Zurich Herald, 1927-07-14, Page 7ray ........y,,,.,,rri.i. +r2•r+r -44- WEAK �' i !� I1� 1 ^'. ' ( I 1)1 ,' OWL_LAFFS Need Such n Tonic ;as Dr,- Wil: hams' Pink fills to Restore Ue.nith.. When a gill in her teens becomes. pale and sallow, especially if at the same time she shows inclination to tire easily, a listlessness :and Inatten- tion to her work or studies,. she needs Dr. Williams' Pink' pillar a tonic Iwhich directly and specifically cor- rects the condition from which she is suffering, A chemical analysis of the blood of such a girl would show it to he deficient in just the elements Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can supply. t But an analysis of the blood is not BY needed—the physical signs are plain. Among these sighs are a pallor of the cheeks and lips, dark circles uu- der the eyes, easily tired and breath- - less after slight exertion. Poor apPe- tiV; headaches, and sometimes faint- ing spells follow; often the • patient is nervous and is startled at the least noise. In all run-down conditions there is no other tonic will build you up so, quickly and so surely as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The statement of Miss Dorothy Lumblin, )3ush Is- land, N.S., will .bring hope to other weak girls. She says: -"I wish from my heart•I could persuadeevery per- son who Is in a rundown condition to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. About a year ago I was a weak girl suffering from impoverished blood anti a run-down system, with many of the attendant symptoms. I had often read of. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and decided to take them, and after using six boxes I feel as well and ' strong as ever. Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills will be my standby in the future if ever my blood needs build- ing up again, and I shall always find pleasure in recommending them to others." You can get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from The VVr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. V. W. L. (OEi With Langhtei') At the end of an eight-hour ride in a day -coach smoker a man under- stande why some women dislike the ,smell of cigar smoke. Woolen have a smaller vocabulary 'than men, but it's more active. Folk Song. Shoe the feet and Dress the hair; But let the lady's Back go bare. Don't expect:' to have 'given you free except kicks. The New York stage is reported to 'be in a critical condition. Foul play is suspected. anything • If yoti imagine that this is a cold, 'unsympathetic world, tell people that you have a cold and listen to their suggestions. Sober Thoughts. The inevitable makes no conces- sions. Egotis is self-reliance on parade. Success is the compensation for concentrated endeavor. Remorse is when conscience insists on having the last word. The mills of the gods sometimes grind with unexpected rapidity. A good many "necessary" evils are merely convenient evils. It is our sins that age us; our self - denials keep us young. When it comes to making love, even the shallow woman is 'very deep. "That's a point well taken," chuck- led the pian as he ran his opponent through with his trusty blade. What gees into one's head in the way of .good or evil thoughts comes out in the face and is known and read of all.men.. Mandy—"R2stus!" Rastus—"What is it, Mandy?" Mandy—"Don't fergit to fotch me '.home a cake o' dish yore tar soap. Ah aims to keep mah schoolgirl com- pleckShun." The fish sucker is the hardest to catch, the human the easiest. Canada's door of opportunity has 'been pushed open. Strength of the Chinese Arany "While in organization, leadership and equipment the Chinese army to- day cannot compare favorably with the armies of the United States and European powers, it is vastly superior to the old Chinese army of a genera- tion ago, when the battljes were noth- ing but horrid farces In which the Chinese troops, armed with only the most primitive weapons; proved to be the unhappy butts of the strange, terrifying and effective guns and rifles of the invaders," writes Chili - Chen Wang, former editor of The Pe - ling Express, in• June Current His- tory. "To -day the well-equipped Chinese Army has ° latest model rifles, artil- lery, trench mortars and machine guns, either manufactured in the leading Chinese arsenals or pur- chased abroad. Armoured trains and motor cars are now used, and hand grenades and poison gas are also made, though they have not yet come into common use. Trench warfare is now the general rule and airplanes serve in observation and bombing. "Owing to many factors it is impos- sible to obtain any accurate figures regarding the actual number of men under arms in China. Writing in the Eastern Miscellany, a leading Chinese monthly, a Chinese authority com- piled an exhaustive list of all the known divisions, brigades and regi- ments after the Shanghai war of 1924 and reached the staggering total of 210 divisions and 180 brigades, or, in. round numbers, 3,000,000 men under arms! The British -edited China Year Book for 1926.1927 suggests that 2,- 000,000 I ,000,000. is probably a safe estimate. Since the Nationalist campaign to uify China began last Fall, the num- ber of soldiers must have increased, so an estimate that tends toward the 3,000,0150 mark would not seem exag- gerated. If the powers should now decide upon a policy of armed inter- vention in China which is very un- likely), they must be prepared to Four Fair Conteatm!ats for the Big The better the q- ualilty. faf ?� ►0,' t , tea yolu use the more, unser tent it is that the container should he tli!e very best, f ► careful tests it has been proven that Aluminum is the best container yet found for tea— and paper the poorest, lied Rose Tea is packed only in Aluminum. a Clexssi led Advertisemlenta G��.11 Ar -a MEN OF INTEO UTY ytr?:N'1`- ,..-i BD to sell for the Old Reliable Vont- hill Nurseries (Estableshed (10 years). i New and special lines, big sellers, ex-. elusive terVitory, highest oomtnlssionr Paid, handsome free outfit lilxperienoe not neoessarY. Write for full partici'- lars. Stone .Na Wellington, Toronto 2• GENTS, EITHER 8LX, X76 A. week easy selling Paco Cieanleika' t3elle on sight. Cleans everything magic. Free samples. P. A, Lefebvre & Co., Alexandria, Ont. Q 1 :GINE<1.. PIGS WANTED. ]I'OR 1T np,rictrlars apply Connaught Lar boratories, University of Toronto. s:;,s, > �t. seg l < No sporting event in years has at- 21 feature is the number of women aha ( the Madamee Jaue Sion, champion long have entered for the long grind. In `distance swimmer of Euprope. She is ut resides in Brussels. Lower centre Martens, of Toronto, who is a strong swimmer with remarkable staying powers. Right is Mrs. Dorothy HeP- Whale of a Difference, The supervisor of a Western rail- . road received the following note from one of his track foremen: "I am sending in the accident re- port on Casey's foot when he struck it with the spike maul. Now, under 'Remarks,' do you want mine or do you want Casey's?" - Everybody's Magazine. tracted as much attention as the mile swimming race to be staged on .th s ` a Frenchwoman is Mrs in August 31st is Lake Ontario in front o fthe Canadian National. Exhibition• Grounds at Toronto. Scores of the world's 'greatest swimmers, including George Young, winner of the Catalina Channel contest, will compete for the $50,000 prize A surprising money. send hundreds of thousands in order to make the campaign successful, even temporarily." It's never a happy marriage unless ` both get better mates than they de- serve. Removed the Spots.. "Does your wife remove spots fro your trousers?" "Yes—five and ten spots, as rule." When you tour on Gum-Dipped Tires e is all roads seem equally good. nothing to compare with the smooth; sure performances of these big, low- pressure tires. Jolts and vibration$ disappear. Stretches of rough going cannot disturb you or harm the mech- anism and• well-built structure of your car. If it is slippety and muddy underfoot; Gum -Dipped Tires, having double the road contact, cling to the road and hold the car unwaveringly to a true, straight course. On grades there is extra tract- ion; ac - ion; at sharp curves or in quick you will have perfect control ofwheel and brake. Skidding possible. • Through the development of the et- elusive t elusive Gum -Dipping process, Fire- stone has tremendously increased tire mileage in balloon tires. This insulates and impregnates every fibre of every' cord with rubber, reduces internal heat and friction and ,delivers thousands of extra miles with added comfort and ' safety. • Ask any Firestone Dealer to show you the structure of Balloon Guit-Dipped Tires and to tell you their advantages. '' He is an authority on' this type of tire and is in a position to serve ry him to -day. u better and save you money. See im FIRLrSTONE TIRE to RUBBER OF CANADA I.IMITEl k7ar.,.ih: g, Ontario • MOST MILES PER DOLLAR,. Atl►4 ee , r., r{ clog jl9restonn tads lisp, Onty Cxurr, 1Ctippcd.Tires SPECTACLES On 30 ;Days Trial i groupare four with splendid re- cords. At the left is Ethel Hertle, 19 - year -old New York High School girl, 880 -yard champion of the United States and long distance champion of the State of Connecticut. She was ' worth, of England, who is alrea for six hourse closest 1 st swimmer to i training at Montreal for the big George Young and Norman Ross in I event. a NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S. OWN TABLETS Oxford Troubled by Sex "Dons of ancient Oxford have at- tacked sex problems and coeducation as allied enemies to the scholastic ad- vancement of the university's young men. By a margin of sixty-five they have voted to reduce the number of feminine students to a ratio of one woman for four men. Proponents of the new limitation declare the co - j �� __ education has been attended by an undesirable increase in freedom be- I tween the sexes to the detriment of study. If this be true, the condition constitutes a challenge to coeduca- tion. I-lowever, it strikes us that the contentions of Miss Marjorie Fry, principal of Soml3ierville College, who opposed reduction, more nearly ap- proximate the actual truth. Leading the defense for her sex Miss Fry de- clared that manifestations of easy sex relations are not. confined to Oxford, but have been clearly in evidence throughout the world since the war. This observation is so obviously prac- tical as•to make it seem unlikely that mere reduction in the ranks of wo- men students will provide a remedy for the purported increasing interest of Oxford students in the opposite Since the war, coeducational in - For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. 'There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones— whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tables, Mrs. John Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Ont., says:—"We have three fine, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where there are young children." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. CiYoI We saw Him sleeping in His manger bed, And falter'd feet and heart in holy dread Until we heard the maiden mother call: Come hither, sirs, He is se sweet and small. She was more fair than ye have look'd upon, She was the moon, and He her little sun; O Lord, we cry'd, have all! But, ail, quod she, He is small. The Burden of Empire London Free Press (Cons.) : (Sir James Aikins says that a time will come when Canada will have the op- portunity of becoming ::the centre of the British Empire.") It may be well at this juncture to inquire if Canadians, not as Canadians, but as Empire builders and Empire main- tainers, could be ready even in the remote future for the responsibilities of such a change? it is so easy to Juggle with words. Even imperial word's, even world words slip from the lips of orators without effort. But what 'about the facts back of the words? What about the hundreds of years it has taken to build the British Empire? What about the lives laid down in its service, not only in its centre, but at its outposts? What about sacrifice? What about prepar- edness? rPedness? What about the world bur- den attached to the idea and to the. name British Empire? too • belonginr proud boast that we, , le„ near- to - this Empire and to this poop est to the ancient Greek where free- dom is concerned of any nation since bike hour when, as Shelby expresses it: "Liberty said, et there be light and, bite a smnri:e onthe sea, Athens arose." . . It is our pro'nclboast that we Canadians belong to this Empire and to this people. Let us resninmer the burden that goes with the birth- right, kl'on-Breakable Clear Vision tiwo: sive you a younger and yet more Built for Strength, Comfort, Beauty Light 'as,a feather with smooth, hand - polished nose brdge and gracefully curved temple bows that cannot out the most, tender note or ears. A work of beauty and a delight for the wearer. Send No Money -- Perfect Satsfact'_on Guarantetec Let me send you on 50 Days' Trial my famoni, Crown" Spectacles. Will enable You he finest needle, see afar1'or near.Ifread you are hot amazed and delighted, if you do not think my spectacles; et only $3.04; equal to those sold elsewhere at $15.00, livid them beck. You won't lose a cent. Yen are to be the Sole judge. Hundreds of thousands now in use everywhere. Beautiful case Included FRES, Just send your name, address and age on the cou- pon below •1 W111 elan tett .on get a pair for.yourself withopt cost. Out Aran MA/l. COgl11S 1ODA Y distinguished appearance. Crown Spertaefe (s.. Dept, Gu Front St. W., Toronto Ont. 1 wool to try your spectacles IUr 50 days rnt^ n)nces p,e ,rndPt no nhtlaa• 1100. Also please, tell the how to get n Pair for tnvself f r%t1 - Nettie A i; Street and No. BOR 'No 11 t l) ottyProv A5'rts 'Wen ted. fleury Soap Pure and Sweet Ideal for C ildre Sample Soap, Ointment, Talcum free. Addreso Ca- nadianDenot "duticcra P. 0, Sox 261G, Montreal," CANCER 'REE 1;OOK .. A SE•NTonREQUEST Tells cause of can dor nd ota hat to do o for for pain, bleeding, s it to -day, mentioning this paper. Ad. dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital Indianapolis, Ind. Acing Jots. Apply Minard's a few times and note the quick relief. e A. returned tourist relating his ex- , perieinc'es: "Well, 1 like Paris and asked him; if he could tell hint where Rome, but the test part of I to find the man for whom he was thing w.ts the trip over. Dont miss looking. that, whatever 'yob. do, if you go WI "Does Big Joe live near here?" said Europe.'"—The Outlook. • the immigrant. "Nope," said the cowboy. — ` "Well, where can I find his neigh - mercy on us so sweet and Whereat the b'1eased beasts with one accord Gave ,_ _..,.i_.,.their little bless- aim.. stitutions in the 'United States have would have to have an operation. But faced a similar condition. Twenty years ago,tthese institutions ns was ff the rown- , P s in nkhalii"s Vegetable Compomother said to take uld as it many o eel upon by the student bodies them -I saved ttlesltoundelore. wa.,betook � selves. Since the war, however, fra- ternization has become more and more the rule. Educators in this country have not viewed the matter with any great alarm. Probably it will do the Oxford dons little good to take drastic measures. If their stu- dents want feminine companionship, and find the supply curtailed in the vicinity of their college walls, they will doubtless search for it else- where." — (From the Independent, Boston). e Minard's Liniment for insect bites. Some brides seem to feel that the fact that they were given away maitre for a 1 women. For sale by druggists everywhere. ---- 45GiIG4t��-a�O¢`gN PANS RELEVEI'. Womatn Suffered. Nearly a Year. Lydia E. I3inkhad.'s Vegetable : • Compound Brought Her Health Moose Jaw, Sask.—`°I•am goingto t i. Pink - ham to Vegtell eta blu as whatLydia And has done , for me. 1 suffered very badly witty dragging -down pains and in iamma- • tion also pains In my right side ever my iiip and down my v hole sidle into nip leg. I had it nearly a year whe>a ( I went to a doctor and he said 1• ed Lord, Oxen and asises singing in their stall: The King of kings He is so sweet and small. • -Gerald Bullet. Easy Range. An immigrant was making his way across the Wild West in search of a man to whom he had a letter of intro- duction. He came across a cowboy sMing by the side of a track, and rtwo o ander so I kept on taking it and also use Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash. -• rhave had two more children since then and am perfectly well. I used to have to lie down two or three times a day, and now I do all my 1 i housework without trouble. I al- - ways keep the Vegetable Compound!, ' in the house as I find a dose now andthen to use this lettery any wayyou sefor e fit and I will answerletters. If I can bete, any other woman I'd be only too 'glad to try. "—Mrs. ESTFiIM HOUGIiTON, 414 Morse Square, Moose Jaw, Sas- katchewan. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabiel Compound is a dependable medicine: NURSES The Toronto IInmeHnl for ino"-abler. in etsllotlon'with erllovne and Anted Itnsh:tal3. New York City. atters a three veers' Course rse rf Training to young women, having the Wnnt,'rtt rdiie•tIen. rod ,iestrent of heooldted Ilurace. This Hospital hal ndonttd the tight.. I+.,rr system.. Tho naught resolve unlforeiv of the 5ahool, a monthly eilowanos nett travel. e Ing expenses to and tram Now York. For (attar utlarmt pilon wtito the t3:,rorintendcnt. ISSUE No. ES—'27. bor, Long Sam?" • 'Tin Long Sam," said the cowboy. "But they tell me," said the immi- grant, "that Big Joe lived .within I, g you.", of gunshot of Y "That's right;" said the tomboy, "he diel "•-Tit-Bits. Am an likes to be called smart but • 1 resents bei gcalled P k6ep Minart;'s Liniment near at haul. 1 .e safe bymillions and prescribed by physicians for, i Proved Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache v Rheumatism 4 DOES NOT AFFECT 1."1-1E HEART ,flo.+,:..�.,e*# ...r rzacrpt oi7L "Il cr,r Y C d . 11 on Wllicil contains proven irec Ifenly "Sayer" bows of 12 +.nbleta Also bottles of d4 and 100_Druaiste. p: n .t'annfecture n1 !Inseuteu. Aspirin is the jferi1 mark (et')i SaTl to (Mends) . Sayer8,�„ i. While It la wets Immo: d Manu •1 ture, lie Amid, s the Tahlctts 'v Sali0i) uey Jagainsttmltetjon , aeldc, ter of that Asplri.L Means Rayer Manufacture, cturn; to assist the public O „ rs of U644.r, t;0lupdny Wirt l,a mlatoped wits, t..tvh. general trade mar; the 1 Y