos per week. Eggs pur- chased from Standard Flocks and Hatched at $7.50 per hundred for Leghorns and $8.00 for Rock. Hatch Guaranteed. Orders may be left at Stade & Weida, Zurich, Or apply to J. Elgin,. leTc3Kinleyi R. R. 1, Zuria, OAL WE ARE SOLE AGENTS 'FOR GENUINE Saran on Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case 8.z. S PHONE 35 - HENSALL LOCAL NEWS Mr. S. Greb, Babylon Line lute purchased a new Essex coaeh from Mr. H. Mousseau, local dealer, For some real snaps in millin- ewry call on Mies V. Siebert, Messrs. Walter Schnurr ad' Floyd Fink, visited at their homes at Mildmay over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey, Jr. were week -end visitors at Inger- soll. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis, of Holmesville and Mr. S. Miller of Lon- don spent Sundoy'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weide, mot- ored to Stratford on business on lYfoulay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose of Windsor, were week -end visitors with relatives here. Miss Y. Siebert, milliner, is offering some very worthy barg- ains in her millinery department. Rev. arrit Mrs. W. Y. Dreier mot- ored to Clifford the beginning of the week, where they visited Mr. Dreier's sister, who is 111., AIL and, Mrs. jos. Wickens, of Ingersoll, who visited relatives here a few weeks, have returned to their home. es Mr. Herb. Mousseau, was at Toronto last week, and returned with new Willys Knight !sedan, which looks like a real car. Hay Council met on Monday for its inceithly sessioe, and a fullre- port of the doings will appear in next •ave.ek's issue. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry of Bay e field, and who. was ill for afew weeks, 'called on friends here on Monday. IgieS Pearl Dreier of Hanover, Messrs. Lorne Dreier and Ernie Gross of Chqsley, visited witheri- ends here over the week -end. The two former visiting their parents at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie of Blake spent Sunday ofternoon with the former's father, Mr. Alex. Ren- nie, Babylon Line, who is not enjoy- ingg the best of health. Miss Viola Stelck and Mr. Ernie Brown of Clinton, also Miss Alma Uttley and William Witmer of Zur- ich, spent Sundey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Davidson, Jr. A very unusual and unfortunate accurancc befell Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler, of the Goshen Line south, one day last week, when their smoke house took fire and was completely destroyed, together with the entire contents which consisted of their snin mes's supply of meat which was being cured with smoke. A Trousean Tea' Social was held at the home of Mr. end -Mrs: Dav id J. Stephenson, Cleehee Line Stanley Townehip, ie spending a few days with his father afternoon, in honor ofon thetatcraiCilgalyta xdr. Jos. Gelinss, who is seriously ill. ton Clara Alice, bride elect. , A ,1:Irv..1..inazi.3e1.1: 3. aRreccuto Tr,,,,Laopyr,rtgf, air fineg atliering of girl friends took treitenstie iveeleend visitor?. with Mr. place, aird a most .enjoyabletime was experienced by all present. ant Mrs, Chas. Laporte. Wedding bells will ?non be ringing Mr. and Mrs, Oscar K oehler in ear burg so we hear. were week -end visitors with fri- D'ather Gerard, attended end a at Baden, and while at th:rt silty hours deection te; Ciederieh the place in turning a corner rapidly beginning of the week. his new car turned turtle at.„i Mn and Mrs.. Leon Corriveau mot- ored to London last week. Lake Huron has got rid of in. heavy coat of ice and :,..ekely the warm weather -will soon come to stay. If you are in ttraw hat The larger typesetting machine call atand get one, youe local stese all kinds at Winos', namely an Intertype, which we have had installed last week, , we trust will be a big asset to our plant when once we are ;leant° ed to it. Wie used it for part our set-up this week, and owing tICMCL ' Notice is hereby given that eomMeneing May 15th I will eoln- neenee making my oundo Health Inspector, and would re- request that all back yarde, out. houses and places where unsaeit- ation is apt to accumulate, to have such places cleaned by that elate. C Enter, Inspector, MEETING OF HURON PRESleYn TER Y The Presbytery of Huron met in regular session in Wingham on April 19th. The chairman of Presbytery, Rev. 3, E. Hog, presided and conducted devotional exercises. tThe following stud- eets were recce -en -tended to be con- tinued on trial; -A. Clayton Baxter John C. 13ritton, J. H. Spell, Gor- don II. Hargrave,W. 3, McIntosh, Carman Hugh, ilton Cook. The following candidates for the min- istry were recommended to Lon- don Conference for acc eptance; Lancelot Norris, Eguine Howey, re- commended previous ly ; Ne well Geiger, Robert Keith Lore. The report of the Religious Education Committee was presented by Rev. Byron Snell, and was adopted by Presbytery; 302 young people have united with the church dering the year an increase of 129. AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE • On Lot 28, Concession 7, , - TOWNSHIP OF HAY On SATURDAY, MAY 19th, 1928 Commencing at 2 o'clock sharp REAL ESTATE -Lot 28, Concession 7, Township of Hay, containing 991/2 acres more or less. The property is convenient to church and school and has situate thereon a brick house, bent: barn, drive -shed and pig -pen. TERMS OF SALE -10 per cent. on day of Sale, balance in 30 days tthereafter. The property will be put up subject to a reserve bid fixed by the Official Guardian lof Infants, and other canditions made known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to: McGregor Young, K. C., Official Guardian, Toronto 2. Mrs. Mary Stephan, Administratrix, Zurich, Ont. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, Dash- wood Carling & Marley, Solicitors for Ashninistratrix, Exeter • ..0.4.40***•••****00•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••§0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6 • • • * • • • • •44+.***4****4-c•s.42*•..4!)••••04,49.04,424,4s...+*4440.4,444242.1>111 Auto and Auto Suppiie WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO ACCESSORIES, AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON' THES4 VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x3X AT ONLY „ $8.50 TUBES 30)M4 AT ONLY . ,e, . $1.40 GOOD RUB.13P,R CASE BATTERIES AT e MOO 1 SECOND HAND 13 H, P, GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. 2 FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER CAR, 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. FARM IMPLEMENTS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM 11VIPLEMENTS AND CARRY .JUST THE KIND O MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVICSI FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS AND FITTINGS, ALSO INSTALL OUR • PUMPS. Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils awl Greases L. A. Frang - Zurich AND Ittt**!!*!f! Inefiffeeest • Auto Tops, Buggy .1,.211..,11. 11.14.11 i Wagon Repairing Painting Etoi Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH DRYSDALE "mnEnimms=zagmmasacanim The majority of the farmers of this vicinity have finished spring seed- ing' and are now preparing the land 4. '-e.e.leee.se+4.04efreeeleeisieleiehil for benne • - 'Mr. Joseph Ducharme, local black- + ,smith, has invested in an Essex sedan + while Mr. Harry Rau has •chosen USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs a nee- Chrysler sedan. Mr. Dennis Corriveau ond his 1. AS THEY MAKE THE' CIIEAI'EST AND THE BEsr ROOF Mother, Mrs. Frank Corriveau, vis. iWITHOUT ANY PAINTING OR .REPAIRING AND WILL OUT Red with friends in London last .1 LAST ANY OTHER 1ND OP R007. lvcle4 SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING Al TE REMARKABLE LOW dl.e. htnether dlelinas of Chatham, PRICE OF - 1 5X 'Red Cedar $1.30 Per Bunch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch damaging the top and body part ceneidena.ble,b ut luckily •ot the si,.occupants in the acr, no one was injured any more than a sev- ere shaking up. • - Dashwood and Mrs.. re etnn Eidt of Ingersoll , and Ms. etel ',dee. Jelin and daughter Mildred of New Ham- burg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre to not just understanding every- C. Stade. are obliged to fall back onMr. and Elite eyTil Yr, Sens lie Ehl- thing of the actions, nte., we our tie and Mr. 'Win. Elders of Nitcheher probably by next week Mr. and Mrs. Siebert of De- haveweek-er'l a little more experience tn :Ireigt spent the wt' ';d w;th the speed up, as everything is so, tats lather,ient'y lirILo's. different and we have to learn all neY' W. l''T'-'-''' i '':'''''''''ll''''' c"r`'' •over again, and our fingers which 2nce at London gads weele . Mrs. Godkie cP Veneouver, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Baker, who con tinues quite poorly. Mr. lea Ttimon of Walkerton sp- : .... ent the week- id with his parents. seem quite nimble on our old nets chine, seem like - camel's feet On this other keyboard. MCI'S , 5:0 Tour wHEN you build a new house or v'" repair an old one be sure to use Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction; irmlation_against *old and heat --and fuel economy Write for free hook, "Walls That Reflect Good judgment," containing interesting Woe- _ ination on home planning with Gyproc, Roc - board and inside& CANADA GT?SUM JND ALADASTINE, LIMITED Patti Canada Prod eptvair Well oetrci For Sale Sy Enntbeetliele. ie es es " Jill Ont Reve ICillieee • f I.ondon will occupy tit' 11 jU OLrithsran • 11 , ees :or 00 i20.2* ktk in Lo i.don Haspital, reeeseel home on Satuhtlay and is doing as well as can be expected. BLA Mn Elden Johnston of Brucefield accompanied by his aunt, spent sun - day at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston. Miss Alberta Finlay Who spent several weeks with friends in London returned hoMe on Saturday. Mr. and iMrs. W/ri. Douglass and daughter Pearl of Brucefield, accom- panied by Mrs. Addison of Brumfield and Mrs. Robert Douglas of Saskat- oon, called On friends in this vicinity one evening last week. Mrs. Peter Manson 8int Saturday with friends ill London, Mr. Jag. Watson of Seaforth aomm- palsied by Mr, Greives, called on fri- ends in the village on Thursday ev- ening, The misses Lydia and Anna Gin- gerich called on friends in the vil- lage on Monday evening, Quite a number of the farmers are through .i,siding and gardening is the order of the dux, 'I WE WILL RECEIVE iN A rp,w t5AY`4. A CARLOAD OP 8 -PT. es CEDAR POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. Tr ti T. U. li 5.PHONE 69 agirlIMM"22 44' +44*++44+444.1.4.4.÷++++.1...1' ILAJ :44.141:11 4. . -„,,,, r 1 0 81. ',. , Tri id , 1.....,k).o....,,.. .,:...fr ,,',. i./2.(;.-• :3e 5%1 41, 11 •e. We Specialize in fine, Statione-2y and have wrhalq?, tbiets of all fine boxed staicery, Cor-, rc sr 1.114:. C t, I. Cards - .1.=rnsr=....Famonmioneato*..amemea=aamesag We also have a large Stock of bulk Perfumes; Toilet Preperations of all kinds, Face Powders, Face Creams, Tooth Pastes, Etc., Etc. SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. A1 J. MacKinnon, Zurich imintomwmommwmp-mmimwmv.A.