The Herald, 1902-12-05, Page 5AGAIN AND DOING BUSINESS AT. THE OLD STAND..: , AM BITTER PREPARED . THAN EVER, TO DO ALL KINDS OF PHOTS) WORK. Family Groups 4 Copying and ,,t Enlarging ot A Specially Geo. T OTT HENSALL. IS GUARANTEED TU CURE H CONSTIPATION, DYSPEP- SIA, CATARRH, RHEUMA- TISM, HAY FEVER, NEURAL -I GIA, KIDNEY AND LIVER DISEASES, 200 DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00 PETER. I3R1311Nitermr, Blake, .Ont., says: For three years I have suf- fered with a. Severe case of Rheumatism, butnliss Native Herbs has driven it front my system." Write for Our Illus- trated Almanac. ITIS FREE! JOHN DUMART, AGENT, ZURICH, ONT. THE ALOHZO 0. Buss Co. Sole Proprietors, MONTREAL, CAN. rrC. 3TONEMAN Graduate Optician, HENSALL. SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES Fitted on Scientific Principles, A PULL STOCK ON Jewel ry, Watches and Clocks Special attention paid to all kinds of Repairing. J. C. Stoneman, HENSALL. ONT. Uhe Western IReat )state Exchange. 7S Duilbes Street 01ib011,� 'Znt. Faris, City, \Tillage, Suburbrn, and Garden Property, Sold, Bought and Exchanged. Money Loaned on First and Second Mortgages, Real Estate, Notes and Other Securities. Farms, Houses and Business Prop- erty Rented and Rents Collected upon Reasonable Terms. Money Invested for Private Indi- viduals on First Mortgage on Real Estate. TELEPHONE 696. E. ZELLER ..'_"'ilS r. , 0NI;....,,.; ,,,, M. AGENT '�."",...»r.:.... . ZURICH, ONTARIO. Sold by All Newsdealers i urn.ish's Mienthly to all lovers of Song .and Musks a vast *Music of New, cholee Copyright Compositions by the most pop• alar authors. 64Pages of Piano Mu etc to tali Vocal, half Iustrnmentnl-st Complete Pieces for 'Piano -Once a Month for 25 Cents. Yearly Subscription 1l2.00. If you will send us the name and address of Five performerson the Planner Organ, we Will Bond You* copy of the Magazine Free. 1IRhthJll bac atit ,, Publisher, Pa: THE; ZURICH' HERALD PRESIDENT'S DESERT, TRUSTS MUST BE HANDLED nut PUI3LIC BENEFIT. A Navy, Necessary to Back Up the Monroe Doctrine -Tariff on An- thracite Coal Should be Removed ---Reciprocity Negotiations. Wnahington, Dec. 3. --Among the fm portant expressions of President Roose- velt in his message to. the two Houses of Congress at the beginning of the sec- ond session of • the 57th Congress are the following : We' still continue in a period of un- bounded prosperity. -A fundamental base of civilization Is the inviolability of property, but this is in- nowise consistent with the right of society to regulate the e: vise of the artificial powers which it ,,•onfers upon the owners of property, under the name of corporate franchises, in such a way as to prevent the misuse of these pow- ers. We. are not hostile to thein; we are merely determined that they shall be so handled as to subserve the pub- lic good. The question of regulation of the trusts stands apart from the question of tariff revision. Wherever the tarilt conditions are such that a needed change cannot with advantage be made by the application of the reciprocity idea, then it can be made outright by a lowering of duties on a given article. In my ,judgment the tariff on anthre. cite coal should be removed. The formation of the international tribunal which sits at The Vague is an event of good omen, from which .great consequences for the welfare of all mankind may clow. The Congress has wisely provided that we shall build at once an isthmian ca- nal, if possible, at Panama. The At- torney -General reports that we can un- doubtedly acquire goon) title from the French Panama Canal Company. 1 hope soon to submit to the Senate a reciprocity treaty with Cuba. A convention with Ureat Britain has been concluded, which will be at once laid before the Senate for ratification, pro- viding for reciprocal track arrangements 'between the United States and New- foundland on substantially trte lines of the convention formerly negotiated by the Secretary of State, Mr. Blaine. 1 believe reciprocal trade relations will be greatly to the advantage of both 'coun- tries. President Roosevelt then refers to the good results expected to follow the formation of 1'le international.tribunal a't The Hague for the settlement of in- ternational disputes; the building' of an isthmian canal, the Pacific cable, con- ditions in the Philippines, recent naval manoeuvres, and, proceeding says: - There should be no halt in the work of building t p the navy, providing every year additional fighting craft. We have deliberately made our own certain for- eign policies, which demand the posses- sion of a first-class navy. The Monroe doctrine should be treated as the cardin- al feature of American foreign poliey, but it would be worse than idle to assert it unless we intended to back it up, and it can be backed up only by a thor- oughly' good navy, ?: navy is not a pro- vocative of war. It is the surest guar- anty of pence. There is not a cloud on the horrizon at present. There seems not the slight- est chance of trouble with a foreign power. We most earnestly hope that this state of things may continue; and the way to insure its continuance is to provide for a thoroughly etTiei it navy. The refusal to maintain such a navy would invite trouble, and if trouble came it would inure disaster. Fatuous self- complaceney or •vanity. or short-sight- edness in refusing to prepare for danger is both foolish and wicked in 'itch a. na- tion as ours; and past expel. trace has shown that 'suet.' fatuity in refusal to recognize or prepare for any crisis itt ad- vance is usually succeeded by a toad panic of hysterical fear, once the crisis has actually arrived. Crown Prince Sails From Vancouver. Washington, Dee. 2. -The Crown Prince of Siam, just before be sailed from Vancouver for the east, telegraph- ed to the President a tribute of thanks for the reception accorded ]lint in this country. Diphtheria at Belle River. Windsor, Dee, 2. -Delle River public schools have been closed owing to the presence of diptireria, Three deaths have already occurred and seven families are down with .the malady. TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. Mayor Flendrle of Idautilton will not run again. The anthracite cool strike commission will resume sessions at Scranton. Municipal nominations took place yester- day throughout Manitoba. The amalgamation of powerful British Iron and steel companies coutltues. Tames Oliver was committed for trial at Tweed for shooting. Albert 0. Skelton. The Toronto Presbytery has passed en un - animus resolution supporting the liquor net. The London hoard of Trade has passed a resolution In opposition to the liquor act of 1002. The education bill is expected to reach Its second reeding In the Iiouse of Lords on )Friday. Negotiations Incron foot to; an amalga- mation of Itnotype coanptuiles throughout the world. At Messrs. 'lake and Devlin's meeting at Montreal g1,700 was subscribed to the Irish home rule fungi). !rive l:ngllsh shipping firms are cotubin. iog to form n new line between New York and the far east. Pulp and paper tmmnufactureis, et a meet. Ing in Montreal, derided to ask for an esc- port duty on pulpwood, The smallpox epidemic has become so Serioni in South Piantag. at that a Special_physician )las l been appointed me to pd deal wih it, and the health' oilicei' has issued an order for the compulsory vne- civation of the inhabitants. There are five cases in the Township of Fitzroy and four in the Township of Wid..difgld,. FIVE BURNED TO BEATH, A GALICIAN FAMILY NEAR RUS . SELL, MANITOBA. The Mother and Four Young Child- ren Burned Up With Their Dwell- ing-L....te Suspicion of Foul Flay, Winnipeg, Dec. 3.--A .holocaust occur- red last night at the residence of a (41- Wien- family residing some 'distance north of Russell village, l;'ive persons were burned to death, the mother and. .four children. The names are :-Mrs. Mar• .took, aged 34 ; Mary partook, aged 9 ; ilielley Hartook, aged 0 ; John Har - took, aged 6; baby partook, aged five months. There is some Suspicion of foul play or poison. The constable and 'Coe. over are investigating. The tragedy was not discovered until the return of the father in the afternoon, when he found the partially dressed and charred bodies of wife and children on the floor of Itis cabin. his wite, with the baby clasped in her arms, was in an un - consumed part of the house, while the three elder children were lying under a ,mass of cherted sticks which had fallen on them. These children were more or less burned. t•'it the mother and baby were not nwrked in any way. A do; was found dead on the floor, and all the bodies and remains frozen stili`. One theory is that poison was used before tete match Was applied. '1'h: stomachs I will be sent to -Winnipeg for analysis. ,. JAMES QUIRK'S DEATH, BRANTFORD CORONER'S JURY FIND HE WAS MURDERED. Death Caused by Blows on the Head Delivered by Person Unknown - The Tragedy of March 23 Last Recalled. Brantford. Dec. 3. --The. adjourned in- quest ou the death of the late James Quirk was resumed in the Po - bee teourt room. Coroner Dr. C. C. lfis- ette went over important parts of the evidence, explaining to the jury the dif- ferent points. The jury asked a number of questions, after which they retired at 8.30, remained out about r.we1ve min- utes, when they brought in the follow- ing verdict: -"The late James Quirk came to his death by violent blows de- livered upon his head by some person or persons unknown to the jury:' It will be remembered that on Sunday night, March 23, between 11.33 and 11.55, the late James Quirk was found dead in thtt harness -roost connected with the Commercial Hotel stable. Mr. Quirk and Air. 3. T. Toole were partners,in tire hotel. Shortly before the hour above named 11.r. Quirk entered the hotel read- ing-rootn, told Mr. Toole that he could retire, and he (Quirk) would take charge. Mr. Toole retired. Soon after this Quirk told the bellboy to retire, which be did. It is said about 11.33 Quirk ]eft the hotel reading -room to en- ter the barroom, after which he was not seen alive. 1 -Tis companions and ac- tions on that night have all been ac- counted for op to 11.35. He was found dead in the harness -room fifteen minutes afterwards. THE GERMAN TARI . Ft REICHSTAG AGREES TO VOTE I T AS A WHOLE. An Embittered and Personal Debate in the Reichstag -The President May Resign. Berlin, Dee. 3. -After an embittered political and personal debate the Reichstag declared by 198 to 45 votes that 'Baron Von Kardorlf's motion to vote the tariff bill as a whole was ad- missible under the rules. The Socialists abstained from voting. President Von Ballestrct-n was not in the chair to -day. He docs not agree with the majority's tactics, and it is reported that 'he may resign. The President has hada sharp conUict with the other Centrist leaders. ).'resident Buesiug, National Liberal, who opposes the procedure of voting the bill Sts rt whole, )nay also resign for the same reason. A PHILADELPHIA TRAGEDY. Rate Hassett, the Actress, Shot by Barry Johnstone. - Philadelphia, Dec, ;1. -"Barry John- stone, the actor who shot and killed Kale llassett, leading woman of Leith's .Bijou Theatre Stock Com- pany, last night and attempted suicide, is reported by the hospital physicians to he improving. They think that he will recover. ENGINEER MURPHY KILLED. He Once Saved the Press Excursion Train From Disaster. Brockville, Dee. 3. -The mem- bers of the Press AssoeXiatiott will be grieved to Lehr of the fatal ac- -Odra at Al orrisburg yesterday by which .Engineer Murphy of the Grand Trunk Railway lost his life. itis train, the fast freight, pitched into the rear end of a freight on the siding, and he was killed instantly. Last, year, when the :members of the Press Association were returning from their trip to the Maritime Provinces, Engineer Murphy, by his courage and presence of mind, saved their train front being wrecked neer Cornwall, and they presented Lint i \vith a purse of 8130 Engineer i\l.urphy lived et, 14 Richmond street. Point St. Charles, He had been in the :employ of the G.T.R. for many years, and leaves a Wife and Four ohilsjren. • R yf �tJ.nNSi�y��l.Yi lEaV 11It$ (;1dN.A'r BLOOD Pt' RRIt+r)ta A NI) `.', ',TRY( R I?t;- C'f,ATO12 will cure the pipet aggro.- �vated form of Dvsnepsia and Inrllge"Luau. It will cot, rent )hat Tull Peel Ing After Feting." Nurro:ts Headache, hour Stomach I5ttdl•latttlenoe. whyvuffer 'when a cure is guaranteed: 1200 DAYS' TREATMENT 81,00. joset Hem, Dashwood, says; "I was unable to get any relief from Aethma and Stomach Trouble until using Our Native I3erbs." JlK JOHN MART, AGENT. ZURICH, ONT.. THF. ALONZO (L SUSS Co. Sole P roprietors, MOI4TReu, CAN. �:�:ixt>tc xc Hoffman's C h TAILORING IN Swell Jubilee Laundry . s We use no chemicals to . destroy or injure your lot ing, and we Guarantee our Work. CONNECTION .t. OFFA THE CORRECT STYLES ARE TO Bld FOUND T2,' MY ESTAB- LISHMENT. Lays Broaches, the Latest Paris Styles. (cents Cuff Links and Ent - tons, (400cl and Strong. A full line of Wateltc'ti, °looks, .Ie we11er5-, Musical Instruments and Specks. WATCH ANT) CLOCK REPAIR- ING, MY :ROBBY. F. W. HESS THE {.JEWELER 6n The Hill, ZURICH. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qulekty asoortubt our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communion. nous scrietl oonuadenttal. Handbook on Patents runt free. Oldest agency fur securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive spode! notice, without charge, In the scientific Rrerica . A hnndsomoly illustrated weekly. Largest ale. °elation of any selentme Journal. Perms, $3 n year; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. *MUNN & Co.36,Broadway, New York Branch Office. O.*. ' St.. Washington. D. C. ZURICH P. 0. Is open daily except Sundays from 8 a. in., until 9 p. 111., The mails are distributed as follows c i MAIL POR ENNie.\LL, C'inttC tit 0 :5511.711 {' tt to " 2:55 put ` ST.JOSIa'13, " 11 :10 toil L. TI. &B,, " 0 :55 am " L, H. & B,, 1 2 :55 amp FROM H1i:iss i L, arr. 11 :00 aril , i " 30 1111 I .4 ' ' S'r. Tension, " 10 ;45 tun t' L. H. & 13., " 11 :0(1 and " L. H.R13., " :30 ant LnT'rloRS 1POe. RI O1STI,iA'i7ON, nlu>tt be poste[( half tut flour previous to the time for closing the )nails. D.S. RUST, Postmaster. {. rt .t . 4 too other Itiedical Firm in the world has the established reputation for curing Etttem wadi Vtientacen that Dre. H. ds Is.. enjoy. Their Nave Method Treat- ura,era¢, discovered end perfected by these joy. Specialists, has brought joy, aappinossand comfort to thousands of hooios. With 1) years experieut:o in the treattneutof these diseases they: can guarantee to Core or Aro s'say-Eusis- Icionta, 1'dex•vosess Debility, tsyplailis, Vnrlctt,cele, Stricture, Gleet, Secrea la-<ataae, IanPotency, teeteetaak rased edierstil Weaietteeten, 1(ttd- racy sins) '1Aluuicaea• Macentett. Their guarauteie are backed by Bank goods. Is ��LIFE r ,. You may )save a secret drain through the arise -that's the reason you feel tired out in the morning. You aro not rested. your kidneys acste. you feel despondent nd have no ambition. 1)on't let your Life Blood be drained b.way. Drs, K. &' It. guarantee to Cure or no Pay. e ,,� °� , Ei be inheritted, but scourge ime tonatlow itttoa emaineid ti olmrstenate Like father- like ather r it p like sea. Beware of Mercury and Potash treatment. Dr;, If. n.: K. positively care the worst cases or no Pay. Caw CELE $TaIcTuRZ The New lelletfmoad Treatment Cures these diseases safely and surely. 'Ho pain -no sufferin¢-no detention from business. Don't risk operation and ruin year sexual, organs. The stricture tissue is absorbed andcanneverreturn,• Liss. L'. & M. guaranteo Cures. id .+ d. ~h.ysJfladder Don't neglect your kidneys. Your aching bacfti tells the tale. Don't lot i oc:ors experiment on you. Drs. K. & K. can. cure youif you are not beyond sumac aid. They guarantee to Cure or No Pay. CUPlISS GUARANTEED. NO CZ715U4 NO ]r XF. Conaultatton pogo. Books sent ?H roe, (sealed.) Write for Queocion Slunk for ktu n•,'o Treatment. Everything, Confluent/al. DES. KENNEDY 84 KE,GAN, 148 SHELBY STREET, DETwoty,Ard /ZIT ItiitCls T.w •.L. � .f-- e. t'�' : .'. it'rl.R. • ,,•"=y: tiy. Subscribe star "THE HERALD" ATE I t_ JiLLt1TEED! O'FARRELL LAWSON, 1425 NEW YORK AVE., WASHINGTON, D. C. Solicitors of American and Foreign Patents, Designs,Tradernarks,Copy. rights. Will return fee if Patent is not secured. Send for Inventor's Guide, or H0yeto Geta Patent. Mention this Paper and secure special rates. -el hnP, (lir' met strength to help )vim On." -Wnnrrrmn. • : ,t 'ft; ort' ?II, .re than (•01t,0Pt.5,"-TENNYSOIL 4., TO FURNISH THE NEW FREE COV,S1iiViPTI'E IIOSPITAIt MUSKOKA. The Only Free Consumptive hospital in America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED. -The Kew Free (m.'t t,,,ptu'e Hospital, built wider the at spin,.' ii/' tlo' National. Sanitarium Association, will be ready -so .porn as the money to equip and furnish is secured -to t' reeeire ;r) patients absolutely without charge. -Over 800 out of :7,9(.) patients admitted to the Muskoka Cottage rS"a;111t-)riut;l -the property of the .tA'ational Sanitarium, . isso'irtioa - have returned )tome either cured or greatly) iurprored. -The Free C"onslnuptir•rl Hospital is situated in the same delightfrllly heatth/1tl locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to the pourer patients as to the rich. 6 wet Clubbing ratOs. 14 -We have made arrangeinent's to offer the following low clubbing rates with T]Ii9 II'•1RALD Daily Globe 4.25 „ Mail & Empire 4.2 weeklyGlobe . 1.00 Mail & Empire 1.75 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 4,75 )34t'ol'i'' As'. TOOrS Pg1ospho8ine The Great English Ret»edy Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only roll able medicine discovered. Sia > packages guaranteed to clue all forms of Sexual Weakness, alt effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, 3ixeessive use of To- receipt baoeo. O fiixor rec m„i Stimulants. t Mailed on i of price, ono package $1, six, $5, Ono wilt pleaRS, iaaltufllcure. Pamphlets tree to oilyaddress. 1110 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. Wood's Phosa)hodine is sold in Zurich },iy T». uohttiiatt, Druggest. Kt 1 t '. tY 1 Rd`B{h{i h .ei LA`4ILL l b. n'Sfi•.i ittr fiJ ' lW C. " sit :/,t,,.. x a;r A-" . J.r , 5.e55t^, t 11 t � 441 l i 41.1 I �' 11�11�1 .i♦ FIRST FREE HOSPITAL. FOR CONSUMPTIVES IN AMERICA The gift of W. J. (scrpr, Esq., onrl the 1:rrrutors Karl 4, llrtssev Estate -Think of the sorrow and suffering the New Free Consump- tive hospital will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. -Will you not send a dollar -or `12.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 - or more, for this most pressing of all charities? -The victims of the White Plague are found all over Canada. $50 WILL FURNISH A BED. CONTR113UTIOxS 11iAY7,7 .SLIT TO - SIR W. R. MEREDITH, Tit., Chief Justice, Vice -Pres, Nat. San. Assoen., Toronto. W7. J. GAGE, chairman lit. conn., 'Toronto. NATIONAL TRUST CO. Limited, Treasurer, Toronto. :.. ,;t." eerie. (1544.1 4 We can print your Bills.