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The Herald, 1902-11-28, Page 7
_ . _..__.. ,,".. . .. ... V 1"c" he wag I o troubled with Gravel thea V't.� LOVE'S EXIL ... "� +� ,r anid tested, till Et has been proven sit, and so could not work: The pains' beyond a doubt that it is sound In In the back and loins were excruclat : A Ing, • Another marked syln,Iiton was Itwt Once they haive, passed on it, t.6, 53.,.r . i 6d w 2; �� -�^ »�'_�ti» �' ^a!^t Cs%h tLr e�9t ,� W"�t��`b a� I am not making an idle boast; I tremens, a,ad had been placed under ams recording it, fact whoki I say that restraint in the county lunatic asy- tllalt galdirl laid siege to me with a lum. I skill apatlonce which filled me all- Babiolo's letter I carried about with teTnately with admiration, grata- m,e, and eometimer,-for loneliness tilde u:nd alarm. Sive learned my a,momg Ilia flills would make a sen - tastes, she studied my 1labits, she timental fool of thie most robust of mastered my oplitions until I began us -d fancied that the little sheet to th'inic tltrtdt if a ptarE;Oan who LIP- of paiper, Ln' spite of Miss F arington parently knew lee r:10 well could like and the doubestle pictures, burnt into me so• much I must be an infinitely my heart: more amiable mala than I had ever supposed.. This frame of mined natur- It wast this middle of August, whsle ally lod me to look kindly on the the weather was still -ever ywhere blit i,n the, Highlands -insufferably lady who ll -ad ealabled me to make such a pleasing discovery, and I trot, that I received a letter from know mys,eir to, be softening; to Sikh, Fabian which gave me a great ssdiock. His wife had beau very ill, he nin extent that I felt that, unless lTr, Fariatgton iliould Irave Ballater be- said. and although site had ii-dw tore illi summrr wu,, over, I should "a been declared out of danger, She re - covered strength so slowly that it be g'onr coon" before autumn. If She held on until the evenings grew had become imperative to send her cold and long, until the wlndta began away eoinewliere. Mrs. F.11mer, who was nosy with. her, having suggested to howl about lonely Lmrkltiall, and her old Mottle dm the Highlands, the to t)riug swirling Showers or de Id lt•es to tit(; ground wIlilt the hiss_ ea doctor had agreed warmly and'Fa- Ung (sound of a beach of pebbles un- l)iast therefore begged, as an old fri:pad, that I would lend his wife der the retreating waves of &wintry stili then I frit and her mother the cottage for a that I should give way, that Fiort time, £dtinb that lie was rs sne I wouldbolt-a ' m favorite sec in Miss Farington's pro- I shouldafter iry timlite, until' adayrF tme, he could fter a few sale gray eyes pleasant doinestle rejoin her. piletores, in hor erect flgure and slop- I took this letter lip to Craigen- Ing; shoulders, an attraction which, darroch, and had .first a cigar incl to a lonely man, when the deer- then a over it. To refut3e stalking; and fishing seasons were ,pipe Fabian's request was impossible; to .over, were quite irresistible. lend the cottage and go away my - I had had one plaintive little let- self would be Inhospitable and suc- ter from Babiole, in which she en- pLciorla ; to lend it and stay woes 1 treated me, in rather stiff and be danf;•crous. Si itlt the last whiffs Stilted language, out of which peep- of tobacco ail Inspiration calve. - 'I ed aa, most touching anxiety, to be.- swung back home, wrote back to ware of her father, who, she assured Fabian that Lcarklhall itself, the COt- xne, was niore desperate and danger- tag;e, tiro garden, the stables,and outs; in his Intentions to do me harm every tool-sllPd about the place were than she had even dnxed to sn-ggost entirely at Mrs. Scott's disposal. to - when face to face with me. I wrote gether with all the live t(tock, hit - back In it clumsy letter, as stiff as mall and Otherwise-, anti than she .her own. but not so touching, that had only to Pix the time of her ar- she need have no fear, as,ler father rival and Urs. Ellmer's. had Fettled clown gnletly at Aber- The letter fliashed, and putt In the dean. I dared not tell the truth, bag, I had it glans of sherry; anti, which I had found out through For- fortified by that, and by all lwrolc guson-that-that Mr. Ellmer had indoel serve of duty, I Sallied rortl in the come Up to the Highlands with the dire'etion of the ifill o' Sterrin, in avowed intention of doing me some, whdeh neigrhborlloud Miss Farttigton. desp':rate. harm ; but that, having who dill everything by rale, was nI- availed him- olf too freely, through wa.vs to be found district-visitIng" on his daughter's generosity, Of tit Thurhday. his favorite indulgences, he had had an attack of dellrfutn I Is•tlpp;me nil Inl.n twits, ever so Ilttlt- saiWs; who have been relieved and brats: or ever t,o littl,- heart, who has " d(libPrately made. up iti..i m}n,t topro- ' pg A l DYING TIME pose to a, i*iri, Rat,,% tho moment sp- proaching; tvi;h lit it ct-rt:aln tri pl'a- skeptical that Canada stands in the ti011. I awl) that 1vIVSII I sato tll,' front rank of mcdicill research, and moment and Miog Farington ap- �a t3 IS lh0.r Period When YdUng It proaching tug ethor, althou gh I hfid very littler doubt a•b'tut her, •:Astor, has furnished the world stands that and very- little enthu ttsm ab(,ut till- + Into Girls are Merging, result, Iliad it thumping at my ht art an(I a singing in my Pars. With til,> Disease, Di,'a,bEtes and all other( memory Uf Ilabfol:- an:l tile, thOng.,itt Womanhood . Of )ter t I3 t In my Sllind, Ill,t a tell the sh0rry would Jit,t ,t gl lin ,r ott r , Kidney Illls4 , those exceeding];,- sloping rrhoulders, BOOKS OF AN EARLY DATE. tdi€ch srrmcd almost to nrgue souse Before ; moral deficiency, some, terrible lack Marlwol by )Pale races, Reart II'alpita- of some quality without which, no tion, Lovas of Appetite alld General woman's ellaructer is ct miplete. Ill Lassitude. -How to Overcome This the meantime, Oin was hearing down Condition. , upon Ise, anal I waS still without tin ancient Babylon exds-ted in a Opening, rpt nest. Put Olewas not. ,After tbabzdxxrd, the most perilous " What a treat to see you in This o in a (,un,• girl's life Is athen 3 b b part of the world, Irl•. Maud(,," silty " she is1 just enterlog we manh001d. It �-_-ltd, holding cut livr hand. I con - fess I did you ill(- injustice to think IS then .th„lt 43110 is subject to hpa'd- you wOul;I forget your promise,." aapl,cs, dizziness, he.al,t palpitation, deP.ble appatite, and bloodless nccelm 11 Promise i" I rept,ated, vag,'uely. "I clshld 11ps. This ,condition may easily am afraid I must confess-" "You had forgotten?" .,-lie r atfd, tdevelop, into e' asci iption, tint to this -to lteirlp the youtig girl smlling. "Really -assts its toes ball." .'At �rrevenit La good hr;a;ltb and strength, moth- least, you- see, I hadn't for - gotten tilat this is the tvay yon• all- er9 sh(Jnld inHlst uaion their taking a,blood-slaking tonir, retch as Dr- wars walk oil it Th1lTsday," said I. 'RI'ilhiani.e link 11111H. Mrs. 110"Iry with a look that was intended to ilS an+tyrP, I -art Dalhou.tde, Out., give; bound iadvirty to ,ot,:ter inothe convey much. „re And had forgotten my bean -t Uta In rmEos o!' this kaitl. ,S]l: says; " •.) the health site for: a new school l" however site was morepleased with Albout hrve years a of m,• d;iughter, .B, rtha, Jwgall to Ise for what I had remembered than fail, a,21e grt;:y weak and scelned till- angry for what T had forgotten. ililble, to stand tela.) to a..t exertion. .Wiv "At any rate Ton' can eomo and suSfcrY(frIn distressdnghead£Lchas h• it now, se silld, an!]turning ,d faLtllllw fits! .,p^t1 C lr, 1bavt site led the wn.y towards a broad ( i' t U 1 ti J, 11 111 i1r-r ,alai E,hc rr-.t flesh. I 1 ( n ` Unick, ��. e• or the uk tneadaty in ih ]l ) ) 1 PI + trionvx on, to ctitt tims t u;L they Iiid i with it fast view of the little river nota held) llhr. Then I :took her to ;a and of the 111175 beyond, which would do,etor, :aa1 a.iti10111;11 IAN :trr;atlnrznt:• have been it very rood rh]to for a WA, -s persisted La dor a long t7me (rite school, if it school had born neccke i. ;teemed to ,be g ne.)wicg; worse, tend I "An awfully nice place for it," began to fear she -,vas go}nh into agreed, as site expatiated upon the consumption. Then I took her to at merits of a rising grouxld with dra}n slaecial€st, but his treatment was from the woodrr above. "And it til, likewise unsuce^ssful. Filmlly upon school ever g;ct built, I 'expect there a d Cur 1'ad v friend, a o0 Cha a,dt.ctwill be only One thin,,. 1t will wa.ni. „ prgietisir.;; in Ublen-90, Ile: -tilt", b,gan using Dr. Willia,n)s' Y}nk Pllly, "in(' " Go on, thot (1ht I knots what you are, going to �tiy,' slie said. before long there tvas 1e, decid0d im- in her condition, and by „-Seliolars," I finVhcd, briefly. " ".Choy provalge,nt til'e time she har3. taken tune Motes allss Farington nxlde.d. Culls come," she said confidently, "i She warms once more enjoying the bast had fifteen the thing is properly crgailized," of health and gained rstrongly • ld el h.t. I tvau u in w �, lids riathat Organization was her hobby. If little affair came off, m * library t e fb , S v give advise all Similar sufferers to g Dr. �'illiams' Pink Dills a fair trial, would 'be partly catlil0g;ti(,d and nbe gas her case seemed as hopeless rix paxtly burnt, and To -to would organized into the stable -yard. Still could bat." All weak anal ailing; girls anci we,- I slid not flinch. 11 slunk," Fite said, enthusiastically, men, sufferers from bltekaebe, head- indisposition to work or ex- "shat it would mean 1 To plant the aches, , who show by their pale and ill first footing of knowledge, cfviliza- tion, refinement, among these peas- shattil, i lOf in Chart they ter, in sitall find relief, bright ants I To give thein ryes to i;ee t 11e health, will Irrompt ayes, rosy' ebeeks a,nd atctive beal(th 'i'iPilliams' fink beauty of the mature which surrounds t them I 1'o give. them resources for inl a, lair use, of Dr these pills refined enjoyment Cullen winter ell Laos Pills, You c,'tu obtain from amy medicine dealer or by mail the deer of natnre, to Item, o wider postpaid, r t r,0 rents a box 01' six lily Writing direct to their knowledge. of the world and Bergen 11i101tr teach them Clot boxes for -$`2.150, 'the Dr. wi:llialns' Nuodlolne Company, 1 11rr� slide sinal aitch LP , , if building and RUIrting; this 6011001 Brockville, Ont. Never accept any- thing; else which tt dea•7er play say' were to cost ten thouzaand pounds, I 'i8 „just as good lir i 811011If1 say tI1P money slats been well spent in It, if but one single highland boy Were t;sught to read t" I,ath,er appalled by the thought of the ltin�g,t'hty to which such a bound- less enthusiasm mig'hit carry her, I murmured something to idle ef- feet that it would be rather ex- pensive. Whereat site turned upon me— "And ears you, Mr, 'Maude, who pro- fese to revel in Montaigne and Shake- speare, delight In Charles Lamb mad. Alfred de Vigny, deny such plea- sures to your humble neighbors ?" "But my humble neighbors wouldn't read Shakespeare or Montaigne, nor even Wilkle Collins nor Dumas the Elder. Tk.ey'd red the Bow Bells novelettes. Alad as to teaclxln,g thiem' to ad•nire their own hills, why they Dove them more than• you do, for Nature isn't to them a closed book in winter as it seems to you" I wale on the wrong tack alto- gether, as I felt when by good luck the lady herself brought me to more congest€al ground. "Then I swpposei I musta't expect much helm from you, Mr. Maude," she Bald, rather stiffly. "Yes, you may, indeed, you m,av expect every help," I said, rustling; at the opportunity, and growing hot over it. "It's true I -I don't much care -I mean 1:•m not deeply interested In. Highland children, except I scenery, you know, pictur- esqueness and all that, but-er-but for you -In a plan of your,;, that is to say, I slinuld be dellglited to do wlhatever lay In my power." During this lam -p- performance Mics' Far€ington idctened with a perfecttly stolif] face, but with a laelghttmOd i color which told that she knew, In vulgar parlance, what I was drivdng at. Now thalt I was comIng to the IJo,int, however, s;lie slid not mean to have any "humbugging about." At least, soma such dvtormxnation as that rather than malsden coyness, Seemed to prompt her next speech. "I clo'u't think I quite undereta.nd you, Mr. Maude." This was a chally: -ge. I took it up. "I thank. lfit,s Farington, you must haava noticed my growl,i g interest in "In my plan.~" No, Indeed, i haven't Dris*Vt you reniembr•r your say`•rlg illi) other day that it se.med a pity to writ! gonia drainage and asanitary ret-ulatloas t:potl people who were, never M'."' "I -I only mean that illy interest in you." It wasp the very last way in which I sllouli have, c•hot;e-n Lo introduce a-flovIaration at 1(3ve, but with a girl too mush absorbed da the pro- ga'�re s of humanity to encourage that of the indlvi.lual man, there, 16 noth iri for you, but to take what opea- iii,I you caul get• It wa all right, at any rata, for slit- snl.led and gave nw )ler 11.111:1, the ,glove of which T respectfully kll,.,.-d. nottel,ug at the time that it smelt of treacle, anti wondering hots it hail acquired that partimilar pe rump. It occurred to nlr•, ewPn 'Lv I stood there +ryl,ng to 'think of something to stair, that . the little }toy,; elle hail been teach- ing,; iritst have I+ct•m eating bread cell trraclo, and imparted Its fra- grareo to their less=on -books. "You liavv tiurpr isotl me very much, 111% Mm7ir," Cillo v .i,d. "Are, you (suite sure that 1 ,siusa rve tlils 11a110r';" llerhap; ill(- qct t::sa was not so LnFlncerP as it smmiod to be, for she looked pleased, thous 11 not at all agitated. BilL I L i i:, a l I rra5aured leer with roiiie coavelhtdonal words. that my litalrt would have g;oite out muro to the cuiptiest•headel little font that (ver g.r.g li- d .hurl bluxhe l tilltn to ill:,, most ]ntt ll.g;int anti matteruf-C£tct t1)utt; wo/halo. And I fell to wonl(trl1 .t.; the bpgan t0 walk bael: tit;,: tllcr, why the sen- tim• Ictal .11141 the p.aPLleai were+ rat .11,11%, chili b -d Ill t'1.- foillinitle mind that a g:ri could glow with (lithu- ,lases 'tviJ1r talkink .1%wit dillpra(^ thlatbl" phin�• foe lllnk1;.g I'm- 1114' `ll- bors rillf'unlfortablo an i"listen finite (*0011y to the p opo al to pass her life with til-• ins n I ,4' � hail hale no FmIret of 112ci :; b:-st. I had ail. awk- ward F ,1F.- of net knowing wbat to talk about, sill I ask(kl her how Nile Iikvit Iatrkhall. Slw had evidently c0nsid"red that matt(,r well nlready and was quite, prepared with her a11 wor. "f thins, it only wants the south w1ag radgrd a. story, and the drlltt•ing;.. room onalarg;ed by ta.kins; in that space, between ilia outer wall anti that row of ]dafta and gu,'hler- roses at illy back, to stake it one of ill(, pleasant.>st (..f ill(,- country houses about hire," she replied promptly. I felt it, cold shiver hip my back pvr- cehtlhrh that even my chilly ml.ght lit, already doomed, " Ullt I like It even its It; is b00,111 rc lit is your ho ane," she adders, with it t--;aucll of humlln feeling for tiwhi^h i reit grateful. "Thatlk you," I said, and I took ]ter hand again. I hfsitated ahoul using h -r ClirinLian name, and de- cided mit to. ,,Lucy" seernud such all inappropriate app.-llattiom for lfi-+ Faring,*tins ; site uti,ght at It.a t to Ittve _alt "I , been It,IlrietLa. "I will try to make) you like 'It still more," I Halt], gllieLly anis r'ili- cerely, upon which Ile went th,-• . lonyth or returning the pre.asur0 t:f my fingers on hers. t ' I3• t rl (. c alma •av Bu 1 n at Itt r l= I alit long � f tr t l5 u' z rl h e.ti ) tvc. u � unlllrci dun,. As drett• near Lilt, 5 brims, t f barkhail, mild could vee the i,tabinii and ons, cor- nOr olf the roof of til(, cottage, the stapped sho)•rt and a:,lid peosively ••- I ' i t e often thought, Mr. Maude. what it. pity it is that cottago Should be kept cilipty, twit. ht it I-, ( so nicely furni:.hed too, Your hous - keeper, Mrs. Janet, took ian over it one day." Perhaps it was ang('r at the thought that this yunng lady had mentally' disposed of all my property prematurely, perhaps annoyance that she should havo f intruded In the cottage at all, which helped to attg;nlelit tile. sud- den fury which seized sue at this su estiol. 1 h S le want ate till - aware n an quite awatre of what site had dont `how I was thinking what £a c.11•trining 1 Coll Val esCetlt liotne a place like that would make for poor widgws in re- duced cireum,star.ces, who"• -•- (To be Continued.) lleasoll to be Received. '114 -nits. Mrs. Wederly (unmasking after the fancy ball) -61'i% lett didn't I fool yon, tholigrh. You hats no ideathat you were flirting with your wife all the evening. Mr. Wederly - No, I liaflivt; you were m vhr.v a ;•rviinb!e. I tuns com- pletely deceived. if" ^P CANADA L I I., IN 1THE V—IffELD OF MEDIC"Al. . RE'SEAR" ; William Henry, this Celebrated English Medical Authority, Experiments 61 Himself with Dodd's Kidney fills, and Gives the Results.. ' Englislimkan aria proverbially slow he wag I o troubled with Gravel thea to take up thew things. They cling lie was often unable to follow h.18,13 - to thfl old 1311 tlxe naso Iles been tried � , eraay calling -he could mot stoop art anid tested, till Et has been proven sit, and so could not work: The pains' beyond a doubt that it is sound In In the back and loins were excruclat : its every principle. Ing, • Another marked syln,Iiton was Itwt Once they haive, passed on it, bladder irritation. lie also lead heart+ alnd ,passed favorably, it goes forth ` 1' Via, : "fluttering." lie was depressed, dirit," try Clic world basting a -stamp of �` it^C �y tt •' salsa and subject to bad dreams. $e gonmLne vistas that nathtng else caned /� ; was frequently oppressed by W give it. And trans that time fourth �/ IS drowsiness he could not; throw Off. , that new thing, be it a thought, is S fiabric or a reined7, bears the .hall- �%I,, . ) ,' ' Results Obtained. }i; mark of sterling w'ortb that noth- ,f �, , Re tried all sorts of things for. h' Ing eau destroy.`��'-A'r99� ` trouble, medicines old and meditcine NVIly Canada is Proud. i) �r('r ��' ti new. Some gave hire temporary r:ellef. •. It 5s for Chits; xeaasoal that Clanracla liar dljl V , I'_ e�Gt4t�i. t1, ?'r\� but that was all. Then he tried Dodd's: Iiddney Pitts, and he gives the fallow- ileo cause to ba proud of her ad- "v: ltd( Oa` ' 11 ing results of 11115 experiment ; t viance along the walks at science. I+or &a English one of thm ( t 'w� t �t) �� + " �: / � <1. Before I had finished one box of t. anthorliLy, highest in all n•d, of the 1� �\I Dodd's Kidneyrills I was perfeei:iy V, s hdgluest do tp;e wand, has declared, wort \\\ �,11 �/ fres from uric acid, my water being quite, normal. + ailed drelared as e giAbatically as man �"I cam da it that Dodd's, Kidney Pills, a :.. �"i'.. ' Three doses brought a great Clanad}an discovery, is the one rem- • improvement, though I was extreme- , edy Cleat trr+ars diseased Kidneys as ! 1 ' WILLIAM HENRY. "I v, ly bad before taking the first one. tibos' tahould ba ,treated, and effec- author of "The P,r•rnny -Medical "3. Every one of the symptoms I teal y and permanently cures them. Library. „ have m4ntioneasb awell as the vio- Ali l;,utinent,Authority.ac �5 � B°i(�rtey ret�leely � lent headaches which I had forgot to mention, had disappeared. " :iiiI".tm henry is (thc nta.me of the 1• Though it is now six mobttlld English w0r:nitis't who, makes this would back Dodd's Kidney sdneet I took thei last dose of Dodd's s'rtateale'ltt. Ile is known, respected, Pills acrail' St all the dru-s in Ridney Phlle, there is not now a trace and foll;rwed in tbousancls of British, -' of uric acid in my urine, notwith- home , for as tlaa author of "The the PharnlaCOP.—ia." • etanding; that my diet and mode of Peamy Medical Library" and kindred life are, just the same as they always works bo has talk -ed medical science watehed the working of Dodd's Kid- werel.t, • - t t In slml.l!� words to almost the entire 1 Bri:tis h family. Attu 11 i}iiam henry t ney Pills from a sciontific stand- he What it itbeans. makes tlAs sti tement concern€ng I point, acrd affirms! they are alike right in theory and practice. He T1114 In brief, Is the experience of Dodd's I bIney Pills, Wca.use lie has says of the theory; Will= Really, perhaps, England. tested Axid's Kid*Ley fills tdiorougll- ly, bowtus�e hurt has +•'vee Dodd's Kid- Kidney Therapeutics. g,• gre'a,test and bels -t -known medical au- thorn It y. puts the stamp of genuine l - ,� � < , ney -'ills tll,. Ina:;t tholouoh a.nd I had rR,td one of the Dodds Kid- Ysi 1 worth on Cline a's greatest medical d E7 practical of all tests, lug has used ; ney I'iiis patmplilete, and could tell discovery, Docid's Kidney Pills. This Dodd•, Iid4if for Kid- ; from it that th(lnry Pills llime discoverer of Dodd's adtled to the testimony of the thou- ney Trouble, and lids bi-en cured by ! Kidney P111a had really studied what saiWs; who have been relieved and I them. I I may call Kddnr•y T11erpupeutice. I permanently eared by Dodd's Kidney Nor is this ermin•e-nt Englishman saw that he was on the right track, Pills. must convince even the most mild In hi.; ax1.r.-ssdans of the satis- { cleanse and tone up thr Kidneys, and I skeptical that Canada stands in the facture t. -o feels at -the result pro- ! they will not only get rid of the urde front rank of mcdicill research, and due.^ -I by this rer-dy. "Dodd's Kid- I acid, but will prevc.lt it accumalat- I that chief amung the remedies she rey tlfliy is c• rtainlya wonderful i Ing. That is Ilia a-g;ttnrmt, I talo it, has furnished the world stands that rcotiy, be d�� ru celarr-. is a Kidney i 0.11a it is a sovcltd one. This sound- t sura cure for Rhoumatlem, Bright's remr_-,1;., I would bnek It against all 1 mess Ilse been si.rill;ly proved in my I Disease, Di,'a,bEtes and all other( the arul;s in th:- Phatrinaeapateda" I case," forms of Kidney Complaint, Dodd's t 1i'iff;am Henry, has, of course, , Mr. Ilenry goc-s on to relate show , Kidney Illls4 , A VILLAGE ®f- 'i�'OMEN. I ¢;. M;�,�.�;�•,:^^;;,:^^^^^ + BOOKS OF AN EARLY DATE. . --._. I � Y Tt �J1,�d '31V V3 -(- Dl,serteol by 1 Before ; Bng lis?i Towns Which ai • the :lien Every tiuinini'r. �,,gpppppp 7g�qqFF CCS Abrabatn s Time There Was a Literature of :lluch Value. Dtlydr: tits suulm+.r sled autumn OUR 11RK An American excavating .spelt- ` ))zany of the vild;tgrs dna} totter 4"„„„,4 tin engaged i (y 1 gaged in operations at the . , + - During ser,uas electrical disturb- nrol.a, t I:• l�a,sc?t cuail:t are entfrE.,y g 1 antes in the atm�ra hero it 1s Cysts a p ancient city of Nippur has recantly,l thatrtktei documents altar prove wit1:0 zt t:bl•-iroiicd mon, save, of knowCl that b Cr may bracers ]la2'(1, f ancient Babylon exds-ted in a cour,.-o, for the- prt•:aeivoe Or such milk may g o sour, and heat may fre- literary age, and that there was no: indi;prnsablo p:•r. onager as the quently turn: Considerable specu- "{ lotion has axisdn its to the cause of small amount of culture in that time, of Abraham, the patri.'arch. A 11- .. rv' an. do;`tor nail ow( or two i c i'rg, i,l this c] ingC. It tics been sup br;try of clay books has been found: }Spill, p.'rs. 1 ty Id ^at example is 11.,bat an uzoiiIv ci state of the am which had already bean lost and cove, llu> eIlhq : or '; due to electric ddsolleirge has some- ored by the earth when Abralhamwas[ iT0lle-l)ury�. .,a,lti,o,;1.11 I -o l,t•burt• boa.,t, a Ir'iIJ-, ding; to (lo with it, or that the for- barn. ( ulatloal of cull. t,.. rally uv,:r it th(al- • matlun of trltruua acid Ill t'h•e air They are In the shape of tlzialetso, lanai inl.sbitants, ill,, noart•,st rail-, is rtt©•pansible for t"sl(.+ chtl,llge. It Is, of which it is calculatod there worse w,:y et,l1011, .1,�, lt•t doll and 1111'011, bots ever, not probable tzar the at- more than 100.000. The In"t,�rlp1- ar.: Sl( £Lrly Cite mile :- away, anal from lnvslr "Ve trl,lerl;o(rs any ehPmical ( tions on titan, relate to all the a ori-• slay until LOlvarti tit•- wild of ,p- c llll,ge mirriv!e1ft ta) a('cuunt fur the 1 Otis britnchc.s of kn)tvI dg;e, and lit- t,mb(r fl i� :-ilultly�.1 ti:htge Of Wit- catent tc) nt!ilch certain foods turn( c-rature that wfire Studdctl at the Inon al:,€ rli'klrrn. .his i„ otw:n .; t') Mornuver, ;Ler important t t entity cif , Z 1 � time. '1',11en chi(*f carie,; Of BabY1011106 y tll.t filot th.,A all th( mita, aah.t iu0 t ozono or nitrous acid '1v'ouid be cal- all had tiu�re libraries Of imperlEtt>- U. ill }fit.: Otn•t IU ivars of a -t l . c;)sated to exert a preservative of halri:, ' ) able clary. A cunt ern)v:)raneous, rep- corn til( -dr litdll.:; .u. tiaYallt fr-o t, aF1 h t:a are pulvcrful u,I:tisel� al: t wlt.'Il til.- -t(:Ii1=rU�r ('Uinmi!Il('Pti tiCty Ord Or ;evelits had luno bttcn kept and i l.. y ,-,tri; t-% . , y 1, • tr fur a 1:1•ui 4,- ' It ni;lcc b,x urge,l, again. :shat the an accurate system of dating; sial been invented. „' Fevt rat rlf,l:th. , Ur:atiun. r•srely p;IPnuncnon is tlne to oxidati0i, by :; dna til( it brutes ,,,.••ill till 1£11La' 111('ans Of ozonr, bilt tiris can harm- The dl:wovory of these libraries and ata ill(. nutinall, W be Ilie eity,,. ata -vi/'.tt' Ur flit: large the fact; for wlileh tlivy stand has By the a it -€ of thl'-• 1gontil th r nurd tplairLiti(.;; of 1•(•P_- and mkilthat are .in important bearing cul old testa» flat's whi •11 li., l/, tiv.•iell Tuilm bur, r.:Iurvai in r elarioah t0 the very small ment critidem. and history. It dis- .1:1 th,! rt'•a•I) em tt•:11 b,. '1 rori-A rla:tntity (ie a-utl,t tll.uUi as thunder_ poses once and for all of tIle con - „t' lila nt,s or Itl.•a. ut v I, htc-. tvillt•h ,term prutlaevs. In tills case of meat, - te-r-tion that no written documenta id, up 11,-r,- ror the will-er. whr 11 tiye tat any rat , Li turning; vain scarce- of`ti�le Abrahamic ;ago caul(l have lo: -.1s ar, pA4 u.t .till til,. nh-'n rt. ly b7.* aattril)u.te,i to file action of � dose nded to later times. Ialostine, ill- t ",•' -T tr„, n to t11.- vild::�^^. 1 12 lug; tit,, w r,za)a)_ or oky;tieu. file r.., n„e it; tit that n 1, '1 " a" t f Ila p -r 7 , tva a sort a d()- t, r the ,-taps,- in) tr.e:, o' tate probably due,, not directly to e.wi - pendency or ila.bylon and Abra.hallal pl. Co aro` fl lihn'; hi a•n.-,('1-.-:. (*stor lt'ai c&g,,nt r_r, but purely to a ills- when lie moved westward was slukm, d'. '^'in'” ;'ill tlrrtl;;llt.-^ for .r'�tar-., turb;tn('3 Uf 'uie electric, equilibrluin. t spa g, ply entering another part of the , f "l, w1li,-h I,Itt.`r fir • o. conA d, r- , It 1+ tvv4I kno•tvit tt}t tit tin oppasita Babllonlan empire. Sea even in Ca- :o,l.> value for nwn•li'linr purpo%- - elt.-etricaal state Is set up by insane- naan he was surrounded by tho iri,- It -in of Toll(;•},ury iv. -re among the tr)n, so -Uat an, rleetrical condi- fluences of Ila,bylonian culture. ct'-ty th'it ,"ir Th(+ll.:tH Lipton tuul:; tion of t -he atmosphore ilidae,es Se, ,mother discovery, that of 'dice ;•e:o:s tll.a Ati,nni t0 safe "ltamrocle' si•m.lmr omidition., though cpposdto este of the tower of Isabel, is thought 1, :and is,,vr ral of t11 -nl all take part ire cLwr'aeter, La the objects un the to have been made by a party of In tit.- forth ril i,h;: conte.A. earth. Perswahs nc-ar iv'ttom a flash German excavators. It has usually, I of liglivityllaig 1Xa;ss08 frequently ex- beet, identified with the mount mewl t• • Remember Dates. 11x.} nr'aly to l rrienee a uc vere shock by induc. tion, t'hougll Sia lightning; touches called the Birs�-i-:limrad. But this '1'ir•tt€;s. I thettu; and in ill(, colebr'aaed exper- teat; a mi:;tlake, for the F3'irs-€-�Tirrl� t19E, temple not � '?Via('Ilt'r--In what year was the jtyicypt of t-ialvalll he showed that a Waterloo tolig;ht7 frtL*i; in tilts Izei'+,7117a1`hOUd� Darailon. but D`"bylall, 1)nt of tt1C neighboring g b;:ttl.* of skinna3d town of IorFippn. 'Tile tower aB; l'upii-:-•I rani kltoty. Sof an electrical inaaMile, although e uvil;T- 10t L41111 0 ell( 11-01 if you 1 dead, c111.liltilit vo-avul=.dve movt)nuants 1 was the grerst crit' tw0::I1 l-Urit Iltzty it) cult€vats i every timet L114L a .purl: trlasLlrawn t webel cited to tae)tver attached to t.10 temple a ;trtdii('d,il mernury. Itemember tile' froul the cotl.lu°tar. In the cast) of Biemcroclach In Babylon Itself. These tt., lvc Apu•stles. Acid haiif tlr'at tn)m- milk "turning;' ur or boor "Ilar'dan- e.amty C"rerman PxcavaLors discoven�d 11.1. tc• thAn; th.lt's cight.een. 9u:I-,i itlg or or nl,.aat becouling; talated, the palace of Nebuchadnezzar, in lil+Iy that by 101); that's 1.500. Thkt,, It is probably, t1wr. fore, tin in- which, Alexan4er tbo Oreat dieil. t4:.- twrlve apoAtas llgain; a(Id a' istan o of rli;nienl convilsion or, it to them; l t0 A S1LitPi£ISI3D $'lIYSI! IAIM'. rla:',1'ter Or thoir number may be, Of a d-t'lmullls gn,crl th t':!' fi.t,+,'11..1dd what , oil t e got; WiAcr:ologiiml ,;I,--, licit -44 sf-t ill) by 1i I) d 1 + 3tccovels Ihloughth6 3 z .• :t'.s stll.l. 7'71at s aha (dot•-. , un clpp J�ltr. (lr:`tri: t Onlitiun in- iulpl", yoyt t?Pe- to recta uill r e..u:-,v d by the (.];:turbo,€ electrical ,,i'altif<ilt Tvltt rlac),ition of IYtltntblc Uer111att t;c-d::t ., t.,:a if you tw111 Only a(lopt my : f -tats' of the ainiosp?hPro. Although Chicago, Nov. 18. 1t ("•clarr(b are ut marked i ur- Some weeks ago !mg ft I liundcratorm, t•et undoubtt:d- I rc at,Lbie and widt-ly -known pity&i•- A i.l'rTLE, TVRANT. ' ly they occur at other tinhes, though ci:zn, living oil 4'•---- s,r( et, was called I rot t0 tiv; allio d, g;'i',`t-, tth'l1 there • to attend a very complicated canals of __ " i ill Ito )lpparchlt eat('til,- (.I::tUrb.Ince. 1t11ctlniAZI. 111. 1.1)olh arriving at thel c • - ' <n• l C - < "III- v lt3 e r . ns tilt' 1 ( < _l. )Ica rut (.t .n tilt a h '1•tic Trouble'Not I➢Ile t) ) u y house, leo faun . t t a .a Iu,i 1 about fortr! I 1 , t fi i I',- may e�.hi i n the Ili )tOz ).it. nl b 1 I• �tensiuil. years of ago, t Iwi.1l•" ill 1L rosiratte h � P teeth- like cies 1 The 'l�h'cre is 110 tyrant 1 , . i(tertlblE- .:1:-cti•ic:aI dsn't duc to , tLIIfi 6'FriUut; CUI3LtLtiOIJ, with stir whole ing; baby. Ills temper i el(tttro-supe constantly ::haws that ':£a Iramo darge-rou.-iy aff(.cted with original Erin, h0tvever ; the t, -rant Poildneting; pont elE,:vo,t •d in th.t * 1 the, p�ainfud disease. Ile prescribed for suffers more th;Ltl trite CA of the : ads iti taking a a poAtivo charg+,"e tIlf- patient, but the Iivul Continue(I fllmdl,-. Ile don't know what is,, (a:; a Tsui;) of electricity, , the tensi()n 'to grow iv ur,se, :srd oil Sunda: even- �. y . „ ,Ile matter. qhc,• do. 1"<1e. tr(rablt. ,siting.; tt•il11 ill,- 1z ls;ht c)C the I)c:iut. I.r,E; he Cystis futuhd to be in 11 very-•( 17s they do not altva,t•s know what Tllisl e :',-cA fn,'r,':le,es towant day- alarming; condluon. The knees and O^d';lti i. An Ontario' •t,. t() do ffrr iti:, i ] brc:Ik until it ) .ac hrx. a tulislmum, ell,otvs ; ni lar, +r jnirabi were g;reattr another tvritr):1 to tell twllaLt ]S befit i ,`onle hours aft"i, s-unrdse. It t:holl ittfln.me(1, aitd could not be moved It to do. ',NVItrn my baby was teeth-, dimild,hes until it is woakest, a f,:�!vv was only with. (rxtreine difflenity s do;,r shO says, zEl tvta 80 crossUb Cleisis lI:'rt)r(t sunset, when again it that t]try patient could be turned 'iti and restless that I hardly knew j rlypt alli attain:; a s-cond maxiulnut i beat, with the add of three or fouls tvllt'at to dp with him. lie litada' value some. Muria ,after sunset. the but little, �, persons. The, weight of the clothing poor appetite, and ate ,",end minimum occurring; before wits so painful that meads had to be Ila - a.nd wa i; growing thin. I got a bolt ci:t,btenk. Tlterr, are, acrording;ly, adopted to keep it irollu rho patielit°rtlg of Baby's Own Tablets, and thr 1 i (opnstant chang, s or clrctr:oal tell- bodyt. , made a. great eliang;e. Ile now rents C ion going on, cllang^s, howevor, Tile doctor saw. that bis. assistance welt, leas a s1)lendicl appetite, ted !ablest Ilse more raphtd and much mire would be of no avail, itnd left "dila 7 Y • alV' Thisthunderstorm tr 11b1e fat 1I give,; 1110 no a g:9l • .r s t d c during ato i marked dl „f ri)l '' t tsc 110 e t 'r m t the of ti curls Is Cllr, experience not only of ;\Its. tt•i11(tlV are qu'te powrxRll anous;h to i following flim to tho door, tyeepin�;. 1). X. Schroeder, of Ilanover, Ont., exert an .evil Influence on evrttdn I Almost immenlintcly the grief Stricken, but also of thousands of mothers aril,alerl of Poor or drink suserptlbie ' oilers were, atddrr.�svd by rill humble all over the Dominion. A baby to change, notably mt-at, milk, and German Ile had hrard of tete deppaffir teethi}lg is cross because his blood b1 or or oilier', of the f,:.mily, a•nd'nott 'ISiied them is h(:atecd and his little bolrels eon- Thera is no dorbt that ill(', unfavor- to try lits r(•mmly, inial noecordingiy stipated or unhealthily relaxed, nblo effects on the fceiing of well- brought forth . bottle, 0f ;;t. 7acoba a.nd his system heated by the -tf- bvbw et,I) rden o;l by many indivl]u.- Oil. The poor tt•ife applied this assns+ fort of getting; the teeth through Illi, ,nah as hea(laelhc and oppr..sslon I 1 rc'<„ The first r))nlicatiOn eased the, e ' Tablets act till. gumJ,. I3ab, s t)tc.n 'C< t •v ), ddstrv6s o❑ tho advent and r.ct e,1.. , • ),.ti^nt vc.'ry touch : after a.1t, iso 1 I tt urs like nla,gf(a not only in ill:,;, but In of a, thunder tOrin, have 11 similar they used it t)glain, and, wonder of a,il aliments of little ones. Sold by I foumration, anti arc clue to tltera.rnd+ I. w01KI(TS, tIM 1v.,in v11114hetl rntirelq B druggists or stmt post paid at aa' hlectritcai lallf('rrttre,> Of p:)tendlal, Every vilbgrquont Ispplica.'t11t}l7 lista-. cents a box 1i' writing direct to tht, effects pa,":;ing, away ails tIv, (As- I+ proved 1 1m pnd:1111, 1111(1 In ttvU tiny" tiro Dr. i\'lll4171191 1f(lalicl'ne CO., tur'bed condli1ilt OC the atntoapltero, It(" wells; weal nnvl ont. 1,'t'holl th.f (foo- . 73 SOckville Cent• Or �liCi1(,neCta(ly, , , + n s • Or the (R'tOrt21, SUJSItIeB,-•-r,!11tua:�1,0 , . o, ,. tar t)a,ll[d. a f1+rt t..lti.i after, I7 E1 tvit� I Y. �a:ncet. ID40scl sitrlr. i:srd. r. x