Zurich Herald, 1927-02-03, Page 1Att.»ol +oro 11f 7N! tto 31 .44 Ziiii1CH, THURSDAY MORPi1NG. FEBRUARY 3, 1927. Chaster],� t rl;rltka, pert .1)eleeee +3 26 'r 11:.E11V411,494 ' 01482 IN ARREARS, $2 4iti kiN QH,tei£t -}L et our Looal Paper bring Our Corner Donn buy ati llltir,:,tr a:noieter in the 4sanrurner tiime they ave Power , In the wintexe A V a'shingt.,u cr meteorologist predicts a tno seteanneeiirr. year for 11922, with grave danger to tlw ibiaureests of the 'rvsniaid„ We have 1°maaard thesei Iareci3r et iestan !before, and have More faith in an older pro- tabecy than this( which says that uewhile the earttlii: renr::a>Ria>,eth, reed- ime and baarvt'eal:, aritniti;esev 13tOd win- ter shall not CaiE--Ba. Lawn BrearHinig', which a as ,sear'ne fifteen yearA,,,agp is verb popular. ,rtport. in Zurich, no 41.g'Ainto come into pranaiz'rexree this coming Stun - aline.. as about fifty members have already 'signed iaJ their vi'1lingnes' to givesupport:, and if the 1)1an will bp fulfilled averyfine green centrally iodated„ tvH1H be lett into shape, the !sight of truelt„ Iawn rn on the vaean@: let flu'gt east of the Hess Jewelry Stereo the lot ,s now owned by Mr, Fred Thiel, and ;it will take eon'si,rlera,hle work. and ex- penditure to put thetse groundsin 1propet labnp% and it .will te e great boon ,too elk pao'Eara of this fine and: popular eportI. • Tele++++++++41 -1444,1-e r+4 -t ri-e44+46,4-1, .Har•t••14e-nit °.g^, ° 44414+414<44P+ +41,11 Rathos .q {,r Now is the time to Buy your RADIO... Do ':t not wait ti I spring anti miss all the good. 4.Music and Concert.s Concert:4. 4. ., 1F Give me a call before buying elsewhere ESCH — Zurloto ����,�t'Tr+°�•£��++F,+f'•�F : ,1,.1..�,.;.�<, ,� 4•� +£ •A•F�•1•+F���St �i`�'�'%ik'^..�-.y'',.;,a.,�r..1.�,.1E^�.'i"E .K^� .t ►ti�+3t ereateeitzerwrieigret4eatet iategiieese a06000iiir epernaaationaoa0 1 Never Before have greater Values been offered Sale starts January ast0 (19 WE H,AIM !&C FANCY TALK TO OF.FI41t YOU, 6.a ANY BIG WORM TO BOTHER YOU WITH, POR WE HAVE BUT ONE REASON O} ; MAKING THIS TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTERT73 OP OUR !AIRTIME STOCK. OT` HIGH GRADE Oil? 14010TWEAR RUBBERS A1D) PELT SHOES CO1VIJiE IN AND SEI THE BAR GAINS ON Ji'H1 TABLES AND RACKS. Ever Pair of Mimes is rrnarked down and below cent. Buy , you: Verne& new for nest Summer at Prices' (;haat will save yen Dollars. SEM THE PINE WINDOW DISPLAY, WV/ ���� E,°ifT"tili`tI:I�TGL , ! 4 D' NII.A1�'l"LY ON e3ir eels ili ne s.esseni3Y$?!'i6',i41I�1,"ra' eiees'llgaelleetQ l'?tl000,17laari!'i>raett adeeaaatle 0 0 9 0 0 0 .3,00 41.11, y ,.may Mr...De,. 0040.4.E1dr4r en4;4`,00 .44'4 .8)0 O..44►lo ?ti> 404 Ost ay V� -4 Severa :r : FT4FOYt, Qrerc d� y '10 Obk 4 ; 4.10•e . 4 +1 ' T dli �f ' GASCHAIM Lim STAND 44+ 0441.494404 0.a**04.444000 ►00404r•*+aero+$* Greatly s Prices COW AND SA.:4rJRE a. • • r• 4 erchant and Public together bg NOTICE. The annual busirir'r moel:Ing :tact election o;i ul'i,.fcara of the e.urich teublic Ltbzar ;erii1J be bold at the Library, i��c rb) d;tiy evezi9.n , Fobs On d, • RA: 8 ' pin. r• . y , i t'1't. Bei i.l}Ld.i O,'I,l. Ohr ta, 1?r I, I3r. Kalbflei,+ach,; Sei-y, ,,: Z. P. S. SCHOOL .REPORT ROOM I, For January, Jr, II-= 'uth Poster 534; Beal rice 1Vleidingeer 531; Edith, Deichcrt 522 Karl Roe the 501, Horner Sal mon 490; Beatrice Thiel '455; Bert .rand. Deic,h2.rt 365, Wilt BroWn 300, Sr..I-Margaret Schwalm '100, Ther sa.Zeitei 399, Hul):71a Stt'a•tb.383 Greco Meyers 370;, Edna. Kocherrs 344:: Albert. •OJau!sius 310; Peter Voii!sn 280. Jr, I -Laura Deie'1 'rt :397, Law- ronce Vole")) 340, Mae }Smith 339,LaW inure Bedard 308, Patricia Dench arine 301; Levi's Thiel 203. Se. Pr. --Vote .t) r: cher 252; Mar- jorie. Galllxian 245; Anthony ` Vats, in 240; Mary Merrier 215.. Jr. Pr', --Marie Bedard 124; Alph- onous Gronier 0,7 Mee, 0..Koehler; Teacher. • ROOM II. iVIidwir,ter Exarna, Jr. III--Heziors 600, Pass 480 - Beatrice Gais.eho 618, Margaret Ha beret 579, Alice' Decker 578, Q,uimbe •Misr John Puss, who ',Spent a Ices. 575, Dorothy"Stelek 553; 'Ai _.tew 1leasant weeks with her den - Hese Staubtt'.'i 549, Ruth Church 532 ghte'r in Detroit, hats returned to. Rosa Zeetel •514, hazel "Uttley 501, , her home h11m. Roy Smith 409, harry ,Poster 918. _ Miss Vora Siebert who has beep Sr. II -Honors r 8. .Pass 3T el vrsitin,g at' Detroit and London, re- Shirlt:y Loonier 518. Chante Thiel ,{:uinrti to' h^r 'borerr for a fete 501, Lenora 33aber''r 497e -Vera De- d, y , iehert 462; Albert .Leibold 408, r Lolti,3e Si'Jlleit406. Stewart Thiel; Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber who 385; Armand. tareta,er 384, Hoss join) *tee ettizf1ns of Zurich the past et oil 368, year are moving back onto their Jr. II-11:onor•. 450, Pass 560 -•• ,farm on the Broneon Line. Paul Hear( 475, Leelancl Schwalm 429 The thaw's c during he past Nve- Ral.ph • U ttic�y 415, lilorinA* tialitaott d. h e 4 ,b0,'alack Merner 375, Reta Pled - 415, t have :settled the snow an t Schauer 345, Blanche Greeley 329 1'11'10'3' a,. all one mass_ of ice)the ti'111:I'' , .s' i ' .• g'1111 1*rug (land, as till Bro1^�aiabtttlt fob, trwar�tar�' G; r ;� `' , We- M...ae.M..ra Mr. end Mrs..Ilerbwrt• MT o4 Bad Axe Mich,. are visiting relati- YQts here at lire! pmt, anti Ales. Thos. Moyers were visitors lo Br)xrofield the past 1v eelsk, Thr.' various ice houses have bei.ei timed with ice which is ofeery good qu;alityi 'Mr. Reg, 7)J:orit'7 of Guelph. cal- lo'i 00 his friend Mr. Ward Frit. on Tuesday,. •' Mr, Fred Kerr of Crediton cal- led on (friends in the village on Tue• A. ritrnll'er from the village went out Wednesday morning to wit- ness the barn fire .Dear Dashwood on Tursrrlay night. Rev. and Um, Lloyd Kalbflcisch of Elmira are Spending a week in Zurich wide their respective par- ents,. am v. _• motor tnutr:i boc� O M 04B , T h r I r1 et q th1 i111n d Hine' rein Te e + ' . g an eXe Roonn III, Per January. • 'game of hockey was played •on 3r, Is",• -•ori )state, 50% 37.3'" Ivan the Ion it rink here on •Monelay e�-- SV4i11eri 523; Viole.t Sclrwaltn' 497, 'ening When the Elentsakl brays wen Hugh MacKinnon 180, AtIrrliuc FJ- over and played :i. Cc game 5-5 ci_schrni ", 471, Harold Stade 431,. Considerable overtime playing 11:iq Ruby C ]t well 131 Pesti , a1 at .r? 421 but this tit' Mary I\.oehen,4 392, 1�i•ancis Kipper, wa's not. broken. M 315. Geo. Dtic'i are( 315, Byron Due! The: annual Meetin;; 0f the Hay chariot() 288. 'Municipal Telephone System was Jr, IV 13••-C'lir'ford Salaam 451 held in Zurich on Saturday after -i I Lauretta Farwell •117, Margery Oa-, noon, with a fairly good a.tten- scho 112, Geo, (i 111 1• 3011. Olin 'dance, and considerable interest Poster 387, Albert Heideman 391, I wee mai ifested. The System is 1 Sr, IIT -•lion. 500. 603'-10ti -- in e very' healthy condition with' +i I Earl Flaxboard 495, Leonard midi 1 a balance on jjanci .1t the end.of the .L 1400, Harrel C1atetius 423, Rolland past:°:year of $2763.64, And ,at the 3+ Greasier 418, Gordon 1towalcl 411. same time shows that. there are 991 subscribers. .�� r twat outt THE SETT THAT I5 GAINING A P02ULARITY BECAUSE OP ITS SIMPLICITY OP OPERATION • PRICE $345.00 FIRST GRADE EQUIPMENT LET US GIVE YOU A FREE1HOME DMONSTRATION , k, 'Tae CoId,.)ays Have AsifreAre 'ou rx epared for theWE AREAREPWA.RED W')r''1 'CAR LOADS OP HIGH GR.AY:IP UEL IN OUR ,YARDS. NTHRA.CITE GENUI E D. & I3, :Cots ,.AE4SCRANTON Egg, :stove, & Nut Sia ii ENUI;v' PONSOLIDA.TION: • MILLER'S CREEK GENUINE CONSOLIDATIONPOCAHONTAS Genuine SOLVAY COKE ;your d1Our telephones are at ;youpo'sal, and the information sef'r . HENBALL. OTPhn.es-Office 10r. Eeeiea /1 ee..0.4.r,ra..ar:d4W4144''_: L LATHE GOD , L Harness Truks Vaie WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HAR;a.OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB LAGS, LADIES' a AO;.r, COIN AND OTUER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY' ON EIAN 4GOOD SUPPLY OF +'N'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSL ELr- 4ANRETS, ETC. ON HAND.SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW,Come in and see four €ine diapiay of Uefu1l Goods. HRNESS REPAIRINGALALWAYS AT YOUR SERVIOEte FRED TH L 4s•r 4. 4.H 10,35111 Stelek 40S, Alberttai rehtf ;. 408, • Clarence Sntith 100, Milverna r hiss (.freta. Schnl'i,e, rlaunhtrr of Geiger 351, Antron' t tt' (,,'oilier 318 Ale and Mrs. C Sc.lr lb . who !L'0 -I i".00141 I.4>, f titlZ valuer .j. � to K:tlrifloiech, Teaches tr,nt an operation in 'Sr: IV--Lerlancl S%'illo a Detroit HoslrrtaJ, rtt.uinr.d tt, Lour 1'.leer par'nt's' home last, wet'k <tnd •1• inp Schwalm. Carl Tlali�r°t, F1nvd I'ostor, Floyd 1t.;4op(, Nettle Sell-. is cola�:elscent'. wain), Richard Beda id=r. Ruth ot-; IVin.. and Mrs, Eerie l eksi.ein who tol, Rosi Leib 4. j Evangelical- Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Feb 3-2,30 Ladies. Aid, S',M;S. 1.00 p.m. Jr, .E.L,C11 Thura'iay 7.30 pan, t'rayer and Prai)1e 8 30 Bible School Board, Officri a Teachers,, D^lit. Suet, and Class Presidents are members of this Board. • • Sunday lo n ret-dVelethin 11 •:t re-Tebir' 'honl Mr. 3. E. The Dorcas Class in chart tr,i of opening exercise. 7.31 .p.t.1.--1•Vor:)h.p ' DASET WOO I). 'Nies., 7 pan. Pray' rand Praise, E, Bender, Class Leader 8 P. M, .Sr, Lea u•l ;DamG Link, President Ti i,lay 4,10 h'.tu. Jr League rridiy 8 p.rn. Choir Practice. 1 Fenet're, 10 a.nve and 7 te ixt; Worship School A l3:r1r, Supt Tine W.M'.S. Day of Pz•ayei will be fittingly observed in both eongreg- a'tioltFa. itli'4V4 P, 13, MEYER, Pastor. have; h. a fol the past year oa the :farm o•2 Mr. A. 4k. \S"r1 et., have moved near Exeter where the' will spend a year working for the Ford Bros. Mn h sympathy is extenclydto Mr. and Mrs. Roy l:antnnt of 01:-1 ar,lty Tp. in the 'lase of their; 16 months old 'daughter t'hy'liai.I It iseem i very 'hard 1e- give up these little darlings, 4Ve'n th5utih they are carried away' to our lint - tear angels. ' The Pig Sacrifice Sale of gen- eral ninrchandiee bciug r'nncluctecl by T L. \1Tuxm1 J:5 meeting with hugh suc:eess, as •norltitudr)1 of sat - of satisfied custoniere arm leaving Nes store daily and, many are coming' back •lith their friend's, to 11ai'p in the big coops. Coma early and act quick or you will leo!: left. " The Luther League of St. Pet - he's Church the busily engaged praetiei.ng 'a; play which they will ',leant to the public in the near ranee. Th) play is a comedy ontiti id "Getting' Acquainted. with ,1•xcl<.re,'• it hats levee acts and :ilnv i a:bent two to two and ahalf hours, The actor , are; Messrs L. ;Wagner, ,per, Bert Klapp, E. Schilbe, A 1 Schwalm, I'. Yung blrrt1 E. Datars, 1 Geo D'ifhert, .and the Misses I. Kcilbtle7sc+lt, V. KeibfHeel), IVI. 1 ;3chilbe, M 1I :idere an and G. Weber r The traiee rs afire the Mtuios P. ls.al'hticrarh, L. R<r,r1'r 1n11 I Yung - hint,' Rov. II, henna 1., 1.,, ii. ,`3. is 1 directing and rnan,rgrtng th:' play. Ne'.:+t F1 the Herald. for .Ito tiler ate- ' treiinrre'rit nitre. 4. du4: b Wil �,� �fA.@'ay3r'� IN LEATHER TOPS, RUBBERS LACED AND BUCKLE, CANVASS LEGGINS, uALOSHES, eOCKS, FELT SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Ail Prices Greatly Reduced WE ARE CLEARING THE FOLLOWING LINES IN cl•II:DER Til' MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. IIS YOU NEED ANY WINTER FOOTWEAR CALL ON 0. -UTZ 13e.+ SON .SHOE :t,' ERCHANTS 'e+ Repairing promptly done, Rubber, Soles Vulcanized on J u.!al. te i1 Boots, Etc. y lyy++3LL + $$ayg y+77F+l++.1+4;413 eF77a0+043 S Wam New Year's Greeting We look back pver the: year of 1926 in a spirit pf graatitude and appreciation for the patronage our Customers have given ,.s. And we look forward to 1927, and ask you to t^ontinne to be our business partners and friends, and we wish for you all an even more Prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR than the last. R. V a " UGLAS GENERAL ME'ROH "rNr 1 Na. 11" i i $r'R46t IM Ya ` 1. i�5