Zurich Herald, 1927-05-19, Page 8tp is'OBICE teSigAL D; .x. For This Week Only Reduced Prices on all Con- goleur Rugs Sizes from 7 z 2x9 to 9z15. Our Stock is too large, so will give you an op portunity to buy these at a big saving in price. We carry 4 -yd. wide Linoleums in a variety of p Itterns ALSO INLAID LINS., CONGOLEUMS, FLOOR OILCLOTH, - LET WS SHOW YOU OUR RANGE OF FLOOR COVERINGS AT - A RIGHT PRICES. 0 Seeds! Seeds! NEW GOVERNMENT TEST SEED CORN NOW ON HAND, ALSO MENGEL AND TURNIP SEED AND A FULL LINE OF GARDEN SEEDS, CHICK FEEDS OF EVERY KIND.. TRY OUR GRANU- LATE:D OATMEAL FOR YOUNG CHICKS,. ,y� J. GASCHO SONS ProduL.r Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ;JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES B ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS .,, V. S. L. BATTERY IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT` AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE [11 Rousseau Zurich = aveeeee•••••••••••• •••••••••••eseesss•ssss•s•s•••s • • • • 1 SEEDS! SEEDS! 3• s •• • • • •• e • NOW IS THE TIME WIHE'N FARMERS SHOULD BE PLANN- iING WHAT KINDS OF CLVER SEEDS THEY REUIRQE FOR SPRING SEEDING. WE HAVE ON HAND CHOICE LOTS OF 1 • 1 1 1 1 DIFFERENT GRADES SUCH AS Alfalfa, Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Mita and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover LEAVE YOUR ORDERS NO,W PRICES RIGHT. • • • • •• • t 1 • Wire Fencing s JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF FROST WOVEN WIRE • FENCING, BARB WIRE, BRACE AND COILED WIRE, GATES STEEPLES AND STEEL POSTS, ETC. PAINTS! PAINTS! • • • • WE ALSO OPENED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SHERWIN i WLILIAMS PAINTS. VARNISHES, OILS, STAINS, ENA • ELS, ETC. • •••s•11410s•••A•••i11• FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS • ON HAND. • s �MYrr'I n1 Bo/ irn ZURiCH • • i•001011 01641410100010rS0.•N41B1M4llilN *i IBES ssNMEils Ei & WEIDOI1 ONT. Is on until Saturday May 21st. The last few days we are going to make it a Ringer, so are offering a few . Extra Specials to top it off with Heavy Plain, Black and Kahki and stripe cottonade, yd. 39c Best Ticking, at yd... . ...I 39c 1 pe. Curtain Scrim at^ yd. ._., 19c 1 pe. curt,, 'scrim, reg. 35e at 1.9c 1 Pc. Plain curtain net, .real 32 -in. Gingham's at< per yd. ...17c good wght., reg, 65c at :; 39e Ladies Silk Hose; 35c, 50c, 894, pr,. Best Blue ;stripe . Shirting, yd. 30e Ladies Black Merserised Hose , Reg. 35c. pr. at 27c Men's Silk Socks, Reg .75c at 59c Men's wool work socks, 3 -pr,. $1 Men's Blue Stripa English Broad- cloth 'shirts, sizes 14,e,' 15, 15%, only Reg $2.00 at $1.59 Plain white cup and Saucer's 15c Clover Leaf Pattern .._ ... 18e OUR SALE HAS BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL, SO- OF COURSE SOME LINES ARE BROKEN. BUT COME IN AND SEE WE STILL MAY HAVE YOUR SIZE LEFT. J. W. M ERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENT I have taken the local agency for the Employers' Liability As-• eurance Corporation, Ltd. This Company transacts business all over the world. Their motto iS `Prompt Payment of Claims, The Company was established in 1880 and at the end of 1927 has assets of over forty-two million dollars and $1,900,000.00 on deposit with the Receiver General at Ottawa.. Among the classes of insurance transacted in Canada by this Com- party are all branches of auto- mobile iisurance, Burglary, Em plod era' Liability, Fire, Forgery, Surety Bonds, Accident, Sickness, Plate Glass, Windstorm, Workmen'sCompenrsition. The Automobile Accident Policy covers you in the event of an accident while tyou are operating, driving, riding in demonstrating, adjus.ing or crank- ing any automobile. Or if you are injured by any motor' car while walking on or across any public highway, or if you are injured by burning or explolsion of any, tar,. It pay, $1500 for loss of life; and $25.00 per week for total disabil- ity for 26 weeks, and $12.50 per week for partial disability, for 4 weeks. Also has many other feat- ures. Annual premium is $5.00, — A. F. Hess, Agent. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, May 2nd, at 1 p.m. with all members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, The clerk read the re port of The Aux Seuble River wh- ich had been served on John. Hayes Tp. Ret(ve on April 13, 1927 the the Tp. of McGillivray and pr(. - pared by Fred W. Farncomb, Whereas the( clerk- of the Tp, of McGillivray has served a report on said John Hays, Reeve of Tp. of Stephen on the 1';*.'i of April re; The Aux \ .rrk. And whereas this Council is of the opinion and advised that the said report is not in accordance. with the 'order of G.F. Henderson, Esquire, K.C., Referee under the Drainage Laws of Ontario. Be it therefore relsolved that the Township Clerk request Messrs.' Kerr;Mc 7evin & Kerr, Tp. of Ste- pP en Solicitous to take ;such acs- tion or action's as they :may con- eider advivable to protect` the in- terest of the Tp. of Stephen in the matter of the above drainage; work, By-law No. 354 for borrowing the sum 'of $772 upon Dehenturee to pay for of a Fire Engine and' appliances for fire protection and the supply of water therefor in the Police Village of Dashwood, have'' ing ben read three times be pas- sed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk rind the. Seal of the Corper ;tion attached ' The Assessor's Roll and School. Truant Book ea filed be Accepted and the assessor be paid his sal- my and postage amounting .to $163,00, That Miie. J. W. Orme, Mi,s, D. Mcisaac, T. Trevethick, A. E. Wu girth and Dv. Fahner are hereby ap- pointed on the Board of Manage- ment of the Athletic Field for term of two yearsl. A number of accounts evere'ther paesedp . , The council adjourned to meet again in the Towo Hall, Creditors on Thursday, the 26th of May 1912.7 at 11 eau. berryEilb i, Cleek'e LOCAL MARKETS Butter Ib.._ ._ _ e., _ =ae 40 E 26-24-20 gga - ». Driedapples lb. .._ ___ 9 Wheat ,_. 3{.25 Oats _..,... ._ _ 42 Bark ._.._ _._� m Buckwheat — —05 Flour...._.._ ... _ .:� ..� 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton._.._ ___ — x.34.00 ,Bran per ton... _._... .__ _ 32,00 Lice Hop cwt.___:___. 10,25 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $129.454.14. Being an increalseof Insurance of $5,365,485 over 1925. G. Holtzman — Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given Under the 'statutes in that behalf that all persons having any claims a- gainst Joseph Foster, Sr., late of the Village of Zurich, Huron Co- , unty, Retired Farmer, who died on the 27th day of March, 1927, are required to send to the undersign ed Executors, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit, of their claim's and the nature ' of 'the 'securities, if any, held by them on or before the 4th dey of June, 1927, •after which date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceiysed hay ing regard only to the claimof which he then 'shall haverhad notice DATED at Zurich, Ont., this 16, 'day of May, 1927. NICHOLAS FOSTER, JOSEPH FOSTER, Jr,, Executors,- Zurich, Ont. WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIj,AY June 1, to Oct,. 1, 1927 We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich, ag- ree to close our respective places of business every Wednesday aft- ernoon, beginning with June 1st and •ending. on Sept. 28th, 1927 L. Sehilbe, l { A. F. Hess, J. W. Merner 6 i Brawn's Boot Shop.. Stade & Weide. J. •Gascho & Sons L. W. Hoffman. C. 1+'ritt-St Son'4 E. Desch. T. L. W;urnnl. Johnston & Kalbfieisch W. G. Hest &:.Sons Wnx. O'Ereina Ed. Welt%n, George Ffossi Willi.antls Bros, Vera V. Siebert John Keeper Dr,., K. IL Cowhet( Thura;Ia.Y+ *ay 39th, aat Seasonable Hardware Spring is here and we can supply the Public with `Seasonable Hardware at moderate prices A GOOD SUPPLY OF BUILDING MATERIALS INCLUDING COUNCIIL STANDARD ROOFING AND CEMENT, 's A NUMBER OF GOOD SECOND RAND HANL gTOVgg AS VERY CHEAP. FENCING A CARLOAD OF LUNDYS LUCKY TIE WIRE JUST ARRZF, EV -INCLUDING WOVEN, COIL, B&RBe BRACE .AND STEM POSTS.t TIRES AND TUBES A FULL LINE OF GUTTA PERCHA TIRES;:. NONE BETfrai PAINTS AND VARNISH A GOOD SUPPLY OF MARTIN SENOUR 1002 PURE PAIW'1, AND A FULL LINE OF CHI NAMEL VARNISHES, AUTQ ENAMELS. ALSO, FULL LINE OF MURESCO, RTa FURNITURE Full Line of Furniture in Living Room Snits, Dining Room Suits, Bed Room 'Suits, Kitchen Cabinetn. Reed Rocker's and Chairs, A NUMBER OF ROCKERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES;' GOOD SUPPLY OF FAMOUS SIMMONS BEDS& SPRINGS AND MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES RUGS RUGS . MINISTERAND TAPE. TRYA Johnston & Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 EVEN BEFORE CONFEDERATION THE HURON & ERIE bIORTOAGE CORPORATION WAS A TRUSTED INSTITUTION WITH CANADIAN PEOPLE. TOTAL ASSETS( $39,`558,363,O0 ARRANGE FOR A H. & E. DEBENTURE NOW, AT THE GOOD RATE OFF 4%% INTEREST PER ANNUM PAYABLE HALF YEARLY, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SANITY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? E. C. Harvey & L., V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER — ONTARIO JOHN WARD Drugless Praction. eer and Optician EXETER noes l AT WALPER RO U8j swum Every Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 4 Art t TAILOR MADE t BY THOSE WHO KNOW NOT :4-GHR:rwuRRN TO-GETEB Rv'SEWN f BY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW; fix. `''E>›, TThe New Spring Suitings ARH ( I: 1 RIGHT UP TO raw ;};WETS PATTERN, STYLE AND QUAtirti', TALL OUR GOODS GUARANTEED if + DONT be misled by buying cheaper and inferior goods. BUY front those youknow will etand behind everything they 1 1W.H. HOFFMAN MERCHANT TAILOR. H, HOF1'MAN .. & Son, EMBA.1.M'S AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS,Day and 'Nfiela�k Phone Nn sit iii-t1!-•s-i�---4h-!y-*--�+. ;� .,-ala-. :-ur-