Zurich Herald, 1928-03-08, Page 7Canary Breeding raise were traded for experience, 00R ISA` C PEOPLE er Crises ' Aayn. Averted OBTAIN R 'Po the beginner T would say let Seamy aristocrats, alone; start with hnb 'heir hule cousins. Ton Will stand q greater chance of Success by so ono: plainer birde.are hardier and Snore prolific than their pedigreed re- etativee. Get all the information youe eau on the subject, bot remember that experience will be your best teacher. You will undoubtedly melee many mistakes and suffer many heart-break- ing eart-breaking disappointments, but all the time you will be learning. Perhaps the first year youwill raise only three or 'lour birds, but don't become discour- aged. Remember the birds you didn't Red Rose Orange Pekoe has earned the patronage and good will of more tea drink-. ers than any other high- quality tea in Canada. Judges of good teagladly give more for Red Rose Orange Pekoe because they know that the value they re- ceive is worth manY times the few extra cents they pay. 1-E they sive not a total loss after all. I3y observation and patience you will slowly but surely grasp those many fundamentals that experience alone can bring 'forth and that pellet to 0311eCeSS. Canaries breed practically:. any By Enriching. Their .Blood With time of the year with proper environ- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ment and handling, hut the regular breeding season runs from February Rheurnatiem is a disorder of the up until July. The easiest and the blood. It attacks people when the most profitable •way for the beginner bleed is thin and.inipure,.thus setting to raise birds is to mateone male up inflammation of the muscles and with three females. Get as large a joints. Wet or cold weather may start cage as you can. A cage the size the pains of rheumatism, but is not of an orange or lemon -box is about the the cause, The cause is In the blood. right size Always put your male in Hot applications or rubbing with lint. CAN By lifincienburg Principal Parties�in Reichstag President's Bow 'to ,t resident's De mand to Pass Budget. and Emergency • Program Dawes Annuities Assured von Hindenburg, by exercising once more his immense the breeding cage a week or so be- ments may ease the pain, but do not personal authority in a political crisis, fore the females. You will find that reach the cause and the.: pains are succeeded recently in bringing order by so' doing there will be less fighting soon back again. To get rid of this out of chaos. As a result of his sec - and you will obtain quicker and bet- most painful trouble you must treat it end. -letter within a week to the minis- ter Teens. it through the blood and for this pur- tern demanding passage of the budget After your birds have been together pose nothing else can equal Dr. Wil- and certain other pressing legislation long enough to become acquainted, hams' Pink Pills, which from first. before the Reichstag is dissolved, all starClacin an occasional piece of dose to last actually make new, rich the principal parties agreed this af- p g cotton in the cage. If they pick it blood, .thus driving the rheumatic terihoon to accept the Cabinet's •emer- up and carry it around, you will then poisons from the system. Mr. Henry ger cy program. know that it is time to give them E. Amiro, Lower East Pubnico, N.S., This assures that the 1928 budget, material to construct a nest. I would tells what these pills ' did for , him, providing for the payment of the suggest that you construct the first He 'says:—"I had an attack of .acute' Dawes plan; annuities for the first few nests for the birds. rheumatism: so bad that I could not so-called standard years by Germany Use medium -weight cardboard and walk a hundred yards , without • so will be adopted before the election make your nest about four, inches much suffering that I would feel faint. campaign begins. Under the arrange - square and two inches deep. Fill it I could not do the least work and any ments accepted by all the major about level -full of cotton, making a movement caused great pain. I was parties the Reichstag will be kept at not''arliamen i work untilApril 1 and the P depression'in the center. Now take under the care of a doctor but did.wo a square piece of cloth of the correct improve much. Then reading of a tary elections will be held some time size and lay it on top of the cotton; similar case in a newspaper I decided in may. - to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills. BY , • , Radicals Only •Opponents, after fitting it to the nest sew it to the time I had used three boxes, there .This plan was adopted by all the all .fourr sides. 'was no doubt they were heiplfl me. parties except those representing the When the sides are fastened, make• I took altogether about a dozen boxes+lunatic fringe—the Communists and one stitch tie the • center of the when I was entitrely relieved of the Fascists. The program was adopted nest and at..the boom. 111 endo trouble, able to walk four•miles to my under the pressure of President van must be securely tied and all edges work, chop wood all day, and then .1rlindenburg's letter because. no party of the cloth must be carefully covert' walk home again. To anyone suffer dared to say "No" out loud to the ed with short stitches, for if one 1!t- ing from rheumatism I can strongly President. It speaks volumes . for tie weakness. is exposed, the birds will recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:' Marshal von Iiindenburg's impartiali- be quick to take advantage of it and You can get these pills through any •ty, that in the present case he is act pick the nest to pieces. medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents lug directly counter to the clamor of The depression in the center is to a box Imre Rm The Dr Williams' Medi - keep the eggs together. If left to cine Co., Bro.ckvill.•e, Ont•�- her own initiative, the bird is likely to construct a nest .o= such propor- tions that it will be physically im- possible for her to cover all the eggs, and the eggs will sooner or later be- came chilled and thus fail to hatch. Many strange phases ofwild life confront us in -handling our canaries. Freakish and unexplainable twists of their eccentric temperainent are of- ten displayed in ways that are both puzzling and humorous. For example, one would , naturally assume that 1 beh Sun'-s...New .Rival Paris, Voltaire's City of Light, boasts today the most powerful flash- light lamp in the world. Its light, generated by -electric -current, is equal to 1,400• million- eandles. When we consider that 1,400 million ordinary candles, put end to end, would extend eight to ten times round the earth, and three nests would enough in a pen almost far enough to reach the moon, containing a male and three females, • we realize how far man has travelled but the experienced breeder always as light -maker since the days of the first tallow candle. Even if lnedna;val man had been able to manufacture 1,400 million candles, and put them. in 1,400 million (candlesticks, the whole population of the world could not have set them alight; to -day a single man moves. a switch, there is a maelstrom in the ether, and the light of •1,400 million candies bursts into' flame. ' '- So powerfulis the lamp in Paris that from the top of the Eiffel Tower it would be visible for hundreds of miles; and 'if the Eiffel Tower were twice as high a man with field -glasses at Vienna would be able to see it quite clearly. The heat in the centre of the electric flame which radiates the light reaches 6,500 degrees Centigrade. That is to say, it equals the heat at the surface of the sun! puts in an extra nest. If there are only three nests in the cage, two hens will invariably choose the same one and if left to themselves they will both lay in that nest and fight each other for the privilege or honor, of sitting there. In all my experience I have never seen any exceptions to this rule. 'If the nest anot g enough large eno u h for both birds, one will park herself on the edge and will maintain her position in thes ame earnest manner as the one hovering the eggs. When the hen in possession leaves for food the watchful, waiting mother - to -be immediately jumps into the nest and very proudly takes up the duties. When the first hen returns she will park herself on the edge of the nest —and so it continues. I•ta"ving the fourth nest in the cage eliminates tbat condition. When the birds have settled down to housekeeping the, fourth nest can safely be removed. When your birds start to build their nests It is well to pulverize some old ,plaster and sprinkle it over the bot- tom of the cage every day. Crushed egg-shella also are good. These measures wilI prevent soft-shelled eggs. A little boiled egg should be given your birds every other day at this time. Keep seed, gravel, cuttle- bone and fresh water before them at all times. • Nbw is the time that your birds must be left to themselves. Don't go around them any more than is absolutely necessary. Don't allow strangers around them, and above all, keep the cats and dogs away. Birds are very eccentric and very observing. Make a sudden or un- usual movement before their cage and they will be suspicious of you the rest of the day. A nervous person ;vill never have much success raising canaries. An old lady called on 1013 one day and wanted to know my secret of raising birds. She informed me that she had been trying for three consecutive years and had not one bird of her own raising to show for her time and trouble.... I visited her home and entered the room where her birds were kept. She opened the door with a quick move- ment and almost rushed into the room. Instantly her birds ceased singing and began to fly wildly around their cages as if a. cat had jumped into their midst and was threatening their very lives. They seemed to regard her more as an enemy than friend, and went into a flutter when she even approached their cages. I gave her a kindly: warning and Iater `traded her some old, motherly females for some of her demoralized stock. That year she raised quite a number of birds, But as her temperament does not tit ].leer for the vocation, she will always be handicapped in that ;particular line of endeavor. Canaries lay their eggs in the early morning ancl with rare exceptions start sitting just as soon as the first' egg appears. They lay from three to seven eggs for a sitting, four eggs are about the average and this num- ber is more desirable than a larger sitting: No mother in this enlightened age wculd give her baby something she• did not know was perfectly harnaless, eepecialiy when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretful- ness and Lever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil . might accomplish, without shock to " the system. • Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can , give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- • al sleep:.. Just one warning; ' it is genuine `letcher's Casteria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, hut no child of this writer's is gain, to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria Is worth its weight In gold. Children Cry for the Conservatives—the very men who 'elected him to his exalted offiee. The opposition parties, while agree ing to co-operate in winding up the Parliamentary business and to refrain from making partisan motions, re- served the right to criticize and vote against the budget, for the creation of which they had no responsibility. v • 1Y Red (Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you 040 bay. In clean, bright Alzrininrx Parsons and Their Classified Advertisements Sons Black sheep come more often from the parsonage than from other homes, it has. long popularly been believed; but -refutation of this baseless charge, notes The Christian Obse1'Ver (Pres- byterian), has been made many times, particularly by reports found in 'Who's Who in America." A careful investigation reveals that a large per- centage ° or ministers whose, names a book of n,rt bee recorded in that have notteworthy names followed in the footsteps of their fathers. Now comes the Clergymen's Committtee of the American Engenics Society with its results of a canvass of 100 leading ministers in America. As the report is summarized in The Christian Ob- server: "Two-fifths of these stated that they themselves were the sons of minis- ters. Three others were, sons of a local or lay preacher, and one had a Quaker preacher for a mother. Ten of those interviewed had grandfath- ers who were ministers and seven had great-grandfathers and three great -great-grandfathers in the minis- try. One man reported an unbroken line bf Presbyterian ancestors run- ning back to the seventeenth century, and another a similar line of Mora- vian ministers beginning in 1740. Thirty-eight were sons of church of- ficers and only eighteen of the hun- dred were sons of men who were neither ministers nor church officers ! "Th fact that two-fifths of the hun- dred ministers are sons of ministers indicates that the preacher's son who adopts his father's profession does so with full knowledge of what it means to devote his life to the work of the ministry.. The committee reaches the conviction that the future church leaders in America must come from church families, and that church lead- ers produce church leaders. The list of one hundred ministers interviewed includes the most successful minis- ters in the American pulpit to -day." 1 Those who are familiar with the teachings of the Bible, comments this. - �-- -•®- -�°°• —7Louisville weekly, are not surprised at the tale told by this careful investf- ` youNG TORTUREY THE LITTLE ONES Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your' little ones by forcing them to take ill -tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the child's bread of these medi- cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Own Tablets are the modern substitute for these nauseous doses. They are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take mat they are as easy' to administer as a glass of water They are the per- fect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolutely guar- anteed free from injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad -tasting remedies can do. In fact they" ac- complish more as they .do not leave the `child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They re- lieve teething pains, banish indiges- tion -and constipation, break up colds and simple fevers and promote health- ful, refreshing sleep.' They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Canada For Me." Here we have an English lad who came across story -book thrills in the Canadian West. He is Richard Barnes,' of Kent, later `cowboy of the 2XY ranch in Alberta. He went broke, was hired on the ranch, was shot for criticizing a .shady poker play, was subsequently deported from the U.S.A. because he lacked entry papers, was burnt out in a Windsor, Ont., hotel, walked on foot to Montreal dressed in cowboy outfit, and from there embarked with nine cents in his pocket for England on the Ounarder Ascania. "A great life!" he declared, and promised to acquire an English wife and to settle in Canada this summer. rn Use Minard's Liniment for Cos. .f, Communists Fight Each Other Aceording to reports in the Volks- wille of Suhl, Thuringia, an organ of the left wing Opposition in the Ger- man Communist Party, the official Communists are using violent meth- ods to "convert" their former com- rades. In one instance a demonstra- tion by the Opposition was attacked and one of. its organizers beaten in- sensible with a hammer. In Ham- burg three detachments of the regu- lar Communist Front Fighters raided ae. meeting of the Opposition and stormed the platform, clearing a way by vigorous use of rubber clubs, brass knuckles' and knives. In Dortmund, on the other hand, Herr Thaeimann, a well-known Communist chief, had to flee from a meeting in order to escape a beating at the hands of the Op- position. • T The Two Races Ottawa Droit (Lib.): Canada is a British Dominion, it is true, but a Domnion where the two races—Eng-1 lsh and French—live an a footing of equality. In consequence the French 1 element of the population has every right tie demand from the Government the same advantages for' 1~reneh itn migrants as are granted to British settlers. roue. rw tr ,( QUALITY k1.001{. 1 1i3OS In, Li 1. Wyandotte, Red Baby °Welts, $18.00 per 100 and up. Hatebing eggs, $8.00 per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocker- els, $6.00 each, and up. 30 Page Illus- trated Catalogue Free. L. R. guild. Ss -. Sons, Box T, Rockwood, Ont. ABT—\iri HATell FOUR varieties of Baby Chicks, \: rite for ree catalogue. Price 1 O and up. A. 11. Switzer, Granton, Ont. "I presume you would he glad to have me call again?" "You do." "I do .what?" "Presume." KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WITH CUTICURA Children Like It— So Will You At the first sign of a Cold, buy "Buckley's". The first dose does two things— relieves the cough Instantly and delights the taste. Different from all other remedies for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Prevents" Flu", Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. Sold everywhere under money -refunded guarantee. W. A. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 MiX'rLJrat ate Acu like a /hob— s tingle sip proves it FNinard's Liniment :aimuiatr�r growth of hair. Beep glossy and kills 0andrufi'. gation. "God's promise is 'to you and to your children,' and thus God honors those who honor Him. The re- cruits for the ministry of the future may be expected to come from the families of those who are most faith- ful and sincere in their service to God an dtheir fellow men, either as' ministers, officers, or workers Christian churches." In On fishing trips take Minard's. Prussian Churches Expensive In an article in the ' Berlin Vor- warts discussing the budget of the Prussian State, a member of the Diet draws attention to the heavy cost of supporting the various religious de- nominations, because of the Diet's de- lay in taking the steps necessary to separate Church and State. This Years budget provides for an ex- penditure of '71,600,000 marks (worth 28.8 cents each) for Church pluposes, without any allowance for the addi- tional salaries to be paid to the clergy under the new law increasing the pay of State officials and employees. The complaining Deputy notes that the State is planning to spend only 52,; 000,000 marks in welfare work of all kinds, including the health service. He also refers to a budget deficit esti- mated at about 74,000,000 marks. — Mrs. Jones --"John, I have been talking for over two hours, and now I want your opinion on the subject." n Y Five Pupils Foran Four Classes Mr. Jones— W what hat sub Lochgahe Scotland. — This little Sect, my dear?" Highland village claims that the school here is attended by fewer pupils than any other in Scotland, if not in Great Britain. There are only five names on the register,'but as the children are of different ages the teacher; has to teach them separately and make four classes. stiiltY tf SI.. , r 01 . , II C.°i.t .,AP4 4 fir; our breeders arc bred (op high :egg production. White, Brow ' and Bnff l echorns Barred and Whim (Lorne, 11,1. Beds, Air eonas, laud Orpington, White •Wyandotsrs, a').cand up.100 • live delivery guaranteed. Writs today for 1'555 CHICK KOOK, OCHWtei.EIi'S BAUHESY, 1, taarimarrsa, a0r'rALO.4.*a USKRATS AND OTHER RAW FURS .are bringing our shippers excep- tionally high prices and 5% BONUS EXTRA. We pay all postage arid express charges-. SHIP NOW. Seed For Our Free 1928 Special Spring Price List. Levin Fur Co. LIMITED 172 1<i:tg let. East Dept, 13 `T" q 13O N TO, O N T. ISSUE Ne. �,•.'-'23 • - GEttUfN@ -PHILLIPS- .i'°r MAG A �? For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMADH HEARTBURN HEAOACNE GASES -NAUSEA woME.Y SUFFER MOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. — "I have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year I always feel tired and have no appetite. I was awful sick each month.too,havinr. pains in my back until sometimes I was'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pink - ham's \vegetable Compound to me and 1 heard many women telling how good it was so I thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles every year and recommend it to others." — DONALDA FANTEU+, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.—"I had ir- regular periods and great suffering at those times; the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours 1 would be unable to attend to lily work. Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the troubles "idly completely. relieved." —LAURA J. EATON, Canning, Icing's County, Nova Scotia. C When What many people call indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves Have been over -stimulated, and food sours. The correctitve is an alkali, which neutralities. acids instantly. And the hest alkali known to medical science As Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard With physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful o2 this harmless, taste- in- es -, a love aiknii in water \ti':' : oUtl'alize ill- $tan Cly nanny times 'i's much acid, and the symptoms d.rapp:' r at 011C',e. Yoe. will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. (o get a shall bo t lc to try. I3e euro to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, proscribed by physic roans for 50 years in cnrl'oei:liig excess aeids Each bottle c:niilalus full diroo tions—any drugstore - . , �, WOND`. R a � CONCRET'EMIXER �! 111 +'i Far Cheaper Than To . Mix By Hersel . r, The lowest priced, serviceable miter you can buy. Nlizes every- T firing better andquicker than by hand. Mixes- concrete, mortar, seed srsin, fertilizer, ,reed, etc. Pays for itself in no time. ,, i Write for descriptive folder No. II w GOOLD, SHAPLEY & MUIR CO. Ltd. Brantford Cut 9 Corrugated iron ASIi L'Oh. Wheeler & "-Mil "Council Standard" A chick, even, heavy spread of galvanize Deer every incla of sur- ce. Deep corrugations. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W, 103 George St., Toronto 2 uramodimmimmounimaamoimplenEmenra.m.4...s. Insure Fertilizer insures average ---and D ycn DOUBLE sa . ,:. r l a. ` SIE;e ' D. ?0o Vine Ave., ww Crop a crop above the W Fertilizer gives WORTH -, One Tort a� D W 4-244 ' ' = Two Tons W. GUNN, LTD, Toronto, Ont. I The BABY The depression in the center is to a box Imre Rm The Dr Williams' Medi - keep the eggs together. If left to cine Co., Bro.ckvill.•e, Ont•�- her own initiative, the bird is likely to construct a nest .o= such propor- tions that it will be physically im- possible for her to cover all the eggs, and the eggs will sooner or later be- came chilled and thus fail to hatch. Many strange phases ofwild life confront us in -handling our canaries. Freakish and unexplainable twists of their eccentric temperainent are of- ten displayed in ways that are both puzzling and humorous. For example, one would , naturally assume that 1 beh Sun'-s...New .Rival Paris, Voltaire's City of Light, boasts today the most powerful flash- light lamp in the world. Its light, generated by -electric -current, is equal to 1,400• million- eandles. When we consider that 1,400 million ordinary candles, put end to end, would extend eight to ten times round the earth, and three nests would enough in a pen almost far enough to reach the moon, containing a male and three females, • we realize how far man has travelled but the experienced breeder always as light -maker since the days of the first tallow candle. Even if lnedna;val man had been able to manufacture 1,400 million candles, and put them. in 1,400 million (candlesticks, the whole population of the world could not have set them alight; to -day a single man moves. a switch, there is a maelstrom in the ether, and the light of •1,400 million candies bursts into' flame. ' '- So powerfulis the lamp in Paris that from the top of the Eiffel Tower it would be visible for hundreds of miles; and 'if the Eiffel Tower were twice as high a man with field -glasses at Vienna would be able to see it quite clearly. The heat in the centre of the electric flame which radiates the light reaches 6,500 degrees Centigrade. That is to say, it equals the heat at the surface of the sun! puts in an extra nest. If there are only three nests in the cage, two hens will invariably choose the same one and if left to themselves they will both lay in that nest and fight each other for the privilege or honor, of sitting there. In all my experience I have never seen any exceptions to this rule. 'If the nest anot g enough large eno u h for both birds, one will park herself on the edge and will maintain her position in thes ame earnest manner as the one hovering the eggs. When the hen in possession leaves for food the watchful, waiting mother - to -be immediately jumps into the nest and very proudly takes up the duties. When the first hen returns she will park herself on the edge of the nest —and so it continues. I•ta"ving the fourth nest in the cage eliminates tbat condition. When the birds have settled down to housekeeping the, fourth nest can safely be removed. When your birds start to build their nests It is well to pulverize some old ,plaster and sprinkle it over the bot- tom of the cage every day. Crushed egg-shella also are good. These measures wilI prevent soft-shelled eggs. A little boiled egg should be given your birds every other day at this time. Keep seed, gravel, cuttle- bone and fresh water before them at all times. • Nbw is the time that your birds must be left to themselves. Don't go around them any more than is absolutely necessary. Don't allow strangers around them, and above all, keep the cats and dogs away. Birds are very eccentric and very observing. Make a sudden or un- usual movement before their cage and they will be suspicious of you the rest of the day. A nervous person ;vill never have much success raising canaries. An old lady called on 1013 one day and wanted to know my secret of raising birds. She informed me that she had been trying for three consecutive years and had not one bird of her own raising to show for her time and trouble.... I visited her home and entered the room where her birds were kept. She opened the door with a quick move- ment and almost rushed into the room. Instantly her birds ceased singing and began to fly wildly around their cages as if a. cat had jumped into their midst and was threatening their very lives. They seemed to regard her more as an enemy than friend, and went into a flutter when she even approached their cages. I gave her a kindly: warning and Iater `traded her some old, motherly females for some of her demoralized stock. That year she raised quite a number of birds, But as her temperament does not tit ].leer for the vocation, she will always be handicapped in that ;particular line of endeavor. Canaries lay their eggs in the early morning ancl with rare exceptions start sitting just as soon as the first' egg appears. They lay from three to seven eggs for a sitting, four eggs are about the average and this num- ber is more desirable than a larger sitting: No mother in this enlightened age wculd give her baby something she• did not know was perfectly harnaless, eepecialiy when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretful- ness and Lever, too; it seems no time until everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil . might accomplish, without shock to " the system. • Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can , give it as often as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- • al sleep:.. Just one warning; ' it is genuine `letcher's Casteria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, hut no child of this writer's is gain, to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria Is worth its weight In gold. Children Cry for the Conservatives—the very men who 'elected him to his exalted offiee. The opposition parties, while agree ing to co-operate in winding up the Parliamentary business and to refrain from making partisan motions, re- served the right to criticize and vote against the budget, for the creation of which they had no responsibility. v • 1Y Red (Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you 040 bay. In clean, bright Alzrininrx Parsons and Their Classified Advertisements Sons Black sheep come more often from the parsonage than from other homes, it has. long popularly been believed; but -refutation of this baseless charge, notes The Christian Obse1'Ver (Pres- byterian), has been made many times, particularly by reports found in 'Who's Who in America." A careful investigation reveals that a large per- centage ° or ministers whose, names a book of n,rt bee recorded in that have notteworthy names followed in the footsteps of their fathers. Now comes the Clergymen's Committtee of the American Engenics Society with its results of a canvass of 100 leading ministers in America. As the report is summarized in The Christian Ob- server: "Two-fifths of these stated that they themselves were the sons of minis- ters. Three others were, sons of a local or lay preacher, and one had a Quaker preacher for a mother. Ten of those interviewed had grandfath- ers who were ministers and seven had great-grandfathers and three great -great-grandfathers in the minis- try. One man reported an unbroken line bf Presbyterian ancestors run- ning back to the seventeenth century, and another a similar line of Mora- vian ministers beginning in 1740. Thirty-eight were sons of church of- ficers and only eighteen of the hun- dred were sons of men who were neither ministers nor church officers ! "Th fact that two-fifths of the hun- dred ministers are sons of ministers indicates that the preacher's son who adopts his father's profession does so with full knowledge of what it means to devote his life to the work of the ministry.. The committee reaches the conviction that the future church leaders in America must come from church families, and that church lead- ers produce church leaders. The list of one hundred ministers interviewed includes the most successful minis- ters in the American pulpit to -day." 1 Those who are familiar with the teachings of the Bible, comments this. - �-- -•®- -�°°• —7Louisville weekly, are not surprised at the tale told by this careful investf- ` youNG TORTUREY THE LITTLE ONES Mothers, do you think it fair to tor- ture your' little ones by forcing them to take ill -tasting oils when they need a laxative medicine? Don't you find that the child's bread of these medi- cines often do more harm than good? Baby's Own Tablets are the modern substitute for these nauseous doses. They are the very medicine the child requires and are so pleasant to take mat they are as easy' to administer as a glass of water They are the per- fect remedy for all the minor ailments of little ones, being absolutely guar- anteed free from injurious drugs. Baby's Own Tablets accomplish all that castor oil and other bad -tasting remedies can do. In fact they" ac- complish more as they .do not leave the `child exhausted from its struggle against taking medicine. They re- lieve teething pains, banish indiges- tion -and constipation, break up colds and simple fevers and promote health- ful, refreshing sleep.' They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "Canada For Me." Here we have an English lad who came across story -book thrills in the Canadian West. He is Richard Barnes,' of Kent, later `cowboy of the 2XY ranch in Alberta. He went broke, was hired on the ranch, was shot for criticizing a .shady poker play, was subsequently deported from the U.S.A. because he lacked entry papers, was burnt out in a Windsor, Ont., hotel, walked on foot to Montreal dressed in cowboy outfit, and from there embarked with nine cents in his pocket for England on the Ounarder Ascania. "A great life!" he declared, and promised to acquire an English wife and to settle in Canada this summer. rn Use Minard's Liniment for Cos. .f, Communists Fight Each Other Aceording to reports in the Volks- wille of Suhl, Thuringia, an organ of the left wing Opposition in the Ger- man Communist Party, the official Communists are using violent meth- ods to "convert" their former com- rades. In one instance a demonstra- tion by the Opposition was attacked and one of. its organizers beaten in- sensible with a hammer. In Ham- burg three detachments of the regu- lar Communist Front Fighters raided ae. meeting of the Opposition and stormed the platform, clearing a way by vigorous use of rubber clubs, brass knuckles' and knives. In Dortmund, on the other hand, Herr Thaeimann, a well-known Communist chief, had to flee from a meeting in order to escape a beating at the hands of the Op- position. • T The Two Races Ottawa Droit (Lib.): Canada is a British Dominion, it is true, but a Domnion where the two races—Eng-1 lsh and French—live an a footing of equality. In consequence the French 1 element of the population has every right tie demand from the Government the same advantages for' 1~reneh itn migrants as are granted to British settlers. roue. rw tr ,( QUALITY k1.001{. 1 1i3OS In, Li 1. Wyandotte, Red Baby °Welts, $18.00 per 100 and up. Hatebing eggs, $8.00 per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocker- els, $6.00 each, and up. 30 Page Illus- trated Catalogue Free. L. R. guild. Ss -. Sons, Box T, Rockwood, Ont. ABT—\iri HATell FOUR varieties of Baby Chicks, \: rite for ree catalogue. Price 1 O and up. A. 11. Switzer, Granton, Ont. "I presume you would he glad to have me call again?" "You do." "I do .what?" "Presume." KEEP YOUR SCALP Clean and Healthy WITH CUTICURA Children Like It— So Will You At the first sign of a Cold, buy "Buckley's". The first dose does two things— relieves the cough Instantly and delights the taste. Different from all other remedies for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Prevents" Flu", Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. Sold everywhere under money -refunded guarantee. W. A. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St., Toronto 2 MiX'rLJrat ate Acu like a /hob— s tingle sip proves it FNinard's Liniment :aimuiatr�r growth of hair. Beep glossy and kills 0andrufi'. gation. "God's promise is 'to you and to your children,' and thus God honors those who honor Him. The re- cruits for the ministry of the future may be expected to come from the families of those who are most faith- ful and sincere in their service to God an dtheir fellow men, either as' ministers, officers, or workers Christian churches." In On fishing trips take Minard's. Prussian Churches Expensive In an article in the ' Berlin Vor- warts discussing the budget of the Prussian State, a member of the Diet draws attention to the heavy cost of supporting the various religious de- nominations, because of the Diet's de- lay in taking the steps necessary to separate Church and State. This Years budget provides for an ex- penditure of '71,600,000 marks (worth 28.8 cents each) for Church pluposes, without any allowance for the addi- tional salaries to be paid to the clergy under the new law increasing the pay of State officials and employees. The complaining Deputy notes that the State is planning to spend only 52,; 000,000 marks in welfare work of all kinds, including the health service. He also refers to a budget deficit esti- mated at about 74,000,000 marks. — Mrs. Jones --"John, I have been talking for over two hours, and now I want your opinion on the subject." n Y Five Pupils Foran Four Classes Mr. Jones— W what hat sub Lochgahe Scotland. — This little Sect, my dear?" Highland village claims that the school here is attended by fewer pupils than any other in Scotland, if not in Great Britain. There are only five names on the register,'but as the children are of different ages the teacher; has to teach them separately and make four classes. stiiltY tf SI.. , r 01 . , II C.°i.t .,AP4 4 fir; our breeders arc bred (op high :egg production. White, Brow ' and Bnff l echorns Barred and Whim (Lorne, 11,1. Beds, Air eonas, laud Orpington, White •Wyandotsrs, a').cand up.100 • live delivery guaranteed. Writs today for 1'555 CHICK KOOK, OCHWtei.EIi'S BAUHESY, 1, taarimarrsa, a0r'rALO.4.*a USKRATS AND OTHER RAW FURS .are bringing our shippers excep- tionally high prices and 5% BONUS EXTRA. We pay all postage arid express charges-. SHIP NOW. Seed For Our Free 1928 Special Spring Price List. Levin Fur Co. LIMITED 172 1<i:tg let. East Dept, 13 `T" q 13O N TO, O N T. ISSUE Ne. �,•.'-'23 • - GEttUfN@ -PHILLIPS- .i'°r MAG A �? For Troubles due to Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMADH HEARTBURN HEAOACNE GASES -NAUSEA woME.Y SUFFER MOST These Two Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. — "I have been teaching for three years, and at the end of the year I always feel tired and have no appetite. I was awful sick each month.too,havinr. pains in my back until sometimes I was'oblged to stop working. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pink - ham's \vegetable Compound to me and 1 heard many women telling how good it was so I thought it would help me. And it did. Now I take six bottles every year and recommend it to others." — DONALDA FANTEU+, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec. "Unable to Work" Canning, Nova Scotia.—"I had ir- regular periods and great suffering at those times; the pains causing vomiting and fainting. I was teach- ing school and often for some hours 1 would be unable to attend to lily work. Through an advertisement in the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, and it has been of great benefit to me, the troubles "idly completely. relieved." —LAURA J. EATON, Canning, Icing's County, Nova Scotia. C When What many people call indigestion very often means excess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves Have been over -stimulated, and food sours. The correctitve is an alkali, which neutralities. acids instantly. And the hest alkali known to medical science As Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard With physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful o2 this harmless, taste- in- es -, a love aiknii in water \ti':' : oUtl'alize ill- $tan Cly nanny times 'i's much acid, and the symptoms d.rapp:' r at 011C',e. Yoe. will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. (o get a shall bo t lc to try. I3e euro to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, proscribed by physic roans for 50 years in cnrl'oei:liig excess aeids Each bottle c:niilalus full diroo tions—any drugstore - . ,