Zurich Herald, 1928-03-01, Page 4,7 ikrtio Westinghouse Batteryless Radio IP YOU HAVE NOT HEARD THIS NEW (LOW PITCH) RECE1V- ;6 ANI? LOUD SPEAKERS YOU HAVE NOT HEARD A REAL .SET HESS SEE AND HEAR IT AT ELECT RIC RADIO 1 "Give me ten minutes a week and I'll knock dollars off your tire bills" VET a day every week -preferably any one but Saturday or Sunday -and let me look over your tires. It'll mean dollars off your tire bill. Maybe they need more air. Two or three pounds under pressure will take miles off the life of a tires Maybe there's a nail or a flint just waiting to work through and make trouble. Maybe they're O.K, and you can drive away in comfort. Ten minutes! But isn't it worth it to feel sure of 3'UUT =car C"vvilei s spcnc Tridil Bali •fioiti on it he side oft the ±dad ti caui;e they won't take the ordinary. precaution. And that's saying nothing of the extra mileage they might get and the =my they might save. DOMMO1 TRE DEPOT Fi. MOUS: AU 179 Zfilit14311 I ►..+.p„�.• mit xti lld9' swan geese. alt, FT, IMPLEMENTS, ETC, -- 7 -ft, binder, 6 -ft. M; H. mowers1.4 plate M, -H, disc, 111„-1.3, manure a T^ reader, M, -H, fertilizer drill 11 disc,. seed drill 13 disc; M,-11, side del- ivery rake and tedder combined, M. -H, hay rake 12 ft, Oliver riding, plow, 'M, -E, etultivatol, steel rol- ler; No. 8 double scuffler, hand sc•uffier, 4 section diamond har d row, 2 walking plows, Verity an r �,tf for estab. on credit- amounts, pereival; Ile" wagon 2;;4 ,n' tire, Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Steel, wheel tuerr., 4 -in, tire, top R, F, Stade, Clerk buggy, bob sleigh, saw -log bunks, Wrc, J. Blackwell,, Administrator. cutter, Clinton fanning milt with .Q bagger, almost new; 2000 lb Beale Gurneys; bang truck, 'wagon box, 10 ft, hay rack, stock met., gravel box 2 feed boxes; Conner gasoline en- gine, 4-h., p.; cutting box, 25 -ft. 6 -in. rubber belt, Conner buzz saw, 60 feet line shafting ',1•4 -in; dozer anchor .posts ,fence posts, wheel- barrow, 2 logging chains, ' banding chain, extension ladder', 80 -tap pails. and spiles, sap pan,. Anger fettle, 6 apple barrels new, 2 grindstone8 emery stone, 2 scythes, 5' hoes, good work bench with 2 screws, :e -cut taW, axe, copper kettle, 8 sett double harness, oak tan don- hle Harness ;sett single harness, pr. JScotch collars, 6 collars, horsehide robe nearly new, good Skill roll, horse blankets, wool, Veir.ket,string bells, pr. heavy bells, 3 doubletrees 3 and 4 horse eveneraaforks,scoop shovel ;spades, 3 neclyokes} seal- ding trough, pr. trusels, gas drum wagon jack. GRAIN - 150 bushels mixed 'grain; 300 bushels Banner 'seed oats; quantity of hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 2 beds with springs and mattresses, child's bed, cradle, cupboard, 2 tables, rocking chair, kitchen stove flour chest, Peninsular range, 2 doz. half -gal, sea:er's, canned pickles and beans, quantity of seed potatoes, early and late; about 25 bush pot- atoes for table use; 1000 Ne - 7 slop brick, milk pails;• onion seed- er, 2 benehes, melts; wine kegs, pork barrel, ..cider barrel, lard cans, lamps, hanging lalnp,wash- ing machine, wringer, DeLaval separator ,churn lanterns and num- erous other articles. . • • Everything must be •sold as the farm is sold. Cattle are. of high class Shorthorns; Implements all in good shave, some nearly new. TERMS -Hay, grain, potatoes and all sums of $10 'and under cash. staxada, kitchen table, tub,• croaks, sealers, some dishes, syrup pan, 1,4ts, pails, washing rua.chine and wring0r, adld numerous other art toren, t TERMS -Beal Estate- 20%r on day bf Sale, balance in 30 d- without interest, Other a10, and and under .cash „,vim„ filial amount 8 mo ---‘'i ns' credit on ap provedr• joint notes. 4% straight AUCTION SALE Of Varna Stock i.faxLplem;en: J and Irousehold kffee&s On N32 Lot 19, L. R. E, Manley Tp. 14 mile north of Drysdale, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14th, 1929 Commencing at 1.00 o'clock Sharp LIVE STOCK - Horses -1 bay horse rising 10 yrs; 1 aged mare; 1 aged aware, Cattle -R(244 Cow dile in July; Roan cow due Lir I August; White heifer bred ion Jan. llth; Grey heifer rising lyra; heifer rising 1 yr; steer rising 1 yr. fall calf; year old Collie dog. Hogs -Brood sow with litter at foot; 4 stocker pigs weighing a- bout ri5 lbs. each. About 100 hens mostly all pullets, IMPLEMENTS - 51,-H, binder 6-11. cut, MI. -H. mower 5 -ft, eut, M -i3. Spring tooth cultivator, new 10-11. steel rake, 3 -section har- row, walking plow, gang plow, wagon, wagon box, 16 -ft. hay rack, bob sleighs, Clinton fanning mill, 2,000-1b. scale, 30 -ft, ladder, bu egy- Portland cutter, light wagons ce91r= ring box, root pulper, wieeseiseesow grindstone, app_e pew:ler, ladder, a quantity of gra;u bags,horse se- ufler, 3 p'.tri forks, 6prong fork, scooP f:aovel, shovels, hoes, log- gi:,g• chains, brass mounted harn- ess new, double heavy nickle har- ness, single harness, set bridles; DeLaval creamseparator, gaiv. apple drier, Daisy churn, iron kettle, 3 berry crates, big 30-doz, egg crate, kettle stand, quantity of lute t er, lumber for pig rack, fish- ing netts. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 22 • glass cupboards, cook stove, he- ater, 2 meat barrels, quantity .of', haft-gal.lsealers,lard can, west: et- and, tancl, clotlie's horse,fiovr' can, 2:Leaf barrels, glicntity •of half -gal. Over that amount 9 month,5 credit 1i ;;,y, flour can, pails, 2 sn.a11 Orli approved joint note's, 4% per horse, lour can, pails, 2 . small annum off for cash on credit am- iron kettles, 2 bedsteads, hang•irr;, lamp, small lamp, house scales,but- ter bowl; x -cut saw and numerous articles. - TERMS -$10 and under Lash. Over . thet amount 7 months' credit will ba given on furnishing appro ved joint notes. 4% of for cash on credit amounts. - Arthur Weber, Auctioneer Earl Weide, Clerk. Robert Turner, Proprietor.. ounts. J. P. Rau, Proprietor. Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk Oscar Klopp, . Arthur Weber, Auctioneers. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S. No. 15 ,Hay for the estreenth of January, Those mar- Ikea missed exams. 3r. V --Janet Turnbull 73. See, IV -Martha Rader 75. ;+Sr. III -Luella Walper 69, Elva 'ffertribull 68, 'Harry Wiilert 62, Barletta Weeper 59, Ivan Sharrow II -Lillian Wilson 65, Jack ar,nbull 56. a II -Frieda Rader 53*, Anna `aerson 52, Lloyd Willer't 40*, dilly Sharrow 37*, int Class -Warren Sharrow 79, latrma Keller 57, 'Printer -Florence Truemner 89, Sea Baker 87, Merle Walper 81, :Oltiath Sharrow, absent, Miss A. Hoffman, Teacher, AUCTION SALE Of FARM, FARM STOCK„ IbiPL- EMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD J VeFECT$, • On Lot 19, don. 6, Township of Hay, 214 miles east and half mile south of Zurich on TUESDAY, MARCH 6th, 1928 Commencing at 12.30 o'clock, a.m. the following REAL ESTATE -Farms consist- ing of 100 acres more or less, frame house 18x24, with kitchen attached 16x22, woodshed, bank barn L shape, barn in 75x36 ft; 'straw shed 32x40, driving shed 20x40, orchard, 15 acres of hardwood bush, well drained, g acres og fall wheat,fall plowing done, rest in hay and pasture.. Grass Farm -Being W of loft S5 on the 7th Con., a quant- ity 'of timber on it. 75 acres,tnore or less, LIVE STOCK -Hoes ---1 bay gelding 6 yrs. old; 1 bay mare 6 yrs. .old; 1 bay .filly 4 yrs, old' 1lbay mare 11 yrs.lnld;,i baymare 13 yrs. old; Cattls r 3steers 2 yrs, olcl, 8 yearling .st2 4:s, 7 year- ling heifers. Hens -100 w�`t�,ite Leg- horn hens; 90 mixed hens:_ IMPLEME NTS, ETC k�riist & Wood 6 -ft; binder, Frost & Wood ;pringtooth 'cultivator, Freet & Wood mower, 5 -ft. cut; stiff -tooth 'L -H. cultivator, Cockshutt fertil- izer drill, Noxon hoe drill, M. -1 bean cultivator with puller rate tachtnent, 1 -horse 'dcuf£ler, t sec- tion diamond harrows, 1$ ft. hay rack, wagon, gravel 'pox, fanning mill, set bob sleighs, 2000-1b. scale with stock raft attached, M, -1t manure spreader, light wagon, '2 top buggies, wheelbarrow, exten- sion ladder, block and tackle,piano• box, cutter, light buggy, Ford tour ing car, set 'sling ropes, McCor- n,ick-Deering 10-20 tractor, 2 -fur- row tractor plow, double tractor disc, grinder, saw and frame, Blizzard cutting box with pipes 'self interest; 3 -furrow plow, 2 ^arrow plow, pea harvester, grind ;tone, 3 -drum steel roller, wooden roller, M. -H. 10 -ft, steel rake, Flu- ery walking plow, Oliver riding plow, Trost & Wood 3 -horse disc, r,onrlon fenee machine, set heavy harness, plow harness, single har- ness, hoes, forks, rake, shovels spa- des, collars, 100 sap buckets and spiles, Sap pan, sap barrels, • a• few rolls of roofing, wood axe,. 1,rnic1 see, P:0USEOULD EFFECTS -•- Cook stove, baseburner heater,. Detroit vapor, 2 heaters, extension table, ,fleboard; bureau, cupboard;eouch, dining room theirs, kitchen chairs, rocking chairs, hanging lamp, clock, parlor suite, 3 small Ittnrps, 2 lanterns, 4 bedsteads, writing desk, •crewing machine, cream sep- •,t,,,r, dresser small. tables and AUCTION SALE Of Parra Stock, 1fi plements, • And Household Effect:, On Lot 7, Con. 15, Hay TIS„11,4 west and 1;¢ mile north of Dash- wood on TUESDAY MARCH 13th, 1928 Commencing at 1.00 o'clock. HORSES -Black Clyde mare rising 5 yrs. old; Dark bay mare rising 7 yrs;, light bay mare rising 2 yrs. old; .Bay driver quiet and re- liable 11 yrs. old. . CATTLE -sect cow with calf at opt `Red cow due in April; Cow due in Sept; Roan cow due en ;lune lst; Rad eo'W with calf at foot; 34yr., old heifer due in April. fat heifer rising 2 yrs; steer ris- ing 1; 2 heifers rising yr; fall calf; 2 small calves. Cattle are all A. I. condition and quality, PIGS AND IIENS-Sow dire Ne.;,r 1st; 7 pigs 7 weeks old i Back hens mostly pullet& IMPLEMENTS - McCormick binder 6 -ft,. 111 'good shape, De- ering 5 -ft: h1a'itver, Cockshutt 11 disc ferii•t't er drill new, Prost Sc Wocdl siring tooth cultivator ne- arl ', new, McCormick 10-fte steel -rake nearly new, land. roller, 3- section diamond harrows, M.- H. hay loader with fore -car a'e good as new, good wagon box, E Stock rack, gravel box new, horse scuffler Clinton fanning' mill 12-1b°. scales, Fleury walking: plow new, Verity walking plauw•, double plow inthrow disc, top iseggy nearly new, cutter, set swung ropes, .16 -ft hay rack new, ding box, L. root pulper, bob sleigh, doubletrees, neekyoke, logging' chain, quantity grain bags, ,scalding barrels, shop vels, forks, .Noes,. set of heavy brit - ellen harriese new with collars and tops, good heavy .set plow bar - fleas, x*cut saw, good single ,har- ness, light harness and collar,braes ni,ounted-britehen harness and num- erous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - 600 -ib capacity DeLaval cream separ- ator, lattern lamps 5 -gal. coal oil can, pc. linoleum 4 yds, wide and 5 yds long; 4 dining roots chairs, 2 bedsteads, springs, parlor lamp, box stove, clothes horse, Everything will bo sold las proprietor has sold his farmi. 1 TERMS - 410 and under cash. over' that amount 8 ironths''credit Vial bb given on furnishing ,111)- Droved joint ' t notes.4% of f cash .on, credit. amounts, Heforns ea; Ai•t��;h iltr Weber, Auctioneer. Addle Tiernan, Clerk, Lours Snatuxiache s 2saprietioae -.,,m v,K r`ti�,Ztir saran $ a Naga;;nst etzt and curb cTut ng - ads for TLT&wise + • oto /,tom ist e } ig1 1tiiiquality-Taw1n price. A genuine Seiber- ling built tire, 29 X 4.40, for only 9.55 r-rimtire-xvibeat d the value -w se motorist can tell by one look at a Seib- erling All -Tread that it offers more Lire and greater value. ..bre rubber, strop get' t`01481,More material, more actual tire for every tire dollar you spend on Seiberlings And added to this, a quality which comes. from the knowledge and skill acqured in the building of over 50,000,000 tire& Call and see for yourself how those heavy - ribs of tough rubber extending right over the side-wall protect against curb and rut chafing.;,. Hear eve SL' LBERL1NG SING) 1tS every Tne,Any at 8 o'clock, EastermStanclacd Time, over WEAF and 26 other stations. Ha S WEIN Dashwood Mak • You will find O4rr Service Department prompt, courteous ,and modernly, equipped_ Commencing at 1. o clock. HORSES -- 1 black mare ris- ing 8 yrs., 1501500 -lbs; 1 bay mare rising 7, 1400 lbs, by Commodore ; Chestnut horse rising 7, 1500 lbs.; 1 aged mare, CATTLE -1 Stock Bull, White Marquis -186503- born Oct. 15th, 1926; Red Bose 189663-, born Jan 5, 1922, bred Jan, ,2 to Whitt Mar- quis; Snow Drop Rose -20614- born Dec. 28, 1923, bred to ;White Mar- quis Dec. 7; Rosalie Snowdrop 150616- born Dec.. ,1 1914, bred to Huron Lavender Sept.. 10; Snow- drift -176990- born Apr. 9, 1921, bred Oct. 6 to Heron 'Lavender; grade cow rising 6 clue at timeof Sale; cow :rising 5 duo at time;of. Sale; heifer' rising 3, due at time of sale; Cow 0 yrs. old Due Julie 18; cow 8 -yrs, old bred Jan. 8; nd ' . 3rcl 2rising r heiferrs sied2Jnot an. lrfi AUC I L 5A , ' be eligible for registration; 5 steers rising '2, 6 steers rising 1 yr old; 1 heifer rising ,1 eligible for reg- istration. '7TOGS-0 t;tocken; 170 lbs, each. 1 sow due March 15, `. T'OUT.'PR Y * 3. dozen pulletts, 1 dozen li ci.r old hoes, 2 pair Af- i'AItM STOC1 , IMPLEMENTS, AND 1rTJRI`IITURE, n Lot 26, Con. 11, Hay Township 134 utile north of Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1928 t 9 a 19 OU?ACC. 4th Are now ready for all partieswho have accounts on our books. Ali Accounts not called for by Feb. 1st will be sent through the ;chill 1 k Salt I Contin a tit 1 For Your HOES CATTLE, HOGS,. SHEEP' and POULTRY Louis Schil ;site 1" Zurich r ' aeea�er �clrt l tl' � sari gl�ldr�481ti�1+I i6b►d1ACl14104EYD®��*liT l'��i The New tmd Finer Pontiac Six New Beauty,, New Features, New Lew Pi ibe; The moment you see the new and finen Pontiac Six, you vvifi'realize that it is big value 7a�nQd leader - ala in the old of low-priced Sixes.. • .this bya demonstration,•. LetItiS prove PA IGE WTINCOLORCOMBINN i!-'RIIIO BODY TYPES AND, COLO A 1ONS -- IN.SIXES AND EIGHTS * GIVES 'YOU':. TEE YIDIl 'RA ON OF INDIVIIbJAL CHOICE IN,. TIM BES' TER Atea I 1 PRIMP AUTOS. Ike* recast PJOCA and !drive tbese new Paige. ears .before ,,gown titn lwaUy rorrUee' the wonderful pkenforroance and the enonatrate, B � am realty ate. Let we d Ail!TO R1PA%RING AND GENER.A,L,,•G•,ASA0h7 WORK ,A SPECIALTY Gas rit EL, Pron. 4bm eeieTires Ac,cesppso es ��yy.