The Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 6��P__ py_�[y..._ pgq,iy{� gr,,p,ypyR, ryIP� ��q N,y•,r�q y�y.. .'W4M'iM ti✓NiW Wi W,y 41WW�'W'''tW VI�'WWI,O.,p'N,Wr"�y/W'„YV/`,�UWW4'e Y���,U,k V'WYWWWW, IY. Cy 4'�i,W`Y.\✓�y 9 CANADIAN -w b1. A.ix Ottawa Baker at the Cisal=ra Isitt;rilGttiQsial Exhibitfor_, n aFd4°�^e?� v°"" ^°'�w1' e�?.°"a•�iv w �w,"�3w'���'"w"wF �v ��w�el:�.�� ,I Department or &gr oniture, Ott,a,wia. expert bakox, ,who Is calculated to, No kingdcnn on the ,lace of the prove an expert demonstrator. earth, in ilthor ancient or .modern (`alladiital FICIELr !tames, lice .urged ahcaid more rapidly ag ,the soma that. ivill be eyhlbRed {t•han Tap, II()t only in civilization 1 lit its co .L11, lily accepted sense; ,but ,Contains by aCLULd analysis abuut; ono tenth more of albllmenaids than Industriously in its fullest cgmmer- the ;beat quality of Hungarian flour ; aria! meaning. A gaarfter of a century Lind ;the ai,buineovict's or glaten being. ago, Japan was praeticall,y known as i More .tenacious Ifour large and an,any small islands yield a dough which OR the northeastern coast or China, rises better and Void its position ssen sere e,:> 1.L? e ,t.he �baarP.d loalf, When t11i�s is seen hvd p� p mployed thrix time in !;tile demonstration lit Japan :will ,be rowing .t: a, Ir4i wing txhy,s, and dart- i follot'ved Its else.'vhere iby a demand elllbic>i•:lt+rhlg silklrri garments.witl' ! Sor Canadian flour in that country far �» ,•den threads. To -day Japan is an ! in excess ud the paltry $8,dk.ko worth kxmplre worthy Qr the name, compels- I exported. last year. Ing an arett of 162,655 Fg1t,3,re liliies, i Froan Canadian flour ,bakers can With a population of 44,ot10:.000 poo-, make not only Idle ,grist `quali'ty or i Pie, While nc;t ziiare than brcmla, but Ilkowlso the largest quail - one -sixth of its area j tity per barrel, 'Caroe independent I tests made ,by rirst class bakers with Is cultivable, the soil is very ,produe strong Canadiiii :lour have given the Itive W,llere it can be utilized at all, 1'ollo,witig rvi-ults: Lach using 100 and .thera It teems with t)very variety • Voillids of flour, tliry obtained xe- f L " ' ,b tN a 11Ln1 ` t 1 I t C is produce. tc e �' L1 a b. U t tp , .a [ potatoes, rko and avheat are all ! e71 brcady '1•it[, 1.1.. a:id 1:,1 you las i grown`, lt-:; iIoral kingdqui is rich, ; i(lul,ttrati:,;t of Canadian flour ,by Veauti.ul anti varied ; but its fruits, Indian corn .Nour or any eliwiper 1n- ,• abundant, r t1 u i i a. , blu.v.ant are (r the o,t la m I ..'• vn lar • ,, t.1 1 is entirel.v uultnot , 1.0 w�ul 1 aa�ts . ,I Part or ptl':'r quality. Jap:ln has 2,632 'and for ,�wo tnoss, whitoness and guilt •1 of S), iviaely Q1711c:d mallwa yai,,,Arvngth this fkiu.r is unsurpassed. and 768 u 1 •:s of Goveanmont lines, In: thea matter of the exports of on ;%which 1.,L •t year a net ,prorit in , ,",hcn.t, .t7uur, chease, Butter, ap-' [the agb: ,g to cvas made of w,7;34,- i plt s, Irmber of all kln(ls, fish and 885. Jn an 10 ;,asses an army of 800,- I f1. h' pro.Iu�sts, carriages, raw, and P 1 y mail lacturod cottons, and 'woollens, 000 men, 111141 11•er Wal"With China t-umda 14 Ja1 ltn'N natural nilxt door ! cost about $2`25,0110,000, of whicll '. noi'•h'lror, vontrolling the whole "red teas } $80.000,000 as repaid try indem•- ' ' ,in•�* , " rQa;LL from., ea,�t to wort, and . rlity. Silo Lws, a well egnipped navy, fro -n tiro matherian. t to the furthest nia.nned by 1.9,000 men, and her mer- (.otsdint:y of tlr•: Pacific., cantile marine is worthy of her pro- s gess T'lan Three IVeeks press. j will transfer cargo tions the IAtlan- IlJ-:;pores and Imports, ti:' 1•0•ir,l to Yokoh'mat wharf, and the During. the fast fiscal year, Japan 1 Catnadinn Go- cruanailt yvtem of cold 1 exported to the U.nbted Kingdom, IGtorage both on the railway cars cropper, curio:., drugs, jute, Aik (raw l and on tart: ,ateatiirhips renders the and man a fact'ured). and straw plaits i ti )nFpoit tion of sin h perisbablo ar- to the vttlue of 1,1J4.7(lc, 'while i tl ln,� as butter, cheese, fruits anci during; telco same perlad her Invat.9 as safe and as easy its the t Imports, frons the old country in al- ! (%rryltlf of the roughest imperlsh- kali, arm:,, carPlages, cotton, yarn, ablot lumber. ieotton goods, machinery, metals, l Il"slat, vtr Japan requires in the ships and :ship machinery, and wool- way of imports, Canada is prepared lenm, reached the va h e of �$,6y'9,- � to supply on they most mutually ad - 11.011. vantageouiy terms, and 'when Canada During the same period Canada e0m,^), to the alsti,tance of Japan with exported to Japan only $188,693 } a' 'Viotherly readiness as has been worth of goodti, while she imported I the case, t ru least that Japan can therefrom nxaterk.lti to tide value of (10 is to rt*ciproatite by bestowing *1,620,1368-. But thin Is in process of l h, r eommereinl patronage where she change. h o not cou,gh•t in vain for fraternal Four you: s apo the lion. Irx. ' L'knowlcr.lgmcllt. • She knocked at No+sse, itow Couns=el-(;eneral for Ja• tIv, ,loor of this Dominion, and it was b�rran, in ftrlai4i :forth Ainc,rica„ with ! instantly oprned wide for liter re- ht:adqukrt 1 at Muntre:.l. was ales- ' LcAtion , we have on sale what she iUa.LLCiLL°d 'C) t..t:C:t.it 1?y iii,: tztire^IP_ r .ql. rea, and that of the very best mia_n, for ci:e pni-pose of advocating gu..ility. and Japan will now have the: Federal Government disallow- an opportunity or practically mani- i atnce of c r til: legi,lIation p assets by i f st .119 h+'r apprt ialtion of our i,en- the PrcT'1 , • Of Ik'iLi,'ll COlumbiax Pro-ity by placing her orders where prohlbitin ",lio admit;:,ion of Ja.p:tn- s1 .I Aid not hositclte to place her es'e into Can..d<L. lir, lvuse's slaacess- , aPp,i ats011 for favors. fol int ^, v..1. Li. ii Y au fullowe;l by the E The bile of tiie lEsbibition. lintural ti:•: i, wi tl•e pr.rL of Itis i OsaIta, th- site of the proposed GLw I e il:terna- C (,x1il don Y„ an active manufac- ti,,nal c ii 1, inc:,,vl exports be+- i Ing i ea rad r<tilk ; and it is the &i; G t.00s::, ,v� t n .'a:nada azsltl .1a1)aan i chief commercial centre of Japan, and. tho iat oSil' outetrlu of his (111010- containing a populai'iOn of 476,371.1 matie m6sl,7,u as ,been the deci.irrn Lt Is what is commonly termed a 0t BQI1. ,ydLe.v Ii "ier the Dominion on ophue , city'„ iti s principal si,gh isMnUter or 4rLoulture, to co-operate cOlpriLng the nCastle, the Tennojt ,.with the (x )vernment of Japa•u in temple and pagoda, the mint, the ifurthering thea sucerss of an inter- arsenal, the Hongwanji temple, the national exhibition to be held in 15100 ilakku Batsti ar commercial bazaar, In the kin -dAn of t4c 111kado, ,by the j the theatres, and a multiplicity of t'uruishing of a station illustrative of curio shops. Tile Hakku Butsu will ralmoat oce. vthing grown or l)rOdueed I beopen at night, and, condensing In Ca.nadia.. fit, il'illia,an xlutchieon, i all the shops and factories of the w Ieahibition camissian:lr of the i dna i town in that one place,. the Mn- idlan Gown rnment will be in chii rge, adian and other visitors may re - and one o' the main factures of the view industrial Osaka ''by electric Canwdan ezhlb-t,.zv:il be thi+ ninkin `light. The labyrinthino bazaar is on the tp(rt of bread from Canadian the delight of the natives, and it {flour, by Mr. Jameson, an Ottawa Is • the JOY of every visitor to follow its tortuous mazos without a -- thought of fatigue. Osaka is most F 1111 -'delightfully located and has not y inaptly been termed "The Venice �u n9 1 of Japan,” for it possesses nofew- 1 my Osaka er than 300 bridges. ' Pormerly Osaka was a military capital of ' 'j t9+d much of s history an, and NvItWIn ihas ts been made, %I for therein were played the final, / t rats f the Shogu-its, and withSoOtheS vli the surrender of 1868 the Restora- �� g, h and heals` tion began. SV. lit, Coardt the sore a throat and weak lungs. After a few doses the cough is re- lieved, and the soreness passes away. Gray's Syrup cures to stay cured. At all Druggists 25cts. , ����$��r3 �st,>ti�r+..v�'L.a�r" w•�::.-,„ i I h + ygg� �j�, JF"r� Plum, Puddl�nj��a 1 Try � .�` With the fr,::;t conics the appetite forh•:nrtkr table dainties, Why spend time and laltcr when Libby's Plum Puddings are so delicious, pure, wbolesomOand so easily' secured? Ask your Grocer. They are among the best of Hvt-3 B Y NATURAL. FLAVOR FOOD PRODUCTS Put a in convenient size keyo ening cans. Our little book, "How to blalce Good "T"hings to Eat," is freo. Writa for it, Libby's Atlas of the world mauled anywhere for five 2e stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby, CHiO.dAGO, U. G. A. DARINGATS OF i SOME WORKMEN. $i Now York Sun. Tiley had been watching a mean ascend to the tenth story . of the framework of a new bank building I by the simple expedient of standing I on, a large beam , and tloldiag on to the hoisting, rope. "It's against the rules," explained the contractor, "but they will do it. iYou can't stop 'em, It Is just as baliered was responsible for the 1Lcci,deut, •Soule folltri were surprised.., to road of tho iyri.dgcmen and house- sml.h , wile only thougftt of being Paid for talar overtime when they wvent back with the firemen tip tho tower of the I+last I2,iver Bridge and fought the fire, standing on the burl utlg ` bridi a 'shake they hacked away the 'thlib rs, I wasn't. lknow thea kind tlla a are, tlnd for . sheer rackless darling ihey're hard to beat." "Il•�re6.3•k3 •'s•k•1• k kir J•kkkk � kkk">r•"frkkk CROSSED FINURS w �-�••s••o •��•'r•1••�"�"•f••e••r•�•r••z, w �•�t''a-�••1 � I gros'se-d tli,e fimt wed second fin- gers om each. Band and then hung my acarids down by the side of my: chair so that Cynthia could not see tlwm. Tills little formality attend- ed ta, I looked at Cynthia with a bright smile that was much forced and said: "'I am glad, Cynthia, that you' are sol fond of Phil Iffain•waring." '10h, are you ?" asked Cynthia in rprise. "Why, sthought I hau h you did - ii 't' approve ei him." - "Didn't approve of him ?" I said, In simulated surprise. "HoI'c in` the world did such alt idea as that enter your head," "I lo'u't know," responded Cynthia,, doubtfully. "Perhaps it was because you took such pain's to cut hum bead at the hop the other evening and because ,you once said that you won- dered why his mother did not put him in the reform school." -Oh, well," I answered, `"that was all in the artist." I made sure that my fingors were in tile proper posi- tion, and then said: "I regard Phil as a splendid youuig man of great promise. A mxn wb.o is essentially and in everything meanly. You should be proud or his friendship. I do4t wonder that every girl be happens to, mieet fairly thxo'vs herself at his head. I 'am pat ,stuirpriNcd that you are no exception to the rule, and I congratu-late you on your good taste." When I had finished this speech I leaned back In my,' chair and men- tally panted myself an the back. I regarded P'h,il Hainwaring as effee- tually settled. I expected ,Cynthlla to pout. But she didn't. Instead, she rushed over and caught my hand and pumped it enthusiastically. "You are just as 'good as you can be," she said. "I like to meet a man who is not Jealous or other men. I wish I could tell Phil all about it. You kno'w• ��I itim�p':oI(ng with him to D�gR. Sn"�,A®®o USaaIg. �Csiii6",��'CI!25c.KDfa�4118till H W)�4P s! "IY is sent direct to the diseased Parts �y the Improved Blowe-t. Reals Mp ulcer.:, clears the sit % passages, stops droppings in the �.) throat and peimanantly cure s Catarrh and Hay Feverftlower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chaso bfedlcine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo, thee{ party to -morrow night at the hated." But I 'thought you were going Wilth; Me," I pat. ilk 'wrathfully - "0h. no. Phil asked me first. You said something about going to the theatre Thursday night, but there was nothing definite, and so '"ien Phil asked pie I said yes to that, too." "But you've known liim only a. short time, and--" "Pat it he is ail the things you saide" put in Cynthia, "I don't see what difference it makes, and you are my beat and o,'dest friend, and of coulee your estimate of any one is equal to years of acquaintance." "fla's a runty bnob 1" .I snapped, an- grily, "and the Inst roan--" "Why," said Cynthia, opening her eyes widely, "Land you said--" "I know 'Phut I ,said," I responded. "aut, I had my, finigms•crossed at the time. I know, that if you warn a woman; againot. a man she instantly takes his part, while -if you gash over him and tell her that all the women throw themselves at Yum and that she is Just hke.the rest she'll tire of him quickly." "And you think I am: Just like other girls ?" "Wealp yeas;" I said. lamely. "Then 'why did you undo your work and say Phil was a enol) and that you had your lingers crossed when you said haw no,oe, he was ?" "Because," I answered; "because in spite of wha,tt I salts you didn't turn, from him, but commenced to tell me all the places he was ,going to take you•" Them you will admit that I am not like other girls ?" said Cynthia. "I'll have to," I sati.d. "Anything to keep 'you from going around with Phil Mainwaring. "But I hadn't the l east ' idea of go- ing with him," said Cynthia. "Batt you said—,_„ Cynthia looked down at the pattern Of the rug. "I had my fingers crossed, too" she answered, shyly.—Chicago —7lr1bune. a quick for a, fellow, to go up by Vito ladders as to risk his life In that The Amanuensis Job. way, ahrl,mighty little, more trouble, A Landon typewriter and (steno - but familiarity with danger breeds grapher tc.11s a ntmber of queer contempt of it. filial s why there ,storied about tile, eccentricities of aro very few big buildings put up d cta:tion on till,.) part of•-tiinployens In this town without at least one who do not know, how to pcd their man being killed in each. thotvgbts into - good English. One "Only the special providence which day, this writer Bald read back sonja watches over the reckless as well as noteis to a c6rtatn eanployer. "Yeti, over babteu and drunkards prevents butt I also sni:l so and -so," said tine a whole lot woro deaths among thesedictator, I reeling off a long piss. houoosmiths. Tho insurance com- age. There was no, trace of it in panics hate, to take them as risks at the, note,rA "If yogi said it," said any price, and I dont' blame them. 1 diatatee, "I did not hear It.,, She Ther0o.a balrbreadth escape allay, ; anti this 'for .politeness, being po9- at least, on Ono of these tall build- : itivo in her own mind tlia,t It had Ings. {{ nut been said. It is easy to mass "SIOMO 0171111) things I've seen my- 1 lural a. word or a Ipllmase, but scaree- self I'd hardly have believed if any 3 ly a whole :paragraph. "Very well,'• Ono had told me about them. I'II tell,, roared the dictator, "" next timie you you just ono and though I don't sx-. 'don't Nevar, make a nate of it,''' poet you to credit it, my reputation mentCENTeAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto Can. diked him as aa, good foreman. Useless Teeth.and 'When lie went over the edge of the Pearson's Magazine. framework I was horror struck. "Johnnie" llfc'Cralsv was a ,bit of a "It was a In-Inuto or two before altara,cteir In a country village in the I recovered my self possessicin. north or r90otland- He lived on the Then' I hurried down •expecting to charity of tho villagers, but som.e- find his mangled body In the street. ;aliasifound It partleulptly hard work "A$ I went down the ladder I ,to cls so. mai; him 'r.oming up, bruised but un- ,lone day, !witten ;she Igprlug;s qr slymt. hurt, and all lie was thinking of ' pathy segme,d to have dried up, w he could best was ho' ecu 'b ,s tell the m on . " Jit o gni m e h,s t of ,arx i ;tw,ti,y , a the house who let the beam slip what sort of the local aOctor and said: of a blanked set of biankety blank I ',I'ym come tto net a' MY. teettlt te,ken shiftless ;good for nothings they out, doctor,'' were. " Dear me t" Said the medloal man. did. "Eholfgh he had had as t'.What's ;wrong w1.' them?" narrow an, escape from death- as.] 11 Ob, ;thcly''re all rWht, ,but I've nage I can eoncelive of a man's under- , utW ;fur thepi ; I've it dulling to eat." going, he w)e'nt l'igh't baok to work I 11 Yea," said the dactori ;who O AW and ogled the gang for the after- !tbb 'joke; "here's sixpence Sqr y+M noon, at.ter fXVIVA tji i man wild he Itul Beit a lopAr.!' where. i Mr. Finiky—miss Shapeleigh wears _ a very short skirt, doesn't she 2 Thai's Different. Miss Raylor—Well, who has a bet-, tea right ? I Life. "It's a redeemingtrait In any man Mr. Finiky (hair aloud)—Uan—it is tat bat fonts Of Children." too 1 etty fine, I admit, and her left, "" Oh, I don't know. Wham ab= t the Cannibal T, The North %V Ind Doth Blow. and with it comes the twinge of rlleanlatism• Dress i Her Specifications. warmly-, stay Indoors as much apt yyon Civil I and rub the swullon, tender muscles with Life. Perry Davis's Painkllier. 25)and d0c, The Widaw—I want a mean to do erra•ndss,, pine ithat ncever, answers oNiOPd FINDS A DEFENDER. back, and is always ready to do my, bidbidding.�, Some Good Dualities )loss"—sed by the Applicant—You're looping for a 0do riteroty; Riot. husband, ma'am_ Tlia) onion is oa:e o; those strenuous ' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. vegetablas ab:nit which one cannot j A Surprise for Gorge. Y I G St( jGj tl l {� ! 1ieq�y� E, Detroit 1+ ren l'1 onq. , I V Nal o ! Nag N Qv q N a 6 1J O J •i`j1 q•j o C! q Y1. Na "I Inar that George is to be mar- ric(i next week to that black-eyed 4 This word Is used .four time -ii by cold; Then ]lash, and now, O I my, iIf one nl:ver ,i;L,l to take one's onions at s( cund liciud it ,would not be ,. ,� :1 1•' en .t _ to at the a- Irl 1, n c 1 sc b i, n T, Prof.. Hodgson ills, Official .LAllul '1.l Analyst to t i)on.tiuion Govern- v y I 1 I Soothing � Ml Ahell d Mrs. Winslow's soot 1 S a g Y tp ing. I6 be used for Children 1'oe h g aid FJieIC,''. said i•".,nIll�SU. "I thought that was one of those .always ment, in reporting the result of his ', soothes the child, softens theggums, cures wind colic and is the beat remedy Yor Diarrhoea. temporary summer engagemeiats," analyses of Sunlight Soap, _ ANTED `1.O PURCILASE=ANY QUAN- said Caw -ker. No unsaponifled fat "; that means "Ge'orge thought so, too."" no waste. tity of mined wood, suitable for brick went-7prefera,bly 0.11 other tL•nes, it .Nvolild .be a boon , to the world. T' le onion hater would ! "No free allrali "; that means no damage to Clothes or hands. bvi'laing, lot- 1111tn)edinte use; state eatsll pI•le f.o.b your station. lilnpson Brae!: 0101 Ne>.r' Sv1CCCFSfn1, 1 „ ,,, No loading mixture that means Toronto street, Toronto; teloplione Main,YO :-.- Clara—Half the time lie Isays he t',ovsn't know whether I love hini or every atom is pure soap. - - � Loading TEN COURSES �?� fl"l�l�.professloas not ; about one-quarter 410 Hopes of -, I do, and c -q rest lie tklinks I that � No adulteration whatever"; that means pure ingredients. thorongbly taught. Rx ert Instructors, ludi- SeuA for handsonua mniiy, and Ili addition 1 3 Is nearly Try Sunlight Soap—Octagon Bar-- attention, eats- logno for particulars, Correspondence Depart- alwa5s latterly miserable.. and you will see .Prof. Ellis is right, mentCENTeAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Toronto Can. iblacui—til'; 11., i'Iu glad you're malting He should know, 202 PIGEONS 1RfA09�T.D1�11nwiltonGunClub w ii paw 25 cents rn.obl a success of the affair.—Lite. A YCQ�ItLeS$, i45$�i y©tag «-- --------� ��"�� �— 'Relievas Uncle Harry as a Substitt4tta. per nalr anti express Chargos, Address at Atitlard's Liniment Neural -once, i that is necessary to tl'co, Crawford, 34L King street west, gia. Montreal Herald. lianlilton, Ont, out it there 'would be no gastronomic art" ; that its prrsetioe• lends color I catalogue. "^• Upole, (trotting Harry on his knee) Do Not Like the b;gjptiatl Craton. —vol you like this, my boy? . IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. A report from Texas states that: Harry—Protty well; but I. rode on Wives and daughters all remind us experiments for the eradication of a real donkey the other day at the The . quality standard from Ocean to Ocean• our money back if notsn,tisfactory` the Aiexican cotton boll worm have Zoo. ROSE Sc LAFLAME, demonstrated that this disastrous cost of the article delivered to YOU. Agenta, Montreal. InsectInsect will not touch :Egyptian M411ard's Lillimsnt Cures Burrs, eta. cotton. The department has been yup d sire fiend your money cheerfully A Parody experimenting vu1Ch Egyptian Lot - for We believe DIINAItD'S LI\IIED1is �dnas 1onlbry. Non several years, with marked thebest success. If this last report proves to be true, it will undoubtedly re. Alatthlas Foley, Oil City, Oat. Ttu•keys and Geese selling higher. stilt in the planting of Lgyptian ! Josclph Snow, Norway, Me. of Butter b for lit good de and large rolls butter ciloict: l,ni;tor in "rnod dematnd. IE any butter cotton in Texas in 1110 future,for up to the prosent time no satirat:_ Glias. R'hoL�ten, lliulgrai.ve, N. S. t� s will 30 cents per to oiler )itas0 t Llvi e. a lb • BeeswtLy's dells rred pay Toronto. p tory method has been di.seovored of Rev. R. O, Armstrong, 1lrulgrave, N.S. Couslgnmentsawd currespondence solicited. preventing the destruction of or- Pierre Landry, sen., ookemouche, NX. JOHN Y. r -En, OS Front St. Eno t, Toronto dfnary 'by this pest. Thomas 11'.assun, Sheffield, N. B. icotton p CATARRH CANNOT D� CUREDTo all Interested the education of yours ladies with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cant p or girls where an extensive g- course may be had, inelud- Unjustifiable cheapness. not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional• disease, and in in• the common and high In blanches, Science, order to cure it you must take internal rem- edles. Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- Chicago News.�f Languages, Music, Fine Art, Commercial Course, LADIES nally, anti acts directly on the blood and oTllq aid gentleman played a mighty 1'oice Training, Elocution, mucous surfaces, Rall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one „ mean trick on me, remarked tits . .Art Needle Work and Phy- sical Culture, write to Rev. of the best physicians ill this country for young hopelial. �.. B. DF -MILL, President, years and is a regular prescription. It iscom- "'Wheat was It ?" ttt ������� St. Catharines, out., for 1=hsed of the beet he best bloods urifle en actin codirectld p g e y ..Well, you kulow I've always car- f that calender that glues you ver,4 spPclttl rittes. on the mucous surfaces, The perfect eombi- rlled aTl old watch, n0 17'a'Pn- �Lllth riox Tuis PAPitn. nation of the two ingredients to what pro- broker :would even look at, and fa- duces such wonderful results in curing ca- tarrh.Send for testimonials, free. thter promised me at new; ono for my I - birt'bdahdaell.y." F, J. CITENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by Drnggtats, price 75c. •.yTP 1114 ,"'Well, i£�# Q 'e"'D{a' F O R Hall's Family Pills are the best he gave It to me, 1ru,t he ` had my gamic engraved otn the case." m A Bargain. In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's t� (D� uta A Brooklyn Life Dry Soap (a powder) will be found very, r N "I thought she refused him somesatisfactory. =g Send forfull ptu•t.ieulius. Addrese time alio because be 'vas so fat?'' Dep -r- A, V171,1i SUPPLY Cr.;, "Well, she did; but since then bets Goad Form. Ont. been roduced from 00 to 198.71 afinard's Liniment 'tor stale every- Columbia Jester. where. i Mr. Finiky—miss Shapeleigh wears _ a very short skirt, doesn't she 2 Thai's Different. Miss Raylor—Well, who has a bet-, tea right ? I Life. "It's a redeemingtrait In any man Mr. Finiky (hair aloud)—Uan—it is tat bat fonts Of Children." too 1 etty fine, I admit, and her left, "" Oh, I don't know. Wham ab= t the Cannibal T, The North %V Ind Doth Blow. and with it comes the twinge of rlleanlatism• Dress i Her Specifications. warmly-, stay Indoors as much apt yyon Civil I and rub the swullon, tender muscles with Life. Perry Davis's Painkllier. 25)and d0c, The Widaw—I want a mean to do erra•ndss,, pine ithat ncever, answers oNiOPd FINDS A DEFENDER. back, and is always ready to do my, bidbidding.�, Some Good Dualities )loss"—sed by the Applicant—You're looping for a 0do riteroty; Riot. husband, ma'am_ Tlia) onion is oa:e o; those strenuous ' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. vegetablas ab:nit which one cannot j BARRISITR 00 cent Cogar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled The Flo of Milk will be increased. 'Why go Wall the trouble of keeping cows and get only t about half the milk they should pro- ^4. duce. ]f ii#fie >i I strengthens the digestion and invi- spmtes the whole .system SO that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- Ve to care for a cow when she gives three. quarts as when she gives a pail. flick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost vitae good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents a package. !Looming. Miles fa Co., ,agents, 11O1NTRE AL,. Iiroperty,'' said TI•ivvet to Diteer. `o t a B logo 40 ' doh, ,stn I. Ij It'sa'll to h,is ,w1So's name." Wear i That's the greatest thing in the world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in 711, ,;p. �t �jj7�',,��p �' �4' ! it ,1 1 ,� '�j�� . xr,' ldi.B�Ci;ll�' ''� t tFt1 ../ I t� i�„ L . But the one thing we emphasize is their "Granby Rubbers wear Bide iron." HANDSOME A Solic costs fro want a a made, se 10 boxe grand re t blood in disorder ;a WAT CA 3,wh;9 55 )Ids Ladies' or g'ent's Watch as to $50. Can't throw your Phoney aFn"sty. If yo Ptn&t1 that will Cnual for time any Solidi N., watel builder, These are our re encu customer who buys al Ticket, which entities thong - thee o eta o and 4 your, t^ et • � �t' '.y� .+,, 10 bases d Prise Tickets 1 us the money M 02,,50) andw the same day money is rece ko quickly introduce our remedy, and. when you show It to your friends. 'Hundreds have receive delighted with them. This Is a 'glorious opportr a ceift for it and you should write at oneo. Address Plolin,v, T$112 NMW LIFE "tt&man W Jrlre 1-1119 at 2r,e. a boX. .A and weak conditions of the lntipation, 'veakness, ne1'jous Ibles, A. grant tonic and life ze; they are easy to sell, as fr nlyou, receives a Pr ize Coofsiverware. Slon't miss ur order and we will send the Istpaid, when sold you send ron the Wlatoh with a )R 20 YEARS ,re wing away these watches we ek, we sale you to please 'rom ns and are more than a fine Wnteh without paying Int. 320, 1"oronto. Ont be indirfsrent. One either ,yearns for t_ Y An Ode to Cookery. It ;witil a pgsslonatt; longing, or else Philadelphia Press, di t n f 1 eek fl st o the bee a 1 w r utterly ream(liates it and everybody withRoast it. - au • Ira"ficktn �T'h0 hub } la' ^ a"Si3"�6e eg a tMa y'totee6s; �crM•... ,r. 5 cold; Then ]lash, and now, O I my, iIf one nl:ver ,i;L,l to take one's onions at s( cund liciud it ,would not be 9 e✓ They've added crust and raisins and so 'bad. I; Lhe laws 'would only set It's served as mince meat pie 1 apart olte C141y a ,week for the con- As Fire Spreads in dry grass, so does an down Into suanption (Ar onions, anti fortbid it, under penalty Qf fiat and imprison- ! inipr ison Biel) t— at � r ;k h Oifl T '�b�t inflammation in the throat grow the lungs. ileal promptly with a cold as with a lire, and whin you begin to cough use Balsam. went-7prefera,bly 0.11 other tL•nes, it .Nvolild .be a boon , to the world. T' le onion hater would ! o .+ �' rid e sn Allen's Lung � at least kngw when to take 'to the I `c d Holiday Books. woods and .how Joni; to stay there. I As banishing the onion from the I _ M o Philadelphia Press ( :to kitchen, that !Iwould be a crime. There i M The two mcost popular books dor y seasonare the holiday season aro the cheque- have been poets Who have sung its praises, but penllaps same Of the .' book and prose rhapsodies are just as elo- . iii;nlaziSH SP'ATM LnMXPNT removes quent. For inatance, if you ,want to all hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem- crulsh ,your neighbor. .who -regards A YCQ�ItLeS$, i45$�i y©tag lobes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, i your d1:s11 of onions with a stipar _111 I address attached, , Es a�� Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eta. Save ons :eye just ask 11ian If he kntitws that the onion Is called the rose i that is necessary to $50 by use of one bottle. warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure eber knows among roots." Ask him it he knows that "with- obtain our new and ; handsomely il9ulstrated Bold by all drugnlets. out it there 'would be no gastronomic art" ; that its prrsetioe• lends color I catalogue. "^• The Chief End of Man. and enchantment to the modest dish, ' it will put you in toueh with Life. Its atbsenae reduces the rarest dainty the finest assortment of FINE Wives and daughters all remind us to hopeleas Insipidity and. the diner JEWELRY in Canada. We mutt mare aur little pile; to despair." It is quite possl'ble Ulat your The price, which is plainly given with each article, is the Andb departing, leave behind. us, Cash for them to live in style, I haughty neighbor tnKa,y decline .to *and cost of the article delivered to YOU. follow ,this hint may show signs M411ard's Lillimsnt Cures Burrs, eta. of not being plunged Into despair pending the addition 6f onions to his yup d sire fiend your money cheerfully A Parody gwxi menu. The anti-oniontst is a stiff-necked party. Providence Jour - " Washington Star. Life Is real, life is earnest, nal. 1 Sla'it�liP 31. Bros. Lfind the -grave is not Its goal; It's great aim, thorn sadly learnest, Similar. yrie V jewelers Is toget sufficient coal. Judge. " l �i o17�3a(�I. Toragtq '. (Bellingbr='s religion is Like • his BARRISITR 00 cent Cogar Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled The Flo of Milk will be increased. 'Why go Wall the trouble of keeping cows and get only t about half the milk they should pro- ^4. duce. ]f ii#fie >i I strengthens the digestion and invi- spmtes the whole .system SO that the nutriment is all drawn from the food. It takes just the same trou- Ve to care for a cow when she gives three. quarts as when she gives a pail. flick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost vitae good interest in a few weeks. 50 cents a package. !Looming. Miles fa Co., ,agents, 11O1NTRE AL,. Iiroperty,'' said TI•ivvet to Diteer. `o t a B logo 40 ' doh, ,stn I. Ij It'sa'll to h,is ,w1So's name." Wear i That's the greatest thing in the world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in 711, ,;p. �t �jj7�',,��p �' �4' ! it ,1 1 ,� '�j�� . xr,' ldi.B�Ci;ll�' ''� t tFt1 ../ I t� i�„ L . But the one thing we emphasize is their "Granby Rubbers wear Bide iron." HANDSOME A Solic costs fro want a a made, se 10 boxe grand re t blood in disorder ;a WAT CA 3,wh;9 55 )Ids Ladies' or g'ent's Watch as to $50. Can't throw your Phoney aFn"sty. If yo Ptn&t1 that will Cnual for time any Solidi N., watel builder, These are our re encu customer who buys al Ticket, which entities thong - thee o eta o and 4 your, t^ et • � �t' '.y� .+,, 10 bases d Prise Tickets 1 us the money M 02,,50) andw the same day money is rece ko quickly introduce our remedy, and. when you show It to your friends. 'Hundreds have receive delighted with them. This Is a 'glorious opportr a ceift for it and you should write at oneo. Address Plolin,v, T$112 NMW LIFE "tt&man W Jrlre 1-1119 at 2r,e. a boX. .A and weak conditions of the lntipation, 'veakness, ne1'jous Ibles, A. grant tonic and life ze; they are easy to sell, as fr nlyou, receives a Pr ize Coofsiverware. Slon't miss ur order and we will send the Istpaid, when sold you send ron the Wlatoh with a )R 20 YEARS ,re wing away these watches we ek, we sale you to please 'rom ns and are more than a fine Wnteh without paying Int. 320, 1"oronto. Ont