The Herald, 1902-09-12, Page 21,
. . 1. �: . . . 1. ,� �, I . .
� 11� .. . .
. .
� : i � ,
Old Gentleniftn"s Narr6v� Escapo
I . .
, ; I From Dicath.
. �
.. 1, � "
A Vary luiareatlas Personal Exper* I
lance. 10 Mole 0outains Acute (xood
Advice tor Otikers Whoat Lives
Jvlay we tureeatt,ued.
LOTAM011,�-, Aug- 25--nQSPeQW-)—
Every, woman and qh1ld for whes
arouna,knows Mr. C. A� R,arries, the
gen.W pvs,m,.,tster at Lovett.
_)Jr. J�Utrriejs is a, hale 014. gen1le-
man, 7Ct ye,ars of age, and consider -
Ing Ids aw'Ance;i years is remarkably
well preserved, strong; and healthy.
J-imt lie was nor always so, Fivo or
wLx ym-tra wao he waa wt thet point of
deAX01, being, fearfully run down and
a compww� ivreck Wkth BrIgh"clo Dia-
0.aae� � . l .
He -was iso, low t4ha,L Ito one qyer
d1red331t t413t 110 could Pull through,
ana, ye,t. he Is a,dya and well to -day,
111his is gi gj-�tcxaent of the P�mse in Mr.
Harries' own words;
-In 1897 1. was afu 4he point of
deu,ih with Bright'& Disease, and was
a comple,te wreck. I could not even
dress myself or �uru. in, ;ay bed, but
rilAv I I in tt wtill. man, an4 I a;' ,tribute
It all -to Dodd's Kidney Pills,
"I am 75 years ola ,kand for a man
og m,X yelars I feel qutte, strong, and.
healthy. I couvider 'Dodd's Kidney
Fillo a, Vood medlelue to take In the
spring, *A I ha�ve round tu a great
blood pu.rUirr.
"As Pogini.tster I come In contact
Ivith & great manir people, �an:% I
kEtow of m %, personal knowledge that
a grmt uin,ny In this country are us�
Ing Dodid*s Kidney Pills evit,li; the best
resalts" .
QLueh pvidence sbouid be t mo;t con-
vincing to any who nuty Rtill doubt
that Dodd's Kidne_r Pills will cure
Brig-4t's Dismse. k
The horepst. earnest. stralThtfor-
1 �7
: Y1L 11 . "
�f �
C" ��
Nee I
+;A�",. . ..
To all, young ,, the sayings
, and old
of the cht)d, appeal with great force,
and amongst the tenderest and most
cherished memories of a married man
are those or the sayings of his chil-
dren ; and as those children grow up
I it is hl� pleasure to relate to them
their amusing and abWard questions
and answers which they so often
.piled upon him. The follbowing ars ab-
solutely original stories of children
I liLm'k?1owu ., .
� Tommy and Tames were going to
haye their usual breakfaet of p -or -
ridge. Thomas Ava& absent searching
for the milk, whilut James was wait-
in�g for the return of the messenger.
-k long tinie passed and no signs of
Tommy's return. -A.t last a, loui bawl -
Ing announced the return of the
meaRenger, w -bo amidst tears cried
out that he had" broken the jug
James looked at him for a moment:
and th;a said, ,'Why didn't you put
the jug down before you fell?"
The same Thomas at anotlux per -
loci received a, shilling from tile
granny. The oid lady was rather
astonished when Der grandson asked
her for another. "Why0" queried
granny. " Because then moilier won't
-want this one,' wag the amusing
reply. Tommy's mother u -,,Pd to banz
all his gifts.
NVI[ile's father caught him smaking.
.kx tea Willie, tras a&k4,d for his rea-
sons tar so doing. -1 I watim"t smok-
Ing., anaiverpd Wllli4.% eyelug his
rather fearfully - "I was only learn -
Ing Tommy Brovrit.*'
- Robert, go and wash your face
immediately,'- commanded lite father
Rob.ert, five minutes later at .t��
. -- - I .
. Device of a French PhYalclan Seems
to Leave All 09alet 0obleed.
Harror od being buried allye Is
common tk> the whole human race,
ound from time Immemorial experi-
mewts have been tit progress with
I the view of making such a terrible
fate impo,asible. $oma physicians
maintain that satisfactory tests can
also be made by the use of the Roent.
gen raye, bait it is not everyone who
hais the facilities for making such
tests, whereas an,yone can make a
test on. the plan devised by Dr, leard,
a phyalolan of Marseilles, FzanceA
The doctor uses fluorescLat, the well-
k1nawn coloiring ma4erial, and his ex-
perimente have prorred so successful
I that their, have wcetu for bito the ap-
proya! of the Fre4ch Academy of
Sciences. Fluoresoln injected Into the
hurua,a body produoes absolutely no
effect if the body Is dead, whereas
it produces most surprising effect If
the body ifi alive. Dr. Icard uses a
go(lution. of It which is so tatrong
tha,t ,% single gramme Is able to col-
or 40,000 qu&rtv of water.
If a little air this solutiotat Is In-
jeeted under the skin of a living per-
son, in -cwo minutes the skin and
especially the mucorns membraams,
will become much discolored, and the
persoln will preaent the appearance
of one aufferinL� frorm an acute at-
tack of Jaundice. Moreover, the eyes
,w?lll*beco,me a greentiah color and the
pupili will almost become invisible,
These synigto-ma will remain for ane
or possibly two hours and then will
gradually disappear. Since fluo-rescin
produces this effpct an a living body
it naturally follows, according to Dr.
Icard, that any body on which It
produces no effect must be dead.
� Little aches w-vt-rgrow to helell; ones it
zhey are protalitly xr,-atod with Perry Davis,
Painkiller. A gool thl r -member In Via
� s,�a,ion or diarrhoan. t.Rliltra morbus &,ad
1 other btivire. eomqcunti that come with
i aummer.
1--.,7 -11- -11.1--
people certainly deserves the confi-
face ?,,
Two little iiairs stood talkluX In
4ence Lol everyone. 4
It Doild's Kidney Pills can and do
the street. Tile father of one lead
German ,7illaga folk are evIdeatly
"'Cy eftsll-"' Offess'l&i- The t0II0WIajg
care Brlglit'& Diswise. which is ,the
died recently, and been burled
the before the ineldest here
adverti6emeat mently appeared In
very worst form of Xldne.Y Trouble%.
they certainly xvill cure any of the
rEcord%11 'took place. -Yes,- said i;ha
thp, 11-iVernigerode Intolligonz Blatt"'.
11 lierewith retraet thplibial uttered
leuser formR. ,, . . f
fa,Uierless one. **my- father's An
heaven.'* "Iffor do you kaovr:"
bov me agninKt Frau Meyer to the
- ---
queried thp other. *'why. Icause I
effect; that'she was wearing the name
The'Seprember It Swart Set.
saw his feet hanging out of laa
bounet zlito Zear ais SAP was laut
-A.,Friona or Cameo," by Louise ar.,tt4
clouds, I knew lais old bqo�%!11 wa,)
year. I offc�r her m.7 ap�*
-,�iigued F,�au H-mniag."
Edwarda. the novelaitte which
the curious rpply. Ife hio e.,,Identler
the Sep;ember Smart Set opens, Is
been stud,%ittg tue hearens, and
--.---.— .
a cliaracter study at aueo very di�-
mistaken Lae zottd,, for lhi* fiath-
-1n 1111P000110 -;J.,n , ,.p tia A t 16 .513,3ter
-74. 7 ..-tIZZ44m,
tisictIve an I very stron ,. *,The T
er's feet.
u.0-ol Z,A to. 4. � Whim 1A
I*' 0- side
tlouxthzratofl. t'.7-.1�1;.")fIn"14. F
ek." bi Jack"joudon. Is a
Ratie, agpil 5 yeara. was sa.4:q
a,-Te,.c 5a.,ow,bo%, 4,15".11,4, n')VIZU; rqllalt
talti of A46kan Ue. and in it thp
her prayerd at hi -r m#,.xther*a knee' i
.;,Iu,t%,*,4&1"%W�,.O,.;.t ,),-. I.t,!.
It , .
author baR vVittext once or tile beet,
when Iker youngor brothpr. who was
U not the beat bustwmed effort of
playing near, trml *n lor ru.4, ��sv
Kid% of the Web.
his career. .,'Laother story of eslee-al
stopped her pra.%er JLCJ"J da�'kl.
w4lil,lm ew�.04 3:0k,xw. a New York
worth is "The Sh'Wnw MORI," by
Gertrudo Lyrch. In which the* Ii,j-
Plea,Ap tiod. vwuse tuo a miw.te
till I sku;%1,%k wdfie:"
swiet.*. all -in, 1* ,V--wtaq� $*.13X,O; *C0
ahology, 0! heauty's attitudo to.
LbIldrom suiuetim,4 tak-1 tiLazi!
Imt a mault Jalumo,i� garden tu hN
pl;*AtO NPI&V kvrt�jll '"', V"Ituler
ward uswlf IR njo%l el.mull,gly anq 1
0*1LI-17 rortraYed, Tiv * papina'ot thp
in an unPsLLIw#--teJh- ,
- "1'-'!!1 "'Utit!-
A lady %er,v W -41t kaowa to tttv�
19 a
1,-riwueq xartt4lw�r Ue :q omp'�oyiug 70
number ar#� A,ontr1butP91 W,' 11118s Var-
writer was bu-iml amil..Bg �_#j�r dra,.V.
"k-L'at'd M,,�n on Vo. ptot� Wmta ig
b* . ,
t onljv ;M rept b1mutro.. 11, wh!,l Carl -
man, Sampt; Serrvey lto�,tp. vDiRt011
SOOHal�d, $3111UPI 31911VIVU [Wk. Al-
Ing -room LiAck�navku. fg%e-,y(-%ar-o%1*J
Rhoda meanwIt'le. zw�ta,.,,vel,j
u�iu ai� oT vto rar-L- treot. IwArnb�a mild
bert Lp.�, T, emlo�--Lt Oxara Ison. Vona
ishing kpp clj.xireo and tab,.�j W�tft a
flomrprse 11"ta"m .Tapa% and ,.tie
talviseap". dws'.1va w0l ")A Itf..r Val
aalc� anti otberc
diminutivp dtmer. Tao "I'A.4 oRtf-Ir-
.T.1 0,6,4, moluvoN. Thp"" tvlt","� 4p� little
irpix 4,in't &�,k,Z.1.4 t�m 6.'W�- 05e 3!
h1v v%J,0 s ,,. o 8�4M1,RPr-.11oV]1P#-, te�% Iva -
11 ,�� s, .o .r tieudmo -., 21
T.$Wh. rollbort.4-1 "A"o.t. 14"'ar* Vo
a",,,*, "", "Lj",�'74 T,,o wa"k, at*4
". u
,� ,�U.. �.,11,, t#-1
" V 4. ZP) lw�,,�,
litutenaut or Ireland. in tile
".k,*J1 qjtLt^�
'4 .,; * * NO "
t".0 , �Ilatdajj ' ' -
�elwlied t1he mote. ri-ptovangly. -I ,me
I "o tv-4- I 'o�� 'w"'in ','�n.*.. � I I,, :IV 11 �,m�
��Xt m" T#o rl'� 01-4 VP otot
."Oung. �
bit't Dian *V110 PVL@r J,VpJ,e8EWnte)J t1le 11
not daNtinZ wh, Manarzai Isu &%!-
k*bt, .a,% .0
Z"�u UL'4,94, "I'J"Vi e� h�l% 'Mr llr,krtiv- ft-
. _
, �� 1�!Jjt at 1) ablOE& C�
BL�rltjyll (ioTOP111 _t8%J,r..
fir,V �j �
%V!JV' a ,( .otgl
IV "N ,o f
T. , .� 4,*- Coo klapaupw- f�*Wor
HA ba -v J,W pliew,41 Hs thirt".'-fifth
��I y vittle gi"I. a"01 4. ,1:.v-hnX Der-
-9 , fall,
,:,It 'Ten #�q�Me`),!'-'j'�e` I �" 'It."4 1*'�tr3ilr L �
Vemr. He ta--av�wv I)g% blinagn*
k ,
to NVIAHAH1 Avard. a wva�tu`t. goll-'l
g4A?,v.a bpi, 44.5"o -V-11 bw* -od �� 4,4%;
I to wlmol ono 4 - lay. wwo a4koN $�-J
I - =
It (110teD 11% ONE IDAT
TO UrItt., ,
*mitu or Lmfou anil J%w"'Llor to this
UN- feZOND, -'i%1!A" -1ki ',JW� Mist"'t tlk,* :.,atal!,,#-!-�,,.,omti4.jitkqam''rA,3"LttI -vq
J I' 130 11;�
,4r�-alt� Xotm0als, .
8 tt_� -.oLa'� * "JOe Li�� AV'C' !JR'eJ'�q**'- '� & 'At .,q- ,:4 t
IQ.,3@ft or h1:04 Charli's 1, ffig ro-1
. . . .�
, ,� . 9 -. -'*§0tJf#JL'- *-VZ,
tv,g�%,2 .'#. "MIZA 111-0, 'tV.-ti. OVALAI I L�. � -_ . �t "4.11. j.
� 1�
nal),4 Is wdl,,fam Itutilble AVag, 1. lin, 95 � s rc I aI A"t, ml,". il ----
ig not at aDf! laiffibloL Itts rtlth�r 1 d.101 Uo, SV. oa� i%u!'vrld 1-')J', ;o ��,-n �. miturtia1*41 the t dattibutlawk.
Wa@ 1WFd#J140:Y VK2-11. OWMEN., 10SIA"I 1�
" ',02'4�3�oV
kerog at ,L,tatO aul rnaft� mimts airg'
ez'o� ., ,. at -aa,-q a 11's ,#�-�140 rJ11*4r6i
� -
Rau u.-. o:;#, '�' L �-Iwa 9 4v�6ta,:jgg ou u .�t.Ej,-) . � I. I
CVI-11`;�,*." t:�, M,N,�,A-f, eta
W�el!�N*tl His vout rwl ,ur.18 roz,lwn� ,I
_ . .
-Aile� 8 kft.�*�. get�,��a4 Lt -Z�-r h)- it " 3.r,;,!., , ,
i9lb ne n '%�'. te�Wu �14,# 41aat Je 13lu
tA t�t $OV#00, 4 yvfAr� %ap, To,.� .
%� �!
.,v,1Q.c 14, ,ssoa At�4 %us. SA�.-O 1�,wl t�op� 11 An, for d- C��Ir,; 00 ae*A#W,a- ^*'Q',� ;I
hwzmvt r-�9,� -quo" ql-�Iks r'll'-n Vow,
tulm� "Lo"'I ma"Uv ,� tV#,%�(tTM%`4e-#19,. 0 piswir -it :?"'O'l ,Itsk'o VIP ,,,one* t..ITV��v
y6nrez Poe. W40 hat# PVoVL%,1 tafts,41
ttn�:A �n l"2do %!Af:u'L - - Rk,., La��- M'!&- 9 ;'�t*iA fpl,,.Aq�* v4o� p-ot w4v?,-a�,ftg i,q WZ,"
oles of trie 4taill"02piA 305'."al gn INUP
tuts k"Z2SP-'.' ttgLvswvu;�qte� anrxly� An& wirm,!p twin �,:J tie . c'-laZiPe,pt,42
VM!te h�flg�lww
i -Yes, tlits 1.`�(fo:u" a"rd-I!%g qt ['�)'a%t! Ldatrab�jt'Lj
� . _ _T, il
. 11
11 it% tj ,,114,L 83�!] Ea�,4 =Jt�aek
I q tj_o , ,on* �1
�1 _V.
Pd*er 161, the Judg*.
I -a -1 Ulkt t-,
Mj'� 'Jt�lat a S"Cty' r&%' J)LltJt "'W'S � _%t*;t Tqr�. JI'JL1t1' ',#.L &2'
Pat, ravuag Wen alftlult, rdmiAiLT
. -
'auto kostek-sl won2 iJ.a7,A1N,113,: nloac 1� ottlq1W. �
.1 strder JVqPUffiO3'j i ,
With 9L toE.1dw-4 bottl% ft=l blat.
"-r' 6 wag tv.,,6na - to k��r avt0q, 1� w Now
Mt ,IWCJ*�'Ct: a lagglit"s kedglat at
tho t'-';�ftie 61 the cat.v.
pec"be, VvLle J�i.UL-�';, ag*m V,r,�#y tval on n#6*.?@p-A;o1'., n;9,)11,,t44,-,* t!)
zek5f�g ft ktpn lnze�lpszl an "t.le pllce\a--t-l�
"now Vm4 have D#afl �Ift tEi�""
kvg& .Iwwe aulat Pi.ufJV6�� Dad ulg feet,
, (IntTe C011L �& 'I�M tQeYtY&�"-'--* '----' A-2 I.Q-
,4" od titt
t4M,aJfttt,y '. gej.Lt,
- . aAl , lik:lp thC.
'V�-h:r,Ch She t'arnLIA Ont Wkleil W441king,
Igh"11 tt,%tr, &DA,1-121 :
11A drai�- �vds tveag-'A IZ11 'V�IVA* kgj-
1-FdItH all' it's aoigh on 0 siv,sft
ajo t:mt M tb,;� rawnly *.It -,Vag elt-ni
spoktb of Aud ,1�latejLd4." -F6 I i�lv-T, ,
eont!vl bl�l kV%XJLn&t &�,oz-t *;�.�
Inafilh-0.70-s-a, ho,por", i eplic-3, Pat
S,ud 1,�Lgftic�,. "U61,wt nro ."tf,�,:11 alv�,�'l
aowt"s. Nott" Sot, wa,l q2to'. t%-�,i
,1�9&v# . , t dalk
vii, a a . tl�,Ie I -ed tit#
'Pitoeba"?'" gtfbte IzXwr equ"A an-
; "'IYUM't
- &�Otp. wag n, -".)t. 1-14' craq-1- It 4
� to ho., -�;"nott t�2,0-a *N*tt.
U ylp�t'be
*1,1-1=4 ma' leg a SARot 01 a9m, alm-
8iffiEf ji,-MCI ZCUk,� 01`�,A q-,R�tk0y-
.w�-,,. �athr- f_,Itv"t �0,0 5L
- t,-- - 'Not,
' -Tho -re wias a rumor ,a- �
#*6ted tU2- 10shtaA,fi.
.1iPtMASr `
, ,� ,
IOVaS n04� S`t*t. 3t1s9 S11->tt rA-0-B Z.11'Al�
'De senwo-rul What Yon any," tau-
A.*-ereWs fatfwr IU tl,ap;?-� VI-vaInd,
ftC,� 9"t0t ,. Wh"Cq� pl'OVIX4 �-'R U-,'�!T
- ,
that thi? shat At N,3,1� �,z�,*
Maw th,� J.'Idge. 111 dorubt *ety =deh
'It "ma have eter Wen tap st�& In yozie
aml tn cons4,.-,qr1(v"e8 OA0712 tL,JP
vveachtlr hem" to d'!ntivr 'gig zsaisda.v.
i� s!mt
1, gtol- waot� *!� tElat Nott tvGA sl�o.�
. � - _23,
one .SUd&3. VV�Ljj'- �L�Ue�'. Ttrp�'Jjj S�tf "
11 n01hVWw,13rv.1ZU;3. C, .�JrlstlwltAxl ,!S'*,-
dl�,;Iel� �o not
-R.Ef'-diry : ,�%C-t&i=,�'d qav *-On of
Ll.i.% ,46- �# it lil a WAgoff *011!
ft, Ike lialtUm", -.,- - �
calke he ituggiuig a qsolnt'.� JoLttl wl
aztvayl ,--q,iy9.
-It fnwt 1w M�Vlq to Anr.11A,tLr or
� . -
Wow aflaset thinidif M oiatv)� (;-t#,Jl
f ,s6Ztj1a.,& it
�� hr,=C-ft1dV glt.,g;el� bN"ir "t --f
ion t2ie� tatifl. hib saA - Elete*� i a
tvial that silot �S:40zt S�,.-Vt !�.-OL
11 Nbtt. or. as ne-talpil,q v7h:t lixearmg
' ,
Irdni th,� ould rounthr.yT,
. I I
iffrink for .vou. My uncli., ,IN. w s3ys �I-Lv
� Ate EN-4aPfit. 'k MOLF L14 pl!;914A
, 1-1- . .1.
ptc-Acaer wasf lson-de aul ,&y this '-- tftst til-r� 91-10t sitat" S�A44, sl-,*'.S��ott.
211#ft Vafk ittimrat mid fludiah ftlt#t,
320tvirl;V1 ',f vvj�en th-4 W�wcl�, attair V'W'I"4 r�!-
An Cd0k;.* td�m- wko -as tar4,,er 4 ADIV43L atself [�!Ao �-tq or-gols-, F1'-�-
bald-Itimded, wettt 'to a favierai �n trae 1 mpnt!�. ar,] Saott vrtwu".3 b -i ,81311
Ilk# A'b6f* aAMS It & houdah6ld
, � ,
czttiintt�v. H��w tittRe garl lbilowir.dta th,L- dEd NoVt wo-,Cj be MM-
*6W ,wbd thb ft0t;ot C*1 lteht# of
elratt,b.�ar�,L Whet fiRw c81=4? �X" uel- - "We t"Itn1k, ho*,?Vet !t3t, tl�#
*lie ttdd sbmid be NUMLqvat to At-
=-Y,hier attki�j hpi, Rf ts�Dp hau seen lber S'lat ft. Ott wl,ot qr,ad b�;t S1 ��I.t, &-�t
Iftet koet J56drffil% but t�bvr thAt tbtl
lathe±. "No;* eald #OLP, b:zt 1,1�'��v -&as 1, 'Nott; anyt-'ay. it C9 ,L2an] t-lv tel!
ftto fi the Aatk# td gt* Votk And
� A tw,� tltore rLerp R:k,- titl=- vVY !�-01 -s 7n � who ,.*Is s�not a -A ,CK-*� WaS ��&�.,*
voluta east as bj� oth-br Ithes lito
the�r he&js It I I
ftfthl�t rebo�tam".-datfob Aotad be
,,aZZ'� IS ML,jr.,tag 0;.I�, , r
A firtle ;;& 0" aq �, L4n�:n��q_
".Lepp M�aqr&� 4 . at�
. t:3 �,;"l
JWds'let, lgrstybw-v will tol 'You Dat
- -
. .S �j r
., - . ,4 i?,
WAO ha'd lk-en Cftr1r�*.'!j.V !�naaZ"L�..t by 21� ' ,)
� . Z;s
it tbo %"t.
tdolht-k fte 15,-n.%f* 0- rigZtt Anuld! Wr-atg� �',
- -
, M Wag sp��n
Al2d taat Vv."'y*,*',ng 0�0 't. I :; lithis N011 UEVt-te.
4?vb NibAblott Mitti.
,,by b�g iReaverity F&ths�r. mtv- sf.,!Ae -1
C,ayteg, of, iv,bleV - he was wtry fbtd- " ,P�,.-A*r 4=3 P�1!36-1�-'-.#-,
"I ta-1, TAW. tmt Xtic,phaqrsan Is
bavirw me, 'with, W!g raceitlier, T30 �! At epror 'somaw"'t S,-=L11t t�
"6 MeaEmit Mars la tr Zcatlavd�
1w" td.*.d not to have, any more; but
11 aueo oiT t��aga roenllozetAd iast nbp3n,h
vlet Z: lyff gLl.- he sest �oot big �Rcn
shortly Atterwarsla 'thn temptation
� hag bene brotght wat z5tica b.*
vi, 9, tiri b-joket to nilik the coo.
proved too e'rong. arld. be took- an�
11 tho OdMDr or the Vom,",atan V�ty,
Vie ladtte ,and tbj& bwket didsix
'O -rlty under the
othe,t, ard sougnt spea
, Han., Weak",* r�e%-Je. in �% ssyaa! =r
t4fle ba�i ; load nacht waws raeard o'
tallip. At's nroithet. VessIng wbat kad , [toes reipart Of laet '.T,ear AM ftr�r,
th4-- latl t,
ffi the Ither morala*, when
I &ippi.ned. looks -1 T . Batiwin. reras�ra-vrt
mder the table And. aPPetrsd. -11 - . .
*44- ktocked at his fathees door,
� 10, .
.d him tizAt -jomeanp 1220 seen h1ra � bride, $-'�.33-
elled e'm
,t,z&e, til,tt ,ca,k�v-. 14e promptly ar-�
Wh& bee wao, H-- btoebt the svEd
14" & elit. of eldes, a geld Watch
.qv/emd Ia his baby lavgdar.p,--.�' "DO&
n I)e p 4 ag t .1.
s';twa-,d not have bpe e -, ou -
r Prostrate with Rheu
Abs] A, bay mare." "Than, I sappose.
kacpt,A�;on killed the fattedcatf?'
� wri* -
. Jk Joke on ChannetY.
within TW
"Deil &'Jit ,I sail he --Lad, thae thIngre
eXPOSItiOn Sent-
During the 0maba. �
dae very -§reel, b�tt �*berelo. th �
ttl� bwket thao. took awa, wi,
ter ChannrtpT Af. Depevr a19d -S. R-
Ars **Attiia Coors of mr.= WC4,-
ys',, zvou
4 Callawaj�� President of the X -Merl-
liwhh� AfIr"Ilk *Wt utftelml *612,141 I �
111 !ftppos* even you ha*e tald 1
1*g# you, regretteff", "Id the matt i
*1th t liksty temver.
eotlftt walt the poirkt; &t tll,?, Ang- �
*#red Ur. lfe6kton, 1,1 bave beet;
."Ing to figate, cut vvthether I 6�ier
Wid aWtling that I didn't regret."
-Waslhlugton Stzr.
irt , I—- -11.1 P.. *
; 16444
;K LPION "' "' """
1. *(k-."ft.1
�Nofelteil to a touthAft4g.
can Locomotive UOMP&EY, wox-
i§trolling about th,,,� Zdwz�j taking!
Itr the sights, when they Wert, Invit-!
ej UAO, A, larga hill to gee the �
1gkftt6bt pettorinAuce 'On eAktWo' �
1 The hail fill -d ,d;) ItapIdly gLnd After i
a, wait of tea or fifteen minutes the,
senator aald to Mr. Callawa:5 "This
must be a good show, so mapy peo- ,
p1d areeroWding- it -to see 101 Aiter
� some further waiting, ditrIng which;
� the bait was jammed full, the ULU
� Sterliug Morton Walked down the �
aL-le, and, stopptag, to sbake hinds ��
;;ffi� the senator and Mr. Calla- �
,*&7, sAld: *'What In- thunder are ,
V6fellows doing. here? T'her4 Is at;
11,11 faker ontaido ,eallvbg out, ,Come
see the great And oftly China
I �PVI. Depew., " bray lob to aeo tho-,
great and only cyhs�weey,'* - I
1. I ,V, I
&!�,,.AA&, I 1 I^, I
I . . I
lvb*.� �- , . 1.
— I
Boxer Leader bording, It 0-f or the
consumptolon, . Natives.
� I .
ISSUE NO. 37, 190',-00
- � I ,��.;;11 -1
I .
I I . (Japan Mail.) Take a Piece of woollen cloth, or 0
Prince Titan has zradually faded piece of mi blanket and boil It thor-
The on kind of consUmp- from the lborizon c ughly in a,strongsolution, ot esuoda
I tIou. We have It novr, on title author- soda, and you will find the wool wilt
tion to 'lear is "I neglected Ity of an Imperial decree, that lie was gradually be eaten away, leaving
consumption." . a Boxer leader,indeed the Boxer lead- nothing but the skeleton. Women do
er. It In Impossible theretore,thiat not realize how llooap ouDstltutes,"
People are learning that con" be should ever reM'n to active I Of- which area generally surcharged with,
sumption is a curable disease. ficla life or' even to lawfully toler- soda, or how com I
I mon alkpline soups
� I
ted existence. We find the follow- destroy their clothing; Consequently
It is neglected consumption Ing reference to him in the North they, week by week, suOlect costly
a s , China Daily News: . .
th t i so often incurable, fabric to such treatment. The hands
"Prince Tioan, and his second Ileu- iLlso are immersed, for hours in, such
At the faintest suspicion of tranant, Duke Lan�Tuan's chief lieu. solutions, resulting in eczema, coarse
tenant, Prince Chuang, haying. com- skin, and brittle nails. The caustic
consumption get a bottle of mitted suicide by hanging himself at noda may loosenthe dirt, but it eats
Scott's. Emulsion and begin Pluchou, S,hanr,!, last year -are, so- away the fabric and ruins the haift
regular doses. cording to a. Lmnehou, capital of There is no economy in such'woric.
Knicen, deopatch; a(t pr,e4ent said toifbe
residing at Tillum (Uruintsl), the. capt- It Is so easy for a woman to test the
The use of Scott's E rmilsion tal of ChIneive Turkestan, which city difference between an alkali charged
at once, has, in thousands of is aboat one month's ordinary Jour- soap and a neutral washing soap, that
'y on horseback, west of Cblaouk- It is strange that there is room,tor
cases, turned the balance in "L any but a pure soap on the Canadian
tran, a gateway out in the most West -
favor of bealth. ern portion of the Great Wall. It is market. Sunlight Soap has been
reported that the two exiles continue tested by chemists and analysts the
Neglected consumption does to "lord it over the natives!' iatUat world over, and its freedom from free
not exist where Scott's Emul- part of the Emperor's dominions, and alkali or caustic has been demonstmted
. by their braggadocio and swagwer by , ighest medical authorities.
. the h
sion is. and loud talk -Ing of what they Inteind Consequently the true saying, "Blia-
to do -soon against the "Western light Soap reduces expenses." 602.
Prompt use of Scott's Emul- Barbarians," manage to Impress
sion checks the disease while it theh, importance 'upon the olmple- -Alerclhamt-I wwn,t yaa to taJoBtlilm
minded Knislignrians and Tangaisis- note to my wife.
can be checked. Chinese Moliammedans-of Urumtst, Clerk -If gh&s not ait home shall
Turfan and Hami, the latter two I 1__ I .
Seucl for free sample. cities being often vtsited by the two Marelhante-.011. you'll tind 1�,er at
SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists, in their search- for followers and home. TherVa a. tiew family movin4
oe.,,tr�,a partisans, Owing to the near con-, their household goods In next doot
Taroate. Soc. et%ii $i.oa, all Arazests. nection of the two ex -Boxers to the I to,day.-Pb1ladelphim Press. ;
Imperial occupant 6f the throne even
------------ the Governor of Chinese Turkestan
The Ralloic Flashlen dare not slight them.le . I HOWS THIS ?
In dylaX suddenly after a. f6roke of I We offer One Hundred Dollars, Reward for
Tertigo, Jacobe Kuntzmait, A, district Ilow He Saved Mosey. Ra a
H y ca a ol Catarrh that cannot be eured by
all's Catarrh Cure.
leader of the -New Xork democracy, Mr. De Broker -Tho bills my wife r. J. CHEXEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
CaTe a, Eitrange exau�ple of. ',tile rul- sends me from the summer resorts We the undereigned, bave known F. X.
ing passiou strong In death," Kuntz- are ruinous. Chen�by for the last, 15 yoaris and believe him
mark was retwning home after bay- Mr. De Sharp-Ify wife didn't re- perfectly homorable In All business trans.
Ing balled out a. constituent accused n;alu away two weeks. actions and financinilyable to carry oat any
I ?,, obligations made by their Arm.
or some potty offense when lie was "Lli? How did you. manage t Wrim a TnuAx, Wholegale Drugglata, To.
str1okess. It seems that be haAX ar-1 "Hired a rellow to Lypewrite my , ledo
I , mo: - -
_. KIN .A M,kpvl.;, Wholesah
r4aged a p!enlo Tor his political .fol-! lettera to her, and scented the I Dr.go;l,
lowers to taki- place Monday, and the : paper, with violet.`,New York, 'is, Toledo, 0.
hand Wred ter xhe occasion deter-' Weekly. Hall's Catart,ft Curp 14 taken lur%%rnally.&e1;-
I Ing,direetly upon the blood and inumue our.
mined to glTe the leader v. serenade. i I face, of the system, TestfinqnlMot pout trea
� Prlee�s 5e per bottle. SoIJ by al; drugglata
U tho unconscious form of the dyjur�! IsvoesY.ZvWisellead)Disinfe4C;*UtSOMP I HallIg FaMil
liollticlan was borne toward the .y pill* n. -O. the bpd*
homse, In an amlmlanee thep band, be- I Powder is better than other s=p powders, i -
11eylug him to be In the bouse. ple,yed 1 " it also a�ax as a disinfe4tmL 1102 sWdautv seralleill
Meet year -172 ronaf
a ItTely ;41r at the doorstep. Xuntz- I I I "JALBERT ladlas and 130 young
atan regained conw1ousness luelde the =#a. Twomw1kico4w
houoo� and a6ced that *,the boys7l be Volorusimix. tio. Sabolarsielps roA.
admItte4i to a last audience. "I am � The Waver Post, 4111 (It -scribing a � COLLEGE, .. $150and01210was
" :MtoMattmeelaw 0*
d7lner," Ito saill. as tlttk,,r gathered I shlotiablo theatre audlenee. says- e OR , 901.
aro,UiLd hini, 'el)ist b0orcc I go I W"i � .*10 bouge wau filled with weii: i t AMEVILL , Xbw rlyl-orrAk. V*
To, say to you tb,,.q r thafilc Tou for dressed women and %yell tubbed, men." . Afetle 3dencoXtooma and: Art0allort Irsdakt-
t ,
tb� IMMULUY �rou 111YO shown me. 'You � Gracious! Didn't the women look &4dad. a #rtorlekef � Uttea, a Book` to
r,tn lkorOand,vllegra , Blot OIL a I , b
�. , likee to � well tubbed. too ? Perhaps Ltile men ' Z it ,I
win wIthOut w(w. but I'd � Attat cultu�e, . Cal a bu ago#
T)o In at tho flulAt.le In a low taura Were not well dres4ed wid, Nlet 116, 1(saw, mpaillu"L . hea .4
War* Ito was deiml. s� didult warit to, hart their feellfigs. 201,11L F14 lightod t rolith 12% W 6100dov.
— ThIgmay eurre.."nd to mylnv: "He , Will open S*VL 0, 1902.
it NOON ITO ROX59MEN-One beitUt at wag gw,)j to his mother, an�war." , rov n1austrMed el"alar *Adrm
relc'Uiu Spxvll a Ll Wine mt. comptettl,r removea Someone oup:ht to wxrn tfds'a�iiiau- PRINCIPAZ DYZR, XW
4,4=4 fr4m W V horse. I 406ko Pleature 11L
2*t0==tUd1ftV"t116 MUP-d.T. IkS It gWts with al young L,olvespondiont-we are sure - �� - ..
?��Atolzoupffi PrOmittatim Ick We remor-al from lie is ywdugtb�tvt Ike N Indulgl1bg In " - -` `------- "
ia� roes of batd,fioftoreattaumd Iwo 28th 'r
#*lelood tile moSt ftagerou-1 kird of Indtle- H: .t
Solne of th*ie very '. J2 OPENS SIFT. Vil, tooz
#pAvIa" apllalc curles. sw#tay r, � D' 1, I
#Lnems- , st fiL1,4 "d tIvik rmisoning. , Lb
G;101*40 P.028. raruwr. well dressod Women might 'talto lira - A 01ornagh eour*,%G&,
� -
Nfaf�,FA*m.. Ont, wortl for it tu,d gpl lin , to AH Nor ttotet 'atAff. is dal fttft
1� WrItOord6rookulffirto
%,*�J tpy,§�'khn.,J,3�#F.I, !,a.:, LADIET REV. X 9� D-EXILL,
!1 of twoul0f. V�,iq K fedtspkt. thp tlwv.
------- -- Lowever. eil si'mtothilam rpally Itew let, Cathao.
No %%AV Out. deser.,410,11av o.nolol-Aldi-I 1! Is K-OAL
� *r 1� i KLEE P101111L,1111 I'll
41.4101 w7-% "at of warr."fto- '�, � - � MIAUGA thim rao", -
I '
ur.r'l llmipc�,,k vxptiliitd� I'Vir'heu xh�e t,IJna.,,t,* Lialwout MmUm"niAti's . ------- ... . .. ......... -...-
fc-cleatLm Wto sAll: 11VVl?,Z you Inarry" k'r1pnol. W%14*Wrd W
, "00(bips, :!J'TU,t RkWlt
Q-1 Itive sou at,.'r 06ipllonv y0a b& vm.d I'm Child,"fiL ' ttt j'flt. V,
—� `411111'r,14 the C11111d. olaftfta 1h* h
&w�, n4 1111tter wh-mber I X"I'Ll ! t, 6, #12M k tAiM W I
.. . � .1 fiw�', (L A 81*ch Itad MeMppiuX. .-
er oro, s;�'In fil I — 116licAtid it tho� t*.,To fAtnL%dy tof Vfi&faiia�*,
*-Wliv *tAn't 3�wa ,Iav� ka#qi tet,entj ' At NovOmbeft"On PetQv ,&!4skowv� ---- - - -, -- - -- - -, - - -
4 , 4 AU; ,.* L I
'! WgIgivin Promp. to�iLwva, velnualb".t. 1c. ,
oleor"] I"
'a r (, Wa.
-JoEill" 11PIMiNd 7WO fNeaJ. gZ rf�p�. '0�ton. I N 0 X V M I U 0 8124111,1131181:1 I MI 1
'Ju egMS,#.�3*V"t ;kMfN"Ln&nJt*J L
I "s What .w 4 _ 1& I e .
T�-a. - I &f and @1 � n1d, . I h ' I
With ace-Illaig. .
',4horr,�� 'Idwit A*-�VAV� ww wil a tt-at chav".,mg . tkZpN:At r1r"t' V#P"a#'- %�.�Ab*phgdq&'Ilik'&NL Z'% I
g"tt 3t,�k-l�4'titcilo�init�,4ifol't,ki.e,t .
tildoa =V, vm, on 11ma'Ll.t. the ,-111,4t of .1,0.�,-. �! *,1,*q,*Vb,#In0"A4 1r,ktV*#4%i*A* I
I. Vt,rlj�44#j I I
firmh a utram"ar BDI figielol strop. 1#4 WA *U13" M"M -04141 L
. � -t. �, 1.01'� t4.�*M�k,%MMI'444 . u I
Wastd's LL4im,olat to as6A bir My- N4rultimpt"Ou. Seven dozeu Sowtinimp. �, ViAlt, V1T#*1WriSi;K*6§13V11-11Q � �
llfdisas� fan WOO, IV, ollao ,ft 41#1A�J44.f.,L jr�*.
PjrtLrJraXq V� "'t fa"J�. " V'U'All" J'AXit91A%JdG"rAA#1AAA4.1t
4 I
. i I IMP proal�0,4� Of S.Atftsel Siftah Cato- I —
(oatt"Ar, . Vion� A 1�d fiftmM 0,ff1ktT1',* de- ' $12 Witt I , �1#n an3, wMa"m t4
y to Ills F'Speraeur-e. , V:*sed to sr�11�0 1� pD'�wutus Appa!at.
g v��p dpTendan� tAkii� haisi ,2ry* lboa4*1114" Ffmho %*
0-1�8 Nalt mlr-h OT & oftal-O.", vbffi� , the paps;rg - V. tR10 trafa " d 't iLll �tt-iv@�.oti,!�eL,�j,tk,�l. r.aptelomma
toMmm tfto IwLn iwt* 12ati, fwd to I I ,
. 11"Jaetog, 4 t'Otg�"etIft.p es fl.,
I I tlotl mr-A 9mwa." el wu1t*. Jd#eiJ t&p1,1
i eli'ts t4 9L*4 Cge g' -de gaow� 1-11im Iti � ft@at� rwb* U13V,1mQ D!Vtie, 1-146 V!Atls, Jr.11
11 ' - ttl #-,Vtat)i'Zt1t-,1 bmr�"..
;'T '
'idtat C
- N'
Oft#11t .'�ft @16ibit 49tJ fte tft1j4Vd*Q b � Vk1p?g,_-. lkpfuA�qlatlt ..
- V'-
(Jr tt'%@ C'
11 t 0 9 de .. d ",Y,wrr etut.2-4insla V14..
, L
pe-Aie it at Td2v 4,§ a, barrC42 In, S& i ed to ivz�pwe fiT(e SlToke Wi 't t Us '1i6f-,1'At6L
dmtn flMet 48 tong at tbu@ '612t1o, 11
1i b4act-ts fklw�.�Nlr-tv��,pievr owvwr an] ---- -
"DWASLa, d�l Vim pvw,�m to r'let for , gf"�Jpvn DVT�, , t �
�a djffitl��,," retotw,ii 4,11le 9,11owman. ; tft t,f� �, IuPBRIAL MAPLP. SYRUP.
OR* ftak," da§� a btAiVe �. I Tu!m qVIAM"t otarktmd I,..11.11 ",Nk-Aft "
i�, 1S1lbp@J ttb V6411tik 0�4-1,1- Y,6d!�mea-�tbhtkuh4ttiLtlotattjtt
I,- Am iqvt My oto-4ge"oe'" .-i2tilti- had Work* Off th@5 ubld. b ROSI; & IAIVLJM�,
, @a t'04 qVuor. `TMIZ?t ttlamotn�'tho A&fj% 96JftfML
I WNL61Wy t1Nt W,44o� rovs Ak�.sf t�,a+-t,�UtL.9,.�.ozriq*uuurl�*P,iL,ttb,Ot*itut,*.A,�o:d 11, ----- --'— ---- --
I 11, trja�v Asy. '.q49,tGf#. Vo #as.. 1pro�:Iilfflr &fftu� %W". P !. ,
- I
--- � - ----- — �
I �— --- - - ----- t� - I.... I. L �
t ii .1 -... L
d would Prah'Ably Kliek. I AV'', L ... ES
N1@94tv. Ct V. R141"tal"11 & Coz V
q .,
I n�tOmEv'.11 .
I Gen,V50misn,-In Juruss. 1,4,9, 9 111d d
I thy ha,td and WtNt bltt6b awd A 1ftd%1'1,e.F;0m&ftt *fato-q as twtows 9900 V20fil") I 00,1 lontrial
� hAdIt mgm*11ea b�, a vm1mis Eror-,qe, hi Me NOW Yotk 53to : I
; I #Afo-1,61 lif"Pattv ffo;� *eteral dalvs 11-Ij t*,h �tvat!4 ultke�! *190 bg 56 bth- , We iolUff YO) ut �,C#tA!#&"n#,4 �.-_y �!,-Jatt.�L-,L�,
� Afttl Vid tooth K-.461 ±eIV44#4 to 114M 162 ktft'lazg exoept chvistian Manno. r, W1We0t*9t*US. PtaniptW�:W,
- �
1 Until T-Oav ag.?U! gave %e k% botG IF * IP IMU* fiofl fiUd tht tftffl7b eltdil ' '-- --- - -.-- 1- -
df Ailk- tRWS Lj*'Bjfr�'N 4fVfit,oh I 4fi§ down togethcik! ThId % kdtfuev 11 M VOR SA1f*9,%0? 1AS
, .4 ftea fiJ tb@L NrAftt P"J"jt� ",
_ T. FMAT ftP
� .
bftara vlaDng. and IhF3 tifee,', Wag btrd for p-:,ople dat d 6f tM§ - witbtit i i6t
, &i 6 .. �, 14 ftwos � k1fitift" b* W& ftg�
unkgtedit. In tive honts thel pea�" 13ad thexaght t� beert- ttr- *&ft tw aft" 11i k1l W of *hl& It Ift, Okk
fiblu , , "&,�& Wdi Wwd kh vai Alta at
, 4 In twe� Weeks tra-3 rne�eft a �ae'. afig 18 twad; d=tb'1161*6r U fd to _WMI -to ft -al oi&
m but; it i@ f1d
cegfred. an etym
v�odm& ruad eowpleleUy heated aArd W611&*er�61"j5es. �hiprcliqbvtjldh th"k46 T11113 to A 0*06d, b0ftAft Adgiftw
-br Ming as disel#e* sk.knesg or doath " J
I 11AVA AMA atrt) we;e as WeDI at . , 1. dtith" 0Afp*fit&. P. 1D. Utt-Aft'Viftiiie"
� I lolkwd.d
er6r. Twmts tu.nly, It bj;&�*- bqE5 06-4 drid yet *e will V#ft- ;I -------- .... - - - �
A. E", ROY- tur6 to iyfty tbat it the tatt6sp"all I U . I
� 7 - 00NTf"k#1 it'
W -Mage mAkel. 61. Atitolne. P.Q. @:qt weilt; n-mue hwagt�r dod f6waLl 0 , ENTAL LIFE
----L-- '-'-- W4,d vbT d9anet b4 wout'l rMse as -1
V6144tie Oft6t t0t A I-fAtd*d1'.V, ivi1d'i fnsv *Xh his wife or the cook ' 1 '4 "NY
A laot&y vras ra-ewl:0- es,tabV4�'�ed i-.1 "IrzereaRyllada bodyttiatilo"t-d-
ed botitlabno,mt.
4 & fidt"I�aorhool rematp, In wegAlb iL=,d I . .... ........ . ..... ,� .... .. . .. - , I.-II...,.�'..-,�-���'..-�'..�,-.�."-.--,.. 11 19oV..70.*V.b::vDkN ........ Pw--&-0r-NT
! aotlag ptetpnslans t1rom tn�e 17Wh I TIM, t1kPwIt, lot '1901 Clawed r,1M,VkA5tV
-tht J , ", , - t* wd-u* zo 11611, Oftt bz fttte&Si�l OVat lVaO, 1A the V0!10'*Zn,t1 166WA;
1 ,tvg
I .%V0MQ,t atiftlCt,. IS6W Vbtk. I�L
i,D* *,qt%*Jr a ff
, _Vop day:5 app* .6
_ated �& - culgelg W11nftftbtT4�Xft1rA541 N4*16-wat'Lt-w§ ltl�t*hvidbt * '111 14)5
i - Fi*tNy"oftlkeatuL�ttt-i.,z4�.gai;� ��,,,4,gq-,
kt43tcard thsLf A,ttraetca the a,Aientton- I *-A ab.�*llute &n* f& ft-th
0� le**Lky� stitoq lyay v-att Pag,*,4, that P 108 ard etrety Weed of ltdowtw" T6f*1iftC0ft1eftrWV49&db,�Sr ....... ZU17,
I b1N--NM*4kt-.Ai7�-'e�ft'1 - Llsyv Aiftft %nett,kgel br ................ 4t,,954
vOr.y. 11E*try Idds" tead the, lriega- tub jhmu,beutem haTr* ZM-.&nt6MX!Ut,k+ I n.*mkA-ht*��ttf6itell&iiit&"d�by 1,329.4.6a
i larli Pafnt;,L�d notlee, "that, brznv . , ;islilr-,�rc!Fg,t,clwkv4rarneig7x-
. U&d6hak fit th :I
1 ditt- ,clae-9 bei* getat & ]Oeee of b6ft*1h&tt1fieytWhkGfi1'- YoubMill tgtd COAtItifttlil, Life POT161ft Ak�- Utetd,-rled fO#
6C qotitucdtybdwklxt*&),"t-dt'e-4-OC'--�k VAL , -
tAnly.` It Ig a pri-tty :9
good guess 91 1,AA,�vQ1.B.iti�s & &j�WjGN), t.fteollcity And TiMerality. Agtattswalite,1.
R=7 .
Ithat e*etr b6y 7"Itne read that sltgn *'. t ANk , , GEO. R. WOODS, CRAS. ff. rmuLult,
41attjd virlaose mother pat her washing 0 A i- C h A Al 6 4, wo" n't M 6 ht i rxt-Ad,hd Matlig.-&r sak"raftril
�' out Cilpoemned her to, let h1m, 't-Arry I ..... 4- ,' .... I .� .. ... � ... � ,�! � ........ ...... 11, . . . . . . . ........ ", - � -4 1 ....
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