The Herald, 1902-10-03, Page 4The Farmer'a est in Good with the County Council$, with, tole understanding t 0, the Township RE99i, IlDi I . 1:1 - 9 NJ . 4 - Councils �shonld furnisl I I IS PUBLISTIED 4 all tile EVEItY Value of good roads to fariners. necessary stone, tettllxs,, laborers, Bad roads "constitute the greatest efic. Owin- to the heavy expense drawback to rural life, and for the incurred, each County Council N�,a,,j lack of good roads the farmers askedtomakeagrantof $00 for IXE149S OF $UBS01ZIPTION`;-$l,00 per suffer more than any other class, eitch stretch.of road built. year paid strictly ju ailvance. When the Some of the benefits that would In bililding, these sample roads, paper is notordered. to be discontinued accrue to hirmers through the con- the first. thin-- is to provide the it will be sent until such order is give" stitution of good roads tire:- requisite drainag and e, -which., is the arreartligespaid. $1.5Qtobeebarged -Goodroads, like good streets, fundamental principal of Xo.a d When not Paid in advance, make habitation along them most making. The roadbed is then ADVERTIS ING RATES, -Trar, s 10 'It desirable; they economize time and shaped with the grader, making advertisements, 5 cents per Bi,evier line force in tramsportation of products, the center bonsiderably higher tho n for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insertion. S reduce wear Lind tear on horses, the sides so that the' water w mall Advs. . ill such as"host" '4EStray" Or "Stolen i,L harness and vehicles, and enhance readily run off into the ditches. be ofiarged 50 cents first inserUoii Lind 25 1 the market value of real estate. After rAling with the big stealn MASI for each subs eqlient insertion. They raise the value of farm lands roller a trench about eight' feet Copy for changeo.f advertisement must and farm products and tend to wide and six inches deep is cut be handed in not later than Tuesday night beautify the country through down the centre of the,road. Into of each week to insure allange in iollow- Which they pass; they facilitate this trench is put first a layer of ing issue. rural mail delivery and are it potent coar.,e broken stone; then it laver Local noti6es in ordinary reading type aid to education, religion and socia- of fine stone, lastly a layeir of sjill ,5centsperline. Notices for Church en- bility. CharlesSnmner oncesaid, finer stone as a dressing. This last tertainments. or other benevolent instifix- -The road and the schoolmaster layer helps to bind all the stone tion. at special rates. ; are the two most important agents into it solid inass, -NNbile the sides of Contraets for column, half -column and in advancing civilization. the trench hold it all in place. quarter-COluilln rates for spocifiedperiods Characteristics of Good Roads. The ten -ton 9team. roll is run over will be cheerfully given. Address all "The aim making a good road is each layer of stones US Iu communications to 0 - itisp ton, to establish the easiest, shortest The rolling is always done down and most economical line of travel. the sides of the trench firstso that It is therefore desirable that roads the stones Will be crowded towards E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURIoH, P.O. should be hard, smooth, compara- the centro. When the rollin- of tivelylevel, or laid out on the the sample stretch is completed, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1902. ground so that their graddes may be the stone should be about seven such that loaded vehicles may be inches deep, which is sufficient to drawn over them -without great stand ordintkry traffic. Such a Imterest in the Mlehipicoten grold 108S of energy; that they should be road may heave to it slight extent district, "out which little has properly constructed, the ground in some localities, but the expense Well drained, the roadbed lraded, of keeping it in repair will be mujil beau heard for the past three years, shaped and rolled, and that the less than for an ordinary clay road. has been. revived by the making y should be surfaced with the best Cost of such roads. Roads Such 0, public of news that the properties 1 material procurable; that they as those that have been built Uy upon which exploration had been I should be properly maintained or the Good Roads Train cost any - in progress for several months had 1 kept constantly in good repair. where from $500 to X,'1,000 per mile. developed a marvello The road that will best suit the according to management and cost , us showing. needs of the farmer in the first of stone, The average stone road The strike Was made on the Mari- place, must not be too costly; aud,. costs from $600 to V50 per mile. p0sa, 100ation, South Wa:wa Lake, in the second place, must be of the Such roads need at certain amount very very best kind, for farmers of repairing, the same as other -which is owned by Sault Ste. should be able to do their heav-y roads, but not, much. Marietcztpitalist�:. Unselectedroek hauling over them when their fields Tbonumber of cords of stone from the stock- pile assayed its high i are to wet, towork, and their teams required for It mile of road depends as $81.50 in gold and $1.52) in silver would otherwise be idle. aitogether upon the depth of stone -to the ton. In the opinion of old, Tbo best road for the farmer, all 1, laid down. If )aid On eight feat miners tile Mariposa, is things being considered, is a solid;'� Wide and eight inches deal) in the a v`crItablO Well-built stone road, so narrow as centre. it would take abot 220 to Klondike, and gives every promise to be only a single track, but bar- � 240 cords per mile. Outfit of ofexceedingin richness any, dis.�Xngafirm. earth road on one or machinery. A, traction engine for covery made in Alaska. both sides. Where the traftle is hauling the grader and working '7,11 not ve r 1,*,,t(',-nsive the purposes of tile crusher, it ornsher, alovator s good r�o_la(,JS tire better sorved by bins, spreading waggons, and a five While the olevators tit Cituadlim narrow trackthan by wide onV8, 01, six ton horse -roller would cost portson the upperlakes tire beeoin-� While zllau� of the objectionable altogether about$�,�,800, and this tug congestod, with wheat t1le f4.war fenhiret of wide triteks are. remov- Outfit would be sufficient to do all is expressod that the tile initial cost of constriletion the work for any, ordinary munici. boats will �not beable to parry it �Iseutdownoue-bulfor niore. and'Pallty. awayin tinie for the closing of 1�tho ellargei for repair reduicad in F. W. Hodson. proportion. Where be& of good navigation. The 'Uaiited States!gravel tire available M3 is the PAVJ [JAR WAXP.. stealushiP companies would be glad Cheapest and most efree. In'the�1101110-SOM-1.1101L and flic to take a sbare in this traffle and it'five 2110th(A of improving conutry:�!Cnited$ttttchst.,berourefoxv 1111:11108 �,rtiatls. With PAtirthitlone,ho,%vever, ;,more fliltlillar I t1none would relieve the situation at on(%,, in more rev - a very pooftble road call Ixt made, ;V2C1t11jV' SPOkellt thall that of Dr. A. were they,to be immupitea -to do so provided the principles of lotafion, tse, the Loreat p1tysielan and "�Unfor,tuklnt(!,,Iythe,navigatioix Itud 8111VDe Of surfaeO, fthftipt book ttut1nor. iij is blesSed Of' the LIlited StAttes bave Wen together with that of kLvping the for,the autriering 1-ko has rL.1je,%jed surface as smooth and firm ats lms� und thedistuse.j he hns made so stringent as to prevent I' en"d . bis I Able by rolling, W, Strictly adhered reniedies are used and endorsed 'by Caimadian sbips from doing at, coil -At to. In filet it goml earil� road is I the best M%lo ill the land they tratleon thttt side of the ittkti,4, and �,_qeeo'ad to none for summer travel. arelloptilar our o%vn lavra,whieliwere formeArlandso1wrlorto many of thp, so. Others fall. ]ill in that req*ct, 11 1 ealled matadam, or stone roitils. ave been! Butthe earth roadstnu-st be eover- h9siniflatetl to theirg. We prevent. OV.1with �gonlc* artifietal material, If Ableriftu Stonmers from carrying ther fire to be made firtit and un. grain from Fort VNtillirtill to lion. Vidding- at �ull stea"4,6m4 And in all ii kinils of weather, with a surfaca trotal. and thOY'Will not be Wd. by il "ismooth and impervousto water. to earry the Good r4m& train. The depart-li Canadian shillWr, grain from our northern lx�rts to)!� mentcofllubliv road lnquMes ditcl, TIM alowr koo! �4 bo forwaraea to th#_* i�MW&ra tithe National (;otxl RM&A&%Mft. PeRIPIRK AICD SYS"M lttic� through Am#ritatt jmrc4, This ti011 of th@3 Uffitt6d States Combined MXTOA if their fore#s a totaple of yciars ago! pmt *Xtv*- *11thl ('"toof fit ruftm*it el"h of nIttno- for the purpoloseof furnithing objeet a I w1ftm ka. I t',* It I mt- Uvor the Ahteriftn miller vind the" V'Atl rMilix Atessous oil ;the e0jaistructiom 17t R ­ - 4 A �4,,r*�bw Amerimut stehmeim, trading to their Valfte, of go6arOAS 10 falfteri ill a Momilith flr6t of Ap6dii ciaittto t ppm Rita ran -it finds dim. Cases the whigat whit roads tralia was elifil Oult,vift going eastwara throughlbuildingtShort Mulple at-MiAht-A Of (!ahadlan eliahneols will Ao-ek th@: ffloap-1 i��d. and. holding loftl poa. ariv Mier tram x-Alliffli I sotithwara watkot. and, the junefi- veniticths, itt'varioft eountiet atongil tV �. ;Mihi tolit N44 liefu", tan st#awer tan load at Fort wib:; the roulte. BY. this inegits SpUftdid !i 4L ecticoft of impt6gsing upo-ii tho )!hill tot an Atnerleatt Imn tvit'hottV tilt Jon 80MAIT, leAtiftflotittl -work was doad ill the; hitidrance. 1%ls is a case #hi�ra people the desiribility Of befftir S01116 reeh)toeal Ine-Asurd Whight And 1-6adg, and the faellity with whi& thmf ll�fth be- C-otishftetod. heceminea With gefteral Adtautoge, 4d. -'n � Is. - - tit Aoll# 0,.L 1]USt el, :But tht?, oVerttift shoiffilie-eitic, ffrojft,'� _ _., V, =9 U go:-,, guou that 414k h%pNetafto 'Wo'dia te aocZ­tllish&d if X similar- MOMM4U CAN# the Uhl ted States, whielt was the ljv� eqdirNd ftaift woroc,1jerat#a ill Arst to Alit do*n shaktytv fit ka-, cWhida, Aft 61yoft wim Juada eqklv;� spoict of the tonsftise titles. in 1901 to atrAh'e'efok 1,vokk of this il M'±. Rudolph 11eidmuitu is tlgjt� soft ift the MAW& distficC Chief,' in& his daughttr Mts D. steifl- k thtlouoh the e1ertions of mt. X. " ::, - 0 4 AXNAMURS V g i bach, at -Detroit. of this city, S e-oketary of �i A uumber- 'Of trrOft beCtiftea ih htioft lot �, Imost cettaift, #Yer the ptive fist pablisha-&a Ift."it week A bisicovetT Of an A, the Vood, Rod& Ass4vi hsov6 ge ettre for kh6omatista arna kind-: PASteth Ofttalfl0t. the St" I! k Diso-&ses, 4sey-compaity Of RafAM401tv Ofit -tvith thefollowittgV irastead toad-thaMixg,' Of tile patties itain Apicing-r-st the geeat.estt .0 Tolt � lbachftkei�y, -%Veke ftidtictd t or the, K7k the telief of humaii; ftee of r J 13ii1ittilet Peat$ �- '2hid for Pleinisi[y ,batte all, the A6cMftt*1`0_­* A Sunerm,6, :terllaps Aond fift. ke �40 . y 41,31 ist lor U411 S favoiritle. �V . . 7, �Ooieh A'Wfta, AA *010 V . . ...... aliclahkothree�qr four expertv. t4o P-ta A11% Thd fokyliul& ftollil itkJ!re, charge 'Of aild, Opefat4 the' *h1eh these pills ate 3 nade was the jnachijbejl�y. The eit'ha4inft poff-,,, resn't-Of D1911V 'stu(17 And 1andCemeiitCbmpkAy,6f Desttoft-1 VkPetfineillt. A ii -with the ge eattest, to, GAt,,.y added flia, taltitetprise by confidence, therefore. that -the pto- dobatiftg'SoThe 150 to 200 b4&ff61S of "fidt g -did ark "d, dy, 3, - at ptibt'Oft Pla0d the --e Pills Oil ' le temebt for theowisttucti o Wk_ t�i* hiftf J*' t , ftckI6 0-d h ti on f 1W matket.1thd so s4tisfied are they crete enlretts -which are much, thAt thev Will p1tove a blersduct to' -sk. 44 *_ & 41. - �, diteitalaft, 11fit kidlity§ iwil liftt ikti 0" ) to V.LV MIL Ititillved *ftd -thOngh the, ttorh� h ihiy lit F'Atfh-� 'ift tight: it: is thb, fitt of digts-fift *11kh, the folfto*fug offer � 'ra any obs tr aggi-stance Was grVe"A to fter�, 11ta. Pl",c lb 1% '11ifestirift lilt Is ttha stillojecti of rhejlmgti� In Oho movemeitt by the Catidian Pacifie g ith 1prift* Mattel, how 10hg 0ghtling) 0 t &nV Gtand Trunk, Cahada, Atlantic,'i� V� rc N Wood disease as enumerated bejo,�V'aljd. ottia�,v& & N evt 4i ring J titt th it It i R Iway i bti, i t, Clakke's 'Thty doet �*iit *81 Ibby tt, �F, 'k , mht OW VtL 66 9 fill n e Red i;i1i; X f -lit Anil, 11111- - poft the A-ecessotty ma h- d t lAttiAl trial Mid daitot frnd tt pet- e.tpetts e In'erY all C&ktf* Covet theft, lites witholit , 'fed f, i hit v6ty I blk Iftt cute.we: williefund t),je :�oil' � or t U 4111W , P*id for the pillq. It iLo, '8ubsfAn- Sain-ple sttebehesof RMa, it, is I t*td6Vd tbe 60, ,-At is obsetved, V`e deittAle tha;t all heavy ftal tiftl if*koveme & i , 1* - i "A, - Vill, ift Aadffloli p.*ty *10 in cash Ite - ill ft&efoty beilig r-aadsishould bei maeadamizect orl JZlied its to this eftect. Sup gravelled, wherever the mat6tials" Dr- 'lftihtg6l' kidhty_ti,�et Pills ar6 veg� te -available for the purpose. In a a We he.-ve yet taknow of & sing a gle I thbl' M dosliftpositioh, i0id reihirk;kbly c9se where thesd wojiderrui pills order to give an object lesson on T"lley'ait 0 the value -of -such toads, f6pt in thOflabandS 6th6filift i& A ttibdird 11 and the ItidicIdde 111d. by yeatt 6t i4t ti. prote '%ZA 1, t* be *ithoat:kti*jl. ollb pill a, tv 'btLvo tot been "I'most enttely Sue- PtOPer Mannet to build them the c6cs9fulinaAecffng&tut&. CAa - G I 001:1 waS'empl6yd(1 to A - abot. ;kt In &44C O'se, 25 Ce tt.� or to build a model strefochof sCoue road DA CHEMnCALMPete-kbo; Roads 'train OilLt. from. a third to a bitif a, mile in Ed0ifti6tt, BhIft&­C&, T&outto, XtO 6 . , who sings, 'e 'h f, in -each oft, -o-dtiges,. thd flo*,Chas " drive -q away s6k- to, toll and gtads, ail addifielthal - t6W, " but often caugeg sottoW to Stretch. The !§6166tiofl of the avi hiliIiaighbots, 10da r Al m various sti-etoli6a of road Wits left. It THE BOERSAND GERIBY For.. thics ivet weather POLITICAL AGITATION WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. -oil g pair of Shoes. We You will need a good sti Votond100110 on Wlilel L t the Geneettlis have what you want. DIALF Obtullo. nit Audlouet,- Wit -it I lie lflniveror_10eelW&; AlWalnot tite British. Men's Heavy Shoe, a Now Dandy, 'onl York, Oct. L -The Thries has w the following froin London :-11efPrring to the desire of thp Boer Generals to obtain audience With Emperor NN'illianl, A few Ilarcrains in Summer Goods a Berlin correspondent of Tli� Tillie.$ Z5 quotes a stateinent from The Colri&,e Call aud see them before they go, Gazette, to the etrcet tl)U( the audience would only be granto�l oil eondftiou that tbP Boers abstalu Iroill, every Kind of political agitation in Germany. 'The correspondent says tile margin boLwceu R. G. N1%C.'ti'fH%CD11yL, BLAKE. correot demeanor and politicakl agitation is e.vtI,ernely narrow, especially in Ger- mallY, ill view Of Most uilniet;sured do- nun�iationii of Great Britain by Ger. "TY' Inalls. lt Would not require much of what The (�'oloane Gazette calls "Boers' ruqtic culilling'O' to -,vork the popular !olhid up to a state of excitement, anil 0 61 R Pt Ri LRI Inspire it both in Germany and South Afk1ca with vain. dreami and ambitions. TIIE MARKET REPOItTS. Dullness tit tive WILeat, Live stoolz unit elkeese Tuesday Evening, Sept. So. Toronto St. Ln,%vreuee Xur]cet. De;1verJv.,: of produce oil tile street were 110AY)' 0-da.7, Lind tile inarket was a(:avk,. Th-ne -.vas . rair deninud toralt 1111Js 1)ac prick's did not show 1111101 Change. .Villi tie. Ilvel-les of gralik Wel-0 lllt1Qlk lArger thall 11sual. uluoulltliti; toakiolit 5.SQO bwslkels. %Vlivat-500 bush of xvilitt. sO1d.,_,Q 10%%,pi, ac Ve 10 70C 1 "UO bush of red 1C 111.11.0V lit The iii(histrial position of (laiiada. iii tile. We and A) [T�sll Of 900SO 10 lower Ift U2 - 1,11- i.g .I , 0 (V3 C. of 11,l4i(,qI"11 pritle. IN'Orl(l Otits-Offerings were "or and the nittir. 1 ktt wil't %(,Aker; I.L.400 bi..911�1 sold ;Ae We llax,o trillillplit"I ox -vi. otliel's, ill '111"Illy lower ot alviti to 330. r 4 I't tu le fil6her at i(ts of inalmravoire, init ill iwwo so vmvtivoy eevlpts; lJoilto bush sold I I - lil Barley-Mit-kot ftuwr. witi, fairly 'Ie to 44%ti. ItY%1—Jk0 lough sold !'-,e lodglier it, ill bit, Velto,4. 11-ky-Markin woos ni'd 1, stea", "1111001Y $old '-Me to $1. lowor at; Oitr ton. and elortir or ruixod un. lit $11 per toil. E V LA N, $*- to $9. lteeeliits wert, qu lands. tilet and stead.V. one load ii -t. a titill. wIth prices utietanged at to so lik"' owt. Cheese 211url;-etoo, whotol Calladiall f.vlrywal it's the IvIlvel C111111ollellf0l'41, SeM. 3O. -At thp vllee�4o Board to-dar 24=o were buardw, (if Ole 1) vol 11to-11 1,111( . for flit. p(oi1l)lt­.-wlls at ille 106e to IOU.lot% Toroolto'Llve Stoel;;. poolIlt"s pril'o. IlU81ness was tilill %tilt] Ilea N lit t10 'r,). Now, so good ror voitiftsi-t --nid v;k,ar. %onto Cattle 'Narliet to-ki4ir"And boldors t Mind It lood deul or tilffit,11 ty, Ito dljIl,os.o?; of tht-Ir flolkilligs. PrIves NN'pro off 11 11-1 Write 'ILI. it _$tit, it. liathy wIlki; tht, old COutitrV knarkt-ts. it dragglog tr4tilt, wtpq tit%, rpallit. 1,11%. revelpto; Avere'largq%. and soillL, fairly .qlt)j 104 ivere omfored. Ing Nplliirs ov AvVesi. to ituaking dwlol oil tliq.- loklmlj ot I`k'Wr%4V'w Iorlk�eti. W. G. H E 'Zurich Liliorters were lowk% oil,[ iiut4q1trs* wt.,,L� also off. VLwden and storkerst lNerossa'alle. with a seari-Ity of t1w I'op aftqtlk�N A111011 CANADA C YCLE & XOTOR CO. ti:mfttea, TORZONTO Canada vows; Atlery 11111vto witil illilt olrerillieq. Allcop %vre oaster, lomlos a trit iL, 11raller alklI valvoi.4 ialiehaugvd. 'Itags were biwtv. litit. tolta I 11131 wiN 101 load -4. hieludlug 3.0% rattio. fsyj 81tutp and. Italubs. t"'S valve,4 and. hots. RXPOrt 01ttle-Cablestritin flio 0#1 ratin. t7 aw =DAL xv1porting n droll, 0 Id to 1%d 1wr Ito. Nj!.,te* is short guld oht. trade Is &prtosed, I flees far t1w lwst sllppo" her(. arto l4swor lit $4140 too "Mu.13 I ill Iver ewt, and inedlual grado-4 arlb tit ft!* to $4-71 De4flowd find woll suppiled and, do Itot eilite to t.IkL, toll abilargo lots. n -113tjmyt butelten, pro, It'horit, t7dItIft F retitneffly lower fit $I.Q1 to rL ar# selffillf IOW#r nt 14 lo $0o). onol g"! I o mullp 1@3 !for tho Jolval tn' do V %�11141 Otis C101,11110M Pt thO." 91MV9. Thow k4crIng'I ot 1tt%*.I vratto mts rol.Advols, "0105"Jil. blit M, %ell tle doolabil IN light. abild tory Mile 0101VIty Cat ada-, s G i ozcq.�' 1i NAURCAM. cholre tols dr@ 4"04 VJ I Ak-qy: lit 13>1 to V4, Mod &Ir tittle avig 11 roino to 4V14. Fordpiflq sold U1611114obA Vettora wim, o&-rcyl. Lind uwjv tiold MINH, *0% Thk�� vfom in poe'l uveil-. a 13 )'A Absoi uAtewtv Frelte, 111111aft, lVid itit- Holvi Ito '4noup A =at high fts Tru -'se W,va a -Ago apl'? 1; hm fox th�,'v tllwta st-INC vAl% ltw lonl4t4nor"4 of the UP412 tow.,4-0eme vomte of Obt%'-1 !;,DLVJ 1 Or VIZ loot tho'V wrft- lot 110-rattl Wuol VA"k-4&V Sha? %,�,g' 11w wMAt %ve ean sn'th ww"s LIT%" %lantied offer a §Wt4fdI,J1* loat Me di not Imike, mq,k a i. if ..d =nva ftmtoo 111% oiN410 On 1*190"Ut 141% NVvel-div�;i 1%11(11V lolOkeft aft delolng CA ota Im hvt& V ovi I GN0 TAMV*�Tfgp tan *d-, HAM ab)ol ABSOLUTCLY FREE- AWM04C? Wit* *old, I'd -lops Ahowe4l rqnw� Imige. Witt thi- torwor tht, 119.1tkt-1 xvixg V'atsobtt twtcs hire ft� ovivek, VAO to 0.N1 pet, 11wt. mod lainbs; Life Alt L1.0t * *1 " to U.w pet vvn� IN* N11.4nee we V�M have Mt- Vanvil veluq tire searee lind 1W In- y lieral(l the I- ke'en. llitieea ate no- and �VVQISIV Star Mufl7ed dircq-1 fn�w ilfiat fAh-41 fior the "a'allie h*a - lit to 410 eae'll. Imrietl without ehar-p-e. 116 . M , t. ura!;; *farkisr. litild pAm"q �'l Tills is v� it all oat do,401it Viti-v"malf." ell I et, vwt� !9AC-eOl VVf 1611 1preoila, MOT 3witiv to) the I)ttb- "I'll, L Ste w2ling cat lie of Camilla. aind thi: '.0)(OWD. ff i�. ay-eppte4l the nuore you get. .5, The ttin *as HgUL % TO OUR Mr,�91-:.Nn-r vvA rlivv "kittit id"Nitlo, coittit, *_",tk*!t*f. Aiiy preiettt 11) file Zurich RERALIf is blarilears t�ajj JD-lve CwVani:H�. llera�fl and Week -1v f4tar Free fot t; e 1,1.21anq, qD, g fulo. Veal- fyv navin't, alf toTiiat.q. it a hose jint in du�ears ir-an hia-vo. flhq,� VlanlHy. flerald aild Weekly Stitt for the balatheP V4 Me xvar�,t.­ paying Iu-'t year*s sabserill- tion. Auring;iieptemiler. .�Vklre:,s vw 4,01 tit TRE ;MIIALD. ZITL 0 -V -r. T5 TM -W YOU.11_11- J HEAD,. :�o A 0 t ilik U t A to I:%, Wk 7" ALL cAsms o -r olt,do . � .. .... 72 't ES -- N 'R, r - DE-AP11'' 0 A9VD N E- A R IN C yeteolit. rod w4ro'k,", 12 not, 11 % f0% 711'v� 1 A ''RE 14' , , , C 12tV ow RA. a '611th'i bita � 7141 bV Out new inven',jon. 01,, ,v tho 8e bo=- de-af am hicu=Wle. T&ftdott" O.-vt HEAD NOISES OP., E11AT I V E ASE IMP E1.1t htsilge, 4t, IMA"Age. � und tteadjr. wiiPat. Mugli'll coilatry : #'- WIERMAN, 6 BAt. Makit'" 9 9, a A, I I: t � sAygy ill-kets; Of yt�stprdily flfon; Vlrimeli st(,adr. L'Ondoll, 'Sept. 20.-V10oU--*%fnfk talit. 3111- 1 fore-Ign dull Being entirely curea of Nral-ell - licibr. cieafue'-- thanks to your vre-Aluent, i -.vi lVe it full history Of xuvta, ro.,� , Ne. to L'. Ttm-d at xo, g ydir, tr at do qp. ! lite of' 3d. 15tigihili weak it n dt-i-mile, About rve ve:;rs ago niv Ti - =,yheariiiginflli,,;tart.ntiri*tv ghm tar bt-gan to _�ing, and this ktp�t�on getting worse, until r rog r od, -Corit, Anierie.111,. liotlOng dDinz, Dart- bilkv firm. Vlotrr, Alnerk-ail quiet, but X unde"weat a tre-itrilent fb;,=t.trrJ- beroi Vbysicianp. anlougDt, vnol:�, Ellgllsh sttildy. My. l,hlrL4, &�pt. 'Sep-, -Npriy. on'sv an Operation coltlq 11�1,p tile. `e 2110,t tillillent enmrsnecmllitst r�f il%i, 6tv. who t6id 21le'thm'r the. rond eN.en tbat 01llv%6nlLllora-.ilytbatxlti ]lead noises woul' _n Cease, but tile heariwz in,lit, ffiVer. .21f '20f e. Fleur Iltleft, 312f 110e; Jan- 4 ar -ould lx_�'Aost forewir.- I thell saw Vonr adl��rtfi;enwllt A t 'giefit, Afterlhq,! iffieq ft ill n -New Vork naper.mid orderLdvotir reat- 111141 ApTIT, �Ilf 35(*- '20 red winter, 1 ;%,%,,after fiveweek�. niv Ilea: in. ill t(V vrillr 4Wec�iii4msxiie nciiAes c6itsed. and I= 1�.Tt &t-;iiis been entirel_yret�tored. IthankyOU yand beg %a rernaill ;N,y1truly your, Pr A�IVER.%TA:s% -SoS. Brottemay, 13,11ijulore,'md. jy1fel!fere I'm N,,6f'Wq1AT1 barks 33,0thniA A-fiti thowilt were burfted at selt, t1veir tt ews Ivith Voln. i(smiz Occupation. Ztliftin ti (I ie r adV; e 3. e. YOU UNRUH YOURSELF A— Hem eilig Jifl<cn oft by 696 LA SALLUEM., CHICA041 ILL.