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Zurich Herald, 1927-06-30, Page 4
eat non ZURICH HERALD a"' a century '0.d r tun t , Ym minion). �E�9rYe1F equipped, thro ok experie ce, resources, or a izAtio . 9 anct *.nnections to serve' helpfully- - all Capadi.ark 'iA5, NIC OF MON Established 1817 Teti 'Sssete "jrt excess—or.h 74:e:000.0001 h;. RE :ERAL OPFIC Do You Know? - THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR •SERVICE FOR „. GOOD PRINTING THAT WB CAN'' SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING 4. INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS ..� THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MA NUF A OT CRIERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS 4 THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- T. OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, -CARBON OR * TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, : EMO.RIAM ST, ,,4. ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS; RECEIPT. BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, . ETC., ETC: : } THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INSBOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR. 5c. LARc- GER QIIANTI+rIES AT BIGGER REDUtTION13• THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION' SALE PCS- TE.RS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 1 1 • e foun ., a• f h •i s� o the fiftieth -anon ns, 1�. ding of the college. . C. Beaver has returned from De- troit, .where he ;spent several` day's. Mia B .Biown''and herr son, Rev. Lori) Brown, of Stymford, C,cnii, are visiting, with relatives •at ,Isit- chener Rev,, W. N. incl, Mrs:. Whiting, miss,onaries fro -n. Kobe, Japan,have arrived hoiu, op'r furlough and are visiting the latter's paerits, Mr, and Mrs. ,:J. R.:Iloltzmann, -One htndred and ten Mothers and slaughters gathered in the basement of the Evangelical 'ch- urch, the other evening for the first i Mo taers and Dau nt_is Ban- quet" quet" of the •congregation and community.. ... The Evangelical church are an- nouncing a very interestingp ro- grma for Sunday, July 3rd. The. servicess oft that day will receive a patriotic touch and thelrk avid be a special activity in the afternoon. IIn accordance with the 'de'sire of our Governor General and ;prime Minister. we will conaxnemo;,•ate the Diamond Jubilee of the Dominion Confederation as it will be celeb-. l rated throughout the Dominion. The entire community is asked to gather around the church and en-. ..mass march to the cemetery for Wm. and Mae Siinla'son of De- troit, iaitecl with relative's, The other night !some pantie'- 1)1'010- into Cook Bras. garage,. stealing ,soln4 20 tires and ::bout $15 00 in cash Ca,nstable Whir: s.T idea of Goderich investigated and could find no clue of tla.a thieves, Luckily Cools Bros, hod a large •shipment of times which had • not been brought from the station, Dr, and Mrs. A. R. Caaiipl ,,11, and •family left far .a tied.thousand zaalle liulo trip to s h3it their relati- ve, in Nova S'.otia, tn..? doctor go- ing oo-itg principally on account of the illrie ,x, <A lois aged mother who is very anx.oites to see. Daring the doctor's absence his large pract- ic will b,� wa11:looked after by Dr. Aikens, who has ben • here with Dr. Caunpbell for a number .of week's, A meeting was held to make ar r'-:n;eznen'Li for this net'onil th:.nlc,; giving service to be held n Hen- Sall. on Sunday -:afternoon, July 3rd This will be a nation -wile service scelebrating, the diamond jubilee of Confederation. A :Strong: commit tee has been appointed to look sa. ter a suitable piogr,:tm It is proposed - to have a massed .'choir, the different village choirs, to march in their tTatments, `Members, of ,the ,Odd Fellows, ledge on Sunday honored the ntenaory :of their decease'1 . bre- thren and rebeJas in impressive De' coiatioon Day `services held at the "Union and McTaggart'. cem:teries 'the members of the lodge conven ed at the lodge room and marched. to •the town hill, where the nnou- meat erected to, the war dead, was decorated in a brief 'service, when 3; G. Southerland gave an add e s. The Union cemetery was then vis- ited with officials Geo. E Fee and 3,:'G. Southerland officiating. Ad- dresses wore given by Rev. A. Sin- call* of be Unioed . church and G. ,Petty of Port Huron. The sane procedure was followed at vl(.:Taggart's cemetery. St Piui's. Ang,i_an Chu, e'.l.rn t od its 50th anniversary with spec- ial •service, both morning and ev- ening on Sunday. Rt. Rev. David \57i"ia,u3, bishop of HLuoa, pre :ch- Ied at the morning service at which :aadi1ates wer.' confirmed. The Bishop took his text from Ps. 28;8 Archdeacon Doherty, of .London, was the 'special speaker for .the evening service. The St. Paul's choir rendered 'special' music 'both Moaning and evening. 'the .opening• and dedication of it HILLSGREEN %,nest hof Miss Gert. Ducharme;,last. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan and stmaay co'stl'y new entrance also desorat. Mr. Maurice Durand Isras the ing ao1dier'sg raves, rranxl Mrs. John Stephan and ram- Miss Lucy Denomy returned y attended • the funeral of then tencen London, where ]she spent ,lase and Vitra. Jos.. Essery of Chicago, : .utters uncle, Mr. i�1alcoln1 Ziter, at! week with friends. a ho were osa •Motti ' t. Carmel on Saturday morning! • Miss Rose Durand itTTslses to orr I'' Mr, Thos. Kyle,our obliging thank her neighbors and • the visited with Mrs. Wm. Essery. 'laced Commissioner is bury with whole community for responding Mrs. Chas. Pilon, who has bean 'bass gang of men hauling gravel on iso promptly to the call when her receiving treatments in a Cleve • EXETER Mr. and Mrs. Russell Essery, %be Parr 'Line.. hotvsewas threatened by fire last land hospital for go,te r, has ua d:r- The recent showers of.late has week,Iwent an operation- and is .progres- helped the beans and also spring :(acing to the wet and cold wear sing Very favorablMr and Mi y II1ro a along'wonderfully. By the P look's of things at 'preaent there da 'a bumper crop in store for the Verrinees • 3l'lss Pearl Broderick of London, spending her vacation at the rime of Mr, and 'Mrs. Evelyn Brod- • Mr. and Mrs. (Chas. Becker and lSaster Leonard and Mr. Win. Ed- ighoffer of the 14th con., .were' pi- eiseesant visitors at the home of Mrs. iSno. Stephan on ,Se nday last. The girls of Hillsgreen Mission Alleted met at the home; of Mr, and Vire. Wilson Carlyle on Saturday ealilternoon, and all report a good Mme, snail hoping too meet again Miss Elda. Stephan is at Exeter 'air a few days this week, writ- "r; her exams. DRYSDALEVictoria ,summer City and Meg, W e l� and to r�i and , 's d i} OliverESQ arrived, <bo t; ti sax :Mrs, toria Denomry is spend- uing the unmer with friends in xlne and Detroit, Mich. Me. Mrs, Bemis alid Mx, �°.ai t Mr m. Denonny motored to b 1a'war last Sunday, "1V1r. Mr':. Dennis Laport: ulrtrod Detroit, erre* �pendiii'� :uai. Week th the former's parent'. 'lore Ur. ' Mrs. Alex. Denomy of Windsor, ndsor, pent Sunday with fri-i nett an relatives here. .*r+ Eadour wearers a broad evade 'lh days, a little datigh- Iarr has 'it .;d, IIiss ,,oth t .Bedard S spend- ** tv011i. Tai"' With her ar,nt, Mrs " R near' .b ytieici+ gJletSutt thOr,, many ofthe f mers were . . . obigedtore'sowtherreinsand -spent the latter part of last week potatoes{. at Bigwin` Inn on 'the. lake o1 Mr,. and Mrs. Win. ,Ducharmeand Bays, 1VIu41co1ca; attending the t red to, Couloir last annual convention of the Caned - family moo ian Week1Y News �a aor Association week to Visit their slaughter, Sas 1 1 ter Francis De Bourgeous, at the Wednesday night' last, Exeter Sacred Heart Concente isuffered their first 'defeat in base- ball, Ed .Mere• and childrela of ball, when Goderich defeatedthean score 3-1. This vas the first de- feat in six. games.. It w is fast ansa snappy with isolate very good play's shown. Dr. and Mrs. G. F. Roulston and Mr. and Mese W. 1'. Beer left for a motor trip to Ottawa and the - city Quebec. uebec.' They expect to attend the celebration at the cap- ital on Dominion Day and from there will go to Montreal a is d. Quebec. • Friday night last Exeter again carried away the liure;s when they defeated Seafortli""for the 'second time this season by a score .of 11 to 4. Pa eparations are progressing for the big celebration on the morn - St. Clair, Mich .is spending some tinfe with her mot've;•,.and brother Mr, P. E. Denomy. The Reverend. Pastor of the R. 0 church annotined on Sunday, that the Holy S:., at Rome grant- ed the permission of the use of meats, friday July 1st, Confeder- ation Diatnond Jubilee. to the faith- ful of the Roman Catholic of the Dominion of Canada. err. and Mrs. Prank Corriveim of the village and 'Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Ayotto of the 14th conn, spent Sunday at the hems. of 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard. Conetruetion work on the Bite Water Highway W :i's resu'meld e. few ,days, ago and i% making gre- at ingof July° lest -and to addition headway, Another eight .0n 10 dais bring . willit to Drysdale,. _ Thanksgiving service �, a National Thanks sving wall be held on the afternoon of Sunday, July 3rd at 2.30, The 3u1y 1'st parade promises to be of exceptional interest as the school children who took part in the ''pea- tient ea-e nt will parade in sastumie, HENSALL Mr: and 1t•Chambers of ne ar Gode,rich, epe.nt Sunday with the latter';, parents, Mi., and IIIr,s, Joseph IYuelia' CREDITON Mrs. Zwicker, Mrs, Or rain and Mi'si Emma Orme spent 1?art of liter Wank itt St •JIYpt•h•zs Attending UZ ;6.404lou vi eiena.leaug„laliere end • Dr, :Russell Mc.itay 110 grs.du- ated • froth London 1lxedieal Colla e '4 Tri hi r " 's and and is a,in , g s pa,etlt , '11�r G 1 ,Sires Wy.r.4' DILeiia.,..r , J i r ., LTA 1 ..I Thursdays, July 30th, 162 Put your machines, in good shape with genuine Masseyaiarris Pants. Made from same _rnztetials and same pattern "as the originals. Genuine M' ,ssey Harris Parts are guaranteed to fit. PII CES OPEN TO IN?aPEOTION G6"111ikngne <M-11) Parts .Axe S(T*1.)1 By y GE K. FATAW ZIIICIII COUNTY NEWS After a long illness, -born with wg,vderfui fortitude, the death oc- .cu:reel in Clinton of Miss Elizabeth P -.. Whitely, aged 82 years. The announcement of ,the 7th, *session of the Goderich Summer to 25t h held ,Ju 1Sth be 1 Schoolto July promises an interesting and pro- fitable season to those who take advantage of attending. . The district annual meeting of W. Huron Women's IInstitute was held in \'V':s'ey ehurc'., Clinton. The !secretary''s report showed the dis- trict ;to bein a flourishing condit- ion, both financially and in point of. numbers, . Wi,nghana, had raised over $1,000 during. the year. The contract for dredging at Go.'.e•i-'h h';rbor has b_en awarded by the Deportment at Ottawa, to. the firm of Kilrn'er $ Barber, of. Toronto, who were the lowest. Int is understood the contract price is s$ per yard for rock and 39 cenbs 'forg ravel. The job will cost $75- (00,. and the work to commence at once One of the noticeable::.; features of the convention of the Hur000n County Trustees' and Ratepayers' .Association which ,niet in the assem bly hall ,.Clinton, was the unaninr- lity of the idea that children, urban and rural, should have the advant- ages of at least a 'short period of secondary education. One spea- ker after the other •emphasized this and no voice made the feeblest pro- test. Practically the whole plant of the Goderich Manufacturing Co. was destroyed by fire early last Wednesday and the loss is estim- ated at^ -$40,000 with no insurance.. A. heavy rain was falling at tihe time and with the 'help of the fire- -men it wa's keptunder control. The origin of the fire is unknown, es the watchintnan had been at' the spot shortly Uefoze. Mr. J. E. Baechler, who operated the plant was the proprietor. The contest in the election of three truistees for the Police g, of Bayfield Vin'= la Y eield on Monday fast was keen and close. Many who own 'cottage's in the -village came from, neighboring town's- and also froin Stratford and London topoll. their vote's. When .the poll closed the count was found to be as foil* oWs; John 1VIcLeod, 132; Murdock Tose 110; E. F. Merner 104; John Pollock, J04, Geo. Castle 100,, Re- turning ' .officer Jno Peasecast the deciding vote in favor oar E„ P Merrier. MPs. B. E. mt;erner acted as poll clerk. A Vote* was also' "taken concerning the purchase for the village of a Lorne tire ,engine, s Glued at $1,250,00. The result of this was that 62 votes were polled is favor of and 112 votes against purchasing it . When Jno. Pease took to ballots to the County Cleric it wa.4 found that as .Bayfield is now ap,:' police village the County Cleric, Mr. Geo, Iolinan, . and not the returning officer:, has the cabt- ,. n .r i+,� jo1; ,gad, h., save the t`tota•.; to, like '140lloek ur rag WHY endure another winter with a cold garage? By lining it with-Gyproc you may save the cost of a cracked radiator, frozenwater pump and numerous repairs caused by zero weather. Gyproc keeps out winter's bitter cold. It is also fire - resisting Easy and inexpensive to buy and apply. Write for free booklet "MY Home." It will tell you how Gyproc, Roaboard insulating Sheathing and Insides will reduce your fuel bill from. 243 to 41)%. 513E ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA For Sale By ;ed C. Kallofiensch - Zurich, .Ont. e tusle2ISOM'" ra+302® GElv024KIa 00fa©+.Z:000434230f40400504109i1141,4 0010 I SEE1S1 Yes! Splin with th its Sowingand �IRYlt�� f time Mill soon be here e again y • AND WE 'WISH TO ADVISE THE PUBLIC THAT WE g. ARE PREPARED TO SUPPLY,YOU yyIT1 THE VERY CHOICEST • OF SEEDS, WHETHER • + HER IT BE ALL THE VARIOUSS GRASS T ▪ SDEITS,fi)F THE iFIELDS OR FOR PLANTING THE HOUSE- HOLD GARDEN': COME IN AND SEE OUR FINE ASSORT- MENT OF THE VERY BEST T ED ,' • IMPROVED BANNER SEED OATS, CLEAN AT 65c. BUSH • TRY" OUR STOCK FOODS a GREENFIELD'S CHAMPION TONIC FOR POULTRY., KEEPS ' a► • THEM HEALTHY AND PRODUCING EGUS THE YEAR RC- • UND. AND POR YOUR STOCK WE HAVE THE WELL- sKNOWN HOMERY FEED. 'TRY A PACKAGE. - I Louis •Schilbe in Zurich • • •as•••eat esse•••••••> ••••••••••••••••w•••••••••••�ea Pontiac Six New Beauty, New Features, New Low' Prices - The moment you see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you will realize that it is big value and leader-. ship in the field of low_ riced Sixes Let us prove this by a demonstration PAIGE WITH 20 HARIINtBODY TYPES AND COLOR CObBIh: ATIONS IN SIXES AND EIGHTS GIVES YOU via WIDEST RANGE OF INDIVIDUAL CHOICE_ IN THE BET` TER AND HIGHER PRICED AUTOS, You mutt see .and- drive these new Paige cars before you you eau fully realize the wonderful performance and the amazing Vali>►eu dives, wally; ,are. Let ws deManstrate',. 4 at AUTO REPAIRING AND GENERAL GARA0,8 WORN ,A .44 SPECIALTE' ; „..„ 1?iror)1 • • • ;Gas Oils Greases Tires Accessories -y. .yam -Y,,�.-����y�yyy� y y + y-'--*. y� a �4�_•.���y 3, +++T4*+++++++++++.4.4n+i ++++4,444.441 44.4. rte• • �. „.+44.4•3i"i'444 Read Your Home Paper and ' help #1post, by sendirg in u