Zurich Herald, 1928-03-22, Page 7t n 113 a, s, es y - of 00 a ch a dt- tat of a hod he of a • fns )us be al- on - ns lie - Sy ng he ere of Ro- bet- of ed in g als, ym- be- hen 118h Assam tea aro known b r 'experts as the finest teas grown—a fact which explains *by fled Mose Orange Pekoe 'Pias become so deservedly Rpular In Canada. Pot Red ose Orange Pekoe is chiefly posed of Assam !semi iclli accounts for its dkso diva quality and valuer cry package guaranteed The BABY No mother in this enlightened age would give her baby something she did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain Castoria will right .1 baby's stomach and end almost any little in. Fretful- Iless and fever, too; it seems no time anti/ everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil 'night accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. Just one warning: it is genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's Is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria is worth its weight in gold. Children Cry for Airrnindedness ft hs hard t'or the schools to keep their feet on; the round these days, T'hie ie to be taken Iiteraile, Eighty 1d11peehattnden.te were recently suin- moned into conference by the thug^ genheim Fund for the promotion of Neroiiautios to devise • a program of air intimation. Amerieafx O►ablie has riot pro- greeted rapidly enough in the direction of aixmindednesg to satisfy"the avia- tion enthusiasts, eo they are going to start With the children, And oA1Y one superintendent out of eighty in the larger cities of thee ountry made any • objection, So reads the an- nouncement from the fund headquar- ters. Again the three Rs such] be asked to stand in a corner while part of their allotted time is taken away from them. When railroad trains.were in- troduced—or, again, when horseless vehicles running on rubber were of- fered to the public—no organized pro- paganda sought tp inculcate the truth about these new modes of transporta- tion in he mnids of .boys and girls, Aviationls not held back by any- thing more serious than the "Git a Noss" prejudice of the late 10s. The apostles of the new art are in a hurry. Every schoolboy knows the essential facts of Colonel Lindbergh's demon strations. More performances et a similar nature will turn the trick of making the next generation airmnded without any studiously devised addi- tions to an already overburneded cur- riculum. Journal of Education Prodigious megalithic monuments, temples of cannibal feasting and burial, which Lieutenant P. J. Searles, U.S.N., lately visited in Guam and on the island in the Ladrones 125 `miles north, are by the publication Nature called comparable to the mysterious Stonehenge in England. Each upright monolith weighs thirty tons. MINING INVESTORS For Reliable Information Write Us GORRiE, MACDONALD AND ROBERTSON 9 Adelaide St. E., Toronto ATENTS Lie_t of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Free en Request. PHE 1 AMSAY CO., Dept. W, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont. scasmo Ett15 1r , 4 *ow/ ► oA13vI Neve,q+,weat e.e:C 1CKS IC tea its rted ates has irde d at 'reit, the ron rein the a - Ln - ctly the land. torn antic s re- q1ger oung was delle, that light, a eli- poitcl ?; totes tlt,ot .pend inner 0 the niers, ester- ;I Lions e but 1 thio ask-. 'Avec h a boy's hint Wadi, ,, re - mute It 1 Fort ei a Erten ea thettiaeks STA11O. AlitY;Olt PORTh$LE ENG1NE5 r. c --u. Gov. Co., St. Catharines, Ont. .rantlard Wolldei Concrete Mixer Own This New Handy Low Priced Mixer The "Wander Mixer'; mixes concrete, mor- tar, seed grain, ferti- lizer, f eed, etc., quick- ly and as well as any larger type. Lower priced than any other well -made mixer. Builttolast a lifetime. Write for descriptive folder No.1 GOOLD, SHAPLEY lb MOIR CO. Ltd. Brantford - Ont, 7 FrCOId Relieved or Money Back Everywhere men, women and children are finding 9tatant relief from Coughs and Colds of all kinds by taking Buck- 1ey'e Mixture. Everywhere druggist. are welling "Buckley's" under positive guar- antee, The first deo Droves how dif e feeent it is—and there are 40 does in a 75 -cent bottle! Never be without this provena conqueror of colds. 142 H. Buckle Limited Mutual St., Toronto �l BUCKLEYSSaO INC—Acts like a (ia.h 11111 single nip proves it , Our breeders are bred for high egg production. White, Brown and Buff LeghomseBatred and White Rocks, R.I. Reds, An+ conaa, Buff Orpington, White Wyandottes,12a and up. 100, live delivery guaranteed. Wrue todgvfor FREE CHiCK SCOW $CHWEGF ER'S HATCHERY23e ilLt►lrnw, IOFFALO.I, i<r ;licit::'::enieMit?? t Perfect comfort -low cost. BIG Ships; famous for cuisine, lux- urious appointments; serviceand satisfaction. Travel White ,Star All Expense Tours $295up. Daybreak Sailings from Montreal, embark evening; before—no hotel necessary. Consult our trave1experts— Na obligation. Cal1, yltone • oc write: 55 Sing St. S., Toronto Mctt•11I Bldg., Montreal a erLocaiSteamehiPA.gentb 1 313 j •. � .. 11u,N ozim WHYTE STAR LINE CANADIAN SERVICE % lairkeph 47 ATLANTIC CITY �?it l,. gip,{• �l.•'•":h'i� :u'll'Itp 'I'll 0 rV Ya'Y ieeilieini n; eee,inereeidii ._ "' SPECIAL RATES AN° PEATiJRES Wat"e, LENT l'HE BOARDWALKS HOST ALLUItRNG SEASON wilt F`HC MOST CENrll%LLV LOCATED HOTEL oa.t YHa it ciente WALK flitenooF--- cAOACItY 7.00 --a G0RAG. r tag CARS Ma cetANGeUROPRP�SAV hORWNrtPNaABPAN PLANS eH MamE . MANbNC6b14brl8 ..i:1`);eLer'ie01i11111111111111RIUIlIiIA1NIIIIiRAp11111110111»1111111111!11111111111111111111111111 1-- `,e 'Cnaler NEW STRENGTH FOR Samoan Unrest --t ALL WEAK GIRLS Comes From' the Rich, Red Blood Made by Or, Wily Hams' Pink Pills. There must be no guesswork in the treatmentof pale, anaemic .girls and' children, If your daughter is languid, has a pale, sallow complexion, le short of breath atter slight exertion or on going up stairs, if elle has palpitation ofthe heart, a poor appetite, or a'ten- dency to faint, she has anaemia --the medical name for poverty ' .of the blood. Any delay in treatment may leave her weak and sickly for the rest of her life. When the blootl is thin and watery give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, coupled with: nourishing food and . gentle out-of-door exercise. , The new, life-giving blood which comes from ti fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills; increases the appetite, stimu- lates the nerves and brings a glow of health to pale .cheeks. Mrs. Robert Jackson, R.R. No. 5, Shelburne, Ont;, praises this medicine for restoring her daughter's health. She says:—. "When my daughter was nine years old she was so weak and thin that we feared we would lose her. She was very nervous, and going to school seemed too much for her: Often she would have to stay at home for days at a time. At times she would have a very high fever, and the, doctor's treatment did not help her. I tried several remedies, but with no good results. One day a friend advised me to give her Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, and I did so. It 'was not long after she began taking the pills that I could see a change for the better. She kept on taking the pills for several months and through them grew into a strong, healthy girl. Since then, if a Ionic has been needed -at any time, it has always been Dr. V►"illiains' Pink Pills." The pills 'tire - `sold by ' al1`insdicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a"bok"by' 'The Dr. Willianl:a' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. U. of T. Uses Radio Series of Lectures Are Broad- cast by Arrangement with CNRT by the Univer- sity of Toronto It may not be known to the public generally that the University of Toronto, the* Provincial University of Ontario, isc•-serving them through a new medium, namely, the radio. In conjunction with. CNRT, which broad- casts on a wave length of 356 metres, a regular series of short talks bas been arranged. ' These regular pro- grammes began two years a'go -and among those who have spoken during the present academic year, which be- gan last September, are Professor Davis, of the English- Department, University College; Dr, Martin, of the Chemistry Department; Professor MacKenzie, of the Law Department; Professor Coleman, Professor Emer- itus of Geology; Professor Mcllwratth of the Royal Ontario Museum, Pro- fessor Sissons, of Victoria College; Professor Parkin, of the Department of .Mechanical Engineering; Professor C. H. C. Wright, Department of Archi- tecture; Mr. Iliffe, Department of In- dustrial Art; and Mr. W. J. Dunlop, Director of the Department of Univer- ity Extension and Publicity. The ubjects have ranged from "The Ice Age of Ontario" to "Peculiar Peoples f the Canadian West." Those who ave missed these brief but instruc- ive and interesting addresses have chance to tune in on the March pro- ramme. On March 2ntl, Mr. W. J. unlop, Director of the Department f University Extension and Publicity poke on "The University as a Public ervant"; on March 16th, Miss Gladys Wookey, one ff the most popular mem- ers of the English staff at University ollege, will put her radio listeners nto the proper mood for St. Patrick's ay by readings from Irish poetry; and for March 30th Mr. W. J. K. Hark- ess of the Department of Biology has forhisConser- ation sub ect "The Cor ser - j ation of our Fisheries" These roadcastings from CNRT begin at .30 p.ni. • t. Income Tax Le Devoir (Ind,): (The Govern- ment persist in refusing to see a dif- ference between revenue earned by ones own efforts and family inheri- tance.) Surely 'this is unjust to the salaried man. He is treated by. the Revenue Department as though he were' a sort of capita:net, whereas the majority of the salaried classes have no capital a tali. Their salaries, in emetically every case, cease as soon as ,,.ley stop work, whilst taxpayers who have incomes; from estates or in- heritances continue to receive these, whatever their state of health and re- gardless of whether they Work or loaf. The Finance Department should pay attention to this matter. Copenhagen, biologists who have in- vestigated the rotary habits of the underjaws of Danish cows chewing tlheix' ctids cinch 55 per cent, used' the' right -circular motion and the rest the left. Now they ask for observation of Atii.erican'cows, a s 0 h t a g D 0 3 IS b C D v b 9 "So the judge fined you fifty dollars for hitting your wife 'with a golf club?" "011, . he said it wasn't so much for hitting her as it was for W- ing the Wrong elubi' On tithing tripe take ileinard'a,, The news of disaffection among some of the uative population in Samoa, ;aufciently grave to cause the New Zealand Cabinet to send two cxeuieelet to the mandated territory, came unexpectedly. For while Aus- tralai appeared to be having a good deal of 'trouble in administering , ex German New endues tinder the man- date system, New Zealand was credit, ed by independent evidence with do- ing very well in western Samoa. The appointment of General Rich- arelsop, the most papular officer in high command in the New Zealand Expeditionary, Forces during the World War, proved a decided success. For a time restrictions on the use of llquor by the Europeans in the inter- ests of the natives tended to make the authoritiesunpopular, but that dif ficulty eoemed to have passed away. Education Mee been progressing among the natives, who are being in- struoted in their own language as well as in English, The native vil- lages under the mandate have been kept in a more healthy condition than those in either Fiji or Tonga, and the native population lies actually been on the increase. Yas, a disease endemic in Samoa for many years, has been almost wiped out by in- oculation. It was to be expected that New Zea- land would be successful in Samoa, for sribe has had experience in ad- ministering her own native race, the Maoris, who are closely allied with the Samoans, and who live on the most griendly terms witch, the whites. Most of the trade has been captured by Australia and America, and New Zealand has certainly not been pro- fiting by the administration, but has been doing her best as a matter of honor. Subsequent dispatches indicate that white and native Samoan police, cov- ered by naval parties from the two cruisersaaad ,arrested 450 members of an illgal police force who 'lad been parading about carrying big sticks in an effort' to prevent natives buy- ing goods in the stores of Europeans. It is to be hoped that this will put an end to the disturbance. MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY Our Canadian March weather—one clay bright, but sloppy, the next blus- tery and cold—is extremely hard on children. Conditions make it neces- sary for the mother to keep the little ones indoors. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard aadihst these colds and to keep the baby well till the beater, brighter days come along, a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working, regularly. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate the stomach and bow- els and thus they relieve colds and simple fevers anti keep the baby fit. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Only Under Pressure. "Did slie finally consent to let you kiss her?" "It took considerable pressure to make her 'yield." Y, Alberta Coal Edmonton Union (Ind;) : The move- ment to get Alberta coal on to the ,markets of the East and thus to ell - urinate American coal is praiseworthy but difficult. ... Without taking into consideration Nova Scotia coal, which will look on this movement with some jealousy, but which will, no cloumt, be reedy to come to terms, the fact remains that for Alberta coal the Western producer and the Eastern consumer are 1,500 miles or more away from. each other, and must dely on the railway as their only means of transport Yankee coal, on the other hand, is eight to ten times nearer and can be carried by water. In eon - sequence, 'supposing a fight to the death started, Yankee coal could al- ways reduce its sale price lower and lower and in the end come out on top. Thereyrould only be one way ma— to put up a .prohibitive tax on Ameri- can coal. Colic. Niche Mitiai'd's well with Moles- ses and use as a drench. Gives griiek relief. ISSUE No. 11—'28 Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest I tea in the best package—Aluminum No man ever needed the services of an occulist td enable him to see his neighbor's duty. The man who made Time made a lot of it., There is no substitute world for being square. He—"Do you really think there is danger in- kissing?" She—"Wait till I go to the stairs and listen if papa Is asleep or not." When the slick salesman attempts to sell you scene get -rich -quick stock,. it might be well to remember that really good investments do not have to be peddled. "What did mama's little baby learn at school to -day?' "I learned two kids not to call me 'mama's baby'." "What did your husband think of your new frock?" "My dear, he claped his hands—" "Splendid ! " "—Over his eyes." "Dad, you remember you promised to give me five dollars if I was a good girl at the party?" "Yes, Mary." "Well, dad, you won't have that ex- pense." In the round What's His Due? Give the devil his due—very well then, but who Can be found who can clearly define it? Should I give him what I think is due the vile guy I am positive he would decline it. • A Scotsman was missing for three days before the police department finally located him in a "Pay -as -you - Leave" street car. Asylums have to be maintained be- cause so many folks are just what they're cracked up to be. A man was smashed up in a rail- road accident The family received a wire saying: "Mr. Hess in railroad wreck. Both legs, both arms, back and neck broken and skull fractured." And a few hours later a second dis- patch arrived: "Not so bad as at first reported. One arm was not broken." "There are two sides to every ques- tion," plot me tai d the wise man. '.Yes," said the fool,, "and there are two sides to a sheet of flypaper, but it makes a difference to the fly which side he chooses." Use Minard's Liniment for Corns. Classified Aclvertisenmenit8 pO VPTBY AlQU�iLITY' ROCI , tk:V i UIiN, Wyandotte, Red Baby Chicles, 4,111.uu per 100 and up. Hatching eggs, 18.00 per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocker- els, 166..00 each, and .up. 36 Page Illus- trated Catalogue Free, L. R. Guild & Suns, Box 1', Rockwood, Ont. g)AB'y CHICKS—WE HATCH FOUF. A) varieties of Baby Chicks. '';Trite for free catalogue. Price 10c and up, A. H. Switzer, Granton, Ont. MOVING AND FTO1 .&GE. "TILL THE MOVER—PIONEER EIS.. J8 Ji eeeterCE movers of Canada, Largest speedy padded vans. New Equipment, latest methods. Two experienced men every trip. A11 loads insured. Beyond compare for skill and care. Before you move; write us or wire and reverse the charges. Head office. Hamilton. Ontario, Canada. Hill the Mover. No pedestrian has to be told that this is Leap Year. - aw EFFIC E CY One Ton D W Fertilizer 4-24-2 c Two Tons of 2-12-2. Food Instead of Filter. Save on Bags, Teaming, Labor. D. W. GUNN, LTD, 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. Corm 'ted iron ASIC FOR WHEELER & BAIN "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy spread of galvanising over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies still open in some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover, WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St, Toronto 2 PAINS ALL OVER BODY Two More Cases of Feminine Ill- ness Relieved by Lydia F. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Barrington, N. S.—"I had terrible feelings, headaches, back and side aches and pains all over my body. I would have to go to bed every month and nothing would do me good, My husband and my father did my work for me as I have two children and we have quite a big place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then got a little book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a bottle, and then we got more from the store. I am feeling fine now. and do all niy work and am able to go out around more, I tell my friends it is Lydia E. PinkI•iam's Veg- etable Compound that makes me feel so well. "--Mrs. VICTOR RICHARDSON, Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont. —"I took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkhare's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from the dull, heavy pains in the small of my back nd the weakness ne ss from which I suffered for five years after my boy was born. After taking the Vegetable Compound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash :E am feeling better than I have for the past seven years, and advise my friends to take it."-- Mrs. F, JontesoN, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont. +; onamee -PU�l.�,lPIee �-4`ork: fi For'yloadelei. due to Aoid tHO(OcST10N ACJO STOMACH HEARTBURN 'NgAbACIiri $•NAUSEA 1 What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in the•stomach. The food has soured. The instant remedy is all alkali t4llch neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps, Use What your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips' l4iilk of Magnesia. For the 5'6 years since its invention it has remained standard With physicians, You will find noth- ing'elso 80 quick in its effect, 00 Mem- lees, 'so efficient. • One tasteless spoonful in water lieu, tralizes many times its volume in acid. `rhe results are immediate, with uo, bad after-effects, Once you learn this fact, you Will never deal with excess acidin the crude way's. Go learn-now—Why this method is supreme, Be sure to get the gellu1ne k�lliili s Milk of Magnesia prescribed by ]physid. clans for 50 years in correcting exeeo acids, Each bottle Co5taixs full direct e tions --any dr'ul stege,