Zurich Herald, 1928-01-19, Page 7MOTHERS
If Your Daughter Shows Signs
of Anaemia a Tonic is
Anaemia is simply a lack of blood,
i2t is one bfthe, moat common and at
the same time most dangerous trou-
'blee from which growing girls suffer.
it is common because the blood so of-
ien becomes impoverished during de-
,velopment, when girls often overwork
,and overstudy. It is dangerous be -
tense of the stealthiness of its ap-
proach and because of its tendency to
grow steadily worse. Every growing
girl should occasionally take a tonin
to ward off this insidious trouble. It
is because of their powerful action in
rebuilding ' the blood that Dr. Wil -
tams' Pink Pills have made a world-
'ide reputation. The case of Miss
'Claire Sullivan, Pincher Creek, Alta.,
'amply proves the value of this medi-
`eine. Miss Sullivan says: "During my
school days I suffered a great deal
from thin and watery blood. I was
continually weak and tired; my appe-
tite was poor, my sleep unrefreshing
land I was troubled with backaches.
�'l o make matters worse I was attack-
ed with acute appendicitis and the
operation left me in a very weakened
!State. My mother, learning of the
!value of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, had
Me take them, and after using them
tor some time I can say the rsult was
tBimply wonderful, as they completely
restored my health, and now -when op-
portunity occurs I always recommend
•these pills to weak, pale girls suffer-
ing as I did."
You can get the pills from your
drnggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr: Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Noise Annoys
' PCIO From ,a "HOW"
The Artful Thing!
Now doth the little busy bee
Light sportively upon it,
And slyly crep inside, with glee,
The presidential bonnet.
With regard to petting, girls
take it or be left alone.
jass and "Pesky" Noises Said
to Cost London 11,000,-
000 Week
London.—Jazz and othernoises cost
Britain more than £ 1,000,000 weekly,
says Professor H. J. Spooner, an
authority on industrial fatigue.
"I estimate the aggregate economic
lose in this country due to impair -
Mont of working capacity owing to
noise at more than £1,000,000 every
seven days," the professor told the
Society of Women's Musicians, add-
ing: "The loss due to illness and pre-
mature death cannot be estimated."
Professor Spooner referred to jazz
bands in the restaurants, quoting this
epigram: "Take• the din out of dinner
and put the rest in hestaurant"
"Many persons appear to enjoy this
terrible din in the restaurants 'and
elsewhere to such' an extent that one
establishment here pays £16,000 an-
nually for its jazz band," said the
noise expert.
It is pure fallacy to think that if
!people become so accustgmed to noise
that they no longer notice it, the
nerve force suffering in any case, the
professor averred in his tally favoring
as public health noise abatement act.
Minard's Liniment for rheumatism.
Landon—William Rieharcl Morrie,
"Henry Ford of England," Ieft re-
cently on. a world tour, including the
United States, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand. He has with hint one
of his own ears, which he proposes to
drive himself in. New Zealand and
;Australia, ,with a view to gathering
first -band experience of conditions
ander which they are run in the Brit-
ish dominions.
The person who will lash and rasp,
,Ill break• every bone in your body,"
may get fine practice upon 1115 own
"I'm a very busy man, sir.
your proposition?"
"I want to make you rich."
- "Well, •Ieave your recipe with me
and I'll look it over later. Just now
I'm ,engaged in closing up. a deal by
which I expect to make $7 in 'real
Good salesmanship, like good cooks,
creates an appetite when the buyer
doesn't seem hungry.
What is
"Are New York men Mk?"
"Dearie, New York men are so fast
they can put out the light, jump in
bed and get there before the room
gets dark."
The man who is continually crack-
ing jokes about women's clothing has
verylittle to talk about.
Teacher—"George, how often do you
Honest lad '— "Summer
It may be a mansion,
It may be a farm—with an old oak-
en pump.
It may be a palace, it may be a fiat;
It may be the room where you hang
up your hat.
It may be a house with a hole in the
Or marble hotel, with a coon at the
It may be exclusive or simple or swell,
A wee bit of heaven or one little—
Just try to remember, wherever you
That Shakespeare was right,' kid!
"Ther's No Place Like Home."
What a superb thing it would be if
we were all big enough in mind to see
no slights, accept no insults, cherish
no jealousies and admit into our
hearts no hatred.
or winter
It may be a
She—"If you men would just quit
looking at girls in short skirts, they'd
soon quit wearing them."
He—"Yes, I suppose they'd , have to
do something drastic."
Mauy a girl goes to bed at night
feeling like a $10 corsage bokay and
gets up in the morning feeling like a
mess of dandelion greens.
"A little paint will brighten up any
joint," said Gladys as she applied
rouge to her knee.
"Now creation?
"No, this is just the little dues I
wore in the birth of a nation," '
-It's no disbrace to die poor."
"May1ie not, but it's sure a dirty
trick on the relations."
She was only a vegetarian's daugh-
ter, but she 'did know her onions,
010 maids know little abo, t bring-
ing up children. All they are supposed
to bring up is the rear.
due ti) Add
When Pain
What Trate people caIl indigestion
'very often means excess acid in the
stonaaclt. '1'lhe stomach nerves have
boon over -stimulated, and food sours.
The corrective is an alkali, which neu-
tralizes acids instantly. And the best
alkali known to medical science is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, It has re-
mained the standard With physicians
in the tO years since its invention:
tine weariful of this harmless, taste-
less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly inany time's as much acid, and
the symptoms disappear at once.' You
Will never use crude methods when
once you learn the efficiency of this.
Go gel, aemall bottle to try.
I3e•stir'e to get the genuine. Philips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians fol" 6'0 years in correcting, excess • many,
acids. Each bii tle contains full direc-
Leivart, a French circus performer ,being shot 80 feet in the air at
Christmas Circus Olympia London.
By Always Keeping Baby's Own
Tablets in the Home.
A simple and safe remedy for the
common ills of babyhood and child-
hood should be kept in every home
where there is either a baby or a
young child. Often it is necessary to
give the little one something to break
u $ a cold, allay fever, correct sour
stomach and banisla the irritability
that accompanies the cutting of teeth.
Experienced mothers always keep
Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a
safeguard against the troublesf that
seize their little ones so suddenlx and
the young mother can feel reasghably
safe with a box of these Tabits at
hand - and ready for emergencies'
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative that act without
griping and they are absolutely : guar-
anteed free fromopiates or other
harmful drugs. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dy. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
- Jungle Veterans
Which Animals Live Longest?
It was announced recently that a
pony had lived to the amazing age of
fifty-three years. But horses are na-
turally • much longer lived than is
generally • supposed, for as a rule a
horse's legs go from unnatural work
on hard roads and it is destroyed long
before it has reached its natural span
of life.
The longest lived of British nam-
mais is probably the red deer. Forty,
fifty, even sixty years is given as the
age of this animal. The famous white
hind of Loch Treig is said to have
lived one hundred and ten years.
Elephants usually live to eighty,
and there are many instances of ele-
phants over a hundred years old. But
size has not much to do with age,•for
lions and • tigers aro not long lived,
and even the great grizzly bear, which
often weighs twelve hundred pounds,
has a life span of only thirty years.
The buffalo Is old at twenty.
Birds live longer than beasts. The
parrot holds the record in this re-
spect. There is a parrot in London
which is definitely ,known to be at
least one hundred and twenty years
old. All day it talks, swings on a
rope, and plays with a ball. This bird
was originally the tribal mascot of the
Rajah of Saturn, and was captured
from him in 1801. Ravens and eagles
are supposed to live a very long time,
but we have no exact figures. Of
geese, • however, we have an instance
of one sixty years old that was still
strong and healthy.
The tortoise is the longest lived of
land animals. One of the giant Gala-
pagos Island tortoises which died in
the Zoo in 1908 was believed to be
three hundred and fifty years old.
The Orange Pekoe
is extra good
0` In clean, bright Aluminum
Ottawa—Canada intends to build
two modern destroyers to replace the.
two now in commission, Patriot and
Patricia. In the meanime arrange-
ments have been made with the Brit-
ish Admiralty or the temporary "loan"
of two destroyers, "Torry" and "Torea-
dor." Tenders for the new boats
which will probably be built in Eng-
land will be called for as soon as
Parliament sanctions he move. The
present Canadian "Navy" will go out
of commission immediately.
New York—Automobiles registered
in the United States in 1927 showed
the smallest percentage of increase
since the infancy of the industry, 4.nd
the smallest numerical increase since
1916, the annual survery by Motor
Magazine shows. Withdrawal of the
Ford car from the market during the
last half of the year and more wide-
spread junking operations were held
Registration as of January 1, 1928,
the survey indicates, will show 23,-
226,191 automobiles registered, an in-
crease of 1,224,798 over January 1,
1926. Passenger cars now in use
number 20,282,000 and trucks 2,994,-
000. The increase was smaller by
7,600 than in he depression year of
1921, and 61,000 smaller than in the
war year, 1918.
Scientists who are searching for
lost civilizations should visit ,some of
our traffic centers.—Brooklyn -Eagle.
Even in Bible tines it was custom•
ary to anoint the head with oil, but
not by crawling under the car,—
Wichita Falls Record -News.
University to Receive
Winnipeg, Man.—The 'University of
Manitoba is to., receive the sunt of
$80,000 from the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, •in
connection with a pension scheme for
members ol the university's staff.
The grafting of this sum by the
foundation is made eoudtional upon
the cont:ributioii by the university of
a sum equivalent to that contributed
by !lose inembers of the teaching staff,
who enter into the pension plan. This
Would mean that the tuliversity would
Contriilute approxiurately $17,000 an-,
tions—any drugstore- The King' of Pain- Miiaret's Liniment
` ®EdNE�.�Q�po
A4 O��e��S
,11 Ri°" b Price6.25
it.., AtAli Druggists
p„?..„j roan ABOUT GfAfNtJ.f''Otl RERUcsT.
For 68 years Dr. Guild's Green
Mountain Asthma Compound has suc-
cessfully and quickly relieved the
distressing paroxysms of Asthma.
Two sizes $1.60 and 36c, also cigar-
ettes (box of 24, 80e), at your drug-
gist or sent direct post paid for cash.
FREE TRIAL box of 0 cigarettes
with treatise on causes and treatment
of Asthma, etc., sent on request.
J. H. GUILD co.,
Dept, 22, Rupert Vt„ U.S.A.
Distr. for Can., Lyman's Ltd.,
344 St. Paul St. IV., Montreal.
After strenuous high climbing
and jumping, a rub down with
Minard's prevents stiffness.
Classified Advertiseexnunta
17 TORS now direct from the factor
to you, Pictures and Price Lists free.
Holbrook's, Bradford, Ontario.
ABLE employment, weertly pat,
selling our universally known, guaratt•
teed'4uality, Trees and Plants. Hewes*
and best varieties. There is good rrloriey.
in it for You. Illustrated up-to-th5-
minute equipment. Real sales co-op9
` LR 1V'IJR�
tion. Write LUKE BROTH S
Report comes from'' the Roya X
Horticultural Show in London of
new orchid that cannot be seen br
the naked eye. Usually it is the pricey,
and not the orchid, however, that is
out of sight.
A novel has been running serial"'
in a Japanese newspaper for twelves
years and is still strong, says a re.. -.
port. Whoever gets time, after read.
ing "What has gone before," to "Nov!
go on with the story"?
TO 44°0 EN
Mrs. Wilson's Expericnce a
Guide to Women Passing
through the Change of Life
Hamilton, Ontario.— "I have taken
several bottles of Lydia E. Pirkham dt
Vegetable C o ui
pound and I costa
not speak to
highly of it as
was at the Chang4
of Life and was
all run-down an4
had no appetite.
I was very weak
and sick, and the:
pains in my bas's;
were so bad t'
I got very sad ala
times and thought I had not a frien
on earth. I did not care if I lived o 1
died. I was very nervous, too, alt
did not go out very much. A frien
advised me to try abottle of Lydia
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, ski
I did. I am a farmer's wife, and ate'
ways worked hard until lately, anc
was in bed for two months. I begeft
to feel like a new woman after the •
first bottle and I recommend it with
great success, also Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Liver Pills. I am willing to
answer letters from women askin
about your medicines, as I canno
speak too highly of them. "—M
EMMA WILSON, 471 Wilson Stree
Hamilton, Ontario.
Sold by druggists everywhere. C
Why do so many, many babies of to-
day escape all the little fretful spells
and infantile ailments that used to
worry mothers through the day, and
keep them up 'half the night?
If you don't know the answer, you
haven't discovered pure, harmless
Castoria. at is sweet to the taste, and
sweet in the little stomach. And its
gentle influence seems felt all
through the tiny system. Not even a
distasteful dose of castor oil does so
much good.
Pletcher's Castoria is purely vege-
table, so you may give it freely, at
first sign of colic; or constipation; or
diarrhea.. Or -those many,,.times when
you just don't know what is the mat-
ter. For real sickness, call the doctor,
always. At other times, a few drops
of Pletcher's Castoria.
The doctor often tells you to do
just that; .and always says Fletcher's.
Other preparations may be just as
Pure, just as free from dangerous
drugs, but why experiment? Besides,
the book on care and feeding of babies
that comes with Pletcher's Castoria is
worth its weight in gold:
Children Cry for
ISSUE No. 2—'26
The whole word knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for,
pain. But it's just asmParhs1t to know that, there is only one
genuine Aspirin. The naive Bayer is on eVery tablet, and. on the
box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and ,if it doesn't:,
,it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin 7o are colds, and
the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, ,qtl r heuinit
tisin promptly relieved. Get Aspirin ----tet any drugstore—with
proven directions.
Physicians prescribe ASpe
it nes NOT .affect the hean
Asp,iii Is the trade mark tregist,'ta1 In Canada) 11:Meriting Darer \earn ut,r', vdn,:o it
is Well 'knew a thbl :Atptrle a .sun ilerer,manutLttot�, tO aMSure the hub! a eg,}gsJ i t
Oona, ibe trabletb `Pill bo stinaped with their "kayo Cress" ttsdetuxrk,