The Herald, 1902-11-28, Page 6F,', 11 ,, 1 ...........- - S IDOUKHOBOI� WOMEN RE WelcomeItettarn of ]i;ten whose Ab- . 101JR MASKED ROBBER . sence Cooled Their Ardor. tivInnipeg despatch' : Immigra- Te` tion Officer Roy, w,ho assisted in driving the Dtoukhobors back to their :,., . . HELD UP villages, arrived in Winnipeg yester- EV day, and says there was great re- , - -- ( joiciag on the return of the Doukllo- q}� �} I boo mean. 'Zile women since being 'll;li� ��..<ss else jge rough"" One own I separated from the men, appear to year Have cooled in their frantic ardor PW ��� �� Others ����r and are quite oomtented to remain it vv. at home. The leaders were still pos- andsinldad,,CoU.,Nlov.,Zij-_ 'our mask- baggage car and attaching a fuse, sassed of their crazy notions,. blit bawl lost their hold on, their foilow- sabekobbers held up a passenger train I ordered the engineer to Ignite the I ems, Mr. 1'w des not' believe that fuse, Ile attempted to do so several y Althe Colorado & Southern road, 12 I time�si but the fuse would not burn, the leaders, ''however enthusiastic, advres south of here, last night. One of 1 Dring this proceeding the robbers i carr again incite the colonies to con- fot•rrobbers was shot by express incl- 1 kept tip a fusillade of shots in the + centra.te, their inhabitants in anoth- sue ger Sherwick, of Fort Worth, ? direction of the train to intimidateor crazy mission. James T. Richard e the passiongeral I son, of Yorkton, discussing the ro- be xas. c while preparations were being i cent trouble, said: "Pamphlets eeT,he robbers flagged tyle train. As it ' mride to fix the fuse, Messenger Sher-, written in the United States by Rus- Ciu:e,d up they rain alongside the en -1 wick extinguished the lights in his sian agitators possessed Of Utopian bene and covered the crew with re- car' quietly opened: a side door and ideas, started the movement, and the of fired at the nsearest robber, The latteli fanatical notions advanced were njllvers. They then compelled the en- i fell In bis tracks. ilia startled com- fanned by their "Jolid the B.%ptlst" peer to alight, and, after placing a pinions picked him up and fled. A' and other misguided leaders." 5 o k filled with dynamite under the i posse is now in parsuitl. tai H ti( IN Q��@��"yy•,,__py�E SC�11 1ELT [C l[ r L[ 0[j C1111iJtS' TpIrd,he,,EAairLYCltlste7llaveBeenOntheTrail evil of'the President for Some Time. co> • New York, Nov. :•i. -Mrs. L. Dax- • Morris Compromises With ,,monstration of the Sulphur- heimer, of !Hoboken, is reported: to' E.' ia'iCe related a story of aallagaa An- His Pursuers, Lime Treatment, aicL st piottings againot tlis life of ^_ x� President Roo,rovelt. According to I ' Mrs. Doxleeimer there have baen in A CRiME OF TEN YEARS AGO -OO RESULTS FROM ITS USE i the last fowteen months three per - j: I ,eons as.rAgneo. to the task of "re- I Rossland, B. C., Nov. 24:; -An in- t. Call rines report: A prat- v teresting stage has been reached in to al orchara demonstration here `moving the rresident. One of I the action of the fidelity Casualty Caday was the official introduc- I. these, a Fremliman, named Melov, Company of New York, vs. C. A. n to Ontario fruit growers of I she, perst;nded -to return to Paris, Hinckley, otherwise known as C. S. 11etpechutor Geo. T. Fisher's new: lime-' whore he was killed by a streetcar. Morris, the man who absconded from Brpr remedy for the San Jose p Shur professes to believe t'h'at he hurt New York ten years ago with $90; thele. So interested in it were the t 11i,s if in th'e w.ty of death In or- 000 belonging to the West Side INa- tt growers that probably one • tionat Bank of the metropol}s. The SColdred men of ,this vicinity visited'{ der to spare his relatives the hanill- matter became a cause celebre Archibald's farm on Lake street ! fation of regardity;, hlu4 as a suicide. through the efforts of the United ne ;Ing *he day and watched the. Next, according to Mrs. Dosheimer, States autisoritles to secure it£orris, Ioas stages of the process. The tato assaseln's task was assigned arrest and punishment. He escaped selDvinclal and Dominion Depart- to, a man named Mueller, living in scot free, however, the extradition nts of Agriculture were respect- f ;his city, wli'o a 'acv days later arrangements not applying to his LVIlly represented by lir. George C. 1 ;•ied of poison, self-administered. case. n belman, Secretary of the On- i .Pie last of the three designated for The situation de-rmoped at that ,io Fruit Growers' Association, 1 the mt r icrous work, Dir&. lloxiielmer time resulted in amendments to the '! :lir: Alex. McNeill, of SVAIker- : alleges, was a grs: St hroerer, of Har -'Extradition Act, whereby sltnllar thee, Dominion-Fru:�t Inspector. I lcm, who also ended Iter lie by means offences were made extraditable. htln arriving, Lhe vL�itors found';. of poison. r :lir.. Doxiv liuvr asserts Morris lived in Toronto, Rat Port - or yr the :Archibald house aline of i that ninon!, the plottvr� were several age, and latierly in Boundary, where e miliiounires. II•,r c once tion of what lie speculated in real estate sand min- , b jh•e barrel:, from which sulphur 3 cconstiti.tes a n:dhonnirc is indicated Ing property. Tile fidelity Casualty tiCles iseued, envelopin!- men who by 1wr �tatcaserst that Lheae men propie were on Ills boaads for r12: 1 re stirring the litiuids in a man- ; "ownc,I hos:srb," Mre. Doxheilner says 000, and, halving been compelled to 1 451�very suggestive of the vwitches' 4 that ricent.ly ,she has been Uncder deliver this sum to the West fiide I ildrons in "Faust." Ar one and i sUeplolon of her fo:•ninr Anarchlitle Bank, entered the action to recover gtlod an ordinary titreshtne all- , ti:,rO:'dat, s. an -I that tliry li;Lvc fol- ilia amount, with ten ye<trs' inter - a e, from which ran two plp-zs�, t towo<1 lv� r ;incl Icer lit,sband about est, frons FIineldry, which name was tying respectively steam and I from 1%zei> to pfac", so tllast they adopted by Morris under the Brit - d water to each of the barrel:. I hit%, t•, q:.irotd t!lo protection or ole- ish flair. The Casa has been proceed- l.. r. Fivher explained that Ills for-: tr tivc,:4. TI e I'cv. Charles' L. Dleade, int; for several montlis, but notion a was one proud of eluleniime Mti, 1`O il, iter' p 1s tor, %till mnL•-o is row suspended, pending a settle- Wone-half (sound of ,-ulpilur in one : no tatolu, nt rcg.:r•:hs„ the so -call- meat, wherol)y. it Js stated, the Inlon of water. The barrels were � .a confe.•elon. ti Guarantee Coniphin,y will secure the & Cquarter ""'cc' at first, the full amount of its claim. of the water dropping in ,lour-- - P;to keep the effervescent lime so- -1 -s T 1 Factor in Mining Affairs. cn from boiling over. Th:a ••cool.-, TE?I<CHII O FARMI:m O TO IRISH , , , i34- C. A. FIin.LIr;v. known on this sic,, process goes on for two hears, I , of the line as C. \Iorrls, has bPru the end of which time the ld-' UducationalScheine Taken Up ATitla a familiar [Ig;ure in ii'estern Canada Throughout m st I �tl., u be used, within, b<..y, 1i3 r I:Irtiitreiitisni +!iron„luaus Country. for Nosnr yt,:lrs. ITurinr, the Lake a r '10 hours, for when it couls it • the floods mining; booth of the late I •b.useless for spraying purposes. Dublin, Nov. '21. -The educational ,Ws lie was a prominent citizen r) 7. r of Fiber said lie had sacured the schemes of they Department of Ag;rl- Rat rortarr. was there engagc,ai :n ,t results from using; it In April. I culture and eemiloal Instruction mining operations. waft fa fat's i,>., ti's remedy had been found succc-,s- T are b°ging taken up throughout the secretary anti :ieneral manager of I In California, from which lie do_ country with most encouraging en- the local mining bureau. Later, he ''d his suggestlons, but the ex- thuFlasm. At tho prevent timo the followed the mineral development l . itinerant instr tic s+ > p Imentallsty of the Eastern { uc Ili .homes are in west to British Columbia. Ptes had not yet adopted it, un- iI operation 1n clultc a number of Irie h ti the impression that the rainfall i counties, en(' ser anal others .ire on . their districts was too heavy., the lookout for ellgible candidates I's, Mr. Fisher thought,, was for these appointments, but the WEI to be fo nndationless, in view number available !s un.ortunately so COMER10 + the success which had attended 1!m:ted that many counties are un - a1 Ontario experiments. Further- ablor to olitain Fultable men. The con-; C?e, Dr. L. Ci. Hoirard, the E:1to- sequence is that the officials of the ogist oP the �niteei 5tati~ez }.>,;- d pertinent are beim, obliged to in- tt t.ment pt Agriculture, had bias- I `111. varia)us C'oanty Councils to post- New Discovery in Connection tltliat the ra=inedy had bcrern u•ce3 ono making appointments of Miner- r trees continua lay for ten or int in_tr,r,.tors iiwil nr-xt year, P ith S31t Elixir, acts y°ears with tine best Iesult5. whin a rp tial b:itch of -% men<l ' who aro ;it prosont being trained , I'it,7ser thought the sulphur- at the Co!Irgte o[ cci^nee, Dublin, will de preparationocoald be prepared, in all probability have acquired the , he :vas preparing it, ar a cost j necessary diplomas to enable them EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS. 11,11 cents a gallons, compared 1 to act as lecturers and denionstra- a Sh 10 cents a ,gallon for the i tors; but so keen is the demand for Chicago, Nov, `wI.-A neve .ldr•emvey lila-oil soap misturc. or thefor-instruction that ev(,n in the face of in rela.ti.)n to tare prolonging of life �1, Ills plant wo+ilei prepare :.,000 this dearth of sultable men the Coun- has just been announced by i'rof, on aday,which, wit's .1tv pampf ty Councils of Wicklon- Donegal, I , Jac nes ' ••v y , •° t , f Tach of lige Lt,i orb,, v o I ,c1 Loc,b, ct cover 1: Ordinary • <ac -• ... •tai .000 o d lacy ilk h Xing's Ceannty, and others are ad- es. Bc'Sddes, witliout :lespisang I vertising for candidates sulted to value of other tried remedies, ii pet as instructors. Cjlicaog While the bms w- trtor is prrisarl-, to . Flt, her :declared the sulphur- I -- i take a Ixnsitioal at tltc Utrlvcrslty of le prepa rilon to bib the safest, i , Tl r'Q I�tOIw 3 BAIWt1ITs I Cf lifotnia, Prof. Luab and isi,,, c„ -r s far' as 1 1„iA y to trec:a was con- II red, tho Chca.perat sad the most o r ctetrtiwts jsavc shod a iii vv h;;ht letive lie had yet leen. ` _ Ion the Iirtri;l••.rn vvhlrh lsa occnpl..d D$ rel r inar ` r • ' t iter dingier tate visitors mala a eyed F;xtramd y ric %c la � I101elino* tjle jiloi;lgisi, fcir yr•,aa•,s. ,Salt and j ".r of the orchard ill which the ,., Up a Gambling I:toom. J eying was bdzig, Clone with an'Minnt.apolis, report : Two bandits � iv:Lter, site "elixir of llf. ,'' vi .,c uv,•red .inary spray pump. Sonic trees 'hrtlda n1) a gambliz,g;-rocsm in �, the! Col- liy Dr. Loeb iwo ,oa ,; ago .ti? be aged last spring; with whale•o!l elficicnt in tntlkill& tilrtl•,,' loam& p wore seen to be still rather ttmLiL 11ni;1tta;Ia..t night andsacro 3 beat a ai;t with rytlsui o tilrub,: as ily affected with the scale, while ?2, 11.3 frasn slit r ✓oro of i)1.,vers !&cert; f01110 to be a 1) a v :rflll re,t}l„ra- ilYe next row where the iime and and proprietor% Tlt-iy wountled Ilar- tivo for dying mamluala, and the •% Iihur had been used at the cams•: wry 1`toward, the na ro porter. Bach li;lentlst is a st(.p lrrarer t:,:v.a.°cis to there was a considerably het- I robber used a (lark -colored handki!r- the gotta of prolungilsg; human life Ehowitig;, ,though still s..f some eI.Ito 1,111c.I the lower part of his it:sdefltiltel3. Ile, and the bark of the tree i face. Zwre are tw r entrances to Experiments Made lit University. sed more healthy. 11r. Archibald '14c place, and, the, 1):tnrlits appearing 'pilo (xI)crisuerl,ts. of vvlli,ch Dr. L:.,cb1 Q :Ile trees treater! %with file cr door, ordered ilia men to tcnld3tia class vvar.-made;,bk .ic;;i;e:cert fitter remetly bore one. -third more bole! up t}u•ir hands. The ;,caro of I'xotesso I. vvvrcl I'- Lyons A tile' fit than those on which the soap plas,•trs and attendants were then I.aboratorfea at tli,* univemis,•. `;t•Isile usr.d trills year. allgnrxl on one tilde of the room, and Dr. Lyons expi;ri•mcnts .vvar c;lir ed l.r. Y Isher, the Ingpcetor, t'xpiainnd } wntlt tho bandit lr±acler kept thein O1s w til tine id: a. of a,,•,c,�rt,ll,ull•- ilia work, and while not declaring; ' coverml with Ilia ri4vo,ver, Isis as- properties of solutlons of 1,odiui l and C remedy perfect, stated his ba- l slstant rifled lsocke.s and tills. e,a.lclum ala a Ii;