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The Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 5
THE ZURICH 'HERALD N tEC ell.ry'• ,,tteu- 't.! y;t ,•jt �t v9"e! "v7•'�"•t wa''W ro"�✓ e.0 AND DOING BUSINESS AT THE OLD STAND.... ' AM. BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER, TO DO ALL KINDS OF PHOTO WORK. ,A Family Groups ' Copying and :�E { A Eniarginig ot A Specialty 6' o. TE2• TT HENSALL.. a,..:..:Naril'd; icer..• IS GUARANTEED TO CURE CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA- TISM, HAY FEVER, NEURAL- GIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES, 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 PETER BRENNEZ.AN,I', Blake, Ont., says : " For three years I -have suf- fered with a severe case I of Rheumatism, but Bliss Native herbs has driven it from my system." Write for Our Illus- trated Almanac. IT IS FREE! JOHN DUMART, AGENT, ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZO 0, BLISS Co, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. .0. S T NEVIttJ .?L V Graduate; Optician, hI ENSALL. PEDTAULES AHD EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles. A It'ULL STOOK OF ewes ry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid. to all kinds of Repairing. J. C. Stoneman, HENSALL. ONT. TenatWITIVAnimennnwevawireMealligadiMINIUMMLIIIcatimgrTmetwn the `tl extern 'feat estate Etcbange. 781 Dunbas Street €orIboII, 0. Din. Farm, City, Village, Suburbrn, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanges.. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Secttrities. Farms, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Real Estate. TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER ZURICH, ONTARIO. Sold by All l� ewsdealers Furnishes Monthly to all lovers of Song and Mucic a vast volume of new, Choice Copyright Compositions by the most pop. ular authors. 64 Pages of Piano Music, half Vocal, half Instrumental—ai Complete Pieces for Plano—Once a Month for as Cents. Yearly Subscription, $a.ao. if you will send us the name and address of Viva performers on the ?fender Organ, we will send you a copy of the Magazine Free. J. W. PEPPER, Publisher+ Eighth & 4oeastSts.. Phliadelphla,, Ps. PRETENDER E NUREODS& THE SULTAN'S TROOPS TOTALLY DEFEATED. Forty of His Soldiers Decapitated by the Rebels, and Their Heads Now Decorate the Pretender's Tent. Tangier, Morocco, Dec. 24.—Tire Im- perial mperiai troops have been totally defeat- etl after a sanguinary battle with the rebels, (.beaded by the pretender to the throne.' The latter deeapitated forty of the Sultan's soldiers. Their heads aro now ornamenting his tent. Imperial reinioreements have been sent to attempt the capture of Taza, the headquarters of the pretender. In- censed by the successes of the rebels, tho Sultan has ordered his soldiers to spare no ono at Taza, in spite of the advice of the chiefs, who counselled him not to indulge in excesses. LIBERAL LEADER'S VIEW.' Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman Urges Arbitration. London, Dec. 24.—Sir Henry Campbell - Bannerman in an address delivered at Dunfermline said there was no excuse for the Government in having allowed Great Britain to "glide" into the present position in Venezuela. "it is a paltry quarrel," declared the speak- er, "with a bankrupt, distracted and rickety State. if every there was a case for arbitration this is one." Con- tinuing, Sir Henry said he had only condemnation for those who by the "rasping writings, 'the foul gibes, had fomented discord between Great Brit- ain and Germany." He added that the War Ofiice had done well in such cases where its instructions had been timely. These instructions, however, were often wrong, and sometimes they were not given. The speaker regarded with misgivings certain enterprises being con - du Leal in different parts of the world. Sir Henry strongly emphasized the importance of preserving the good -will of the United States. lie said it would require' a case of the first importance tl. justify any action likely to alienate the good feeling and confidence the Am- erican people entertained toward. Great Britain. 1t was not enough to be up- on the best post:Able terms or avoid actual hostilities. It was essential to the policy of Great Britain to stimu- late intimate friendship, and any course whioh threatened the continuance in any degree of that perfect feeling of friendship or invalidated it to any ex- tent was a crime not only against both great nations but against humanity it- self. An important and lengthy communi- cation dealing with the British views of the arbitratioir of the Venezuelan dispute • was made by Foreign Secretary Lansdowne to the United States Charge d'Affaires, Mr. White. It was trans- mitted immediately to Washington. Lord Lansdowne's communication con- tains no final decision, further than a lengthy statement of what is expect- ed by Great Britain. Murderers to be Shot. Silt Lake City, Dec. 23. --District Iudge Booth to -day refused a new trial in the case of James Lynch and R. L. King, under sentence of death for the murder of ('ol. Prowse nearly two years ago, and sen- tcneed the two men to be shot to death February 20 next. Brunet Will Appeal. Montreal, Dec. 23 .—Mr. Joseph Brunet, ex-M.P., will appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgment of the Superior Court, by which he was declared unseated and disqualified. The appeal will be based upon certain al- leged illegal procedure on the part of the contestant in failing to produce the original record in the ease, and also be- cause the judgment is claimed to be un- just. The defendant holds that in a constituency with 12,000 voters the sum of $2,500, which was expended in con, nection with the election, was not suffi- ciently Large to warrant the court in presuming that it was applied to corrupt purposes, especially when the defendant candidate had so short a time to pre- pare for his election. Mr. Solomon .toy, counsel for Mr. Brunet, stated that the appeal would be filed within the eight clays required by law, but it was not probable that judgment would be rend- ered before March, until which time Mr. Brunet would occupy his seat in the liouse. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. A case of smallpox is reported at London, Ont. , The Woodstock Times office was gutted by fire. Senator Primrose died suddenly at Plc- tou, N -S. City Clerk Kingston of London, Ont., has resigned owing to III -health. All the Cardinals resident In Rothe pre- sented Christmas greetings to the Pope. 'Chomps Quinney, an Ottawa baker, com- mitted suicide by shooting himself .through the heart. ,The first volume eof the census, com- prising all the bulletins compiled up to date, was issued yesterday: Col. Prior and ltir. iEberts of the British Columbia Government are going to Ottawa to negotiate for better terms. The Court of Appeal will begin on an. 7th the hearing of the appeals In the South Oxford and Lennox election cases: President Roosevelt has not yet received the official request of Britain and Germany that he arbitrate the Venezuelan dispute. A portrait of the late Principal Donned A. McGregor was unveiled by TIon, John Dryden at the McMaster tinlveraity at- home. Manhood suffrage registration was held at Stratford yesterday in connec- tion with the North Porth bye•eieetion. This step was taken at' the request of Mr. Whitney, although registration was held there previous to the last gen- eral election. He swung the Lantern, A southern senator Wits at one time counsel for a small railroad. At a point on the line where it crossed a prominent highway they had an old negro watchman, whose duties consist- ed in warning travelers of the ap• proach of trains. One night a farm. er's Wagon was struck, causing a bad accident. The railroad company was of course sued for damages, and at the trial the old Barky was the chief wit- ness for his employers. 1 -le answered the questions put to him in a clear, di- rect manner. Among them was the query as to whether he surely swung his lantern across the road when he saw the train coming, to which he re- plied: "'Deed I did, sal.," The relircPad company won the salt, and the senator took occasion later to compliment his witness on his excel- lent testimony. The old fellow was profuse in thanks, but before they parted bluntly said: "Lordy, Alarse John, 1 sho' was sheered when dat lawyer gin to ax me 'bont de lantern. I' was afeared he was goin' to ax if it was lit or not, 'cause de oil in it done give out some time before de ardent." The Perfect Fiend. A perfect head, viewed from the side, falls within a perfect square, averag- ing nine inches for a man and 3t/,► Inches for a woman. The width of the face is equal to five eyes. The distance between the eyes, is equal to one eye. The size of the eye is two-thirds that of the mouth. The length of the nose is one-third the length of the race. The ear is, at all ages, as long as two eyes. Although these are the ideal measure- ments .and are approximately adhered to, so fond •of irregularity is nature that rarely any face corresponds to them. The two steles of any face are never exactly alike. Strictly speaking, the face extends only from the chin to the root of the nose. Above that point is the brain case. For a well developed brain the width of the bead just above the ears, measured with callipers, should be from 51/, to O, inches, and the height from the opening of the ear to the top of the crown should be ex• actly the same. In women b,,11 height and width are one inch less than DS men, women's heads approaching the tyue belonging to children.- As hildren: As His Child Saw Flim. A prominent real estate man in Los Angeles had an experience a few even- ings ago that kept hien guessing for n little bit as to whether he should feef complimented or otherwise. Be was at home with one little daughter while his wife and another of the chlldree were downtown. Darkness was corn- ing on, and the little girl was anytous ly watching for her mother's return. Her nervousness grew apace in spite of the father's attempts at reassurance. At length the little one burst Into tears, saying: "I just ca'n't help it! I need mamma, and I must have her!" "Do you do this way when your mamma is here and I'm away?" asked the father. "No, of course iiot," replied the little one, "'cause then there's some grown. up Person about the bouso!" A Creat World of Art. , It was Apolles who visited the studio of Protogenes in home and, finding the artist absent, drew a thin colored line in such a way that the Roman .;new that only his Grecian brother could have done it. But. not to be outdone. Protogenes drew a thinner line upon that of Apelles, end when this was seen Apelies drew a third line upon that of Protogenes. Tills panel was then looked upon as the greatest• work of art, so says the story, in the Dallier of the Caesars. ?easy Enough. The New Arrival and the r;cperi- enced Maid are the di-nmatis persona' of a brief comedy published in Life. The New Arrival was in doubt about the use of the blower on the open tire - place. "When will it be tinea to take this blower off?" "Lave it alone," replied the PJ.pt'ri- onced Maid, "till it do be too hot for yez to touch; then Iift.it off." Evolution of n Nance. We have traced It back and find that a Topeka woman some sixteen ;'ears sego named her baby girl Bertha. Later she was Called Bertie, then Birdie. then Bird, and when she erns graduated 'it Vas Byrdeyne. Alothers never know how simple a thing may result trag- ically. The Successful Cbietagoau. "T tell you," said the doctor, "'t's the man who can push himself along that succeeds best in this world." "Not at all," replied the In ofessor. "It's the man who can shove others out of the Way that succeeds best." Acquiring a Golf Aret ".Brassie detests oatmeal; I ut he is eating it regularly for breakfast now," said Larkin. "What's his object?" aske'l (fltt•oy. . "Be's trying to improve his golf tic - tent" ---Judge. More ilbrtunnte Than Moat. Wigg—Not I can't say that "l'ntkalbt is a friend of mine, 1 merely have a Speaking acquaintance with him. ti l'Vagg—Most people only have a ihr tening acquaintance. Hard .tending. Professor Mora ndmoro—"1 he books of the Cllnldeans were written on bricks-- . Sporter (iii a still, s1m►II voices—Try trust have made hard reading.—.lar• lard Lampoon. tV ivwfarn v q444, THr, GREAT BLOOD PURIFIEjt AND SYSTEM RHC- ' tJLATOR ,will cure the most aggra- vated fortn of Dyspepsia ' and Indigestion. it will eon rect "That Pull Feeling After gating." Nervous headache, Sour Stomach and Flatulence. Why suffer when a cure is guaranteed? 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1,00, JOHN HAUG, Dashwood says: 'I was unable to get any relief from Asthma and Stomach Trouble until using Our Native Herbs." JOHN DUMART, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT. THE ALONZO 0, BLISS CO, Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. Hoffman's J= bilee Laundry , We use no chemicals to destroy or injure your Clothing, and we Guarantee our Work. TAIL( LNG IN CONNECTION W. HOFF AN Ilittll'-°s'%ir^ .bNv,Es ' ill 1 ewe!v Jewellery. THE CORRECT STYLES ARE TO B:E FOUND IN MY ESTAB- LISHMENT. La,dvs Broaches, the Latest Paris Styles. Gents Guff Links and But- tons, Good and Strong. A full line of Watches, (flocks, Jewellery, Musical Instruments and Specks. imittervitassatematostois WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIR- ING, MY HOBBY. F. W. . HESS THE JEWELER En The Hill, Z H11DD, 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an inverftion is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sunt tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the iinte A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air. natation of any scientific journal. 'Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Soldbyuil newedealers. MUNN & Co,381aroadway, New York Branch Office. t!" " St.. Washington. D. C. Scientific ZUR Gr P. 0. Is open daily except Sundays from 8 a, in., until 2 p. in., The mails are distributed as follows : MAIL FOR HRN BALL, close at 0 :55 a.nl tt tt „ tt 2:55 pm 1e ST.JOSEPa, 't 11:10arn L.H.&B., to 6:55ain tt L, H. &B., tt 2:55am I'+ ROsI HENSALL, arr. 11:00 tuntt tt to tt 7:30 pat t o ST.JOSEPH, " 10 :45 tun L. H. & B., " 11:00 an 44 L. H. & B., 44 7 :30 ani LETTERS FOR REGISTRATION, must be posted half an hour previous to the time for closing the mails. D,S.FAUST, Postmaster. tt tt tt t1 to tt Clubbing rates. Er -We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HARALD : Daily dobe . Mail & Empire weekly Globe . • Mail & Empire Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.75 4,25 4.25 1,60 1.75 IiVire. mer. Wood's TIlosiliotline, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use et To- baoco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailedon receipt of price, one package $l, six, $G. One Wit please, o e OW curo. Pamphlets free to any address. Tho Wood Cowpony, Windsor, Onto Wood's Phosphocline is sold in Zurich by Di .Buchttnan, Druggest, IC` 1 CELE STRICTUID No other diseaseis so prevalent among men as Varicocele. As it Interferes with the nutrition of the sexual organs it produces emissions, loss of semen through the urine, decay of the organs, pains in the louts, aching in the back, nervouseuss, des- pondency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a coma patron t - these results in complete Loss of R,faenhood. 'rhourands of young set mtddle- aged men are troubled with Strietutre., If you have reason to believ.: i.a are afflicted with it, don't neglect it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors exp .ri ::tent on yon by cutting stretching or tearing It. Our New blether)! 'I'rcoitnoer:. dissolves the stricture tissue hence it disappears and can never return W .tire Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of time. Ttie treatnien rna - be taken at home privately. Send for our Free Illustrated Book on d'aricooctit,:, Striotter© and Gieot. We guarantee to Cure or No Pay. 44' yrs eg a All sexual complaints affect these organs, hence the kidneys are a great source of disease. Have you aching or weakness over the small of the back, tend.ncy to urinate frequently, deposit in urine, coldness of hands or feet, a drowsy feeitng in, the morning. Don't neglect your lridneys, , Our NeW Method Tr,.atrnCU a is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay, Ofi'lklo Names Used Without Wrltteln Corisont. O. W. Rowe, of Jackson, Mich., says:—I had varicocele in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years standing. I was operated on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only got temporary relief. I was finally advised to try the New Method Treatment of Ars. K. & E. The enlarged veins disappeared in six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed to eight weeks and my sexual energy and vitality returned so I was a man in every respect. I recommend you doctors with my whole heart." CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE N® PAY. Sefnrr Treatment. After Treatment. We t -••at and cure Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Vari -ele, Stricture, Syph - ills. Gleet. Weak Parts, Gonorrhoea and 'Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free. Boot,' ;res. Write tor Question uestiion Dist �for Ilome Treatment. Ors. ,,,,:tiedy Kerr 114E SHELBY DER ®ET T,tvi { t"Sc K :K4K tee; 4 Subscribe for "THE HERALD" i 1i d x EEO! O'FARRELL (o LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D: C. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Tradernarks,Copyt rights. Will return fee If Patent is not secured. Send for inventor's Guide, or How to Get a Patent. 'Mention this Paper and secure special rates. esrx a ae-•a'3eee 1-4a4,1it4rrw w;a rdc ea F� Ai+ it th„ •re h,; some weaker one, give me strength to help him on." —WHITTLER. "/find hearts are more than coronets."—TENNxsore. TO IfUI NISH THE II FREE CONSUMATIVE KOSpITAIt MUSKOKA. The Only Free Consumptive Hospital in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. — The New Free Consumptive Hospital, built under the auspices of the National Sanitarium Association, will be ready—so soon as the money to equip and furnish is secured—to receive 50 patients absolutely without charge. — Over 300 out of 500 patients admitted to the JiTitskoka Cottage Sanatorium — the property of the National Sanitarium Association — have returned home either cured or greatly improvect. —The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightf Illy Healthful locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the poorer patients as to the rich. rif ..„ j,„ x�<ti�,1��1��p����II�IClllll y, E FIRST FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA The gift of TV. J. Gage, Esq„ and the Executors Hart .4. Massey Estate —Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump. tive Hospital will alleviate and indeed. entirely remove. —Will you not send a dollar—or $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $ 10.00 -- or more, for this most pressing of all charities? —The victims of the White Plague aro found all over Canada. $50 WILL FURNISH A BED. mmmmm pe CONTRIBUTION'S MAY BE SEAT TO— SIR W. R. MEREDITH, Kt., Chief Justiec,. Vico-Pros. Nat. San. Assocn., 'Toronto. W. J. GAGE, Chairman Ex. Cont., Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer, Toronto. t3wTT h dial i I! k`imLrt1,0l5 1 We can print your Bills.