The Herald, 1902-09-19, Page 7leeZ itt/ t 040.4"--)44/1 lieoteli4-klieg4tAlAge LOVE'S EXILE. * 4•404•44444444414.444444 So 1 arrived at Balloter without vs -Awning, and, leaving fereuson at the station to order a fly and come on With my luggage, 1 walked to Learkhill la the ausk. There was a lamp In the etudy, I could see it plain- ly enough, for the blind was not drawn down1 saw a figure pass between the window and the light, la another minute the front'eloor *parsed, and Te..-ta rushed at me, leaping on to my shoulders, and aisr,king Joyously; while Bablole her - twit scarcely less fleet or foot, seized both. m.y hands, crying in joy- ous welcome: "Mr. Meade Mr. Maude Mr. Maude i" I said, "How are erove? 1 hope you a,re quite well. Islet it cold?" But, tndeed, tee furnace -fire could have elent Guth a glow through lay- vette; .as the warm-hearted preseare of the girl's hands. "Do you know: I have a sort of feeling that I knew eeu were ion - ug Tete &etchbelieve in 46eotal eight; perhaps its a gift of the ceuntry. nee had all day a pre- eebtment that something was go- ing to happen—seinetaing nice, yon know; and alet now, before eon were near enough nets me to hear your step, etatte impulse made me get tree anti look out of the window. and, ef.r. Maude, don't believe 4,118, if she seye, Ta-ta inuved rirst. /tee:lase elte 411.1int; it way I. Thereel Mime% sontething In the dr befure "Why, Babiole, you're g?lug to be through the pietas of tireerde Short Atka she langoeo happily nt, elle as I noticed the vigor of the out- with% wi• were then ...agape!, for the picture atilt hung there just the same," The etory must have leaked out, then—the first part through Fa- bian, probably, and the rest theough the divorce court col- umn of the daily papers. I said nothing in answer. to the girre plead - Lege, Wee I Teetered the portraits to tleeir old place wttle the excuse that the landscapes would look better iu the dining -room. Our ,stadies began again that very afternoon. Bablole had forgotten nothing, though work had, of course, grown slack during the hot days of .summer. Site bad had another and rather abeorbing love affair, too, the through -those same eyes of mine, learning, a far more dangeri&'$ 5011, ous l- 5011, and one, allluoldly, whieh walla never hope to impart to any woman. I had no. tom but myself to amine for my folly, Into which, I bad coolly wanted with my eyes open, But the 'temptation to direct that fair young mind had been too strong for me, and, haeing pnce,indulged In the pleasure, the few months away had but increased my craving to taste it again. This second winter we worked even harder than the first. Babiole. with her expanding mind, and the passionate excitement she began to throw into every pursuit, became daily a more fascinating pupil. She would elide down from her alone on to a footstool at iny side when discussion grew warm between us eoncerning un interesting ehapter we had been reading. She would put her leatel on my shoulder with affec- tionate persuasion if I diangreed with her, or tap my fingers impatient- ly to hurry my expression of opin- ion. How easold she know that the ugly, • grave ' man, with furrows in his scarred face, and already wait - ening hair, was young and hot-blood- ed too, with passions far stronger, than hers, and all the stronger from being iron -bound. Sometimes 1 felt tempted to let ber know teat I was twenty years younger than she, growing up in the belief of her childhood on that mat- ter innocently. thought. Put It could make no difference, in the only way in which 1 cared for it to make a dif- ference, and It might render her con- strained with me. After all it watt my comparative youth wirch enabled me to euter into her feelings, as no dry-asolust professor of fifty could have done, and it was upon that sympathy that. the bond between us svas founded. In the liappiness this companionship brougat to me, Montt I had lulled keener feelings to sleep, when, as spring came back, and wale beginning again to dread the return of the long days, an event happened whieli made havoc of th must cherielied sentiments of al three of us. The first intiination of this revolu hiniself. His face was mare Wonted, las 100k. more shifting, the whole man was MOTO itodden and more swaggertag than he had le!en seven years ago, If it had not been for the two poor little women so' unluckily bound to him, I would nut have tolerated such a relailsive creature even on my doorstep; leit for the same of making such terms with hill) as would. ricl as all el los obnoxious presence, I lield out ley whigeli he, after a moment's hesitation, took and dropped out id his flabby palm', with a look of horror at my marred feee. you come ?" said. 1, lead- whicli disguised and contemptuous 'Asap- ii).nogintilitilstv.ity into the Study, he examined on entering with un - "Have you come far to -day, Mr. Envier ?" I asked, handing bira a, chair, which I inwardly resdIvecl for the future to dispense . 'melee sentimental feelings about the furniture _of irear details of which I extracted with Lon was given. by Ferguson, who m the accompaniment of more bluehes formed mu at luncheon, with a sol than in the old day. emnly iedignaat face, that a "%err. "We Shall .have you getting married disreputable -looking pereon" ha( and flying away from us altogether, been pestering him with inquiries fo I suppoe.e, now, before we know Mr. Maude, and after having the deo where we are." Etna in his face bad taken himself of "No," she protested stoutly, "I'm MFerguson feared, in the eireetio not going to marry ; I am going to of the vottage, to bother tbe ladle devote myself to art." My butler a (dello.. of Mrs. Milner ha elpon this I made lier fetcli her broken down under her conetant sketch book, after promising "not assistanee to Janet. to tell mamma," who might well .be "I saw that Jini was about the sta- forgiven for a prejudiee against any ear„ h»:I have nae doot he help - more ruembers Of her family sacrifice tel geetlenula awe' sato ewe," lug themselves to ibis Juggernaat. melee Ferman/1 grinds. The sketchee were all ter fir and lamb, I thought. no more of the ineident, tree. hillside and rippling stotie the butler had rteported alrn- Dee ; some were in pewit, Rome ply beeause up among the hills the water color ; there wee love In every sight of an unknown faey• is an event. line of each of the little pictures. Bea at 4 weeale em ak,„e, inn not anti there was sometinag more. r 1 at Ivo it Ina, looking " "1"f**1 g"1""111Pari.;••Yoli k"°'"' " a great artist, I believe,' I orieth Histor„i of tho English Nolan., on tell ate tu ant gravely intrtalnm eod o tne bar mother , Both had bee:limit- hues, the imaginative charm or tht• twelw wateti,n and then, almost ...lat.,40ektag.s, :or um awl 1 thought treatment of her faserite corners of ithiemed at &in+ an unusual occur - rock and forest. tineostudy had never looked so warm • retoon wao I,---.., up to go and Oh lio, tot that,- Slie Haiti depreeo 1 - mato,. ,11.1:01.1,,,, 0 t the cot - ill or .90 bOe-lik4.4d i1 S it el witli thait. ;;Ittthe. ..11 t tont b0 01145 0 limo one 1.11..„. wi.mt j 1 heassi io,r, %.„.hrowe wtir1/44/4„siwt1 44'1 w","17.41,1,'"44-, III° I shall he satisfied. I should liesin. itAetel. ise„.410 thr, „urn 111,11_000r. .r.ta ,..iese ..1s4. viol. .4.1.4. 1%44011"I dare to draw the big hills. When [get b foi•• MIS' c int • 1.e 1 ktiew thot umiak% kat Ile le eiconung Omer on Llano hills along tile Learn and sroned 111P. •14.4.1 broke no. chain ,. IMOW had inippentsl, for instead ,ytte. *flushes! ,,,o on niz t.houlder. 1 the other all round me. I feel aintost ep„200,:y. es was are ww, 011 up, 1.0re P • W r1111111101,* gill 4' 44 Palle:1111C sonirlietg and nto.wing ills teetli lent- r. 41.1, if / azItt '144 fall obi lay 1.11049 01..rolitoon whlot ob. uoal a ono min. onsly al. Baboon.. onle delighted only to look at them; it is catty when to „ ,1 the not; nortnr moottood any ears as no prima 1up. Izavii. crept down into Ii0111,9IsIONN 1Y 14 101 110A1U1I,P at 1 110 43,11r. ,%sint's singing had ON0r d0:19" T,I0N1 ("telt tull or trees. %%here I eau peep' ot ,e. whave • 11.14;41,; 1 VA) ealbravesii :1414 at them front telati4 is VOrliris, that 1 1.1w, jamttpr Dflolgd ;Mt', 1!.tW01' With stiAST111'1.9** feel I can take yiril my paper and I, tfrew. Ne ,:n 414.1 wilts illotie In ti'' iraW- niy paint -11o% 11 llasil .1141411141.." $ii4. 4- lima 04 1 fell usliebils„ lie;r1 :UV; 13(1144 tunnel g/etsit 1 " But you van lis a wear one her It ono ro$ nip Apo Mgt -NI me ,,eeseneion of tl e Hall :It'll . !Alma ;Wilting great thingq, You ..aft 4.01,,,,n. Pat there W-101 110 t eerioel to the eettage. evitega 1 heti rd footsteps 1.1.1 ti. e ,41ea door ono a ...nee— "gay 1 noon. lito Mr_ 'Standen' "C.nulasinly." Ian elassiazil ;Kn.-boilers hung .in the !! „i - • • .' t 1- 0 - ,. own too* .enr ne,mt. e LIM'. 1 iiVt/O bran" ;#•tttang yip two paint- • line at the itoyal :lanatleinn.-• 11 her hieul and laird to Oogs or tiortregOtli seonery nn ;plain' Xtilbtole. weft thoughifnity nlboit for ! I, shr "--9"k , '. ' . , . f ,... tiee Portraits or Lady 'inlet,. some nilainti?... alter this, while 1 ' blaurttli'lE111;2;161r0141114121,i'o' 11:46111°,..41";,3%,.,,T iritlitttael Vele 1;,,:attEetutlar men "s a 7eiete.let.... a 1 l e 31 . -• r - -- , ,,..t.,t.,.. ,, ,,, 1,,,,,,, 1,,,,, ,,,., ,•- 11 ttie t 0. "11-P. iv Ra. !dole "li4 UN,- I t. 4. IL' ny..na in . tv Li. d IS 'W'1.11-4114"Wert9449 alp gron%rad agitirl9t the , teirtieell liter the rest olli her tirittve i • " • • -eaoe, Moot .,1 ..,usli.tront ot c..1,15,r.4.0 • --.VT'u ---,... .',-.-' .-,... -“•-,-.. --,•-•-. ' 1I,011, 00 tteelLg. tee itiletipatteon. Bee I iitget.. b,, stegrali.n)Iti.st log' lime:is and Nellie:eel lei- "ea' 9 "`., :V14 n n-wient or rionnei- 1 ". figate atiereel el snort ,ery el' tear- II ' eteel. lie le poeitlee Vont at Ie., not ,.. ov vs`V•iet. 1St E9""liat"tw-9 OF"-ISlitY "' I 11.0°-.. 1-''t`re1:1 to 1.1`.1 nidolhtd9 ranren- leteige aled ensel` 'IT' . It 911191 1090111k134. btrill. '2. 11:antfltilitiWingig:4"..11170,3'4a7 l'al9sP?..r:°"bieleallc'eatr°; '.44,4314m,11:4.:47,g1:i3je,r1;1,1,411:11;:.1,1°,1tr.,n. :71;45:11,111,..,,,,ta tfilo'L':: 1 rtlit:14:ngt;botg,11:g..5.1e4,,,it,Irtl.,:::..t2' r1:::...2:Qt11,:talitt ptitl:.'121,s1L 1,1i4,1,_' il 1141111111,)°11- ,,t1.11EretD''.11,i.'711-1111,1,4.11-%. 011:441jt:es;D:IPLC4'1';',": i' ,:.454"C't143L:ItilltItitf'Sqtig It li'd':',.:::., el$P1:14.1141#1?:31;t3t2Orr. 7,14/t 1.!,.Y ititill OOP olio.= 14,,Alra to ece it i.gratsitpg_nristpr 11.„3,11 mato who .doonstet ,: tizo unk.ornvn elm). laud hik...4 1,22,„ 5arilii n. tolzfri r,littialio,. litp,t,, to. bt i,,, travarvmp' p,,...# tv'' dtglib 9.2.'• t-i.Lu• Miter.i...r ..,:itt'.- I 1st 110 ei f/C-all.r?raturc.4 el teem ft) to one 421 nly rm..- p:etture4 was hong. iltrator very wen. im tVI40 iistol. very ,, • ' — - - - --- - --- nn - S. .7'.4, - 4, V ' *'' ' • - E " ' ...` - T'990-1Ls " ell - • r e ...creel -vie.. 70 doge -lee Realeteenteet. *A-`LoP19 a .K1.1.11v on fkliCt 10'1% dr' 6114,'"Wer otea • taxer eo noe ave. 171" tve e* -7o eieel. 'au 'ell' - t ' • 11.-4 ". 'a ' - ' - e l'raigliit. At thee alio eteeke— '14S414 itubir luotv lo' teathes %Vasa he II, L ' ` n . $ ' .9 . ' ' . - ' . r, :r ,a -„ .. ii,:eva.0,..ya arl..,a.!-A tvmci.. v,,,ht!. t5L'3 th,' j .-tr‘71) It11 Ilr3°' ;e2t"Ye'' 11/ "144'1'133c t -1.- I,. to ,wititoraw in as, al slated ilea the . s -,‘,n wa-114 en 'the toalelen aleenee, tn313. - - •' - - - . - - o' ` u nerjoed. at the rate of from 5 to 10 'ON Mr. rt_lawl...:" 1V.11.4 oll Eq.10 sta. knows ha' . ele a Melo of natal reprottelt. o 1.04, tvgthozat liming very stnere ,li 1, eve Ta 9E, II • - t $11 ,a-$4 ut,tgy 0 tt$1 :14141.1111014.SULIIPS!•34 41 tNiaall.U...d4 tt, D 4,.,L $ - .. - , - - 1 • . . ,4 il v , , ti - . ' ' ' . .' HII4V p314111. ,hft4%thlt$ ‚.4) 4011.4 41. 1 " stub on tier face, nal /Ire tight rimmi- ng:Plaint nut a drawitigonnster-s VW, Dtql laDDIns &NOM!. 4I441. so' give ea.?... and you nrty 1000 1, 0 )11310311.11 151 ,; -Wenn lib lit „it has flowers 60 Vont ,utte. ahem!, acres . . .. 1111r the depreesion are being very great at this moment, eir. She took my child away front me to teach aer to hate her own father. and to bring her up in her own extravagant. notIona" he has eured Lerself thr.nie now.'" I Kalci ; "she lives on the barest sum necessary to Repo two people alive, it Is, unfortunately, all Icon mare for her kindle 1- itt taking care of my rottage." Wits true. I had often re- gretted that the poor lady's tortio-c- i141P indepetelenee had made her re- fuse to ;tempt snore then 'Inveigh for fier her With the stnlet0S 1....MInny. to )IN 111/031. NOIN. 1 rej lined to think that site nleolo elv iiign to be owl. 41 4144e. r0 ',ILO'', tile greedy maw 44 il ereottire fore me. My 114orssbs Were echt. 411 tC/1110 I. tat mon t t ale t had Isom already made. Naturally. he hnlyeted neither Int nit, nor sue. (To be Cotaiselet) ^ ^ 00030000000000000000000000000O0000000400000900000C Iln § A LESSON IN BUTTER -MAKING 0 8 To SeCnre the Profitable Home and EngliSio IlarketS. • E000000O000000000000M00e0000000000000000000gfkar' DI.P-trtni.ent of .Agriouneere, Ottawa. kets against Our progressive Danish. • Canada enjoys the unique position , New Zealand, Yietorian and Bussion oir beteg Unable to stiffen from over- Produetion a8 long 8.8 she tops in twenty, as slip Il do, all competi- tors without more than the use of ordinary dlligencel care, and pru.- deuce. T.31 get trade a country must supply ri want; and to midget that trade permanent that want meat be supplied at a standard ot quality eu- perior to Its competitors, or at a peoe lower then theirs. Canada pro- duces what (*.rent Beitate and the re se of tile world cannot do without; but vvhilo she sells it at a market rate laver/x.1.10 to herself and accept- aLle to her customers, she is riot sulking the most out of 'her iittairt material wealth. Her farmers teed commercial mon are not yet educated up to the operation. And it is net gra.nclmotherly legislation for the Agricultural Depertment of the cone - try to lead Them towards greater prosperity than has been enjoyed heretofore, Frequently one hears complaints about oboe Thread-Ilke Streaks appearing in butter. This la some- times due to errors in the salting and working of the butter. If the salt be added to the butter while the latter be still In the granular condition, and not in too large:quantities at a time, so that It may dissolve quickly and be dietributed throughout the mass of batter to some extent before working begins, there will not 13e so melt trouble from streakiness. If, however, working Is begun betore any salt has levee added, a.s is some - The Pr00084 of PasteurIzing time the prteetice, the salt is then consists of heating the cream to a thrown on the imooth surface from temperature of 158 to 160 degrees' which the water Ints been removed, and tho result is that the salt does fahr., and cooling it rapidly to the not dissolve readily, but remains for ripening temperature by the U06 Or some time in a partially dissolvea some special cooling apparatust layer between the sureace of the Wherever this has been carried out eboult.tteor.f bleaTtizinag la, probably, a properly In Canadian creameries the of the butter by results have given better keeping the ehetaieal aeti011 Of the &Lit In qualitiesr to. the butter. and have swill strong solution, the effect re- remedied faults in flavor In eases mainitig in the shape of u•liite streaks where taint,/ of various sorts ilea when the undieeolv al salt, finally previously been 'troublesome. disappears. When only the quality of the but- ,' Mottled" Butter ter has to be considered it Is aura - a. different thing altogether, al- cleat to pasteurize the cream after tionigh it is also the result of uot eeparation; but when It is also de- luxe:mg the emit et enly elietrIbirted (fired to lessen the danger or apread- throughout the runes of butter, Ing disease by meant; of tho skira- either through earelais zuldition of milk It le necessary to heat tbs. the (inn, lissuffinient n'orklog, or milk before separation. and Cool tbe working at nasilitithie teluP"11- skim -milk anti cream afterwards. Ai Nome The part ; ands et:intuits the temperature of /B5 degrees Minn most stilt have the deepent color; safficient to destroy diseane gertate the; Is the natural viten of the ad- likely to be found ill lniiitz; and whOle dition of salt to twitter in liroPer milk may be heated to, that tempera - quantities. It is when the salt anti lure, with proper appliances anti the butter come together In lity•rn. itaudlitm without giving; any obi - and remain ho for some time. that jeetIonrifee riavor to the batter made the bleitehing wears which, trout it, the Mania:Wel... 31t• It'aldtet" 1.11A't erIel'itami°tt?ite; pbr;;:tptie.Prratfil.4.1ili 8.24.1 ase and other competitora Xt le necessary, also, to provide for pasteurizing- the cream from which butter is to be made for exnort. Among the varioue minute and low, forms of life which are present as germs milk and cream/there that consta.mt struggle leir ourrival Which la ft cultivated field goes on between. weecte and useful plants. Tim eare- ful farmer tine the well to kW the weeds anti then sows pure seed for the crop be deelree. The butter-. maker followe a similar course when he pasteurizes milk or ereara, and then Puts It lute a Pure 44 Starter o. • to yfeld the desired flavor. Pasteur- ization does not destroy all the germs in mak or cream any more taan cut- tIvation eradicates all weeds; but it decreases their nuutber. Sterilization. when efficient destroys all forms 01 life; but pasteurization de.stroys about all or those whiell are injari- cos to the quality or dairy produets. The condition thus created gives the germs of fermentation or eourbeg which are introduced by the starter a good chance to become the prevail- ing If not the only ones; so that the flavors which are the result of ripening or souring are those char- acteristic of the germs or the •'starter." Tbe later treatment should be such as to prevent sue; germs which bring about decay or nasty flavors from becoming active in the butter; and this is the use or cold storage. atitryittg .141.'4.014. bits pointed Nett. ., t Rue. after 1.5113). tbr. eilllalustr•e'llit ci10 '"fernikAltalli.;.$11 !Atli Ler ' are Ito. ' 111.1424' of 1 attnelian hatter tom ill dm illtetallt parts Of the oporation. heated to nil5 deg way lir more easily' teivitutosi lean About two illiarts 01 1.11na Milk are. by peeing the itemost attention to uto„ goad aral held at that po,,.nt for ten min- reell nalirenheit. 1321011 3 11t1 appearatiee: pareitment letoe to to 445, 1.111,,,s. silteq,. atter whieli Min mink is meted preteet your tereelleee. a eeeo eeeen„ lo nil degrees ralaxentint by pour- 1.0toni to the nooranilie or the hat -- norms in puttion in) buttor for eso -14 frtfin "tie 1471 14 altc-141mrt ox - 1 portot13110 004 1J31 red ter teakettle mina It 'is thee let tn3litly eIneoni glasu itt ordn. navy temperature, lei snuninor frOan ill) to 75 degrees, until ,Lt conatilattol and Las a railti lae- Le avid Tilton, 'Ms ;until:n.1 coke only he eovnessful wn.ent the Minos. ' edenteuh'in Isr•231113"`' wenn r"'"7- pinfo to vanan. It foi espeeed Is '''''''''eeeeePeso-eo'-'ethe*Weaedetadeaseeenteeme eaeold be marked red. for deeneehesdeaeeenealeoeeedeer-deenteeedleeened+ eteettelli**4. "4 '.$)144' ie the 1:V444%41 1'411 ..304.•..iniO4; vg. cv lt a NI :4 01 ;i113n1.0 "treale:1" 111` "none semi," or teny it'jjt(PrODP ot ltv tee. we do not tionnse Work IY THE PRINCE NEVER COMES 9 'T 4. 4444 follow tile moo- tervoi 14 van Germs it I'vssilusitel too- 3 MIN taV t •' „ $ . a lratO 0,104,e rota i" 54491 g.. u 643tEl'' Wale ;meet' leeedoa Ideal, :1,1014 to. no datea.le49.1; $91' $1,:airy 5040- Travers. 'Wien the 'el:atone" as Vol* -4skrol (MTh' petabe oe tearienoo, ogee oliteit 5s 14 '44' 0 tio'Allity. 1 ▪ CIO& Dalci beine /Kee.414 , • ' 0•4 11111t ;Lees leas tteeeeee tyja;tt, LS_iltkaLt ‘.t . . NMI," tiaink we may 514 11114 triatoonimt:II„ 1,,vranlo To-ta. ntore okitianu tu.441. 4 HI k at '4 "0" 1, aftetee thfis tnuel" Vtnere tiot' g' 4414 to, lakO iter dowb " °Drat is not unto; , n.,et op kitella 4*7 eyweettetette . 14411. 11 717'nl•onee• eel'dt,f9`111 r," Mr. ;Maude." yoor tent/44116 „ aflatEesi, oleeeh. nilipphz; lup:Atij oloonlyt a gi.eat dintwbank Oinks 07d frn --;krtn",t trY 1 1!oirthgt,'Irtpt:1,11,4g utttet, a941 t,„ ohiy at. it.evaid• ee.egt:704t elegirrIc1;11,-es,tr.vmerisl,:ure▪ et,altIddititl i IN/ ...t..199I. 'V*Ass :0'66 I 51%e t.isksini her d 'moo ' 1 ' Want do you moan ?* .0;1. v. h...„, ,r ,t, ;Nal 10,4 42,.4.„. „s„,:..1. . veli.t„, aii trite.te ma 124,11 1 ii. 4 •-I eon! C VP 4 * al'14.ilf....4 otir 0;e eelf: , trotent . rt. tooa t okon, .ua ad,,,,,,,,t oil,. toia o one sze ..no„ pro; vent t ao r - -. 4) 11 vin tint ve e . . • . It was entrnatos. ;wee away. I.t4, laoi a ko, oi time , sh sand, editing epriglit. teed eireing i * - . • • . --, • „.,e ,- el - , e 0,,„„,a, ., 4 palmate tee point, or aoaeatateolle "enR''''":‘ n'''• 4`""''S''''''' ''''''''' t."'"*"".... ' fartheu del eapneent s',,lha I be 'Client - yes v ,i. notntaig 4) )044t4 ion* own pin AMM- ti;:it,liteoft;tmsrti,,,,.:hfin.,kti. eitere beer top t4tenterteimiltnkth, hiatli:rd.z,osillatleveetitavedellelelitt tita ! enheeersee:.e.7.7ehn"Jktt„, trjil.),.%vsel'aIi:tInklete• , able pursuits. 'Pretty and acerim- „ :ileintatnett at .• inseeister." . ,,,,I by. haw.„1.:14.14,, tanhdo, ,, n e ern t e te i ...a u e. e "LI you were tn., stoonain atd dlge " 1I) We by teetching me to understand I "I don't think any tniag of yen," PV-7,1311411s11:11,0701:,no-k-ks: Inchttlear ad; roots in„. ,ino..4,o, ;.,y ',:9,di. ifSek toot ;*-seateere• /nay be added to the ,eere the mem ,3,0zi 4104 1114 say that:, 1 things. Last :year. 1 thoegitt of ne,_ , I.,......sald atfon,d_bm. bfOrg far too II1I3% 4 "t ee, `41` "It.'" lvd°Ont2'7 "'"' 'ne' " 14-slit104 its 19-1.4.1 --::‘1.• 1 -Ai --4101'1, fri1itt'if I ono= .'llt. tLe, rate of teme .1 to la "teat Amelia I ea e" ening., when t was oat ee the bins , ...nesse.' o,. I:nr nnitriopiness to ; ,o,tr-t:: 1531 l'Itovit's- ,r1t7-elt '0n 251 11:413°11n", Z rads 44 eant411:1 ralo$.14,tf,$.1 eo 04 pet eta4 t of tl,,, q1..194. 'y of cream oyott would gay,, *thee been un oho craeta bat ehudieb things._ , fillet:of any words more approprlate. i ,(.2‘'-i- ,,,,,'' V't;'::::1.1., ' '„°:,11.; ', i) PT IZI....,„"11,1•3 VQ.'71F andettelli. a :year ego et eteeeetal II to he sepened. 111 Pswetil ease where e evIlehe aeatolattea; elle title eeleads of t the eream has become 4. 5145.4'1 It the done, he thaz? a0 well getay there • all the While I think of the thinles , , , "";10WweleitQllilluve; 1.1-41;aeet. ff‘soi'tir;aellttaart:01.4:11e-tofie-rift"--0-1,a;4'1-7,"r4o-gainiinnsinte12,-“0-6T.11;h%;,.: .."1":;;;;:* -1'u. '1''''' butter nu 11,Nnil tva s teario douhie . tent be ve eetenteretateea oeigle el, there leo knee eaat. Vehatever he'el stories rind tliinge Lke that. A.ria itow that are going 013 hi the great world, sor- s 3-n" 11"11'1.!' 4 Ivr.Y ,PttP9Pe-Or.9 - • ' ‘ ''' - - • . . . , teat of 111.341. ani oxerErrule II ea 1.,3 :1 ' laror einainrtoy teat rEglai or thee i • -.TEat itonM ne rather conteneptu- i the pleturee that are being painted. eentimeut 1.1 14 it wouel he. ,-- i - ilien, them ale* tiliU 443a g'ailg . ifTaiieEitfilloa -FitEll'EPI" SatlUtt.i bo "la's tOterance. wouldn't It 'n" 1 the books that rare being written.•1 "PoP3 Las found tis out i he's at *11-PY inr*. 1314 eb"ff r '131"11 agi "11.'le il '' ' - ' * Barked. last slimier there eves a . aided. Thee tead cieeek tar) Cadet aott ' tiaose of any ;VP41.0"..tS 7,,IN.r.,'.. bt2t thET reecive the adaevee of ti " '. '' er ' ' . he " Bot the picture Wollidn't 1 "deed the eitessee that ate being eke cottage now." del it , twin_ faliang Csk ttlq. aeautan butter etpar!e, ,, Pelaeve.thollp:;dteitleollaotafer,teteniLaetlittotirtriksa angel; that ; and et tae - wore d'I I se ed I ' re t h • et ailau " th'''' hati2;el•ty" t t" 1 - h et 7 . la aradiv at te "st.a 1 V. ggest . r ayfully, not &et] a 4 svaa even nearer, ao a eave t hie, knee ho .s. etoe ted believe 9-eyoyee br°egl't n na 4.:' Z P kt"152? .'" ''' ' ' e tiginal Should ever gtow curt: tot ! all sure' that the !change she leas eta tread on the etOtIC EitlEspS 0/11tSide tile ' " `''''''' "'''. '' '- '' ' ' " nigh prt..-es whin,..i 071,7 eZaeOse Wee ii one 'hi the cream sted battei, To be . - rot Weeth triiirging. lie iir(less the ' t.'" ,-- for '4Y '''''e.se was paelng l, 1713gt effeettve tae '.staetera ebould al/ the hatra Lehe—ar.0 bad dont,. it D PrOtki 01 was eatirenv rot the better. ton door at thns moment ted us. would he stametintng to knew' that 1 MVO, yes, I think I should like to .qrtil. Ina,, end no olte about: iknoir that, Woe' she atielitted, win* arid Iffir knoeker 4" we heard a thick a Willa lance say, imperioaely. as my WWII- BAllirs owN TABLETs 1 "And ;$'041 Want to attribute all bred vieltor etamped about the Cott to tay teachirteir t steps. •i of It aill." back door, awl eeraeort ;mamma." .1 "'Well, Tema, here; lave revisited the It the oalleireues digestive organs . w4eted einee you have, and. believe ere all right, tile children are all 1 toe, you are much better outside. It's toPPY—and nmigry. Got. tht little ::, and as for the artists an whom you e , are interested, you must worship Lezae tight, and keep theta right ToY them front afar if s'F'on want to Wor- ths, ale or Bo oy s Own Tabets. as ship them at ell. Painters, actors, enetendne curet; ad stamaele, and bowel writers and the rest—the successful -.ronblea, nervoasness, irritation ones are snobs, tho unsuccessful— wale teething, 'etc. These Tablets sPonges. And as for the dresses, my eentain no opiate or poisonous thugs ahlid, there was never a frock sent and motemes who try them once loin out of Bond ,street so pretty, so noito be. without them white the./ ba.ve tasteful, or so becoming as the one little ones. Mrs. IL E. Badglay, Yon bare on." WOIXIInOre. Man., says: -When our e g atm ' a .at 14513) littla girt was about sit mouths old blue serge gowon rather disdainfully, - b d Id ad es Much and there shone le her eyes, ate Mr. Earner's appearance had not , oyes, lir.. Sitainden she answered, "Leak here, tablote; I think yoo'd 14' 08 'Weak, siekly end Protrui (loft& laughieg, '",.7,5t11 ErfilSt bar the blame better go, dear. Run through the ten or Ait cwt. !geed, seen be hearty, easy., a hated, over-trovoled, noisy place, cirl who Is more ameallie. •in, • "Neither noes malt eke ourie who ' ' ' 6 l'Ir t -c taf'4°I.•.' Men 1 bt4 allezi to the (''re.2ta '''erci'Y S'Ijiin af- b-etet than a ' a .- - aro too e13.5. They er„ ,a,.,43,11y awl._ kept on innking it. 91"o-nitty there is i ter St Las toagolatle. ..fter tl:at ward rine a, tohtnighthe,e., and math a Ilona ery in tereat DrItuat eor toga- 1 peaOt. hs teen reateeeei et deterfet- terest3noe. diten be:tee ter 1'10 ideality. oat 111; ateee en netieley ne a -oinentet" einnt opmhaulty tle g : ir a a ralttl zdasei one- ordrymen reseeeel teeptailtiousie, t eitedealrable flaroes tine ile„e to ae- ekes es tea eleettet, see -eaopeee en ltifin will be tne fann.e.? Fear 18 3)1)1 veep In lt. perfect man 'f.s staition rm. 11,q,,D. rairefori lelstory os ter for lentter t ----- ------ Oemewhere down 'Ares lEghway,and eW°11.`9' . Se -XD -et IN SENSE: 1 - " leee bes'eees its , ' Vot're Was 11941 use dosenalsneg the' makes a pemetice of sereentng a fel- - — -- race that Oar visitor's arrive was novo os aeon asesee &canes pee es Oetter belatirge, tie oreameries---` °mart :$9 tee meal. seneeete coMmota calamity. she =tee ogee teat that paragon. instenq ttropg improvettents oonstructiter, wait:eat% is lee not e" step away-, teat then turned hack. to Et.b hlib- 1.1's best. sl'ap trItr, elair 411'944. -9r-3 ripe.) otinente, and en 'Certatelere' evalaisisprieneredmy:- right hand tigatiy, and ' make nent feel that In Ler oyes '15141. '1.17:"IIN"1:' 1.11's'a '''b3r`g*912111st I 17;n4k'll'. vrE-: (1"- g.,,-;,roon elfeeteel oe cameot expeat to e Wear a loose. cann:nstab:e conar, N only the common or "49 Remember, :ono don't see Lim at vale -Ely of matt. toll a promineet place in tea mar -O a dee's."—Wasahngtoo els best. He's a very, very clever man. indeed—at home." Teen she tart lightly away, with - oat looking at me again, half con- scious, I am afraid, poor child, that her apology was bat a lame one. I tos.e and went to the ball to in- vite my visitor in. ,3T4 11E1 II. troubeed.rettli leeligedloti and consti- beightly as ever, that vague hunger pation, and very restleas both day or a vrosetan's first youth for me- aner olgwn. One of ray neighbors -Lion�. and pleasures, which every lonaasto nee aanee Baby'- (leen tab- Wormers' stinshhie seeilied to pro - leas and la a few days ehy Ilttle one teuee her, and whose naies she did Was regular in her bowels' and rested not _kflOW. WAIL I found the Tablets so satis- " Mt," Sife snid, gailet "but elegy- faettegea that I now always aeenetheee body doesn't speak like that. X 'shalt la I lx nd have ante found Wait until ray friends conte In the Improved withhe tlapse of years. • He was dressed In tbe same brown overaciat that he had worn when '• Made his atquaintauce seven years ego. it had been new then, bat it • WO 'Sete' 'old, wornand gteasy now; . still I 1413)11)4 it Mutt have beeni In the habit of lying by fee long petio Ode net ter its owner's teach, or It . Vitfuehie 'svhert Elm Was teeth- strainer; and sea vhat they tell me could scarcely have heId together . . ing. I can truly r-ecomtnend them. Ow abouso Well. UrMiner wore a round -top t eaadhs ills of 'little einean My face clouded, and, With the ped felt hat a size too large for him, teem these Tabletstreadlly, pretty affectionateness 'with whioh with a very wide and rather curly she note alwaye treated 1115, she as- , brim, trom tinder whieli 131114 10112g fait teed crushed to a -powder their fowl be ghat wii alesolnte suletY to tbe faired Me that she did not really waist hair, whicb had the appearance of Skitallant Infant. !Pew frablete men be any ftdvIce but thine, and that, as being kept in order by the °octagonal ;ebteeteed at an drug stores, or you long as I Was good enough to teack aPpteation of poreettum rather than oat gap them peat paid at 25 oeitts her, sae Wag content to read the by the constant use of the coinia fell ex bat by Waiting direat t cream Tee. leseone of the busy world through deem over leaver collar In earelese. profusitel. The settee elmeige for the 7491(14nie Ve.dielna Co., Brockville.; MY eYea fiat, or Sskenectioll, N. T. I n Meant -Calla Iteriteeete X was lityoW, Werst was apperent in tbe Mari Years of Keen Suffering From Kidney Disease—Owes Life to Dr. Cheise's Kidney -Liver Pills Mr. II. AtoBelis, Niagara ran% Ont., 4 man of 80 yeare, and Well kneerte throtighout the; Niagara die- trict, earitte; at believe if It had not been for Dr. Cha,sels KidneY- Iiivet Pine I Would be lo MY grave before tide1 was eery bad with kideley dleease, and gartered With dreadful pains In my kidneys. Being, dieappoleited in the' nae of many meal- ' anent 1 had almost given up hopes or eTOtt gating better. 'One Waggling, aftet 14 next o14. esiseelally hard truffering, e. friend called to see me, and asked Why 14 did not try Dr. Chase's ladney-Liver I I Pills. •T got a box at once, and took' tUre pills, which was a rather hesnry dose; one pill Is plenty at a dose. ' I need them regularly tor a Month, , and at the did of that thee Was a ehanged man. "It in noir about five years since I began using this pill, and since Chat time / have telt asf owed aa I did 40 yeti.rs ago. I am a:finest 80 years old, and / am free train all disease), except rhettitattism, end thin in taunts better titan It used' to 1 be before t ned ethis 14(110151f4. X irecareatiead Dr. Cbases Pills with all my heart ▪ tee any Tra- m% mat or Woman. This Is My opinion or these valuable pills, and you may use it tor the beaerit 01 _., . . Dr. Chiteeds Kidaey-Liver Pills are especially appreciated by people of advanced age. 'The kidneys arc fre- quently the first organs of the hod"' to break down, and there are fe*014, tteople but suffer from kidney dle- orderie, and resulting pains end notes, One 111 a *Oat\ 251 Callt$ bet, at all dealers, or ledleatueofee /Wee & Vo.. Pleoroetto. , • , e