Zurich Herald, 1927-06-16, Page 2ooh o 4 claps to each cerst's worth of ten 1231 Rgael,6abattia provided ehe ,gives nothing le 44 - clump." • White -faded, with fiaeling ...e700, she turned on him at that. "How? You dare?" "I heoev M. de La Tdir d'Azyr," te ekene what leer„ wants ""Ise is a man who ants vlierevel ho < .. finds it and whether it is ,given will- ingly h 'Melons no- i,hing of suis x his elf-indulgent tvay. Perder it, Clli-, I You 0 - "`",oa. mole, and ask yourself IT do Y �""'S",�rcr+�'n}k1 less than lienor in warning you:' .?\1,� He went out , on that, feeling :1 • hY , degradation ill continuing the subject, yfeget ao Quick relief from pain, L-' eve fl slice pressure, At st8l drusi and shoo stores , S Ipo1 `, ' . no9' ails. Pitt ono on—tail Pain is sono gene,' iN HERE TO -DAY. eopularly believed to be your father, To escape hanging on try charge What precisely do you mean?" of sedition, Andre -Louis Moreau flees; "Just that. It is-. a belief that 7 do Tram his native town of Gavrillac' slot share. It is a matter of instinct, and hides his identity as a member of , perhaps, with me. Moreover, oilce a band of strolling players in which 1 asked M. de Kereadiou point-blank, he makes a great seccero-: in the char-; and 1 received from him a denial," atter of Scaranlouche. And your mother; was she equally revenge rel ont has the gr2atd and powerful; hire to ignorant`?" She was sneering, but he Marquis de La Tour ' D'Azyr, who; aid not remark it. Her back was to tricked Andre's deafest friend„ Phil -;the light. ippe de Vilmorin, a divinity student,! "He would not dlselcse her name into a duel and then killed him he-' to me. He confessed her to be a (our insolence." ]ie laughed, delicate cause he feared the idealist's "danger- I dear friend of his." and 1 "But ce them that -we, out gift of eloquence." Over the dead; She startled. him by laughing= I too, could weee showed sme. Wt- at -we, iody of his friend, Andi e-L•au.s swore her laugh was not pleasant to carry on his sworkant' of re_oim;n , "A very dear friend, you may be(them a pitched battle in tfie streets, the lot of .'le peasants. r is ¢ sure, you simpleton. What riarae da, and so peppered them that they were w called, , as An,..re Ln:iis glad to take shelter in the Cordelier now Cal]£d, f�:llc in ]0l°0 with � iinl9nL', ' you bear?" 1 of the owner of the trnepe, He restrained his own rising in- Convene,"daughter questionit is odd, provide for the necessary fulness an trieser forget the lis thinks, , calmly.: to answer as < "Bailie cn E t t Naxites p t necessary y or now. The abhat and"Moreau.] I should never p the back may be cu g Aline de ICercadiou. �viiem, he thin: s` Calmly.: ,t was nen me, , will marry the lvlarnuia. C]iinelle i so I nm told fxanl tk:e Erittany v'il-lis being politically active." straps are attached to the back at the t;e<,t<: •i:;,- with colcinAss. which l born In fart,` Th�lt night at theth t e he hzd .a shoulders CO ON WITH THE STORY.5' la else -to test w or not; n-xan who , the`gory he sc tttere oil ;lis I Wilson. Publishing company On Tuesday of the following week, Andre -Louis ran into -a slightly built, sallowecomplegianed gentlemanvery neatly dressed in black.. "Moreau! Where the, devil have you been "hiding yourself these months?" It was Le Chapelle') the lawyer, the leader of the Latei'ary Chamber of Rennes. Without halting for re- ply, he. continued: "You are the roan we have been seeking everywhere, and_ behold1.—yon drop from tshe th. skies into my pa.:r - They crossed the square and en- t ~eel the cafe. "1 suppose you haven't heard of the royal order for the' convocation of the States General, -:or the terms of them --that we are to havo what e. demanded, what you demanded for, us here in Nantes! You haven't heard of the fresh uproar in Rennes, last month. The order was that the three estates should sit together at the States General but in Rerenee the nobles took up, arms,headed by your old friend, M. de La Tour d'Azyr, and they were for slashing' us—the members of the Third Estate - into ribbons so as to put an end to X5_98... A NEW SUSPENDER SKIRT AND. TAILORED BLOUSE. Of unusual smartness is the sus- pender skirt shown here. There is an inverted plait at each side seam to PEARL I More. Than Half World's °tit" put of Pearls is Raised Off Broome, Perth, W. Aust.—The' close of the peitrl-fishing season'it Broome in this state shows l a considerable decline in the feat, wblcii now numbers only 96 lit er0, as against 177 last year anti. 320 some 18 years ago, N'e'vertheless•; there are indications of incirees�ing business in future. B'ofore the'Great Wxir, Germany took a large percentage of pear) shell,, but now it cannot arrange cee•dits' and no. business is, done with it, America is the big customer to -day. In 1914 that eountiy took 20 per cent. o'f the shell raised; to -day 80 per cent. of its goes t b t Tit -for -Tat. London Truth (Ind. Lib.): (In Notes from'New York.) This coun- try is accused of playing the Shy- lock and of other infamies. Well,' . this Mississippi mishap is an op=' there, chiefly fax manufacture into u. tons, and handles for dessert knives portunity for Europe to show her gees -i and forks. There is •every promise of a p'ermane'nt industry heiug maintain- ed, as the capacity of the grounds has never been determined, ai>d natural re- plenislunent is continually proceeding. 'In 1924 the value of pearls exported was nearly £94,090, and of pearl shell 1243,680, a. total of about £337,000. The value of pearls raised last year was appr'oxim'ately £60,900, and. the figures are now likely to incaease. The aggre- gate exportations recorded since 1870 are estimated at £2,160,690 for pearls and £6,527,640 for shell, giving a total production of £8,688,330. Western Australia, according to of- ficial data, is responsible for the pro- duction of more than one -hale of the world's output of pearls and pearl'shell. Broome is the commercial base, and the fleet is manned by aliens of all colors. The habitat of the pearl is the tropical sea, where the sky fames gold and the waters underneath are warm green&and blues. Labor for the industry Is indentured for a certain -number of years under the atrictest conditions. Those who import Asiatics are compelled to re- turn them to their native land at;the expiration of the engagement. b`i111y $30.Down Payment $100, Bolan 90 per cent. of the divers are Japanese, with a sprinkling of Malays and Manila $22 per month. Walter Andrews, Limited, 346 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. men, and the crews are composed of Japanese, Malays and Koepangers. In- dentured labor can be used for no other purpcs�e, but pearling, excep'tin'g with the permission of the authorities, and the request is invariably refused. A diver is paid about £3 a month, and on a sliding scale, ranging from £25 to £45 a ton on the shell. The. principal local pearl buyers at Broome are Frenchmen or Russian Jews, and English interests have special repre- sentation there. The -value of pearls raised at this center last year was only £60,000, but there is •every indica- tion of those iigure•s increasing sub- stantially. Pearls range in price from 5s. to £4000 and £5000. During the war a pearl was found which was valued of £10,000. Last year the e,mantity of pearl shell was valued at from £150 to £180 a ton; it has gone as high as £235 a ton. - There is • a bill before the Federal Parliament at present to form a com- pulsory pearl shell pool fax the whole of Australia. Under this legislation the product will be marketed through one channel, and thus the industry will be stabilized "Squatter" Get portant Post. ea r_. liege in w ac washat Le I have no name. unless it be as ' - mischievous imp ! mouche, to which I have earned a I Chapelier had told .him of the state title. So that you see, my dear," hell of public feeling in the city. They CIIAPiFR IK. ", ended with a smite, "1 have practiced were playing "The Terrible. Captain,,' "Do you knew," said Clilixne. ,1" _" in* deception whatevth ° in the last act of which .the empty rt astir_ tot' the explant ; icn which j :No. no. I see that row." . She cowardice of the bullying ,braggart Ism g ] think ycu owe me?" llaughed without mirth, then drew a,1T,nadoniont is revealed by Scara- Tbey were alnne together. lingering i deep breath and rose. "I "m cry rr F�ft r the Iaiighter which the e c still .:t the telae to which Andre -Louis tired," she said. had come boion?" • "But{ She moved towards the door, drag- posure of the roaring captain never" <,T'xpianat;cn", he r1aesticaed.sprang to fb1 produced, it remained for Scar - on ging her fee. a little. Ile p y on what scare?" "On the score cf the d,c relation you have practiced on us --on me. You . shoo?d not have pretended to be a simple country lawyer, which of course, any one could se•e that you are not." - "I see," he said, and pulled at his pipe. "But ycu are wrong, Climene. I am neither more nor lees than I have repre'sente'd myself." "Ha! And that line lady who car- ried you off in her cabriolet? W]mt is she to you?" "A sort of sinter," said he. "A sort of sister!" She was in- dignant. "Harlequin foretold that you would say so; but he was amusing him- self. She had a name, I suppose, this sort cf sister?" "Certainly she has a. name. She is Mile. Aline (le Kercadious, the niece of Quintin de Kercadious, Lord of Gav- rillace." "Ohoi That's a sufficiently fine name else your sort of sister. What sort of sister, my friend?" For the first time in their relation- ship he observed and deplored the taint of vulgarity, of shrewishness, In her manner. "}ler uncle, M. de Kercadiou, is my godfather. It is popularly be - Roved in Gavrillac hatAM. de er- cadiou is my cer- tainly cared for niy rearing from my tenderest years. I owe to him every- thing that I had. Today I possess nothing save , r and the lower ends are set tinder the top of the skirt to form pockets. No. 1598 is in sizes 36, 40 and 44 inches bust. Any size re- quires 21/a yards 86 or 40 -inch ma- teriaL Price 20c the pattern. The blouse has an applied yoke at the back, a, centre front opening, long sleeves gathered to wrist -bands, a shaped collar and patch -pocket. The blouse is No. 1509 and is fax Ladies and Misses and is in sizes 16,18 years, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Size 38 requires 215 yards 39 -inch, or 1Qi yards 54 -inch material. Price 20e the pattern. The designs illustrated in our• new. Fashion Book are advance styles fax the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires iso wear garments dependable for tsate, simplicity and economy will find bei desires fulfilled in dti.r pattern's. Price •of the book 1,0c the copy.. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size 'of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return snail. erosity. It means that countries other; than France have devasted areas.' Europe has resented - American dei tars as an insult. Mere is a fine' chance of a tit-for-tat. Let Europe' insult America with francs and lire and even three -penny -bits. - Then thei . balaxices will be even, and everybody can again love everybody else as we; •used to do. -when we were all fighting' each other during he great war. Brilliant as' Captain Lindbergh heal, shown h'imsel'f, his' su•ecess is due to', other than surface qualities. -..;Ft, ,r}•• .....rv>._ •..i `. orbs., The Harley-Davidson Single Cylinder; . Motorcycle Is the greatest little ma- chine chine that has be -en made. Safe to ride, easy to con't'rol, and most econ- omical, Stands without a rival. 100 Milts to Gallon of Gasoline. Price "WHAT PRECISELY DO YOU MEAN: SHE ASKED • an.ouche contemptuously to dismiss him in a phrase that varied nightly. This time he chose to give his phrase lug a political complexion: ; - what I can earn for his mrnd distracted `thus, ' coward, is your emptiness myself in the theatre or elsewhere.' 1 rturba- exposed. Because of your long length She sat stunned and pale under who provided the deeper pe p ole have pride. tion. Climene's attitude he regarded 1 and your great sword people and that cruel blow to her swelling hase. But the thought imagined you to be "You should have told me this be -i as a passing p 1ti t1 as formidable as.you insolently snake yourself appear. But at touch of true spirit you crumple, up, ou tremble, you whine pitifully, and1 He-„Isaz't sps1ng' lvonderfal scabbard. You remind The of theelleee .And ah fen.ows use when confronted froze:, the Third Estate.” �'� It •tvas audacious . of hint, and 'he LORD Al C1klIR $5 LAZY I was prepared for anything --a laugh, applause, indignation, or all*together. But be -was . not prepared for what Likes'to .ie . in Berl and Read; came. And it cams so suddenly and cc'j�"hn lers�ss He A ezS. { spontaneously :frons the groundlings 1 riilon—i,ord Balfour is a lazy man I and the body of these in the idleness my theatre that he was alrebst scared by open it, and she passed out without looking at him. On the morrow Andre -Louis found t d bythoughts of both Climene and Aline. It was Aline fore" she said, in a dull voice that she strove to render steady, "Perhaps I should. But does it really matter?" "Matter?" She suppressed her fury to ask another question. "You say that this M. de Kercadion is of 41, agVile Cie 9re Dot tit say The Movie Stora Se •say an whose work it turd after they try the deli - clout, invigorating refresh - meat of Wrigley"' Doable MACC. of Aline's conduct toward hint -ep rankling and still more deeply rankl- ed the thought of her possible be- trothal to M. deLa Tour d'Azyr. This is was that brought forcibly to his mind the self-imposed but by now half-forgotten mission that he had made his own. He had boasted that he would make the voice which de La Tour d'Azyr had sought to silence ring through the length and breadth of the land. - What a fine contrast between the promise and the fulfillment! - It happened that the flet person then to oil took ge when b e he saw ' rCt', roC ,�1 isf,UE iVo, 24=-•"2�� the first 1 FI • l' , the groat sword remains {i'rt your tiling is s'b freei3." Privileged Orders los by Sydney, N.S.W—Th;o &election of Maj: Gen. Sir Granville Ryri•e to suc- ceed Sir Joseph Cook ass High Commis- sioner to London hag caused some sur- prise in Australia, since there had been soiiie competition among higbly placed politicians for this post. The gallant general himself eihieees�ed surprise when the Prime Minister, Stanley M. Bruce, offered:. him the post, exclaim- ing; "Has everyone ei•&e refused it?" General Berrie will be the first native Australian to hold this high office in London.,. He comes of a family of I 1, ONTRBAL TORONTO VINNtrno squatters (sheep -raisers on a large iDaIoNroil .VANCOUVER CALGARY scale) and his appointment is highly popular among the graziers of New s mp Go South 'Wake. - 1 i t Best Store OMB The most sung sung on the radia in America the night of June 1 was "\here 18 My Wandering, Wavelength Bevy - too Would you buy canned goods that bore no labzl? Mould you buy an automo- bile of unknown make, no nlattenr how cheap? Nobody would t e so-fooIsh. You get to trust a male or a label just as you get to trust a man, through satisfactory and honest dealings. That is why kit- chen and household utensils bearing the SUP label are bought without question by mullions of Canadians. The shield -shape green and red SMP trademark is a guarantee of full value and best quality. The firm behind SMP goods is or cA.IADA" rilK. SIIEL'r META/ PRODUCT$ CO, y,y„•yip o tares To -night?” alriPhi� ,,_and admits it. 1 ho has "I am a great lover ofi self, though 7 never say much about twat a love to hear that there it and I a Y are to be certain hours of the clay �vlien no one will' rile me to do anything;' the termer Prime Minister said at a luncheon. of the National Institute of. w e be that Thursday evening was den e, i i d as a boy oh to a su tale hed clay- the second was the Marquis h Tour. d'Azyr. They occupied a. box. reel . It was a huxricaile of furioue' on the right of, and ilnmediately applauee. Men leapt to their feet, above, the stage. sprang up on to the bertc:ne5, Waving That came after the second with the terrific upr deafe ieg thea g', their bats •in the air, of their. tin The nextnd act. Indatsti•ial 1'eychology Entering' the greets -room he.found at And it roiled on and or, .'rite insiftuto is eng;ageal upon one clamtttions. nor ceased until the cued.) fell. of the meet iniportaift task" facing pee- (To be 'continued.) i ale engaged in soolal welfare," rho c`d--- Lord I3 „fcur. went on. "That is the "Ah don't ride 2n dein things,' Bald Complete explosion of the euperstttion rile oto colored lady, looking at the II that ill hours of work are a uiinua merry -go -Toned. "Why, de other day • ry1Iae ity in the happiness of fife tint ; Alt seen Restug Jolilison K'pt on an , all ileum of idleecss a plus quantity'." lido as much as a do)lah's weed' an' git } Lord 13a1f<itlr's idea of perfect bliss 'off at, line very *some pirate he get on at, • and liminess ill to been to perform - and Ah eez to him 'Ilast"is, Ali nos', t •ince of I•Iandel candle iii beet and mead 'you silent 'de' ino nes, but 'wha. ya' 1 "tliril-1 ie'" or c3etet.tivo rettori> s. 1 _.. beets," the far end with Climene, over whoin he was bending from his fine height, his eyes intent upon her face, M. de I La Tour d'Azyr. That night there were high wade between Andre -Louis and Climene, the high words- proceeding from Cli- niene. 'When Andre -Louis again en- joined prudence upon his betrothed, she shocked and tttunned biro by her virulently sitrewisll- tone, arid her still more unexpected force .of in +etctiive. "'I'll not tolerate your insensate 1 jealousy. A girl in the theatre enter make it her 'business to geaelt honr-, r age from all" I "Agreed; nfid there is tit harm, l" • '1•he' place fo nest in 1t. Campers -'..take C`tliaard'swith you. snirl,bers ifs c,n the If any of these i- xi -liar. qu"stroan t nial`,o ;yeti fool l.;ke e goose, Why' net alio 'suni,tir0 with Mrri11a:rct'fi :Lirtltrotcii't. duels tali rift? EVERY A' LOOP ,4..1m. _ Cakes baked with Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four day� s. Purity is a vigorous, dry flour that, absorbs aand holds snore water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, t,nd large, light - bunts and bread are always yours when you use Send 30cIn stamps for our T00-xrcibe Purity Flour Cook Book. Waken) Canada )"lour Mitts Gm Limited. ' Toronto, wfou;real. Ottawa, Saint John. zas Ites wonderful what con- fidence a "shine" Wsll give,. you—mull-tow uncomfor- table you ,feel without One! Moral—every worn. hxig use "Nugget' : .-, �':, � "Nogg or et try shoo matte, ,t luta; so