The Herald, 1902-09-12, Page 4THE ZURICH StRALO
ii) are now rauch better I able forms. Further, it retaills
in condition than the-
e 7 0 r y 10 1 V y were a few itear the surface the dissolved plant REORSTS OF THE ROERS
I !years ago; and, further, such is food which lijust otherwise have
1$ PUBLISHED 'naftiro�s wonder1ful reolLperative gunk into the sub -soil, � - I U9 1,z) , VV U U VVUCM1VF
power, since nthe partial cessation The most important Source,% of 1114AT HUFUGUES nETURN WITH
ol the tremendous drain of grain humus oR the average 'farm are
BY R. ZELLER oxportation tho average ciop return farmyttrd manure and crop re- Alma that Certain Holders of 0111ken Yon will need a goo(I st-rolig pair of Shoes.
T1110TS OF SUBSUIPTION.- $1.00 per f or Eastern Conada have gone up sidues. Upoil the proper applica- have what '11
Under the Lato Doer Gover-lintent yo wailt.
year paid strictly in advance. When the very considerably, But., as every tion or use of these materials be Iteappoluted-Reftimed 'by hir.
'Paper is not ordered to be discontinued farmer knows, even live stock depends the future. of Canadiftil Chamberlain.
it will be sent until such order is given ftt�rmiAgg long continued means a agriculture.
and arrearages pa10, $1.50 to be chav-ed gradual loss of fortility unless con- Wher the supply of �Men's Heavy Shoe a
when not paid in advance. e , humus is London, Scpt, 10. -The 13oer Golierabi, 5
siderable food other than that pro- limited its location becomes it Very
ADVER'IISI.LNGRA'I'ES.-Transiont ducedontliefarmis fed to stock important consideration. NoNN,, Botha, Dewet and Delkrey, started for
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line a1ld the manure properly cared for most of our crops draNv the great- Holland yesLerday. It is understood Dandy, only.
for first insertion and 3 cents per line for and utili%ed. est part of their food froui the that one of tile reque�its the visitors
each subsequent insertion, Small Advs. cretary, -Mr.
such as"Lost" "Estray" or "Stolen wW This fact has led to it study of surface soil, for, while some roqts made to the Colonial , &
be chargod 50 cents first insertion and,25 tho methods for cheaply restoring of most plants penetrate to a, con- Chamberlain, was for permission for the
lo -4 fertility and profitably culti- A fe W -ains in 'u' mer Goods
cents for each subsequent insertion, siderable depth, most roots of all "arg M M
Doer refugoes ill Darope to retm-n to
Copy for change of advertisement must vating soils so that "improved, plants are near the surface, Plants
be handed in not later than Tuesday night rather than impoverished" may be of nearly all descriptions thriyc their respective distrieti in South _-�frica,
of each week to insure change in follow- the annual verdict. best where the surface soil is inel. �iltliout I takijig the oath of allegiance. Call and see theni before they go.
ing issue. It is impossible to discuss the low and rich in hunius. The great Mr. Chamberlain, however, did not seu '-E+ 4E+ -1,4---1C+-C+ 0+3- -G* -4-3- �+3- +3 -
Local notices in ordinary reading type subject exhau.stively in such an crops produced by newly clwtred any way in whiell lie 0ould ft-ree to
5 cents per line. Notices for Church �u- artiole, its this, but one plan of cul- fields and prairie lands exeml)lify either t1iis or t1w sugrgo.stion that cer-
tertainmeutg or other benevolent histit-11- tivation found to give good results this, its does also the rank gr6wtii 'tain holders of ofllc,� under the late 1M. N I 70� H 0J L.. BLAKE.
tion. at special rates. . . is where the meadow or pasture is of plants in our f orests, w' here the South African (Aloveritnivnts should be
Contraqt% for column, lialf-column and plowed in August, the sod being subsoil is never Stirred, or -where reappointea to owir old po�,itions.
quarter-colamn rate�for specified perlodq turned to it depth of 3Y, or 4 inches the annuals and smaller perennials
will be cheerfully given. Address all oilly. Immediately after plowinIce, must depend for their rourishinent QISTRO. WINS.
communications to if in it dry time, the land is rolled, upon the surface soil almost , ex -1 'UR PROLSPERITY
r= 1- &t Least He Slurs Peace In Vexte-
.L9 the,, haxrowed with it light harrow. elusively. It would, therefore,
It is then left untouched until seeni to be clear that available zuela ig AxAnred.
E. ZELLER EDiToR, ZuRicir, P 0 grass and weeds sturt to grow phint food should be near the sur. New York, ,.;opt. I0.-1rJle,(,ol1sul-Qoll-
Whzl it is again harrowed, care face of our fields and that our oral of N,-emezuela lias rocvivea tile foi.
TBER 12, 190 l wln- undated cabo-rani from Presi.
FRIDAY, SEPTEN being exercised to prevent the sod surface soil should be in partiou.
Mug disturbed. The harrowing larly good physical condition of
or cultivating process is continued tilth. dent Castro: -
"A fierce bat as fuu-lit to -day at
How labor creates value isshown t intervals (its the weed seeds How to secure these two require. IV
gerininate) until October, when by nients of rapid, rank and desirable Fillaquillo, lit i0ihli tho `rLvolutlonary
strikingly in iron manufactures. ineans of it (3 plow gang) double plaint growth niust, therefore, be i arnty, under Generals liticituito licit loya. i
Labor takes a bit of iron orc from moula-board plow the su'rface soil tht first consideration of every and Rient. was C0111pit-ttly deftated, thus
E,. national peaoP.
the earth, imparting to it it value'to be at depth of about 4 inches is would be successful farmer.
of seventy-five cents, for example. put into) drills about 22 inches periment and loncy practice seem to'
I n
t1part. it prove that shallow cultivation and t TIM MAlt-KHT IMPORTS,
nd S to 10 inches high
Turneil. into bar iron by more i This is found to be at most satisfitc- solne rotation, more especially the:
expenditure of labor, the bit of ore tory prep.Lration of the soil for 3 year or the 4 year in dry districts, Toronto Live Stoeli; Irrade--11*71lent
becomes worth $5. Made into corn, roots or grain, Where grain wid the five year in rainy distriats, Firatex-Latext quotat][0111M. The inthi8trial position of Canada Ili the
horseshoes it is worth $10, but if'is so-y%rit, the soil is ready for seed- tire niostserviceable, in increasing' Tuesday 1-wellilig, ,. I
worM to-dav Js a sourve of grout utitioual pride.
ing at it considerably earlier date' the hunsur, in the surface Soil, and � Toronto St. Lawresive 31a
made into needles it is vwrtli KAM rlivt. We lia�v triumphe(I over othms in ilially,
than where late fall plowing isiso -inilyrovingthe physical coxsdi-� wet iwati-er Isitt-rforml witig wi,iows,4 cit
Put more labor into the iron, con., practieed. i , tions" ; which means "increasing - the Street murUet liere toAny. awl revelpts lines (if 111.11 Ill fat-ture. blit ill Ilolw sw effeetively
vart it into hairvpringz; for wateh- if fallow -with this system of P the productivity" of our fields. �')f Ilmdure %veri: Tue priaellial ae-
was lit gratu aityl hay. Isqvv, ot
e4, and its value junips to -hallow cultivation a proper rota.;, J. H. Grisdale, 111"hil"Fu Showed Sereral tile as ill bit-yele.'k.
tion is adopted, most excellent ExperlinentaiFarni, lottawa. 'IOUs asorket.
wheau-PrItt.-a %xerp arnier: cio
James Larke, Canadian conimer- results are sure to follow. As' or white s,411 it? to *z- hizier at a -me to tt,;e.
Mover is the only crop which, A REMARKABLE STORY. 1,0) liusliel,.i or rQ,l *-,4- MiAler at 4-itt 6 ro dl"�
cial agent in Au.4tralia, writes the a Wild af Lming -7"w ND99
, iv highorat iov per hu,iia I.
whilt, givin- it profitable barvest� oatb-A.Ualn Iluildrill ow;lAeld Ve OVIT Nfts:ol
Trade and Comineree Department � still serves to enri( h rether than to it Discovewry of tin Almost Certain 1;41, 1OWer at Mv to :4v,,e
llarley--Thret. Im"41ri-417 'Itusisels
that; there is it good opening there! inipoverish the soll, it is evident Cure for Rheumatism itud. It'ind- ulglier at 40o- to 4::e.
for Canadian butter and hard that clover should take a prom- red Diseasps. load sthl It- 10%ver ut Is" prr is a whoc.) Canadian !,-Veryway. 1C.4 Die Wheel
R builiel. t
'inent plaile in Au--ust rotations in Aniongst the greatest discove-ries 11ap.-Claht I A,111% tor isew lobld $11 too �114 I
%vileu.t. The drought is so stwore! this vountry. With this fact in age for the relief of hunsau 10%V4, 1 9 to $11-1 1wr toll. of tht, pooph-mado ror illi. pl-oplo-solls. at t1le
that there will not lie wheat (,n(_)11,-_Jl of fix 13
to Satisfy the donlestit. dellilt inina. it few rotations suitable for sufferino.,. perhaps none, talre, sit to %1),w por Jwt. lit-oplo's priet'.
t1w improving of our lands nuty bei high it plitee its Dr. Clarkes toittle Toronto Live Stuo?U.
It there is one thin-, luade t-lear,". offerekl. it, Nolw sot gvokt(l for volili'ort -,tlItJ Wear.
; follmvs:-3 year robL-1,11(lil Pill.4 The forniula, fromi'l Trado 'wo-i covahv M Ito- ol4vviit,�
lie sttys, -by pi-riallve, it is;: tion, �]) grain, (2) clover hay, (3) �,whivh these pills tire nittile wtu4 the MaRipt kwiltiv.'uni tre aaguo�aate torkAgbv4 Writt, allout it -.,;lot- it.
, paqt t�x ; littst;nrih. 3 vear rotation, (1) corn 1, result of induy yours stulty tinil ; A416 1090, Tilt! f%VA&%tk V�. �i� V4'JN' 000 4,%.
tllttt Ca.11ftdhm�,,- must do their own but alit, suarl;,"t %vat; lit 0kale. too 514vao) a
taid roots. (2) gwitin. (3) clover bity. exlwrinient. 1i is'with ilie gr(..-atest vast Aluouebt of haul. and thl-rt. UA4 Wo
business. Every other nation tbat I year rotation, (1) corn and roots,�, eonfidenee, therofore, that the pro. 111,1091"t- ILP -*494% too `QhMM43
�iiovy found huycvs. Jot ipt, nit�.Pllaui eq
litts,secureda,foothold has haa to t: ir peui�e, (2) grain, (3) elover luty,'� prie tors phtee tbese pills on tho good crallph wert fasuly Por apt"at a, A-7
do it. and Vanialti, eannot litolie to (4,� hity or pasture. 5year rotation, inarket. ima so staLstieti tire, t1sey I'll IlIkur tfik'rO At44- I `h'Jt M111 at Hit- W,6 G H E `0 "' Zurlich
ejauj�wl, this law of trude." I -It, � I � grain with ten ros. clover seed Jhat they will prove it bles, i g * 1'"'Uh Nr�altll. And 111�, Zt4jbq wkwo, "-"- 0ALXADA CYCLE & 119TOR M, Limited, TOM.ONITO Omiadn,
4, n t4o eatw notable to wclgh alit- extiol 1% Q13
ttsiAnuchilowufor fertilivers. IN "Do@ wer-ol undr, 1104-c. vho�%44
to chinge. 61thoulitli IMI, tolog" of Wo ton.
eorn and roots. �3) g -rain. (,I) clover 11 -tile following offer: To ituy one *v* uvre AlKy UvID tatlotrd lwhpus 190
AUtztrltlitt tO balulk Vanildiall,hay.(5) hay, or pttsture. 0 yearNOto is & subject of rheunuktism (lit) U'Atlift VW%fd. -E& 1`0%- 29.41i4l Ost:kd% Of 91T4-
440 %t&,k 1tvibld bmio, 11'"ll taku tip It
tr&v-.�Toiatfon. sanic its 5 year but left 11 niatter how long standing) or anv jup,, 11,td ViKwc-a o)rri4ptyl� %%oro, gZt,
oil us enunterat
effiilrs. tine yt ir longer in pitsture. 'fie � I& af"tl�.e,
09r-r� Thl. tV448 vul aia� Hit 59:10�� La, 111.
rfla%Olk forsud,face, cultivation und;J und will give Dr. Clark %Vol 01r. L.: 1.14M 22`ku q4tick p anull !��aa`vqf
nd, 00 0 b
Peter nostnumsm of Roisthern. thensiAtifsueltshort rotations ttslful Little Reil Pills afair a
SaAsitteheiran, who is in mt4fwa gi�von tiliove 6. to Inerease, the quan.
partial trial �Kna do not ana a per. V91h
will refund tile nwaQ.T
fill v of and plat properly the ellief feet eure,wo 2 _.
gives a dentalto the. sbmv that ht' fakNor nialdng for soll fertility. paid for the IM14. if no suUtall. pr"",
Dal-hobor:settlews (of %Vt�stern Cana. 11 Dead veggetable matter exposed. tialimprovehTontis t4mierved, R,. E
da, have taken on a relig will, in addition, lu%y $10 aD *0!41 Titz(%'v
,luns uutuht to moisture and Avarmth, soon
breakns down to IL ftirni elillvil on '-fittisfiletorr evidence Wing sillp. t2:35gra at $5 tug 'Ct's.0 t�t Mt� 1, 4 $4�.-v)
that is goinn to drive thent to rafti. I to $X IV-* ii'bwu &J-00 m1r,"14 ft�!;t�r
' humus or blaek earth. the thetors pliea us to thi's effea. at tz_3" to $L
As a rule. tht.:Dukho1j,�rs are raj&L Camad-n, zcis, Grenit t-�,41611U-nfly
above. Inentionvil. Our prairie avla!, We have ypt� tol know Of IL lronc.,g , I r'ol�-�
kv, giving Up the nt.wIly, cleareil sf)ihi raftfitift ilft- �'citse where the -se wonderful pills 1 ...... 1
ta� 1� LA
ebarairterized thein when fllt�v Int-wq, fludnfltie�s of this inaterild. have not Won Ithno"A efifirtol llop *_1 0;z1F V-aq. 1_1�, t3o-0'; 0`uo
y %Qatp. 44,
d, 11�flr to v,L,tw�,, 'VW-�O
eatne here�, For hd-�tanvp 111or 13_*ipusure to heat and the interwit,. v&4401 In, affeeting' it rure. CAXA-;!,! C_It� 1 V '* I IWO
qu. A
already -see tur-9 of earthy Inatter Serve to! DA CHMIleAL CO.Peterboro �tvm, ver ao, Paper Absolu efy �"ree
V lit-
tv�,uste. Thus, ated grain crqp 1i U. -6q q'iin-8 tqu rp%
stanees that their vaginummist&- jEltva jgl�t,, Ff Mp Ugbi i�01k,��M!� M,4" C
row four **,ft4wn cirp, nt sil"'10 to
aboat the rwahnav of all earlazu�N q� �'�Jjtjott� wing provide the il eluill 094t ot $C),tto to
4 1*;t 7e Uq- lvv�v Ina"t'. tnMa VULM 114191bohet�q. of tile,
811 �aleftjat�at to dis.:
1V6AXe,,l oftt to the disadvzanN Mvinlib� "m-a"M wol Wuq�10V%malv k,4 1w '.0*43 wo Van
gve of %ijtAeo ttds Inatter most, rapidly and *V_:*0 to) t'V t��%E_t re'3 1�4
Cv 41 V%e'A,-zt� M,4,11�o ! ilez�
the iridustrions; individua-L There 2"t"'t eft'ectivelv - Q'JV1 161�-po ii,�, %N",a 1i tvv 0Lut haA I , t of all V-k4nfly'
The ftmunois of this o6unhon. *I* �,,t'Mng M rou A. Dyq, h"U'Llalwou V14 1"ol
are doubtless a few of them. J�C-alote , yet ea-divlast. stab'4tallee are Varied,
vVile have the itlea that Ina's Iteen 4iql
ffililortaht. 130Ihg%ft% ABSOLUTELY FRUB
publisheil. but so fe-'r. Mr. IviNallus. vall fift(I lywa for hinwelf, of* the�
T of a's-pange, it Mains thel� Wx otrfv-d. brif u r.r-n ttv do 0% 0 Ev "Ju A
seft is eevtain a-, to nierit uo alattu Tvv evevr t,eniouiii po hiiz fov a UD tile Vdrich
112pistureffia (Iry thne, NO will';� Dy LNIr1j. lujuolty, .1ut T
I . I CIA OR VV 111,1121. 11�r%l M9 0-- vofft,45540� "I'la I. I iterata
Tile St. Thomas 4trret rallwav 91,110v-, all 1411miAffoills; Water to�� *flt te the P. to ilnll rmto,&. TEf-,v tift, VJ(',t,A tA$ dire'A �ry�ln Ifint q,011h.4. f6t Viso &1ble
V -Z
*'At' w
S."Awinistioafty'nota car heill,, raIMI.Vaina hatinlessely percolate vla�itry t'�A
to tile lower soil layers.
.tan. The cause of the fie-itip the h; vAfIont vlr�zfl)f tjue offir ever rxile to the JoA-
It holflq 10"),se, lir)roas soils to-ij IM (tivy tia qvkA W�nv. `Mjl�-!7 sx,,i4
:530 q6 M� Uynt or - J,-,v0E;41 qgra r.e,4 uv.�u"4 1
lack of eleetric power. MGnagger getl�er�andsq ge 06se rah& itelt $30 9 L -e ee'tA."i e4w.
othe 1, J`*A He of C.411!1161. alull fh� zfvoner d the i!tore yon get.
_twi. I _ ,
Oill of the Gas and Meefric Licht beeornestaple anil li,rovide IL good, t1i j4�
Coinpaiit reft-Aug to f rther vor.- Nlot hold for plafits. It reliders t"KI t S
In levot ut tr_-, �kTkmpj_�
tihue tfie suppl:v power until tile denl'�e. inipethlesible soils ofteft and JOikfV ItAM.
Onrolix,� Iverinittiftg! the free circula-'
AVIV 9.7", Any prismtt 10 file Mirtlielf
amount due t1ve eoiftpatky 1)y the flon fit air anti! water atitt allowinxt to
19P A*!.
Street Railwa:� Coiup�thy- & paid. the weak rootlpt.s to 1*, *_*I. Imtol 13t q4 ft,, hil nrreav,-.4 rall lalve the Tanfl�v Ref -40A alld Weekly
itetree 51CP
It is utidetstocta that the Im-sation erstwhile finpre-hetrablo .41hice hi 11);-r U110 11%" tot -or. statt Firee ro�r the %d;zm-e of the Year hv -xlyhlt: no aikears, aud
A Rat way C -dpalk VVL��e n -41 �rm an -u ears 1 -an have tiDe Vanifl-7 fleratz'd 810 weeklv
. searehof food. 1111bticLit is the Lv.-I *,',-
of the Strec 91 .4m V JEN veln,4 At *3 to V00 r.zr-5 9V
ehief requirement of )hysical to sln!�ffv 6-! u�'Qalr for V�e Nd'au.", of tim yfar IV payh1g, ni-it year"s; stllyscr*
,good 1A vsical Ad
that there is Via funds atkI 0 ky con�(jjtjoft ill ()ur soils. it coil %
tfim(rlv rot lbes rh��'
ONT. 112*�[,
1111*111110tvar, anA the, pr6babiliffes, Inueh plaut food, shice it Is i*A11tv- !sr'_t4' "0' Y" �" 4 "J!1
are. indioetl� it, initfiat 1,,c said for a vegetable matter aftil a large, I*r tit A14111 bit ILM to, $19A rz�lf�4 hv�ss Iry C44M .111
certlainty� that the road -will &,Ig centage of this food is fit avaflable,.
orms. Itai&sulsoin the eativer- Mid �_U C. AX. THE HERAILD,
into the haiads of the city. It is q .. ...... ..
sionof the nonavailable forins of
leatneiil. that a m ee t i ng w ii I be laelil he c� e welu ts of ferfility in to &VA i I- FALLPAIR
intheStreet, Rallwav ... . ...... ...... . .......
1-41tA. $&, 13 to 'M;
offics by directors, and representa *_.6 !UV*�Zdricll� Sept. 24-2-55. V"xo, sl.:Ws to $7.0a. IQ7.-;, 9
ji lyidustflal-Torrinto. &")t. 1-13.!! to $TAR -n t0flio No $:I -
lives ftorn Toroll to, who have b6cn A S lug
, -4 y
road. but the probabilities a G. it Iva 1 0' 41 TePswater-Sept. 24-23 1CM&,wo Live- Stook.
.iohdoh. Sept.,
negotiating for the purchase of the, I
ttre that Solith Huron-F,,tetet,,9�R.,--:, ARE
the road -will fall into the hands of 6cf. -.-3.
Wbtil'thd live h; clogged 'by the ib'tt.
*to_-ady.- za#0 to *Tlattm� siiers noizdnal at _AD
the cffy-,. as the coinpally vill ad- tivityotthakidneysand bow8t, it bewibe* mvth I JU<lrzf5l,- 4011 Tf-=-!Fu� -na uqsv-r� YOU
.1 � torpid and fails to, Mtct the bile ftoib the laiussels-Oct. 2-3. E
LtfAjN, IL r 6
vance no, ftirther moneys for its blwd, thus ptoduciagr. biliousnets wid 4 WIalkerton-Sept. I $ t-iAV, to inc-dfuno� !�4.11-r to
ation of &jr;Fzj11jffpaj-rtaa&L - d
twMflon or for the fiqui& %t1he �gn cry% 1-12.3VP
the claims against it. The totgue is �ccated, 66 head Acbet, i Listowel -Sept. ftnnet4. 14V M:M; zVl1q. $2.2n tot DEA F I NUIStal
$3.-15: *Mvc-�r. ",t to X;.1_15; Tq--v.,-; tva
dilgestionisimpetfect; th6te is ;kchingbf I Xotth Petthr:-Stratford, 19ept. 121(4,� $9 t.v 'M50). steclrl-�. $9.75y to ALL CASES OF
gh&UOV7 CURMLtiOn aftCl Rotatill),Il. 'he limbs wid back. fedihgs tf ftillnett 'October 1. flog.- 1h. -AD; opened strong 0
waignt;and soreness ov6rthistcinAcb.a T,1
Ye ijbd EIM "M N "A Is N 1EAR1 C,
livet- 'the P_ st- Matys--selit. so. Oct. I. to h�.avv. S t
$tx5. to 4.T,5; to
For many years. 'farmers in Flast- di and ffi& complodob thuddy; the, f We_-,tZotA and E7,11)110-0cf- 2. llgla. A'L=-, Uy ",:, 7-; vvnlk ors-av,-, Al 't. N 01"" W 10M ABLE"'
ern ICWnada- were- grain growers4 Uzi-ae it scatty and bigbly tolofta,,abil Ill& --t� Nissourri and Thamestora- ISAM. t�J.-_&,�
merety. NPce.ssfty foreed thp in- � _60welb; irttgular, vonstiPadoyy 'And lcotL- October 1. 'MOTIlers. k,.:*5 'by Our new fiivenEon. Only those bona y1eaf are illcurable�
ception of such a s`vstem of Zicul- ii btss alternating. There it, littld nte tf to fali* fit t-Tinym. of, 1- �
cab 6* t X`
Habit and ignorance pro -i 6' '86pt. 30', Oct.. 1. -E
tIlre. I -Goderich, t tu;,ivi. ,ki-so to .m'nt. NOISES— 81" E
treating thi� hv& tcpAtAttly, M it W hibiton HIMAD"
longed the practice oisuch farnling. be s6t right until th6 kidilqt Atid boweli; f texiltallft;W 'WITeAt M.-ii-likeft.
tty-At W, inghatil. Isept. i V� A. Wkkfth, qft 116ALtl[Md'
itreinadeA4ttiv''m'ovin'gtb,6*ktt6tb&'t- I t vloslq- iwevv-,n q dar. ir!osTiq to -Jar.
Thi wonderful strength and tiiecni- Y. It i f0t lbft V r 25_1M ITA=n%rorm. Me.,
1,, from the, bod S noe. casyl Ty,.t-. nessAllanks"Ovaurt- ,
Inv case. to Lc;-�t, at marulen;;. I will give YOU
at vnxtr di,uerion.
in,-ItT inexhaustable, fertility of the, son that Dr. Chase's XidhcY-UVtr nils A81sfield & Wa-wanosh-Dungan- ': 71-11 2,1�r� fi've years ago =iv g, t eai iyegaj to ting� Ana t,
soil Made its long continuance f have always proved so wouderhilly suc- non, Oct� 9_1 0. 1 New York 731' .1, 1,al t OIr gtttin- wo,
se aatli I I
cessful in -curing the Most cbeonle c�"et of =Y' hearing in thl-sear entirely.
possible. The discovery of thel foloaa I.R ;1 _1
i. = cat-irrTr. forthree n:onts%4-. Avithfti: nxrv�vcce�rs, canst�' Md a laant-
.1"Als - . . , the"
Tuckersmit'h-Seetfotth, Sept. -)5- Mtftno� �t,, tqoz- n;-meiczarls. nluon!, mo�z enlillCnt eAr Vne&iA:i.1t Of 111jS I-itV. W110 told JnL tJr,1.1k
possibilities of the North, West and livercomplaint. bilioasbe%s atrd com0ciii- 26. Deltrwit. 2 red Zftl 71% 'Orl"y aii 4eratiou coulel"hel'o, nle evc%x -hat 0111V timilorarilyV 11lat *.� head noises
544 -
the gradual,e)zhaustion of our f Wk
leldt: W.Y.4 6�11 then e. bm the "eir;=z iri ne aile wome lie- �Ost fc.rever.
0_ OXford-WOO(Istook, 961A. 254ry. ar
, ne p, �,_vza &vvyOar Aav�,Tti��e--rlellt mcculentalTv ina zzew Yori: varler. and Ordered vonrtreat-
cAlled it balt. Hence, for so 6 A iS cents it box. All Gteat Notthaft - Collinowmi, !iaent. Aftvr 1 ase.,z .t -Olt
co,4li1Jq if, x r 4,
ldtaletk 6t Ednikh-koh, BUM C116.1 tile noi., %riased. and
.Years past changtt5. has been in Vae Sept �8-26 to -day. after -"Lve weeks. riv 1,edrin, ir tjz� �-,isja.,ed �ar 1�.is bcen*7entirtiv %estoritci. itharriyou
q y. 0orn, on 'Pass"904 Txe2riily Ana beg to reynabi
alt.. R�rfh Brant -Paris, Sopt. z-2& 'a t not aetfv�.-
S-pt. t). - Closp-w1forit firm: %t'll- it: 1, A t A 8, M ..d wtq�, na I ti in 0 re, 11 a.
ir, 7vityt 1101ty, 11sual
Makino, fhe smallest demands . on I i undy SePt. tonib(m !26f Jut: Siva. v, Am Xpril, pi: zio_,
Live stock farming, the s�ystelnt th*
fertility, is rapidly supplant atlor *Ml you CA# "MEYOWELF'' AT �H' ON
1 16-18 mfftdv; SO)vlfobtr, 2 -it 5(yo; �fatvzatr Xxatnin , d
soil ing ithiff X11111, Zyf - N ativice free.
Centre Brucc--Pitialey, Sopt. 23- Aut"'Orvny, Felit_ 10.m-Wh*at steady; � 0. 4,
Zraill growing. PAAS of neo A I Is 24. w1avc, 15-7it. :LL
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