Zurich Herald, 1927-06-16, Page 31,yo,,,;,,,,hS ..��,i •.wrw•er�nw . ..,,.� �+e�.*n••X�.R•T+1�.!.�.M�•--M+!.». � _,....... CONFEDERATIONAND AER • SIXTY YEW F ?AGMS TOWNS OLD AND NEW. Sixty years is snot a. i'erY long pealed though riot at the same rate ere theta even in the life of a "country in title' of Ontario. 3+lew world of America, and yet it' is A Wonderful Change. •curious how comparatively fere of the Witco vro roach Welitel'a 'Canada, towns of Canada go back to Contederie, hewtv'e':,wo find tin aanazing. graowth' In. towns' and 'eines. . In 1867 Wlunlpeg tion, and leowv few even, of those were was i othing but a Waggling lino of Places of any importance in 1867. Thoemail buiidiltgs, nearly all of wooden .growth of Canadian towns ainoe Gou• oonetruct1Ort, strung along what iss nee federation is not the least Important Mein Street. Its fame retied then only . measure of the development of the upon the fact that it was• still art Ira - :Dominion, I portant centre of the fur. trade. Prob- Obviously Quebec, with its long Itis- ably no one, standing thee at the cote tory, counts several cities that were na'A' of wuut 18 now. Main Stratat anti' already ancient --one° mere from a Portage Avenue, could wave Imagined, New World point of view -in 1867 such no matter Itow vivid his 'imagination, as Montreal, Quebec, Three Rivers and that sixty years later Winnipeg would Sorel; but the letter, although its his. be a city of 200,000 with 'public build - tory e middle of the Inge, shops, industrial establishments e goes back to t, . and 'comfortable horses �stretohiug out pointed century; was not Suer- in every direction over what was. then notated as a city until 1889.. Sher-. brooke w;s•o goes back to the beginning open prairie. of the last century; and Hull weal At the time of Confederation Edmon- founded about the same time. The ton was still a trading post' of the ' Mone recent towns ars pretty wallow. , Iud'son% Bay Company and nothiug lined to a few industrial centres such more' Victoria was a very small town, as Shawinigan Fails and Thetford Lifted' into -temporary and feverish Mines. activity a few years before °by the fa Urban Population Small. mous gold rush' New Wealmins•ter 'was P a hamlet; Prince Albert had just been Oatario's pre -Confederation -towns founded. The great city of Vancouver number Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, was still a dream o.t the futume; so IIamilton, London, Kitchener (Berlin) were Calgary and Regina and Saska- and several others. Toronto was a toon, Nelson and Moose Jaw and Lech - small town in 1867. It now numbers bridge, Medicine Hat and Prince Ru - over half a million. Ottawa has grown pert and Dawson CitY. in the same period from a population , Striking Contrast. of less than 20,000' to 110,000; the In fact no more striking* evidence growth of Hamilton has, been even can be found of the growth of Oanada lucre rapid. The same is true in great since Confederation than the contrast er or less degree of nearly all the. between Its towns as they were in 1867 other towns of the province. Fort Wiland as they are to -day with their in - Ham, Port Arthur, Kenora, Sault Ste, dustrlal, commercial and eocial.,de- burye,. North Bay, HOnbury,. Sud- velopments, their fine public butlldings•, bury and many other Ontario to wngs weilepaverd streets, wonderful means had not been thought of when the;Do• of 'transportation, well-equipped and minion was born. ! efficient public schools' and the innurn- In the Maritime Provinces, condi- erable modern comforts and convent - tions are somewhat like the province of Quebec, though the only town down by the . sea that compares' In age with Montreal and Quebec is Annapolis Royal, founded under the name of Port Royal in 1605, and therefore three years older than the city of Quebec and thirty-seven- years alder than Montreal. Maritime towers have grown considerably since Confederation al- ences, water supply, electric light, telephones, street railways and so forth, that have become so much a matter at ,course that few of us ever stop to consider that our forefathers in 1867 not only had to do without them, but in many cases would have thought anyone mad who suggested the mere possibility of such fantastic and improbable contrivances. WILL GIVE MEDAL TO EVERY SCHOOL CHILD IN CANADA First Batch Have Gone to the Remote Portions of the` Dominion. LEVER MAKING. IMPRINT MOVED BY LADY - WILLINGDON. Lady Wiilingdon struck the first Con- tederation Jubilee medal at the mint recently. With bee own hands she moved the lever that imprinted on the bronze the commemorative words and designs that went out in a batch of 300 al Strikes. nsedal s to the school children of Yukon Leeds 'Yorkshire Post (Cons): i headed A Thankless Task. Nothing has conte to our notice 'more revealing of the difficulties un- der which prohibition officers wort: Scheme for Establishing Stages in Ocean at Which Air - 'than a recent statement by Capt. George A. Parker of Massachusetts. planes Might Alight and Refuel Comes Into This official, with a fine record as Transatlantic Air Service Consideration. head of the State Police behind him lands in the middle of the Atlantic to enable sairplanes' to traverse the ocean, in several stages :has been:revived by th magnifica exploit of Captain Lind- poop. Perhaps an anchorage in deep bergh. After a week of continuous water is impracticable, but the con - fetes, serious attention is being paid etruction tau be furnished with power - to the possibilities of an air service be- full propellers' which would maintain it tween Europe. and Amerioa, and it is in position, keeping its n:ooe windward. remembered that Lindbergh himself At the opening would be a breakwater FAMOUS FLIER, MOTHER ANP CIRANDFA T HER The layout above gives three ganerations''In the Lindbergh -Land fa rally. The olid-fasbioned youth whir the muzzle -loader was Charles H. Laa 1, bora at ?Anne , who later became Dr. Charles fl. Land of Detroit. The photograph taken at Brantford clueing htt9school data there, was lent by 'Mrs, G. W.- Bssery, of 39 Spencer Are., Toronto, whose maiden name was Land, and who is a. relative of the flier. The other figures in the photograph are the intrepid aeronaut and his mother, standing beside` "The Sprit et St. Louts." immemisemonoF How Soon? " Some time ago Henry Is said '. he thought mechanical devices could make farming a "standardized, bug-, ness." The practical farmer laughed. A new invention just tried out may put a different light on the stater.. It is constructed of three pieces of wood, a few bolts, a- spring, a piece of aluminum shaped liked a huge spoon. It was hailed last 'week at the" Ne - brash Agricultural College as a po- tential revolution in the farming world. It will enable the tiller of the soil to go to the cinema or drink cider or sleep, while his fields are being plowed. It will soon be put on the market at a cost of a few dollars. It is the invention of F. L. Zybach of Grand Island, Neb. To use this device, a farmer must first attach a plow to his tractor and cut a furrow ardund the outer rim of his field, making the corners rounded instead of square. Then he fastens Mr. Zybach's invention to the, steering wheel of the tractor, putting the spoon -end in the furrow•. He starts the tractor, climbs out. • ,Tho tractor, guided along the furrow by Mr, Zybach s rnventrree contYnues t make shorter and shorter trips by Boy S.:outs, is literally worth its weight in gold on a oampi.ng trip,. Briar;proof•,1egginge and trousers are lndi•spe•nsibie when one is hiking about tine woods. . If 'you bunk on the ground, a bit- of. cotton rlvouid be placed in the ears to HELPFUL HINTS ARE OFFERED , FOR ,A U1'OISTS ON CAMP TRIP Iixforxnation About Equip>n ex?t and Handy Tips Should Greatly Aid Motor Travelers Who Plan to En)oy Sojourn it Open. To prolong the life of eainp sltoo'e smear the s olss with heayy glue end eawai sit. Thi•e covering wild wear Weil and may 'be renewed. Cook Food Over Embers A siaort-handled, etren�g epode should be a part of your equipment. For a gni,ek•burnin'g wood lire build it up with snicks, leaying air space be- tween the Iayens.. This forms a draft. Confine your cooking fire' to a small spa s for safety and comfort. Cook- ing on embers, is beset for you to avoid the annoying smoke, . Aotooaan�pin,g is lust. like any other' 1 hu.ntraese or Vey aotivity caf man --after you .think you know it a•ll, •yea bid you have just begun to Worn. nee article setai forth little, but noverthal.ase important, things for the pr epeetive rettooaanper to bear lu mind. Here they are: Ihould you limit yours'elf wit:hoot ea- ,.ri. folded , t � s 7 make T 0 C Vena+ eLN t ti� ougti bedding, s..rl d zi.e i n a good sabsti�tate. Tees exclude cold wet and forst a fairly comfortable mattreen AVoi:d pitching' your tent on candy soli, because stcelt ground will not re- tain the pegs during a 'high wind. Sand also has a faculty of creeping into se carts of food 'containers. A toilet kit, •similar to.those carried by doughboys duping the World War, es excellent for oatdoor• use. Xnolude steel mirror rather than a glace one. Should Take 'Along Axe Canvas wash basins' .ehouid be thor- oughly soaked :before using and usually will leak a ,little vrhen filled with hoot water. . A slier' haudied axe, bike these used around the field,, until it cornea to a stop in the .middle. Tests of the device last eek pre- dueed flowing like clockwork. But when .Mr. Zybaeh was first experi- menting with a crude model, his neighbors warned flim not to let the exclude bangs. tractor get loose and destroy any 'o'f C.•uS ropes which have not been their property. Once he set the nIa wa'terin- oted wilt shrink when wet. chinos to 'plough all night, The I heratore loosen them during a alarm neighbors came over at midnight and and before Heaving camp for a capsid- iIuplor ed hint to stop it erabis length of time. This will pee vent them tightening and pulling up :►------- the stakes. Britain and the UnitedStates. Keep copious notes end take plenty of piobnres. They will repay you many J. L. Garvin in the London Oboer- tense over for trobute�s and money ex - ver (Ind. Cons.) : The more we leave pended. the Debts Question to be fought out If you. want a sleeping bag and don't in the arena of American public opine want u invest in one, pin two woolen ion, the sooner will come the chance army blankets together with 'heavy of a change. We ought to be above pine. vindicating ourselves to Anterea. In ever • such vindication our interest • Don't forget to take along a good compass. It may save your life In . heavily timbered oaa.ntry. If you ever I got lost and haven't a compass, locate a etreaur, if possible, and follow et to i its so'uroe. To kill smell'of fleh In pots and Pans' boil a little vinegar and water in them. Keep suppy of nvatohes in tightly corked bottle so as to always have a. few usable one's on hand, Watch Drinking Water Be careful of drinking water. In- quire n quire of natives about conditions. Keep camp clean all of the time for the sake of health as well as appear= antes. This is easily done if each member of the party has pertain tasks to perform, thus malting the job a hard- ship for no one person. To cool oontents of a bottle wrap it in a well -soaked cloth sod hang in the tbreeze under a well -leafed tree. i A sewing kit and mending bag ars valuable adjuncts to the camp equip- age. I . 'Blisters and tired feet may he'pre. vented by wearing heavy hob -nailed shoes, a per of light soaks next to the 1 feet and heavy woollen socks over them. IThe novioe must remember that while a'camping trip is chiefly pleasure !while is not 'entirely a bed of roses, and I therefore it behooves him to go well Y equipped and determined to joyfully take a little bitter with the sw•eet- 3 unavoidably is too much rolz:ad. up with our virtue. ',vert; arg,int nt of 'ours adcivesrocl directly Lo the Uni- ted States only tends to put back the clock. LINDBERGH'S EXPLOIT REVIVES INTEREST IN FLOATING ISLANDS has 'been the chief Federal prohibl- Paris—The project for floating ellfonitor" described the French plan tion officer of the State for the past year. During .that time, he• says, three ot_his• one hundred men have been murdered, several wounded, and` all subjected to every hind of pres- sure, both physical and monetary. They have done their best, yet dur- ing that year not a man has received a single note of thanks, of commenda- tion, or of encouragement from any living human being, nor even a kind word to make the task easier. for floating islands,. Bach island was an immense pon- toon oo toon of horseshoe shape, open at the Heavy Artillery. Manchester Guardian (Lib.) : (An expert calculates that the women of the United States spend $5,000,000 a day on cosmetics and other devices for improving or maintaining their natural charms.) A million pounds a day ie a tremendous sum. In Amnr ca it seems to' be regarded with satisfac- tion, and the expert who has bean making these calculations points with pride to the fact that women ars spending "more in powders and rouge to protect their appearances" than is spent by the United States Govern- ment on its navy and air force. It is a quaint way of looking at the mat- ter, but perhaps there is Iegitimate if She Did It Would. i ground for satisfaction in the thought Ito --"l was thinking et asking you that Amer:can worsen spend more in to dinner to=night. Is your watch go -the keeping heir powder dry then doer xpendi- ills:?}, ture under cbot Admiralty. can be regard, - See --"It n -11 if I do. 1 eti as preparations for war, but from on his .arrival remarked that praetiorte and. the internal basin would be coin- ��— the stere man's point of view it is, steps night be taken to realize a' paratively calau. Some. GoodZ on the whole, more satisfactory tc Joseph s'chem•e of artificial bays where air-', 'Emperta believe such a (lateen within Chrlstlan Science Mouito-c—Tbore ; fall in love than it is to fall in battle planes can find stores of gasoline and the capacity of modern engineering are In.dicatious that the effects of Great } —if the choice is between cannons ant descend at need. I skill, and since the island would be Britatn's� action will be more notice- cosmetics; the powder puff is a kinder General t>rt e5. This opinion of the man who has twice as long as the most powerful able in Russia than elsewhere. It bas ;weapon than the whiff of grape shot. • made a direct nonstop flight is lin- ware it should ride steadily while :at boon claimed that the dominant poli- territory,- It is intended subsequently Trade Unions have enjoyed special portant. His performance is exception -coral bali'astt would prevent rolling. tical party in Russia, by J o p I .aT Methods for Maps. to give one to every school, child in .privileges for many generations. al, and possibly -could not, under exist- l Lighthouses could be erected en the Stable, disapproves the World-revo up Canada. 1They have, for example, been immune Ing conditions, be repeated •as a matter island an•d hangars, work^sh'opa, hotels, time' program wi'lei2 has been inlet-es-1TheTopographical Survey Depart. Theceremony took place at the from charges of conspiracy. But of commonplace commercial usage. la wireless station, meteopolbgi�eal ob- sed upon the radical leaders in many 'ment of the Dominion Government is Royal Mint in the presence of His Fix- i that immunitywas, granted,and has But it is obvious, that if an airplane , servaitsory and warehouses. .I countries. Stalin believes, it is said,' responsible for the making of onr t+ellency Viscount Wtllingdon, as well been enjoyed, en the understanding can alight at reasonable distances and] Four suck isiande w•auid., be suiiicl- that the progress end reh'abilitation' maps. War veterans particularly, as Sir Montagu and Lady Allan, oft :that the unions actually did not con- seek protection from the weather great; est, i of -Rtt:,sla have been hindered, rather will remember the Ordance maps of oials of Government House, otieials spire in the ordinary sense of the progress can be accomplished almost Other types, notabie giant platforms than elited. by the campaign of the France, similar to there, this depart - of the Mint, and members of the press. term, When, however, a number of immediately. 1eupported by anchored buoys' are en-' Third Internationale. Great Britain ment usually prepares for the vari- Uprn their Excellencies arrival they unions, act in concert in order to The question remains whether it Is deisaged, and an American engineer ! rreems to have supplied him with con- , ous sections of Canada. Novr another were taken on, a tour of inspection blockade the food and necessaries of possible to oan;Strtuot ligating islands named Armstrong has a mgr's cOmplic. vinciag evid•enra In support of this war method is to be employed in through the mint. The first paint of the peoples, as they did in 1926, they inclo'sing wasa Utile buck, on which was conspire against the membered that menthe ago the Paris I working out, though a dirge outlay of otteortuuity to repudiate the prOpa-, For the 'first time since .its incep- cat; do actually P g heaped $200,000 worth at gold in solid State, : I,correspontlent of "The Christian capital ierrecess[tated• tianiiist canal}air t' tion as a game preserve, aerial photo- _ '.. :.. bare. Each bar' was worth more than I , -- „ smooth Wates•. It Willi. be re- I ated scheme. The problems deserves I contention. Will he take, his present civil map affairs. $10,000, the exact value by weight be- ing stamped on each. Alongside were other bare•, or hrieka, containing, about S0 pet cent, gold. Made Many Friends. Here Lady Willingdon 'showed her democratte spirit when, thanking the workmen for showing bee the mottos, operandi of that department. she ''hook hands with .item all, grimy banded es they were. Site may have soiled e pair of gloves, but she made maiiy friends. Amid the whirr of litany machines, the vice -regal party wettest" the bronze bars being flattened` out and roiled to the proper consistency. Strong lights were focltsed on the machines and on the party and the cameras 'started to grind and ellek as. Lady Wiliingdon stepped forward with a blank bronze circle. She shoved it Into the proper oval and then looked for the assistant to give the sign. This he did, the medal was ,struck and the brief oememony had 'ended. The medals contain on one sidea picture' of Queen Victoria as she was in 1S67 and 'one of King Cleorge as he Is at present. . Confederation is print- ed on the tap and Canada on the bot- tom: 1867 is printed opposite Queen Victoria, and 1927 opposite' King George. OIi, the rovers•e side is a shield containtug the Canadian coat of arms, ' surrounded by maple leaves, On the tame side tattle motto fo rthe coat of arms, "A marl usque ad mare," 2,000,006 Medals. Two million of these will be struck and they will he turned out at the rata of 50d a minute, and 106,000 a day. They will not be distributed locally till near C'onfedertttien dale. graphs mapping out the wood buf- talo preserve et Fort Smith ere to elm taken, under the supervision of the Topographical Surveys Depart- ment of the Dominion Government, With the recently 'add.od extensions to the wood buffalo preserve, the ex- tent of this great natural park is now over 17;0.0.0 square miles, and officials feel that it is extremely desirable that accurate. information of the Inca• tion of every meadow, salt lick, weal low, timber, bluff, - river, stream an other natural feature ehoald be a•:ali- able.. The Outlaw of .A31a. .. � `:?tsy��'^' a:.9'e, � .. � � .. .. 5... ,.. .. �,)� ... �•S : $�i`.in� Vii,:. �� '� � „...j � a Ir � . A' � �, I1lugs tC.I1 Whig -Standard (..ai17.) : The Bing Cabinet in'et h i done the right thing in :evci:n.g ;nterco-mate with Mos- cow. We aro c csirn u s of trading with the Russians, hut not at the price of honer, The Soviet Government is practically an outlaw Governrsant now, without any apparent muse of honor cr decs~ttcy, and 'law tears will C•e i,`; ell over any trouble that roar conte to it. Z4,.ecu0 ¢�. ..:}}�; fi 8w r., 1.' ek^,,u , .�,4`?`�,•.`:>"•`•w'...wi i�t'.�.i �L'. 2;° rte-+ • • "" w�'i"r.• y.` +•`",w• 1 ,, a ��""'''9ss'lIP."�ti.itfw.?�..1w�'r."''��'tLi•'9I.>:","w1t.,"Btr.R President 15ounte•. t t�ritiy made a throe tin . nttto viva to 1..ondon, nrcempari{'.d by hri„lide rgue, of :t-i.,rtr.�., ta. I3'riancly tca'eign minister, and was mot by the, king' at Victoria station, with whop 1>,e is shown in the v0781 earrlr,go. \` Juot the Thing. 'Worm ---"I wonder what 1 can ee to mike ry a living?" ' 13ng •-"Try to get a job malting worm. 1 holes in an antique fitrnitirre fa,etok,y'i''