Zurich Herald, 1928-03-15, Page 2Brown Label Quality, 38e Orange Pekoe Blend, 43c 34-1b.
Blue Label Quality, 43c ? -lb. Red Label Quality,
Gold Label Quality (Finest Procurable), Sac 1/2-1b.
• Four grades sole! in Black, Green and Mixed Blends.
Lowest Prices in Canada For Fine 1 as
BEGIN HERE TODAY. . Sucli as I were produces up
Sohn Ainsley, a man of education earth to guide and instruct the corn -
and breeding, whose war wound left mon people. We were not meant to
•hint unfit for manual labor, , returns battle in tawdry ways or the gross
hungry to his shabby boarding-house. material things of life. The supreme
To pay his landlady the week's rent achievement of evolution in the gentle-
for his room-31—he is compelled to man; and- society' permits a gentleman
pawn an ivory miniature of his to starve. I can: conceive no harsher
mother. At the pawnshop is pus- indictiment against soeiet
zled at the sight of a ,prosperous- w
• Then I sniffled at my awn heat. I
had had my • opportunity to become a
criminal earlier this evening, and had
refused it. I had no intention of
changing my mind, and accepting the
only comfort and luxury mitigate its
severity" I laughed as I passed tows
of tenements. What fools these people
were to continue in .the prison of life!
A tragically humorous thotig'ht occur-
red to tale; suppost�. that these people
who lived in these grimy tenements, 9 Adelaide St, E„ Toronto
and 'in similar or worse habitations all ,.__."_.____-.-�Y-
over the the world, should decide to vat
the bitter straggle :or mere exm4tence'?
Suppose, instead of going on strike, 11SOHL 'Pubilshing Company
or starting riots, or turning Bolshe-
vik, they chose by lot a certain num-
bei, and that certain number immedi-
ately killed themselves? On the next
day, another number would kill them
selves, and the remainder would de-
clare publicly their intention of follow-
ing the suicidal example. • In a week or
two society would be se:alarmed that
it would be offering palaces on Fifth
Avenue to the poor• if they would
merely consent to live.
It was, I flattered myself, a quaint
conceit, as sane as most revolutionary
nostrums, and I was smiling as I 'en-
tered Carey's. I was still s nihng..as
I finished a very 'satisfactory areal,
and leaning back in uiy chair, con-
sumed my eighth cigaret. Life was
net a complex thing, after all. At
least, if one didn't find it simple, one
simply stepped cut of its absurd com-
For instance, that girl who sat
;his across the narrow room from pie
would be indubitably better off if she
joined me on my stroll to the dock
than if she remained with the gross
beast who was her dinner companion.:
For she patently showed that he.dis-
gusted her. Pretty, extremely so, with
black hair and blue eyes and, I guess-
ed from :what appeared above the
table, a charming figure, she belonged
to youth, not to bloated age. And the
fact that her eyes were hard and'
mercenary made no difference. They
were so merely because advantages
h d b denied her I could discern.
For Reliable Information
Write Us
looking, fur -collared man die cermg
with the broker. •
After leaving the shop, Ainsley bur-
• ries to a little restaurant to get food.
He is stopped in the entrance by the
fur -collared individual, is taken to the offer of my fur -collared friend.
man's home, and is revived with -hot So, then, let me die, as a •gentleman
soup. As he eats, Ainsley tries to take .
stock of his hast and his surroundings. should, without v'unge, or anger,
or sneers, or other vulgarities. And'
NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY.eiet me die, as unfortunately I had not
I' rose from the bed and opened niy
suitcase. I was sure that there was
nothing in it that would identiE T Mrs.
recently lived, upon a full stomach.
There were places in New York
where one might still dine, frugally it
is true, but amid clean surroundings,
Cannon's missing lodger as John in an atmosphere of breeding, for the
Ansley, but e wished to be positive. small sum that still .remained to me.
Pride forbade that even after T eras such a place was Carey's, an Italian
dead, persons who once had oknown me table-d'tiote restaurant south of
should know the humiliation of my Washington Square. Dinner could be
I closed the case and sat down once
;nose upon the bed, to gather all my
st•t•.ngth. As 1. sat there I thotieht of
the man who had fed me. The display
of money which he had made was as-
sert -ince that he was an extremely
successful criminal, probably one of
those ."super -criminals" created by the
police to cover up their own incom-
I laughed at the idea This man
was nothing but the most mediocre
sort of person. Beyond a vicious cun-
ning, he possessed no mentality at all.
The reason for his success lay in the
fact that the men opposed to him, the
police, were also mediocrities. Imagine
a man of real intellect devoting him-
self to the stupid career of mime -de-
tection! Graduated policemen were
the detectives who protected society
against the schemes of such as• my
fur -collared friend:. And while a po
iiceman may be morally and physical
ly an exceptional person, mentally he
must be on the level of a laborer.
The supercriminal existed only in
the newspapers. In reality he was
a een u enl i .
that the attentions of her companion
sickened her.
Yet though I could see her shrink at
the touch of his flabby hand upon her
own, she did not push it away. She
smiled, and apparently answered
terms of endearment with verbal car-
esses. Unquestionably he was richt
Doubtless she was to share his wealth.
Well, I was glad to be about to leave
a world where such things were en-
1 raised my hand to beckon to my
waiter. Then I dropped it, for into
the room cane my fur -collared friend,
advancing to the table where sat the
Couple who had excited my disgusted
interest, greeting them cordially, be-
ing hailed delightedly.
I wondered if these were part of
the gang which I suspected must be
associated with hint. • Then, noting a
meaning lgance exchanged between
him and the girl, I knew thatile
she might be an associate of 'his, i r
gross companion was, if not already
a' victim, destined to be one. I post -
retied my departure. I had two cigar-
aefe left; amusement would go well
With my last tobacco. And inasmuch
as my acquaintance of the early evert-
vening had turned his back to me as he
sat down, there was no danger that
Jaw presence would interfree with his
plane—provided, of course, that he
had any 'plans, and that I had not
misinterpreted the pregnant glance
between him and the girl.
* * * *
Kootenay Park
A, map sheet of one of the latest ad-
ditions to Canada's national parks,
Kootenay Park, in southeastern I31'l-
tish Columbia, has just been issued
by the Topograp'hioal Survey, Depart-
ment• of the Interior. This park. has
Ian sopecial appeal to the motor tour
ist on account of the perfection of the
!automobile highway which traverses
it Although the Ban.
®�� Iiigliway passes
` 'i through some of the
• most rugged country on the continent
there is nothing to prevent the driver
of the average car firoin going over
the entire road "on high" without
once changing gears. This is pos-
sible, even although the road ° has a
great many curves and grades—it-has.
an extreme variation in altitude of„
about 2006 feet from Vermilion sum-
mit to Columbia valley—for the road
has been engineer -built. throughout
curves and the surface has been kept
with easy grades and super -elevated
up to a high standard of excellence.
A Humber of the mountains hi this
vellous lakes, rivers, waterfalls and
park over 10,000 feet high have never
been climbed These, with the mar-
colo'i• found only in high mountain
scenery, afford plenty oT attraction
for climbers and nature' lovers.
The park is full of game and be-
sides the, more ordinary kinds .of
mountain fauna, possesses large num-
bers of moose.. From the highway
these beautiful animals may often be
seen on the wide fiats of Vermilion
and Kootenay rivers.
Copies of the niiap sheet may be.
had for the nominal fee of fifteen
cents upon application. to the Topo-
graphical Survey, Department of the
Interior, Ottawa, or by writing to'the
Director of Canadian National Parks,
of the same department.
M€nard's Liniment kills warts.
"Sitting -Up" in Bed
Here is a good way to prevent that
aching back one gets from sitting up,
or rather slouching, in bed, recom-
mended by a correspondent of "Your
Home Magazine." The next time you
are sick try it.
"Instead of propping a convalescent
person up in bed by piling pillows be-
hind him," this writer says, "try the
use of a stout strip of canvas hung
from the head of the bed and spread
out beneath the patient.
"The principle is that of the com-
mon lounging chair, canvas -seated.
It gives support to the weak back and
is held in place by' the patient's 'own
body. If the bead of the bed. be of
the iron -rail variety the strip ot
-cloth may be simply thrown, over this
rail and' brought down double, before
the sick person is lifted upon it.
"]t may be used by -a well person
who likes to sit up in bed for a bit of
late reading before dropping off to
sheep. In all cases it is much• more.
comfortable and hygenic than a pile
of pillows that slip or crumple up be -
Unusually smart is the chic long -
waisted frock pictured here. The
bodice closes in surplice style and is
joined to the two-piece skirt haavi'ng a
handkerchief drapery at the left side.
The long loose sleeves may be faced
or bound, and the vestee is of con-
trasting material. No. 1718 is in sizes
16 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches
bust. Size 38 requires 4 yards 86 -
inch material, and ifs. yard 11 -inch
contrasting. Price 20e the pattern!
Our Fashion Book, illustrating the
newest and most practical style, will
be of interest to the home dressmaker.
Price of: the book 10es the copy.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Pattern Dept.,
Wilson Pattern Service, 73 West Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by neath one's weight."'
return mail.
and Save Money!
All ou need i$
`wadte f&3 end
FLAKE-. is
Putt Directions With Every Can
Re 0
Omelets That Stay Puffed
Puffy omelets do fall but the Homa
Institute of "Delineator" has found a
way to make them hold up for some-
time and thus stand the trip from the
kitchen ot the table despite' delays
in serving. "Cook tw=o tablespoons ot
minute- tapioca in three-quarters cup
of milk until clear,- then 'beat the
yolks of four eggs with the seasoning
into this and last of all fold. in the
whites. Apart from the omens:: stay-
ing up, the eggs are extended, and the
flavor is changed interestingly."
Highest Peak- in Canadian
The highest pc -ale ' ie. the Canadian,
Rockies is mount Robson, in British
'Columbia. This mountain has an ele-
vation of 12,972 feet above ;sea -level,
Keep Minard's in the Medicine Chest.
Great Extent of Our Parks
I knew him to be Daragor., the As I watched the three, the gross's Canada's national parks in the
jeweler. man. produced a little box from. his Rocky mountains are nearly as large
waistcoat pocket. It was the sort of as Belgium and two-thirds- as great
such a person limitations
my fur -collared box that would contain a ring, and as Switzerland.
friend. And the limitations of that procured there for a dollar and a half; the sight of it evoked memories. I won- person had been made clearly evident with twenty-five cents for• cigarettes, that I had not recognized on-
to me tonight. He knew his limita- there would still be a quarter for the deredefehat 1 man recognized
d th
Eisele himself, and had asked my aid waiter. I regretted that the cheek- huge-featured
o I had more than before. entered years his
to overcome them. Why, if I chose, I boy in the coat -room would be forced g Fifth, Ave.
could be a supercriminal, a real one, to get along without a gratuity from jewelry
lest tl shment on one of the
aot a myth invented to please the me. With my stomach filled, puffing most famous jewelers a oneAmerica, andh
writers of newspaper headlines and 1 at a cigaret, I would stroll leisurely to one of its most notorious roues -
their readers. I the west, coming at length upon a He had changed greatly since I had
It would ,erve society right if 1 dock on the North River. After that seen him striding pompously through
turned against it. I was a •gentleman, I —alto knows the aisles.of his fashionable establish-
a man qualified to act as arbiter in I There was no need to say anything ment. Added years of lease living had
matters of taste and - culture, a man to Mrs. Gannon. . Tomorrow of the brought more flesh and that dead pal -
familiar with the arts. Yet 7 next day, finding my room unoccupied, g
the world passed me by, and preferredshe would rent it to someone else; I ler to his face. But I recognized him;
Lo below its honors and rewards upon had paid her for a weelr in advance, the sight of the little cardboard box
had aroused remembrance. i :had
a r1 ,nif:ed grocer or a vendor of pig- and she would consider my departure' bought trinkets in my day.
ten .. i something in the nature of an unex . So, wondering what might be the
It had taken ten generations of , pected profit. There was not the meaning of Dara:gon's presence' in: the
irrisiocratie forbears to produce me• i lightest danger that she would re- company of a self-confessed crook, 1
Anila I dad not profess to own the }pow uiy absence to the police. Shewatehed them. I saw the girl open
the little package. I saw her hands
tremble as she unfastened the string
that tied it. I saw her lips part in a
gasp, of delight. I saw her turn to
my friend of the earlier evening and
address words that, from her,mainner,
ed to be a ealin
Creative instinct, nevertheless, by
sheer virtue of my family traditions,
E was qualified to judge the works of
;restive artists and say: "This is
rood; that is bad."
tri a i a fa , v , ;s
le y. %r(%%j
4 r
Always have the magic v
in .
T •,� r 'r 7,� •�' ., cica e
i'V l�A0.J d. li ]. p�
. your pocket. V.
Soothes nerves, allays
r thirst', aids
r digestion,
would d�onfiseate my poor suitcase and
its meager contents, and gain still an-
other petty profit.
So I walked downstairs, much
stronger than when I had done so on
my way to visit Weinberg, but still
weak and hungry again, In the hall
little Peter met me.
"When you goin' to make a penny
disappear for me, Mr. Ainsley?", he
I smiled at hint" "I'm going to make
something bigger than a penny disap-
pear, Peter.," I told him.
"When?" he asked.
"Pretty soon," 1 replied.
"Will you let me see you " he asked.,
"You'I1 know about it," I assured
Smiling at my double-entendre, I
left the house. And as I walked to-
ward Carey's, my resolution .grew.
man can't live as a
r If a
gentleman should live, why live at all?
Life is rather unendurable at best;
seem pp g•
jTo be continued.)
;►--- ..
Tom—"e. once loved a girl who made
a fool of me." Tim—What a' lasting
impression some girls make."
Are again rising, and now is the
time to buy, in our opinion. Send
for our recommendations or any
information without obligation.
Orders promptly executed. Write,
wire, or phone.
Mining Brokers
A, Nw Shp
Died you know that a fifteen -cent en-
velope of Diamond Dyes will duplicate
any delicate -.tint that niay be the
vogue in dainty underwear? Keep
your oldest lingerie, stockings too, in
the shade of the hour. It's easy if you
only use a true dye. Don't streak your
nice things with synthetic tints.
Dye or tint anything; dresses, or
drapes. You can work wonders with
a few, inexpensive Diamond Dyes
(true dyes). new colors right over.
the old. Any kind of materiel.
FFdEE1 Call at your druggist's and
get ,a. free Diamond Dye Cyclopedia.
Valuable suggestions, simple direc-
tions. Piece -goods samples. Or, • big
, illustrated book Color' Craft free from
DIAMOND DYDS, Dept. N9, Windsor,
Diamond Des
Just toTINT,
'JarsTIN orBoilt
l to DYE
JsSiste1e .for
you give us their names, yanr
relatives and friends may obtain
the Iow ocean rate of fa, reduced rail-
road fares, and FREE transportation for
children under x7, providing ,they are
placed in farm er domestic employment.
Asks et once for details of the
13ritishNom ination Sche,ne,
from any of our ofbces or agents •
W,i Nrrrc
To break a cold harmlessly and in a'hurry try an Aspirin tablet..
And for headache. -The action of Aspirin is very efficient, too, its
cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even rheunlatistmand lumbago! Andl
there's no after effect; doctors give Aspirin to children—oftei
infants. Whenever there's pain, think of t'.spirin. The genuine;
Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet: All druggists,
with proven directions
Physicians prescribe Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the heart
As trim is the tradeInrrk t Mer letcred is Canada)indicating;Sayer Manni'actare. While it
Ss v11 knowthaMerin Bayer iuenUfetre, to sabre "the pubilO against !snits+
tions; the Tablets mill be stamyed with their "Bayer Crete" ttaderaezk.
G� �r
Every l�eft�
's rZ iii
ISSUE No. 10--''28
st,--OR AU: .1tOpi pithivq: •
pies, Cakes,, tuns arid tread' DOES ALL YOUR BAKING BEST