Zurich Herald, 1927-07-21, Page 5h Trac aye 21113t, X921 WPM Ng!WAD' rage I $US[N $S CARDS UDLEY Er fluff . m flillleTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY r MOM, (OTC, if4000, Baudlton Sheet. .Arai off Whet tignare, GiODERICH, Ont. Special a'ttenti'en to 'C`tYunIsel and Court Work. . 'Holmes may be consulted aat , xecieli by Phone and phone elalargcis a'evestsed. Dry H. 11. C O W E N he D. Se 61, Do S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEI+TS BLOCK, ZURICH ev- le/ Thureda'9', Friday and. Sature iiSr& Main Office 181A ,TLB1B'S BLOCI"S., DASHWOOD Andrew P. Deas, Toyneliip Clerk Ulmer .of marriage licenses. :Notary gblic, Coractni!eati'oner, Fite tannd Arg seesobile Insuerance Rep aentin- M1Searon &Erie Mortgage *time, The a Canada Truhst Co. ZURICH - ONTARIO lilgi sa OUOE11)tt S ad P rtrs,duiite Carey VI, Jcues Nat- lesisil :School of Auctioneer -mg. Try .fes for Registered Live Stock tptill Breeds). Terele in keeping 4ldth prevailing prices. Choice Oxus for sale. '6'Yxll aeli anything Bnywhere: vtrrit Zurich. Bc�e 18--93 or licensed iluetic ee FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM. IN A POSITION TO CON - Want any .auction sale, regardless N4 to .size . or articles sell.to not :Roilult your business, and not satisfied will make no charges Arthur :Weber, e Daeh-wood. 1100191 1.1.-67, j lurid eat Ir, MARKET I 0 • Fresh and Salt Meats. AD Bologna 5aslsac ges, et • 1 Highest Csu4e Price for Wool• • CASH FOR SKINS at H1Df;6 : 1'2,3,0/111 ' t i De�icheTt r r • ZURICH LIVERY I yam in a polaition to' aceomo- %lite all requirements in the Livery ? limbic as, have Auto for hire.- .. Any ming done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. 'THIEL. Zurich,Ont. ;• 59 LIVE POULTRY WANTED iraken every day—till 9 O'ciock;P.aot. Du not feed local Immo morning *lien brought ins igbest Cash Prices. --CAM POR— Cream anti Eggs i1 1 Q' B.rienl 1 biome •if Zurich e a dgUOters FOR, ,TUBES • AND Storage Batteries 1 PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Loot, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THt9 commix' Your Money Back Mrs. Sybtlla pairs T'onsiliti's treats sore throats, Tonsil troubles es Brow:bitis, Croup, Quinsy, Whoop- ing-cough, and cough successfully or caish back. --Wagner's Grocery, %belch.. 1. FOR SALE A good . young ..fresh cow for sale. Apply to E, E. Wuertle, ,Zurich, Ontario. FOR SALE A three -burner Florence coal oil stove, in good condition. Ap- ply to John K. Ehlers, - Zurich. FOR SALE' - A number of hof+acs on the farm, of Mr.. Thos. Kyle, Past Line,Hay. Every one of these horses are well broken in and upon request Mr. Kyle will hitch and drive any one of these horde,. For partic- ulars apply to Arthur Weber, auc- tioneer, Dashwood. FARM . FOR SALE LOCAL NEWS. Mr, Lorna Sparks of Bayfield is visiting at T. L. Wimx's. ll'Ii'ss Ada Deit,r` is confined to hor home on eceor nt' cf illness Miss Phylis Pearce of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs. 'Ties. Dinsmore, Town Line, - Mr,, and Mrs, :John lY,cido, of the village, and Mi'., and 1Xr's.Elmer Weido of the Pari Line, were Sari - day visitors at New Dundee. .tVfr, and Mrs. George Ifibbler, Of Kitchener, were week' -end vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs C... Fritz, Mr. Lorne , Sparks of Bayfield is 'c isiting with Mr. .and Mrs. T. L . Vv urrn.. v..' Mr, and Mr. poo, Thiel, Mr. and Mr's. Hugh Thiel and Miss Geirtrude Weber, Spent Sunday at Mitchel 1. 11?r. and M. . W. H. Hoffman, Miss Mildred Hoffxi7.an, M. and airs L. W. 'Hoffman, were Sunday vis- itors at Stratford. Messrs. Nesbitt Woods and 'Whitney Brokenshiee from Lon- don, 'spent hte week -encs, wftlzfri- er.de in town. , Mrs. .Alf. Meikle and sist r,;41rs. Wur'tz, of Elkton, Mich., ,'gaited with friend's here the beginning of the week. Miss Mildred Geiger passed her piaxio examination set by the Tor- onto Conservatory of Music, with hotionr''s.. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Foster and daughter, of Fair Grove, Mich., are visiting at the home of ,Mt' and Mrs, John Douglas. Consistingof about twentyac- Mr,. Randle and son Jackie, res of good farm'land, all in culte' 1r? " E. ant thersan of Spril.at tiaation, good (ranee house, frame �4��h,, spent gist Week at barn and good outbuildings, a No, flu? home of Mz and 'Mee T. L I neverfailing well, abundance of worm , fruit 3% miles from town "halfruil Mr, Snider, Mr. Garnet Deters; elf from school. For further artie- TEcinder, Mr. ard fund Hilton p Trueniner, •�=er'e all Sunday visitor's ulars apply to Herald Office, Zur- with Mr. Iffy. Dater, at New Ilam,- ich. 1 FOR SALE I am offering the followingU, farm machines at a . great bargain, so act very quickly; 2 7 -foot Deering Binders. 2 6 -toot Deering Hinders, 1 Deering mower, all will +sold very cheap. Jos. Druar, Massey -Harris ,Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A good 10 -ft. „second hand all :steel rake for sale, very cheap, at L. A. Prang, Zurich. be Agent, FOR SALE A good secondhand Rubber Tire buggy for Sale Price is right. George Hess, Zurich. COAL 1927 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ' GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal 450OD SUPPLY ON RAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PHONE st 11BN8ALBi -17 SCHOOL REPORT Following is the report of June Promotion Examinations in S. S.No. ,4 Day. . Jr. IV Total Marks 800, \Pass 480—Bay Ottwein '5'6 , Ver:y.a Th'e'. 488. t• Sr. IIf l—Total . Marks 300, Pak 480;—Claire Surerus 496; Napoleon G eromette 484. Jr. III—Total Marks '735, Pass 3367; Milton McAdams 428; Olevia, Masse 395; .Exrmorson Erb 0 311; Sr. II—Total 500, pass 300-- Laura 00—Laura Masse 334; Della Smith 315 Norman Geroi ette 339.dale Sr.. I—Total 290, Pass. 174 —Dove , othy Ga'scho 230, Hon; Alice Erb The new Ruston oil engine ,that 225, Hon; Veola Klopp 196; Gert- '•Willianes Bros. of the local grist Trude Thiel 189; Elzer Masse 139; Mill, have purchased, has arrived Dennis Masse 137. and is being installed by Mr. Pope Sr. Pr.—Gerald Masse. of Bruissels. This engine has .1 Jr. Pr -Beta Manse, Claire Gei- rated capacity •of 60 horse power ger, Grace Ortweil, with a maximum f 20 per cent. Meda Sure.ru's, Teacher. over 'ite. rated power, which wilt SCHOOL FAIR DATES, 1927 give an abundance of power to Ientaall-Sept. 8. operate either the grist mall or Zurich -Sept. 9. the large chopper. TMs engine Fordwich—Sept. 12. its built in England land is at fine Wroxeter—Sept. 13. piece sof wo' ciantship, and when Ethel—Sept. 14. � it is all set up and in operation, Walton—Sept. 15, we are sure, will create ca ns der- Belgrave—Sept, 16. t able comment. It will likely talce Varna—Sept. 19. till the end of the month before G'oderich Tp—Sept. 20. everything will be in perfect. run - Colborn Tp.—Sept 2L ning condition. The engine will Ashfield Tp. -'Sept 22, consume crude oil, and the cost St. Helen's—Sept: 23 of operation' will be around $2.00• 'Vinchel' ea -Sept. 28. Crediton, Sept. 2 9 Grand Bend --Sept. 30 burg,. • i elle low crop is ro:oidlly near- ing completion, and although the crop wary a heavy one, it . was well harvested, -.and the farnieee have a good 'supply of hay for the coming year's supply. Mr. Milton Hey, accompa.nieci by Mr. Patterson and family and Mi. Russell, and fam`le of • Detrooit, were Sunday visitors at the home of the fornx:e ;s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. Rev. and. Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, accompanied by their visiting frit- Ends, Rev. Nelson C. Dreier, 1Yir end Mrs C. Weiler, Carl and Marie• Werner of Naperville, .Ill., left. on Ttesday morning on a dour . to Kitchener, Toronto; Haunt ton, • Grimsby and Niagara Falls, They will return hom., on Friiiaee Mr.. C. •Filber wishes to advise the public that owing to tran'spor- tation conditions, he will on end after July 26th ahip hogs lit Hon- sall on Tuesdays, instead of on Thursdays, and fawners are ad- 4'FEEiiN " 6 s 6 16 [tit Met q Is About as Certal.• as the Trap Nest. etmelts With Cgxus--I+edci¢r Costs--h-filxrclfent Flesh I'rsrcptic Without Conflnenient ^ 19sa:illi.:, Baby •Chicks, tcontrgbnied by 0' .,riff: tieptirtrnens Ai rlcttllure. Toronto.) The writer carried on a series experiments wltn poultry when oected with the Agricultural ural F xlti': Meat Station for Vancouver l:,lan: i drxeY, B.C., and presents the folio,, lag, notes as aniong those worthy ensideration: •)1DTI+]RMINA'l'ION OF EGG -LA YIN. A test was made of the feelin, iethod, to determine its aceurac;, Thirty hens that were under trap nes, record were subjected to the feeliir; erocess . for .eight days: January 1. i.0 24. The results of "feeling" were ; ee'ckcd up and tallied perfectly wits, he "trapnestins•," indicating that it quite possible for any careful per - .10 to determine which liens are lay- dg ayag by feeling the bird for til•: rosesuce of the egg in the oviduct, a i:he early morning before sir. tvas the perch. The method als.. -s au advatrtage In that it. elinin ,..:s tae necessary confinement o+ ..i birds in a tr;a,ixnest" for a periat: fico. is frequently longer tial L a l,aiiy i•equtiui to pro,uce an egg the great disadvantage of tn: :cling method is that it is 111,p1 , 'tcirie for p ` i.igree brocdui `, 114u uttn that cue eggs from iuuiviu..__ ... {i .cannot 0. recorded. CAPONS. 1'.xirty cockerels were operated Kl twelve ,,etcs olu. l lease off.. —re i a tnriity and well -grown t�tug 2'4i pounds in 4;e_g.,•. �.1 caponizing, they were 1 1. u� same. cori..IUUOUs a8 t cid. '111e feed cost TUT in weigut wits S'.i;;'ilily rt.b1 1... .: l4. al:l'e1S tip t. c...i lnouti,s ni �.,,.1 time the coc_ eta �.,,u + ap t..• eget:a the sauz.z. mese u11us fru.. .0,LCI for Christman tiac,., ,.doll wys o1u, and weigneu, plucked, u ua.rs 2 ounces. 'iue V. rueut..,c c. ...u,i was low, being but Le per c,.... 1. tire. total weigat, -the u.res rvei. JL crate feu but were u,:r Liberal milk xat.uu. tha y ._. . re bash was excellent, i.., : LL• Uolesale ,price receiveu ....nis per pound. . ;aeouiziug are that "n .cy of ttesn can no yroduced wrtli.._. •uuuin;ng the birds in sivaii Lit arm_ 'rates and the tender Lead eau .. etamed to a greater age anti .ne 'cockerels il,atie lust as gdc.. gains, and when milk led in ci its.. •syr :two weeks, piidiceed Inc grade of teen, Followine is the eed"cost of an ei;;ht-pountt iwa-r Trac ;apon, r ei''dcost to rear to end of third moo. l.. ... 21.54e. wat to rear during fourth :.�JLL •i1 15,2 •.:u ,eet .to rear during.loth , unitu, , 13.17 vised to bring along their hogs on d Cu61. .to real d uril g sixth 31:2Tuesday morning for highest pr- • "`"yu ,4,osi to rear during sev- ires on and ;after that date. oth , ai•i .. 21.3 Those *hebig attended the ed.,:os L oar during eighth ,v_:,.ra ..,. 23.4 Wilhelm ee-union at Str'.ltforil ori wee eve; t.o rear during De Saturday, are: Mr, and Mrs. `Hy, :v !."Ys1.1.4 Sehade and •daughters Mabel and •To.td reed crust - .,....... Pearl of thee. :14th con. Hay.; Mr. and Mr.si. C. 0. Smith, and two These Mills were sold for 82,4e soma, Gordon and Stanley*, 02 the catch wholesale, leaving 111.11% pc. Saubie Line; Mr. and Mrs. C. IL. bird. From this we can deduct 20 Smith and daughter Mae of town, cents, the plica paid for the bird a Mr. and Mos. til; 0.1tlfliil:en Whoa day-old cnfek, and have 911, cents have been residents of Zurich, the per bird for labor and shelter. past two years, have moved their HANDLING BABY CHICKS. hotiuehold effects -on Friday to In another experiment a thousand Goderi^h, t[=1rathey will veil in one-dey-old chicks- were procured future as Mr. Milliken has received furstrom dtwo reliable local breeders. The fn the appointment of district than- Bator; ay and they on remained the incu- the second day they ager of the Manufacturer's Lite we.e transferred to the brooder, but insurance Company. and we wish were not lied until forty-eight hours him every 'success in his new bus- old. The following hints on general inesws` venture, and their many Zur treatment are .given: ich friends regret very much to Do not. chill or overheat the elm - see them leave. kens, or disastrous results will fol- low. If they pant they are too hot, LATE MRS. AYOT'CE and if they huddle together they are Mrs. Mary Dttcharme, departed not warm enough. wife of Mr. Daniel Ayotte, 14th con. Do not overreed during the first Hay Township pissed away at her week. lion e, on Tuesday forenoon, July Change the water daily and" see 12th, after much 'sttfferiug from, au .bat it is perfectly clean. extended illness of many months Give plenty of green food. duration, in her teit'.h year,. She possible: sour skier milk whenever ilossible. was a crietinl of cancer and al- Do not, forget to supply charcoal, thotigh ever'ythiii gpossible was grit, and '.shell. done for her it was of no avail.• She Make all change of food and feed-'` its •'setvived by her husband, Mn. tug gradually: Daniel Ayotte; and one 'son, Mr, Clean and disinfect, brooder often. 'l'uffield Ayotte, 1Ith C'once'ssion, Do not use damp, mouldy feed or Hay, The funeral was held on stra*. Net1X - cchh ck Q ,cro)vd in "llxurad ly, 'tntertu:crit taking l:Q-it oroouers or Cony ,nousr's, Place chicks on the range in colony houses, after the eighth 'week. Do not let the cockerels and pullets run together on the range.—L. Steen eusou, Seca Dept. of Agriculture, ace in the i3.. 0: cemetery, Drys- �� :Sa 'dq'' Eloy') "r PL u r .i .1411w4.)0 1. --vitt. o. 1. : L Clinton 'noun -Oct,. 11, , l i i A farm needs a windbreak in sum• mer as much as in winter. Did you ever notice the difference In the' gar- den and fruit plantation on two farms, one sheltered from the hot southwest wind and the other, 'ex• posed to it? The windbreak pays in dollars and cents. When a new house is built amoni, trees, none should be out except those where the house actually stands. At ter the home is occupied, one can tell i trees to retain atter which for shade b where it is most needed. Whew our great - grandmothers were girls, tomatoes were called "love' apples," and one or two plants were gown in the :garden or Slower beef os A3cotin, o I,i>:gir' bl'ightcf0:2 Torr ten hours; whereas the cost 0.1 ri'ui a5... y Ng . ,tine thought Sf eating hydro• powee for this :,:uric 'would .nib, for they were Considered potle be 0.Jipeo im^.tely, $10,00, which o' ' .. . ".t.., 44'zr a time it was , li ' that 'hey were not lruisegouiy can readily see, trill (soon Iay ,for f'q, lack itself in the; fsav`in of Waist 1 of people betan to eat them and they . eoa e ono of the standard p pr: ! 1 l ' ..�.,.1 , i t i soon, lr . bl s d emetmeawwwwwwitimiummaamewm Zurich Drug St;i re 1 aseliospraaaanueistu Cr ,..r. M 1.. The tie of year is now approaching when Insects be- conRe troub!eso e Bugs destroy the potatoes, worms the cabbage, and flies besides being a general nusiance, are carriers of disease g€rms. WE HAVE THE PROPER REMEDY FOlt ALL THE IINSRCT PESTS, WE STOCK PARIS GREEN, AR- SENATE OIC LEAD, BORDEAUX MIXTURE, INSECT PO WDE., H.ELI3ORE, FLY TOX, ETC. ETC. We sell Kodaks and Films. Try us for De;' e'oping and Printing MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr5 Ar J,MacKinnon, Zurich kW MOW MAW MW'MVP MMP MM • °V ++++F'bar' +403p+$fir++++++++iF4'H. ••r..q.+4.4.44144'+4.1.++.l.+4,4r- 4. aNARE •YOUEOOFING? 4 4 THINK OF KEYSTONE + 4 4 t 5 X RED CEDAR SHINGLES 'OMEN PROPERLY LAID WIT13 ZINK CLAD NAILS WILL LAST 40 YEARS OR MORE WITH,- OUT ITFrOUT PAINTING OR PATCHING. NO SNOW WILL BLO.0,' UP AND NO RAIN WILL GO THROUGH THE CHEAPEST AND .Tl1E.LEST. We 'stili have a large quantity of c*yproc or, hand. The s... Rireproof Wallboard; Use it. for walls and ceilings to Irepzir the old plaster before you spring decorate. E: C L&LBFL PEIONF 69 IS $ ZURICH 4++.1.41'+++;47 1 +4..g I°++++++++.l.$.,a- • ÷2M+'?•+•e•'3 4.4.4 4.÷ +M 2+.1.'F4•' Get that Ribber Tire Buggy be- fore prices advance. They work on all four, hitlo*miss Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. HESS - ZURICH • N•••••••••♦e••••••••4•as •e•e•••••o•••.ee••••••+.•001 4 •• • • •• ••• • • ••• • r •••• Z • • • • +•, Autos and Auto Supplies WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP AUTO ACCESSORIES, 4l; AND SUPPLIES, AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON THESE „;;..,.._ VARIOUS LINES CORD TIRES 30x33 AT ONLY ... $8.50 TUBES 30x3% AT ONLY ..z $140 GOOD RUBBER CASE BATTERIES AT ..... . $15,00 1 SECOND HAND 1; H. P. GAS ENGINE VERY CHEAP. S FORD TOURING CARS 1 FORD ROADSTER 'CAR. 1 GOOD TRAILER. ABOVE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD RUNNING ORDER. WE DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING RE -BUILDING BATTERIES. FARM IMPLEMENTS AND WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND CARRY JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE BEST AND LONGEST SERVIOli FOR YOUR MONEY PUMPS, PIPINGS . I INGS AND FITTII'IT1YNGSPSl, ALSO INSTALL OUR . . ' re;i b u es Gas ' Qils and Greases L. A Prang . .� Zurich . !l 4441$4444,40+,0#44.44/44`.20$444.44 4 444 o4 w4444.415.