The Herald, 1902-09-19, Page 6NR 1 PEACH 1BEE DISEASE it Has Invaded Michigan and - 0 Causes Alarm. MANY ORCHARDS CONDEMNED. 'south Haven, efiche eept. 15. -"The tittles" is the steauge name of a new dimes° which is threatening -the peace of mind and tho trockeitbooks of fruit growero 'Peach paralyels" Wtrald describe the effects of the new terror ol the orchard. It is destroy- ing handreds of acres of peaches in Michigan, and heroic measures are being taken by the 'Federal Govern- ment to eradicate the blight. R. L. Tart, an expert from the Agri- cultural Department at Washingtou, Inspiating the orchards ae-ouud South Haven. evherever the "tittles" Is round an order is issued immedi- ately ear the destruction of all the trees which must be cut down and burned as rapidly as possible. Many fruit gra-were. will De practically ruined, as to eradicate the diseaee weans the destruotion of the eutire torehiard, . Growth Is le -warred. "Tete tittles" is se called because. the leaves and fruit of the tree attacked *trivet up. The peaches are about the size of maroles. Growth is dwarfed and lb.e disease spreads from tree to tree with great rapidity. In the inspection about South Haeen Mr. Taft lias been accom- panied by F. F. Fernow, a fruit grower; X. C. Monroe. Preeleent of 'the First State Bank of South Haven. and L. S. Monroe. an attor- ney. Hundreds of acres of the finest fruit land in Michigan have been condemned by the Government. As the diseaee is a new one, the cause bas not been ascertained. If a germ disease the germ has not been discovered. althongb the baeterWo- giste at Wastington are Investigat- ing it. Dr. W. K. Jaques, of the Chi- cago city laboratory, ale° has become interested in the etudy ot tile new disease. Blow Or the Growers. "The fruit growers are an a hal state," he Said. "'Many of them knee to sacrifice -their senIire or- ahards, for when lige 11:sease or . starts mersatis to all the peaeli trees. The prate:tee "belle np 1.0 the thee of 'marbles. .14 le maid eked e en destruction of titre mule populatien weave*, prevideal, and all the work. formerly perform ti ley melee roll on the fair sex. They rebuilt the bungee which bad been burned down, tilled the fields, and wove for themselves rough homespim elothing from. the otton growa• on their own needle .. In the public :daughter houses the 'cattle are despatehed by Mon, W110 se'Cer tho spinal eolutan. by cutting it with a, ;sharp melees. just bellied the. nape of the neck. When 'the animae fang te the ground Ito throat is cut_ and it .19 all:A:Veil to bleed to This is the only part of the Work done by rain. The animal le tie:tuned and otherwise prepared- by wont:en. The enreasges are then eon- veyed to the butehere' stalls, where the meat is cut op and mewed by women, wbo are a tx tercets in the nse of the saw and knife. It is then served out to euetteners, also by wo- men -not. generally by weight, but by the piece -and the price is so low that a pound of the beet meat may be bought for about a penny. WOmen a all ages ace the part of butchers -some er• .and pretty, other». Did and wrinkled. The women are great bargainers and koon as mustard to pull a nor arrival almost to pieces in the hope of Nee:tiring his custom. These women lintehere earn good wn gee. _ LOST TRIBE Elf,ESINIIVE Until Recently Never Saw a White Ma , HUTS MADE OF WHALE SKULLS. Qurbro, Sept. -There lies been diecovered upen of' of the islands of Hudson Bay the reetutint of a logt tribe of Jesquinutux, a commun- ity which ha; beee for centuries without Intercourse with any other representatives ot tlie Inman epe- eiee. and Whota, monbers never, until quite recently, lead an opportunity of :teeing man. Teas facts, of the dhoeovury are welt a•stablish- havng reeletael to the Fed - et al atIttikbrhi,,,o, az, 011 taiva by the k. W. Ilsetemel. Oneitland ales teat Ilesee t' ng poiplestlfl time:der eve hi tto -tout, :.e,,e. know - eat ee mettle Teter ItabitiVions ere leelt tree, a.- el the eetins of elle-loettitttaccettm.mCaseneesseesgepatenet,= bundreds ol neres been es 11,1, V‘' denln ed. The eonse tribe is tip In "'rho k'f.seuge 11135 toiNt urrPo.tptil 11.40 "4viti,:.•:nritA)V; t.`1:, of crop greatly Iles: *ea r. lu vane.. we -ter -Jr* 14..4 tee tee an :ergo as tte341fitIP vot ".31:11331-.. ',.lottg; at tie% :et- trono ettrite etre Ley. 'revs, penile. *se 30 1' anet (dare bele% reeleele ellystele col P14431,11d itt 4 rei)teelen elite e. tetel lee een.k.ug:t. 11.41,0!*. 0.•;) 1°11- 1,‘ -1 3 t'.:;1 300.. 1,.• I==' 11O11101== tbg.n. 114"1L1'11 1.13 t01 tee et) twig " re.a t t1 0 t1 tt,n,y n.itoutd • nt.0-",0 4,4 1= (19 =.14, 4.345 A ver:t. antrb.,Voi ne""set -4.- teoir Pelee - • w• ;4 44 at.t=,,.10. and other • = 4°' .t. l 1•1,.hr. 111b4. rinit• ..it, rot", tot ft 0•.in rie301.1, of tine %. tn-:t tat," -.„ gt was al- 4nO :;;!. PO ion o PL'n ton the betide ee Boa. r 'Ff400 P*:ut 3,1313A oro tratt /0•1 '/'37V the gan'at. f;ITINa - es! 11 4 Bi 331(0 wq,ovol'ittIR 00,1131 to ti t413.Aqu0 it! - eateete e. ,0a4tae• ‘io r4'itibt 4 has just teeeteree11 lottaste „n tee ereharle. 'rhe i ffevt will 1II 3101 *.t next year. l'nlese tome tenvely eifeley found there a leele lo be a great seareityn elosergan pteedieee lillgiiETS Mil Of inli Accorded a Great Reception by Nationaliets, DENOUNCES MS PROSECUTION. v,,,.0.,0041,4,00.004.40000clo STROMBOLI IN ERUPTION, it GIRL KRIS FOUR MEN: Voleanlo 1$143id. 'Neer sieity Hidden by Sololte. • Rom Sept-. 1St.- The volcano en a Stromboli d in full eruption, VictiMS 'Were 1ier Husbands and e' end is thro-wiug up great columns' of Geld Was tier Bane. fire and torronts of einoke. The Island is shroveleil la smoke. Mount Vesuvius ig showing sigas of aellitteetetia*C0 teettleisaZ aletiegleCe4-teaeGeeetesCO,=000004,00000'sc=4,,,, go an Osage Indian 'stemma named foe seladefeneo " Guthrie, eept, 1es•-.1 few ileye tell. I think have good eeaunda this' isoewater was arrested at Tills:land Tlierfl IR lege•nde regetraing placed in jail on the, chargo of having i If' It 1/3 n0 the lemislana murdered four white men who have been her heel/awls within the past ten years. Their bleached bones lot,ely were kneel by a prospecting party -at leest, they are supposed to lin ve been the r Ms of the white men-ana later the wineau confessed to the tact that they were. . She cenfeeseel that ebe killed tbest Mete and Is annied. somewhere In the Grand lever hills. In the CheralLee na- teem Indian territory. In early clays the Osage initiate; had tbis co -entry for their hunting grounds and white men who visitee them returned east with stoeies lerw they used gold for bullets and shod their ho•rsees hoofs Nvith gold heaped of steel be - men • becauge they tried to wring cause the goal was more plea -tate. from aur the tv,eret; of a lost gold et that time the Indians told these name or whieh sliced:time to know tee whereabouts. She reinst d to toll them, add. ',flee Went in search of it, anti with the knowledge they had from time to time picked up from her \vete in a good way to losete la Then, she said, she was eampelied to Any thine, as she would anyone rige who would seek to carry away the gold of her fathers. liusband Disarteeavs. Mollie Foxiva tor is not aa ugly, roarse-fenturee woman, as many squaws are. but the possesses many et- the refining features ot her wbite Osters. See ices been well educated and lute -else travelled much. Ten years ago she wag married to a. router. man aamcd ...lereer. He eame from Illinois to the Intent). country. 'lettere had alwaye been more or Icss romance surroundiug the maiden ani the feet that Rho. paagessed a seeret et a lost gold mine was enough to rause any young man With romantie tendeneles to seek Iler out. Mercer eel se to Itis sorrow. He was mareied to the young heir -breed squaw and &tee furnished the money to take an extended weddiug trip. Ho was given white people that they were in pos- seseion of vast vette ranee in Oar aomain,, which tbey ceased the Span- iards to give up. Secret of Niue ;Safe. Efforts to learn where tiles° mines WOAP• proved futile. At different :times runny Men have made the lrip through tilt' Unita River bills with the hope of fineing the mines or eenue 'trace or them. it is very dangerous even at thiatime far a white man to traverge this country from the fact tleat it in populatee only by lune blooded Indiane who hate the sight of a white man in what they term their SIlleregl, domain. ; w -as neer the, Mend Dever hills that Mollie. Poxwa ter always lived, and she (lien made long trips into the hies alone at Mehl, Her husbands used to• come into Tulea many times and tell the inhabitants about their wife being away in search of her lost mine. She owns- a fine stone house and lees a number of servants to wait upon her. She dresses well and al- ways goes heavely armed, or did torte Gr monpy to stand end dia she wee arrested. Sete had her !tousle aot have to work, lint ail the time he furnished with goods from the east - Fought to enow arbruer the, geld tin markets, and she reads all the mime, One day lie was missed by hile Woks of 'the day. itetivity. „ -Stroteboli is one ot tee group of Lepari Islands; north of -Stolle. Its eoee rises' 8,022 feet above) the sea. It is of intteeet et' scientists from. the feet that it is the only example le Europe of a volcano in a etate of comitaat aetivity, and also becauee from an , elevated point above the crater, whien is at the tide Of •the wee, below the summit, it is possible triton the . bloWS from the obeereee to sit for home) and watch the eperations going an within t he • crat er. Anothet of the Leper). Ielands, VnIcan, was purchase:el some years ago by 0 Scotch firm for the pur- pose of extracting alum, boraces acid and sulphur from the numerous pro- duct s which line the elites and cover the bottom of the crteter. ,tir:t 140ttlk.0 :14tOrth I.Oltatolitna 1.,--rItauga. was re- lewsnsi !tom tItPonl0t13. V,33 elpAlt.-*44.1 l tnt31tl3O4143411 three 1313 5433+3 043 iantlivei. ton VIP 6100P '.:4133334. !WO 1.54-73 nag. /Paull:. too =0331 ',try- itre: L .03433( atoNning 44 31 Uk qil Wigntio meet. tge tt3t9ttl'o-t-'7,Lc41. a 43',.'t'it-3 ;'"•- 004. tg,........n „..., a, ...,l..: 0.7 0,i -: tr.int,s 343il1.0.3 teptien. in wh.;, r',1 1 ri.. Itil.lt.,gr. ab: 11. 0. tat. axis ten_fs PArn't. 1, (r? et T04,..4!, 9 0! ' . - n . r . 1 tat tewe tenutteeieee evil eiet '1 el:-:')teette 1-1 lee. le e.e.eiate „„e, „•,, ee...,•11 villa, 1j1,,,',) 0= ".,,,=',' V= 4 P9 +=ok `,,,-,:i AC ttl I, 1., =.1,=, or •Itr...0 %ten tittie&i..,39.1 w..11".: taa,,,,Eii ,ril . " ' I 'ti".•...t.ltri, .O.,,o;, , PI tk:y 1.:,ii,..n Ito ,, c),rV 0 i;.],l' rqfrilt- VA LC1.161' no I; winla la an e - THE "11E11" NMI WON Sixty Thousand infanlry Take Part in Sham Battle. clloitriA mit IN ECYP' • Since the Middle of Jully There Were 16,20 Deaths A PRINCE IN OLD BAIL Tree 6(11 eaainst Erranels JoSeph,, or Braganza, foe an tionotomed-Crliat- Inal &Menet -Defeneo WIll Conspiraey to Hob and Blackmail Cairo de,s-p.a,tele: The weekly 'cheer • era returns for Egypt showe that . there have been 1,1380 fresh °alias reported, making totals sloes July 2.5th of Ot),,a28 casee and ie. - 20,9 ,deaths, Pralue Indictee. London dcepatch: The wand Jar! n the Old Bailey to -day retureed t true bill against Prancis eogepti of Braganza, 6. lieutenant in •tho Seveutb, Austrian Hussars, and wkio was a member of the Austreeeitta- garian mission -to the Cortineelem of King Edward, charged wieheliaie- canduct under elte crimillai rave arneadment," • The hearing the charges brought against Prince lrratiole Ousel* of Braganza. and other Men took place in the Southwark Phltus TONS OF POWDER WERE USED- , Frankfort-on-tile-0.1er, &Jenne ny , Srpt. 1Z:4 -Emperor William's mill- tary guests were a tired and rather haggard lot ties morning. Prince Al- breeht, as the Emperor's represen- tative, entertained all of them at dinner tact evening, and it was to- ward 12 when the party broke up. The Emperor having direeted time the battle begin at 7 and the field el the manoeuvres Whip: quite a ilia - latter by rail frOM Fraldclorl, the princes awl generale luid to :item -able at the railrone Attie el at 4.40 aan. to catch. the epetilal Lee In. Even then the Emperor Wee afield bektre them. Toes of gunpowder were burned 1 uela y. Ste ty honea In- fantry iota two hundreil pleves of ;artillery were netinn. Lord Itob- erte, General lerettelt, awl the oth- er vieltora au 1 the nuuteroas staff, in aU One hutelred horsemen, looked 00 from a hilltop midway between a. portion of the hostile linter. On a rint of the len12011 tIle*MA flaAttr, 11 bat terlee ef ataillery, an - der whose imagmary eliells the In- fante): of the "liter army' eolvaneeti. a:110 h"..•eltie effete et the whole, ese Peellelle, et the seemingly linetlees number of treope, eatiefied the sib - Wee. ere. hen Irises of wlewin from far riroamil a. *In t111' 111118. IZZ1111)1t9 nal see% frightened out of their to -tole, Vein %tared aerees tile "Itee" awe eashM throitgle the "Mlles" entve 33 1101 titree hum brie!: weak, al) 1 the aeronaut:le sent vie a great Melee" bell, whiele Wag %bible fee Iti aroutte, ns sip nn1 that the vultures ha+1 ord, tee a cup wenn of the cepa-tenant. '!344 4443 3o hantg.-ity ';!,"..0-6.- 3',o, • ills el " u - 3.03z3p.-g:gma„;., Tie was titt411 Pond of Literetuet. gootinVIli feet- 3134 11Olt 'rete. les L. n 0-6,4,:a 23.3g. /.3.-r 333 dtp....g.Lall enD„TI r'..7.;•, -n "": " '3• '11 " 411iuri *4.1, t%ggs to it. II% toPLiniftn004J. 1 Boo, littitgil tv-yoly 4nri 410.33,=:, ,431 ILA On rateit Otters teollow. ettilion ote /ii* et- ive ote reanteeetsit. 33E4 limor. *AVE' f..thz. tO,r!9 11.1 poTtELtirt,t." 11.•;. t'1,, Vint eta See...tene' *,! r- r aa21,5 11 tt.e4 0.-a5c1. at ti.10) t it: ti(et.i,. Ced to tee enettieteeeeent. liankg,..int. is -tote -01 333y l3133-&4 pre- ittses, atid ie:osn.4.J1 itL0, nAlieFts L3 318' Mo Champ -Ion. ft.'n not ir.az-e ttt in eonntry tligtiv pre- Peety ts tc etalistation by tees. peatteel eveoreents on tee award cor thfs grettsg":,-* Bettatel. tete- beetle Tees tielfege, tailliotines343112 bes a -Soiree mere tieeeteee *133I- 1 jnT-Le3T. no,gets, cad ,Iteant Sitteintans all conabifin-A, 3.11 tilo0333133y urt_rti...shitab'e fee ItLsig '60 bong: ae this torrent' is allowe:-. tin c4press tit!, terrorize tint !lead =der the sat:et:on (.51 the. 0..fot.etn- ftent, men must cririi:s ttiy finore Bre- land as Ifirem a, lanB %-heie 1,ust'itz. estese. tee ri,y4:121 12,1.511,, -lot! 31in" c.",pimits tee fiat- Lee/ rotateud Itas ;31113044, Iron wg.4.0 0100., 8 39 0110f., llo:(03:v! Ems Ingo:opts:A tier to teearee EC.,t ttl:,(1? regtg '0Jo ntt • ta,TAR SW?, Ut..lcjr,li l 43. 43444 , •P j; .0 n=j;¶*,....14„o",qt,,,,,attDir.,..T.ort:, Vqtfo.-* svA,- run 339 1 33 3 tt 0r4,4,...rtut.i,.., ee seat 14.4.= .15314 ntr-YOt agate. etee.et tieie N. a-. e. sae Le te"ar '1: It-. Pey. sane ft use irat'IM132n334, ICLo.47 rzo '.'"Into leers levee. 011AL engien teteet eeeey ereneleti 33-I 1-30 tienkeig otooel weeve 'JAM Se Ceif7t sUrpwril ravo5„,,t. Inflowitpg 33 34,14 oui 3%13 2:0" t ;:`r-3? 1.fn".P tOft 1191(1r. Weaite erg eeleten 1347+131 33333 uee r.,:,-t014.Aa 1.1 ve0:4/7..h,egt tt•nnt. trenn t.er. Itzat wngs mtg. loaf: ain- 34ht, two; 303-33 0,a,15„g. 01,1 „tv. '3 1310 seer:, y;,7 ter :,,,,!.,:e3n itte. /3e,;316,/ till tie Cisepitn.arel alt., entasteriierisly '• 13,...;areA 3.N.,..;,..pt Tliquiiny apeotee t0 tier 331330. 11,..c.,.;;34 tx. 1...,;.y.: .3...A5.1 3..F. 3./0.2 as niii:d Itgis i3'-'5 (5 She was /MS..: Ltteadottllit ti.Fte, 4.,,zwii, in ttult, 1.07.3.,eived • Noinrc-ir.,Zan nii.i.ars-n,vg„giLgnnQ test year to it•-t'ted of timutti'n'.,,33t..:.94118- 10 1 no one d tiee greatest teesaarestion erole Iver- will gn, +Oat 1111 tile otottetig aud un- .--• . 7-44-vtniie a '''5-4r.''''''l for 11,7tit• !to "••••• 1111.93.7.,ca „ J1' 4.31 „8'„mrj-P'1133 Pl'‘":" - II! ,1 At the vein,* 1.31-n• Fee seem* to leave • peeteet see wrote neegeenaente nee. , Theteleutiteg set 431 3J30 illedth ratit- epeae 13,',:f;4:...-,zrag• t't',.,,Iti to ,T111, 5,,, ii.ott'a Leit'.11 3:er ana E.'JnP III3'1113 wilier ;i3a.O1 !! 3(3,014.1.1 030 leo, sa,„,.e., mot, lite el„,..eot ae esopetva At. n,,,,, thu,,, DT u„.,,,,,,,,,tn03 i...y u.,110,....re ;Urea,: ,v:,.. R1,1 ip3,gorienattuDii- allv Prigt1'4'" "'a/ 'ej4".4 3-"te"7b 1" a 4' 443 34L(33 '3 W13101Y 111139t be the cite woe esableetal to A severe srit. 'They are Ba.lattset ;It•nati.l3111 agoV'nf,-;, •411J iivettads e the %lib/as/see eeeseeteine a &17,11811^ shuek„ Maitle tooth. Catharine and Are tleire Beetig-flitolvons. and Herbert 11 trhttt.,, trot ttt rig tests. tionsespiently .. .. .,,....... „.„. .. , reliite0 sine raegliire-t hereeif sled liter ' anti leery elooth. ell pie have eut leturt early in duly and attrq.0 11111011 attention. Sir Edward leaetee, the former SolieitoteGeneral, de- fended the prince. The prosbeater altered the charge from " felonLy" to "migeonduct under the erimitial law amendments?' Sir Edward intimated that the defence. would ilie eoneydracy to, rob and blackmail. etriet Keretty' WaS observeel by the court tattletale regarding the exnet nature of eitte chat gea Isater in the day the prince end the others eoneernel in the elmege were petee 1 in the doek elle Ventral Criminal roma atul plead- ed --Not •gailty." Priniee l'llehohisrof lirOganna atel other relatives* and lilentle were in tile ertaveled Coart- roont. In opeeing the owe. 0.1thitrie for the proseention sal 1 the Offence nith wheel the prime. WaS ebarged was tar WO COMMon Louder.' AN ABANDONED PLACER., AIL Gold Creek Zit/Mitts !tram ino.r.- 3+913 Vietdtng Posing Values. letweion erepet. lee' alieneened •for ,‚tars, stole feeleli. eD Mites 1330 Ur K113:111111., niter :rem Mateo -it. has stuldeely become a bowmen. elm etream is alreney payleg watteN,.. and nettcv ou numerous ehttuts, and had the atiSa 0 Mtge 0.7 bellur meinparattee- Iy ishallow. it W0,4 F.1.01to 0100tZtr C116 1 mad melt, rof ISM aletieheeediX.- . fore develeinottnit Was thortItIginty A METEOR IN COLORADO'. 7 tier taken. Mountain Divided by its Pas- eo:Ate 3 to thee. clays the talt n'al was ten- sieb-rtei too eleilleee, exel tile tar reak wag kepi o Title NM.. mer. pny Larval:. -109 feet. eVidee el.leieset*, ;Sete. 15.-A ep dert the Las lieen ulteoVereel. 18 3113 eteer- 1.1 9: Ilt 43 13' alts %Vag tn•reo de3231411tV 4T111;0,1'/Itelii;'" aednarresres,,;5"901;t3310 04033' 31:E1104411 -1e411033 1033131 Hap pitt.Viaeta, 311r, ‘perrh. oirs grieved, of twes te 'MY A" tot*. DI neellee: fee n303,101' 014,..6. of All Gold mitn 311111 th-s 11.8 ID& tu pawl o ork. so:lie:hip. itts 0 :oar Met etas 33.9 0:11 33 i 3'F3-- wool pro a ',how er or my 1.= =Mat s sa n,e the tneenstriaing PAMILI" SEPARATING, at tialusete. 30.g1 411113.4313 T333. rAotttlla- 6611146 "41.1 Q13" 4.‘46 trevelte. . 33 234,0 41 tb.) sky 0+( (it lo talleting itieestab eat whoitle. Ap- 3•,,t1L !160831)2" "`", 84f 34314 311'5 Ilttilt.bn p.grtiy Aire wag 1,30t toe nerei lee IlLoo SA11.01.101.1 !trete. twee, tee, 3.83 3,3 313.,,,,,,tpr. het ea. eine Suet 34002112 in tees oat:mites nod' tvurt9 teem tile peeks) this eift ervesoni ,t1,11.3 Ate°, i/ele°,tee:elnir tee 3.`ell'P- „He' keel' eay 33081. 4031)(013 1.3:4 34 4-8 opentoilf ","* •-•-'3,"1"1/r; ,or rea- mer between tee peeke, phetionverion !eerie theit %-arnVat troc, toloA1+0 30W, It*one Nest, w1r1j t tom. ;KO) th4i131317.aire,11 otartia 1%4, llgotiriati with a slatill - Se -•e'Pre. Pert - that en0 eah. aemeed to no 51,1.„ itis last station was. Australasia. oet or the mei-tor. S'earehieg puttee, 11°.8 ieaeleee 3300 eaSsel E0010139 10On- lee letste Members Summoned.. t43133334)J, 13.-31 oaratir..etina with the tgiit..,1 lirdst's ILFagilLe :`tag, Iliet3 at Mr? Unst. morgtfi, says 8. teisgram trona s-...sgr.';‘,,n5P9 are rics,-.172,g, fL.LLe "oat agafast. • H. f' V.: :41nply 1:31131:i 1V42sito: ging0 awn ttotoy. THE K.A,ISER TALKS 7 "4°1-'4. 1;:-'3•9/ " E3" .V6'11101-"'. •t(o 130 M-913 marVied, STRUCK DOWN BV BOLT. t loose frota donainteetteg wa8 15-11''-t-'- w°8 U.A';f"t".41 tothing roaNi 113311' t be ""'4" "a 11" s'efftelLitc like the pavvee wheel pre- eon. Broaavell dicote. who id fiteet Treitty vore. Steens Which W03( 3�5 Iteitot. a ie topt. tes• Fete re LIDO 037.31 Pg3f fine. D,11,1r. • Virour *1:0-q ago s,•:.P 0-44c= .re um• _tray 111e3133t19 C13 -their feller end leave 1130 At a lesasessee PoLett.an- Tem slot - '3' * " the 91'eret to ti.n re. /ler Lettecity was pt-iiito leadly Injuted in lett the $altation :Veiny. Only ene .131E0713 33.?'LlIfVF•it3;.; t 111 0+ x174%41014 0„fee If,. r.F.tinCo S.F 1."-- At ti."- 0g",r-t g"v" It -4? `t' ""'" a''t 11as (01` ort7m.• with tit-tiein Bre trzy Base " , 1.mn eetny. gieee le: CA' hue 3.391 3s1 1.14) 3.41 Li"1/' ."g" .„:11,4„P 314e.:3113311' olfieivaly tint.. or * mar- 1"..111 Mrs. Nlartfet eelires EeterPtlee. Three itingiitigters are rAn the attlie Poteteure e tee• aefie enve 3,0 '`2.--w" us "" '-` - tyr ttir, 01:43 c3.33:3,3 NN 3330 IN 1.33S',,Z1 •ptT, ,irt2vs lay morning; intik- yet. leuve, Eta awl Emma Beetle - 'erg tr" * wines elite *Tined sa, the t1 3434423 ' '1 le"vs t talc Inentirs CP7P-4.44O ,..otts,..„ Aer tr.- , ,t d(:4.113341143,1 .1,s . Iolle013, eesesane 633 Ihe galth.„. 3344 3.3134) ( L443 to illz-ngsigivat got ajit'r P0747-1-. ormroflf.. 434133 3.341.00 seeteee„ trt„ „, t ne their dao4,e_ eeaelter,„ enee: reins; ---to.nrtit ligyr, 10 WA - o Ar, ,1,3/...r arra, I ales ;„? trjo, r tee . 1.net _ • 1-1.- tee Myrtle tens alien:451)g to tee 1 '9 '144'1511 IV 31°' POOR IliiRVEST IN ENGIAND km150104/1 duties, sunlit:illy lightning • 34, 1.! . e ,„ 5., lee , . gr_v • '13 I= t‘nr..- ; tt,1401;:. iroly Ludioroin 4 of the house mateseen, lie La..; Plc `,14 s -74 ItU (AM IfIgrALVS1 4 s, r1f-teiv elf; ‘09.1'; stile arT tl.e 01. u,i;,,e,„.1,a1,30. nate .0! ea, _• ti. T -* - - -et- e'flr: tee buil.leng being otherwise wrecked, ri;e:elretrtele:* (Mi.* ('(51134 1., A ler_ I/so-two ret tto 3eat4e, air Tee fate ▪ etraeree pee,: ee., 3 tesees, sE:a w staai lereery raies in tee /ate: tit • and aisc0 set, on 11tre titfee placps. rtake aceieeet teeeeleree litre at CRUSHED BV CARS 11. istrette of Berra. 4 iehte.e . teeee- ieete. Heel •Stotstiant eteiree tesinieranse ; and passel rigT.iit, through it to the 1Fatal Aeeideet 0.11" -le. ettispleyee her of i;/'411k1 ne--,Ilogr • FaUute 1.1,7A, g' . , `11-1:.!S.Z;Untr.VIni.-7 18.7,1! Lft at Strati-ore- ef ("rope. e .ea et. dBfore t T il e l aotm e w e t e x i n g s h k e d g, bf tr- "t1 1h sth ae jfae_ut ete r ra r oeil rgie" , r ae tae hE en i lar t or un Y ergd S- ltie *4110(1 e a lfe a e T e e g a bel e w o t t c e r n WOMNBUTCHERS eCeomd a r ettLaa.e te r:leeeeee 1 "w ' " rieeaar•n tts t iramn ", .o l a e r ea„ wewrten eveestot047,trin 3433 36,444 °1 ••4N4 1$1 413,45133413,4513331144-411 0gavcizeft.letegconft-S- .tr..c n e r . g -f . " .a .1 4 - t ,i nh r n e d C o ioun 0 s e e a teeereee!,3sathe 3180031(9 found on looinwhich has sinee teeniteWelty. "hri WO 3, 310 W " 13333+00 l7e. The theftda.„geett teatsee had JlP111310. 19 Sears of Corn.itop, and feet crops223 3430230112. lIer eeetheswere . o a tele el'cn s w aIes b a d 1 y1 e n 1 ja1a r he.d unob n oif u t t h e b o d y s 0 o f l i F.,Philipse sttion 1111392-weekestern, Ima I getelY 0l.1oat Seaortie formerly trametster ohfueSerteh vgLrp.etlilierteet e, .oe-ietdnarce.iil:i ltrgeeeA ,bh eirze mreetVt,evtae,eoi;t,nei1,na„co1.,tz,te,t yeurs'.eai,.4ri1.rr.1ee/ ee..•.ef. ciselet,,aed.shaugt.titvosrehaegi.o„renaTtre,ptrten. ehte- , . p1.p, ' So If• 's S p id iwe htaerk•lgt,ee tez. tshf4Gee"eI''"kidrle'e ,eI .,4 ,laflcii ere tfeo f tY-r3 -wroal'or'trztnih.s e r :n FIa i.t?,t s nr a,e n dealtmrooL sd teal -_el • .- l. .e i s n ew l hsti ii n 8 pteG u .le lan .tr A of ius ca„i. a c . o n d i t i o n oew f t tSh t e a o.t. reasiti t liont. -t i" wt e h iekt (n ett ahe e n h P el bairn ds n.o-e a " tnsIlko'nfe1ete1:v43,Zn:111erar11etre.ritIn ereatetei toIft7ottpaitberg Oise frops hiei-eetties shortly afteraMt bmen 33 84) toltaoh.m.e:terzete013.1130ph.,yaioof icit.eeOolehie eteeoay om 34 er- S111R lee/ Fredasteae- Telilfe Of things 1ae„et„emeregettat '°rto od tee elee.I DrEfA310tgalPS Hosha. Reeuysguelnttloe"f r sneixt.teroccWIa r iIn Curio 4 3 d k e u c o tx m e : o s : t a t , b i zt d epeetdi,anelere .111 ttchers 03 Paraguay are,farewell beore hs retell) to .wea sey seeeer teal ee,„:a Int a :Ii_,7172‘,/yor:;.0spect.Il i his abdomennd arna Ile Was r9 • c e iso!ne ( b e bt.t Wareearepcialprayersareef seeret aboet a vie eviesel oe be wtih are assumedFA1E000Ir4 rongAlew . I aetollstee.)w e c iajflifWomenI13234311man:otheroupaons.United.iats 3433,4. 3344444+L A NEW ELDORADO. D:.'" " f 0 r h s t l e r k s t a a * theStae AVu.; serieen•-Cott43y1'e;eeta el . o Pt4105p830333 The egig ploauce. In VAwagt11 lriflag:131maoi it1;Agro01a11:3acteelge e g eetogetheruna the Avrgentine /tele:1'.11.! ;nu/ II:rognnyTe,o . title Le ate, ra ieer eamac en„e re_ "I,tef•:t, leave bee2.n ;•:•-,--.1• ig-e The tateeOf tide state !vewrtelo1 1e gc2,3 prevalind tbrongeout the tUndf oelaims in tZoutpensiterg deg- Phillips hd only weeked. at te more thatbirty e. re age againt 44333t'314.133ewealrev; as 51 *2 deeaeeWho: Kndom j3 39 Ekt 111+ a'+ triet began hs weekThere is arnd-house a feW weeke the oerele:lee1g oreee ce eed31(10(1„emitteelkw1eeat o +43PI the North of 103)19111”watevr0”grat rush to the districtwhiei combinedTar3313101 In.tell „4,/. led to a height of eix feet le the business or tee I the proepectors are confident con-, 44 fivit years, bor.- :4...guitar points :43 Lc.s, it is trtro. ar,41 ;itch 1 part of the city. In many tains great wealth in miner -aim lean- CHAMBERLAIN APPROVES. regpr,„„wanc,‘ to x-113.! 13•trar tIa;!, 6111335 are moving; leeey ease. I always did well by lev etreets the children threw 011 their to be intratlueed into allearl"- rele th*ttY 1C01%ted 3335tvY 4.310thIng and 'went in swimming.'" war. It enetel alreost totet „ ,„ - anDilillatien of tee able-bodied male papulation of the ceuntry, and the result may .be rf al in the Fellewitig figures: Pope:Aire. ef Paraguay in 18n, 1,337,410.: la 1873, three years team witere the Umie eves. atel oinet Bove with hand -carts did a thriv- A epectal train 1 ' ' - a " °ethane even altemplal te follow me gateau from Berlin to Pots /am at. lit go to visit it to get o'n.,;;;elz In the evening, tote reterreel l':h!ei-°-"nr...03.1,111-0.";aLlbily, fcod for their to Berlin at ten minutes to tee. mouths. ie'one of thou ever end to In there -rot o . a - ' at tl . work a gtroke aster they married after the t, rat:eat:en of the wale 11` ' new pettlete Earl Roberta ane teen- , amounted tee onle 221,0'79, and or .errz/ wool engaged ta a taatt erm,..et._ ! me, and. '1 tonid not and yet cannot , these mare', elf were women, ellif- ' . otit- yr ID h3.-.31 they reeeperee tem,. . see why they wanted to know- .• where, this mine is loeat•ed. I ad- dren nail vete.' oil men. . 30 , IV . '' eeepectivo• experieneeg ia etteatit Ate mit that 1 killed all four of them, ;When the war wae over the people • , Ana and 'Cube. but I say that it was dons in self - had been reduced to tee most abjeet entente. Did they not follow tee and .poverty arid were oil the 'Verge of ' _ ittarveition, bring driven to site') ex- t Ettensiee forest firee are• destroy- , try to get me to tell them witerit pediente ee tie eat eats. dogs and ring a large amount of property in tbe tette was? Same -of them ateit bOrseei Worse ,tell, owing to the Oregon. gee atlases from whites flocleing there without capital to sustairr ' London despntell : The unique gear Ind 1.heln 1°I.; some 7119' there being advanced by the 'Vicar oi Gerfeseete ing Ineeiness wheeling women : eller; about the streets. The teas of four batteries of artillery, en- 1 camped at Oakbamptors, Devonshire. were Mown away, and the eohliers were eOmpelled to pass! the night vrithout shelter. , The Beltisb Trades Congress paete • patby With the Arneriettn working - . a resolution expressing sem- 1. men In -eresisting trusts and reit-- threatened till tall ate if I did sot vested preeidentse' emp oyers o labor. Thege nom may become pregsed for food and steal from the Kaffirs, who would resent the thefts by 'killing whites, the trouble eventually developing into a big native rising. Tbere are more natives In the Zoutpansberg distriet than in all the rest of the Transvaal. The banks at Pletere- burg. la the Zoutpensberg,have re- opened. Many Arab traders have started Mores there, and are -doing a larIge trade with, the KatlieS. of ranning, theatres; in conjunatioit with .churches throughout the ;lee lege); of the United Kingdom, haare- ceived the support of no MR an es- thority titan Jos. Chamberlain, 'OK Colonial Secretary. lir. Mato r - Iain has written a letter to the v,estee, in *Melt he sympathizes with their, project arid says he is always pleased? to' bear of anything- being done. tee bring light and happinesg into tha Uvei or the people. ,