The Herald, 1902-09-19, Page 44
all, Japanes
Tj 'tj E13(7 'ilistillets and the ille, 'ation of o among the Seals on
Ivicious, soul-destroying thollghts the north-eastern coast of Siberilt, her
for this wet eat
T�l rl"R. tl B The ineitsures will be enforced by
�.ivliero,cliiltlronrotimtliet�t:L-eets ati
IS V`;:W1lsTiEl) three fast gunboats, 11UNDIM, DS 33141,132VbD TO 11AVS We
I mill after (lark. DIMIN SLAXY.
EVERY THURSDAY You will need a good. str0119 Pai V OT Shoes.
Objections t3 Legislation for Protee EV� ERYB0D_Y!8-__H0�U1 LD READ,
Wy 10. tion of Wool Growers. have, What you Ifllllt-
OF Sj-BSC1,ll1T10N--- $I, Oil Per Testimony Which Shows the Groat vntoiesaie Slauwliter In the, Pro- I
TERKS viftee- 01 Szeelkliell-Iteports Cgell- 1
year paid strictly in allvallev. IlV11011 tilt, AW ALFREU) MAMMA,, Value of Dr. Clarke's Wonderful
paper is not or6red to be t1iscolitillued Little Red Pills, Ited aij True by lloinixii. Catholics
it will Ile sent until stivIi Order iS 0-11 -) the proposed Men s Heavy Shoe, a.
The objectioll-9 to
at Ve
Dr. Olarke!s Little Red Pills
*I..,)Litobev1iarged!( .1lovernment Bill tire rather strong- u-niti-tisn. af ter I
e(I me of chronic rhe
01,14. -don, Sept. 17�-,� despatch
Nyhen not paid lit RdVall('e- IT put by tho Textile World, 21 1 had been given up by the do0t Loll to a Dandy, only.
.&DYMUISING 1,1.kTES.-Traus !on! I ?z
.1paper Judging from its name, Archibald Wilson, merchant, news ageiley front Pekin says
lidyertisellienti;, �-) viilts per Brevier lint
for first insertion and:1 etlits per line for'-%vhich hits its sympathies mainli
a. Sluali Advil, � With the manufacturers. They Sault Ste. Marie. "Catholics I . iere understand that from
each subsequent ill,50-tit) There is no reme(ly for rheuniti-
,�,tolpn w1a, state that if the Bill becomes law three hundred to one thousand coil- i A f
such as"Lost" "Eqtrav" oi tisin,or for building up the System, verts have been killed by Boxers lit the e urnmer Goods
w Bargains in S
10 cents Ili -It iljqej.jjcm and 25 no fabric containing the slightest I equal to Dr, Clarke's wonderful pru�'Ince of Szoicholen."
be charge I
(!cuts for each subseqnent ill.Irlioll- proportion of wool will come into i Little Red Pills. I would not bo,
Copy for change of allyei;isemplit nwAT the U nited States, for there 's no 1 ithuut thein for their 1-reight in ! . : Call and see fl.-jeln J)efore thGy go.
a in not later than Tnesday night intithod known to mail of determill- 1 N37 d. -J. J. Brandon,Fenelon Ftais, I
be hande I gol 0343-43� 43- +3 -
of eaelt week to inure chang-re ill follow. ing how inuch of, the -%N-ool in a � Ont I
iug issue. falirio has been antl how much has �Dntarlo Go-iernment Sells Eleven I
Local noticeq in ortlitian' realling tYllol not been, subjecteol to a illanuftle-! I can truthfully stry that Dr. i tirc�s to u1nild Trunk Railway. C"H 'L BLAhCE.
A'for i,lwrch u- -eached Clarke's Little Red Pills have don el Turo)itu, Sept. 17. -The Uuta_ NIC"i kJ
5 cents per flue, Noth-e turing prueess belore it 1 1. 1
ents or other lieuLvolent ilistifil- I me more good than tiny othe medi- I .
tertainm th(t D,ill where it wtt,, last convert- . 1 "'o"rill"("It hits sold to tile
tion at speo-hil rates. I eine I have. ever tuken.-Mrs. Or!- o
j.�j into (,itith. 111hisj ain inforniea,: f Grand Trunk Railway Company the Ta H
Contraots for t-oluniii, half-volunin alld! is incorrect. The Boaaforol Con. son R - Estey, Waterville N. B. PROSPERI-1 y
ditionin, lionse can determine There is no remedy that is equal; tract of land catit of the Central Prison,
will lie cheerfully given, Ad-Iress to Dr. Clarke's Littlo Red Pills for, knolvii as the brick yard, and contaiiiiiia
eommunitatioub to %VIllLt Ully fabric is made of by nervous troubles, rheumatism, or about eleven acres. The company will
aetual percentages. kindred diozeases.-W. H. Robert- use the land for yard purposes. Some
It is stated that the Custom on, Managing Editor Daily Times, tinie ago tendcni' were called for the
House officials, can distiti-Inish (,-Ot-: s 1 purchase of this ]and, but the Goyern-
E. ZELLER EDITOP,, ZI:PI('H- P-0, � 1 Poterboroug'-, Ont.
ton, linen, silk, and certain other i
I Dr, Clarke's Little Red Pills cur� ment, refused to aevept the highest tell-
11brc- from wool and Nvoollon, ed me of rhenniatisin after 10 years der. TIm. G rand C7unk tire paying $10, -
FRIDAY, 1�:_kEPTMNIBER 19, 11.102 shoolo,jv
. ; but they will be forced, of constant suffering. -J B- 000 Work' than thL Iii,,lipst telider, their
eithor to refuse atimission to the' ; plev bein-, $32,500. 'The Government
Armour, bookkeeper Toronto J,Ujlc- -
cept the Statement of will ininicAiately call foi- tender, for the
gooil-; or ac l tion, PUITIIIISO. of tb�e old I?arliament build-
Enggli-,111 Juti,re.; lla-�v the importer -,is to how much wool
k�everal I Dr. Clarke's Little Red Pills tire ing, grouilds oil Sinicop street, or they
..,ho(Mv, there is in the cloth. a, certain cure for rheumatism, �vjll 1,llst� it fur a terill of Years.
recently expressed the Opinion that
he next
Tj objection hits reference
betting i, now the most formidable I asthina, paralysis, catarrh, ecy
I to the enactment that till goods 1couglis, bachache, inaigestion, T11L, '31ARICET IMPORTS
evil in Englavul anil, the MOSt, fruit- Illanufactured prior to the passage tinal
. t stomach and liver troubles, f c
fill ea,.jsc� of ernue. As at sainple. of the Act, and which had passed; ra 0
I complaints, even -when the diseases %VILeat Stently-The Live Stoelc'r d
out of the hands of the ars. -Latest Quotatiolls.
-ove way t take the opinion of Mr. rildn"fac- have been standin- for niany yet
turer and the in.-redients of which 7 box Tuesday 1weiling, Sept. 16. The ilidneStritil 110sitiu
jim, Price 50 cent.,.; pei For sale 1) of Canada ill the
stiel.- Wi1is -.-, -Whon I first vaine are not known, shall be labelled;
lealers atioll-11 pride.
by toll local druggists and d
inwri vie Bt-neh I rsod to Chink Manufactured prior to the Pure: in patent medicine. The Canatla. Torouto St. Lawresive Market. I -'Vorld IS01111C.0 of gi-eat 11L
drialt was Cle 11-10st fruitful cause Film, Act - composition not known.'; Chemical Compariv. Peterboroulgh. t The Ntri,iq inatizvt Nva,, ijulet to -day. with I We licay(l. trililliphed ovel, othors ill Illally
c - lit Wl.ilits ull(l villy .1 Q11, delilit"d 1
of urnile, but it i� Il')w it question The article in question contend-, - IL r(l( '171113 NP Its Q grain i
i Ont., will forfeit $10 for tiny n6o Ult-ti (it'll (T - f
whether the unlimiletl facilities, for tIllt tht� nianufactilred gondsi thus I tbat these pills do not hell). alluLlt btfiliels. and prietes were, lilles of Illaillifiat-till-o' blit ill lioutt, .'.0 effet-tively
i)l-wokI under a ban would approach, Irl-t-L'Illar,
i'llogitiniato .41)e;.Illation ol; the'partl v -1111t. *.-:")0.000.QLj0 and l)v Dr. Clarke's Sure Cure for Catar.. NN'lleat-241011 Ilu'll Gf white told about
rl re for j,tj,jjjI%, at to tjsl:A% ,.ail 200 I)u.,h of rekl
Of and Dr. Clarke's Suro Cu
of peop7e -%V11-14 I bave Ii"I IiKlans aj.(l.IIijjg tjl,,�jn they -would be cas Iv
�,s j'j same price. *10,00 will 14-4111,111-1- at `7 t' -
embarkingonit ure not a more tonier Wert, firmer, ,,-h) bush st
bepaidfortuiyease they will not it) 34lge.
.r a Ire
provilent source. of InisvIdt-f ail -,I TI&. I take it. voilild be inentionu 1%ir1vy-_,,l1u lailsdi buld 2c lower tit 4oe to
to a great extent by postponin_- the cure. W
enme ever. than t1rink." _joi jq,.�slj salil 34, highor lit -)I(,.
until a- wg-r.- 11) loads, whielt so!,I
had claps:ea 1ruill it,,'
11, vik-w jjf tlio referentlaiii in yvar or st at $7 to ,lp pt -1. toll. rol, inixt-ol, and $11 to
tl*:Iw was oreert.11. Way. it'.,; Ole NVII(it-1
$14 for tlnllwtl*'. -NO j..A ft -\vjle(q Ctilladian evvry
llevi,ining htw. t E.O.k. I
lievember rext. the lirt-sst-d inuruvi
When margarine; was 901d us tiltut-s lint rovellitI art, upta. Ilriees are r the jlv,)j)1v-14l1hi- ',it U10
figrures aro of intero-r: Ili tllt- � liutter a great 1111P Ulld cry was, undiaugvd at su..25 ill per cwt. m"tho peoph.-Illado ft)
Onturio plebist-ite of I'sU4. tll':�ry raist-il. antl rightlyso. ltvvause the Cheese XarUets. -)pIt"s; lll-ivo.
-t .11111 Nvour.
fat k kf -ill t ix wa., bilinl it.,; the; gi�pt. I0., At tilt- ( $
were ro. stri I-inxes were h-laolt-il, ,o
for 11111vt of Tho vow. antl now. far-� twtiav I
- * - ,
11111gNull, 0.10 tit 1) Nt
at V I'") 10t.: 1111"toll, 1. W about it -.-Pe it'.
IlVd,tion. and 110, 4"", a-0ain't. Ill "'th. Itl,pajjj� a ,diriph- inicroseopic, THE GRFkT nLOOD lit, lit Is 15-11. ; all
Ile the etv;e with RF(',.
li,.t. tlivre were, mi -t marvarinv, will not d6close the l*LAT01k Toronto XAve Stook.
L't xv :We tolt.l. !it this article' vrill enre tile ruot nggra- Thp artivit _V at titt. rilrouto vattio Niar. Q� urich
fttr j'Ar.11hihit2,#n .0111 vawd f-krin Or livsniipsiu ket \\tks 4-illitillut-4 to -day, Ultit there was
that it.) attempt 11111st lick Illittle to, It.".11leor. -tit-All. Wo G o 1-31 E 8 .4..,
a t7ktj.t-jjIIi- in the jsnil&Pnti� in Tittv L -q! extelli'llt dt-inalld for prat V ail
ItVt,,t%,t,t tljl�4 publie anil onsure their i ren "That 11ill Veeling or :stovk. Tlw ran wits :-ut
-\rtcr v tinst" Nervous till the tsift-rlim-4 werk- huld. Und the %4114111-i'st
:�%vro. autl an inerva-v. :11 1114. allt� able to puri-haNe a pure wool- iten-Incl-ac. sour stoinacli Ots Mt.ut V41TY tillit-lOv. Tho rallge tot CAITAI)A CYCLE a XOTCR CO, Lirli6ej. 'ZOItONTO Ganitdl
1_.wi, jj�,wrt, vvere 'Wil t_mrnlent. I)jfficulties were .11TIrlattiletive. Witysuffer the -utull. a% that of Pit-
w.ien acure is guaranteett, trirl-s is atillut
ay hist. :11111 tdivilws littli. ellaligi. froul the
overconie. and we, NO DAYS' TREATMENT $1.00. or a wet -k ago. 1%tve is it sto�ttly
U.4�t'o V%6tv- ures
-rs a -hers" \Vljjj4L*
NW4.1tell eftlill.)z jj.�jjjjI 11tot Ii) t mitent to sit down, 101IN 11MIG. Millwood. ill f0V good exportl . till I;utf
alpi -alit, it as in ovekslitetl fact thttt feellf-r-4 art, comintratively heanT. 1.1:11411
4A,x: 1,1 wa% unable to get I'tuff Is %tvath" and 11.1gs are
4, of this prob-�* - relitf frlin Mobil— Tilt- total 11ul. wilS ST I0311R. 111"luklIll.- 1,345; 1
t -f 'Novettiber. 114-% th�,1*0 %V!'Y ill I ielli, s1linni0i Trottlile ul,tfi slit -op aud lamb,4, 40 e4dws
w-Wr Our Native Herits."
it -Ill ;22 hous.
all tjtf jeulty that the writers V,\11ort tlllltlp�overing-z %Vqt, fairly larg" I!
111.1lest niaunfaeturer,4 id JOHN BUM nild the luarket lovas Ill goold sjiuilt- 111kcs -I
1.1%-v 21:1.04,., t4 tho-mi 40�101 ft-1.111as; log tjtp tIT,
01',4 - WA�. I vilt'll vasy. %A,-Itll a Unit
of Vool
AGENT. ('11111m. u:0 illikiti'll unda.121LAVII
-21 ill Derk 1111�4 r. t&I"- tja(-jjj ts inixed or shoddy '41
V it Turdillin lint
ZURI CH, ONT. d alt.
Vjjij_t tile jilitine.,t inanti- Vo%V4 %t4jjjjjj6:
"'.1 all, vlo,111tig lj �4a..Wq to $11, ii
TowltrA" its v, -V., -feel nror t4 ottis, vontaillil a '.4 THEALma 0. BLISS 00, Cattle- lob.liad NIV, wl�w thm
taet 9 1- 911" ls nt", . "..
1'wtvAl--tatest- j*Tr1%r41u.: R 041, WvVitlol tin: tht'in 'a-, all 0 Sote proprietors. illjol in kt,tu
14, sua, tf.-el,,n glitijejetv juity ariscv. INIONTM41t, CAN. Art %t
)res " )a 0 q i1b iliae or two�ta. c�-, Lu. Canada's r n
hill -slon tI t .... ....... .. 1, ;-at % D-v %t..
197 t I zjIn ,nadvr tboi J�(Zull rattle "I �1' 4.0
- vro.rl; opf slimblY it C-11- civil uere hot d to g --t. il�-Igvoat L'juv 2144
t1y.4% at Nvas-litnat 11 t%a, Valne tire bang *V.10
19#lrrah:�. anubunt otf totton inn%t bmit. ana the r -f -apply f. r to,al haell N
04 Dort,) 114.;,,�o un'l L,,, IL, ,, L4 .0420 owl ,i -1t. v -"JL,A Eel*r 'r-ireck
FALL FAIMS. Iv.1,% .4lort. VoIT P0 %0o, 41U.,bly.
u-4. aull t%e Anshime.,st 8 -la tile town r 7 hsolut Jj I—
-t fir trato', t"'1'064 jorov%tbly filul hiln-' Ittavers 'i T �r.o D..
, su Sppt. 211-2a. t L,� I
t2ae btuvq 4,nJl u- tta�_��T i� Inn".1t1 'in G1 heavv fine. I Of 6MOY 4 tx,- ta--ol dt-4-.-
T"wi`w stated. 'WidoUbtediv Illdn-strial-Toronto), liept. With 94"'d Larvlzlu�.; ittiv
iv�e .. - all "t Z.,� ZA L lilf the
are t4z�em. 4�10 117, Unifv,l -. '01 have bo�eb mapli, Itime Briii"It, Lat
Jatojjk-�y ts far hetter. anA' Western-Ll)mdon. %iept. 12-2(t Bgurf-s.
- - ' ' " I 11pratool L4 Mutph t%e q aft.
ty�) T1- thau. Sauth Huron -Exeter. Sept -:2-,23. riwfil-r'a Lud $bu,kc-lr wcl' ta -t�. ��
-.0tv -M
sast. for Ott ua"yl ii. "_: .I to, Cunt
tas. ulqA anu.-st �srpt,n"* q, a 'Vb0Q,? t441.4. 513
V jow_ de Teeswater-%.4 24-1_10. tliv tiv.20'. a*-. Thp 1sUj%"4'y f, NVO-Tkhes for Co. VVT VVY111
11gama tit Stm 2,02:fst.
Igtinshard-Mr t n. Oet. A�-
�,vonlil not make a HIrth-0et. 7-,�.
tirvale. nuil there- 13�nssels,-Oet. 144. J�uwa-s 'layrd out or. tL', tnirk4-ft
w3t svp thfIr ttlir'- flpjar ABSOLUTELY FRit'.1
A%44. I'lig-C-4
t L"I any i Walkerton-�;Ppt. 17 Vs.
for voulwon 8 at
'215.26. g tuvlm %Vratqla Qu
at $2.73 to TO Pvtlpv ttlt-.�altl J%Tgn� "'.v %r d
To filut there are many' difflealties Lfi_,towel-Sept. .31). Oet, 1. 0m -s -11114 -es rliD�gvd r�-ola �41�v to f4ir th,*- Imi-A,
Wav 4 aretivtn- practical ' Xorth Perth -Stratford, Sept. 2P, 1;;.r heatl. Theav wa- a 9�,vwl fzvjui-,�� 1) luv� 4 lt4,1. we vifil luave f1he
elloike ml:heas, Lut ri-w werie to Ile
the snlpje�-t <,-ann-ut October 1. had. 13ud un. and NviveUly �" 'fur Inuil. .1 dil -0 from that ofib
11:111ge =uIV n then" is L, 4 slapep. Lalidv,4 . In-rimItAthont ehatgvs.
but tLTe importance of St. Mary.-Selit. 30. Oct. I. r-finitged inul thP U.-Itki-f Is NtVi�11Y- 1V21 �1 This i-. withonta (1,vubt the !_-bv.de4 A -Ver whotle to the lyul�-
lmr�-,t unv�e1q,.f.;nw ]Dencsty anion ' fgst nakinu- Z�ra awl ttnbrfj�-Oct. 21. Ivas Ifirge, Nit 11w 11K-Iiia.d n'.1, livavy lie 4canmda. aild fl-wtwwfter' ft is mPjVtej1 One nwre yvilat ge"'.
alifferelitly Great Brftuuz has treat. tntt-n� airA jirott�cting the people E. Xissonrri and Thamesfor(j_ tilt] everx-thing w_-.9 �"C;Nl.
Hugs-i1t,ady nad m0ann-t-d nt 01�1:0�
f -'A the B -len!"! demands the ser- October 1. r vlxt. "Im bellpets, --md V X
the Lcai%lature G. X. W. Exhibition -G o(leki ell, ii aypid fatot. TO OUR, PRESMENT READERS.
%nhi?AA f".00n ntrit's. becaltse sepL 3(l,. Oet� L r4ifiv varuvi.
k a v
In "I , jk�: V�J'Ziftq4e..- of it really coh. Tnrnberry-At Wingthain. $ept.';
."AV '1,4 *Q
I t 1;jImul'. 'Acte.. Any ptesent stt!vq-flhtr vrlvtst� ib�t-rho,Hyal to tile Z-10441
admilt that talm t� t,30
wasses of the people 25-14. pvail; lh,- tto 1. - invt�r; teots
st'vt-<4�. ` - t% liv-001 and WeelLily
ZLLat the Illen. who are Asllfielo!t & Wawatiosh-DUngaft-,� uteap; tups. *%.L; -v vs falir ta _�pl 1. i -z in nrrear.4 can have flu- rit.
ULU to -7.15: ."onivion t.1 lkht, S-11--01 to
'p.t, Itud
-s. tl�o intt,restetl. bt-Tause under non. Oct. 9-10. aloOve*.
-s:jit. In many t,,%r 01zl -1 -
those ft"Ut in nrrears ean 'lalvf- le F%au��v Hera" I canoil Avc-eL V
11,11 the poorer Tuckersinith-15eaftorth. &Pt. �25.! lleavv. Poe to I.-Ve D.Woi�; V.Tti9*q Stl-�!*tv U 99 44
fev� rr�aac-jy Inau- to ;VA: kL..1-vV. P4.149 'tar for the balanve of Gw venr T,�v jivxl years subserrip-
t-latirely elad in the 1.76. 4.1;;*. me�jjnoa, $'v.,v4 to $-,.S5. Vnkov;.
cessful 5" Lt vl'.. durin- &,Ptew4er.
v�Js -Woollstock. Split. 2.3 5.120. 1 1,11-io to $0. N.Y. Dig. ---V1 tv� $1.07k.
1 '7 It, It AT. 164
grow!ng and, Auln, �1+1 or QV41 f.40 lio
T'Li-re van �iv` lit) flnestion. that Great Northern - Collingwolot :0;. ns. t7X-39 to or ealf"L nt
-pt. 23 -
gn-'e4',,�'Qer-n�z 01P�rt 7 n "j, to %7.15.
-rof 11jen anj wonie t -24
treet untzl o*c!.�. n 1) tire a
.1 ;;hop t� It se Nvorth 13rant-Paris Selit. -1 90 tevlav's 101.2Z,Q
Lczve nn lm�nvletlgre North Grey_Ow(-u .8,ound. bept. to f -Ar to za,,,7.
m5t "later. V. -el
Mt! . ,p
U coniumn. 14 to .54
, 0 T extensive frand daily per-
nlaIe vf a fpvv srna`� 2 . uvflit i s. 154 1,11 kitl -2-3: ;-ir-4. t:*:1'._- 6 1 -t:-13 . ..... ......
in selfling theln gotv&s Centre D- ruce--Paisley, Sept. *23- sb r�ly,4 4. $2.-,;�v -'r.
h.s�rve,!, one 4. S3 -k
sill).stil tes for 24. to 3.W; 4 I.Ta to
1la tic-tter of tu
lv* !n ("an- �,j *,ial til- of the bnyers;
t1e:j .4j ns ellioilao, Uve stotf_
I't ldc nn that Nthen asking for
N jP az
ov 0
sea a ord fttar�'Lll V1, i
,Lqla an tile rnit(�42
er tire to often
,eil a -�Vzrcr an vortiele fronii -which by
till -14e. zn HE
tat,e Vzj't7� h; 4'6n-r,!Cl1011S by iis�
lie ou
"n Heart Troub
l. if -a --h 4. _'come P. ill. in W� ter. U`tkS�,,jf_ to $l5i.25' 1-wIt. - 2,174;
li,,�ys T. �`.;,s heavily on the
�'he town wll. rn=s and ad! i $-1.=5 t,, �,Dvvs. I.,
.� t., lul;onrutg, and aTtisan classes, who ft-edh- SS *-1
and gne's Inus t Immediately ge t - Mr. OeotgtNVIebber, St. Geo.-ge Street,
lin ne anything
9.04140: t.� eno - l(re 4",m
S - 71,0 s,-ileall(�rl cheal) gonds. but: vout, troubled tom6 with my heart and I day. Y N"% nlino"v nl;:j vv
avii;call, -ver '-pt Chalham, Out., states".-* I I wits very ner-
their homt]�-
Stich Drdinance as this Las lonz vviAe-11 womid be un -we truthfully suffered a great deal fromnervousdyspepsla ;Llli��Zl Kin a I
4,*n � nd and indigestioft. Dr. Chases yenvRaod 97.17,,� Sli..55: Mz"Far,
e aftert;'r-pil dt. 4�zznated if calleel low-prio to AVS�#. lm�k -.f S��T.-Q 97.40 10 ALL CAS�G OV'
impressed itseV UP u h. S, has Proven a thorougTa cure in my cue. S. 1� .
�jv slit,
-erj; t,,F- q*cwa,;. it is conton(led that even wml
e i - pleased to say that I am entirely restored tlitv.-4, IVI.--ow I.- -I- - . .1. -11-1. �. R NAKV R! E N C'
tLe 1�janiI2 rs anJ olTv After havibg used it for some time I am lamp Io,- to 1-v (!(
wt . on, "it
v priees re s ewhat en DEAFN A
1. "he genulne -59y to E SLE
�ndtj�ztr:al and retibrijIttt.�yry fnstittz- Lantl(A woollen g r- to litalth. The indiggation does riot
f"w a AR " NOW 01' PAJ
.Ons. An airwer ment wto.jztj give greater comfort trouble rde, my nerves are strong and, $3 'C
sa:71; t vigorous ;ktd the action of lay heart is Lealilin-- W11". t 3TAt11-.Vf.4. by out newfirvention. Only fftw�e b(irm deat are, incxtrab',e.
dustrial S"�:hool f6r i�ys `,at jitli ht-,-altth, wear intivIx Ionger, and C-.- I.,
Dyspepsia and heart froublia frotquelilly 8 EAK 'MME01
repor'!4 sh-1v Y4 hn tho enil prove in-neh niore econ- Cash. I K1_
ILITZt-11 Vili than a(InItcritted good,;- H EA D- �N 0 18.1 E ATUY
arrested in a Inandred ol! t Ile " - t reg,; go hand in hand. When the blood is .... ... K A. W#.§MAW, 6# IMLtlMbMt, tAYal�
1:1 v,nicln-ion, I beIg t) ex,t) yf�rk 7.
te_ in es are wealt
-Ablization to tht
cities in the Unit Mv serk,(* Of i thin And watery and the nery .... ....
ed bLa,
li . e And exhkInsted, OvOry organ it thelrbody is 'GettEeorm - - 13eitig tntirciv cured of deaflle�!4. thateks to ytmr treatuient, �- wi:v, now give Ydd
year. He coll , den'x ron-m; correspontlents in Ewzlanol, fiabld to get slow and uncertain in action. In'trf.jr. 2 reol 711.� i tull history & 31%vcast�ttyoelisedat vour dis,�.t tioll.
h;,z tj,.pLttqj �Ijt�ltes. and Canada for st, 1.401111 ....... My ao.q Abou.t f37ve ytirs ago niv iigbt to i�ing, and this, �Lej t. on getting. WoVrt. Init'l I lost
L � � I pow. 72 S�'. s hearing ill fl%is ear tntirciv.
that a eareful. inve--Fti� `�n 1 Pf Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the most
t1iiit 111"U'll Valuable Information stip- erful blood -builder and nervd restorative I)n!utl:, I -;..Ivl. . G111"li 10 1 unde-wenta trcatment for cata. fly. for titree inotilh'. willinutalm sick ts% eow�nite,! =:lung-
tter w-.11 convillice ber of payskiar. aniong athers. ti -,e Jnr,�t ealinent C ��r OF - *
".1j-, Cit%-. !Ile .11.V,
Ina pheft ti 711e. tbat medical science has ever devised, it onlvaii lintration coud he*. -.y V.e. nmt; even
,it least sevent.7-five -F(�r ce 17. W. Hodson, cures thoroughly and permanently by t' - -
T,Ondnll. 1 .11 inssirz,�, ltlicc7 blit tile Iltrin, ili
thosevrre.�ts were dlrf�&1.7' Live btock-Cominissioner i testoring the whole systeta to health and I(l._'wjj46qt 0 1 1 flaeu awvour ativerti!nerient jT1,1 New ywiz aptr� tjliaoraerz�a N i':rtrtat-
qul(4 uIrl steadv. vorir)n pasiage, r.,fth-
vigor. 5o cents a box, at all dealers, or t. &fte:111ad uf-ed it ollivafew and
co-antry niarliets tbank YOU
aXe to ul1�11nitell --treet rovin,-
Eimianson, Bates & Co., Toronto. m'u-1.1"lay, t;ulet lint �teisdy Frenelt ttl-day, after five "veek�z, nlv I-earing in %1!.. ��.ts l-een tntirely -a�tolctl.
vinn- out of aCcount a despatch from Odessa, the qulk but .4teftdV. -lie artily andlot.- to verytzilly rollt" tinlore'114.
after dark. Lea, , eOrrespondent i)f the London Stan.' I*arls. Sept. It')— Wheat stoadv at 2N We i�� -, so s. ilrnaawil-sr, Mall
the net�d of rest. earlY S7X(T and, Attrol avz; the Russian Gover t for skei)t monlyer and 20f 60C ror �Anat�;Y, Ind '01nw-treahnent iffoe..� not infel Tmre qHY11"y(not -usual .0cetr1pation,
April. FTour-Steady at 26f 40C or �Sep-
janliark and April.
nme" Dr, 'Ch 'a - 'a
leachin the I fimlwr and 271! �e tot A'Mce fr�e. YOU CAME E All
health,F moral has anliounced that. it -will take Antwerp, Sept. 10 Wheat steadk; N6. , t E YOUPS LF ""HOME
V -ift d 1,2 reol N�';nrer, 1ZL-f� WER L,
home, there towers over these t1ye 1 eff(,-ctive measures to suppresi the �� I NATIONAL AURA' GLITI-110. 596" ASALLt AVE., 01119A001 ILL
f pure - poaching Operations of Americitts Ner e, POO -
'almost certain destruction 0&