Zurich Herald, 1927-01-06, Page 5bur'tsday, Jau'r1;e ret t1th, I'.i`1,7 • *U$KNNss cAROS UR ICH 4111#ttala AMUR f sABRIS I.1 B1 SOT,IC rr , NOT AR ti' 'PUBt,le. E•1•fix nataliee, I ararlilton Street. J net. elf Sgaleare, GO'PEillatfl. Otte. Special al attention to Counsel aural Court Work `fir, Bnientei may be roe 4:x,iea, ifeilladerich by falxoof ;anti pei•ritot eharg''ea .rev easMd. Dr. 11. I.—CaWEN L.D.y To. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON DWYTZ . »CL VA) RIC S Nv ' and Sato "i':htarsaay, . FridayMui+ Masai Woes altotORTLELEO'S BLOCS, DA.SB Andrew F. tens, Township (leek e 'VieSuer of ni;arrlage liceaases 11ettto ygic�•:Cerimlesialter, F'ir and :.ut- mebile 1nettaacati.ce i't' e e i+L t 14 g Iiturou & .Erie M.oi tga get .eloraii '.atien. The CanadaOl N T A iC a. ZURICH --- nts, `or Sale; Dost, Found, NCittieeo Etc. Ads l TOIS COLUMN At tide time lot the wear nearly t y ererybocly fe. about to renew' their paper's or magazine . We ,'wish to aavir>e the public that We are in nanny naiad Bole agents for daily, weekly papers and all ,nnagazife3 :laid will give you reductional on CM most of 'aelse 'Ghat will Sur -4 pritee vote. If you. are about to renew your reading matter, Met come anti Is+a�` 1143,.• arz d. be convince, , •ed.—Herald Office. HOUSE FOR SALE S .seri b i ,lc hooise, in Zurich, with atai n itt1 woodshed: All .mod- rrr�n' • n'tv • •ni ,ncos, electric lig hte. rrtu.•' ;tn.1 bathroom complete. h. i , t and g u.'agei. - 'Apply, to Trip Weber.' Zurich. FARM -')FOR SALE f-towe' tin;; of five acres of good lest l't ,kis, aocated on thhe Mime: of,, Zt7 ilii .Itotd and Bliind Line,R i' 0 Ati nsit: p.... Waren .iraine house nod barn ^and outbiiiding'st. rot 1 to cher 1 rtitulara apply tot c Seip, Attnannts, Prop., Vit. -U -C -T,1 -0 -N -E, -E -R • • LOST oacsAa gi,or! are Df :'J cues Nat • igaa�inute C Y 'Iry Swig School of Auctiotkeeringr,c,rk Was to Registererd. Live • kea Lowe B:.eedari. Tering j7D _ eeeicp i+fiiilth prevailing- prices. bin ilkirme for sale. Wilt sou anything ? oire• Zurich.*hone ig-93 or 'Write. Licensed Auctioneer TOR HURON & 7YLtDi h,S.r.1`. All IN' A 'POSITION TC) (ON - "Eno. Eno. any auction Italie, regert4ietis iliga to size or articles to sell. Solicit your nusintr . and it nor. Satisfied will make no charges for sereiese• Arthnr eber, DaDash-wood. f3-57'W lbellittellaastealtesestsistraosseaces 410 a a :40 . Zurich Nett 1 sem: AKET-a .,'_... Frost' ana .. Salt Meats 70'ire usages, etc a Bologna Sausages, �. i r e far W ores e esE Calsis Prise f FOB' Sii1I3S a li 11) Es e :oAs$ • a rwrNeie0. iri/rr1r. ecce WOO ZURICH LIVERY.. I 1 am in a position to accomo- a1late all requirements in the Livery :buainesa;,•have Auto for hire. Any 'ithillig_doNne in the teaming Jive. GORGE J. THIEL "hone 53 Zurich,Ottt. LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED Taken' evie1 y. day till 3 'O'clock,p.m. n Dot feed Cowl Statue morning tithes brought !Highest Cask P r i, ces —0&511 FOR—ye Cream and Eggs IV W. O'Brien Phone 04 Zurich 111860.VERED °. That the descrim<.tillg �.�n.a :..s.. ;Radio Buyer, rsbl �oV� y choses a arconi Receiver Prop. yet ', BAs bw io MOTON SEf Vdf"F. A Ught leggin/ chain' betwer, I3r'1.1 o t L,ne. and Zurich last we ,1 t+�nu ' k:nrily return to Oscat and receive reward. NOTICE ff tv t dissolved partnership bar ,gear t + Nent, we vrilsh to advis h: •u1': that we request an im- 'el t1 • s t'1'rnent of all .outstand- ti , •eeunbs. Johnston&Koehler. • .1t •h +: ,, %nrict:, 'int. STRAYED. T1t . n my premises Bronson Line ai ser.ng calves, 'same came there 00 O.: t '24th. Owner call f or'sam e and 'pay all cost's. Philip Masa•' Farm Help for 1927 5inee a great number poverty vtr•it:l:en people of Germany apt,' e" .r4- tut positions„ on thefarm at r s tea this year ;supply. Evange:- teals w:tii Evangelicals, Lutheran. ]tit Lutherans, Baptist with +Bap- tit>t Catholics with ,Caatholie y ci u n g Men or domestics .at $200,00 .r t it ; each man 'must be reconi- ,, ,i sloe{' by his pastor jn Germany. ?; rr r rtt r• ,payrs fare and ;$5.00-' on. Write to Rev. K Gretc- •neer, Mildmay, Ont. r FARM FOR SALE Cc,•resistin gof 25 acres of grass tarn). located on Zurich Road, op-• no,,' te" I3abylone, Hay' Tp. For u r't her particulars apply to Oscal t Koehler, Zurich. i. tf22 FOR SALE RU B BERCASE BATTERIES $14:7:1 !iawanee will be made for olds Battery. Store your battery for the winter with us. Also charge, Repair and Rebuild Batteries.,,• W i' ha' e. installed an et:uipment for rebuildiz'g and repairing Batteries Louis Prang, Zurich, Ont. alla Alvin Ga'itcho� Jeger t fbele , 01tnd ate' tti a Mr, Garfteici .Brawl) Oft oft, Kit- chener, 'foe the week.. Mr. Adolph. Weber, sof l?reteton,. 'rt t i:fyiti.iltg relativeHere. Monists. C. Fritz & Sara were in Iteeter on buisiza:isi on Tuesday e - eniug.. Mr. Milton Hey of Detroit, who haat been ill 'with nu ,r a month, is ponv'al29w2n': at his ; home here IVIr, tuna Mrs Lloyd Hey of f:o- don, wen,t. Sunday vi'sltors at the home of Mr. and Mr%sr. J. Hoy, Jr. Mr, Wm. Lamont,haal.- been some' - What ,innllsposed. t'ha past week with an attack of cold; Mr. and 1VIrs, Gatlin land .son George of Greenway.:e.pent New Year at tha home of Ma. .tncl Mist Wm.. B,;i'ssow, Bronson ,Line. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Schede en- tertained a dumber of their, friends to a fowl tvupper on New Year's night. The Ladate' MA of the Evan- gelical church, will hold ,their inon- thly Meeting in the 'ehureh` on Thursday afternoon, Tan. 6th. • There will be .Special . Services iu the Lutheran church on Thera dny morning Jan. 6th, it being Epipltanty Days, ear /tee at -•' 10.30 In the :German language. The auction 'sale. of the. effectsof Mr. Mich Kennel of ,the Bronson Line en 'Tuesday was well attend - el and good prices were realized while the real estate was not sold. • W.e,;corgratulate Mr. Wm.' Con- si:t who the past year moved from the Parr Lina to hensat', upon hav- i' g run for coune lior of that pl- ace and polling the hi.bhout vote. 1We, Garfield -Brown heti:;, moved hi's h ineeneld effects frons • the Jet on the block owned by C. Fritz on Victoria Stre:t This+,,, roomy have aince been occupied by Mr Harry Angel, The election of officers of the `aangelica3 Sunday .Sehh'ooi wan held on Sunday evening with the following resu't—Supt. J,- E. ';;t— ,schho, Vice=3u;?t.Josiah Geiger, Secy. Indeed. Roffman, Treasurer, O'Fren. Monday afternoon next is the first meeting of the Township Co - :tacit for nee year, w5 n it as tex- )eeted th1 t .al) the. will be pres- ant excepting )Ytv. d. P. Rau who ' is still confined to Lon:don Host - pr at have'ng been operated on fn:• :tIJl3cndieJi.1... But latest rPofts ire . very favaralbn and we trust that Mr. Rau will !soon be; able to return home and attend to his aetis itiers. We 1..ia-re jlixst passed'• kirrrigla enother, w x-fe o ' fine w,eaihe` ,v.ith we are ealevaniag the most -agreeable ne t aa's fa, th' Yu}e- ':ids hol+1. es for mann n nten ;roue 1 to le:efficiently coVeredivith snow to mak-e. good isleiglvne•, 'and vet not to-, r•J.t^h snow for tiv' 'luta to run along nicely. Some. cars are fetal going to London, i while ii we go north ct coneednn able deetance, the auto roads aare closed. " EXETER AND ZURICH WIN CYCLONE MATCHES On Monday evening in a fast exhibition of hockey at TE•.eter,the home team defeated the Dashetwood boys iscore 4-3,. The game. thr- oughout was an eccellent brand of the ice pastime and drew a iar+g•e crowd. At thhe Zurich game or, the tame • evening at ,Zurich the. home team defeated their .old riv- FOR - SALE els, the Hensa11 boys by the se - A Gurney, Base :Burner'heatin ore of 7 to ,4, in at very fast game stove!. Apply to Hy. ,Galiman. g The locals took ,h lead early in the first period and increased it ate the game progressed. NOTICE I ;have been appointed 'Solic- iting agbnt° for theiliroductts of the John ' C. Winston Co., Toronto, and can 'supply lout with•Bibles,'Testa- mein ta Teataber'silrelps Bible Stolries for Children, Books of Knowledge, Crriversal hand books, ete. Every Book will make a' yery accept= able Xmas. Gift. '• Mrs. Julia 'nese, Zurich, MItiamIleas HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable property ,in Zurich, frame hous%y kitchen attd Woodshed attached, good tgtable, 2 lots, hard and soft water, some fruit trees. For further particul- e tf27 1 ser. alta apply t oCha�. • W COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton - Coal YAM ALSO %'ARRY , Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND --TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS 'EARLY TO Case on �tiGr�.3t%� iivi ..t .> .,t JAN. ROD 'AND GUT An announcement of importance and of interest to ithe ,sporting and general pubiibe i;s contained lin the January, 1927, tas•.te of Rod and Gun to the •efteet that the well known 'sporting magazine has been ac- cepted as the official (organ of the Canadian Silver Fox breeding in- dustry. With the. January J,sstre, the magazine has beco>t1,e Rod and Gun and Canadian 'S°1ver Fos News and it its announced ttlrat eachmo nth, the magazine will 'carry in ad clition to ,its regular ;sporting and outdoor features, a full section ofv sixteen pages, devoted to the th- T + . ri f r. fox and i i e t5 of the silver a i to s breeding industry, • The change is -made ars a result .of the rapid gr- owth of the 'Canadian ;Silver Fox 'Breeders Association and a desire of. the 3,500 members AD ,hav:e an official organ to assist them, The first Silver Fon section is a v'er'y pion iebeg one. The 'special ed-' itoi, 3, R. Barr sof Summersicde, has presented a g clod. 'selection of fox ncvv s and 1)hotograph1 and tli.e acconut of the fox, exhibit's at the Royal Winter .Pair, Toronto, &spar- tieularly good. The regular ,ganine has 'a very ,goad table of contents for 3anuary with ntoi i^s and articles on hunting, rolling:1:i,-, upping and kennel and outdoor • subjects. Rad anti Gun aid Can- adian %qv nn-r:ian%gvc^•'t) N'`\tr �.. 3• 1t •,J. i. 'i,Wotad'Stock, Ont. d.77 1114111INT 1LIT!1'1 RODS SI[+ ftRS1:04->40 1N0 140iL, it ea. tilirer X+`or.tiiimlii Deflated -->TMl[xtilaoi't>K Aitee of Thoroughly li xaamix*Zng Land Before l6'erehasleg. (Oontributed by Ontario Department o.;t agriculture, Toronto.) Higb fertility should s atatt it - t in the Jxnost economical wen Pew .J,ble,•.end full use made oil all faetofr'. teat have a bearing oar mat. Nitro ilea, shout$1 be secured by tine growls w al legumes and the use of nutuurr though, in certain special eases it .le 7,0 necessary to buy aitroge1. This 1e: uipecially true an very high priced iuid, But• even there, rotation with Legumes, grown for hay or green: s.ianure, is often important to reduce rite trouble with plant diseases, such as blight and scab in potatoes. Lime and often pbosphate .is frequently needed to secure the best growth 'et the legume; but those elements be• conte available to the special crop tlirough the decomposition 01 the sta- ble or green manure and then serve: a double purpose. The general ter- tility of the farm should be kept up by the growing of legumes, the use of stable manures and the use of such ,inpplemental chemicals as the parti- eular soil inay need to give maximum legume crops. li'ertiiizer Formula. Nitrogen, in a fertilizer formula is .expressed as ammonia, pliospborous a,s phosphoric acid, and potassium as potash. For instance, a 3-12-6 ter- tilizer mixture contains 3 per cont. ammonia , 12 pare cent. phosphoric t.cid'and six per cent. potash, A unit el plant food is 1 per cent. or 20 bounds per ton Thus a tea of 3-12-6 contains 3 units of ammonia, 12 units of ammonia, 12 units of phosphoric as}id, and 6 units oil potash, or 60 p,iiinds of .ammonia, 240 pounds of p'i^,osphorio acid and 120 pounds of potash.—L. Stevenson, Dept. of Ex- tension, xtension, 0, A. College. Do You Kizow Your Land. The most reliable and economical method of securing information con- cerning the soil of a certain farm cad be secured by the takil,g of a syetematic series of borings ver 'thehc entire property. Such fairings will show the soil variations and ba a gen- 'eral guide to the value of tae tract as a producing farm.. The t.tlu.tg of soil borings may seem like a lot of work, but it is well worth while even it it takes a day, which is surely a short time when we consider that the purchase of a farm -may tie up a man and his family for life;, Better to know someti.ing of the soil under- neath, before handing over the pur- chase price and then regretting it later. An auger adapted for soil borings can be made from an ordinary car- penter's standard wood bit, by weld- ing a six-foot extension on and then removing the gimlet point, cutting lugs, and them. ash -tailing the end of the worm. Over wet soils, high water tables and the need for artificial drainage can be readily determined with the soil auger. A study of locations for faun 'structures, wells, pit slots, etc., can also be made by below surface borings, with but little effort, and mistakes In location prevented. It is well worth while investigating the sub -soil; it frequently is not as uniform as ;.he surface, may change in character• quite suddenly- and give quite a different value to the surface soil • on which various crops are grown. Some soils are better than others, due to the differences in sub- soil. In boring a hole with a. soil auger, the surface trash and loose soil are first removed, then set the auger and twist down for six inches, withdraw and remove soil. Go down the depth desired, not attempting to lift more than six inches of soil at a time. Lay the borings out in the order that such were re4iuoyed in order that a record may be kept of the various soil changes. With the knowledge gained from a localized soil survey the farm manager can plan the crop rotations and soil r+aanagement to ' advantage and avoid needless mis- takes with their losses. --L. Steven- son, Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College. Combat Potato Leafhopper With Bordeaux. Close observations have shown that the potato, leafhopper is the cause of an injury that begins as a slight yel- lowing, usually at the tip of a leaf. The injury progresses; the leaf turns brown, curls upward and dies. The disease spreads from the margin to- wards the mid -rib of the leaf most rapidly during dry, hot weather. Early potatoes may be so checked by loss of foliage as to reduce all pos- sible chance of profit. Bordeaux controls leafhopper and prevents hopperburn. The spraying must be thoroughly done and must be applied to the underside of the leaf. High pressure (150 pounds) Should be used in order to cover the leaves, with a fine mist., Three appli- •, cations are necessary and the addition of an arsenical to the Bordeaux will provide for the destruction of the Colorado potato b eetl@: at the same time. ---Dept. of Extension, 0. A. Col- lege, Guelph. Dates of Sowing Winter 'Wheat. On the experimental plots at the Ontario Agricultural College two var- reties of winter wheat have bei?,. sown at different dates to each ten years, starting on August ?alibi and allowing one week between tach two dates of seeding. The average results show decreases in the yields per acre from the seedings which took place later than September 9th, the reduction from September 9th to September 36th being 13,5 bushels per acro per annum. The highest re- turns were obtained from the seed- Ings of August 26th In four years, September 3st and 2nd in two years, :;te ni)O)' Site an d rl.tt le' `r,e e. 4. fi t t i• ;e 1461)44 Zurich. ]Jrug Specialize In Fine Toilet Preparations and. handle all the well known and rte- liable varieties of Face Powder and Face Creams such as YAR rOLE Y'S 'VIAND S, COTIGS, PAMPEIAN, THBEE! FFLO,W:E'-R'S WOODBURY'S AND MANY . OTHERS These are Nationally Advertised Goods which have a reputation utation to maintain. In Tooth Pastes we have Forhans, Ipava, Colgates, Pepsodent and Hutax All kinds of School Supplies and Stationery WE HAV33 SEVERAL VARIETIE:3e0la SHAVING CR- I. ]AMS, STICKS .0:APS AND POWDERS. ALSO A GOOD STOCK OF &HAVING BRUSHES, a.AFETY RAZORS AND RAZOR BLADES . ' MAGAZINES FOR SALE Dr. A, J MacKinnon Zurieli •r+++fi.4.4.+++Fd+++++++++441 E Ei E WE Ti E I Tr CO20I331hA i i{.ii DOOR, 8 , ,:+z' x,t� THE DOOR THAT Ct: r . t t; , t) •.t:1; nia BY TAKING OU THE +.r;i.; v.';L) ltE'I,\t \ci .l GL:1 3 SASH. ONCE THERE, ALW No need of taking eft a .+1,aiae retie• door eneh " 11 and trying to find. • t t,. • , ;'t .knee :u ,...-uaey fen ai a batten door which tier:.•••,c :,.. :. re> r :ta.i slue;ls ,the out.:,id" appearance of the home STANDARD. SIMS ALW \Ye ') •v' STOCK. OCK. ODD J,OORS 1VIAdE 'PO 011I)I:: Place your order for .Stolen e teal Now; and have them when the cold weather comae, ih h .,',r'ne tan:, -or coils. • 4, C • LBFLEIS�-,.1 ,,.• t PHONE 69ZURICH'� t +++++++++444++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++44444+4449T1 - •aee'er "U~ IIEADQTJARTERS For Secondhand Buggies $40.00 and up Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBTIER YOUI-t L+GGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH +++++++++++++++++++++++.+4,...............„,................. 4� f 4 IIERALDOFPIOB 4. Do You Know?'+ + . THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR •SERVICE FOR tI. + GOOD PRINTING + TI3AT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED IDDINf d INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS +' THAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND + STATEMENTS + TRA+T WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANtIFAOT 4. URERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUPT + PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS 4. THAT WE CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPES TN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR a TRACING PAPER, .SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- 4 ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT EOOKS IN TWO I SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC, ETC. 'l+ THAT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INH FOR Be. LA110. + GER QITA. •TS;rxEs AT BIGGER REDUOTIONS +44 THAT WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE P05- . TERS, MERCANTILE POSTERS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING, OUR SPECIALTY i"i" F i +i, ' .t"' ./r14Ir..T. t l ii 'r Y' *.11. „y • w r' e 1