The Herald, 1902-12-05, Page 24.1
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Edith Sessions Tupper.
Go to any well-known women's
club and Alis is a sample of vvhnt
you will hear :
"You ladies, you'll please come to
order. At once. Let all chattering
cease." "Fur—far did you say for a
border ?" "I Shall httvo my sleeves
puffed with crepe lime." "Listen
now to the .roll call and reading—"
"Do you care for Maeterlinck, dear?"
"T;lio minutes—" "Freddy Jackson is
leading all I,frs. 'Bone's Germans I
hear." "Will nomo member inovr;
thio--" "0, Fanny, will get iicr
divorce, sure, they say. Lucky we -
man, freed from that granny."
"Rave you been to see Campbell's
new. play ?" "I believe there's a 1110-
t ion already--" "7?o you go in for
ping pang, Marie?" "Ladies, ladies,
kindly make ready for the ballot on
next fortnight's tea." "In heaven's
name what ie site Saying ?" "Well
hustle; and got inc a vote." MY Pet
vice ? Why, of course, bridge -whist:
playing." "Cholly liastened to send
mo a note." "That female is pack-
ing this meeting; she's determined
to carry her point." "I like danc-
ing better than eating." "See me
put her old nose out of joint." "If
the chair would but give me one
minute." "Oh, mercy ! is she going
to talk ?" "Let me tell you, Mios
Sue, you're not in it." "I shan't
vote—I shall go for a walk." "There
ie that beastly old frump, Mrs. Dun -
pearls." "Good gracious! her ears
mupt have burned." "Oh, I think
women's clubs are euch fun, girls,"
Motion's carried—the meeting's ad-
0 •
of an
ay on
n the
n re -
8, etc.
op at
to be
First a Medicine it Has Come to Do
Great Injury.
Statistics show that alcoholism in
France is steadily Increasing and
that the use of absinthe and of other
deleterious liquors is rapidly un-
dermining Frenchmen's constitu-
tions, and is one of the main fac-
tors in the decrease of the French
population every year.
A'bsinilie is prepared by pounding
the leaves and flowers of various
kinds of wormwood, the root of an-
gelica, sweet flagroot, Cretan rlit-
tany, star anise fruit and other
aromatics, and macerating them in
alcohol. The compound recur for
eigbt clays, and Is then distilled,
yielding an emerald -colored liquid,
to which a proesortion of oil—ell of
anise usually—is added. This is the
pure absinthe; but little of it is
now seed in France, for .the adul-
terations are innumerable.
In the adulterated drink the
green calor is produced by turmeric
and indigo ; hut blue vitriol (or, as
its tine n:: m,) t.:, euprie sulphate) is
often mice rte :t cvlUle:Lee ingredi-
ent. 1•c i:; im'xlasib,e to estimate
the amount of absinthe distilled
every year in France for home con-
sumption, but the amount import-
er from Switzerland (where a great
deal of absinthe is manufactured in
the canton of Neuchatel) has not
been less than three to four mil-
lion gallons every year, says the
London 111ttil.
I''irst a Medicine.
Oddly enough, absinthe first came
into use as a medicament. During the
war in Algiers; from. 1844 to 1847
the French soldiers were advised by
regimental doctors to mix a little
absinthe with their wine as a febri-
fuge. On their return to France they
brought the habit of absinthe drink-
ing with them, and tiie custom has
now become so widely disseminated
throughout all classes of society as
to leave become a grave national
It is the effect rather than the
taste of absinthe which is responsi-
ble for its high favor with the
French. Its taste is not nice, and
only the hardened absinthe drinkers
take it neat. The usual addendum is
either syrup (gomme as the French
call it), or loaf sugar, which is placed
upon a perforated spoon across tho
glass and melted slowly into the
drink by pouring water, drop by drop,
on to it.
Even with these additions absinthe
always has the medicinal taste of
cough mixture or paregorio, and It
leaves an after taste upon the tongue.
But its • effect is immediate, and
counteracts the disagreeable taste
Strange Exaltatibiv
at Dr.
or each
ng piles,
See toe•
r neigh-
a it and
box, at
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are:
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed,
Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means—long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
time. '
There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. and $1: all druggists.
In the unaccustomed drinker, ab-
sinthe produces a feeling of strange
exaltation. The absinthe drinker,
after his first or second glass, if he
be a beginner, or if an inured con-
sumer, immediately after the absorp-
tion of his usual limit, displays great
brilliancy of thought, and for a time
is. to use the French expressions
"raised above himself."
,A.e with the use of most drugs,
he is compelled front time to time
to increase ids daily dose so as to
proluicc; this feeling, and tike in-
crea,se quickly upsets the action of
the digestive organs and destroys
the appetite. The habitual :absinthe
drinker, Who In France consumes as
mush as twenty doses every tiny,
never eats more than just sufficient
to ,gir.,•tairu `tiro, and acquires a great I
distaste for all but very dry and
non-fattening food. ,
Last Stages.
The action♦ of the drug upon him,
which! takes place with more or less
rapidity, aocording as the natural
resistance of the victim; to the craze
is+ greater or lesser, is as foIlotvSi
At first, following closely upon the
loss of appetite, an unappeasable
thirst takes possession of frim with
gl:ldiness, tingling in the ears, h.•ll-
lucinntions of sight and of hkea.ring,
and a constant amental depression
and anxiety when not Wilder the in-
fluence of the drug. Loss of brain
Doter and filthier idiocy or furious
madness shortly follow. The other,
if more ,gradwa1, symptoms of the 000 -
finned absinthe tippler are no teres
terrible. They begin with quiveringe
of the tn'u;scles ani a great decrease
of physic -al strength. Then the hair
drape off teeth bocoute loosened In
the guiles thte nbaiTitho rlrinIcer be -
melee em -elated Wrin'• t0d ani sal-
loty-loelcilrg, and 1,e a realm to hors
ribie ire rats and delusions of all
!curia, and finally falls a victim; to
The Farrier '-Faye the Vreight,"
New York World,
Grain exports for ten menthe are
4"81,000,000 smeller than last year ;
pr'oviteonro arcs live etoek have fallen
off $88,000,000. lint manufactured
goods were sold abroad in quantities
greater than last year. The sorry
joke isl that the farmer gets the sante
prices for house and foreign sales,
while the manufacturer "extends his
market" by charging American farm-
ere, a11d'other consumers 50 per cent.
more teen. the export price, with the
aid. of the, beneficent tariff.
p0li1lETilV.CE A 'POLi) settles in the
bowels. The pain pierces lite a lance. Get
rid of it promptly by taking. Perry Davis'
Pain I{iller in sweetened water. There is but
one Pala Diller, Perry Davis'. Refuse sub -
et butes.
Mixed Up.
Alt a ,trial in a German court a
man appeared as a witness. "Yoal•
na,mo?' asked the Judge. " Yell, I
calls o ybeli Fritz, but may be so, I
don't knew if it is Henric,h. You See,
Air. Judge, that mine moder she hal
tevo ltt.tle I,1oys ; one of them was
me and one was mine proder, and
Moder was myse,l ; I don't know which,
and my moiler, she don't know, ,too ;
and one of us ,was named Fritz, and
toder Heilsicll, or one Henrich and
toiler Fritz. I don't know which it
was, and one of us gat died, and my
moiler she could never tell which it
was, me or mine (brader, w,ho got
died. S) you see, Mr. Judge, I don't
know whether 1 ;em Fritz or Hen -
rick, and ,my moder she don't know."
Not Doing Anything.
Twenty years ago a discouraged
young doctor in one of our large
cities was visited by his father,
who came up from a rural district
to loop after his boy.
"Well, son," he •said, "how are
you getting along?"
"1'ul not getting along at all,"
was the answer. "I'm not doing a
The old man's countenance fell,
but he spoke of courage and pati-
ence and perseverance. Later in
the day he went with his son to
the "Free Dispensary," where the
young man had an unsalaried .po-
The father sat by, a silent, but
intensely interested spectator,
while twenty-five poor unfortu—
nates received help. The doctor
forgot his visitor whale he bent his
skilled energies to his task; but
hn,rd•ly had 'the door closed on the
last patient when the old man
burst 'forth : "I thought you told
me 'that you were not doing any-
thing 1 Not doing anything! Why,
if I had helped twenty-five people
in a month as much as you have
in one morning I would thank God
that my life counted for some-
"There isn't any money In it,
though," exclaimed the son, sonle-
wiiat abashed.
"Money!" the old man shouted,
still scornfully. "What is money in
cotesparison with' being of use to
your fellow -man ? Never mind the
money; you go right along at this
work every day. I'll go back to the
farm, and gladly earn enough to
support you as long as I live."
"That speech," I said to a friend
of mine, one who had spent many
years as a conspicuously eueoays-
ful teacher, "went into the bones
of the young man's life, and
strengthened him for a life of un-
selfish usefulness."
"Air!" said the professor, " that
one speech was worth years of text-
book teaching 1 And yet it was;
made without an instant's prepara-
"Far from it," I answered, quick-
ly. "It had taken sixty years of
noble living, struggling against sin
r i d self, pressing forward in the
paths of righteousness, bearing the
cross, following hard after the Fer-
ree.' Man, to prepare that old
Christian to make his speech. Then
the moment came, ane he was ready
to teach' the glorious lesson."—Our
Young Folks.
ent paralysis.
Baltimore News.
Sir," said the pleading youth, "I
Stave won your daughter's heart 1"
"So," mused the elderly sage;
"well, I reckon, that's all right. But,
young man, don't you let her shove
her liver on you.; it's been sup-
peettng one physician and three pat-
ent medieline ooncerns now for five
years." t t
Signs of Love
Dorothy Dix in Ainslee's.
The earliest t'lydieartion that a mas-
csiline creature gives oif susceptibil-
ity to the fair sex is when he first
voluntarily washes beheld his ears.
Up to that time, his morning bath,
exoept upon oompulslon, bas only
described a small oircle taking in his
eyes, a segment of his cheeks and
/As chile
with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they can
not reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh Is
a blood or constitutional disease, and in
order to cure it you must take internal rem-
edies, Hall's Catarrh (Jure le taken inter-
nally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces, Hall s Catarrh Cure is not
a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one
of the bast physicians in this country for
poseltof the{ bestltonics known, comb ned
with the bust blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. '1'he perfect combi-
nation of the two ingredients Is what pro-
duces such wonderful results iu curing ca-
tarrh. Mend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
Sohl by Druggists, price 75c.
}fall's Family fills are the best.
Treated Ilim Like a Lady.
Philadelphia Press
"'Miss Strong is exceedingly mascu-
line, isn't she ?" remarked raise Ascum.
" Most alwociously so," remarked
Young Air. Sissy, ,with soan.e heat.
" You seem to Teak from experi-
Yeas, I do. She got into the ele-
vatah with ,rue in the Sk :sem:Ipe
Building one day, and .when she saw
me She deifbewn.teiy wemoved her
hat and held it in her hand till I
got off."
King's Typewriters.
King Edward Of England rebently
ordered half a doten typevrriters,
one for his awn Ilse and the others
for h3rx secretaries. "This is a notable
innovation," set.ys Itn 4';ngltsh paper,
"since, hitherto, the King's corres-
pondence has been done entirely by
Icing Edward, however, to merely
following the example of other sov-
ereigns of Europe, most of whom
have been using typewriters for
some time. Indeed, the Tear and
Tsa.r'dra oil Raigsla, the K1'1g of the
Belgians and t'he Xing of Italy man-
ipelate typewriters, with a dexter-
ity that might almost be styled pro-
That Emperor. of Germany would al-
so fain becomie ten adept lm the art,
but is unable, as 111•s habitual n'^rv'-
0818ness prevents trim frost) stl'Ficing
the keys unerringly. Even the Sultan
of Turkey n'ppreciates the typewri,-
ter, and frequently anal Res himself
by plokthg out the alphabet on it.
A. BOON TO HORSEMEN—One bottle of
English SpavtnLinlment completely removed
a curb from my horse. I take pleasure In
recommending the remedy, as It acts with
mysterious promptness lu the removal from
horses of hard, soft or calloused lumps, blood
spavin, splints, curbs, s,weeny, stifles and
Markham, Ont.
Sold by all druggists.
Chicago News.
He put his arm around her waist
And the color left her cheek,
But upon the shoulder of his coat
It showed up for a week.
Just by a Nip.
.Dolton Smiloy—S0 'the Lord bee
called the pastor to another churoli?
Deacon Vestry—Yes; but it was nip
and tuck between Mini and Rev. Dr.
P.lehington Who'd get the call.
SUNneTN3'tI will be paid by
9 Lever Brothers
Limited, Toronto, to any person who
can prove that this soap contains
any form of adulteration whatsoever,
or contains any injurious chemicals.
Ask for the Octagon Bar, sus
The Preacher's Statexneiit.
A kind-hearted clergyman was'
lately compelled to dismiss a ,da-
dener who weed to. purloin his fruit
and vegetables. For the sake of
his wife and family he gave him a
letter of recommendation, and this
is how he worded it : "I hereby cer-
tify that A—I31— ;has boon my garden-
er for over two years, and that
during that time he got more out
oil my garden than any man I ever
employers" •
We (believe MINAB,D';S LINIMENT ie
isle best :
Ala,t.t,hi;a.s Foley, 011 City, Ont.
Joseph ,Snow, Norway, Ile.
Chas. Whoo;ten, Musgrave, N. S.
Rev. 11. 0. Armstrong, Miulgrave, N.}5
Pierre Landry, ecu., t'okemouc,l.le, NOB.
Thomas .Wasson, Sheffield, N. ,B. ,
The best way to cure indigestion is
to remove its cause. This is hest
done by the prompt use of Dr. August
Koenig's Haimburg Drops, which regu-
late the stamaeli hi au effectual
manner. •
A Complication.
Caner (at the house of injured
motorist)—Flow is your master af-
ter the accident ?
Housemaid (with some embarrass-
ment) —W'ieh they thknk be 'as bro-
ken the —(blushes) —tile kilometre
record, but 'e's better to -day,. —
LOSS OF FLESH, cough andain on the
chest iiay not mean consumption, but aro
bad signs. Alien's Lung Balsam loosens the
cough and heals Inflamed air passages. Not
a grain of opium in It.
Decidedly Insular.
Sir George Birdwood has recently
told several stories to illustrate the
insuIttrity and uarrowness of his own
country people, English. in regard to
torelguers and foreign countries.
Staying with an English family in
France, he learned that their English
servant, though long resident there,
had picked up no French, but had
made the French servants speak Eng-
lish. When this was remarked .upon
by Sir George her reply was, "elaster
and misses may speak French !f they
like, nut 1 m not goin' to demean my -
sett by speakial' the langwidge of the
people we thrashed at Waterloo."
Shortly after, went on Sir George,
the wile of a distinguished officer in
the Cceonial Off:ce asked after the
health of his son in Jerusalem.
elle is in Cairo, in Egypt," was the
But I thought Jerusalem was in
Ebypt," said tho lady.
"Oh, no, « replied Sir George. I sup-
pose you ':now Palestine soup 2"
"Yes, it has Jerusalem artichokes
int it,." C.
"Well, Jerusalem is the capital of
Palestine."—M. A. P,
Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head)Disinfectant Soap
Powder is a boon to any home. It disin-
fects and cleans at the same time. ;o
A Celt at Cairo.
.Judge A. M. Kelly used to relate,
says the St. James' Gazette, that,
while on the !bench in the Interna-
tional Court at Cabo, after a wit-
ness Whose nationality was a puzzle
had, been addressed in French, Span-
ish„ German, Portuguese, It'atia.n and
Are,bic, and failed to snake any re-
sponse except to indicate by shaking
his head that he did not understand,
Jwdge Kelly ,turbid to a 'brother
judge and remarked : ' I wonder what
language the idiot ,beaks ?" " The
same as yorseif, Ter Honor," came
from the iivttnass in the broadest
Tipperary brogue.
" i(ELP10 u"i v' `O NTMBH71
Endorsed by best English medical journals.
Supplied to British soldiers in South Africa.
For all Throat and Oland Troubles, Lumps,
Abscesses, Old Sores, Ulcers, Felons, Skin
Diseases, Eczema Pimples, Stiff Joints,
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sprains, Bruises,
Piles, Cuts, Sere Feot, Pleurisy.
Sold by Druggists, 250. T r it once.
Milkman Scored Last.
Stray Stories.
"The difference between the. cow
and the milkman,"' said the gentle-
men with a rare memory for jests,
"is that the cow gives pure milk,"
"There is another difference," re-
torted the milkman. "The cote
doesn't give credit."
IMinard'a Liniment Relieves Neural-
ISSUE NO. 49, 190.
The Only Exception.
"She's unusually conscientious, you
say." es, indeed ; even in the smallest
details of life."
"Able to resist any sort of a temp-
tation ?"
"Unquestionably. "
"Hae sire ever been to Europe ?"
The champion of the woman looked
"Oh, weal," he said, "of course if
she had a chance to smuggle a few
gowns Into the country, why—why—
that's a different matter."—Chicago
Post. ,
Dangerous Retie in a Dustbin.
An unexploded shell, marked
"ttrrtpp, 'Aug. 30, 1.860," was found
mean lily in a dustbin at Paris.
Trifles+ melte perfection, and peeve.
tion is no trifle. Michael Angelo.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should
always be used for Children Teething. It
soothes dfoDrhoa nil
01ad s child,
E atuuiSealtbargaine:
Send for descriptive list. Address P. O. Box
282, Youngstown, 0,
Lini;men,t Tor stale every-
thoroughly taught. Pxpert instructors. Indi-
ogue for particulars, Correspdence ntion. Send for D
The quality standard from Ocean to
Ocean. Your money back if not satisfactory
ROSE & LAFLAAg f gents, Montreal.
Willie House Hospitality.
The Butter —Pardon me, your ex-
cellency, but you have invited one
guest too many for dinner to -day.
The President — That's all right.
Send over to the neighbor's and bor-
row a Chair.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
elinard's Liniment Cures D,andrufl.
are produced by.
First and Sweepstakes at Toronto lnbacon
classes this year. First and Sweepstakes at
the winter fair four successive years.
Stock of all ages at moderate prices.
J. E. BRETHO'TTlt, Rexford,
' Lock d,oOnt.
6 .
F��rr www^**(E
your full name andYi office address and receive by
return mail something that
will interest you, something
you all want. This Is no •
fake, but something you will be delighted to
know and have. Write to -day.
Address VIIPAI SUPPLY CO., Dept. A.,
Hamilton, Ont.
So Convenient.
St. Thomas Times.
A citizen of Norman is named Geo.
Hug. When he was courting, if he jiad
asked his sweetheart for a kiss she
would have said, "Why,•George Hug."
Consignments of Poultry, Gamo, Butter,
Eggs, Honey, Beans etc., solicited. Will pay
28 cents per lb. F.O.B. Toronto for beeswax.
References—your, local banker.
Correspondence invited. Prompt returns.
loo two grain QUININE
PILLS sent post ppaid for
• only ONE DIME. Address
A. W. WARD, Box H, Avon, N. Y.
• To ail interested in the
education of young ladies
or girls where an extensive
course may be had, Includ-
ing the common and high
school branches, Science,
Languages, Music, Fine
Art, Commercial Course,
Voice Training, Elocution,
Art Needle Work, and Phy-
sical Culture, write to Rev.
A. B. DEMILL, President,
St. Catharines, Ont., for
calender that gives you
veru special rates.
MI CI' iii ilE
1 `! .Ack
5 cent Cigar
Guaranteed Clear Havana Filled
With our handsomely
illustrated newcatalogue
the greater portion of
your Christmas shop-
ping may be done at
Write for it, and if will be sent
to you, free of charge. by return
If on receipt of arti-
cles ordered you are
not perfectly satisfied,
your money will be
cheerfully refunded.
Ryrie Bros.
116-i?0121IZ Yoi/ueit. Toro tto
At :IIs' X'fdiilltlimill;;1,g-
A Valuable Refuge.
Town and Country.
Old Party—Stick to your mother,
my boy.
His Young Friend—I will, sir, It
costs too much to board arty place
FNVhOVdirl/1 NlQ Aril YdV4V�
Freight Paid to Any Station in Ontario
Proportionate allowance made to all outside points.
What is more suitable for an Xmas present than one of these handsome Turkish
Couches? As we deliver free of all charges to your station, you have no further
trouble about freight charges. Ansi furthermore we will ship one of these Couches
upon receipt of $1.00. Tho balance payable upon receipt of Couch.
Y�� This 10.50 Turkish
.• Couch
.rytt,�a „s4
• Qirryv S1„VV,<,bi F � Av,, ''' y�"•x"“..-is �'i . 'v ,\
\ .
"I' ,V it ,� 7,1i�,i7' S t ),14 ,,44 ,ytc,. ” f;'
otaw,i4ri 4I iF s. t1,,,;Ira?34� ti , py 1,
i, flit r� 7 >p It ry9Ji
1. 715.9
Free of all Charges at
your station.
Beautifully up bolstered in the finest monarch volours—best tempered stee
spring seat—heaut lful ro0 Turkish heart—fringe all round --alike on both sides—
exceptionally corn cartel-do—and thoroughly made—upholstered in the following
shades: blue, torr n• cotta, nib crimson, r;•othen brown and olive.
This Is without douht the biggest bargain ever offered, our object being to
increase our already large outside trade. We offer these couches at straight whole.
Sale prices.
341 Yonge and 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Could Street
15r w
ed a
;too t
not '