The Herald, 1902-09-12, Page 88
We handle g;oo'd goods
Our prices are low
We carry a large stock
Highest price for produce
Obliging salesmen
fit is giving splendid satisfaction
to the fanning community.
Johnnie 1 What meaneth those
frequent visits to our
Mrs. John Dunn has not yet
x'ecovered from her long illuess,but
her many friends hope- to see her
•about again soon.
Special to Tim HintALD.
Generally speaking harvesting is
now a thing of the past and seed-
ing is the order of the clay. Crops
have been extra good this year and
many pockets will be greatly
weighted down after the grain has
been taken to market.
Mr. Neeb our veteran thresher,
is being rushed to the utmost. He
has, as yet, not finished the first
round of his beat.
It is a 'natter of exceedingly
great difficulty to hiro a man in
this neighborhood at present.
Each has enough work at home
without doing work for another.
One lady drove around .all after-
noon one day tryinc, to get ono for
a threshing the following day but
was unable to do so.
The masons are now rushing the
work on Chris. Hey's house and
ere the end of the week, if weather
is favorable, tbo brick work will be
finished. This house when com-
pleted will be one to be admired.
Mrs. John Geiger of the 14th is
this week helping her nieces with
the work while the masons are
there. People in this vicinity are
always glad to see Mrs. Geiger in
for business on Monday, With
large staff of hands, •
11. F, Edwards returned Tuesday
from a visit to friends at London,
Lobo and .Strathroy.
G.•Mitchell of Lobo, is the guest
of F,- A. Edwards. •
• Mrs, Simms and family of Wal-
laceburg, whe spent nearly three
months here, at Mrs, Parsons', left
for home, Tuesday,
Tho two Misses McDonald of
near Brussels, who have been at
Mrs Parsons' for about three weeks,.
left for home, Tuesday.
Miss Dolly Parsons left on Tues-
day, to visit friends near Chatham,
Mrs. Corbould and family of
Winglia,m, and Mrs. Glass.and fam-
ily of London, who have spent the
-summer in Mrs. Marks' cottages,
left for their homes, this week.
Miss Cora Elliott of Windsor,
who has been visiting her grand-
mother, Mrs. E. Elliott, has return-
ed home.
Among those who were at Tor-
onto Fair, were W. Mustard, G. H.
Hewson and wife, A. E. Erwin, H.
\V. Erwin, J. Fraser, J. Tippet, T.
A. Stinson, S. Spencer, Miss L. El-
liott, D. Gardner.
Miss Lenna Erwin is holidaying
at Marine City, Mich.
From another Correspondent.
Harvesting is once more ended
in this vicinity and the busy time
which has long attracted the far-
mers attention has once more
their midst again. terminated its career, ',thus allow -
The Leading
Blacksmith and
I make a Specialty
of Shoeing Flatfoot-
ana Inteifering
J. H. Timer; - kith
Is the place to buy your
Will retain heat twice as long as ordinary irons,
and costs very little more.
We haye the best Cook Stoves .made, war-
ranted Quick Bakers, Superior Cookers Power-
ful Heaters.
Agent for the London. Fence Machine, also
agent for the Lamb Fence, best woven wire fence
on the market, and all kinds of fence Wire on
Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and Mdtal Roofing a Specialty,
Main Street,
ing the young newspaper corres-
To prove to you thab pondents to avail themselves the
SChase's Ointment is a certain
and absolute cure for each pleasure of writing large coluinns ZUR1161-1
— and everineldles
y form or itching. vhic,h nittv benefit and interest the
Hu manufacturers have guaranteed% Beeps- mane,* readers of The Zurich
timonialti ill the daily press and ask /our vacagir 11.r
A.LERALD. During; the past few
get your money back if not cured. Geo a box. at months this fanions and popular
Furniture and Dr, Chase's Ointment with bright and glittering columns
of both home and foreign news and
bora what they think or% You !manumit and
pat dealers or Etamassosr,BaTits d: Co.,Iroronto. paper has been filling its pagesi
Undertaking HILLSGREEN although the Drysdale eorrespon- We are anxious to do business with you, and will do
everything in our power to make our dealings satis-
factory. We have a Big Assortment of
ST.TIVZ1VS:=7:2 szmo=a
Johnson's .
Is the Plnee leo then
von requite 410:.• ui the
follo%1 itt4 tkk
Sitle.boaras. /tearoom Suites.
Extension Tables. Conches.
Fancy Bookers, Parlor Put..
nishings. Pietnte Pramin
We have now
a large and up -
to -date Stock
of House Fur-
niture a 11 d
Furnishings which we
offer At a Low Price....
Our Steek is Large and
&to. In time of need, give us
P. McIsaac
The Woollen NMI Stor
calm grin? von VOttrk4
Uie,re BELuntiells,,
taloafforls2itticrel, rtt.
Neviist-t1 few*/ Clone:um
T. &M.JOHNSON, Dile% !PJ t° 28
are now finished.
The 1902 Hess
See them before
*4 40
Pc -ie 65 73
Butter 13 14
...*.. 14 15
chickens n .,„ 4 3
-Pricks . 6
t-Itese . 3 5
35 40
'Wheat 63 to 66
Oats . . 28 28
Parley .... .... 3f? 40
Peas .... 63 73
Fleur .. 200 2 10
Hg' flivee per cwt. .8 23 6 V;
F. HESS & S&L %J•111, Oiltalio,
dents have failed to represent this
Special to the Heame>, pretty little village in the past WO
The water melon social on Fri- will assure its kind citizens that
day evening was a decided sueeess. ample justice will be done to it in
The proceeds ;mounting to over tbe future.
thirty dollars. lifr. Henry Talbot our veteran
Rev. F. E. Malott delivered a thresher assisted by Sereal Mason t hat W1. 'Win tient 111Xist sell—to make room for our
very impressive sermon Sabbath end Jessy Gravel are making1 .
eventing on Temperance. things hum on the Sauble lino at Fall Goods—and will give you wat bargains until
Miss Mary Hagan is visiting present. Harry has pureha.sed a
miler the parental roof. new traction engine andpeople eau
'Mr. Peter Megan of Detroit is hardly distinguish him from
the lst of October
expected home is week.
Kragey of the Transvaal and many 125. =IT= St. Zi.....1=101-1.
n Tuesday evening in the mem., 'nuke a stand against the burghers. Eggs taken in exchange for (*goods.
Mr. Amid Dewar of Maple Grove
di.93,TteeslisitrIsr.eho. co. Troyer and IL was in the village en business on
1Saider spont Sunday in Hayfield. Tom'sibq last*
A number took in the lecture in IfrinT Aunew. of Pilot Mound,
KippenInv evening!Manitoba, is to laysent buying
. Mon:.
lir. Chas. Troyer IJ" -"1a ill/Ples this v;""itY•
Mr. Hagarth took the Bible
in their excitement t for arms to
/minable pig last week from a clett. Thoinae Johnston, Sr., has dis.
I f hi t obilo to
Pet ,•r
r peset s o
itt Brampton.
Dinned. jr.. mid Peter intends
iten eigavoes ritosTavirtc1N. ruining it from. Blake to Sarnia
Mrs. S. W. Wet, Drayton. Ont., via Lendon and High Gate in the ir
states: "1 got terribly ran down. neer future.
luta finally 1Weattle t viettna of net.- Henry. Howard has purAused
vons prostration. 1 lee: ino up. new leigay mid tliMes will eurely
petite, seemed to lose intereet and 'took bright in tue future, won't
i a uld scarcele dra
n ItIl
they. Harry?
myself about. Hearing of Dr.
peed 1 used three Atty uorstiot desirous of valuable
i; --";e grtat benefit „,,,tairkhi„ information regartintg all lines of
geven vottuds... malt tut strotti industry would do well to subteriate
and. well and. 1 lent stiele tatitetite 62' 2"1612
that I wanted to be eating IL:a the Miss Lily Agnew of Clinton re-
newea ttil actlittutintratres in this
vreinity wiring the past. week.
1,1evstlit4LE Edward Stelck drove through
this village with his enterprize
Spial to the lInttAttt.driver. the Gray Banger on Wed -
quite a rerenber from this WO- gday last,
borhood rem taking i/t Toronto
Eshibition this ti -eek and many
intend visiting London next week.
Miss telty Agtiew of Clinton. has,
been in rata armed our bete for
some time renewing old atquain
Mr. on DrysdIde who has beeu.,
engaged with Wm. TOUtzlii
Alt& aohtEstOft 'who set -ed two
months With John Ileid kayo re-
tthiLed tO their horns loeking hale
and iteatt-y.
rlax hauling and cran-berry
'--" e" -n picking art the order of the day.
Mr. H. Talbot is doing it ushing
business in the threshing
Eireeial to Tit!: liL0.
Harry Agnew. of Pilot Mowed,
Manitoba, is buying apples in this
vicinity for shipment to the :West.
dray is -a Elakeboy tiid
feel proud of their success itt their
adopted homes.
. ,„.4si jelm Thirsk is kept 'Very busy
"'" ' these days. reeking eider, and
chopping, grain. Jack also makes
.1411 1 L L S - ,., a splendid quality of apple butter.
Alf. Box of Seaforth visited Mrs.
Wm. Nicholson last week.
Planing and Saw mai .!.i -miss,t,s Edna and Sidonia Holtz
—All kinds ,of woodwork and saw- , of Port Stanley are- visiting their
ing done to order. Estimates il parents here at present.
given for all kindi--, of buildings. „ WANTED.—A quantity of cord -
A full stock of B. C. Red Cedar', woad, at Thirsk"s chopping mill.
Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- : Highest prices paid, if deliveted at
ChoPPitig done every ; BusineAs is brisk in the busy
- oiof e.
' townMake and everybody is
ways on hand.
Tuesday and Friday. happy.
John Douglas spent a few days
! at Toronto Fair last
r ield Gates, WB Nichol, oar Ont. stweek. vier -
Tanks for 'Wind -mills t ebant took in a large quantity- of
!phials on Tuesday.
grate a commotion was created.
itt this vicinity last week as this
so called bronehodeester frau God -
click played hide and seek with
the fellows.. They found him
; Pall -wheat seeding is now ou in
, full blast Ind it is expected a larger
t acreage will be sown this year than
Ply Nets, Dusters, Trunks,
Valises, harness, buiU,
Whips, thimiy-combs, Brushes
Binder twine, Machine oil,
Paris green, harvest tools,
Churns, Washing machines,
A number of the fair sex have
recently left this vicInn atid Graniteware, Paints and oil, Harvest Mitts.
inity and con-
sequently some of our yormg men
vett, ' ave -troughing and Steel Roofing..
are looking vete- sad..
The time has 'come and we must
The tear drop dims mine q.v.., li
beeast, LEI
How oft rite (gasped. thee to iny
With py itt days gone b
W___ e _ e ...._e; e I
het: fitst 1 saw thee. I was sure:
Thou cattiest to nine to stay.
But nothing earthly eatt endure ; 11 zup 10.14 onr.r...
All things must as away. ,
My formthou hest einbtateed: IsAili'Vtr'0.*SrZ *tell'° °•111. "'"4.°1`2tH'Serni.
How oft in days forever past
Another takes thy place at last:
And clasps me round tle3 waist.
But such is life we meet to pale,
Its midst of ,change we dwelt;
it clasp another to inv. breast,
Old 'corset bre thee well.
'eliern—We assume no responsibil-
ity for this raving Byton Jr. -En
Hardware and Harness Emporium,
Special to TEM HERALD.
Mrs. Tteleavan and sea of Winn-
ipeg are visiting relatives, here.
Miss Nell Ring returned from
Detroit, last week.
School reopened last week, under
t charge of Mt_ Elyetharelt, who has
'7 been engaged principal until New'
• Yeats, and Miss Wright, who was.
re-engaged for junior department.
Mts. :gnes McDonald of Pottl
Dover is bete on a visit.
J. Ntrhiddon's evapoeatot opened
006k I COt On 200 COng
ittniersfolly tied monthly trriVer
and Water Troughs. 1
. soottirovitotom coma 'OM -
000014 tee, sate,etreettla. Led 6060
, HArry Edighoffetof Zurich is issig..miaro.tfrother, Au mita*: lanit#aa
!as.4istincr• his father in the shoe 4;6,6.
-y ' Work ie. ordered boots ;and ehoes. 10iii#4610.4";reogfit.0 feet tAiiveideiti
Milts iltit Con Lot .26. shop. Mr. Edighoffet does a lot of bet- lio,11,10 degrees stronger,$i ejb4x.
a sat . cm.ii and Ord and recounue1444 .r ...-
Arra', Wm. Nicholson ttn t roponygozo Drug It. in 0641041
I- itaibileiSchi Dr, or Chase's
visited Settforth friends on Sa 'at-
-1 day and' Sunday. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold in Zarich.
'Ba -d Appetites
Mt. Jas. Mahar, 3t Inverness Steeet,
Stratford, Ont., statest--"Ity digestive
organs Were entirely deranged, say appetite
was poor, I was run down in health And
bad severe attacks of dizziness And to et -
vont headaches, the use a Dr. 'Chases
Nerve Food has entirely cured me„ earey
digestion is very Much iMproved, the
headaches have left Me ead ray appetiteis
real good. I can reeeramend Dr. Chases
Islerve Food inose heartily, knowing it to
tie =exceptionally good inediciee.'
Being slightly laxative Dr. 'Chat's
Xerve. Food regulates the action of the
excretory organs and through its restora-
tive influence on the nerves and muscles
ensures the healthful and vigorous action
of the respiratory and digestive systems.
If yottere Weakened by overwork, worry
or disease, this great food cure is bound to
he of benefit to you. As a restorative it
has never been apprr4.ched, so cents a
box, atoll dealers, or Etintantett, Bates I
Co.. Toxotte.
lurieh P O Jack Thirsk' s new threshing out- at Dr, Buehattan's drug *tote. iNerve Food
4 M,1•
To see a Beautiful stock of Dressgoods, in all
the Leading' Lines and Shades, you want
to inspect our stock.; the like we have never
shown before. 4. + 44.
Following are some of the leading lines and prices
Itoiadoths Ilontesputts
Cheviots. Haines
01IR the new thing for this season
Ladies -Cloth at 65c has no equal
We also wish to draw your attention to our Embroideted Cash-
meres and French Plennels for -waists, so would deem it a special favour
if you would ask to see our Range and compare values, before pur-
chasing elsewhere.
. ZteilltbaCb, Zurich