Zurich Herald, 1927-03-31, Page 5Velinraiv14, 4arclb rk $USINESS C pS LEN F .oME 3140:STBE, t}OLICIT0 ,C! NOT- ARY PUBLIC, OfRce, Hasailt o Ste €t!; Ont.# OU 'itlie '1441.1a1e, G Specie attention to Counsel end Court Work. PUT, ' i Wants, a, For Salo, Lost, Found aNo ihQ" g ate. Ads IN Ten COL(JMN NOTICE TO NCRE (TORS IN THI3 MATTER Orn TTIE ES- TATE of WILLIAM EMERSON Ho1i may b"e eolasultOdhonet SNIDER, Deceased, srsiclt► by phone 'and p' NOTICE IS UEB1 BY GIVEN charges reversed, Haat all person's having claims a- games the estate of WILLIAM ~ E?4E RSON SNIDER late of the Township of Stanley, who died on tate 17th day ''of December, A. D. 1926, are required to forward their r'lahu% duly proven to the under- tsigned on or 'before the ,9th day of April, A.D, 1927• Dr. II 11. COWEN L. D. O. D. De E. M SURGEON ,Atmiry DIATZ BLeeCK., ZURICH acv- Tbur da'y, Lt ekday and 9atar- l!$ Main *Mice 111.0%, ,RIES BLOCK, BASSWOOD Andres, F. Bak ToWntibip Clerk licenses. Notary Weer ot ar1isSe pbliC°°sr, Fire and Aut- lingblenassrRep cions Sturm& Itrie Mortgage Corpor- ew. Vie Trivet Co. VIEWS Canada. ONTO ors Garay Jones Nat' Try a of feof te anchone a Tr 1 d Live ,W torr Breeds), Terms in keeping Stock +$reed); Choice I►Tevailuig prices. 11 unitising ifrouni tor Bale. IS111 oss 19:93 or write, Zurich. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate haVingregard only to the claim of which he then shall have had notice: DATED at Exeter, Ontc this 19th day of March, A. D. 1927. JOHN GARNET DATARS, Zurichc Ont., Administrator,. Or GLADMAN 6t STAN$URY, Ex- eter, and Hensalle Ont. Solicitors for Administrator. FOR SALE • USED SARS t enset i‘ucti°UeeT IPOlt HURON & MIDDLESEX.ON- �li1 TN A POSITION 'TO arciless 4,c , any auction sale, o yell. 1 lip to size or articles d it not alltilcit your busing no barge® for st ttletied will make :vicee. a tDariipood 'Arthur ur :Weber, Vicuse 13--57 'Zurich that • Bait Meats Yeah ani: Sausages,• etc Mr. Weir. Br+o'wu wax bminetia z'iiaitor to London on Friday. Miss Lulu :lbreeht, who had iapont tlz^ winter Months in Toronee rets• rned to her home he on Fel day evening, Mrs. Jas, Trevithick and son Carl of Brineley, spettt the past Week at the home Of her . parents, Mr. and Mra, W. G. Mess, Now es the time to purchase your Formaldehyde to treat your� teed grain and avoid smut in your crops this surrtner. Good 4upplY of the best quality on hand, Zurich.' Drug Store. Don't forget that Sunday, Ap- ril pril 10th is Choir Day in the Evan- gelical church. Thic Choir, tviti, the assistance of Mr. Sam Rennie of Henson, who well contribute o few 'selections in the evening, Will provide iru'sical program's for; morning and eveniing. leerveesi There will be no Services in the: evangelical' church on Sunday morn ing, but the sabbath school will meet at quarter to eleven. In the evening at the rggular hour, Re-.. F.'S. Meyer will deliver the mese Sage to which all are invited. 1924 Chevrolet 4 -door Sedan in good coiedition. 1923 Ford Coupe, upholsteringand motor in A, 1. shape. Cash er terms arranged to Guilt purchaser, Genuine Ford Part's for Sale Porti Batteries 13 plate at $14.00 C. Fritz & Son, Ford Dealer'3,Zurich FOR SALE AUIOi1OBILES AUTOMOBILES Ford coupe 1923, five baloon tires and other extras, fest chase mech- anical condition, a. Snap $200.00.. 1926 Chevrolet Four -door Sedan attr eat like new. You must see this one to ' appreciate it 1923 Ford Coupe, worth much mere than we are asking for it. Pontiac Coach good era new at $650.00. This is a Real Buy. Jewett Coach, good value $1200, The3o ears can be :seen and demoe- !atrated at any time. - Angel & Koehler, Zurich An auction sale will be held In Zurich on Saturday, when the pro- perty and hoteeehold effects of the late Joseph Foster, will be offer- ed for .aale by auction Thee is a neat little dwelling and is located quite high which assures a dry ce11'ir, and should be quickly pie,1i- ed up by some one.. FOR SALE A limited quantity of. O.A.C. No. 21 Seed Barley, also O,A.C. No. 72 'seed oats for sale. Peter Desch ANY SOILS NEED IIVIE lE filifS',I.'l'iP- ill jil?`h"r kvr o. ci.. lee 1TA . li(ASlI stbteCIAL4 StettiaY, I z Your Soil Acid or Sour? ;if So Tainte Will nelpeolinyway the Sub - jets Ia Worth Your Seedy. (gontributed by Ontario Department of 4 .g'riculture, Toronto.) What is soil acidity? When we speak; of a substance be- teg acid we think of it having a sour taste, something that will put our teeth up edge, like lemon juice, ai vinegar. This is acidity, Chemise go much further and draw much liner distinctions, one of which is the ef- fect on certain substances that we term indicators. A common one is blue litmus paper. This paper changes color from blue to red when it comes in contact with an acid. Many substances when dissolved in water have an acid reaction. One of these is copper sulphate or Blue- stone. We know that if we dissolve it in a tin or iron pail it will "eat it." This is due to acid formed on dissolving. There are many com- pounds in a soil which have the same property—not copper compounds but Compounds of silica, aluminium and iron. For example if we heat ordi- nary sand in steam under pressure it becomes an acid, silicie acid, which has propertiets common to all acids. Sour Soil. So often we hear the expression "sour" in speaking of soils. It is gen- erally used to describe a soil which is poorly drained, more or less water- logged and in poor physical condi- tion. It may be acid or it may not, and thereforethe term is misleading. There is only one term we cam cos• rectly use and that is "acid." If a Roil behaves under chemical investi- gation in a certain way it is acid. So we will drop the terns "sour" when speaking of soils. iifow Soils Become Acid. • The ten days of winter we just The acidityof soils is, therefore, came through, wi't's considerable due to acid slts, those that have an snow, has_prolotiged the coming of acid action when in ,solution, or to the carp 'spring that wee looked free acids. These acids and acid for early this month.. Th^r^ wan salts may result from decomposition • much snecnlaton as to wh- theyfar mere would etart seedin in March thin year,' but such will not be the area,. The maple syrup sea- son is nolt `shoping up much Bet- te rand people are putting in their 'supply of this, the first cro,it of the year. The condition of the roads, howevn. , is getting unfelt improved and Noon the autos will be flyin gthrough the country and one getst he hunch that surrim,0r is in the air. THE FARM TRAC'LOR From information received the Connell Experimental T`:irm, Ottawa, from 179 tractors ow nee i in Pastern Canada and B. C, it has been found that $i_ per ten` '7f these machines are considered peo- fiitabie and inv:'stn:^n'Is for meek on the land. The .greatest 1cl�tin o. t * tr0!•Ct01, or organic matter or from changes which occur gradually, due to leach- ing or washing away of bases from the soil. Thus we have two types of acidity which may occur singly— and they generally do—or niay occur together, Decoying Organic Matter. Acidity due to decaying organic matter is largely found in peaty soils which are not affected by washings from surrounding high land. We irnd this condition of affairs in Nortnern Ontario muskegs, where the sub -soils which normally might contain Buie are buried deeply under a suit com posed entirely 3r decayed plant mat- ter. High Lards and. Acidity. • High lands tend to become acid first, This idea is new or cumpara- uvely so and contrary to the belief ;f many. It has been gen'-rally un- lerstoccl that low lying land is gen- erally acid but now the opposite has ween proven. Let us see how this is. In a climate like ours:we get about QAi r0 nal 'blue Op Dice .010g/90i•Miiirp 00210.06.000000 ZURICIri LIVERY an in a position to accomo-- Atst a all requirement's in the Livery leteveneee, heave -Auto for hire. Any ing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL ane 159 Zuricll,Ont. It h getting the time of year to lot: .t tittle Lime to put on yotrg ai'den to sweeten the land and the farmer e ouid put tsornit Pane e•( 11'3 pasture and hay fields I always have a ,ample supply on hand for sale. J. Hey, Jrec Zurich. FOR SALE A quantity -of choice timothy hay for Istle. Apply to Robert Mous- scan, R. R. 2, Hensall. Phone 1-92 Zurich. FOR SALE A quantity of flax laved ready ground for your 'stock. Feed a handful a day, And keep the Vet. away. F, 'C, Ealbflei'sch, Zurich. L. I VE POULTRY WANTED Waken every day till 3 O'clock,p.m. Me not feed fowl !sane morning ?Wean brought in. "Highest Cash Prices -..a-„OnSE FOB— Cream and Eggs W O'Brien 3.. Diane 04 Zurich FOR SALE I ant offering Say blacksmith shop and business for sale. John Kipper, Zurich. NOTICE I ;have been appointed Solic- iting agent for the (products of the John C. Winston Co., Toronto, and can supply you withBibles, bit Testa- ments 2'eacRie;lshelps Bible Oil+ies for Children, Books of Knowledge, Univereai hand hooka, etc. Every Book will make a very accept- able Gift, Mrs, Julia Fess, Zurich. —'---10OAL 19 Headquarters * fi FOR } TIRES TUBES ' _:.., Agtf AND Storage Batteries 1, a WEiI% a Prop .sheismiteen smog SR v1rf+: WE ARE SOLE,' Actium FOR TB1 GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON SAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son EM0411 3riit WINS ,t ori zc, eon of hired' `'help. and nitre e recti re•l t, o e .a e e tl e e a;+re These tr tctore he t•e been .oeereet i on tiie farm at least 30 to 10 days per year. APRIL ROD ANI) GUN xis rail' falls on the soil it aoiiks r it:rseing through the ala it drs- ,lv .. c_trbon d.iexele which is always r es nt acid aurins a very v t alt acid. a weak is this acid that we e enot •sect r, to: cepa by very delicate tests. t: acid dissolves the lime out of he soil, and thuugh it is very -slow eetic n, within a hundred t ears it The first oi' a thrilling srriee Ie....eves out a great deal May crf stor1ee letsed ;;n the ea: le fur . r. kor will fell great oaks, ' and. tradin crdays in the Nevi h \f sit Clough the sotu.ian of lime is very wr:tte,r by �'a nu:al A x3 7:lcr 11'h t , • hew we can readily uncierstralu how a hundred years a great deal t3 o'ne of the tweed feature: e' of lime will be reproved. How do 'tee know lime is dissolved? Look at the Inside of a tea kettle and ask your- self how this lirne got there. Plainly :rim the water. The water comes from the well or spring so that the rain water must have dissolved the lime in passing through the soil. We can readily understand how higner areas are more subjected to washing and leaching than more level lands, Don't forget this—all lands will be- come acid in time and it is only a question of time; but the higher per• tions will be affected first became the lime removed from them will largely be carried to the lower levels. Liuto Concentrates In Lower Level. the April number of Itod ,enol Gun toot Salver Fox •N'ws Whici. 14 :mot issued. The story "Blended Bri- gades,' hotve':ger, is only one item of a table of contents. Bonii'- catle Dale hris an interesting nnie- cell.7ny of nature ,notes fru n site 11•Iaritimes. H. Mortimer Batten F. Z. S. writes thiis month about pni•- cupine and the skunk, Valuable woorl.crafting informat- ion is contained in W. C, Motley's "Outdoor Talk” while the angling; gnn and kennel specialists have also very good departments. The metier of national ronservat'on of fiah and game resanreet is the sol)- Joey of coned'"ratite discussion in the April is;u?. Rod and Gun and Canal:a'7 .Silver Fox N is pnb- heelecl monthly by W. J. Taylor.,. Ltd, Woodstock, Ont. C. T. A. NOT IN FORCE x IN HURON COUNTY • Debate in thy'' Legislature the other night at Toronto on the new Liquor Control Act, and dealing with the Subject of t1Cariad•t Tent-, pevanec Act and local optuion." drew the inforn7at•o'' from the Gov- ernment that Huron, Perth and Peel counties, whiieh were . under the Canadian Temperance Act prior. to 1916, but vhch with the procl- amation ' an Stich of the O, i'.A. lost their C. T A 'stttu'S, wit be n'i t el to'iluo' lstores at the discretion of the Con- trol Bottd, udder th" Liquor Coli trot Act. The, popular implies - '40u has been that these dhhtricts were dewfined as r`ciry" under the new act. Premier Fergusrn exT?1- ainecl to the Legielature that by the pee ple'•a -wishillS the Canada Tem- perance .Act in thelse counties had been suspended by Ottawa order -in council with the doming into force of the O.T.A. As a consequence the Liquor Control Coininissiou co- uld, at its di'screation establish $t - ores in these territories. The peo- ple, however, would have theright tinder the new act to vote to dits- establ7sii the storee. Only Matiit- ou1irr Teiand, whore the O.T.A, did not 'auspettid: the' C.T,A;, Would be Y i recogfiattrl at. "dry`' country tinder the be \ .'..i'itior niii`tt' '.tee. Let us now look at tht+ case of more or less level field. The eon dissolving action takes place in t.7. soil, and the water percolates dowe ;yard carrying lime with it. It,th+-i passes out of the soil by tee drat/ tile or natural channels or remains in the soil, gradually being renicn t:r by evaporation. The fact has i:t 7. established, however, that ii.c�l'i1 lary water rising to • the: a ,:c replace that lost by evaporation do- not restore the lime removed un it tlownwird movement. So we see 111: • 1:7:7 ,. 1C to C UI1Cl 7r there nder i a tendency the lime 111 the lower layers of t earn while the sell ar i, ie•surface ma became distinctly acid. Another "fact heitielig on this pet ticulee phase :is that the water l., the time it reaches the sub -soil 1, eatletied with respect to its solveii, power and has no further effet`, Therefore, the lime in the lowei; lay ere of a soil is little affected and remains unchanged ttoi' perhaps cen- turies, At the Name tilne the ace' 1(qet' is deettening and we must, thei'etore, supply the lime deficiency before it becomes serious, Ask for B tlletin 313, and get the rest of the story., ----Dept. of ()hernia try, 0. A. College. Don't Plant bisea ed Potatoes. ay �.tl+��fsi%Q; i`. �Yl�b �t4 to`tW Mtl fW 9kR MA IuGi e,�ii' i+c Zurich Drug Store e Specialize In Fine ,'oilet Preparations and handle all the well known and re- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams tiucia as YARDLEY'S, ARMANDS, ' COTY'S, POMPEIAN '`17R 'i'1.,M,VP+,R'S, WOODBURY'S • AND MANY' OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipana, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAVE,SEVERAL VARIETIES OF SHAVING CR- EAMS, STICKS e. OAPS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOC'K OF SHAVING BRUSHES, SAFET Y RAZORS AND P..ATeOR BLADES . MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich MK PM Pli'?lr°,F, ,:. Oks PAM?PAMN RAW ++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++e _.. t.,l.•D.•i•.i'.i•.{.¢i,4i•+rP't+++++++ USE GYPROC The Fireproof Wallloar d Use it now. -Use it in our �pai'e time," _ Use it e vt}r For WALLS AND CEILINGS, REPAIRING OLD WALLS, REMOD- ELLING OR NEW CONSTRi- C IION WORK. EASY TO HANDLE, EASY TO PUT ON. NAILS AND LIKE LUMBER. PHONE ��ssrne��e•+ 69 N I ,o SAWS -44 ZURICH +lir iF ++3a+++ +d+44+i•++d•+,i^++•p++.1rrb+'+, 43.3•++ rel•4.+344.• 4.4.+•"r4,s»" 4-4.4.4-10 IIEADQUARTERS For !Secondhand Buggies $40.00 and up Auto 'fops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBTIER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH It would seem wise on the part of everyone who plants potatoes to make a thorough examination of the stork before planting. If people plant dis- eased potatoes they are committing 1 crime, because they are propagating a dtseatse hi the district which mat' ilitiad and do much damage to an - 'ether grower's crop. With diseased Seed potatoes being offered in many tnarketet and by many who sell di- rect front the farm, it will pay the grower,to ptlt on hie shots and caro- ftilly look over the offering •hefore otit erint: sh1pmen' --T,. ,,v t7xtmt iv�t,w, w.rr+xwr'• /i 4"i'ti"i'M'iY'Oa3;"`iiS"i'•r•++Yi•+tii' f•'1 +e4 r71"t` e-rer- NP4-vetev sties reet"eeeterfe HERALD:OFFICE t ti N...44. Do You Know? ITHAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SEREFOR + GOODPRINTING e THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING + INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH + AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND STA,TEMENTe 4. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANUFAcYr 'CIDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS + THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVBV- OPES IN ALL SIZE S, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Off i+ TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING ,TAGS, MEMORIAM ST - 4. ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TW'c . + SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC., ETC, 4 THAT WE FILL YOUR 0 EDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE 4. 4' WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. LAIte- GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUOTIONS fi THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE PO- TE.RS, MERCANTILE POSTERS ANI) ALL GENERAL ++ PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY 1 1,++++++++++++44++++++++++41.-:4+++++++++++++++++++++++44 4++h + i•+++1+•1++N`.F+ 4.4N•1+•I+ M+ ++NrN.#•.i +41.- *N -i+ l++++ ++$+aN+✓o+ +" +'f++i++ "'£ + e++i.+4^1++ 4