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The Herald, 1902-11-21, Page 6
DAMER .DOUKHOBORS GOING HOME. KAISER A Ct ACK SHOT, • 9 a 6o.ene Have lklresicly ley's ted 'CEaeil i'ia<l tai hint s C=frrur ;lie Shoots (ztlirze COAL O� SASE, 9 'Villa„;es-:C2x•. l�edley'sle*pq['t. it Sltrailrtu�;hlana, Ily, IS;' M"In'ttir'eg•, Nov, 17-Yarkton des. Sancirilmisarn, England, Nov. 17.- fov�'iBY i Ch ��� � A patches state that too women and pro ees 17711 lots to-day proved ilia children of lite paukhobors 1'eft there SENT to-day for their homes, and 110 fur- prowess itis rt crack shot, Clad k a !lIJJI WASHIMTON, light green hunting s'uLL•, Ile kept BERMS' Q ther trouble is expected for the three loader.4 busier than they had rear pttld - Present. Frani Pedley, Superintend- ever been in their i[t'es. Iiizag Ldty ted, -- paper is of ent of Immigration, has returned to the Prince of Wales, Count Wolf f-Alet- A(ttvill Ile+ i filo city from Yorkton. When clues- iernauh, the German Ambassador, and ]Rodd arre� man Government Empowered , boned as to where tiie Douk~hobors the other- meaubers of the shooting • d s mwhen?aAs Wd�� Under N® Condition I��ec�g , ' were at presents h e Pedley said , party ;l you sampan , but p twice a0. �` a e "Sorts of them have already reached ma a•i gout] shots, sadvert', Hiatus ilhe:tsants fell to Emperor a for Ar ��e � ���� ionm their PL11a.(�"('S. :aeUrdillg to a, tele Willia-ta's gun as to those of the ���� R�� Workers' 21 g i r kers Federation each r gram, I received this morning the oth- o'there, •<auch ( I ers are making their way back to The large, crowds who had come to ty, be ab! (Mete tillages as fast as possibls?." witrleso to-d.-.y's drl e, which was the by eenteasures Aimed at the United States, Whose Authorities are Accused of r by one arranged for the copal `SS hat has become of /.ebrorlf, John visit, had tin excellent view of the Cr Sharp Practices Against German Goods-Strong language in the the Baptist, and the others,T1 spoil lard as hire] after bird dropped , at'be t "They are on tilt: way back to their before the unerring ter i r the Der- Statement of the Operators Side-Says 8o Per Cent. of the rien Were Ger- of Reichstag flet by Arguments Against the Adoption of `chat Pian 'of respective homes," man Emperor tile spectators openly Opposed to Strlking=Difference in Bituminous and Anthracite Mines w in! Meeting lJnited States Regulations-The [3]11 to be Pressed. `'Do you think til;it this movement rxpressr.d their astonishment and ad- , Ie !amongst the Doukhobors is note de'fl- mlrcation, much to the Emperor's ®salt With-Wages Said to be as High as in Other Similar Occupa- 5 ; Madrid, Not^: 17;-:1 despatch re- voice was in east accord with the nitely broken up T' amuseanent: '.Clic day's bag was one of tions-Oliphant Complains of Men Refusingto Work Over Six Hours to aeived here from Tetuan theGerul�seller's books, and drat in- + "As to that: I cannot sayoil; one call the biggest orecords ' sea- au stead of the ,goods being undervalued never prophesy as to what these fel- and Taking Holidays Whenever They ]lice. tipart town of Morocco, Wherethe t,h,e books showed that shipments lows are going to do or not do. All I SAN JOSE SCALE REMEDIES. la Kaby4e tribesmen, have• mebelled in Washington, Del , Nosy, Lac TMe reply work but six. Hours a day and take head been made to India at still know i9 that the Pilgrims all be numerous holida q}a0119equence, of the refusal of Yoslrer prices." Dr. L'rumer further back in their' settlements within a Coin onission's Suggestions fol• De- for the Delaware, Lackawanna Bt- holidays without the con- Dr. local (Governor to liberate asserted that the customs officials, day or so, and I think tiles- will stay strlaciLan of Orchard Pest. Western R. R. CO. to Piesident _lilt- sent or approval of this respondent, e+ treatment wus dictated by the in- there for -tile twrnter. Their expert_ and their earnings by hours of actual is certain Iiabyiev, including the mur- terests of the home manufacturers. este of the last week or so has The report of the Scan Jose scale shells statement to the anthracite work are, therefore, much higher G Zeror of an Englishman, shows that He continued: "It is said that we taught them. that there is nothing to c61nimission ;with reference to the coal commission, was made public than those is any similar .employ- 'a Oe situation has grown, more serf- must not offend the United States, be gained by wandering around,the recent experiments by Inspector to-day. It is signed by President m+ent. It' but; the will respect us more, and countryat this time of the year. p p r .Denials are made of all allegations + ous A body of armed Tetuanites has y v Y" Fisher, near Grimsby, has been re- is W. H• Truesdale. It says the com- relative to the demand for shorter we shalt gain mare by showing our pally owns 5 anthracite collier- hours, and it is couteuded that such -been defeated in a fight with the teeth than by always giving pleas- ceived by Hon. John Dryden. '.the rebels and compelled to retreat to ant words•" commissioners are Dr. James Mills, !es, and employs 1`.:;000 workmen a reduction necessarily Would In- "be to,vn. "be rebels tyre encamped y 1 , � MOLINEUXNS HQUITTE9 p g, crease the price of coal. While ad- 108Ma trio aeril ,Priendshi a. of Guei li, IT, Ff• Bunting, of St. in this branch. AIr. Truesdale, like mi'tting that the mino owners sell Iruan. ,half an hour es is from Herr Goth'ein, radical Liberal, (Catharines, and John Dearness, of Air: Baer, objects to making the their coal b the ton, he slays that (l+etuan. where all business is suer- , y Ypended. In Madrid the position of the replied tiYat such words ;were no + London, as briefly intimated some recognition of the union one of the the coal thus sold is a very differ- �4"rzrzropeansr at Tetuan is considered fitting epilogue to the sentiments t issues to be considered b the cam- est article from that taken out of i to be mo3f expressed by Count Rosadowsk •, End of the clays ago, express great satisf ac- Y 'grave. The newspapers p � Famous • Poison the mints. Hence he argues against the Home Secretary, in the ares- . tion at the results achieved by bio•. mission, saying that in tie proper- the change from the (comment on Spain's continued i11- i g present Sort ne as again +etidenced by the encs of tile foreign Secretary' PaCka 8 CiaSB, sltion made by the company p 1.l g g Fisher. One remedy, the kerosene pany for system of Payment to 'that of 1.,fact that the country is-vithoaL• a Baron Von R clrthoff, at Ambas- emulsion, is intended for use in the arbitration, one of the express paying by the ton. President 011- 1 c Cabinet at the time of such an !m- sador 'White's farewell dinner. ! summer-July, August and Septem_ pliant also takes exception to the Tifey make a discord,' he con- ! ber-wbon the leaves are on, and conditions was that the findlmgs of proposition to arbitrate the Portant crisis. , question tlaued, "among the wishes spoken the other, the mixture of lime and the commission should govern the or the recognition of the Miners' To Guard British Interests. there for friend] relations with WAS A SENSATIONAL TRIAL, conditions of employment between Undon. This � Nov. sulphur, is intended for winter, in� position is taken an the Gibraltar, i\17.-- The British the United States. Why empower March or April, when tate trees :are it and its employees. He adds, "Tills ground that the organization seeks cruisers Furious, Pactolus and, Pro- the government to do something it New York, NOT. 17,-T.his afternoon bare. In each case several differ- company unequivocally asserts that to control the entire fuel supply of methene have sailed from here for sloes not want to do? Although the the jury in the Alolltteux case return- ent' trials were made, by varying it will under no coudirian recon- the country l that nc the union is Tetuaa. Morocco. present government would not ap- ed a verdict or " Not guilty." The the proportions of the ingredients. , , >b nrzitzcabinding d it !s incapable of mak - German • heady for Tariff War. ply the paragraph, some succeed- � size t e ass into any agreement in!g a binding contract, and that the 3accused was dlsclear ed, tied:! walked `-Che commissioners, however, found Berlin- Noss••. 17.-- 'Tile Reichstag ing government might commit such g t-iLh' the association known as the association Ila$ not shown its ability g out of the court room with his, the following to fiIs e the best re- United Aline Workers of America or to-day adopted by 13'3 to '71 votes :a fatly. Retaliatory duties ales the sults: For hummer, one past of any branch thereof. Dior will it to control sts own matters. Ho says the paragraph of ttte new tariff bili wea•por of �Chauvinlsm and not of father, General AI.,liueux, the crated coal oil ter .i� parts of water, , his company has no desire to dis- authorizin the Government to re- patriotism:' !• permit said association or its offi- criminate against members of the 6 following t rem and cheering heartily. emulsified with whale oil soap, In cern to dictate the terms and eon- ; „talia•te on any. country dizariminat- Herr Fiseliback, Radical, said all Gen. Aloiincux. when asked for an the proportion of one-Yialf union. ing against German goods. Tile Ag- the Chambers of Commerce were bound duct it under n'lilcla it silo]! sou- , •rarlans openly affirmed that it was apposed to a tariff war with the expression or opinion on the verdict, per gallon of ail. :]least etlually duet its business." Fowler ill Fowler Strain. Food treat helve been emulsion Rtferrin to the recent strike, Prestdeht T. P. Fowler speaks for necessary to arm the Government United States, wrote and signed for all }rts reporter from treatment swill( an emulsion _lir. True.,;dale says that lie is relia- the Scranton Coal Company and tine with (weapons for reprisal, t;speelal- herr Broramel, Radical, remarked friends the following : of crude petroleum, bly .informed that b0 per cent, of Elkhill Coal and Iron Company. He !y against: the United States sus- that It Germany adopted r•etalla- "'fixe struggle is o'er, the battle The best mixture found for the toms practices. Dr. Drumer, Na- tory measures against the United "g winter was .10 its employees were opposed to tits -1,-Qs they thousand ten collieries and tional Liberal, related an instance States oda account of regulations done, pound, of ]Inas, with strike, but were forest] to ruler employ fir© thousand men. He asserts t g ' 1G pounds of sulphur, rn :rater upon it by a majority t *> earned ". whit]] he said $'00,000 worth which appliecx to the gootls of all And might has Wst, but right leas ;ttfficlettt to make a Iota! of :30' J' s•lul of the the anthrac to plucotworkers Is less ` rnurc (workers in ot]tr�r Sil;lds. lir. I of enamelled were orderer] in countries, 1t Would be a serious won." gallons. In Concluding their report Truesdaic follows cto;ely the lines than that paid to workers in othor Germany for New York, but the breach of the eXisLing treaties. From the Crind.'al Court building tite conrrni.•Ioreers congratulate 1.110. or .lir. Baer's argument as to the employment, it is because ,they fix aspeaker asset the theted customsoff!- C The Associated Press !s authortr.- M rlineut vronlit to the: city prison for At[nislPr of , 1grlcullure tail the re- d1..:ienllarlty between the work in their own bourn of labor and tiro " cation at rt to l :tnno,l(l a that the :St[r]ides some of Itis beloiigingn. In sinking Ills cult. of tltP...o expOrimontti, and the anthracite mina. and that in aa,nuuitt of their earnings without any who Instance of the 1nre.rlenn trust, 11nH> not ttneicled to leap the Lai- way to )its old cull, and thence 'ter e-xpr"s the hope that by tlic'irOWl- bituminous mines. Ile declareK that rvgard to then interet,is or wiAios of whereupon elle few York importer LFf irii4, ai; pulail�hcyd in Condor►. b tiaued use crone year to yrsar the it !. lmpra.sFLalc'a to :tthtpL a uniform their csmplcoyer,,, and In total disre- + canceller the order.° It teas ]tett L:, el-+terenhwd to iso front entrtiiice, he traveracki a „ pei•.Ist nretLl contsldetablo portion, yr hath thtr old PrOvItIPe rutty be rld of tlaC scale rate to L.c retic] to t1c iliiners icor ford 1.v the r°arrrLngs and welfare of proven," tiles rffic alseAker continued, to tilt cliesolutinti of t1tO Reichstag in and tho new Iii ion:, anti everywhere k'0. ai rhtort time. a unit of ectal. mincel at all mien;:,, +ewe ry other claRs of employees." .the customs Officials that (lite in- June. lie went the news of Ills acquittal "'"' -` '' -- Thr, declaration i; m;tde that tine � IIs{ declares that tilt- zuen in the preccled lilm anti tiro prisoners cheer- anthracite mines as a rule do imt t mine . dv not ,vt�rk to exohed four cal hitter. Ile e en wettt through thP. MIGSTON Ifir work ere; many ]tours a day* •1.s riq;r,l• live Iiourt; a day. All other URg LARS E � ( r -women's departni^11t, wileru there E 1.1 PUNT the 2,iturnlrlotzs miners, (tali( fit•? cisnrb: � maxis by Mr. 3titellrli are �w t� TOWN. were many who, cheered hire. Moil- Opinion Is a.dva'rleed that 1.f Iliv, cutnbatted, and on tho question of e SIOUX, accoinparlml by GPs. Alulinaux, wages of the anthracite ininer. `loll : nsiners' unions, Mr. I'ot;"lPr rays: "le o u argil two of his a,ttorirrys, entored been less than that of other work • tinny that agrounzr'ntiv between em- a, earringe ani] were driven away, ingmrn, they trquhl hsicP, round ,rm- ' pk wers anal P111PIO cses through work- r about 3.0CG pemonns, checring and .00tIlil�ihV Works to " play tnrsnt el.osrleere, which tile., .Ii:i i ii•ginen'o organizations are beneficial The. Marshal Was Sect Down and One rlerSuting, surrt an din}; they marriage rot da. , rend successful Ili the bitumilious cosi! .tnrl greatly d, l 1ylag W; dvparture. Fit-moved t0 Montreal. fir•ltl;a err elsewhitre ,anti assert that t y g, {� �follneux way: eharg.~d with st>ndl+rg 011ptiatn*:r i.rltly, I.M.;v ouch agree>1nr_rtt as a method of G�"� � '��� � Off a rack-ago of ,Irtaii;ou, mrd yr tile+ suis �- Pre�le3rnt Oliphant, of the Delaware 1•c-gulating production would be and S IIud.<ort Company, Ile Isis reply df- rr N Injurious to the best interests of <w, a+ cure for omit],, to a former nial.* _- E ;- «- s• t 1 rlHi1>•.: (]oriel tit+- twa;r•s pate] by ills c tile-, ],shite.,, Elyrta, Ohio, .r,r. 17I.--Mi rshal r..ird, who had rneanthav arrive±(] friend, with whow he bad quat•relte,l. LABOR TROUBLES CHIEF CAUSE �%enry Xrohm was seriously shat and at the MenO, riickcd Hip the ofticor',a and w110 gave It try the mistress of ' erntelttuy are, just atitl adcquatta Ile --T]10 statPaeettt stale ttlr tilt T.hltll;ii an unknown bur-lar had 'h!a ltt*tid g, * his beaarditt Nov. . Para that those of its r mplc,yees (alley and the Pennsylvania Coin- gum and ,ontlnued firing. %,, rob- g-hoube, who was (suffer- 110-areal, Qnt�. N17.--It is tie- I wlsco lot rform cr sttract or pit-Ce work, ( pnnlOs cover 'the same ground as the t herr, hctwt-vcrl drove rapidly away. ing trots 1.t eall> Cd1t► wr'ltmri:l ttoala a findtuly Iearnett tint the American .sty a iraatter of their awn volition, ( other statements. bIo-vIs tStt In a battle Mote early to - Ik'tlrtl f011olved them to iho home of of tile` suppnsced necdlcilee alt+l Lo-zoluotive Company is behiutt a da.zr. Tjas shooting ocerrred dur- S11pt. 'tit'. J. Hillitr, of tial Cloveiand, diet] soon afterwards. Tilt) case ]tinged Ing a :fight ,vith four robb^rs, who Elyriai, & lV eacern Itt ailwtay. Dvon largely or the Idaittificution of the syndltuato which purchabe d a large � w rompictely terrorizol the town. stole wilelt atli'tl again opnnnel fire on the 11a114xvrltittg' on the paekagr>, :and 1.H^ track of land at Longtio 1,'oint, near � f CRUSHED BY LOAD OF WOOD. �ltorsse� and reg:. entered several robbers, they burst Into tlir3 fill- sveLgiik of iPsttnHany ht this rm.1r,I this eltr. S, lie Callaway, of New THE Or .� tart(sOs and (;hot rrcl;lesssly in n (wild Tier Monte, after cm 1.r itis°r !1.t file fa.wrtred Albllueux' k Willie' fr�:zl ori:, 1>r =:i.lrattt of the :tn►erir�.an can- (sill"ert;;rtoott:atcilH Kills d Owing to Car +ehargo down they main street of the d0ttt•. Tl,r not•:t� oil tkt± 1st t1*l the drug ;Mort'• where ti,e pofaon -c ccs , . 5tnl:r Breaking. town. J. 9. Dalyd Pas aa,wak'-ned bought aelso edeel,areti that. Alrtliete°nx r. 1.t aurC l►is tksr.t>clakc°sp tlNlk+�el the G fC. by burglary !n his Manns. Ho got exp tl aroused Miller ancd lits reached tar -%vao not tilt purchase=r. Aiontreal asitburb.s ti ;s•P.ar alto and i � C:ollingwood, Cant.. D-, I:a,teh--..\nae- acid caw teen ttsa5kcd then standing got lip 1-13 gun Which was loaded with tlu°til _._ _. oftt•lwards� Went to Ningbton. it � Ulrlted States Clt,zel�� � 1.w [ was thr-n LA,xtcwl that the Xin Ston � {I���d idem occurred on the railway ::sett. V rye +virile r steric of his ]tend, Drawnisfi ad, \ burglar eaautiou�ly opened t?ae C y I.o':01110tir u Works s h;ad been S • z r C wha.rt vesterrday u hi h terminated rolvsra (etre�C�ItIi"I'IA"� �, pohis, I a1. his ]lead, door, mtI"k�DE t E pde- and Wounded. t . Y_. anti TI!"liner ltic>ry his beard off ' citnscri, Ila(! it evils :eftp rw_irtd3 rlc- f. tally t! is ]noesis ;beet in spite 0f tills. tie jrimpt~.d ic•0nt .W.-,., y �,. 1.l. G. GrcHotne3 lSed and grappled with the In'trvilerA, at the fIr: t 6hrtt. tnotbrr robluer Nsty I,t1H1•siel:att AVars t'alled Ili, Though ni`�. , , ----y --- 1.t ,& engaged in loosening the In tile darkness they broke away and � turned anti roc but Miller rlimliarg- " I tm s 11a'iv dvvr oprd that the fhtd from tine ]base„ e.•tl thtseet;nd barrel. Wit,, robber yell"• PaatientHatdT1Iihodd. Altavilmin concern recently coin-,y � stakes on �a car of hi ber. (vixen 'Tht3 brrglaars then centered the4 ed and stnggered. but slid not 1';11. 'tt'eashlligton, N-ov. V.-Miss Louise Ytictclil tite IrHtn4tisrs ni,d 'will re- 1t4ANY BEBELS ALSO KILLED, , it sUddetely broke and struck ISlin h6me of Town Var,°%al Krohm, who no ran Into tlHo trept and dl.;ap- dl+oge, of Evar,strin, 111.. Yr;hor hila bonen move tilt-, tweaks, to I.migue t'ain't, 8 on tilt- ]leant. Before he could got esltnnccd flee 'ort 'them. l'i'Ltbn he had n pear+;-. ?t pr ;� e was at once3 form- twlitr0. ,x11 ettorrnoi,s plant still be ; Pallu,niii, Nov. 11%-The first casual- „ rtwrtt : the dumber fell upon hila, fired (Meso timas, one of the rally td, and io pursuil,g lite rubbers. star-- !dl here for atlmost a ninth, an ,who �constrixted and ower 1,. 00 mt,11 ° tin's among Unitod States citizens as breaking ouch his Ir-,g., and Lnjur. halts been under treatment by as chrl- cinlaloyed. a. result of the revolutlsn oceurred 1.n ; him internStlly. lie (vats taken itar�, 'tro•htr bad j1;lnnlietl into a buggy, :�MItI I�rohtu is seriaHlsTs altcd prtrltaps " r .., • to the hospital, but little c=ould illi got daft and bogan Siring at tit.:; fatally W,%n+led: !rlir dead robber's Hatt Selentist dealer, (died to=night. 11r. Harty, ,whim *1.r-ked it the re- � : e.:to, ay. The C.olomtalan fleet cola- IrnarShal. At the third shot the: lath libell is marked " Davds." Ilio lzatd Mils HO90 !s the ciwulrhter of t1r. et•ut labor trouble lead any-I lane for him, and after" (treat suite ter fell ,with a ballot through Ills hi Ilia + + - t,ing to (fo with the proposed re- Lured are boat hating' ori board car- � fering he died early thus morn-mg. g pocket as t '111. ]took noel the, r s t Na ,.lie al tai k c: Jj11t r of 1Tie was about .58 ;wears of age, 3tips> a H , • at +fill 'tltv'y, p-1. y a elan. T3cavls." ` (hes F`jrst :;a3:sti,ri! 13 tik of ' . •r,. ,. il3awarl of tile, ,vorlasy rr•pifr.ed . "La.,k ' i'e:;l>e`ncl^nee showing file whereabouts 11nd She .. a ... • r°iti,,.iHe,a. spring we (vert." nrik;n[ atr"rain em•',itd of t,;v4rj rewolutl,)aa-y schooners load- leave& a widow aaC,d Infant, besides ,_ _�_::w • IIts wile ca rani here on Oct. 17, I*1tt,ndil1 ttr It:asp the i�0rcit,inrrnt dry•do::k. � `, , � the grown-up family 0f his first with ltrosi.ton�. the Gal-Crnmrrttl l7 est tet the land under the Senates a� to acct ars brad^rsnalri for her farn)r•r vt.'C"' th" Obj':ct of I oing Intra #site warshlos Mended for the lace and I m al"ria r, solioai Ch,.nz, ;lli,.s T'thel 1i. to . 1,r, lte;;.int+0..r of hullrll;t + t, r an , ric! there x t Y * ' ; thtt sta•ilte of the lrrenrh millers WHY WITHC-Nit alt itr p ov r}i most ael;riltt tt�ur the daughter oI Dr. Samuel A. Wv- IVItolt tilt-, labor trouble *u:scl xr Beall ► "r rtL h t .; c ei1.,o ,t, manded,19 practically over. filtt11II r@nCe Ia•rawL�Ss , }1y a i rY!tCrl ,St7ttY �t'£`i"r. G'ilillmtlilii2d " grtt,. ]]lois tliel,wedei[:1.g I,rel,at"ativna ii g ti tjoll! vwcl-r• esti un+d all I _ ,liarma�lukes tosviwed two - 3 local inrct�traaw ecce het � itary ! ,s ere going ern, ides Mogen bitni re ;Ti, 00 911ts of eXtendint, our worka in by (•alit. ., ye •, ine=rt Corznr_e, r�iY with lite military ' and femabied at Dr, (,cigars l,o tic, boat,,; with wt m . l tele n, lash as tilt- WHITE •� I edlet. 'Swith irstructiotzs from the Gov tzn#ll her death. No ohcsici:an of , , TiitHgston y,cere drofllor d.'' � chooner s -were agrwauil they twalted I�O�D�S S"I`IitCIC�1�. He resslVe Measures Put in ernorWof kbo. to promulgate, it. Ar regttdar rtl:ocl -vats, rarl3ttl in riiHttl >�skzxl I1 tic curl not think thecoma natti hull tide to attack them. sent it back to the Governors with short While before AIl:e (loge. rig ri : 1?tny twtt led eu,.auritrzr the s me cels- I ju the mean-while tilt: revolutlonists'+Cholem, :throng• t'. 5. Soldiers rit Arouse nuts OxO Ps-iHtg IIN surprise th'tt bat the h- t ditian9 In `Alontl teed, M . 1'iar,,y Bald: v;ere time swered ht ambush close to 11:araila. Force Arouse'itterness, r , patlatHt, a ]catnap tof the time °rile 11,a-s tlH<It tilts g rout of 751 , I , a Finnish official s.trotitd c ]stooled ren �• (,*1.1 the b0.at t incl (viten tilt, Bogota's , of hcf Illness, Lias been !rt etu;rge Of mCi( itr �>oi1#rc.trl �•ol:l:_i hot tier our 'i' Aianil:a. NOV. 17.-<<hoicra inn.tle Its Infraction, of 'tile law in tient illeg* * . � bcaats tanned ahead the secontd ditto lappearance 3lrs rilen Brotwn I,dn:rcott. t C_"110-1- ,S arks+ up for tit tf - i -reeks, xis it tiro rebels ovened ILra ora them, kill+ ye.fel°day morning document rlPcigateri to :enforce all bate( $Clenct3 lreale:r, ,who `aal(i to=rel;+•Let +y among the (nen sof a detaa unconstitteticnal exact, T110 Goer:tHor that :Hiss 11,090 had suffered frr did Izr_re in 1{inl;ston• , ice the slnn s a>m.,r. r, dila hard Null-, W - stneat of SSIGNSOF }IE{ ELLIO�I. repeated Ills 'u t � her ,elle Infantry,ilhave eh 1s staltioneid ;h prrywYr!u. Cit"dE�'r.C, (villi 1.'P ]14)!d �£Fer" Tile . , ! .. ... r'r>f l�'tl�,ilil�t6rly t'L`1tlY frsn�*11t ttn+li"?n I1e�rE>. .5, 'e'4r!n then IHLrwB al;. a . p t�tireitts of Alt>g 1 I A'ainirat Dewey, .and JvCu,lthng Goo, � seely died, the sa,ine result" IIr tits1ti I.n.,id lief "'� nelsln fors, Flatland, i10'r. 17-The Itogta are t Iiristiatr t�'cirntists, and A = t�1 �t Tand at number o4 others are u riom v g matter before the lila Appellate tlih3* gave directions thlat then ].'alkene^ wiis> -wa3 shot tlrrotti;Ii the t Ili. 'The detachment In `hitter feeling a aliat dtuss!& as a rt-- 'Court, with a request that the mag- daughter. should erosive n1e:ileal HaI- €:lths l�iva � � Itg;~. S aman 'Glaris and Lieut. las- � - lig the n lead ra to�rP 11alid to lteeoaa I loess Tacettori sulk of the repressive treasures en- istrate be Ort,ocedod against, The tention if she dPr ired, lout sire tyre- : Ivvtct. Cabinet, 1 quez were niso wounded, but lir,)t ` uinapRiver guard along the Mara- seriou-AN The Bogota and Chncuito 1 its water ,whence Atrarirla receives forced by tllr St. Petersburg Gore= 'court eertruRtccd the matter to.its 'ferrets the Christian kcleur"e trealtw .. i t a 0.r sttpply, as 11. ,-as deemed procurator, Who, recommended that meat; itItdrid, Ns W. 17: XbTg 31,1'0,1190 their owened lire on the enemy, anti termer( is beginning to manifest it- , necessary to 13tcatect rho streasit I= g ser action }ere t.atkPn against the mag- : Yla;; c�latrustetd Prime 3Ilnlster S:sgrra- ]:tiled rusty' tsar ,.ii sight. one alae( from possible, , self. Self restraint Is beginning to ietrate, sirens flee turTitai"•v 'edict waas t.� with the rt- con:=tructloit 1.l':` filo flied at a gr cup of ten rebels rhodeveloped I +s ble, pollution, q.li>P cholera. i . 1 r , let eloped twMile the men (were on this yield to a willingness oil the, part of clearly allel;al ante] vold, bttt aclwi�e:d YrAt.� � SfI'il�tt LI�L.AND POLICY, cabinet, and give.3 him a free hand (were lust actively engaged tai shoot duty. ser portion of of papulation to tol- the Drosecution of the 'Governor for: � !1.r tilt* matter. 1.t is believed that iW'g at file boats' crews k![led eveHy � It- was heirs(^ed (lent cholerae trate acts, of violence. Such acts ha"Vinst oreferrod false charges rear That l3ri*,rrin W , " Gen. Werler -rill li .k • - " one of them. Gunner Cross of the la, lid entirely disappeared from r an= g azaf9 to )~,state dx n l � c be retaineal in Ila, anti its re-appearance gave hitherto been severely froawned against ilio magistrate. j ,Her bito a, 'Cost1 •'v"elrt•it ' the; War Office. Se or Sa a.uta, is Bogota. thinksi that from forty to t pPearance lta9 great- down. Another serious indication 1s Tbhe court "ticldetl (lith t1,ls vletw, { - s ere. rrdea.voring to rrnbool In the near fifty rcbrls -were killed. One of the d a gemcral feeling of apprehension, 'the beginning -of closer relations be- but declared that, inasmuch as ties I1ilndcm�A'9r.,17-->Cne Tires,, Rome, cabinet err mare democratic� t feltooners, the Helvetia, loaded svitla tweed ]±inlanders unci Russian re- I corretspondent says that elle Italian cleuecn lice. was captured, but filo first shot A I.If;i�T SENTENCE. 'Governor probably y acted in ignnsanCe , than that which teas found In -tIte L + 'rglutlonists, a consummation de- rpt the Iatc rather than through per- comments on Premier Ballocr"s Gadd Sired. at the-, eccond schooner set her, Voutl to be wished for b the )at- t hall speech' referring 'to the Sam'tli- prtwiouc+ cabinet, on tiro and star. was com Oaae 'Year and Nille Y y conal malice agaizist tete magistrate, In an ,interview toy-day, General ' _ Plrtely dr.- , 11#oiztTrs Toc #ser, bat bardly to the tnste, of In- no action. -would be taken against Itantl+oly"ratsons,can acarcely be called „ stMVed With her cargo. The body AIrrrcler, Ierlor Minister von Plebsswe, g- ent1mrsdastie, but t,1rc Tribune, the ltieylci_ (tad: I ally at file rizspasr of Kane seas bitraril llere with mill-, hlm. provided he did not repeat tits tion of Senor Saga.ota i shall not Cambrld 'e (lass, It is believed the altered temper oitenec oifr tat organ, expresses satisittetion , tar honors. Gunner J. Cross hails g , , jNor. 1?-:hiss at ,what It causiders Clic Premier's for err olds, acfe if oily .solution can frosaY Ct*dar It:alalds, Ia. De, is oniv i :Ina It. Danforth, the deformed of '(lice people is partly due to the I T:he s rent problem Ise+ what fo tilo t .r , 'terrible famine In the (Horth, which 7 omago to Italian ,stralgl,tfortvarsT- bo Eland•" seventeen years of age. i Framingham girl, pleaded .guilty ,with the 1I,000 your inert ,rho te= is worse than ;tray since 18G7, whets g nfl»s- a today to miansla,ughter in fuse ramealfanctr with the mllitaryll 100;000 people died of disease Hardt ,. r. �y `tire 'Tribune tilt: joint ac-. C.P.R.CpIZ'PAST ATI.r��ITIC LINE, ,q,- _... causing the deal]] of slndretw X. �iaiy i sstarv, (tern. The crops_ failed to rirf- laic. Their numbers wee thPf , tion of the Britifi and Itallan trills- -- THE POISE AND THE IRISH. 'ori. lzss Danforth shot and killed strength, It Is Said tho'Cvo'sernillent rens off the coast 'qi Somaliland, re- Bollered That Com,aa Naas `Giveli Istwery at lids home. She was sentene- ter, `.i'M'e gaa;.n, cut ,green. makes min- . enable, unheoltlty bread. In Traces ,would like to proceed against those Inar1,-hig that Italy thus psrforined , I y Tells B31s&ci to rld-ise Telitititr 0.d 1.o seY vo s year and sin 1,reatT is atlso beds baked of places � or ilia educat M clragses only, but all act of friendshilr toward Brit, ` Ole sic r iaa incur Vessels, p _ 1 to be in lite Clambrld e e mantra Paatzeaat, g House of Correc- bto dgratlar has gbakl the Hutu, l thew have. tinniest to a0.._ man, gone to 'but ba-0 reserved all ulterior action. Vonsireal IYasi''aLtch---Although the tlan, The ,ai'fair took lac t •nr- 'Germalav, %wradert or, Pngland tem-"p, e a r icer, of 18,000 persons this year, Thr correspondent says thf,t the high up officials of lite 'C. P. It. will Rome, ?Solve 17. -lvtte Topa 1.o-day ersys liaaayo in South Z+i"amts i tta:, lrorarl[3* or emigrated altogether" nanny Ministerial rtadicals imagine not admit it, it is udnerstood that an received Bishop O'Callaghan, cif, the on May 17th last. It is alleged that Tile resistance of the Vinnish off!- Cork, Ireland, Diocese. The latter � Ctner hacl ted lice rials to such measures as the con- _ - "" that Britain it about to entice c - • Italy into a cost] :igen, of the company has bean .,.qui- told His Holiness that the !,Oman Who Is a dwarf, to bo ievra that It' wider •destructive, to t'beir country's Prince I4adanianale, poet:I+only : y and dangerous , that o " adventure., ells looking over zee great ship- Catholics -vete disrontertted with was to lova Witli her and would mar- autanomT remains unshaken by the known asp Prinen Cupid,' was elect- building yards in the old country with the repressive laws that, were beingI r er, n Increased powers conferred recently od Hawailan delegate to the H. 5. a vlevr to af"rtaming the conditions unforced' in Ireland. Ile al - I,- � and that she shat hind uran ran, the general governor and his.dls- aitw. Preston said In answer to an as to labor, tune(, ices and the like re o:tr'ning that lio Marx a wife and chil- Congrahs. ' tom` ported that the tenantry were in drew" -missal of many 'of ?their number, I enquiry :n London : "l'4e etpeet nest and it Is stated confidentially by bad condition, Th,e Pope told the 0three judges of each of the three Ap- 'ceterarss have- de..ided to open a year to 'place 100,000 emigrants in those who ate in a positron to knots Bishopto advise the people jrellAte C;oanrts ,sere dismissed dor burreom of in.formAtzon regarding the W'esterb, Canada, and we shit company has trot fact rp pie to "be The Toronto L`o;trcl or tJcCn tda! is _._ 11 pro- that ii the cool?. y malls patient. He expressed' the o inion t 'rt6hotineing the military ediot ille location bf land in iveW Ontario un- bobly draty a third 'each 'fro,n' t ._en at, order for four fast stea - that the cause people � al posed to the srr;l:+aulssion of as by- .. .. � " _ ,. . file Irish pec le 'al. This.lifts not ashakerb the, resolu> der the ranter' ftotw th' Onta•rio C:ov= United Ctates, The United • _he giv tr • `t m of , ,.. p Iaty granting '$50;000 towards the g 0.c $ingdom, ens for the Atlantic ode i trill very wao a just one, and, ,vomit] ultimate- I nrectioir or a sanitari t of t'hq toter;(' u1. � bo, "the high_( eri ilielit. , a ','. r s t , oast] fi�eim the -04 Q& turope,4% f xivopgr do so" __ 19 triumph. ! 'err _ su6rpti 0.04 tint for cod J v s , i s !