Zurich Herald, 1927-06-16, Page 7NO MEDICINE 'LIKE
I+ or Either the Newborn Babe or
the Growing Child.
There is no other medicine to equal
Bale's Own Tablets for little ones
Whether it be 'for the newborn 'babe
or the growing child the Tablets a1'
ways do good. They etre absolutely
tree from opiates eir other harmful
drugs and the =other can always feel
safe in 'using them.
Concerning the , Tablet.% We. John
'Armour, R. 11. 1, South Monaghan,
Ont,, says :—"We have three fine,
healthy children, to whom, when a
medicine is needed, we have given only
Baby's Own Tablets, The Tablets. are
the best medicine you can keep in any
home where there ase young children.'
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
stomach end bowels; banish constipa-,
Con and indigestion; break up colds
and simple fever and make teething'
easy. They axe sold by medicine deal
orsor direct by mail at 25 •cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co...
Brockville, Ont.
Toronto Doctors
Enjoy Privilege
' Special markers have been issued .to
doctors and surgeons in the city for
their motor cars, the series, being un-
der the numbers twelve thousand • or,
It doee not pea
thirteen thousand.P
that the physicians have expressed a
preference for the thirteen series, It
a doctor Is wanted, however, it' is only
necessary to stop a car with a 12 or
13 series marker.
The pollee have instructions' about
-such cars, so that in emergency cases
they may not be delayed. The privil-
ege, however, must not be taken priv-
riesate advantage of.
Now packed in
�; Q /� Aluminum, *�
same as years ago.
towaid the sky
1 ISING from the fathomless
depths of the mystic Sag-
uenay Canyon rocky giants
tower 2000 feet toward the sky.
The world -famed Saguenay forms the
climax of that famous NIAGARA -TO -
THE -SEA cruise which includes the
fairy like 1000Islands—the rushing St.
Lawrence Rapids—cosmopolitan Mon-
treal and Old Quebec.
For tooklets, rates and full
information apply
46 Yonne Street, TorontoL
or 9 Victoria Sq., Montreal
Nowadays, when a local boy hits the
grit, he May he burning up a gravel
highway or he may be w•oaatimg on hie'
daily "aseignment of spinach.
A Perpetual smile eans less than
The secret of health is the eating
of onions. But the trouble is to keep
it secret.
In Fas1>.ion's cares
We still are lost;
The less she wears,
The more the cost!
Many a brunette Is light hearse' d
enough to get married.
Family jars won'•t'do for preserving
Never try to buck the multiplication
table of the Ten Commandments.
A good many girls are willing to he
some man's "little du.mlpling" provided
he•ftrrnisbes plenty of dough.
Slim's girl is too dumb. She thinks
snakes are found on the limbs of treee.
There's economy in two -pants suits
—give one pair to the wife.
In the Beautiful i' '.uskoka Lakes
The steamer Saganro atrriving at Royal Mtusitoktr• wharf, in the Muskoka
Lakes' with , assengers who are p1iuminB ,z c?<:lightfel holiday in this beauti.
ful lakeland of Ontario.—Canadian National Railways plrotogra.ph.
i�howls and flower pats; as well as the
FOUND A HEALTH plants, afford a chance for color.
Inthe matter of pictures, seulpture`
BUILDING TONIC aclictse coy nd deeoratian,favorites allowfrom thesevchilderalex ectri t your boy or girl against accident•
1 al drowning—but can't replace the life
.ampler selected by the parent. If the'
child draws well, and even if lte doesn't,
select, several of hie best paintings,
frame them fiat against the wall in a
row with picture molding painted to
match the woodwork, and see what a
spur it is to future effort. These naive
creations of childhood are individual
and original. Posters for the walls
i?aay be made of cut paper in pleasing
colors and hang in a border in the
playroom above the wainscoting. These
posters may illustrate activities of
family, friends and pets and will amuse
and ins•truet the children. One little
girl made such a quaint, 1M -cleating
large pester of the family and pets
that the mother cut the figures out in
,silk and wool and appliqued them to a
wool background, The result was a
most ingenious wall hanging -which de-
lighted friends of the children, as the
costumes worn were at once recogniz-
able. Pillows for the soon were
made by the children of gingham with
figures and flowers in contrasting hues
appliqued. This idea could be carried
out for a bedspread of colored blocks.
The colors chosen should always har-
monize with those of the room.
I RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE ito extra good.
Classified Advertisements
Swimming and Deaths from
No doubt before long we shall be
reading in the newspapers of scene boy
or girl being drowned. while In seam
ming. These few . timely hints• may.
catch the eyo of the would-be ywim-
niers or their parents, and may be the
means of saving some boy or giri from
You gm' protect your property
against fire—and you can reple,ce'pr'o-
petty lost through fire; you can pro-
A Nova Scotia Lady Was in an
Anaemic Condition.
Men and women who do not sleep
well and are not refreshed • and
strengthened by a night's rest, are
generally eufiering Brom thin, watery
blood. The nerves fail to get the
nourishment they demands and head.
aches and a worn-out feeling is the
result. Building up the blood is the
one sure step to renewed health and
strength, and for this, purpose nothing
else oat equal Dr. Williams' Pink Ms.
prom the first dose to last they enrich
and •purify the blood, andein this way
promote better appetite, better rest at
night, and renewed strength.
Mrs. Marry E. Uhlman; Williamstown,
N.S., writes:—"I have received so
much benefit from Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, that I would feel: myself ungrate-
ful if I did not Let you know.
"I was in a. very poor state of health,
and reached the stage where I had ..to
remain in bed. A doctor was called
in and he told ane I had no organic
trouble, but was simply Arun down from
overwork. I had been, left witha
family to support, which I did :by
dressmaking. The doctor said my
blood had almost turned to water, and
advised a rest cure. I did not see how
it was possible for me to take a very
long rest, so I decided to try.Dr. W11
name? Pink. Pine. Soon I found my
strength returning andbefore very'
long I was able to go about my duties
as usual again. This was a few years
ago, and my health remained good un-
til about a year ago, when I broke out
'with humor of the blood.. Again I con-
sulted the
on-sulted•t'he doctor, who said my blood
had become so thin that it had really
poisoned itself. I told him I had bought
several boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and he told me to go on tarring
them as he thought they were just
what I needed. I took eight boxes and
again was in good health. I can there
fore recommend these pills to ell in a
weak er rundown oondition."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by us.ee'm a ca'r ran over your bus -
all druggists or will be sent by nasi,
post paid; on receipt of pride, 50 cents
a box. Try them to day.
The lambs that follow Mary around
these days are sure to get a thrill.
The old-fashioned maiden's blush is
now painted on unblushingly.
Tests show music will not soothe a
wild bull. We always thought it bet-
ter to run than sing.
Jeffrey—So your son has been in
aired and is coming home. fro' col.
Brigge—"Yes, he sprained his uku-
lele finger. •
The Fool.
Thinks he could save money if he got
a raise.
Thinks a big house makes a happy
Believes that rouge fools the public.
Blames all his misfortunes on other
Bel]•avee the chance makes the man.
Thinks load talk is strong argu-
Never suspects himself of foolish-
"Man wants but little here below"
some people are even Satisfied with
Kills ies.Mosqu toes °tet
Roaches • ed ugs.Flects
.�..-_, Rf„S7;"i3+s'.j�' •u. ...• ..'it•+.1ww•f.F'ii tet*'Rte. t. _;4}„ yuS•,•+
®r the Workroom,
tt EDDY'S 11
(avy Toilet Tissue'
NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and,
like all Eddy tissues, is manufact iced under
the most exacting sanitary conditions.
Each roll of
"NAVY" Tis-
sue is guar-
anteed to con-.
Quality an d
TH i.B
Breaking it Gently.
of your .boy or girl.
Children ]earn to swim very quick-
ly. At the nam ) time they can and
should learn how to handle themselves
in water: how to float, to tread water,
to give themselves rest and all the
various means to keep afloat. Above
all, they should be taught that they
can have all the real fun they want in
the water—without being foolhardy.
In case of accident, it is well to
learn all the tricks of life-saving, es-
pecially how to prevent a drowning
person o1utching you so as to render
you helpless to save yourself or him.
If you find yourself in distress, keep
your bead. Don: t struggle; don't
throw your hands out of the water—
use your arms and legis as little ae pos.
sable, just enough td float. The
chances are you will be picked up with
in a short time.
'Po revive the apparently drowned,
the "Schafer" prone method is un- i
doubtedly the beet of all manual meth-
ods. Briefly it is as follows:
1. The drowned person is placed on
the ground, face downwards and to one
it iVU Stiv41/iltr, aANIrA7tY nUnnSrt (QODS{
I Mil for catalogue and price list. caro And
Banita,;r Rubber WOrlta, Pepe, it -i.,. fi-Uf Roza
titieat Montreal,
+ "Opportnin;ities are bike l i•rle," De+,i
m,lrks a Loudon. writer, "we want to.6,1t
embirac•e only the Pleasant ores"
C ticura Talcum
xquisitely JcentLed., }y
Color in Children's Rooms.
Children are delightfully responsive
to color. They should find it used with
joyous abandon in their simply fur-
nished rooms—an expres's'ion of hap-
piness, dear to the heart cf a child.
Happiness may be unfolded to a child
through a harmonious color scheme ae
weld as through music, storles or play.
Sturdy, simple furniture in many
pleasing designs, particularly the.
peasant styles, may now be procured
unfinished, and painted at home. Do
not limit the use of color to the furni-
ture but use it in the walls and wood-
work also, keeping to three main hues.
This will give variety and wild not be
'band's pants and cut them all to
"I never heard of such a thing!
'Where was my husband when that
happened., man?"
"He was in 'em, ma'am."
Tells cause of cancer and what to d
for pain, bleeding,, odor, etc. Write fo
it to -day, mentions g; this paper. Ad
dress Indianapolis Cancer Hospital
Indiarapolis, Incl.
Ins ct Bites
Minaret's takes the itch out
of mosquito ar.d fly bite&st
Draws the poison.
as a
side, arms extended above the head.I -. --.....
The tongue will drop fonevard and the ,>-s-- - >x.-.• •-m'_ s
fluid in the air p+asaag'e l will ruu out.
Delay le dangerous—cicnt stop to re- l
move clothing.
2. The operator should kneel astride
the body, facing the. bend. Place hauls
in the small of the hack, thumbs touch-
ing or nearly so, the Jinglers spread out
on each side of the lower ribs; lean
forward and steadily allow the weight
of your body to fail gently on the vic-
tim; immediately swing backward,
rapidly Pel'easing the pressure without
reanoving the hands front ties body.
Repeat this movement every five
seconds; keep it up until natural
breattbing bee n's, or all hope of such
is given up.
lelinard's Liniment is reliable.
There is one thing of which I am in-
tensely proud. It is being the wife of
Stanley Ballwin. Not t.ho wife of the
Prime Minister—that is a totally dif-
ferent thing, but the wife of Stanley
Baldwin, the mane -Mrs. Baldwin.
Mr. Mel'lon.,
London Spectator - We think that
Mr. Mellon—though we ere euro that
this was not hie drrtention—has done
an injurry to Great Britain's reputation
throughout Europe, and by so doing
has aroused than kind of reetentm,emt
hese which must be entirely absent if
we are to advance .surely towards per-
fect Anglo-American undeestanding.
,The awry eensolatiOn is that ]3ritis�h.
�newaIpap .ran exprees their aunoe-
anre with ,the esetatitty that there Is
no danger. whatever of a spirit, with
Amea1ca. The fact that the two na-
too complicated. The tones may betions can speak to one, another en un-
selected from•piecee of dress• material,' guarded: language is of great signi-
ficance. No one here would write, of a
lateneb, Italian•, German or Japanese
Minister lin each tenses se have been
used of Mr. Mellon.
colored tissue paper, flowers or any
objects so arranged together as to rug'
gest three harmonious colors. Re-
number always that greens., bhtes,
blue -violets and all very tight tones
make' excellent background', as they
Mlnard's Liniment for insect bites.
give a feeling of space and aways etay go-
back; that dark blues, and red -violets,
unless used very delicately, make a Beam Wireless Test SStYCCe3S-
room dark, while yellows and yellow -
greens make a room light: Reds, vie- London Prelirnhiaaa'y+ suc:cessfull
let -reds and orange -reds are best tests have been completed with beam
avoided as backgrounds except in most wireless between Great Britain and
delicate tints as red is • so active a ,South Africa, the Marconi Company
color, that it to impossible to keep it announces. ''hosts u'lder ordinary traf-
back. In a playroom a threet•toot wain- fine conditions are now being opeavgted,
sooting painted dike the wall or wood-
work 'and varnished is easily cleaned
and is a protection to the wall from
kieka tnd acratehes.
prior to a. strew days'ccntieeoes trial
under poster tae sttpervielon. The
tests gave between 2,00 and 250 words
a minute.
Where are many ways' of introducing A Continuous 11 -hour day service is
pleasing color and individual touches. gunratthed froth the transmitter at:
A porch swing of striped awnisig'to Iiodmin, Cornwall, atiti It e 1'i i Iver at
he.rmonize with the scheme and piled i1t'idgewater, Somerset. These oto'
with gay pillows will be an inviting tlees also krve Canada.
1. iece of furniture for the playroom --- - �_
1 f the room is large, two court; be used. ,
Low hunt -in bookcases and Cupbo•arit5
tor toys are il0t2?ttl and attractive. Lit-
tle moss, plant and crocus gardens at'
ranged in a bowl by the child are in-
1cresting. Pots of bulbs, owe errioacd
by Children, and this year tlb r e ere
on the market fascinating little teeters
pleats of (weer shapes whose ere:Ingo-
went delights. youngster's. The ee;s
Squame ilea's help to keep round
sums in circ.ui Lien.
Deafr ees,_-- ealti. Noises
1:8611 EAR. OM
"Rttb raxak of 7 nra"'
l;.ti 7,lrywrit1.
ht se mrag55at9. litre t1.25
is side anent d .rri:APISIE?,S" an r t::t.
A,. • t. L gillifi0; Ise, 70 filth ASvo., lute Valt
The (:herrn al 'f.
`IaA Velvet Skin. {
—and Me Pt{ie 1S
uwr+. ,Blood Under 11
u P
i Q. a Health
This Spring
Taken according to the
simple directions on every
bottle, TRU - BLOOD brings
the glow of vibrant health to
the skin.
"TB.0-BLOOD Conplesions" re -
fart "blood health" within. As at
Spring Tonic and Blood ]•urifar, it
corrects the causes of eczema, skin
eruptions and kindred symptoms of
vitiated or impure blood.
Do as so many others are doing
—get a dollar bottle at your Drug-
gist's and prove its worth. 55
1 A
1 "
Gum- Iping
Thousands of
Extra Wiles
Every strand of every
cord is instated and im-
pregnated with rubbery after
which the cords are coated
by the regular 5alendoring
This extra advantage-
-this extra process that is ex-
clusive to Firestone, is your
assurance of greater tile.
economy, safety and conr -
fort. See your nearest
dealer to -day sod have your
car mosipped't with firestone
Gunn -Dipped Tires.
rias TOiary 7mn lir nt713nEln' CO,
01' CArtAnA LIi1•rSD
7xsiniitest, asters
Mrs. Wilson's Experience nce a
Guide to Women Passing
through the Change of life
Hamilton Ontario. — "I have take
several bottles of Lv dia E. Pinkham'l>
'Vcceta•Ible C o ca«,
pouted and I cant
not speak togs
highly of itis
waoat the Chang*
of Life and war#'
all r n down and
ha.] no r, ctite.
1wvas very weak,
tnri sick, i r.'l tho.
pains i a r ' Lack
.t x vvero SO 1)1.:.1 1
•ec elahrtrdlyt .eve«
l=int very y scA At
times and thhu 1'.t 1 1";:d not a friend
• m earth. 1 c'a' r, t. tare it 1 l;rcd or.
died. 1 WtIki v cry nervous, too,,}} and
t'ki not go Ott Wl-,7 W,7A friend
telvised ane tot :, ,,tufo of Lydia 1';. l
C er1151�und, ao •
(' 1 did. 1 urn a l ,t .t V; Ile, nn el-'
ii• y i wotir'' r lards aetii latcrv, snuff
I i'ttu iu ix;d foe t,'.,+ i,.c.:.cl..3. 1 laeg'nr>;,
to feel 1,14c a r.' 'v 1 la after the
first bottle tmd •'1 1, ,rrruenti it with
great mar
} Liver Pills, 1 a
accit.;;i, ti 140w rm willing�to
cnswee le tle t e . ro it n:'nselr a..q ii1
ebout your weds tt:.r, as 1 canna
speak ion 1, } It v cit' t hr tn. "- Mrs.
EMMA -W rs,srr?.v..4'i'Wilson i. •'c?iv
lIala heti, Onterir..
Sold by d,.wugi ills oaereeet,
ISSUE; No. 2.4--"a„.