The Herald, 1902-10-31, Page 7I . I my Impetubus young friend. 'YOU m1ol I didn't expect me, Tor one thing, and wit Laildon Is a place where one. lauNt tw, ff YJ 16 be a little mure careful of on -elk; 150- 1, * . � I bavior than in the wilds. olva ; . � Zd A. - allem " � ap u"" r No that Is true, I did not expect pan . , ,,,Io Olt you ; t)llougj.l when I heard your namet hun . I was so, pleased I thought I must , rwll��_ , 41-A i$ 1/v ocn� �Y�. 0 havo been living on the expectation W I for the last month." dla ,,On , t of sight, out or nabad, accord- kno *X& 4�� A.04 4 A,�� .-4-4& Ing to the simple old sayng." elk 1. was looking about me, examining I my friendIs surroundings, feeling dis- ,W& 70� d"4/-- 4�� Z c9uraged by the portraits of beatlti- Ira; ;�� g I& ful women, photographs on the man- Mu In -W �,,� , telpiece, paintings on the walls, the but t4. invitation cards stuck Ili the looking- I & T or V06AOJ g�ass, the crested envelopes, freshly- bu toril, on the table; the room, pa which seemed effeminately luxurious YO I after my sombre, threadbare ol sin study, gave no evidence of bachelor ple desolation. It was just untidy enough wo - to ln*oyo talat "when a man's single IOU I . 0 he lives at his ease," for an opera for ftl?% flat and a soiled glove lay on the off ******** 4- **r*4%d1*7t"JVe%**:?� chair a, now French I)Ictu;e, which . I a wife would have taboued, was prop- !a * ped up against the back of another, mi +and oil tile mantelpiece was a royal an disorder, lit which E� conple Of til lAnk clay Statuettes of plerrettes, by I "�- LOVE'S LXILEe * Van der Straeten., showed their I pl- th +_ quant, high-liatted, little heads, and 1, __ tteitr IXiirille 1, lligli�lfft,edjittle pJ,kIr'bs do + _* a,bove, letters, ash trays, eigareite al -11t, "b -�� KS cases, -parts,, in J%JS., sketches, a on 11aqJYA 1 1 #_ qJ V144 -P qJ1_V"_V1&V`6V`6VV*% white tie, a woman's long glove, tile ha `proof` 6". am article oil "Tile C4- A 4' Yes." As ,it, mark of deep I remained silent for a. fc'wf minutes, thedrals of Spain," and a heap of tb friendship for me she not I struggling with hard facts, my hands - athier things. Ili the centre stood a vi me see the ea- I clasped together, my arms resting On fievridsome Chippendale clock, sur. UP my knees. Then I Said without mounted by signed photographs of di velope kpreserved in a black satia moving, In a voice that was husky Sarah Bernhardt, anti a much -ad- do , �ca.se . embroidered witLL pink silk) but I in, spite of all iny,'efforts: I mired Countess. Fri,sh hot-howie flow- pa flourished befoxe my eyes the pre- ,Ba.bicle, tell me, on your word of ers filled two delicate Venetian of guious letter itself, a mere scrap or honor, are you thinking about that I glass VIIS,,S on tile table, long - a no,te, I could see that, and not man still 9" leavea baetou plants, stood in the I the ten -pager of your disconsolate I could hear her brea.th coming in whidows. 1 begap to suspcgit that lover. quick sobs. Then she moved, &nd her the feall.111ile influence in Fablan 4 I w&E; selz�ad with a great thro-14 of fingers held out something right Seattle life was Strong enough al - Impatience, nlid clq l . ve the top coal under my averted eyes- It Was the ready, and I felt that any idea of of tile small fire viciously. She must one note she bad received from Fab- an appeal to a bachelor's sense of 11 get Over this. ,L turned the subjecti Ian Scott, worn Into four little pieces. loiaeltriess must straightway be for fear I ulwald wound her feelings I $,Tjook here, dear," I said, having given tip. T.here'wms another point, by eume outburst of aaiger against signified by a beend of tile head tbat I however, on whin -h I felt more aaa- , man I MT. ,,�;Lutt, who must indeed. have I understood, "do son think a I guine. Fablan had no private means, * worked seduluttsly -to leave such a like that would be likely to make a Ills tastes were evidently expensive, deep impresslan oil the girl's mind. fr�o4, husband T' and he had bad no engagement since I,jVeli, yuu will have to be content 'Olt no," readily and sadly, the bummer. Havlang made up my mind with your Old iwister's affecLioll, for "But you would be Ills wife all tile that to marry IIIY little Bab101go to 91 the present, lktbiule," I said, ,when .1 8-%1110 ?" this man was the only thing that a] she had put tier treasure -carefull� "Olt, Mr. 111audo 1" In a low trem- would restore ber to health and hope tit.way. " bling voice, as If ftradise, had been (about haplAtIess I could but be In "Olt, Mr. Mantle!" 6ho leant, IQv_ suddenly thrown open to mortal doubtful), I could not afford to sl)r!nk V Ingly again"t. my knee. I sight. from the means. " I gat up. I had been listening with one ear 16 AUld If 'Llie worst, COMOR to the Vp)l, well," I Said, trying to speak to Fablan, who never wanted much worsit, you will ll:),ve to marrX Ing.." $IN 'She laughed as It title wore a Jake 11 In a Je.5ting toile, "I suppose 'these encouragement to talk. lie treated IT things will Ila explained , In a bet- we to, a Iolig monologue on the low h lit a* be.,it manniter. I ter world ?" I ebb to whiell art of all kinds had $ "Didn't. .roar ntuther say allytil'uK 1 44 �', I asked, as if I Mrs. Ellmor came In at that mou , sal)k on IP,nglan to tile prevailing % to ,putt, aboul; tlt;i.t*. � ave -taking ror tile - taste for burles�(;Ue in literature, on meut, and ,the le, 9 CaXI. ing OIL tilo jebt. "von't talk i day was castpr. I tile titage, and for -,Little Toddle- T Batitulty b1twittd. 41 tid, humbly. "I lost, I It Woult �,oit stay and lunch with king" oil tile walls of picture gal- 'Q about Lt." 4,be s. I an,lo,o., I've just been pro- I leries. k a m.y teioap.,r. tot -I i3lotwe 411srospec- , a, Ur. M I In t�old arini; tioniething nice for YOU," 8110 "I thougitt. burlesque had gone t , luily to Itex Sor tho tirlit time. I or � o'.1111 A . vith titsappointment. I ()lit" I SUP,UPSted. I t )ior i4tso Ought. to IM 48114111i'd � "Thnnic ,Ntmi, fit), I Can't stay thig I IF6 turned upon lilt- fit -reply, ba,ving a her.%ell aftur all �Ogl, haVe dOlIC for! morsiltig. Tile f�tot Is, I linvo to start I lialsbeft his breakfast, and being co- 11 UK." 7 o . for Lontlon this uIttornooll, and 1� eupiell lit striding ills and down %110 1-Nitlently Now t1lought tho lbva�, haven't IL millatte to logic." I e origaiaLvd with )ter mother, ua.lwad Bablole sturtrd, anti her eyes, as X1 "t'.."tt at all'.. b., SaM, emphatically. t Pre"lied Upult Ille itgaluNt, uly lit- I ,tU,l,4-,t to, It" to t'll kke llalldt;6 sholle I "Wilut in furcleal eome%l,� bat bur- t eilnat.:011. $4w4lig tilat, I shoull liko stars. Iplillue of tile ullwt;t vielpoutj kind ? Dur- I ga"'I cothing lf.v lliksimehing her, 1i --ftool-to,ve, .Nlr. Mantle" she fftl-�! Iehklue ot doulp,t,tW litO, throwing rldl- laiggi:A&I tjlk' InLitter ,off, and "v 4' . torol taking tay hand lit Ii,,,oth here. 1i cullk Olt �qptulju6r %%.I%_t,8 and jibalnus r drIftW Into it t1tik' A11,041, U103% r,ar- and 1;rvoo4ing It fv�erishly. i hubbands, making heroeb and IIVrO- �P den, an I the cromp anuoug .Nir. llktir'a ', ,kild , . slit I,,A&1*d lilw lu race, wlth-'� Inve of lawl Alild wtpinqu tot Jolost, luor- ' barv-lo�oted childrea at LIM hIA14 W � out an),- Inquir.v lit htsr gamt, but With � algi 7 Wlla,t Ili mehArtLIna but bar- I d Sterrin it inkht ait-4Y. . a sullglue,4 ftolie and a boundless grat- Ipsqu(% of Itioldents and of Passions. Accordant; to nX forecolent athiJug Itaft2e. il fatiguing to tbti e.�,e and utgailefYi119 I tove-lorn - alableas, 1131tiol"It% 0413gat 31rh. 13,'Amir luslAkA on colnIng over ji to, tile jntl�llt%t 2 I repent, art In ( ,to have got vovcr her 19%0 Main,%. to the hougo) too seii that e,g,rr,vtMh;;" England Is a tilvdtonored corlsoes andl as & ell:jil 1.pAt.a vg -*%%r the =41aA*K4 uaL4 propt rly lojeue A Aor Joe. A; I lert � t1alts wan wl;o tUreg to call 111111801! ) II&VP dWjn`JkJ.'WJ th - � or 0W sho oug0K tt .P� CotLil4e %oL"01 I�er I IQ&;kvd toavk� lan art1st, ai;d, to talk abolit Ids art )I '( Int%P 11the uivro AiallOW (if 11cr fisr- anti naw tile IlttBo fitep, lalth its" With nq;,�- ailure ri-vurenee than a L ,f ev, rai 4%tu,*1pr Je1+4 fop Ii1v g4l,%ilej tn;gAr, or Iner cohill, all I to have roaff"I A r'11, w0rgl evresftl :11 0, t%q, lirt'st" t f1fled C"1L'"'.%LwVR2l lit Iwr ItAolvollvV"J. c4l 44-paitant the uhl 10w. a vlogin Piplier for 121% s9aw Creanolifte. But 08.4vixd oi RAlowaig ofther oi It was 4al au%tall ttatug I ,tvas gotalit 11 kg t1,t-4ttt,d w4lh tho durlsion one o 'I . tlt,-.,�,t rwarstv, the lottl. astatd bT,gl a to 41to. evrtaolao.,� hut what wavrWee!' tvonOd show tto it mod(-ra M;gabilillIftil �i Ito f -%18v -v io!"ro ai.,l 09V,r�� titp & , 4 � �4011 Woz.gi 114A tho" woor'A ur aq al!tke to;� Wl," Nit"dij fg�j duivu altd worshEp %'Vo, I lor..�J.W '4�r%Lt" tgUq� erp UtL et a faaark-1 i hango, whteh 01910 , 'tro? we I,fve Irz�ut ho 1! 4& nownal.N..­ tt,'�eag` vid'Vy ljnw.)k hff"T-Atoftto thlep-t too" w"'Vild fro,:u 4.%ong Wfure vurli �Jlg u-hwla� b;-ftag !mtv-rprv,t"Ld, Mpaitt for w,ork t(4 evo- 91.% MR4 R'u"I'VARM B%v IL Nt 0% " . 11 tloat Mr. VhWan ,,Vot�. &-t%v no Iffl- re w wvd an,11 fv% r,ta4g 6,V4,41', la LIP 100�p :11APTER .XvIt. " m "M � - .4 ate lor"'11,C. "I Ufa V114.29011VIDt gttJ,1leS %Vttt1g ang, MnVIL nj.tt��Ia�"In,i lorakrIz "" I tir ,,�* 4,,ro�s at L " - ,I. I.- -tuough for 1N qgqssert � . arr 4A at Kl�,ajw, - . , ula ga,,d ,, Way fle.4A mo fail; Bdlalvq wHapfoonolt, I ..V.t,3 ont�- " � `%ven. ev, at Df art, N Bog 'L bad I lu, CIA th�k. fgAB,qpz3j tp.s!4iftli�, ftvtaefft the Tq,,V11v9%vL1q41 inumo-hug. aia,l Wtr-r: Urlt48 Stlill'sev'no tgo rab On Vort, 410111- " bro-akfast at ua- ,%VA0a,1 A IUAWI. " Ir"an poor nln4­ 1",.�4,,Vv; atl Arm,rqtoefl, WWat slra�-,Pat to Platuin .,�'cottl's ,� gort�nb��t4.' I ioaLvt. gl,%ra Ing ron6l ite I � Taols. I thon,4tl5t, wov; o'ely tho� gmt- -'A M Como- td Ing. -Ir v­Sg*ro�s9rA rges,1191,ft 'to gos- 4-gaunflill-r-so L� �a stro-r_�l tryll th�� - , 1tJtl;1V_ 1! 1tv ValoItion ewv,pl V4v ro"M vAth a quft4l CAVMVI aN net lfto�Yllsllrvt WOMIU, Rtat vamtkt,?t. It was tbot-a a mtte after to,w1stuoms gftutee from it,14�bt to IOU, gtemh� nftrrtv�ufflii�; slaos 1.0 - VIVell B"Or haff-past teu. &t4 d if- Buttil b"'el An M-liefit atalote. wilygEtp &ITO of iiu�, !: V�ablntft. wg�,,o Iva-,; "it btit�tLkfgust, re- ­0�,dgq p#adq .",, g[-,orgoq�g, to Bal, oaap"g motllu�r cf lhol ­dq euh-end Me Ivetv hpa,rtill,v tatod was E,- 41d jfqq� of w%,far,.,(p..,9 Bog- �-Lqu ,. e0mg..-, VID"I'Da togo lvt4l rapO tfgt;;Le�,� , � �e, faittie'l. dis. far t1imp an B11"I"'aft".11, tab�kwt. Wook-4 WVr-to, W11­Wd tk,at F had, not conue dtrc-�,,t I k fthd0l), 4 "but pvr* U.at M11 v bo, I 0% efo ttp. , _P%f9n tiiugffl� 11 gouoe Lo_1av,f�rotvo%1 Y�,., tvl&A. dirkty, 'Tq'fl,J ttU'L. jr,7 .k�jr �")f a to , gao2kt 119tv-triA 4'air-N 4191., io IOWT,k "What tvonA you 1.2*1;� SnIvo, he loonug'Itig fq,%g� B�ttnd Into a ,%Uggristive ' , UZ - . . Cwolo. or 1110. *19 VV �..Y41,ra,an wnd Ugwvk asc-M, "Et I Liad g�mp to hmiv(� 14to'dit- UZIV lot levItV.4 ItaA V14pers on a 81do dadn. Wkin I T"hat,nq'Ireate't. tOINV4 fast aq; eh,� gnVei'vat'dol Atm�; _�ou 16n 1� tfibk% aq he jra�s,nl It. hr�r vllo wovgM I-sp Duog� �Ueafth� sh" Utter, I.,tg1V 4ol ng st-onkuhBI on to .Vqv,D "Iialtq?, t w-ko'A VK1�omptfugl.y_ , tBUI,_ 4tjoC Jal', Q trjto� 'oe nad k1nd Strnan . "g, 11 . lie g� afh,-W�rg4l ril--Q I �-iii,.Jlv: ­Tt�atls Inul I quate fout- same I '. .1 on .1 10h I 141tv, tv_lking, It 15 ,",,i, r -460.11..".Q.11 .. t1elhj,thaaa*aID Ila- tvork-fgr,le�l rn, to , ­ ­ 1. You lghout'd noi-�ir:�jv," I ventured., lltlng! AM o�nu, gotF quite As thw-11 u Q 110W 11111.18V C.13it". buldiv, ­sorav�e 93ri witla seven of eight ah, it thp 9-ird-n_ Ilq -n Vtaigendar- 1, �_ lbutafliNI a ypmr. tor insUince. with a roela wath,vt eatrblng Told:, An littevesting StotT Ptottt no Itv- love of art on heit own accoun't to lgkq landle 1;P(tterupin. I . Was HIways Ise2-TovVy sweet and , nappal't youts", A WIth tup.,volit Av� . .+ �ofifp,q,464 to I rablin r4opped Ito froeA OT me with L tot t4,tves In her 0-vo, . .4� . T, "�Il cot (Vion: t1ve Loghetg. Waoaap-g. M,on.) . fbe softlptlfiwr-5�. wl I I "I t r I � lie Ivas the most un� I -th- gentrlrg- kqw%tlolt knil The rlea�leta of L0,;b,-J.4 h" 1�tlllololr :101111�1.- and tile 11 'a 0030 vtol � tvt� long: .- on the stage. and til Iftotable, WIVIt hot iitAfi;91. I _11-1111 bf�en fani�Vnr wig -n dle Virtues off staglost ON. i tvor met. Ile gave a I -in -kick h s head. i itvafted as* raw"rIv as 111'-:� 0 -Irl Dr. WAllainv Pink Pilfs; MaougV1 _. �, si�z .g I I - . bet- . t1u, Short laugh. tt�, @611 fg)"r aftothelt lettpt fkoftil rlablMlt vvell authefolfcated e3res ImbI14-Ism.1 **A 910 xvith seven htlud"03 a Year teve5v- ,%"foy j Irdarry file" and His arti,;.t ! Sly dear �1,i &&M but when tit*- hopul Of ha tae.sevolungns C..'e'n tvcpk. � y frlzow� you h -ave bpen in sl.�rpy mol� Ifte oiae, h --id VIVId awa:7� I dil, not dar*, of our readers ar� gzls�� able, to vouen , . , I �, low too Bang. rwl folm youg, opinions "-v an (Bilngi- 4MIA U90 L5cote Rib- for cares w1atch kav,.. rome un��'er i aces *I .V , - �,, of I in. on the (Ltrrk ".... 11�et. their own obg.t�rvatton. Tals vve*k . . Ab=t llat'! nlrAlllk, Irl Dmembef, SAW .tt"r 1! uletly. "La,berg" has "telvod a I" "No. I doli"t , I Fatfu. 'ir,ty ag an 1J "I know n g;rg vaillb e;glat Inift-tited a broke dn�vn. It Was GUI'7 ,-I cell" sh" fro ' Ono 0! Its riaIer_t� 11r. 0. W-11- , i��, ' !to , tile vettat-te ters000. a proiv,'nrous farmer glvtng� ye,ur. UER" hkf-s �iq,u wt.ag pipough to li isaw. t6a tept Baet I evelt rotepj ri�%i, 11A la -v ds;Ule Ago ;-At urrl. Ito wgu��e,;R OD 11 - . P pilv-,-s V05,1Z oWn 11 MiAtty ,Vwl UT y4.'a V. -tire to aEk- lRet." . �i b"M . 's. Mat ShIp expvrlo-nca in U.'e, kope tkiat It M, -4V 0 ­Tiiese ftp2a no -APNI ftilwaY Jcrlt- :1 het lVeLessaftf- vecnpa�ion ,4 1w,foh too lu,-,vl latel!, y bl.o�akra,-t-wfth pet ­ i wid werked gr-* be".11grAlt s0=24 otber smfferev. ,qj. ..'� ne.vs-A foeav 1. tlu%t 6"'Be ",Vag Ve't strong pillatigh to W.A1,111irson &4y.,§: -_".n-."!, y_1_-8 agory 9 hops a glass Wi ecrg,nal. Ion an tmpty , t -Tr qnrekh-, 11-A d0V aftet , .�ez - gii�om � stqt=W"a­--,&-ar-..'mra-0 raw.i.am S014-I.N., ,I ti�;c�w 'It . 7 1 wtm -:rDff,T-r­ro- 's"t g, atiy � ;I da..V, vv�je�j t WIPUt tl�.' f*p iwt, 1 rfl&n4l J-5"e,Ugg,qot'a'Sn In i;r ftlii)4_3 th'I't I W;N'9" g---:�:.Ig at M" wICla k""U,v 00'-nloHsSII'm- I � I - � .sgic- is .st�v,nateezg. the daughter of � t*- de,,tr wifell. loyllig baek ho I.Baf,4 ffig-h foi. A ion-,- thnol� rarat*� to 1*0 any ,I' - ,; n at%!, 'ersell bv � 'Ung- - , an art:st. a. . st 1. �� !:(y,D.&&,a ko,�,�MT4-*,cwiir in the sR � work. I tylaxI in I"any way­� to oiv- ' 1i 1.�,��. '�v.jpt a vety ttanspatent 100k- ti�n a eur,-� b-,t�,� b.y- paterat rn­tli-� Itwery instl*A. U. -r wnave is PA�il*ole . � �r d 11 Irg sidn' a P1010 Dittle, Pink tlpp�.A eanes a-0,11 rJFq1,chyz, piv��ribe,l 1,y v!cc- � E*-�Hgl`r; 1 we:1 vn 'con 'Osr! �v' �, '. rawan Ltarti-11 �, jjov�;O. and l.,irge lt,nn�nou;, =d eyes t0rsr. but wittont obtairaing- a ny 7 . " I thit had V, I)HAZOCSS at all In sqefu 1w"vilt. I &-Iw Dr. W3Iia-.n.&,1 11inki ',Mw. lr. , . '01, Lglm�r! llrrt�y 1111tV. ra- "' IV J _O*late o a voulvg f C*I- PiA.4 z0vertlkc.41 In tlt,a Lr-glverg w-4, .CYJ,7� !` h eljj�jl, Wlt:l affeet; R fifth dav I 'W,ls alime, with h - - , 'LnV-rest et or-ce apportent lit Ins man- " , bly -�I,c � pmg a eure tor tl.�� tronbl,-, ,in.! I Itf.r. "Wit; lirt� he.-Latej Hn I Vushed her MrO. E12111f' la.14sed ,6tf to. f!etV)tmgnsXJ 4.0 ,g�ve R a tri&l� I �11 r 1viving In botight a dozen bo.Xes and b"Tore , I Atg'.jt1v. -1 do�.cz um�,��r,-tanl. The lit- ithe, ill"Chen aly-'ut dinnir.r. I Was , - 11 gt very Sentl_,1117�11,,�Hl jw�)ed indeeol, hav- Tralf of them wei", u5t.!�l I fAt a, grei.t I 1111'eii;il;�-ir git'.V? th'ing She vra-,, , Ing ji�lssed mv little sunbeam fright- vlrang,� for tit 'T. r WPM ; her flulte W�11. with )ter i ,- bc-ttor_ hb; fraiprove- . �, . caiplettTsh .Ize.vteh eip and bor �� fully. l3abiole 1a&J pushed her rocking nient continnea 11-oin 4:tv to (lay. aml he PABS I Was � W a 7 .a ?, t1ittif, 0MMY a. fram the table, best"re I f=_d uv��% -all � . P everlastling Toln-0wes Slip wits no, heir- - -wN.;ch wag caverca with a map anti completely eared. S -nee that . -time .1 J� ess: th.-ri, evrtainvy." 11 n- A Vitter littM ti-ou­ht of tile WIM11- .� -:,. By t h o ,ng a P have Wer had an- . attack 'or this. , 'wo- � 2, ite&ly of 01(1 plav bill, Her in W11,11 lie uld hay.� treated lay a pencil, whj�h tile girl had laid � trouble. After this I tiz-eJ th(- rnfls' her in that =xqf, vrossod my raind. v-1own on mv entrance �� in several other )tases and no ,other ' -I've aduptpd ber� 1 allow her e`ght I I What were yol". x1oligg when I metl[cinf- hAs beei so btr .eriel- - .t.1 ,to - i ,tttme In ?,, I az�ke(l, a,fteCe o; revv ,ques- me. I feet it mv fttv to p-11ollely `7 hundred a ye,xt ,during my life, and tl,,)r,s H�nsat her health. ,give testimony t6 th-- inerttg of MIS of �eoutrer aftekwards-­­1 I nodded; he nodd,-?d. It wa,s all # understoo.i. Fab'an had grown and- .tvae color eam-l! back tot a 100al"t wonderful Yaedlcln,� so others siml- - fo, 'her face as she answered : larly affflot,ed Tfts�y be Iml to try RX I nn;l 1. a a I "o I was tracing our old journeys to- 11 YOU Are Wefty,_ 'or ftfllng; if Zrour denly ijulet � I thouglitfu . n , ZI g. I - -it IMNalo h. ilned her , gether, mamina's an.d mine; and- look- nervos are, tirel, Or Jaded, or your , knew th� ith bet ,blood is out Of condition, Von will bo! pterlons admIrees li,eart. He liked Ing at tl*ioqe 013 Pla-F-bills W , vvise to use Dr. Will laills' 'Pink P16, ' her, that was my ("o--ul'Ott. my ex - tante It t1lem." unr, -e bad lig tp n Sp I - - - His In, h d up at the The occupatio .emed to jue dis- which a. e An .11ing cur6 for A �cuse` blood and nerve, troubir,s. But be � remembrance of her; and as site knally suggestive. I a You Wert, 'Isiling you were tra-v- sul-e you ,rot the, gpaulnf. IT A- e, a .. witi, the., would bring with her an I enu,l rge . M i . � � *11ing again, I suppose", said 1, in -S , fall name,"'Dr. William!0 Pink P1119i enough for prevent Ills lyeing ,even pallsed to sound for Pale Peopl��"' .. th, wra. PPer, burde'ned with. her maintenance, I I tO-aft Whi0h fear _ felt that I trAv Ilea -pit I around every box. Sold by all inedi- 11 , Ig up= blu lmrd. " Lein" �ft I head too mdoll joy Tor a, mortal tO 4 .. Oh, no, At least not exactly$ I e dettlt-rs, or sent Post Paid �1, &Id the poor ,-Ii!Td, *not likl-,19 to 50 --putt A bOx or vloz boxes for $�! 50 . deg6tve, and tTv%t Tie aeceptedlt More I ng for by writing direct to thef Dt- jjjI_ I J&e1fftjy than ,Was Meet. Tt IS ;a, catl-, 'I tonfess 'the f-everish 101191 liatas tt6dicliter ,Compia.tly, 10rockvIlTe, ' oWetperleftce to have to be thank - I ellAnge ,and MOVeUltut WhICII bad I lont. . � ful to, See another person teibei,tt, al- � I ifjd%ed upon hot like a diseAsff- I at with ilidifrerDuce, a prize for 1,011 one would gladly have given enty years of life. '81ve 1; a most beautiful and L ruling ulrl,'� lie said, a,fter a se, III a pew,tone o$ respect. Eight ,dred a year and "expectations" su�ch, a splandiEl mantle ol dig- ; oin, the elloulders of a little wild noel in a serge frock, "Dco you . 1W, I th0agIlt, Harry, you would by marrying her yourself!" OfIlly laughed and eaid, oh no, I a a confirmed bachelor. But It a In my mind to tell him how It: obliged I felt for his contri- ion toward my domestic felicity. presenthr said that I had Home ' sinese to transact, that I bad to y a visit to my lawyer. Ithis urg inan's complacent, beatitude co he had discovered a not un- asant ,way owt *of Ills dirficnItles s beginning tojar Upon me rur- sly. So we made ,an appointment the eveiling and I took myself . . .When I made my excuse to Fab - n I reall�, had ioine idea In my ad of calling upon a solicitur d h&vIll,W a deed drawn up, set - lig 9800 a year on Bablole. But reflected, as soon as I was alone, at I should inake a better ,guard - n than the law, and tha t I should as well to keep control over her lowance. I would alter my will her wedding day, just as I must ve done If it had been my own. trace of cowardice strengthened is resolution, for I loo'k Upon a sit to a lawyer much. as I do on a 'visit to a dentist, witlithis fference, that the lwtter really es sometimes relieve you of your lit. while the formor rellaves you nothing but your money. (Th be Continued.) I I � . - - � I � . I I . . I .1 1. . 1. -.11-i 11. . : . . � I � . . . .1 . . . I I . . . - ., � . . . I i . I � . I . . , . � 0 1 I HOW '10 AVOID POTATO ROTO !lu Ew-eld-WI--I-er'll-�-e?plw.491ei-�O2�p-&-l'ppplxo7r-�pw--Mewe4,;-65-"eov,j , � 11 potato.grovvers cutild Only be led I to rea!izothat late potato biLght or rot ctinliot be cu -red, but can be pre- I vented, thcy would uso Burdeaux mi�- ture more freely' thalli they df)- It is q%tte true tlln.t the late blight Is not -in annual v4ator, ney,ertheless no one can proplie,sy wlicii it will put In an unwelcome appearance. After it Iniakes its presence visible by the leaves turning brown and drying up, it is too late to save tile Orop, for fungloldes are only preventives, and not remedied. It does little if any good to apply tllrnt aftOr the disease appears, and the sprayjag must be done before it can be kaoNv;�h whether , or not an outbreak will occur , . .r1lus It Is that If tbo blight does not ap- pear the injoney spent in spraying Up - pears to haTe been thrown away. Exp"Intente not only in Canada 1ju:t in the T3nIted I�NLates have demon- strated that � I Spraying is Profitable whether the late blight prevail or not. The early blight is almoSt Per , v, "t'd tain to appear, unless pre , and Its damage, not so noticeable I In any one season, as that of the I late blight, yet fully as great in the aggregate, may be almost wholly avoided by spraying. This disease causes the brown dea4 I spots on the leaves, which are marked by concentric rings, and I which sometimes affect so much of . Bordeaux mixture anti Pario Green wal'. jn,'rlt,�able, even in a Joe"4011 , ous diseases were scarcely.1 17 I I I" 11 I lil)n . . uotillll.,10� . 1-1aw to compotuld it. � ,� The Bordeaux mixture for use In , , potatoes sbould be made as follows. ' .Vake Six pounds of ,0OPJP:xr SulPhatf) (blue vitriol) and tie it up In a Piece of thin cloth -au ordinary salt bag wilt atlewer wiql-thell suspend It I from a etioi� iaid across tile tOP Or a coal oil or other barrol half filled I ' vAth clean water, so that the bag ma,,,, be just beneath the surface of the, Wat-,­r, when the copper sulpliate will dissolve In an hour or two. in � another vessel slake four pounds of ' fresh llino In sufficient water to make u thin whitikwash. Strain this through a line sivve or sack to re- move all lumps. When the copper sulphate has all dissolved, pour the litno ,wash Into a barrel slowly, Stir- Ang the mixture all the time. Now. rill up the barrel to the top 1with " ter, and the mixture is ready for 1.1�1,a. t To apply this mixture to tile Toll - age tho'best and cheapest way is to use a prop��r spraying pump and nozzle; but if these be not on hand good results 'which will well repay, the trouble ma,y be obtained by ap- . plying the mixture with watering cans supplied with flne noses. Use Paris Green With it. LIL" 1t;aL i�UVLUUU -1 -­ --1 ------ of the plant is seriously checked. A great advantage of this mixture For ibis disease, as for the late is that 111arls Green, the only prac- blight, Bordeaux mixture Is an al- tleal remedy for the Colorado po- mo,,4t perfect preventive. its pro- tato beetle, cam be applied at the te­lve ower r,rould probably be same time- To do this Dr. James - - . a, + complete could each leal be entire- Pletcher, the Dominion Entomolo- ly coated with a thin layer of the gist, advises mixing frOM a quarter deposited lime and copper sulpha -to, to lla,lf a poand of Paris green with CURED HIM because tit(, spores of the disease 'which renders the poison of exact - 11 could then not find any vulner- ly the same strength as when used OF GAINIBLING. able point. The nearer this com- with plain waters. plete coating Is obtained thpmore These mixtures must be kept con- �� stantly stirred while being used, as ,-_-,-^,^,^,e,�,+ perfect will be the protection and it can only be secured by spWylaj both 'the lime in the Bordeaux mIX. To, those who Imagine that at carefully with a fine nozzle, ture and the PLtris green quickly sink , I any mixture If left onte Carlo tit,. ,gambling always to the bottom ol. . The �Nitixture Used. undisturbed. es SY13trinatic'.111Y against the play- While Bordeaux mixture 19 not � Tile Bordeaux mixturc- is a pre. eas- ! e, and that their gold flows auc flialsonaws to Insects it Is very dln- veirtive remetly, and the time to ap- gly Into the coffers of the bank, It t.ustpful to them, an,] Paris Green ply it it, ally lo=.11ty is just before , 11 seem difficult to believe 'that combined with. It can b.-% more evenl.,." I the blights trea.ted of usually appear >methinesthe bank's accounts show dl,lrll)ute(I by the ., pra,p�r than In i tbere, -tile obkct being to keep the deficit fc�r months together. Only any, other i��iy. T -v, lime In tha, � plants during tl',e whole of the time wo years ago, at tile end of ten Bordeaux mixture will cause. the, they are liable to Injury, covered onthe of the financial year, the o nAllir-ore to tile leaves so 1. With the, fungicidal prvparatlon. over P>Isoa h and nk's bunks show,ed. a loss of that it� proti-eilva lerluence Lit thus � Tlwo early blight in Ontario 1,000,00o, .,Lit average delk-It of stron--theped and thf- p.-riod of Its I Qu.-beo generally appi,ars at tile end � r nf 100,000 a month, wh!ell fortunate orlicacy prolsi-agpti. Flf�,% bent)P4 a.,;, Of Jun:% Or tll*� beginning Of Jul " 0 tablers had put Into their pockets. well as. tile* ordinary p4tato liPethm latn blight or potato rot In most Ills, or coursf-, war, exei�ptioual, and can then rcareel.r att-telc tile le, shows Itself �tycs � p r ,I& spell i)r 14td luck was followed by urstil, August. 'Spraying i4tould. t1fere- � uah a. tide of prosperity that In tile without being pio'.��M'41: au'l ap-� for-�, bp begun paily Ili Xuly. anti be p,,I(,Al with tilio 11o.-Jaittv mlXtvire Wo [jueppeding,month" of tbp year I 11ge � r.�ppated every two weekli at least lie der:eIt ,tvas epalploti,ly -*vippd out llarkz Grepn will n4t Irma th�N fi)A UrAtil t1w sev�itl wepic in September. utt a, prkVit of $3�0W,000 W8,14 Made aS It nomptintim dwl-; when ap.-W-Il as a dry, p.,wder. or w1i(%ro ,,ftnp,..'i Tfirpe aploll-ation-, of Bordeaux lits place. ' mixture, nial J)arkso , i may suffice, But, of court^ m0nPy 18 riot Mwayit mIxf,il with watf�r. 11-tily withorl- � e,porblwnts vhow,igrelln plots spray- 11,%alging ball,Is at 'MonW Carlo at ties, too, belli%vp that thp R PrQ1e%nX � V,i throp tiaip_�; -is nitl1lb 418 52 bush - his appalling rit,te flpr everY lick or llll\. a 0'r4l jw � t�jrp Ititeir oxi,rvs a, f v Ill �. in- 4,1o; more per acre of wercluAntable lie clock niglit givid day. ThIR 0111Y fluptien, tip on Iito,tato f0hagi% not title 11 pottktt),��wthall ill 01, u1lC�pr.1,ytkI plots; lappens during tile lit Iglit of the Beft- tok Ito alffee.t. 11pla 4180MOS Or 111110f�tC ! nn,l In thoi�,,- 6pra.%*41 fa%i- tilaf-43, 62 ton, when tilix tables art- tro%vitled by T11pup, reasons eomblnP In favor of i bubhAtt more to the nere than In the eb 4%,nd 1.11. .1litinailt. gninblers. wl'O',0 u4nir It on p�t-jt*)�%:j; ,-twt In tho on. 'o unopra,.� e� 1. lay Is tkN rceklosl; 06 it IS UnKplentVitl- p .pljllpnto ul�plp., tllk� appllc�jtlAl of Dvp:l;[tUvnt of Agrit ulturP. Ottawa. �Ills is tite . ballk's harvelit time, and uring tile 1,-plitaltidur %4 tile .year,, . �- .... .. �___ - =_ __­­­ ­­__­ __', .. ­ ­ __ -­� - .- � - ____ � __- V11011 tbi� kystem, fohlyCV 1111,13 MS I n " 11nigs, Ull) flow at gold into the baltnu.; 1, 1% Tolo,,",S�,%� r-1 "ewlloot-t %4ml�,W� %,,�-.��,40,01,,�� %ONI­*, 3 velae.1mr IE; e�,Wptr�%,tivvly trivild I]it.j citt, % cea,,eq al-,ogt-ttier. � 07 pLc� J,4A1lU,-19farwIts roughly 40 Iv,r �J ,QUESTIONS 0 F ETIQUETTE* ent. goes Ao tbp aullntpnan;.,� of the " ',*-toilno and of t,bt, llrinpo, all,l llritrll- ,d 'Mounem The Prinee takcs � L 1�0%A"11W����J" Aio0J0%#1VJWJ1W 1W"%0V^ %* � I I J� NIN111� 01-W13 a yenr Jost, Mm*mif a 1141 --RQ.�- M X10 for lots arm,y. f.,Mee. law courts 1 %%,I": you 1114ba,­ Ito lit Mi3tvP 91 11�,gard I �)L firw, eatt L�J�pg be I � rc,*�Urt'gj With. - ro ru 0 gbngP.R t,f gt9%J1r0tJai0lZt ,'�434(mo �'i to " 110W,u lvvd� It A �, My Huafit,�md Mid P In a wevk'g iluvi. Td,,,,,r#, A , *, I"I � I are Isivite-d X �mlo`,�%Illograntf�- to I I,z;o�p, eto-rg.%-, eon- ' to "ttvnd tft�. wf dlb:q�, r Ils to hluw Iblusn toffla M;t4ald 11fe paij Vents data I�Ogtgtoqv,. ,�,­�q�.jw;�j too rtnhr- tot a rhord; It 1,1 tqo ba ttt tft�� hoz#4.. � Ito rettarn for oann 31a9I or after Itipt. nV41 1,,�-O."s.(XV in prbva 8 for car, ati,J tiat-re Na rvte�*Ao,�.otu mug %1,(AM=�, to�p rc,i�.vlpt oil an atovh��I'a�OfD .�I; e'l.r. MV.11A.4. reg',attIt I IN, PIn,9'J#1B RhWtlfll�*. � , 1,�rkoi kia�,t .aftvr -T ih-i 1 'a ate, eat -'d" � Tiolent. It 1119 2=ro� V.�1,-Ajrtc�t,�,Uq to Ila. _efor.':4# Ito. ll,� It 0a Life UntIV " , � ­1,41Z�11 - le *.Do#-, gonthq'mj�jln Iti tage ea'flver. .. "t,_'d t,;k'), clm� The �Woflrgos 01 thP 14IN U e .,jL in%ny . 1i cadd t.fig,elors. turoupgerS And NWIT at -1 la��,y hali Isath 1,1k,otIvv at a fal .Ia`_�r. aull ,; rmalalom. �11412 t01ra,1,'e*"n to Me lataff. , JP3Lt.,,I MUV tj -,% t (I.-o'ankeo al"'Luorip ,��J(K�.gj) _ a6n fk,!�t, grantea. @O ,114 40, yq�ltr . ter- gli. b giollte n lt;ow,l ol wipae� I" togf? , roleo,:g and gar4low?. *4-30*0 ; f-Q1'hV01a- mspatrr,�. 9 there �&V'o- att'.&-,� te�a 4 vlfttl uDo �� far aq gel-urao cli�'Ner64!1j" Is eaft. uk,Pue to "he Jorc9q. IMI -IMM -A _- toow.ntrp to the btMe'.1 %Vvrolt,l at b". pmo,,l form, 11 ef�rf"",J, "r a bav�. LAt:ay te givet In dand V'rehr-Ar.l. $'.1.M0"% ant arants f to kb� h* r r1loa n 4 a I.tallie,,er v9I � 1�-as!At;g� . - , L � afal P1­124unortk, � E "o to prBysilt,ou agents . 1, ��,;ak S 9 . In 1pj'�A,,�_- tov. hor-se Is It , I ry fo Fh-,A:,� -Iff,e ,�.�.*-` V, it ro�,�.n� r For a �-;ecla-g gL-1 V, -ha *-,,,o,fjVg, Ent .%fto,r tto­o aft,il Oltgapl, 1� po"ef's-92 , D',.L%'­J�"' % - doltrett"fal" Ilaw-fe is a volinfavrt,04o J� ktg J,:e,W5"i.,-J tal;$'­ 0 �aj'. g 'I I�L :"� Lfllr�'j MQJBF I 40.4 nC-t '�4 .3ta A Itho. � . , , , Z-4�,Vj:'�:: r,�­ dUr�lh, b.,.,,�qtep or ov" .,�!_,:�Mgj,D a ,tegar � 13�itqnq 1rhc,nd% or � a-l't I In"St 1mvi. to , . FMU_1trAr_r to UIE% "Ata to 4-011u� O.- It Lt ,. , 'a Me''J19 tfate to� aslt gtr6t'? 0 a votaftc � 4awmalblo, kt- e4Vg4P1t&. �, ttu­m nh,,4 sa�.:t .SB,."..k,_� B_'dtl .9 UW5 i _. - Jup,sllgt-s? TLv? C -.t U I Lst & f`ltut-'04' P-111'tY rvan &',4�4, a 1�. win:'g- v',�V,2 !or Lo -r 0mra" I - - 11 - Tffr M'ODI-P,vi MOTHEIt "t .0, -wit U'% P,!- 04� U 1 ; 9�a"v-Dy e IS Lot �. dlq-_q tlat Wrnal�,s lu.m&. ato US atten. - r"Etv;s_;4�-'Iry to aio."ok , ri"'atas 14,iW� el-ety, i, tit'.*:2 of ,:.,.IJEI,�,�g � N. Uns %gri,N-g orr,latritig r%or Uaby %hat Out u, ne- Voung, 'Wte. �; vy�.,C,, :�morg BA -F C-b6zl`02 a4t: ttb Grd"df§ld1hv1% N.-k-%A,F- Knew. ("ardig igttom�,d te 2 -ft Mt Ill 'orti'v. he I !! VQ,4nM t�atq 11-,�") Ca'A va�wlo thwe-2 It &js U.qn�v algao�,�t Fa�,r,;J tra,ditior-19 401 "qjjn"%VV;C�p� t,DU6po.'r.Ja n!_&'%Z1)tLr�'�'kV b'? I ;vks1i-s Ito 1,0n%Z-L:­ the rackluvaNtand% �j tr�jy or V.atv Nor t�nlrd-4 1'� ID�e LV43. ,'t,tgii,�n,giu it 21 ttorrrct for U'Le Z,ozing th�� r9knksery have Wet� eagst asice WV , "A"wo, of your Own anji't',va Of YOur 'D=n to ask ;o;-,rr_,rg1s54o�a tro oa% 13% 1 thi- tap -,"o -date bl"ther. Uven the 011?e igug,jaimd's Cards are snfjh�,mvut to �Zaski.,Dg 102, the YOU!, -,g J�Jyls eatd f., r �Jfa.jl , - emozVU-A to es- VW31d ce-ttaileDly IY* for 4F.e putpa�o �q,,latjal ,r&dj*� le now s(�Bfjaui rol Do, 1. 11 .ave, Thp U!g1t0f`,. fir* , - , - In th.- lion -e blevizel by ballgvls Pre -s- Cott the gav-sts to the bn`-,�, ai-11 of aseettai,�,Jng tier a�Qdresv. eme. "e =oler" bab.v 1,; not red lemadgrocom .at true reee�,)"`�fvn. It tk�- j.,,,Ver,4- tim(I ite erle�*. but %Vwna .­ gyr.140 is an irfim:Atv ltk-UA it witl �', w clozi anftO1:ftC.,* the proper tinic. T190, quite Correet fo;L you to U�'F.S her. It 1-3 It P.I,L�goer 1!or n. noatt.-va "'"an to - - , n9v ,eao,-tot dpprOtO,14 of to .11,14 -10d bAWY to Lq r ,--jlt-��. ,�Iuan.lsz vest- -let US bolst Man at a Weddl . . ' b-Atr'l, fot it. fint de�oaite te gial.1 r ,velotfling w1th th; lnost?Ss wk*`V� sv-y�-!g: I Moen an W-ng-agf.-M1nttt 19 5011b",icly &o. hom'; (61; re-diTig. ne,&Nv, all tMe-dis� gt�gsdby at a reccpllrot. �­,t'_'q it %ro,:1,1 rtralftoed fit a rceelyt!"In.. L9 it ompor tor the ordurs; of Wants at,CO�nwm � S,y at a d anat r- . ., raxUB to w4tar a Ptin,�!e Albert by ee^ I be out of V'see to "'o Suit ", Urar atswets Win ha gteatly rang;-gil.4�hta 01 the btoold,"ll and Ww- � ____ 1�' I appt"Iatfd. fn,,1fa = X. Y. Zo els. Mothrrs' gft,$Itest fokob"ent Iq R 116w long bf-for.-- 10 vvp� nlr`!�:shzi'a� I a A =arried � a!q L_ ,�C4 a,- , � . , bCSt . � treatta-fit to- thr_-;C- RN that willbe Inflewel; P,Irtv b;' 911'en by tl""' von'19 i n a -� , � - gpf.ttw, bir-t efte.,tive. an]. abova All. 4 i t.; f T; " r"'Is -! A t W 11 I Is, e . in'", � a -t %ted In-. ia. 1-tinee Albett �Imt Q i t111 bp 11 valt Is, � lady to 11pr �he ong�p�-,et ailtlre Itot at -enfe. mes� .1. W. IL-Voy. 01 Head very Into,ril"ll. 11,0. V4 -2.o - takv, (M.L. writes froial the r,Mlne5s " _� I '� tIt-t 1p t-ut.- a truLk afternzy0n a'1Cq�C­Rtt,5Z1. ep-red -mout, �, 14 -_ e .-NPAIIC�ft.e Wilt" �h� suzvs: "Ill-I'Ve a t��,e�vs* B-�,47r.'ymaotl).' Aftclr , � rn,�,r-1 Bgi. Owf� WAVIets for* na"y &b� 1� ogivitt 40ap 0"Al.i-WC a' �'-t�.�ap-_ s!tatall --an- 11 van Z.-ou klmmy tnTo-nm M,P, n -q t"10 tl* 1nor.tB,,,* old baby who was trOnlol _4A !� g,n,j&,,r_auLr_q- - a1213 ,� etiqn�Ate Co-, to a Ward re='n Ing I'l � ,P.:,r,;4 be 11*rat On"' % 9 witra trelig.-stgon. 'Th- ro,odts wete !I hau-soon SM; tio-". V -.C_,2 lvg-� 13 WD�at _: I'at. ? 11 a gpnttoman rnc�:-t-v a ;��__ bej�oml ray exPZ-�A4o1,IZl,n;z. 'Werg:19 can- 11 form sl:03-a tr,�e �rmitataon Ua. alau oT Dailies In '2:,�- stre-et or. in 'a. . -11 e1bA An -A -el. vntor ot a T�tote% �=_.I h- a"Diteady rot ronw%y to those w1a have not 4 Blow wot.br�d? ,I! S t.l.d. tlg,�M thir, Worth go; these T.Ab,- �",l Ik 1 t,,r a v70,,L- t,r-rore 9L j� ;,now, " the r,,,,1t_: _,n,,i t,,,,f,r V- -1w to An -V I we"tAng 10 a, , ,� i - w I 1 � t,,z. I will terefr again IW9 o�ortrj,,�,��,, goo;d tlr_--� to el'oosp t" I'M Uru hN ftk,�_q D!f M -.-ail k -W 0,go.-r gorlr-p,aratl4m ior tile baky. as I I for - to-, s:In-1- " .1 r�-Irp%VpIg ,_*.,�Pr-,a!ntr_,,f- , ,, gwrag sh��_Is he T._�ep at o:L tr,4tilq tb6 -t-a fOnvine'r I there 1�z notl L'o � ww"o-'. I"S'LlMlon. S'al,�,vlls. 1c,,I C'Malla �' jr,&Ss Ring , go, aw�lr ��. -,2=1,1B s4y,=- ore Of goal as Baby'a Own 1phbl.,ts." I . " % , ara entcp. wr'.!� B�11'�C�­. ;zr,l 1P!N10TL:Ud�'- � tba� varty as:cs 14m to p,z' . Me IQ, t . bork - t t,W �._�rV.7k. (7,prtl a ' .fl`JJV . JrL­�,11,3 o Th�-�Lc- -r�j%_ts ire a genIV? I.1X.gt.vP 6, .%re iri1Tf!,A,-n � ." I . P,Y,fte-Z.6,sm. tar�zp_ rz)%, a tPro ,, 1, � ig agw.�r - in., to , S m.y.-j. Bv3I t,� f� r " n- nrt, . I Ot - � , � ge . (,c,ni T' ' f -q'- -' , truz.k- FhMIM t'$�' ea -dg , 4, to r;:%w�v"6 1,61bt� �, .")t ,W-�,.C-n to .fort;-gN_ n..-dic. En �nze . ment . -a.] 4 IfAdr-,n. TlIvy .,are P'easant to j. ,1.J,V,,- ATMOZ: to man - �1. � _ trl;x " C h k I � - "'r ' f`6'e MLJII�-�tgr J,a&'��-'Z j�', ,ftn � :CV,'11��­­ V.7h A e tikv, ar.1 are ip:-_�ataprgteed to, coatain 6 4 - � h, . 11�.,,;,J be pp*lt oUt IB"', it-A.V a . no (viiiat.-. if ii6nr druggjs�t 410,16; nat' we , ht, knows thtrn or 1731t. As fcv.- taking ' ,�,jm%:�. An infOrt'12"I n4ytt- wiiI C,Jf- , ,r . - own . Abl the CA.4 ,-enj - , to, lie ;,�_,r, thf,. IcvjtHt Ion. If , - 12- � off 11-:,o hat %rhen gzr�­',Er�q ,-an se - L --,-p BabVI. ., -5- e , lii.� Dr. Ivilli=4, MNIMIIP Co.. , ter. 'al-"ute." �o be niprely for a q�,_�Jntgnee, tr� the- ,strecA, it is cer- nt is ,L 11ro,.!kv1lI.*!, Ont.. or �tch-nect-qtivo N-_ few ItDtiguate- frien-da: -Mi d" -'It : tailfly t." only thinix jw�:-vs"�)le i��r him y an,I a ftgl ,--ftwd, box w*11 bs'lalall- I Loub;e - NVUl YO' a k-inolly pAre Im" the to ,do. ,nlere Is an. exa­rated fotnti . a your - , '"' "lay -. ' -_ � kK postpald, to your aed�ess. I ple ,,..igra. of ,, g�m,n,,,,*t1yV lq*ur: . of polften, Qs in MS eutr',,hrtq� wath Ills far , evening for a .1 entertain- hat o4f for any length of t1ra-_,, In the 11, iving to a few -of W"r rti;W.. , 110-tv Girls -%valk,. � ine, It Is afi, ipas�v m6ttek, r6r .ht I am 'ga . 'Itl frieltilly. iii -fore My weaffing next him 'to say: "I lo�­ yoonr parlon; f I -_� ;"' I' thle IaO �v.jid ,,(%I me, Aray. WhY d0v )mot 9wleek I 11011111C YOU ii-sve' no' engage 111ftY I PUZ 011 my ! 'tt . girls walk bettet than the -V do'? Tbe.v* " t *for tj,H�j 'evening, and that I ha � - - t, so ,* tiot ta,t er .OvDq Men ,n t,j a,L,; 11L= a, hpve left off all tile old Vice$` .Of I Ina y conit upon your being pre6*nt, or, her own ace,)nI. t,-tor,ping over embroidery. .stayingg in- I afre My kn % e . etio.11at I A . b s." 6i anite for- ---- -- �- "----. doo,�__., w_�,eft it is ba -.1 wqxtber, an,l � - 'f� each a, note. � Inal er-onglo r I , excc,ssive vewhtg� TIley V,av O',It- 4 - ! mr. C%Oodman-y -ar:!n-inarA you were at th'at pras, fi_-.at last. night.; doo.- gamea ,and Inhale at 10-v;: a, ,kV1,,at 1p tile propc�r interval be- I hundred ,par cent. yn<>te fre�.jl -qlr tween a first tall an(I Its return'? I'm SlITP-1sixi to 'U'ar 01* 2"Ou At- ' . ffAlr� , a 4 sgrac,,1.1uI af than did their rnothnr� and 9r-%aJ- llow frequently should calls be tending Imeh . I! . i9portiloo.-It wasdisgrav��'ul, suft motoiett; when they Were girls. SO made � I en ithf-.­ of thage bit ' ' Why do they 110t'Woalk better ? 15 When a lady tuoPts Anothpr At- ough. Why, ne - w n dubs could - il ha�d enough to dent it for lack of drill? Or (10 you Set companied by a gentlema:1 unkno b ex. T it down to the old account -viz., gen- to her doeg the. recognize 111m at all utt 1, ,, s, ,of tight-lAced tIght-sbood in any conversation that may enEme? . . - - - .rauton I r - feminine progenitars ? It is quite When a lady rpicelveR an introdtin- ' "I bavP 0111P VI -1 Of tlb- lite SeVo rare to, vt�0, 6 girl with cliost well tion to anoilier and subMquently remarkei the' sera-,Zy goat, asho I forwHtd, sboitldets Tla,-t, head eredt knows the 1husballd Of the second removeA the root beer aevertise- . bitt elft Well in, WaXkIng With If light lady by sigbt may an introduction ment froM the wall. , Ilra� - ties! ,INVhat is that ?' asReJ the traonit 066 steo Iron! the hip. 31;�t oi: I be taken tor g ..tell It tile par P are mutually known by silxlit ? - eat, thosa *-ef nee eltber !r&1ap �'tlOng Enquirer I llppAer collecting." ot slourfle. WhyjI-Loadon Trutli. . . . � �