The Herald, 1902-12-26, Page 2The � Fe.
The festival' the Nativity was, itor on th'e-Chri,strn'as morning be
naturally, f'r'o :of,- the earilest obser- t1kat of a Iran or buy -particularly
V1311 p instltti�'ea3 -by the Christian a, black haired boys
Oltut[xil. Tia�e l�cadliln 'Saturtttelia 'vas Good Luck is .!i head,
ceiebrdted lit D8C'eimilr, with recast- i Pout it a womnan or girl comas first,
10(r and joy ;.In l�';ort ern El
ura the, mi$rOrtuno nice bo expocteel,
scan feast b at! this same seat- , Fram the very flrasrt observance of
sdn•, to relo';be at the return of:
the.tsun," This wl'.s'c;rlled 101, or yule,! the fc.stival, it seeias to have been
.)2d til°'Christl:aW..•Saxone made Yule-; the custom to exchange gifts .and
?tide synonymous, ,With Christmas. ' make donations to the poor. Tile
Time bui•nin°g' of ttie Yule log and the , '"'uxor, L-111- a celebrates Chl•istnrt�s
L11111hitlatis�n Of elturob s and house's , with joyous loativity and lavish
With moony Ag,:it,.4 arcs to have been ; charity. '1•illo court ;et the fashion
An invariable fr>atur0 of the festival lar fila batoua, and they were Inti -
from very early times,, and one of i tated by tile people at large." "The
t titles was the feast of lig}lts I Ir •lrt of •thc.holy ieastival shone. upon
S'llis may have originated in paigan . Iaulace, and upon cat."
putt worsbil>, Iva', the. Christians Used Once a year the poor had plenty;
it to a;c'mboilza the advant of Christ, every family gathered around the
9e Light of the World. The Yule Yule, log, ,
�b� 1 r = r,rprt*ac1 the Christmas feal,st
.9, lighted on Christmas eve with and sipped the wassail bowl. In the
';great cerenmmy, was carefully tend- 1 rural districts, aftor tile church ser -
ed, ,and before It was quite consumed, vice, the squire, or lord stood at his
,!the charred ends were secured a.nd 1 own gate and gavo bountiful alans
preserved to leindla the next year's i to the poor and agod, while his ten -
Christmas fire. Herrick refers to l ants and dependents were feasted ,at
this custom : hit) expense.
"When quouchet, then lay it up agen T,ho celebration lamed for twelve
Till Cbristmasse, next returne." days -from December 25th to Janu-
Next to the Yule log, in point ofary 6th -the period being Epiphany,
ancient custom, is tile, serving of the time supposed to have been con -
Certain dishes as peculiar to the eumed by the 3ilzgi to Bethlehem, led
'Christmas feast. Tito boar's head was by the star in the East. Games
regarded in England as a special ad- anti sports w•'ere indulged in by all
junLt. Many of the old carols, al- classes; special privileges were
though of rc-llr*ou� character, make granted by enaatrnent of lacer, and
reference to file boar's head. At everyone encouraged to recreation
St. John's Coll e_ -e, Oxford, it is still and amusement, r.ven war relax -
served on Christmas day with state ere its horrors. During the siege of
iy ceremony and sin<,Ing of the Carol.Rouen by Henry V. (A. D..1-,18), the
'"Caput Apr! defero." One verse runs: 1 city being in extremity from fam-
"The boar's head, ,I uniierstande ine. the king ordered a truce for
Is the chief service in this laude. Christmas Day, and gave
l:,oke, whereever it be founde,
Bervite cum e;intico.", Food to His F'ainishing Enemies
'This d15ht bras probaltly deemed ap-
pIn the Tsitislt itItisoum is pre
ropriate, as the Jews Could not 1
partake of it. A carol, dating from a served the original order of Parlia-
11e rein of Hanry" VliI., has this: I -'Pent, dated December 34, 1652, dir-
This bogy's hede we briny with songs ! Oeting that there shrill be "no obser
In worship of Hym that thus sprun g I vanes of the fire -and -twentieth d t�
Of a Virgin to redresse ye wronge- of December, commonly called Chri,.t-
-"o,weli i mad Day, nor shall any church ser-
Thevicea be heli on that d:lr." In 161••1
Fnnoe-Pie the{ Long Parliament hacl order•.d
originally bad a sort of religious I that th,^ 25th of Doermber should be
symbaiism. It Laos baked in ob- ; kept au a natlona.i feast, and that
dont* farm to ropresent the Manger i "all men chouid pass it !n humbly
of Bethlehem. The meat used in ; bemoaning the great national gin
the compound was mutton, in mem- 1 which they and their fathera had so
ore of the flanks watched by the 1' often committed on that day by
shepherds on the first Christmas i romping under the mletletoe, eating
night, and the spices were design- 1 boar'shead ;Ind drinking ale flavor-
ed to represent the frankincense + ed with roasted apples. No public
and myrrh of the offering of the � act of that Limo seems to have Irri-
Magi to the holy Child. In Eng- i fated tile common people more."-
land, during the Cominon-wealth, 1 (Macaulay). however, a writer of
mince pies'° fell under the ban of i that time observes that, in spite of
the Puritans, and to eat them was ! laws and enactments, "Father
cans}tiered by tile Cavaliers a test ; Christmas crept in by many a back
of :loyalty to church and kings. I door, and war, well entertained at
Christmas pies and pastries were s the firecide."
often made, on a very large scale. I •tl curious relic or tile, pagan feast
One made at Newcastle, England, ; of Pomona was the, custom in some 1
in 1770, was 9 feet in eireumfer- I rural dir,triets in England of a pro- i
once, and weighed 163 pounds. It ; cession through the apple orchards I
was oompoullclaed' of game and „tout- on Christmas Eve, drinking cider and
try, baked in a crust. l
In Chaucer's time the swan was pouring the dregs at the roots of
served as a Christmas dlsb. Ile the Lacca; while chanting a song, the
speaks of •'a fat swan„ roasted." refrain of whicitt way:
But when Capt. Joins Smith, fror,h � i -
a -wars
' "Health to tlle'e,
itis R: ars with the Turks, saw 'J.; Q Good apple ,croe !" •
-111(o11--_3ld ',t' gobbler in the Virglnia is was to insure, a bountiful
H''111 -111W MISE11
Lived in Rags and Dietl •in
Charity hard.
Lived oaf the Alms of Ilebrew IB,enOviolent SSociety for Twenty -rave
Years•—"My Vesti 11y Vest 1 " ilialLast Cry.
A Toronto doepatch Pays: EHyman, a Hobtow, who used tgather rags and sell newspaperon the streets, died in the publiward No. 6, at •tile General I3ospitayesterday, afternoon, anal over $100,-
rth of scripC was founduphim, representing securities in var!-
ous Corporations.Hyman was 70 years of age, and
had been living In Toronto for
thirty, -two years. icor twenty-five
years, until last spring, lie lived on
the charity of ahe Hebrew Benevo-
velent 6ociety. 11jie members re-
ceived some intimation at that time
from a stock broker as to the man's
wealth, and t1ley instituted an in-
vestigation, and as a result the char-
ity ceased, it being pruved that ire
wits very wealthy..,'fie slept 1'11 a stied in the rear of
another Hebrew s place tin 'fork
street, and occupied hic, 'time in ga-
thering rags in ane morning, and in
the afternoon sold newspapers, antiit is said, often told tales of Ilia
sufferings to customers, so work-
ing on the feelings of Horne of them
that domiations of sil,rur were often
He gave Iu'4 name as Fienry Zolinski
at 'the hospital, but ;iii 'Hyman !s
his right 1=1110. Ile also vveat by the
name of Davis.
Clain ed to be Destitute:.
Last Satr rday Ito meas admitted
to the, Hoel:itat a very sick mein,
sl,fferitr;; from pneumonia anti pleur-
isy. He sal.3 he was ink destitr.te air-
ceenstances.Iie was raggedly dress-
ed, and from Lis appearanco it was
jrt3gerd that water and he had been
strangers for a long time. 'Il'e said
r!a had. no money, and that lie had
to borrow a atrect car 'ticket to
gat• to the hatepital. Rabbi Jacobs, of
577 CIerzeb a trect, p:a.stor of Holy
Blossom Synragogv,.,, he sati, wasthe
only fricrnd ho had, The rabbi was
sant for, anti visited Hyman daily.
D^,Cearsed intimater) that he had
sainnihing important to tell theRab-
bi, ane' at different times seemed
abcout to disclose it, but put !t off
until ymterday, when lie was etoo
uveal: to make anyttatement, tho;igli
ho made desperate efforts to do so,
;lis Dying e'3utcry.
forest strutting before the liens, lie
yield of fruit the next J,ear.
l In Id., last breaths Ile ,gasped ort:
roared with laughter. "The bird,"
"lly vitae, my vest:" Then lire left
said he, "is exactly like a proud
The Term '- Christmas fdox"
him.• .
Turk, Fhowi'ng off before itis har-
,c.',a wa.s named the turkey,
V. ,.
land t ,,
in is more usual in Lng-
When H man entered the holo ittal
1 S' item."
l.'e. hart a it :reel, which he askel
now the �Christntas ••piece de re_
land than in floe L'ziitsa"1 States. It
ths� nLtrage tittemling hits: to put
iu ui ny l..nds• „
ixmBald to have its ori�•in !n the, an-.
tient custom of kerpl,ib a box aboard
the E'lur<a H'acld]rg
to cuiiect' culitriuutione to bet'a,jctt
afolrt:lt'^aU ll S' I of L11inI� 11ships
it e'ontaillod anything of valwr.
u:ed at Christmas ',into to pay for
hurt w1on it wain op+?ned after th,i,was
called "haokIn,'' probably on ac-
count of tbd chopping of tho in-
masses for the bowls of sailors lost
at sea during t}le IrrcCcdng year. In
tm>.an'as death: it folund to contatill
largo vaawbc>r
grCdlents. Its the seveutceitth ten-
Lugland St. Stephen s Day ' stalledfury
a of ,s€vuritios anti rn-
c;.ipts. Tdt:y wore in erlvelopan ail
it wns called lu
p m pudding,
oosln�' day," from the custom which
PUM11s mere
asldz•,.ssCd to 11ra. Solmlli:,.
were then called French
O. tial eradesmon, post-
CLlurellvills, Ont., near
s. T e ddin t r_
p m it pU g m ]g be btl
mail, or anyoue. vm•ho serves the
household in
,. ,•
SILr' l"r (IECeaied b willow. 111e i
red, while it- is being mixed, by
arty cajDaCit gin inwthe doorbell, Wishin the master gnd
leap'rs had ail boon
eased t•ouaevory
member of the lmouasehold, in
or age, to insure "good luck"
mistress a merry Ciirlbtmas, and' re-
Hattie, ora etas to form as smaall aiorder
parcel as possible. T1.ey were wrap-
to the Tamily'
Our English ancestoas were
celving a gratuity.
Int German tile' it a ]e *end thy.'
a' 6
p'e'd in oilclotb. and arou and that wars
cf good appetites, especially
the leaves when 1,10 shri.r ecltllflktd at leµt ee an e� Isctipt
tltay hantlkerohief. Other vnl�ablr,sesseci
was fotmd in iicecased's veAi
at Christmas 'time. Wo road of
of me at which sixteen courses
g ,packets.
in nature, ane; bccatme, evergreen,
bearing, witnesg itt an seasons to theof
gad; it not boon for tire, ma.n';3 sly -
meat mere served, proli-
gious desserts. Such heavy eating
fall of man. Only Ontoa year, on the ilikexclamation,
thr ba:ndlI would
likely stave blea thrown i�mto the
was accompahled by equally pow-
of the Redeemer, it blooms
with lights and Is laden with efts of I
fmvramacs,• (�erful
potations. The wassail bowl
g ISamuel
ga tsa care the Christmas
King, a H'ebrow lawyer,
formed an indispensable part of
whoknew of Ilym,in'asSvealth throughthe
Christmas fbasts. Tile original
wvassail bowl was the skull of an
• ,,t
In Che Black forest regions }n Ger- I
o investigation last sprint;, want
tot tree ho�••pi•tal after hearing of theenemy
slain ,jn +battle, such a grim
cup 'being held in high favor by
many Hero is a tradition that onldeatY
each Christmas Eve the Savlourtine
a.nd his examination revealed
fact that the domt,sed Wne
rho earl Satxons. The An 10-4ax-
y g
Comes to earth in time guise of a poor 1
cat ,.,
aver $100,000, ma ly in seCtnriti�bons
retained 'the name for the
y and asks alms at the bongo doors.
+Christmas 'beverage, which was coal-
Onthatd::ay no beggar is refused
Dealt NVith Many Firsmms.
pounded to suit the means of the
Costa wines and ices
food and shelter.
It is said that the popular traditiony
There were receipts also for cashhost.
s P�
used by the wealthy, ale and
of the entrance of the S,•tnta Claus
deposits with A, E. Auras 8c Com. T[ewere
:had securities in the Canada T'rr- 1
ginger rby •the poorer classes.
by means of the chimney arose front
manont, Western Assurance Co., 11rlt-
Roasted apples floated on the
The utor4 of I'lertha.,
ish Canadian Lown Co., Canada Lnucl-
bowi, and it was proper to stir it
with a stick of rosemary.
a goddess of Norse, m '
ytitoogy. When
cd and National Investment ('o.,
The practice of tying greens or
decorating i
festival, in her honor was celebrated,
an altar of stones in
Dritish-Amorlcan'Assuvanco Co., To -
ronto Electric Light Co., Consumerw'
churches and houses
with evergreens at Christmas has i
was erected the
house, and fi.r branches were pliedexisted
G,a.s Co., Dominion S,a.ving's and Loan l
in England from very early
upon it and set on fire. Through the
Co.; Union Loan and 5arings Ca., i
times. The holly w,as thought to i
dense smoke made by the green wood,London
and Canada Loan anti In -
symbolize the crown of thorns, the I
the was supposed to descend
vestment Co., Dominion Telegraphprickly
•le aves standing for the I
and extend her influence according to
the the
Co., a.nd other corporations.thorns,
His widow came to the city last
the scarlet berries for the
petitionis of 1voTshippere.
come of the Chrlr,tmris hymns and
night. She, said she had been in good'
Sacred iDrops of Blood.
Carols are very atnnient, and have
circumstances, ]tut that• recently leerbeen
bouist, er_ leas always been rased in i
decoration, but
in many cases transmitted
orally"through many generations. In i
house, at Churcltviile had been en-
tored, and all her money and y alnhou,se
was not allow- a
ani In the churchos art account of Its
E144and It Is ~till the custom for mon ;
and boys, called the Christmasod.
ables stolen. she was poorly caress -
a,ssoAution with th'r emel rotes of
Lawyor Samuel Kin is locking i
vraits, •to go around, on Christmas I after ,ler Interests. IIe handed thyI
the Drul.k. to iidon who Is not
bough at .
lave ant] sink• carols.
George Wither, A. D. 1615, wrote
papers left by Ilyman over to her, I4mistletoe
Ynleti le will 'nO bu married wit}l,n ;
a poem dei-mribin • an English Christ-
and advanced her money to purehaso i
new clothes. She said her husband
tlx;� ycair, Ila n I ,r.lyi the s:ctrC- i
ma,s festival ill itis time. Tho follow-
go up to se -e liar in Church-imany
usoda to � :villa
wn,s not p, opialy performed a+n-;
less aberr was plow}:rd off with a cit '
ing, tho first two stanzas:
"Sa now is cams:, out' joyfuilest feast;
occrisionally. Ths y Lycra. tnar-
anal iwo.sentod to the mazdon I
Let every man be jolly,Ittcsed,
rigid in 1870.kiss,
anal Irving in "Drneebridige ;
Each room tvith iv,y leaves is Brest,
Beg'gPd &Turn POsiaege Slarnps.
Nail" gays that when all the ber-t
Aucl every trust with Holly.
WheIlever' ITym,an bought rtea'llrhies
rl s wire pitolm,l fron the m16itletoC:
Though r,onae churls at our mirth re-
he left Instructions thatt dlvidconds
thn priviltgo cea,soJ.
1l•iny tradtt:onay cheater around +
hound your foreheads garlands
were not to be sent to him, but tllat.t
Ile would call for tbeln.Whl.n
festival At midnight on Christ +
=,as eve the oxen kneel ill their I
Drown sorrow in n. cup of wine,
(lid call Ito-alwal.ys insisted on hiavin••-
On that one night the lost,
And Iet us all be merry,
that two -cent stamps which the cos,stalls.
spirits have rest•. Judas Iscariot '
pans saved by not ,saving to write
au,'ty oleop. Retro1 Ceatses to clanki
chains. The dar.•t;hter of 11''rod- {
"Now all our neighbors' Chimneys
to nils.
N� i ionhis g ago dio was mads one of
• : r� rn13.y pnl.aso In hoer endlew daanee, '
And Chrlstm:•ts blocks are• burning ;
thta penslonors wife, cgs}gt in the
and tho Wandering Jew rest big
'. holi' ovens they with baked pleat
sorvica:s at the synagogue, receiving
Weary Htops. Then, too, the spirit I
a smatll allowa llem Rabbi Jncoba sail
of Pontims Pilate Ceases to roam in
And all their spits are turning,
Hyman Wa.g •well verso,d in Ifebrow
thx gloomy foreat of Mont Pilatu,%
'Without the door lot sorrow lie 1
law and liturgy.
;At inicillight a.nitlmali ma.y s oak-
Ana? if for cold it ha to die
p ,
lOno of tho last requests waas t1 hat
a church 's7,ay have, a,rtood, t
We11 bury 't in a Chi3si:ma,s pity
his reluaitts bO interred in holy llCog-
though no tracli• of It bo Iert, ring- i
Andl ever more be merry."
som• Cemetery.
Ing of chants anal sounds of bellaa are
.-.- ._• .
Coronor A. J, Johnson lssned aheard,
If you Iia: in aa, manger In a �
By agreement~Britain -vvill build a
warrant for an inquost to be paid
stable .at miriniglit the future is ,
I arlway lino through Abyssinia, con-
on tho body on Vrid.ay artornoo.n,
open to youtr vbdon. If the first '
toot I
netting the Soudan with Uganda ter-
Dr.Norman Andorson will perform
to cross the tbreshold as a vis-
ritory.- a post-mortrtm examination to -day.
oa°s p %a a"�,.p i „A.0 OCTtD1AL'1NV61 VE,S $50drt000,
d, �9� .S l �r "° �" ° Whole Lumber Cut of ma orOno.p�F AE Ili . I _____ Firim is Sold,Jag @,""m, l"°.eDU-C. w C-,, u- iJrOo�"aw al l ec.11er p O lei of the tionmost
in -
Its AC011IplBtiQl� N1a3 'Been volvinll; the sale of the entire out loof
aCG�in IIShBd at �.ast one of the Ottawa 'valley mills, is ire-•
Tine Toronto MinIsteria.l Assoeia- p• ported,. Watson & Todd, of Liverpool,
tion diecussed 'tile Bible in the well-known British buyers, have se -
schools. c cured the 1903 out of McLachlln
I There is an outbreak of "black- �50,OQ0,000 STOCK DELIVERED pros.' mill at Arnitrtor.It will aggre-
leg among cattle in the neighbor- gate fully, 4U,000,000 feet, including
hood of 'Verona. white and red pine. 'The cash value
CiilC;ago, I>tc�c. 23.-!17ha cllaa37s fn Of tibia out w111 be full half a mail-
The report that three lives were the completion of the International lion dollars. The contract includes all
last in the vietorla Hotel fire at p
Quebec is confirmed. Harvester Company were completed the board lumber to AWLabo out at file
The long -talked; -of movement of yesterday by G. W. Perkins, part- boar to mills next season. ,Every
board turned off the, saws from the
Manitoba wheat to Mialneapolls for n1BT of J. I''ierpont Morgan, when he dray the mill opens in the spring to
grindhig in bond has begun. i
Tile C. P. R. has ordered 500 new delivered in- Chicago- $:10,000,000 � the* hour it shuts down in the fall will
freight cars to be built at Sault
worth of stock in the combine. Mr. be Included. i
Ste MArfe. Perkins arrived in Chicago Sivaday, all,, A. M. Litticavas nomInratecl for but fevv lsriew of his presence untilthe vacant seat in the Legislature tily ; yesterday. IIe spent the greater W151 E OUNDI I
the Liberals of Nurth Norfolk. part olf the day and evening with
His Among tile' bequests of Mrs. Wards I Cyrus H. McCormick.
of Kingston, is one, of $D,000, for a i. ;lir. Porki•rts is stopping at the Ch!-
new- organ In Sit. Ifary,'s Cathedral' cago Club, but tie left there early � v'�
yesterday morning and went 'at I From Moosejaw to the Coast
I•'ire destroyed the Grafton cheese ,
Ell l once to the offices of Lite, 33az•vos-
faotory, and Lite emaaluyees bleeping tel. Corporation-, Rliehi an avenue , P. R. o p g C R �rtiCk
an ;iho premises Loci to make their a.rnd llioul^ao street, .where he was
s escape .througli a .window• closeted for a long time .with Mr.
c The Toronto Boaml of Control has McCormick.
1 ordered the purchase of more fuel, After luncll they went back to the i WILL BE ALMOST ALL REBUILT
including 1,000 toils of Hooking Val- offices again and held another long i
ley, coal at $5.50 in Toronto. I consultation. Mr. Perkins refused to Winnipeg doopaL.teh : W. M. Whyte,
Aid. Marquis has announced 1118 make definite statements concern- assistant to .President Shaughnessy,
candidacy for the Mayoralty of St. Ing the corporation more than to of the C. P, R., who returned here
C,atherilaes, Ili opposition to ea-Ald. i admit that the project was practi- ( to -day, from Montreal,. announced
Burgoyne. tally completed. He said that he pro- 1 that the company will undertake
A despatch from Sydney, N. S., bably would remain- in the city for considerable construction in the west.
says nine vessels are ashore there. a Couple of days. "West f "
� o Aloosejaw, said Mr.
A Gaverlmmont steamer will be seat Mr. Perkins declared that he does «
` Whyte,, this line to the coast is to
to relieve them. not see ally cause for alarm because be almost all rebuilt. T!bat is, the
Navigation is closed, Thirty- °'f the condition of the money mar- linea is to be more, or less changed to
three thousand tons of her Meta- ket and he gook exception to the straighten out curves and lessen
bare readied T,aronvo by water made
which have lately been grades, 'rile expenditure will be
since the strike ended. made by well-knrown financiers that considerable. 'Me early spring will
the country hand seen 'Its greatest
Jars. .1 itevt}n Pleated committed t prosperity. see a start of the work.
suieade at Rosseau by taking strych- `'Because of our phenomenal re- "Tlho biggest construction scheme
nine. sources," he said, "the country is in ! that has been decided upon, con-
'lhe craner • stone of Brantford's just as sound condition as ever. t tinned 11Sr. Whyte, `is a .new line
Hess library vall,s laid by Rev. Dr. Stocks are of the sono value because, 'that will be built from rag point on
:1Itickenzie. ! they conatinue to earn the same , tho malu line between Yorkton and
Mr. Judson ,D. Crowe has been arm- amounit, although the selling price , Prince Albert, westerly and north -
painted Registrar of Welland, Mr. is lower.jr� __ a • westerly, to a point on the North'
Goorge Elliot to be deputy. 1 Saskatchewan River, in 'the vicinity
a I oC Battleford, from• there to Wetaski-
Tito executive of tine Ontario C'on-win on t'ho Calgary and Edmonton
servative Association met toruabe 6611CIA
!� MILIfflIp
a J 1 ? line. 4 line will also be constructed
Itlans for the coming bye -elections. 1 t
Tire funeral of the late Principal by the C. P. R. from a, point near
>,pa + Church bridge to a point to Con-
11_e�'lcar, of titre Prest'aytt•rkin College, , nett with fife branch to Pleasant
will sake place on Thursday after- Sent Doll to Armour Girl Hills."
nn,,rn. 'thio C. P. R. are now turning a
Tile steamer Glengarry filled and Treated by Lore!iz, great deal of attention to the bring -
sank at her dock az Kingston, ing in of rued, and Mr. Whyte said
water gettlug in through an open that now that the rush of the grain
sea -cock. traffic was over -there should be be-
'1'.lie fort Huron Engine and GREAT SURGEON WILL TREAT BOY ford Ions a complete, relief from file
Thresher Co. ttre organizing a com- fuel sca.relty in the west.
pane to start a branch institution in New York cle-'ittoh: There has been . "1.11he traffic this year," said Mr.
t luldricg. no more tender incident in the ex-' Whyto, "has been enormous. ,The
Conductor Mulvey, who was hurt perleluce of professor Lorenz in this a road has been taxed to its utmost
In the ra!lvvay accident at Inger- Country than that of yesterday, when capacity, and in the hast two or three
soll, died from his lujaries, and will tie exualitned the child of a 'humble i years has grown greater by 200 or
be burled in Toronto. ( canalboat captain, Thomas Black, of ' 300 per cent."
Lieut. Ed. holland, of Ottawa, se- Rondout. The captain's wife had writ-;
c,r: d the 1Ictoria Cross for gallantry Ito lira. Ut;ucw Armour congrat- t
under flro Ili South Africa. and now ulatilarg. her ultutt the successful uper- I
the cIalm of his younger brother lir- �ttion tilt Sienna expert had � R �� 901 F8 Q�e
o, m::d upon little Lolrta, anti mvisilulg :
nest are being pressed for the same 1'or 'Ile child's complete restoration. 1
reward. Ttie Alacks' Only cnlld was similarly'„,;-.,,.
The condition of Senator O'Brien afflicted,. �+ Trinity
During tile past few days has been Acuon>Ilanyiug ibis letter was a J i to of the 1 r 1 n! t V Building
toll as to cause much alarm asoma; , doll, cheatll, but neatly dressed an Brings
to members of the family 'Ind; white baby, clothes and marked: B ri n s $2,215,277,
i ;:: %i!s. Yesterday afternoon lie was: FOR LULIT,.K ARNIVUat, I.''
I ten weak, and was not expected to : FROM A L1111,TLE BOY 11'Llt)SE Tik
1 Iivc more than a few days. IS CRIPPLED.
I E. A. Lti.o.d, a Wn,fihington jeweler, - The simplicity .-and ,sincerity of one A RECORD FOR NEW YORK CITY
1 iva:,s arrested in llontroal on a mother's note Of aympathy to an -
1 chaarx,,3 of stealing a large arnetrnit ar11Cr •whose wealth hard enal,led her I ti ns f korL' Len "3' -The negotiar
of as•cvc fry in Zi'asktinlaton, to procure tele services of a world of rho Iawra h.r,so of the ls ln-
i A c jitract for 2N;.,000 tons of serol f.tmottti aurge oat a ztrincely price ity But dillu 0, 111 Broadway by the
ra,17e. was awarded at Ottawa but , toucheel .11ru- Armour su deeply that United States Realty and Construe)
_lir. Bk -Ar doclines to '`:tato who bets t Elie induced her Inwband to write to ; roti Company and tho Lawyers'
it until the, contract is signed. lairs. Zack thanking her for her let-! Title Insurance Company. were con -
ter and sayln oho w ould endeavor to Clw•led last Fri lay,
l A police u-Ificer from, London, Eng- g , ,. The trtustees of the J. C. Ayer state
r have I'rofe,wor Lorenz ser the little
land, his Will. e' Cl Toronto to , , h hl oust for a higher figure than
take ]a;ick 1�'m. {". '`lark, guilty of I bey whose leg mvaar crippltci' before
stealing from the BrAlsh Postoffice, l Ile ]eft America. that obtained by the iatereats which
True to los IrramisO, when Proles-, hwtri .sold outs, and achieved their pur-
Th.e roc•;:gna.tlon of Iter. Dr. Maggs, sor Lorenz had finlshod )its demon- Parc• They secured about $90,000
Prlrclp:ld of the ivesleyan Tneo-, strationss at fila New ]oak 1'Olyclinic mora than they would itetve done
logical College., Montreal, has been yesterda:,y and gone to Dr. Nowton : hat; they :sold at the valuation ao-
accrpted„ si,nd hs returns to England M. Sh;l,f£or's residence for luncheon lie 1 cepted by the other interests.
in August. was asked to look at Captain Biack's 1 For their two -ninths they received
.W. A..lInclnnen, assistant freight bc;7, a child of five, bright eyed and $562,500. " 1ho other ,seven-ninthe
traffic manager of the C. P. R., with winasom. Tim, great doctor declared brau,gl:t $1,6;%2,777. The property,
lleadsluarters at il'innipeg, has :been the, ciao a, feasible one and Dr. Shat- therefore, cast its new, owners $L,-
appointed general trarfic manager, i far toi,d the parents teat next Sun- J 2=15,477. '
with head u,ar.ters at Montreal. da,y 'bile facilities of the New York It men,sUres 40 feet on Broadway,
State Hospital :or Crippled Children 126'2.0► feet on Zhaaues street, 46.1 on
BRITJSH AND FOREIGIN. ( would be placed at their disposal 171rinity place, and 238.7 feet on
Largo UnLte,d .Staters orders for coal II gratultously. i Trinity churchyard, and Contailns 11, -
and iron continua to be placed in Eng- l 180 feet. The aggregate purrchase
land. i�IrCLANCT1�tBN Fi[t1r8UG5 FREE: price wn,s, therefore, at the rate of
about $198 a squaxe foot.;
°fume German tariff ,bill pza.ssed tts f i This is a ,goon prico for property
:third reading in the Reichstag by I Chief Figures in Famous Conspiracy ata tho west side of Exoadwa.y, butt
;W vofev of .102. Cases on Parole. I th:,N site of the Trinity building Is
A union railroad :station to cost Nearly silt years ,ago startling, "unique, with; frontages on three
$4,000,000 is Igo 'bo built at Washing- disclosures were made with regard t$oroughfarw atlrl open' to the
ton. , I to what reemed a widiespread con- ` light on all sides. The present bu,ld-
r11lto election campaign in Natal is spiracy of incendiarism, in the • Ingwill be, torn down next Maty and
being waged on the railway policies Township of llelancthon, in Duffer- replaced with a twenty -,story strut-
of time respective parties. in County. Fires Were frequent, Lure.
The published text but the proposed and there appeared to, be a 0r
reciprocity treaty with the 'Uni'tel fully planned system of operation. I DISPUTF, OVE' R WILLS.
States 'gives satisfaction. in New- � In May of 1897; 1.1r. Justice Per- a _
foundiand. guson sent the clilef firebugs, 1 Father and Son Litigants in ]In' area t -
Tho Marseiiles carrestpondent of .the I David and Jamoo Ballard and Al- i
anzo Smith to the I;_inlaston Peill_ i Ing Case.
Tempa says .that the general strike I tentiary for twelve years each, 1 ,
movement i- regarded locally as a con -
William Corbett Rochept'er, A. Y., report: The con-
fallur.e y got eight years, test over the will of Alda Baud
and James L Reid five years. The smith, who clied here on July 29th is
rMie questtivil .af at coal supply for f announcement is made by the Or- r ,becoming very exciting. The -stake
York became more eerlou.s yes- I ti i t that m
New Yo 1` ngev lea l o� Ira these men have � $.17,OU0, and the contestants are
terday and hard oval quoted at §14 , been released, expressions of local i fa,ilter and son the latter a .boy of
ae; ton, soft coal Is $7.50. Coal re-; sentiment having 'been backed up six, who resides in Toronto, and
coipt:s fell off 40 per cent. I by a letter cont; by, the County At- ! whose interests are 'being, looked
-Ilia Allan, Liner .Peruvian arrived : torney to the Department of Jus- 1 after by his uncle.
at St, John's, Nfld., after having been t tics. The men were pardoned on! There are .two wills offered for pro -
driven far out sof her course by ; parole. ;bate. The first, slated July 9tb,
storms, whIl two blades of her ' ,1901, leaves all the property to Ken -
propeller Bane. neth Smith, the son. The second,
jury threw out both charge I HOUSE 3,000 VF,ARS OLD. date as July 28th last, leaves all
'1"110 3t y 1
and counter -charge in the Hartoppi ,,but $2,000 to A. Ilamilton Smith, the
divorce case.a .Quilt by ]Prehistoric Men, Discovered , testatrix's hw0nnd. Ho is named as
The Board of Aldermen, of New Near PointBarr`oW« executor, and $'2,000 is ,betlueathed
York, voted $500,000 to buy coal t Tacoma Wash. Dec. 23—Not slince i :to the deceased's mother, Akio.
for the poor of the city. 1 ltum•ani.t began diving into the s tr th Johnson, of Taaronto. It Is
John D. Rockefeller hags made an y g g 'with 11irg, Johnson that the ,boy
mysteries of !the existence of prim- i Kenneth is living. I
additional contribution of $1,000,000 ordial mmn hate a discovery been i The husband is :the ,petitloner for
to Chicago TlnivOrsity, l nm'ade so rich in its suggestiveness the, second alleged .will, while Ito+bt.
i'Tm. ;titt, in Jain„ 1900,, was run ; Ol the home life of ,Ilia prehigtoria T. Johnson, a brother of the de -
over by the street railway r -t Fort races as tlmat ulade by the revenue ceased, le'.the Votitioner of the first
William and lost a log. .tie has ; cu'tter Boar On her recent cruise to Instrument, which leaves all to the
just obtained $:1,7501 damages from 1 the .Arctic Ocoan+. i holy, all% Johnson, who lives in New
tho court. i A house: bul-It by hulna,n, beings at i York City, alleges that on July 28th
Tile majority of the Irish members ' least. three thousand years ago, and ; last, tho da,y before Mars. smith died
resumed their seats in Parliamentt,probably of anitiquity four bines as, tile. testatrix wa.s of unsound ming
and voted ;with'tete Government to , great, was dLseovered near P'oin't Ianti ,wholly' inrrapalble, of executing, a
reject the arnendment made by the Barroavw, and many of the utensils I will. , tt
Tiouse of Lords to the education bila- ( used by the people who made It their Tito lmea.,ring .will Is Continued ta•.
''t t r n cl.
habitation Ion tvO a sec re marz•aw. 11.,
Tule p alioo have arrested 'forty ac- t The was Itu9flrt after the plants
complliCams oaf persons who have been of houses 61 'the pririnitive inhablt,- Toronto •Cou'nell rejected the pro-
mttr^m,ntin[. to Introdtuod .revolution.antis of Amtorioa. R.iibe of an enor- postal to, ,sttihmit 'to ratepayers the
aiy praelcimaiiaas Into Ilugsia. I m'ou.a3 whale, or of some animal now question of approval or di,sappro-
Gni=any is planning the laying of i extinot, were it°ed fortheframe- val of the expenditure of $Q1,540',-
a e,ulamatriuo cable ,from the Azores to : work, and o!reI thetaa s had been ; 00'0 on a septic tank spstom of
Dutch Gu3anati This statement email- ; stretched. 'Tho skbm bad rotted sewage disposal. ,Council also fixed
ates ;from a high authority, and is ' away ages ago, bat the framework the terms of the proposed grant
extremely si,gnifinant At this time, ;rw,es intact. c , , . , , k , , for a consumption sanitarium, , ,