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The Herald, 1902-12-05, Page 8
The People's Store THE POZ"U.LA:^ TR..*iNG PLAGE 40, We handle good goods Our prices are low We carry a large stock Highest price for produce Obliging salesmen J. D. MERNER ZURICH ONTARIO Cutters # DASHW00D atI$ Furniture and 'Right Prices. 4+44-*E+1F+3*- 43.43* - I have put iu a stock of 1 Palmerston Cutters at � prices to suit the times. Call aucl. see them. ALL KINDS OP JOI3BING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. WISMER, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. n 1'IIKADOs L1� SEVER AND SEVERAL AL. Buggies Top ugh ies �r.aw ON HAND WHICH WILL BE SOLD... . CHEAP TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW STOCK OF CUTTERS... MUNI' F. HESS & SOH Zurich, Ontario Kalbfleiscb.'s MILLS. Planing and Saw Mill —All kinds of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. A hill stock of B. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday. Field Gates, Water- Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Mills 14th Con., Lot 25. .A.LD $LABTO l/N Mr. 3, 111. Robot time Dray toll, vests spendbiag a 1'0 daty.. at the Special to 'fell. HERALD. mans° with .Cic, V M1 Henderson. yon. Casper Wallies and wi:fo spent Sunday at John Doeiier's, monster minstrel chow on alto 9th. Mrs. Rose, of Zurich, visited in Mr. D. McGill will ,iinz> "Keep this vicinity part of last week. yourself free incl enjoy the even - John Meidinger, of Philadelphia, jug." spent Sunday visiting friends here. Jas. Petty returned'Tuesday Listen to the nlnsic of the. wed- evening after an extensive trip to ding bolls. It must be close at England and the continent. l:Ie hand. looks as though travelling agreed Henry Noob and lois mother -in- with him.. law, Mrs. Weaver, spent Sunciaty rT'he many friends of Rev. Dr. on the 14th. Medd will be glad to hear he is Chris. Hey Moved into his nen' i.lnproving. He is still confined to his room, at his brothers in C1rn- The .(.'u rlere Club will give a house last week and is well satis- fied with the change. ton, Miss Annie Hey is spending a Corney Cook ' and bride arrived home Saturday last and will settle down to the stern realities of life in their now home. Congratula- tions. couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fassa.ld, in Dashwood. Mr, Hahn hacl his • butchering done on Tuesday of this week. • )ie was helped by Messrs, and Mes- dames Hey and Decher; Mr. Hahn has sold his farm here to his nephew, Mr Hoffman, from near Berlin, and intends moving to Dashwood during the fore part of next week and Mr. I-Ioffman will likely move up during the latter part. (A number of items had to be omitted. Scarcity of room.) Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Pride. No. 1, $1 per box; No. A, 10 degrees stronger, $S per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -Dent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. �eiruisinaemended by all' renble land Cand { No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr. Buchanan's drug store. Undertaking STORE J. C. Kalbfleisch Zurich P. O. " MARKETS Revised every Thursday afternoon. Wheat . GG to 70 Oats MUMU... 28 30 Barley .. , MUMU. 36 40 Peas MUMU. 50 60 Flour ... ............1 75 1 85 Butter 16 17 Eggs . .... . ....... 10 17 Chickens re 4 5 Ducks 6 6 Geese 5 5 Potatoes.. .. 30 30 HENSALL MARKETS. Wheat 70 to 71 Gats .. 20 23 Barley , MUMU35 38 Peas. , . 65 75 T lour. ... .... 2 00 2 10 *Togs (live) per owt, 5,10 5,60 We have a large and up- to-date Stock of House Fur- niture a n d Furnishings which we offer At a Low Price.... now UNDERTAKING Our Stock is Large and up -to date. In time of need, give us a call. PRICES RIGHT. P. Mclsaa DASHWOOD - ONTARIO Hl LLSGREEN Special to the HERALD. Webster Turner is able to be out again. Miss Cluff, of Ohiselhurst, is visiting friends, here. Rev. E. McDonald, of Elimville, preached in the Methodist church, Sunday. DRYSDALE Special to THE HERALD. Mrs. Charles La Fronaire, of Stratford, who visited the parental fireside, has returned to her home. Mr. Harry Talbot. our enterpris- ing thresher, is still making things hum. Harry is e hustler from the word " go." Miss Maud Pollock, of Bayfield, has been visiting friends and ac- quaintances in the neighborhoods for the past week. Mr. Jesse Horner, of Michigan, is renewing old acquaintances here. We aro al ways pleased to see Dia faces again in our midst. Since our country is making such rapid strides in the arts and sci- ences, could not some painless method of fowl executions be con- trived whereby the innocent birds would suffer less? The poor crea- tures may be heard fat and near pleading in vain for mercy. Prospects look faeorable for a boom at our " dead city " in the near future. Several hands have been engaged taking up stones along the shore to fill the cribs. Vessels may be expected to call as soon as navigation opens. This St. Joseph harbor has been at long - felt need, but it's coming—so is Christmas. Mr. Howard. our loyal mull 'car- rier, has almost completed his 14th year of service, and during that period never met with the slightest accident until Wednesday of last week, when his pony, taking fright at a snow man which some school boys had made on the road, bolted for the ditch, upsetting the rig and tossing hien roughly on the hard earth, As a result he is the owner ofa broken cart and a badly wound- ed shoulder, which will confine him to the house for some time. A meeting in behalf of the ap- proaching Referendum. Bill was held in the church on Monday. night and was fairly well attended. The speakers, Rev. Mr. Martin, of Varna, and Mr. J. S. Dolgaty, riveted the attention of the audi- ence throughout and pointed out very clearly the many evils "fol lowing in the trail of the liquor traffic, None but the indifferent or the stubborn -minded could fail to have entirely erradicated from his mind the erroneous idea thin the license system,as now in vogue, brings a blessing to anyone. - Thos. Hudson, of Mich., is. visit- ing friends and relatives in this vicinity. Mr. J. Horner and brother, of Mich., visited at Mr, Ed. Troyer's, Sunday. • Rev. M. C. McLennan delivered an excellent temperance sermon, Sabbath. Robt. Forest, who recently re- turned from the West, speaks highly of the country and in all probabilities will reside there. BLAKE Special to THE HERALD. R. G. Nichol Sunday ed at Boie4e• ville. Butchering is the order of the day here. Sans Swazya, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with his parents here. Miss Agnes Douglas has gone to Duluth to attend her sister who is Messrs 'Geo. Edighoffer and John Holtz visited Miss Sidona Holtz on Sunday. Ervin J. Mutter, of Dashwood. visited his aunt, Mrs. Michelson, here on Sunday. Miss Katie Manson is spending a couple of weeks visiting friends and relatives at Goderich. Miss Clara B. Thompson, . who has lately been employed by T. B. Essoott of London, is home, We regret to say that Miss Sidona Holtz is not recovering as rapidly as we had expected, but at times is very poorly indeed. Wo congratulate Eddy Douglass in his new enterprise. He has undertaken to learn the telegraph operating in R. G- Nichol's office.. The Christian Endeavor meeting had an unusual attendance, Sun. day evening. After the meeting the fair ones of the west end seem- ed also to be well attended. Hay Council. The council met at the Town Hall, on Mondry, Dec. lst,a11 n em- bers present. The following polling places and deputy 1 eturning ofiic- ers were appointed :— Nn. OV DIV. D. L. 0. POLL PLACE 1 John Hawkins 8. :8ouse, 1\o. 2 2 Jas. Bonthrou 8. House, No. 14 3 Fred Hess, Sr. Town Hall 4 Dan. Surerus 8. House, No. 4 5 Ben. Surerus 8. House, No. 12 6 Jos. Snell Snell's Of. Pasli'd 7 Chas. Troyer S. House, No. 3 5 E. Durand Bachand's Office An engineer's repot, re the re- pairing and cleaning out of the Zurich Drain North. (Schwalem Drain), was read to the interested parties present and after mature consideration the report was adopt- ed. Accounts to the amount of i1s00.- 92 were passed and ordered to be paid. An itemized statement of these accounts as all other accounts will be issued in due time for rler used of the ratepayers. Council will meet again on Mon- day, the 15th day of Doe, at one o'clock p. m. Fare Hess, Sr.., Clerk. 1 f - GOSHEN LINE SOUTH Special to THE HERALD. Mr. ,Tatoob Regier disposed of a fine horse to Con, Selman, Harry Calfas is busy • chopping in our burg at present. John Geiger and family visited itt Abe Geiger's on Sunday. Miss Emma Finkbeiner, of Credi- ton, visited at Dan. • Truenlner's last week. Quite it number of our young folks attended the coring bee, at Menno Beachler's, one evening recently. Mr. John Meyer and family 'visited at John Gascho's, Sunday: Miss Ella Weiclo was the guest of Miss Mary Brown on Monday even- ing. -sr e►,s^ HENeA 4, ft Hr CoLh The cough that hurts, the cough that bets tight in the chest is daily getting deeper and deeper into the bronchial tubes and ,is making, directly for the lungs, to became pneumonia, inflamma- tion of the lungs o" consumption. Such coughs are sometimes referred to as "graveyard coughs," because they usually bring that.. victim to that last resting place. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has long been known as mother's favorite remedy for croup, bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gains in popularity every day and now has by far the largest sale of any similar preparation. It loosens the tightness in the chest, allays the inflammation, ea:res the cold and prevents pneumonia, consumption and other lung troubles. _:5 cents, all dealers', or Edmanson, Bates & Co., To- ronto. HARD Is the plaeu to buy your HARDWARE, TINWARE, GRANITE, SILVER and GLASSWARE. A SSESTOS FILLED .SAD IRONS, Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons, and costs' very little more. PAINTS, OIL, PORTLAND CEMENT, RUGS, DUSTERS, DASH APRONS, SWEAT PADS, WHIPS. We have the best Cook Stoves made, war- ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power- ful Heaters. Agent for the London }fence Machine, also agent for the Lam1') Fence, best woven wire fen4e on the market, and all hinds • of fence wire on hand. Favetroughing, Furnace Work and Mdtal Roofing a Specialty, G"!EBy r Main Street, - ONTARIO. ..` EIR DEAV b0E .(1)1RIE. sestes- We have a big assortment of ST -C J$ PROOF. boots and shoes. • Tho J. D. KING COMPANY, of Toronto, insure you for $100 in case of accidents when wearing these shoes. They will wear any common rubber to pieces. I e also have a fine assortment of FELT GOODS FOR WINTER WEAR. Home Made Boots and. Shoes, that we Guarantee' not to rip. These goods will be sold at a striall. profit. P. BENDER, & Go. Zurich. .Tai's taken in exchange for Goods. Drs Oh se's Syrap of Linseed and Tur snubs. Special to THE HERALD, Tho Misses Henderson, of Wind- sor; are spendin; a few days at the manse. Charles Ch tpmen has loft the employ and now hits a position at the O. T. R. station. ' The LaDell Concert %7o, gave a concert in Miller's opera house, Monday night, to a good sized audience. W. C. T. U. The Sabbath and the Saloon. God unado the Sabbath and he made it for the benefit of man. This one day in seven, when he partly released from worldly care and toil, gives hint, a chance to grow better through all his helps of the clturcli and Sabbath school. Therefore any device for doing away with the Sabbath is among the greatest of all hindrances to a religions life. Hear the testimony. "No one cause is so profile as drink in hindering every good work, and thinning our churches and schools." "Drunkenness is doubt- less the greatest hindrance to re- ligion.'' ' "A great deal of the neglect of public worship ie the result of opozi public houses 011 the Sabbath." "Drunkenness and Sabbath desecration go hand in hand." "They turn the day of rest into.a clay which sends the popple• to their work more jaded than they were at the allose of their week's toil," gores, Supt. Every { other A. i ©tor It is an anxious; t me for mothers when the little ones get their feet cold and wet, and come home hoarse and coughing, or awaken in the night vic- tims of deadly croup. Then it is that naothers turn gratefully to Dr. Chase, who, through his great Recipe Book and famous family re.nedies, has time and 'again saved the little ones and older ones, too,' from suffering and death. It is truly surprising how promptly Dr, Chase's Syrup of Dinsee-d and Tur- pentine brings relief when the throat le sot@ and irritated, when the Cold is tight In the ghost, and the cough pain- ful and distressing. ,It allays the in. flamination, heals the sore and torn membranes, soothes the nerves and clears the air passages. People who know of the singular vtrt tues of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine do not think of accept - Mg the cheap substitutes which inane' druggists pier in its place 25 edits, Dr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentines 1s T } •OO\I FOR Gil RISTMAS. A MONSTER REDUCTION SALE ALL THROUGH DECEMBER. +�,4 ill cvaivrsxa�e,ar•-.-•••+, �••.u�u lg ��,a�mac`n01 t% Ten per cent. Discount for Cash on our Entire Stock, Consisting of Hardware, Harness,- Trunks, arness,-Trunks, Stoves, ' Tinware, Robes, Blankets, Valises, Whips, Curry,Corbs, Brushes, Bells, Cross=cut Saws and Axes. A QL"ANTIT Y OF LEATHER HALT +QRS �1 LTId SHANK, 65 CENTS EACH. Silverware at Lowest Prices, and lots of Christmas Presents to be cleared out at C. BARTLUMM. & GO'S. The Big Hardware n.nd Harness House. EA To see a Beautiful stock of Pressgoocls, in. all the Leading Lines and Shades, you want to inspect our stock; the like we have never Slio` ii before. Oft I'o 4 Following are some of the leading lines and prices: Box -clots lbme 9 `DUns Meltons Cheviots Zib l ncs the new thing for, this season OUR Ladies -Cloth at 65c has no equal We also wish to draw your attention to mar Ernbro.idered Ca&h- meres and French Flannels for waists, yo would deem it a special favours' if you would ask to sec our Range and compare values, before pur- chasing elsewhere, %tct bacb, Zurich