The Herald, 1902-09-19, Page 2I +.--!�-,,��_---­�-­W--P-�+ voom"T ,f-*,,Yk jr%� 800000000000,0 R a g g e d - clothes qulckly­ AMPLETH hif WD UPI 11 WHEN MEN WERE �,� ' '"7 ' "m IL 11 I THE HIPPO AND I that?s. what common soaps � + . +... r. --f,. A .& . q i . n ON HE BLOCK �� 3 V My [ I HE L UNCH .1 with f9premiums" cost; but 'A Voll I .. -- 0 4, lis Deu W! th !% id ney Trou.ble I , .1 a,:���,., �,--N,-^�,-�-+ Like the running brook, the . ?G0000OW0000000000000000 � +, � " Talking about Old +5t. C11,1 ­111R." red blood that flows througb The eT00113- was foggy and the ate Is Better Now and Writes 411 ,;it ld . 'If , in old-timer. "it )va,; one, Lite best kanvvit siavo marts in the the veins has to coine from launch going'slow, when turning a Interesting lietter Telillig or Ills Olden days. rrhere were tivo stands somewhere. sharp bond covered with overhang- Itecovery ititil How It 4QOijxje About. erect,Ld, one for malt�s and one fOr The springs of red blood are Ing trees, we ram right Into the mid- 'DOrOnLO, Ont., Sz,pt. 1._(SpctAt0.,­ fellialpe, at tnich end of the bar. �rhvre tito ituction took place every found in the soft core of the die of eight or ton, hip.90 wallowing There are fk,w Inen Ln the iveil end SItUrdn",'. ',;ojuetimes thcre were only a levr to bo sold, and sometinies bones called the marrow and under the sliallo4r 1,anks. Seizing a carbine which was lying near ef thle city who ,ire more ivid,11Y ' there w,re a). grrat many. Anywtty, ,.�ckjne say red blood also conles .303 me-, I climbed on, to the very flimsy, and more tavorably kno%vn, than tlivy bruught larcy prices in thohla f rom, the spleen. Healthy bone slippery sunk deck, which had no kind = AdL,. W. .T. Xeame, 86 L',pplftcOtt street, who for years bas couduoted days, betiveen 18-57 and 1860,. Tile jln�artntlon or siavJ-9 was practically marrow and healthy spleen of ralling or other ,protection round it. Covering a hippo about twenty a budneS8 as ballder and contrac- stupped Wien, and the prices were are full of fat yards o4f, I fired at his spine and otl t#r. good. Besides, t1m war cloud ha anot the following &Ivc�rdsemcat * lad.y age. but Ii hit him hard , the lauach had mean- al some Ave or six -years a -To 11r, come so cl�sei that m -f -,n really be- Scott's Emulsion makes new time eased off dead slow, and I was Keane was a very ghck wan. lie Kidney lieved th, - �re mrius going to be a blood by feeding the bone reloading when there was a roar and had Ti,ouble, NVIII.C11 LleV('I- gigantic strugl-le. Planters fro. ,all 'tioug taur rivh­viishes to sgavl enter the . E6 crash, and I found myself pitched op?d unttl lit- ,vras absolutely un- the riNer, from Natchoz and marrow and the spleen with vlo-leatly on my fa.ce; I should have III fi'jut to leave b:s bed. 31r. Keane Tatind a cure where SO Vicksburg and all places betivieen, used tu cmigregate Ill Neir Orlmans: - I the richest of all fats, the pure been hurled overboard, Only that I managed to hold on to the small nl,illy rAck inil Suffering ollos hav�, and come around for the purpose Of Cod liver Oil. . ec funnel; it was Indeed a case of from found t"'t, ill I)od(J's lcidi�oy P1118,4111d has for the fol- buyin.- a likel,%-looking man or a For school and tile frying pan Into the fire, Tor tb to given publivattou lIkt+y_Iookjl),W wom-all. � pale girls thougll I was just able remain ej jmving wr.tLun 6tatempilt: " The mt-n alv, ay.4 brought the best invalids and for all whose on board, my hands and arms were I -I doem 'it a great pleas-upe to Vive my experience of DoddIs Kid- prices, ot course, bt-cause they Could dr) thp ino.,;t work. s,ome--Linik'-,, the, blood is thin and pale, Scott's badly burned, and I soon had to let w The hippo, had come straight for tj ney plll� alld tho goud thVy have price weat .is high as $1,200 ' Emulsion is a pleasant and rich go, u , d was now under the launch s an I dollO MN I AVZIS a grel'I'L Sufferer .; th pai, W. n.4 in My back, and UsVIIIO sOmetimes It ,vat; as low a, 00*%1l' s $5 - It all dependot,l oil wliether tile fellow blood food. It not only feeds bumpilig us for all lie was worth; crawling along the deck, I jumped on it Ile often so laid up as to be unable %v.110 was sAiing had to sell or not. . the blood -making organs but to the sternk, and only just in time, is to do My work. 'Chings vvere th,,m very much as tlik,y . . for the Skipper, as an,xious as I was ,v, frierl advised PoddIs Kidopy I E­,pockt, and mt,u gives them strength to do to get away from such an -pleasant 0 P!11% but a'i I had uNKI SO mftlly Nvere as apt ar, ever to take advap- !heir surroundings, had begun to go full s�, other me,Aemes without ally good tage of the misfortunes or their proper Nvork. speed ahead, and in consequence the [I rt -sults, I had tittle fal-th in ft"N'- brethren. Send for free sample. blade of tile propeller -ttruok the hip- th-ing. llowerpr, I got some or the "I, tha ShOrt- WaS a man, and war- SCOTT & BOWN9, Chel:i1ats, po--a, nasty jar for ooth of us, as sl rIls an�! voninionved the treatment. h&d only used part of the ribrat ranted ill g0od health, the first bid TO"Ont", soc.sailldruggiits, Ontlii*. the helm was hard on. and the little " Was 60111t.1rijere in the Ineighborhoi launch reeled at the blow; every- r,] b1-"-_1 W! -'('?k 1 W -Is ab.t� to rQ8UM%' Mv Of $300-t1lat is, if the owiler did thilig on board was sent flying In all . --,------ work. ' ,I used .11to,_,sthEtr sovk,ii boxes, 110 L 11,1,v k, te S01 him to pay his debts, That being the case the first bid ' (' ,hance for Stuily. directions, but next moment we a were free. I saw my hippo, no mor% anti I 0,In sav t1lat I was C0111- and as this Over Ivi liablo to ll�- Lit tile reglou of He had been Studying the lines Ott her hand for several minutes. though we steamed about till dark. & , was- plett,ly c-Ired. foul rs: . - yea ago. and the trouble has 300. Thmi tho contest started, aua R., � thi, atwtdouper, aitet the manner of 4, I'm deeply interested L12 palmls- In, tile hope that he might turn up- is Empire Review. not retlirnod in any form. I feel iki sity"Zig that my ,cure was Ids kind, prated oil the value of the t ry," he said at la,st. "Perhaps you would like to have a I a safe ppr1pet vw! p,�rmaiient. ,116%su lit, xraki sehing and wh at thu hand for practice.*' she suggested. Mnard's Liniment is used br Pby- 1*1 bell V�. I 0-ttil., Kidn(-y P.11K vaved productive capacity of tile average man w." w1it-ji, lie to the field That Is how he secured bars.-Chl- il'clsus- I I - we fron., 4eatil. They arp ce�iain- _-0t a.Id �.O. i" .*­ ^ �f gri hoo t," ha -1 eago. . SumurilIT ar-DUCES 50" I Ask for the Octagon Bar 941 Pointed Sayingek. It Is rather harder to be pi tdoors; there Is so much breadNi � I around. Do lbelieve In chaperonlI99? Yes, my boy. It won't do to be only partt&ll.V. & dy. t Comets are probably male; their contricitles can be computed, The most uninteresting person In e -world is he who to Interested in erything ke.'qually. There is more joy In one sinner o makes up a quorum than Over e ninety -and -nine who come regu- xly. Ilefore giving one's life to a cause Is well to be sure that the gift Or'some value. To observe the habits or an echin- derm-that is science. To do the me thing for 'a man -that Is. only ction. . Temperi covers a multitude Of ne. t It Is queer how much tyranny Bill)- od people discover. Life happens to some folks only In ovels. If mere ideas are not truth, they re at leafft the cloth of whiell It made. -Nothing vrorries a woman so much ft not to belong to things. -Dorothy Eoore, tn the century. ISSUE NO. 38, 190'e-1. .1 . ­­ "' -_-!" ­ I � L Slixteen-Ifleh Rilie � Just Completed at Watervliet Arsenal. . Tile biggest -gun In tile wi In pw pracLIDally completed and &Waft - Ing Its carriage In Vhe Qw,ps of the army gun faptory At WatervIkets N,Y. It was pla,uned ten years ago, tM4 hi been over five years In proo,ew of construcktioll, it is the most poivr�r- fill engine of destruction known. When compared to It tWe largest gun billit in tille civil war timm lo-olks like - a toy cannon. Thli now weapon to known as a sixteen-InOb brbmit- loading rifle, and it Isi intended f6r hazloor defence. Forty of thIceep mour stars were reeommended� by tile Ell- dicott bi for tho harbors of NeW York, Bolston, San Framelsoo and Hampton Roads. New York waa�jo have elgl,Xteen, Boston eight, &11 Francisco tell and Hampton Roads four. A,ocording to present Wen - tions this numbor will be somewhat redueed. S.,3.me Idea., of t1le, Wt7e and power of t1ils gun may, be hadl from the fiLet that It throws a pr.o,Jcjctllo weigbing Minai Liniment Lumberman's F riend. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward foL I'll citRe of Catarrh that canno t be cured'by na"ll's Catarrh Cure. v. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the lifidersIgned, have known F.J. Cheney foil tile last 15 Years and belleve,lifill, perfectly honorable In all business ttitus- actions and finalicial1v able to carry out my obligattonp made by ilteir fir1n. WFNST & TitrAx, Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, 0. . �WALDING, Ic:lnxA,l & 3JAnyj:,r, WhoWjals Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is talten luternally,act. Ing directly upon the blood andmueouasun , face of the sys Win. TestimoulaN sent; 1108. Iilrlee--75c per hnttle. Sold by all druggists. Hall1k; Fanilly Villot ate the best, ly wort1h Thoir %veight in gold to " ft the dlre�-ticou of the energles of a Ono fact Is better than ton hearsay$. Ask Pat's Idea of a Van t idooic. Messrs. C. C. 1.1lellardS & CO..- Here ist a. true Incident Whielf a 4,2k ulzill." multik. The Itidding vv,�mld go along Dr. Burgesi.Supt. Hospital for Insane, Lkfont- Geatleiment-In June, '98. I had I NVArtat "Is tlouo so mu(,h for Mr. until it reached , $1,00. and then real, whore thollimye used It for years, for took place one day while a number my hand and wrist bitten and Kenno anti manv others is eftrtaln- IV Wool: .1 tord by those who m.ty jt,�tjckgi unt., there would I,*, ,,Ome Lij. likod F�; r 1�1,iitpinlaz4 o[- he D.&L."Noutholplaste . UPt the gf,aulr.t�, Ukatle 1.�.v Pavis & Lawrence of men were at Avork piling ea,%v-logs. badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffered for sevoral days be lsuffer,vw from Kidney Diseabe those x7b,,, really the man his gMeral allp,�arai cuuld Iii Co., Ltd. Of course Pat vras the man clioien greatly a efused to heal, or an.v C.�f hi eonsLXJUE�ueea. tillmn Zo a-U'vit themi to t1u. . THEY DID N= MARRY. to go to another part of thewoods until your agpilt gave, me a. bottlo af ter a cant -hook, but never having w tch t M M ., V b XARV.S LINNI S.". For Valitax If.dr. situatitfil. I'lualiv smite mall T%Ould tbuldly Wd $tLI�6. and there woul't of , oeen one before, and too Independ- began using, and the effect was Ralf an tim.,�-r of eamr0tor w1th onp lir�- ., paus,-, mill -s the 81.0'a Or thi) Melodrama the Result ot a WIdarr's wit to ask what It was Like, 110 magical. III five hours tho paltillud startw off, r(solved to bOng the In two L113 oance o� P,uwax,. di-:sohed In a quart bliw-lz wa., an ulai good luau. ,*u Was all tmsh in thckie days, awl 3ratrimoolat Advertisement. ceased. and weeks first tlllup: which lie thought re- completely healed and wouads "ad ot water, prf-r-trabiy rain water, ever,0xitly 1A 4.1 tht. mkolleyw f� mc�j O%e day recently tLe Xreas Zel- WernWed one. After searching for my hand and arm werep as well as maki's i vor-.. offleaetous wat�t rk�.- frvstt frout 011,' lk�gm tot Irplal,ol, It was tang. ptiblished W. Berlin, contained . w. t ,�Or :mp, he dls�zoyered a 1111110y ever. xwars truly, failing I.Wr. It �at tlp- wator bvrort% lddlitg th­ oamplitor awl hirax, ;I,; 4t ;rev-,L,iktt4bn. I, nevf,r saw SAO =4014 IlVionf`.% lit M.y pirit. all Z I 10ave not spoll the following &Ivc�rdsemcat * lad.y age. but Ii t:ovr. A. U. ROY. " !tj Pat, "I've round Carrinige maker, St. Autolne, P.Q. Wt; qrM 0-w',Ltatm %ho %lit6solvium of ,mql ,SUC14, t 319-49 s1r3*0 thf'n- intrudl 1 lvuvo. .e st'lln la wjlw, !2.ut lui . Iutsw-� 1,14-111 ,k ot zoature yt*nj,g anot fk,�ethij; aoi­tall, blonde. =P at I.tat. 111 drive her over any va.-. lor 11 soi,o title cant-hook.'s V,00 kol­p irlx'"��Ai �nt-t. Itottle. LV90v k­rLcm-1 Cor us,ki. Appil'y froo.b. lVD6 . an., #,.,* t!w ti'v-mr. JbI.Into-rot of tivr," imloosing al.01 grueeful. at the mme 4* + + to, 0"o -;i�,�t%o Lwto or thr­ Zi;kit -,� 4% *4E�!�� In vjwo. t tit �% �ijj 44 tjw Iwol4k, taur rivh­viishes to sgavl enter the . I WNGUIAH SPAUN, LINTMUNT rL,moves + + III ---,-,--.,-- mc), ,VC>tj 4P i N" Atk M 'r M C)k 14 ="y = TIOP highest aalarlett tit the profellat01131 world are pqid tit I Praetical Illustration inall Its brallehea IF, ant-t-esspilly tilaglit jlY 31AIL or ato our I resident liclittlil. The Only School of Illustration In CanadA lit affillatlon. with a large and respon. sible educational Institution. Superior Courst, 1.1 1111111 cirittelsm Peratinal Inatr 'I , ,!r1nV M0dOratA , nell ... I I Valtert. Iostirn'ter. pilaltiona Ivai Thorough flat-stigattion 90110tod. Write ttwiarfor beautifalbooslator.gir. Ing full luforntatlan. Addrm-) CANADIAN SCHOOL OF ILLUSTRATION Voingeand Oorraril.Rtlf., TORON10,011f. I.I.W.1tAlmr. Dir. W. It. Saxw, prin. I . so vri,Pk� svro'.6"I Up Iii t. uiiq1v4o.% � It you 444 rot Invo.".'�4 404 M1.j&r4ng0r,V. ,.-...--.,-.,O,~%0%0%0-.10%1-.O%011.0%#,.,%O%O%.OF ___ ti-Vou ctvv v4[virNo J�� alill .%till had to 41k, t Ttiie Vvily reektiwAa :ir=Ller ol ri , m!'. uant i0l,. or i, rdtoutktsl Lumps and Itlent. AN A AB -.-- _ ___ 7 ­__ W4,11; t�llk 44,1 6,t I4. %t 11% tj� !jtr tt, fi,4,41l 0 joliv.,3. btit s1kp vvKks 114A lorg till dit- I *Io1iL%s fram hors,kvi, Blood Spmvtv. Curb% * 11 %sk Uw Nliimrd'e. and ukko. uq ; fltsbtkl�y t1khm tP.P,� of thl'al took lwtr M1102'. � "­.k1lata. MA-11ag SoV,t%.STfN,0,V. Stifies"S'pralus. + + 00% liv i'lour. ,%kill goot it. Tito uo-a"Lit lvai; E�,!*an�iswk,llt�n,gt)t,�).%t.t-�our,ttil.e.*��. S&VO PILGRIM'S PRAVER T � ki.�� : -.--- . trimll� A. .1 ups onyt, -.4, A , tuitl #4,t- arraug-t ate intprvIpw. She " , 11"W�, + . 4!,0n1w Iriont 41 efti tr� %5,J % wwalol t. -.o, tiho tK01 reek -We the la%u i Va b,y ,-c, 'A ono . - Warrawok) t.116 + # thok, 0itid-tlealled Mml, � + . ""13'1"`!� .. ""r,"el ', "M over 6nowlit. + ....... . Foutit . Loveloy' thi'll. to,l ! �'. 11, 44" 11�419q �O't.:til; Q. j xr�­V �- � f�r too,, -t .1 6),­.ji, botfore they hall molt " - .#+ - , '� V Ulu'� 4 t� -' � W''I" ;, " -1 i �,kl i.:Pir". �!, , , ..'� g, ,t$ 4 ?If"* -9j #'J%4't too ��*-�%4$t &&4� 0 �j'L"UR. I fti a­4t4v #oftl,� r 4.,iiji, rtw.tral grouM. - �*l U. sr ,44 -0 �.. I 4 ; �,;;%� I !_.,t! 76% � liR�*�o-.-vliogn- lt,� I;& vervklu sla,t 010 _ . A evorr4 -16,-o'o-W. *it t"O. Llsf� Iton W -t, I I I I ., , '. . � . � " . l , . 1. . " - ,�% , ,4 - - - 4 . , , � , , � , _ . .. , '11 1 W�"44_0, lw,4 v%.au*,u­11-I a 19.11VAM,Vto tto I 131amond Ring I A Pt9X!kn_i-*- fin II'V VOWIN 9�.n VIVO. oi,ukk,'�� :4,1'_A10 �� �'­ 10 11 VA.9 :0_4r U-0 Z"- .-. 'I , * :11 Itle "n tts. o Now tatit" P#414. r! ; -, , 4 1 "7 ""' , " o '�" t", '�O" , �.. "% Q%$l ! , g 1 , . CM. - `kol -4.,41r, ., d I I tfriiAht list ro, vV10191 I ti -o Fr1r,01 11.o�-qo-_,tg�,. n att­- twv - " � k, tol I . , ji.v�%%, r "to" � ,_�Cr f�,idl, 0 %jL ,; 1, �iA*3.,"4, tt# Zj,� 141,,ft�&t,� r. Qt . - � ADen_ L"�4LIL�." j(.jT ZZ. -, ,w :a,­­?l.k1 to dot lo�A%&ts I oo):A 4 Vito I _- W U4 P. vlout laeitor.v anki jou 11orl"I t 0 tnm.9": V t In U,4 a N",iih 4 %, " j" �, tf,:,C.� r . it. J�er ii4Q2o-.�S_tg % r I T itetl in our aWn . 4. .4 zwoqtogaj� of 11411k!_214 t1ten 111"a"Pt upon t1t. nk,kir- W�ttCJ4 Ito- JW.Lrl 44wihote-A there to.v I -ITIG-024i 1-6 Lif %P­,� t-ajle�.17 . tV-j,i.'j0 * .L'o V lierself. tjws ste aslzwJ Viv t,otlp _!rl tlrptv %kl' tuo'101, ,(!%t � .1 # It W avolit 4_4 cwbeatm 0otho an ,lb p,.,jgr;uj: � fAonl -W!ttl .. ,o% g-twl � , .%,�. . to teat 11o'., 'MrmD w.,Zela 44�-tL 44" tvh-,� T,,. . ;e.4 , �a - s t E t % oo k.3".4 to" i hiall vw-alkoa to ti� Par a rod ��;* 11 jwu t4-) %@It tlzat at eannot hlj�lre 410 A1,214ght.'. Oi�%I!­ lifterk-1 "novr I I personalty Ilett -14 in ." t", 4 , Ujught Uvin. .-tqv, rovO,;Ae4 tho ',,Ot� .ne 14r.."O",�1, kiv%;.47 vin­tord .1,inTmll �­­ Maq Uittoij �toli, - . I I � A -4 IIYZ4411 AiiIilh 94'15141�x t.t#44xta tb�y 'I A�Pa!'%%O,y -, �t I 11: .':" � = , V I aghly V'At9htil Vibl,­, R 1% &W I - -ttvc . 1*rtj ,,,,> , ilct"it b ,in..*. yfy Autat.Jimi %,tnty l: - . 'I %vita l,q)! soni inko, to . tevc,ux 4�,I-.4'v *1 h-'on't 1�.,*t i�vi­vv a ­#;;L . %�` � P.V .'4 oil "'Lik'�O:j t'i%W I. -vi tatgl#,�� wmraul,i, b'A it*rq ool,l`,��il!­1. !, 44 I �.v'!, a 11 , , 4�lt 4 W'I'M= I , , - heatV1 CK4. 14p %;t t. 1,1111.� .J ." 1 ( ,#,,� V,v j�tntfonn. WANZA,90 WCATing thl ___ ,IL A p"4,e,,, ill Iii Is s.ire1j, ! dolloxi, jilty dollairs# -a 11l w,y� V- ­ . �,,,� !0.0 ��,.%�k;":1' ji Phi , �i L wfth V040 �vi 0o, W f0v�, *4 ; W, .�_ 411",Ii %-.1.' t 'uk,M"IM! , 1�4 atA rw%,v14- Ll�tr Ns rc,A rose, Mit rrseryud for mo,� Yi,qA U%koW I WAs stmaity-five &VIrso one , , bkr,%�V, � I %V.A,�, �, o..., , i � t;, ., t.agko . Tolk, _11.14 ak 1, , �3 ,.' Uvl[kit i� bvTork, (,X�,Ilfl ",."I", 41'rkwvl t'l totat a re- 11111i rranl, .Rk3:%p IP"Ifivel all eams. nw. rlcia� b"a4t; fegl.v a PRI.,m. tl.Lrl�rkr, � ill hua&til Mhus. Evety ._­ � -11,,.I� 010�4 V �Ii,": -­ t -,-p %,�Aci T'a�'fav!1,141go, %,:i�"4t, QV sill: , .!.,�L" " a bat 13tro,wh u*- wowsif* .1114 Pi'r- fl LjVit�j o or, trCkfjt!jj tjQ1 t, . Ig . -1 4 ;,'. ; " 0 1 ­ '14. Odi.. cr tlammh-b-,t 'Wzn� w6jr, O'no-olthadDlarnedgare 1. , ,,, h. L4__,� -j ti'l- !ho -N, ii!�A' ai!A ' t � <uP'N­,r_'4aj0 g Z .J-Jtj'�5 fji`,��Jj'%M fjUf!d ' �* ­ ai�vilrat&#_% I laid *I,� PoTne moo.uFl .V,., 1� elzoi'AtL of SUCh ,qUjitily thAt 60 ,stopkik tb# tough r w�j :"�.Jq!�A:IY* t,�'_� �:� V1, �� �.Oj w,i,,; � 'It" k,s! �' C,ks�,�_ 03 .4 I - , . A? "p:f fj,jj�k, t-0, t"Jc.to VWj,t% L'or ow-* I � fim't Itatolidt1ton W -S w hi�q .it wie". I L . ""b 4'. A w­vz, ir�k!k _,�I, $ 2"�4-t�,� l!� S C ! lla!%tLn ttr,%M�,P' �! A14 t'(L With up y Givaut".j. trat ttA!10$ - W And %vorks On tht, Vold. I CA�Stl_`.;, ., . a �Ita al Lv!r ,;. dq VW1 Twat cda.I.A tArillot I "'n'l-AtIV-1Z�, ,1..21�$QLI.J,n.t�,�'A"�l,:",?�,4", .ol "a V , ­ ,;r , -- ,4 �wlt I 1_�';�l,g noul tzy.o_,.�,vuvr aq .-L, ta t it * & L-Lujv, �i G� us6,o man. t -_ - "L 1! - I , L ; - -1,. �;� � w. ­0�ii v0V5i Vlvl!�t.�,,l 61 X�24_ i , : . j% t.lurktal .go). -0-agllt " flult. &ndftif 11-.4 toalkil, %­41�0�%.�pny. 91V:i ...... it. I �� " �:`, * -T� " - I * or T.i- Z"� L -�*�J,,�,- vtw*,J-,� Roy'. .ILI ft_ ..J'�"Jt'ki% ��,.t _:,Z:k z'13,n1h ayc­,Iu�, ttvok 1,,:�� � � lr,�,-1 1-61, 001� A"e1=1pro rz�.tj,c, a,,jV%5S�4,Mo Wai maA.5 .tskl of t" -pin ___ - 2!!�9* , , - � - �t � __ � ­ L--'- � I lo�,._, "I - 4 tol,_ tno", i,_, .�!" q t�,P V.'r,..t.'4 Ito t ii ft�,-13, "m Intil-aluth ft-116nti of Ma Pr,- tv") ebwv to Twav lafjw�',. taotit '31 all* - A, Hra%le 80y. 1,tpko,�­�avl- "qs"'17 .T"�,-.4sv4,:". IIAQ�t��%1.1,., 1 fo 4 1-1th A IC101.1.) US 0XV DAT ( L ' - . fl- - - .111 , ti.4,�4'Itt,'g [,.� 't I'VAS I � L ."Na - ?.I jq,,�;�,�!,:,6;il' a', " L �, t� 1"Ingt*Do to lnga;�,A =%SAI, a U�Uurl �n L%;dei- - ,�.J�,., 6,! rj'� I " . BROSE KEN TOOKS ., en't, traq �,l '4�fp4m-.t ul All C. lu",:I. L�t.' . ", ti;"I, i.-tD il t -j4.* !Z_,4tQ;%,IfjvF"t;trZ3M ,Qolo"ro 1�11*4%ky, X.; _ �e,lt� L% digt, 'nu � rw�otxilsotr. 0 m, � L�Okr.,Q. d ,at i AM , kito"If" � ��.Z ", 1�, , V'* e'! t ei�, T ji,f�"" 't -', ��,c ,,�ft � ,�1­4 - - I _ - ­ I I - ;;',w!a�"''nitl��IA,�'1-"�fTt..O.l�k--,, , I 15r6l, anull �as ,I!& �iii ,It ��11 '�Tia L,-,,�:.­ �, �­ kk,�!! *:-. rv�ft .,5 ,!UIM 44-1 rz);%l 11:a gk4oalQV dr-VTP!;qCj, I wamt a P'dtickki, aq tj'f,-'I' a �-a_# not i r,404liz 9 V ,IV I , ,11 � �. . , . I 'nq n .,U,Lr,t�j� tA-- 'L I ,, : � 'a �5:4, Z at. "T'slIq bt'op -4 .15110 - *0 .f)LL I j� go . f.�. ,.�"k,:r" , Ll":Oko �"? , S 1% &` it'. 6&t all it 116 1,cr ha., p4� dr,i, !�t, , , _ __ �. ,Ll"J:_�.� L ;, . _ - ..4,7 11,o �!13:iiiki_ - , �' 4 ,%aaavor ao to ro� Ns"A. I t"01,%4;Ii vaertu ,� . I� _ , ��4, .0 r"i - 11 0 �4 �_Y�,jtv 8:cmst� - . � " "t '� - ij ­_­­ -1. I . ­ i kt'ra� -0�% �.Ify ,1,11 Ip,,. 14 ,,t., "qr. tLIj..�tWin1�10 mant Vo No. . "illak: . L7t� -.1' I tkr2 vftZZP:1 !P:,ta an lur,t tlklm 1,j Ilq'.�, 1; C. I . ­_ , - k L I ,, '�T.v; f , ,. , kir ,,* - __ W��#.-,.�L %V6, rca S iN 00. tlt.,Aj� ,34 ,. I YONGE V_1 V ­f L - , , I �1 - T 4 -t,;;,- .4 , ' I Ltqtauvia ,, to "NtVI cat.l L=qotn. Idt "fo. 56"'I"IA71 _Ah1DVV.r is:jd t_�!,,,,. ,g�o tod tLo L�zr,.pon a, jL,'�� . -�u i-, _%z eo . -_2_6U----3 Vyibg Do Sol tskrieo!t 1*�kora. � 1__ ft'.'-�Mt M,1;��. tvti�lq L1962 -iia ta�4�,� tyl_iiUl .nq I.., I � � aft(pr. 1, � , �!. t(T, - �'.Ltf..._ J, ;, 4� �, �, ""l " . � I ID.f" twatlatuma =-9Mi[1ftflU::. "I A10 ,iki!­� D�ev� tio*iiina, , �1_�_ L_ �jjt� - ,,krjt. I., . etffpjf!2". . �a�'. "Iti) t�, ­ � . 0 -1 I , ,*) tle 9]*41 1,­� l!"I !oekl�-! iq 0_1 rnf-_,ki, iwfl,b liu. ,ml�,�tr�rar. L L)_ Q'ii '�.Ik 1, "t,* toT 1�� �. V_:Q11 ii� T c L' - qw�-tztas�,, lako tf�L­Ir-, lets"Lmnn. wku, - 'V�Vf I aki? tt'�(N3 ", "J l`,�j��r I !'SV.�%,� �- ­,, :, ". _� - � - "!r::iV,a,_t, 1:7,�:,�fh - i�! ,$., @LIP'S fL. t W!NgTO-0`8 CELP -frtCDLC""J iN UttR ! - "I'll I � . _ __ ­ __ T.,�� I [:_".. -.1r.". Z., t"! 11'.4% a ., 05 cp - .ki":_o.ii�O� _�P, I I . ,�, L .,l� fAg k,3t A ­%'A turt!VI-1 kn t,_"? E�,��AM�A', I oi ,,,-t P,i,,jr,�,,','v- i4"'VLr 1;".4: �,�-:,;kt tLtrL,iQ ,� "il. ,, � L; . I � I __ ��,q� � - Afte br" := C,Men tron a farru =314 00. -01 tea , �3�'j ;U� L.t'.�� *nj" L�t,q_�aL "7,a;" , , , 1 w0pil 4.:� r"c . Zu D[r-'@,,V - . , __ _ _ _t , ,ilk' "iji" , I .T mg 1��. t&�'!,,Ea - I'l, .k;, Lu7j,", . " 4�,*er.v. V tt w�'.l,42t tor t10 hes"r- I fia ag�,4& t1rctZ7 tr,role t-r1,:1_Ai __ , " � . .k:; : �_� ;L L'IL "'V. .'�') 1."i! 5�"' �' 2 f'� � I' I! I a �,-. Zi A 1, w, ­ vg -t to ii*Le a dAng L110re Tv'ra. in ','t:,e tlrvaa�- CLO, 11_&�,.iivlek� 'Ill "... _.__.____'_.__1 -1- I. _.- L 1%,11 gdt to, tt,�­, t:r-A1 evstaer I"?. n:at " (_roj!. tk[',"�# "t'.t,�' V'Ll "�,)� l... jt'� 1_'t,� .r�.,ZT' _'V.-1 . - " , O, I,F� Lng atuo:� watio, V " �,,;_ %,,�, V,,,'J,,,, �pL ^& , _ Ill rrj�,Z, _ V ..Iq t�j,y,LiItT.�,4 . . I . , _ � I &,.r I ;V:-,:kiA1X1 9 ";t a ivar. Nvo =Itf,�-n* U,h!v�, , ov t� -it - 'r,it r, . 11a 11"'Itl f"j �.N� s!-�ef-,I%,i, .- _"n I, --. 1!1 *,,o 11 !�,� Z:";,T,�, lic,�f it�l I . I -_- --- , L - .. L, - L- - - ­__­ -,-- - ­_ , ,,,.-.�-u"�-- SLQ t�laq X 11 tte �-_I.',�� "T tte b." S-Iay.�Ipv_q r2a,v r-+,?, I fdre.i, VYLIS wtitt"I ,w4tq In'�k4-. 04f,k1r, %-1: v), r I hl-_I�F. It . � I T". zv,i. ��-i�,�ft,,a a zll'Ta'� a 1, I't I r;,.0 -1-1 , ', BUTTER RND MUD 11, ��,!, ­ , -- StO 'W�1� 11 .11 .o L ') �V, I I ­ I , t',� t­�, " %� a i i .. il ­ 1,11- __ ­ - � ,V�,%t;, , tr­q r V1 %A*flVVJk1A tt�'4�t eat qo�� 1. I L - � .1 - ;L�, �iE 1,� t Won tv� 11 6aor: t., " " V W; N.t y,,,!2t�1 VIDQPI,'� J��Jt4,4 , !d ' ,$ - 41 1110111TV. - "', , - � I. _ � _� 11 0Ve�^jW"*­eq"4'L"'�' '$:-�­`kjjto�,�'2 . It wtvll plw-a 9 Atta ;"- � � !I'r, b�"";i OL,r V trate �,­: � _,j,jc,, �) �!, � !�' ,� -.. aTi -Z . .r, '�t :� -��q, -4 Iwo yj�� _A ­ !; t�t_ 111 iracrAll I Kj�� - - , tat- of jf:v,"g��U�io.lj i , ­ t: KELPION litNtJ ijjL. r I - 1:;%,"..'�, �,,'-1­--,a�-,,:",'­ `�,�,.- ­�-�,],,.; I'l,"c'-, � 6*1* "VT 01 V., 11105111iALS1111 1111,11.1P.A(4111) 96%,111t I . �� , �0 A 45 ­ I ) L .2- - , �q b.4r�,4,. "m Piokto?. to n1v � ;, - �� .X 6_,,.4 , J I ;:-� t" `lF -4. n!t*l �, I-,,. � I 11,6bSoe!kal Uvroarttis � -.,:1 " jj�,r,_'!� .T4i�­.11' . � ,"l -C , 1's§,� ---16-.1 . -thtttii&ittyli�o,irtri�ftlithmtdittlj*ut'AAI,t. - 'r " I , v:n.,;1 1­1113ri-v I'D- �",q�.,Y`..a Q'�!�r,'ial�*Zt.aoratA ­ '. . _ 'I. �T I ,� i- V0t'41g1S0GZQ. 'Wk�,;-u I tri<.nkU­ ,.��,Vjju, ,� 2 ��,." ' %. 4;.', �i - � �',l , T��,,' -,, !�'%r-r t lusiWdaitloihs 4.-,'"-l��,�.,#,vD2,r,;F-46-,,', 5.-i,f,,�,�t�;it�1,P��Liti�lt,,t�i�IMI)L- - �, - - . � f`;,�- �, .ta",i�r- S"#11odkil t outhAbsts. I '? ­ , - tr%f�� !�., L ', L'A�, tv�Lv--_a ,_1-... P'� �'J'V j P nj§`�'. _�'j�4 '�G" rl�%­' 1p._'L. 'r� tr , 1�� . �Pv ,1, -_1 "o, , 7 1 or�gk�-.,v..,� ­ : ­�L.4z-j 'Z � - -:..",. j I - 11�� . - . .1 . I . . .-.,, - �. - �r- 2 1 � %I , 'N'_- . 41 !, L­,!`j-` ':: " -, L-,! *.; � t, . -, $L� . v,%.,irv.� I ;V�a4a � I F, I " �'�� �. , JW," ­ L US , - � . 9'6 � rdwal:Urbiotsha 1011hil Tribowl6t. I't V '. , � ';� , E . *. .; _,<�,.� 111ak . �, , � -. t',,�,p vv.�,,��' �,,J" -- . g-,�- � 9ti, a �-.,�-I,A --,-et I I - ula,bes,rdtatis's to , L E . �, � " '�'. " .L: IT �_,_?.vt- 01" ..0 ati,tl t!,t* "'n"'..�e'r altek �.01 ',--z-J "a., 2, �c � j 'L , "" - ,E L III -i? ir, ­ 11 , -,. , _� t,_j� - j tT,) ��n t - .%t,3 'I" I tvant a _Zforinto`+� 9�,,ft,.L: tip � . Mlj_�' LL tO toam l" n, " - 'r - - , - , � Abiamtk6t ofil 361FAS , lrofttiksto. - . ­­ ­ (� V, , - �_, .-� i �;,_ - ;��* !`,i,*-'%�1,� 01iiiiiiii, 16Affis Aikitopis, SUN Ittiaft ain 'WIV_ Aln� �'. mnoy w k va,­�- iYA 'it., - " JOHN J F I �­ 4-2,4!.a-9., r�%i!:,.:na �rl, , :r,:­tV, ri:'Iturng 3s tal." f'2 111 EL -1 1 - � U f!` -T0 "A t V? a �� a aii; �, ft,maiiii4i", tomfiati. $#tight, Atualis: b�,� I la-Q�', the "i.svior" Voru or. te- 9 -, ­ - ,, r' I ±1-4ttLng ­ - 1i To! -Lr),�--,r!7o­;4 I- t. -i"�'v Q,r, P, �1:oci� 11 _1 . " __� 11� I .4 "'W�t'._ ,11 C ,_,Wr� * 14-4F. Ti-Zla a t':q� ij-.-' I t:.��-'_��-,ia �jn,j,�, " -- ,,I; fi�'�_�', ZL4q 10k Cyj:: V116j, Cklift, t6ft V40, folbutilly. I I - , i sliklIg 61 otaltUtt, 16e. Irt.1 it end#, 1131_�± - , 'Umsuds filt 'IV., . . , ­ , ­ - I ving for ro- S-1 batwltsi,. I wau No H I 151XV1, . .1 I.o'l Zv-�;,n V,ia-,; ,� � "k, f� Q'.ZQ,PL,i�, AnM' W ­11a:4. -T".r.,t­ 9-7 5,v�-_,cr:, ,,IlAro��­ ci*2, 1, I q -:�es*�t.bl"�.Atl!.i$9*1"�+..az�.�z:27t I vil*e r_,�­ �.*L?, ,:.'.Tikjoo"t* I -a, tabl.;� G_1:ja-�t4.­-1.. ;lave a - 1�n_o�111141 I '.!C"'*littV:�_'.5 I a 'I ­A5n­1 1.,:E)W. It t ,�rX�, � ". to, , '. ,� Y � i'j j 11 .,t,j Ir- ��T"S�v -ID ,:,", �vi� , -,�- --q Q 7 -�*t ,,-�! 4j,_-:2 �, �-,.pX2]"�,:..-A�- V�,-r!�kii,"."u�,7"'E7,1i, ��tqjr ­ � - - - - ---­­-­­.­- , 6e- DaLt�,�, W119"R nov,.%- I ,,, , I ­ , " , . -ga ii - - -� k L -* , -%V .'" . I , , , - -':r- ' 'L -9 IL-Gow th ,�n� vot! %va: �t:. I hki.- N - 4 7j��,�S,j,+-,, _,_&i:lew4_.=kk.1.s*.Q L, , .. 'T ,t,0,B M,.',�:7r� :_,,V�, jl;4?,__� 4" i�t ­,:­- 1-1 . - " . , _ r7 11 � 1. �� - ,&*t#*�Jij,fto;_#� - � , -_ L_ - � - ..i 'k _ _ . I il , In �­Q ,a � 1.7 � ,,d)�Wz_ s - ,,I �� _; . Vint U. 1 Am lvot I - 1�_ 14VI. _1�11_ , . 1. * _1 f �,- .1 �1 m -,Z , '. , . - - ,,, ., ., - �, .*� t!q -:ak�. ,� - h, t' ." ;1�4 . 11,1, jj.,O!L,�, tr ,1:1'�':_� ;<t!' ' . L�!.�_ ,%.�t ,j)" e "� �1 1214iff'ry 114 W5,11,3en. 'ig jq jj",._.i,%4_n , - � ;* gr� jj�', r"": L - I �'_� . �4":� j� o" V �'Ljr'Qt j� ,P,,�`_A�Lsv'� I-, �.� -1 vr 111 I.- I � 54;1��Itle - Woe# 06vo-5 IV I . - &It� � ,.-, -1: , a ka�vrw4i-,. " 11r.4 W - � I ; was, ,'I-'Iiv�4 W!57-L't &P V, J-(�;_,:Jz�% Zin I 5so, I ',4MT.,J1.1 ftm a-4, % tva r. -t --i" �?��ft,�,1,-.t.tao�,�'��-;�!*.r4.,a - 1- ., .- ill �i ;i%. -t I * , ri-e ., - �Q `Z_".a -, r�"13,,% di�.,anp"!-.a I',) Z-1,21 �,e�:*Par-1 I I i., .l. - e� 6&vB�!t.4*-,0s-_&1vV,�M% - ii t - IT� k� V �-­ .C. - - ' ' 'r. � . � . I �, nv.,:� zo -,.-, # �­� -7 � �!Z�,-, lclr �11 .. - for ra%n,-?,-- P-1. 0 Livrdi, nlaa-,,* .1 ". ,Skva, , . -t-! . ­.,Y�W-. � ... . I �� . , ,F A �1 q'if t'.,,* rkot�,,:. r,P_,Ar,,ov0r.-�V-. t gaktioti, te4aj t.4L Wflat .4 %V"Mail lbfnk*� � � -_ " . �,�, � � ,-� -.1i. - - , � i;-- vv_v ­,;fA. " ­�'� V�': V!,s'v�N_,4:,-; ; *. 2k- � -5'. _1 ­ . -, � - � t * -"'- " - i - Yo a for -, Wilk ,� Vot. .-4 Yon kw�vv t z ' '3� ` Sit" "* - � -----. .- - _ __ __r_*, , ­ ,.I . a _-3 .t �S;j t i-'- � R r t� ;TL-, 1 � � ,W_'�,, r, '' , I , s- -r- .,., .,:,%7%..� al.2, ,�, - 11 . _ _,,� 12.4�' 7`"14�pz!- ­�I'h`-irp7a " tra *e% 't 1,.4 n ­#t in G,, , n - t YrAVE 1011 SE.V% iiir-- V.t!0'NTFA1 r ­ I—', �.­ . ,.:.! .u. . �� . " ra.- L. , , I Zkk�.:� � _ , �' &'j .!to "it U- - , �, --Vkwas � I. a rive 0 , gig " - - , , "', � ., "� o -_ z�--� 0 k ' ;' "f; t' . I ­ f'T " - _�;­ t� . _a%-"jl t�'o JV` ." p4i:�!�_':'­%;' �._ : t-, ­� 'l '�"L��L - - � . ,X.�.* 'I :'t oni,­." � IJ_ vT:V,6,_. �f!) ft L' . . ,.�.�, 1, ��' ; I %o�a�jj,d "'k -AL V.-OVI 1:Or&OVP? 012 i� �, . __!"_- Qtz,�. :Inj .&-rk5oOz,#G& � � I - 1- .­= - � ­ 4 P�,S�Zlwiplr trt.-,;11&­­,�� ;�:A t.f�4, -nifetUan- ,;�� t, ei"'_ _. "o, � _. , -, .4"liki ff , �,,­�_It S:�O;�-�2. j It, �. n-- - . -;. , t. - ;,. q- V ,, ,. t-,�kL_av-.­t.l�� -N , - - Yr ---3 ; _,t nian t#* tki­ totit -nb_�t *" '� I _ " �j ­ ja�� . -_ 19, --" r- e � , - , 4�46 I'Ve arp C�r­PrM�­ . C, ".3 "� J� __ . . ; ,,_ . !, E�,-.,O:.r� �, "�' -_.!,., 7 . 7" - �r v� ,--J,� :� " c* '. , 7,,,� . ctt L� li?. �� z7ir'La im n't mv�au t,a to .4 ="? "u, ago r- ,P"f,t,1." , ! __1 U 2,�,�,.j ­`j­!rV 'WarVUe . . . .. - - e - ­ . .. - . . __ ­ - �j is eaimt­�r a ' S!!! LL - I �!! - -_ - itte 0�-Islu­4ot&_# . " L 4 ,� 7. j�'. ,, - � 11 - -_ j ": ::; n :---, n,u: It -4r tn." %T,-_,�rks toov.; . pralned Ankle H ,1Ir,,,.tr,, ,�,-:--.7,�..E:�,u7."�.,,,,'�r)ic,l.,�ts.,V I L L L, :D. , I-_ . � a. ­ - 1. _. . -... ­ , R ­T7 2TO -_T3 At T. --A=4#` �!,'- '...". ' � �'l 1 61V A'��V,t-41;'N,�Z.W.�4Q*�,. go.;k,_ ;��_ -'-7 "-7 ;V.1"ri `Vq ­,�`,"�'r_ ' � L. �: ,,, -,'- L �- -. -_ --2 * � _'I!, , ill .TAC, C -V. -r. fk�'Iakz ta."t r_h1C;ag0A,,nq i------- __ -, . ii�.', - " . ­ " �" �_ " - �'L � - � ,'., _� - ___ -, - ______ TL, v� t . . " . , . _ . . W __ C., �; I 1 - 1. U I- _..�'_' '-": ... -S 1S,rotr*i_,., ..I t,,:� t.evp- f"I'F lif, !- 4Z. r.,. *,­- - i7i ��, :Q :- ': , .4 `� -, ::�1_*."."', ,�- "n, ._­ - . ,�;,q, �' �", �11_,4 ­-�-_ � ,I "vr�!- 63, ei-?t3;q-"-"�-zoZ114!.V reT1100 t1a,"It 1, Alt& wii .,z 1".. '. . -1 I ., - I .rtu,t "iNmi's L_ - " ;, c"I T ., r', "_% r-,� , - � , ­', - " 1, ­: "i, - , ­. cie*,*$�l tm- mirso fet Vbtrgrin P-tal ."It". to " � S,; .?�,� � , . - , - . - _E S�:.a!:�t,�� �,�:` . - -4 . ­ . :1: - : , � ,, ­ , - ".,R 1 - - L I . - V Ct�.V ,&,,�ised ttm0�- �.z-,s. Lo �,,.11`,i4=qi;- '" Cu red v""t�it-,At�,-,ot'��all'o.���,�lt,%�L'stbt =*.t*iLeq*i"- L, � �R�- ,,, ! �, � -,, 1, : �,�, 1 � I), �'� r�. �'.-' Z.!' Q­_.X'T , , � " , , " , � �� . ,!r - � O't ';�- I ' I t ""; :,�, -: t 7-l'. � t i; '. _ -- : -r � - . T� , - : � .�, P�. . .,', , , - f IE4k(fI� ,!� , DA -&-4 4� - - - .� � � .t Qt!& t4i � f, r . ,.. . L _ 4% � - ­, - , L*5 tl�'W ,Tll--A Zis ,ZWr-VrVil�?. 1. _., Z' � ,�! ,.*tely b, tj�c I - - �, - ____ s�mar� � I . V7_ , ._�Tz� ;_-1;.,: ,� - � __ - - - Anotheo, Z-� - q -1 ,�r -,:z P 1=4, ,,_-�,,I. ,.,. - � "t. , �, 1_ �. .=, -n' ': ". �� � , , .,� " 1. ;o:, i ,k1v Mr -.1 nn,'l *�C;=tm is L . _ .. . " 7 ` - - " � ' - _ , � Dlf-, *:.�-aiw arje� 19"t'.1. , 1.s,F,:. I , . - A%?K . �1 Sit Wibe - -0,-' t - _e2 ...-.m � __ �:_!q &. . 'l.� ' - - - __ � w � . ,W� .r L, 1! �,�*`_ -., .�., ._1 , - �` : -1 ­ � � � *,.,. :� zi-ZleT�,-.4 :!�� 2 ,,, g7��_41i�2.", 1,o). 1�eiriaek�ibla ?AM ii Bawl r-Idei �56&ry. 1�1411­'�',It�"P - �'_ I—— . _�'_ � - . . ". ­-, ,�x , � ,:, .� - jq 1 4, '-�.' , -_2zrea o',"j-114 t..V It'ZTZ� -*;I',l a S,1�-tar,��r.-;: -1 62anvy- " � �' ' r- " � � - " .. �, -6 ,- , .-_?;�;- ' � L ­ - - . ' - , � I I R , _ �,t4 -'r. !ma .­,�;,�nt,,9. A X,Ad j t, _'� Z,:. � , - . � . , I 1 :4 , � TTa%"'j,q�!r�,.__­_. _" nl vv�,,:��. !:1L.,. , � , � . ", ,F ;,, I � Eyae2arfl- N IT j!n-1,FT,P- ___ ­,� ctse '%V11,�r'b . M, - __-11-. , ,,-, , -,i,!j �'in,l � ,�:.�­.. � -1 4i Ly ­ 1------..--_ ... 1- '! �'_- , . . . , I � � - . _ � .- _'_ � _', :LZ.� Z�'Ikp, .�1� ­ � � __014y� ---1 I'll -4 '", , �. Z '­ 7 ' , , , .: . ... - � � . _nk� , "41, I � �, �i t. I �%, t*,'.�il,�, 1�� '. 14e'q �=,170, - -1 ----.-- - - --.--,- ___ - __ - ,� 1, ;� 'j�i L . - - ; ,1,7 , ��. 11. - ,�3 io� '..'a- , - .11 � 'o � � - .­ -- � � � � �_ _ _-, , -�, zte . . . .1. . -1111, ....... ­, �, "'.. ". 4 11, . � , . -11 1 "7Y-', - �i�,- i unab"e 1,i. s4cute t'u,�, t,as& � 11-x�Tjt. r. -W 1,-:i"�-.,.;t Un4�p. r,�S-�, 111=��. ,�ot,lf 4 _ �', _ . ._ tk"­T.:q a ­ I "okwWWW"i"im - ; � � . I . l Qlr,,"=-- ",V e_�W I , . ts1_11br.*,r:e�1 lilwvg�,. - - ­� . _, I ,. ': _� ­�. ' � ..� '�,J' - � - - " _-, '� �_'L' . a lk -- g _ �. 11 . . . .1 - �,, -, . - C', " -..i;.-3;,t:ka o., ke erae& 'o -k bL�,,!,;oy .5t. Jaco'bs 1 I LINS,ATT 114'3,0114HINM f, -A 1. � " "' T'- I I . ­ - ' " Q '�_-L'7�"��:"Z� 1' -.7J- �;,M . . " To:,Oftw� . . rr I q , I - - - ­ itat .1 I 40,%N C�nitre my la';,d __ - - --..--- , _ -.-- - GOOD I I I ­." :in �,�._-.-2 "�.'_, ,4c.;:�rj�­, ln`ft�, L . � � L �­­. 11 . , �j TU"11,4* TZ­.m1rBzq<11o. . ­ tz-_ - �w - t,h4E-,CZ-*k !­ I 111PERIAL MAPLE SYRUP. , . I k � -: n -,�_. .9 -1 . , � r � 1', , -" .� ` "'M 1 .t� . I I Ij - . - a& oil �11 . � �� , L ` ` ` I . � 9 , i .., Z �. �, 4so:-�� .1 .,-, !4--- z .1 tl��, ?:,�n�,-�n ;� 17S�19W!f:,�- '11U'*�S _,'24'aN. 110' 11512151 F�Jl oll' I - ; ri ,�_j ­ .' ­ L i;4 1 : - , -, - -, � . - - L ; I r .- , - 11 I .;� *L , . ".­- ... ­,�; , l. - --- - � �v k -_Fs , .,:;- . J-"Z;t:�- re�n!�-#Vk-) "�.e.. :i5L#j 2. -,t1;" -d- - L THINGS 1. L 1 " - L�;' ' " .' _ . " ""L," 4 ZQ f�_' "L�`,�4".'.f�X .4" . t�,Le! - . :_1 Worked . �! I I O" I . .' !I Ti�'_ i�!n'&y st,,?n"a�.,l 1.-­::� fi,izpalf to I . . , -, � I L ij *(.*an. .;nr monoy �'j.�--,Z lj�'. ,,,Sar,.`_�,.�1;:)1ktt . I . - � �a­or�,i t:_�-- n-,.:.,--!, gin1z.!"R_1�. - ­'-`lks -­ ,dir'L,L51:-_4k,x - I .. �', .. �, I o . � . ti �43 =-%- ts,_.oti he � I I ,q , o,j.,:.1. " I 1. � � . , I-, . . : ': ,��',*_-� i"­_.-_,.,�­_ -_,�--.,��Zi-n- lr,�. WL��? :YS- it :��-L,jg , titn4 1,�.:e rf,..",.Lt IV.119 t1jr- ; . . 4;r ii. � �, .-L , Z.:L ; � �­ . - 'o. �' �. �' ' � - � �:'.� � . . ro� . & 9_1iV1I..101l;. 1, , . � - , - I � , &t r " , "w',q -.1trME - __ I , - -1 -A­,�, p,-,.. . .- t*- ' - = .6, _', , a Wonde . I - T .. -. ,��.Pr�. ..IM L't V L%Z _ . � . . - ,­Ik �� .1 . . 9 ­'. - , .�_ � I �,�, ".3 - Z. . �= �. . e ­ . .(�C jer,a' TO, EAT - ... 1. � . ��,, � ..!. � , , ,­ Y." ,�. ". , , :11��,7, ,­, : .N I' At-, .111c .., I ,­ - _ ,�[ , - 1: � � 4 . .. ­�, �n b. -I I -_ - - - ---- - -­ . - - r--- - _,*:�,,ir':�t,�:." '..:., �.­5­� " ��. 't:' --i'K -IE�, -' s - Ec a r, .., " ­ . . .1 - V1 V %L� � _ .,�,._� �S,j OL_L,P­� - -,� z,� I U I with a _n true .1k=,,m s. 'In. 'W. 1,19. A- I , - -.-,, �,_ ,- 7� ` ow I Aft" ­ . � I - , , , . " '.. I 1. . 'T- - ` - - rN_ TZ. ! " ! #6i'll, , , - i I .A.P. ef ­'_-., #_%:�,:_� I.W.6 no: V -,c ��,-z..j 8 , - .. - ; _'7'�j�' 1�: "�'."'J' *. ,� . - ­ ­ I 9 __ Str t, A�tol, R�-�­-�.Z,_C�M. V _, 71!1� = I �, . . . * I tw", - I .1, ""`%� F, - �- '-t-;.-y 4.r.:!� _- -s 1 . - - - - 1�_g 4-�� . hyg--!:L4!_- " �'-e -5. I . ' - � . 7 -'": I '. r ,�-:zi` - it s `11-e Lvarn,i 1 :Ilamp, sor.r. I date Of. 111mlY 2.'!tt'.. V�'Alk,`i; " -1 � -'= " & J e'V ' 1� - '_ 'Wo. �.% � � � _�- �A �� . L �t"` "tir t �_- le �! po-as the Indlitm- r,,Anca jlaa * st ; A! F - �._ - . , I I __ :k. __ .. I ­ - i_E!:".t- � L W � 'i � . .�­�,;,!­Z. ;�,. "t",%, ff-rc,'aa -.;..�_a re-; _---�7 -% -.-f , . ) . I ,b�Z t��en pr6,vner w -hen Ale,'�:�1'0- Vh*'&0ySt,_vv. E:ot;E,*_1,7 C. -o-, k-1 ?,"_-:"-:-:-7�,-tta, 02 L ' ' ' ' � I . , 1, .. , . I i, ". ­ . ­ 1, "- ' Mtijm.-en- 1:,2 ,�as , dor &Skefj ffi . . .2 � - .� I _Jin 11Cgr he etpfVted to -.tmel I Ead tEe =­:4ori:n:i- to rO- '�'t",-'l o'.2 *�_7 �q am er,��T. , � ;,f"roo.leed 7:"-nLz,­!',! V, ", �� iov'!F. I - .. � I I ! I . ___ A t I F_(��n- Zrm�atdl& L I VIPLON D" & 00#1 Ififfinal � lt!c,:"n� I . . I I Hix,tsp. tay wcngon, anti W.:4" .des ".,7Ng bmrq'll ftriii-at LL - L 11 -.1. - I i bo treated. � i. Tht, Ahk-�X,#:�,l of -_""7:�lt wa-v tak�,-.,9 IaLtk-e, :�. king" pe0ed th"s en't- head to footlay rai�",:.­ .10"nt I.r." P= ,­-tr� an,1 . � .1- � �. ", ; Wk, soteit your eqsnq!gnv,e:ltq t*11aultir"I. ­ 40"o4k, , ,�f,�qiz t'ie- �lr,*Vr-_Sc6= t * v me,11. I t!�,�­' M_�a,y I wilteer,mll." -9. llt<iz , ftpLsal�s. ; . ,>_�:zr x , ._).,�..;; -�,.�K,� - 061, � �; Ift HTMIM tht' Sex. trn wartlor. 123, toot tevewly sp:a , ; 1, F�erpv!;,­! �.'= for nt,)t ma k"� il - ctla Pleased ,by the maultness *1 the eta'62otx,",Ioms,b-atr.�,.�*t'vo;) not,�,nelat: lt%,�n Z .----. t I I ��rnywei, 4�t,�,!10,nkr�-. '1�#­­.,- 'WM�-T 4,91:'t see ,w,j-F we a=swer, Alexander ham,ndiately *Otj; -.0 t-ne bavpltal, but ,-=,�r '�, av:ng Uea 1 VRTUXT FARM FOR ZALt-�WVX OF Itft , Y, 3. 1 I - lagl`% 9 - Made, h_= J1111tOr Of ths Flatiron tteeted fot'% cd�_s1jL,ra!jZa t -me, 1 Z,olt. not X liftst In the Ni r* P I , -t"L '.' 4A . " �" , L I ... B B --Eat," -.,s'1,ZZ.,,'i t!�.Ie e�fete m,):I- c - (14, a pzo,t* cook. I 'bave a,!- Ar _* . 'I , ,:"; '"prk,;,", =­F:r :remey_q�oar : ,7ta vertised for oj�e da!2-,v fo�,- ' ft E kii.%616% t"i I .1 11 .I -nL - =Ora department JIMIse, and thei twO av better. I t,lier- dieterm"LeA to. try �;t. tr&"� 136 J&eN fit 061j,'S5 Of *b1th, fj ft , I tl �;irk,t k-'rew V,,'�,.-�t ,.S,;7nt.1 11 V,ac it-,* Weeks. A ,� p�.­ : I .. Poteat;�,,tt-.ii; StWk Iso Closely tobr-al- 1A.0606 Oil, and I Car. ASSUrt' F,K3 Will be WA lit ' I or Natural fifmw The i=ei rz,,n�t,;A�ng the "agie ,-,IT 9tksb-tvd - J4A­7ee,!sa tor a � _gml I t hat bettiriil Wo8t1yVft,ch4M I I thp pohm griz Lig ravionge tn & lo,Jiag wie,,W dear, avd -_vo,j,jj rMys �&A to be dabbed F�oras pla� I ug,d the contents 01 olle bottle my �aulcle ANIdtabittildlaotl6to to mt,ft ta,kd* V`W I 9, . UM�, . thamft ThIku Ad6ddiA bitkMa AU&601 lheau._'Ir , 1 4 dozelt appmAleants the n7rat dajigh tsrjs,�-X. Y. 'Suo. *asattouridas: ever, aild I Wagftbla tDgo jfthtlijkA rjMV6'nZ&, P. 10. 110M 4M Wifi" �FOW'', Pjr0d-' UCtS: � -u' solar piemus. . i ___ out of tgLe box.--CMet6go Ne"� 1.0 work asif notting Ziad L-apptsned.11 OnUflak ­­­ ... �""'�"-,""'�"�-""L--!-".�"-L.-�--�--.�l-------.,. _­­­ 11-.111.-11. --'-- � . Chenar -wal; strq�,Iag valaty J ___ .N6 -w 'korle CentrAl .hlitit ituidton avret __ . __ -'­­____ - I .. - ... �, .' -4- .1 W,�z!.i,m�t,i,s�!t�L-Ac-�ft3--ys-*,"-. 31*_VAftt'�e � f�rd t"ie ki%v!v!,"_e when calpllarals W, . I Railroad. i ... - 9: , N'', 1' M", I A I � , + Z I �, - , 111 i , I , I 11 I I 9 I � I t 11 I , 9 I I .1 I Ve:,? e-Bm:azit =ater.Voi. A sap'ATO.v ya= � j�tjok. j,er h, -a -I out of the ,w;ndovr -1 ­ To P7070 Z6 70% thall rh Are It sas _, tjOLimtry xUlves 1m3",_0!9y.1,_ ti, hal'a ak:192ya 3'. � - as chiasele Gintinalitl9sLoft-tAill, ri-Ae above "We is iv� household � THE G21WA.'r 1��` � -..�,d aeki�d i!;�M what Was t�,,e =at arA abmautio C1120 fbe t94* d tho superior oxviellenov Of 'y " ' L 'L . EYE REMEDY V-111 tLhII6*e tb4m. Ope06 V ' hatd tA* tsftn-.�Irr,f-_tt:ie re,� best -Me%:_q. , P *otd an � ter. I and 'every f0i�=`ljt MUM thg rovA sliould be sitiffidigat to at- pure, V.-Vant and efteotual. OPEND never niade oa ift- ' % VeedlagatilproU d1h 11 I. our Tilmd, vr6ak, sbre, watery, overworked, i�gtfbz ; "D&n1tS',z 'er k;:,"ow," he yelled aa- t,,, =MZM1t"cfV rers -ba.re gU-G=d'g &1'� t2 tr&6t Mott LPWVI% but novr that the .., elZT. 'I LIBBY, WNEILL & LIBBY 11 grily. ­tI.at Capsairah, wife sha =artlng. 1harntAg eyi will scon be as good as ,over- fty'. . , t1d tretaknjile in.the d M.' V&t* IS tte SameL to X'SW York and I lir VrjjF L v&d ask 7olartiftla- . OWOAO-0, U.8, A. I b4?. tjbDve sh�,15,plclon ?" . botgWitattileyti. Yoft6shuseltalld O&st ;ila b:r Other Itned, no Eyes uglitir OPERE. 11 'i T14e next d_%y h'a was d5ka-ved tot manotbilck Una bureL M6&%jr.t3 C= recommeadatIft *cold be - I .90 I 1�o Tttke� Jkboolistely -to rtpt.6#ejited. Every horae. thodid 'Write !0Z �#;Ir bt)Wlet. 4 -HOW VY XA= 136OU = orNpXA_4'ff0Xj8ATA0 & 00,,,TM,Ni* L I i q , � t MY -0 tot l Da, I �11 , AOL& . wig Wl, 'rou It -Q ,have OPENE. Remit �50 tektil td OUt JhLddraft 41(a. rjeci T911019 to EILT.", tadylrLz thhe VML ism1ght. uVerywir . Q�_ � . k, i, '"I - ID n* L 4 b0ttlO Of OPEN& , "the OPUS M Co., W,00ds took, 0*,&. I a Cohane!s QpntMeint IN th* wwe- . , , . � ,Vp,,