The Herald, 1902-08-08, Page 611111111111C111111111111111111111 I
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a9ver4iment , koiel'll�qto, tile bod - - I I I � � ,. . �
has r(�mttrti:ab.e. j;;i,vIjigejjcQ� H eblli6e� . -----I � 000=00MV00 I
migratory taking passage in tile � 0. 000C*0",
HUW � GIR ZI �,_,�If I- 11111
I I i =na.usatollel$�'a"I'la ',rra11ie",'8s',':: 7Z yl . HERE AN R GERM9N 9HRERS
water pipes anti eaves from --- -,)% il
house to house lit search of home I �11 I
and - .. � I -IM
GOT RIXNGEO�Ovorfool]'- He knows what windows I . () EW00000=000000wo!]
tire, and has a habit of crawling in - �Vl - I
around tile sashes to gain access to a - I J. Watts, tho Iondon jack,�y, is
- The literature or the Greeks - , 1',*,,, dead,
. I � The Outario, Alliance is In ses,,il(m -
I house I ;Fur,H WERUNS
,oples 6; . . . . . it" - /
She I and Romans and the ancient pL _ / . lit Torotato.
Whipped Man Who Said of Asia sbolv ail aoquain-tance with � .
the bedbug, and the oclentists at the EartlIquake slio.Aks were experletie-
department have lound an allusion . . -- 11 / � I ,-- "" ed in California and South Dakota. Many Decorations �onferred
Lived With His Father. 1,0 Ilim , Ili the early editions of the - I . 6
I, Bible, where in tho fifth verse of the I - _.. I I ___111 - I .. If I The Ontario Rifle Association 1
i I I . 11. matchas Will be short on Aul�. L17, 28 I
t Alillety-fIrst Psalm it I& said, ,",rhou 'I- -
. a- and :219. . - . by the Kaiser,
1311alt not need to ll:�- afraid of any I . --"7,--,- '2120 estimated losses or the an- I
bu �
tgg,ea by night.,, It) Old England - -_ tbracite cortl strike are placed at
le Lldbug ,*was called the "wall : .- I ( � . � $5014451-000. .
COURT APPROVES HER ACT. ]Ou,%e," .and later tile clitnell. The .. Two, military prisoners and
latter Dame Is XIONV preserved In the � - - Z, -_ __� COOVISE�'r a VISIT OF PRINCE HENRY
I Viel,.Ity Oi B.Dstoa. Ili Baltimore they - _. . guard are missing mysteriously from
are called the "inabogarly llat." New I __. Fort Sheridan, Chicago.
Yorkers call Vic . If Mophistorolleles ran his furnace '.
Father Tells About the 1?,o ,,in "red-cuats." Wher- i .
w and eN er vec,&eIg hay.6 sa lied b,-dbugs lia ve � on, earth he would soon find himself
Mrs. Wayback-I see where .Reuben Slopay is again to g1t: I agaill-st a Brimstone Txlist.
Takesthe Girl's Part -Son 'Tries Journeyed, and Railing vessels and married. Giness he'll have to set tie down now. - Alaricedloya'rrall f Impertak Honors
Hear P The total tax rate for tile city of 0
to ExPlalo, but Court Won't oteamshi .9 are 11OL01-iUlis�y infested . Uncle Wayback-Woll, lie better stay single an' settle all,! -JLPranct, Too, Confers Some
WIL11 them. The coldest latitudes T`O1X'knt0 'Will 1-,�) 20.37 mills, the high- �
Blail-Advised Appeal to Law. have them, and in the troplea they — Ost, in tile history 10C the city. kravors an Notables of Now York,
are riotous ill tildr Prosperity. The' J'ames Mansin, or the 'Winnipeg divi- Boston and Now Orleans -Rose
I New York, Aug. 4. -Sheldon p, earliest wrjLI!lgs ef ,tile colonists in , ' ton, Ont., Time,$). It hadbeen care- slo,11, Ims been appointed Superintend-
Sluiw. Jan., an aciltor who led one, of the United 6t,Aes and Canada allude fully arranged, and ,there wore many nut CC the Ontario division of the C. Coghlau to Become Naturalized.
to them altiiuugb 'Ile legends of tile WE THE EHOIFF GINTO neighbors around to sprPad abroad P. R. . I
-tits "Bob Rur" road companies last lluilVe A'm el L'all in J ill nitike no men- the news of tile extraordinary find Berlin, Aug. 4-7'4o German Em-
tsll, swore out a warrant on July tioil Or them. Over 12,000 membarg are in. attend-
' of fossil remains. I'lle crowd Soon ance, at tile sixth triennial festival peror has conferred a number of
16 charging Miss Relen M. Gebbart, Structurally, the bedbug Is of a low. swelled to thousands from all parts of German -singing so3ieties opened decorations on Americans incidenta*
wUb is his rather's stenog;rapher and owder. its bauit of extensive locoluo- Artist Who Perpetrated Fraud Of the neighboring country and on at Uraz. .
Is Preitty, with having threatened tion has resuited Ili the loss of wings. the following day four medical men to the -visit to the Uni,ted States O�
The Gov(rl�meiit twientjsts Bay this J`Ob0 W. Ross, for tw
of the neighborhood, with scientific Demoe'r, elve 'ars
.1.,Ic m.embL
him azid with baving assaulted him. is ,a very ,Grtunate Tells How it Was Done. �r of .Like Boa" Prince Henry of Prussia. The Red
rd of
eircunistanec-6 I pretensions, investigated the giant (1cmintseloners, for the District of Eagle or the third class is bestowel
MZ ',��aw'& father, Sheldon B. Shaw, SIT100 Other%vise there woula Ile ,uo and accepted tile hoax without the Cclumbia, is dead.
SM., is a real estate agent and has saffftY from it for the most thorough , on Samuel R. Ashbridge, Mayor of
an Office at 1,487 . and eareSui,uf houts(keepers. Now arid least hesitancy. Later it was exam- An excurAon p irty of seven hutatIred Philadelphia ; Julius Fleishman,
neax Fort. Seventh avenue, 'then tile (unic,mologiet rinds a spce A MONEY -MAKING SWINDLE. ined by a Dr. Boynton, of Syracuse,
y -se ond street. TbLe us- . I- from, I atnij?, N. Y., ontliesteamer M of Cincinnati;' R. A. Wells,
-d ill that office. lue'll IV to a nian possossed of some antiquarian New �i , " �, .161low ayor
satat ,cecurrc c blell sho%rs solue cuspootlon San rrancisre.o, Cal., All knowledge, ant] lie caine to the con- I Y2 -'k nut , ed to land Mayor of St. Louis; David R. Fran -
$held<>,, Shaw, ol,en., lives at 219 umlarge, its ivinge, but as yet t1jere 9. 4. - A n ,
- 18 111i corifil(ILrable development Ill artist is now In the city who claims .. atue inade The Manitoba t3overnmout returns ole, ex -Governor or Missouri; Arthur
West Forty-eightli street. Miss Gob clusion that it Was at K ngston on Sunday.
hpalt also livels In 'Lite same Louse. -en the wulptor of the la- fathers, Ho the Jesuit 131.101v that 20,000 men will be requir- Eddy of ,Chicago, and Gustav H.
'this circotion. Ob,scvvers I;nd that tile to have b? some 300 years ago
YOUng t�ha,W, Who LUVOS .%Vith hie liests 'of llie "lal"Ou barn swallow, mOus Cal -dill giant that created suehL at once offerad $10,- Ki tO assist lit the harvest In that Schwab, of New York. The Red E agle
UlOtheir and sister at LISS lVest Sev- swarm With bedbugs. Ili England a f urore in the aclentifle world more* By way of ail adverVeeluent ; Province and the Territories.
autleth street, sald i at lie there are three different stoft-le.q. One ' in- of the fourth class Is given to W. S6
went to his fatlicr's rooms some time of 'them is found in pigeon cotei% an- than a evore or years ago. His name I vitations were sent to Pl'o[. AgaFs,z Two freight trains on tile West McChesney, general manager of the
Ito sce -Ws father -about fatully Otille,r in the liest 6 of tile English mar- is 0. FabriAo gala, and he is so- � "ror. I'll", St"te "eo*O't.t; S. B. Shore collided at Harrington Park, St. Louis Ternilaul; Gustav FWher,
aoo� Woolworth, Seecretary or the New N. J., 'Lo -day, E. W. Mtntdall, flire-
m4tterV. t�llrldoa B. ;�baw, sen., is dl- tia, anJ a tblrJ ill places frequented deavoring to dibi)mse, of the statue of . president of tile German 11.daenner-
York State Univ�rslty, and a large mat) of one 0vf Vie locomotives, was
vorced from hit. ,lvife� , ' by bate. in this country LL variety "Faith' that has been iyijfg in the delegation of killed. ohor, of Chicago; Chief of Pollee Me -
According to the .young man's story, has been found oceasionally Ift-ing in scientific men from
mechanics' lia%iiion at of tile 'State. Tile Tile persecutors of Lieut. Gregson Von Xleuze, of Chicago. and Rev. Dr.
,he made atkc,.�ieries oil tnis visit to poultry houses. The odor of the bed- the exposi- different parts XhlleY, Of St. Lmus; Prof. Camille
tie father's rooins which disturbed bug comes Jroin gland's on the under tion grount!6 ever ulme the close of State GFOO91st p'.0nounce.1 thp fig- Will probalih, be N191:1111 -d by the Gjjk�tav Zintillpriliall, ol CI ct 0 r
side ol the tod�. whicil. secrete a, the great fail, liel I here seven years ure to be .1 statue of great ant� British War* Office. it tg . x1lose
W= a great deal. He remonstrated clear, oll,%, volat Finve. He claims that I,N. T. I - He is the mail who receive tilt, Crown Order or the
with blis father at some length and ulo Illuid. This odor- Barnum, quity. Prof. Ward. w to Tilled tI;e Whom some "nobs' deemed "socially 0
ea,11 to Idin, among other thing% that ous 1011 is Of lie use to the bedbug-, the ellowman, inride a in J."On dollars chair of natural f-.,clence In Roches- Av.desirable." third class ar . John N. Partridge,
. .
If We fa,ther c*uIa afford to buy dill- Ilut illustrates t1w persisterce of P. by QXJlIbltlr19 his Cardlif glaut, which I ter 'University. said: ,%,kithougli ,lot po.loe e0mmi,*-Janer of New York; Deu-
as It Is state, I that tile supply Or an- teative Titus, of Nevv York; Henry
charneteri&t1c. With those inpects W long at-cepted as tile gen-a- i going back to the ston-P age, it is j,jLr.lcIjo coial 11
ncxs for two In Columbus avenue reb- . I ille hanJs of rall- Rubens, of Chicago, and Win. Vocke,
Itaurants an:1 othurwise, spend money I,ke the bpdbug, such its tile chlitch- Inc petrified remains of a rave of gl- I it!-vei tit- 1 s4 eesel Ivng Of 1,11 ' tt"11- rQids and dralors Ili Philadelphia will or Chicago. Tjie Crown Order of tho
frc*ly in tile c,mspany bug, -the Fituashbug anti similar in- gan'4le human lipings who Once I U0 I Of -xtx,b'A(O Oxist-;.' A 1) oni.nent
w4mail. he coul.l. then afford to pay lzfctK which live on plants, the odor ill loro,bably be exitalleted b t e I rourth class ii� vc�nferred on Consular
of young , ,babl,ed 1111?i countr.r. , clergyman wrote: "Thl(i if; riot a y 11 midd e
A is .it m(aris of prottetion against in- The figure, ic tile many peeplewhil i tiling colittived by man, lint It Ili the 0-1 t�t,IvtcmIfPr. Agent Saumbach, of Milwaukpe;
to lite wifethe movey for her suppo 0,11ted Barilum'g ,:]low In Prince Ludwl- of S*,aIm-Kyrbnrg Chorge, 0. Buldt, MaKtager of the Wal-
scethorour: I-Irtits, to whom tilt, sluell thosedays, race Of One who liveI likf- all the 0
Mid that of has daughter which wais ror .tj�r, (oil Is cohnoNlous or oistasti fill. Was supposed to mpres,mc. the petr' rarth; the very ininge ant Qh0d of 1, ,b lit to le-Itre for tile 'j-jjjt,d dort-Astoria Hotel, New York; J. J,
The house roa,ch iR all prlpm.v t,f tile I [led rorm, -,,,r a p "tates to look for a wire. He was
due to them. . ri'llisto. man. 6'-�eft�fl- s0l'iflt"es took .w CO-Xkl(ly, litate n1.)htCr, St. LMIS, anti
Tile f1der 2baw told Miso 0elthart 11% jl� I (,Ott." Many . -
whia.t the ;.ctor had said. Tile ijr,.Nt bribug. awl ,irlicii hard prepc-ed for Was twelve- feet long, ,'oar feet bro-W , ill(- nintter ill) an -.1 expi P�s.ql their Just declared a bankrulit; debts Wililem 801midt, ol Chicago.
day fWa <If.% ourR it. Tilt- evilinion house i and weiglo-d three Anti a half ton.,. f gullibility more or lei;ki strongly in $V00 01)0; ustrots, $4,0()U. , Tile Exisperot pvc,krents autograpill
- July 10, yoling iihaw wellt to Ills , photographs of hau;ielf to the tlebilgil.
TathEr's offie,t- to get isome keys Tosr Wit will alhNi, cat 'the bedinigN The I It wa,q bullposud to have been dug, 1-mZolutidn.s. Mr. John I -lett, Proz,111i'llt or tile ers of tile yujulli. Mqeol, ill., 0. C,
mkir uot z; not sr i-111 to disturb vithur Out Of "Lilt' 0arth at Var.411, .NZ y. .7 Tilt- nian to fil-At puncTilre till) -'01121 11O."tIalld Cculf-lit collillally, of Cary Smith, still ILliry Darby.
kis urelp, John C. 21�hasv, tbo law.ver. * .
Mies GrIpliart was Alivre. Young.8hiLw Of tilt be illst et I'llumies orAlip viltae,%. *111-0, to -1 cVrtuill ex.tellt. was t 4 ruo. hoa�. Was Prof. 'Xarsh. or ia,ts-wim owen sound, mutf.H jitat ill(' Ron.
� %m,,�.ng tilt% filets whiell go to Rhow but tilff I'llet that it was Carvell O'.'t � ln.ttlt, a point by asmirting The foreign ofll.-t-s antiounce a -16t
4-nd that t -hr, Icvki,41 tile door'�wf t1w I In that 111'. lu le.oliald has sace.-Piled tile late of pre,wnts � itindr, by Prinve- 114,111, .
her 'it till y
vltetv. took ;4 rv.,oviii lo whip, from - blilloug- has more than .),-I Of g.tInSilin an -I liitr-rr(,d lvt�s tIvill .4 � gypsuill wag soluble 1-1 40,11 11,1111; of Dr. 1101'.se,v till tilt? board of tile cow- $Iomt,� of thein N% cro vuliferred toy
sk and nisptl it on Idin whh grmtt I . the PrInce whil" hv Was In tile United
dt's dinary ijitPII1gv;Ae*-. t1jo j;oipjjtj.3tN Vear L),,Iore hy tilt, elevtq- oneg Witt; ; wat'.1" yet till, fac-� IN[ th.. g a,.t war, loany.
' ! tilliouth and II%tIe ,*OlVPr1. tllnu�ib I - 'P
libcraUtly. tc�.)Lqr, Idw meautimp lat MPIA144-1 hiN Ii -Mit .of lavturnal kf-pt a 11, orouit'l k.;k,.-ret. That It w4l.� ; Ili, ,
wl . .N( 1rhish Coubul lit NJarsvilles rr- -StUteli. but Inkost of tiatill were sairt
06 was dtAag it ItiRr aml promising FPUre:4 for foixl :ttLtj Ills ponet%l. Onc! Of tilt- Of verest lloa\tlii INV(q. " 1011TOUIVIded INV wrt marth. prov!I)X I I"Wts that tilt, illost I,tf�.restillg foa- reeeliltly.
nly,nt 41tiring, I lie flay. liv j�,now,r, Clip I ll�l P )ill 311 ]))-let have, bi-en (11 I'M- Of tho past yi-ar there was tile AmOtirg ather lirvisfnitis were. David
I b �p,otra vil will' Provell by the nuni. ," that t ri
or &
V.-brx rotrit,n0tin Phoul'I lip etolatilluo . ,nef, Intwevin light and !ark- �.% -, Urkhacologlol.s. utk�: V"I'Y 11TI'llt date. - '
Ito sptzik tear Catorl, Ilitort
alatourly of llrr. . , tpfd vv'�N. 4 Lt the al-prielt'll of 1.I.VI,X'a,. , ati'd ,g) wat oity or Alft(TIOUn coal to stay In J. Ilill. as6istala .144-vri-lary Of 8010,
11.4 uw zwlng Mall Ism , "s, elerg.N-1114,11 ,an I tivit niurkut ulider e.NiNtIlig, c.�Ijtajl- recelved it 901d vjj�iiff-h()X. liparml;
As fieva . tiqual, Other, It 16 psill". t lint Rao 00,
or Wvwta a V,-Ofl is Ktruek. ho will leartivil prorcs'lous whowpi-Il Was 11111de Out of tile hoa% lif-fory tions.
lie went to5hap6trate M At art th.,, ! orl,10111 ., t1tv le'ttell "ll." uml a erown lit dia-
West S.Qlp 0tart .'artJ Xot in Avarrant IWM' 111W bf-I U* hado in the ertiekot takc'n 40 b.%- this figure atri gav" Parlill"i intioEllel".1 tile lortlirl'-d lir. Itu"Pil '%Vllsa�j� of (jhlo, %V:!jn monds. Rear Ailiniral Robley JX
fcm Miss 60nart'n arrv,st. ,% roitlrt tot tht, t,cle-tv.iol ur Ito tilt, nvarlty g -01'4P at' lm.o, I?r(Lgruun.l e\,p!.i,na,t.on% Illan tv IiR citells, WhIlf. tho figurt, wa& ea,litureil %%Ith a ru%oluttioniNt Evans Willi gh-cil Nark vilatnel ptor-
officer teck V,e %arrasit. bjt wgis f[,jr4ljtlre. It,pitia-1 wttjjjik�4*ti,jn&., for Of Ite origlil. Itaft laptn'r t'Mialoti-I tit Doston. Mr.
10bable to ftr,l 11,"N %V1121V w0mUn. 111,der 1,4%`,6P WaU papt-r. 114, t-litoo,4pit I 'I'01% the StorY of the Frond, -it I� titat t,il 111�4 O&VIt i;-j.gwjf(IXe I party in Nlearagna. has lovell saveki traft of t1bo Prume. isurroulided by
the 4:ra%v1lj;X8 -d from doatli through the represonta. dianiouds. Major-tiener,ul 11. V. Cor -
Test(, -) th ""llat'c')ts "Lil 041 lit"' P hill 'It Mir- $441, Is an elderly man, wj,., � ill Out Ijut vo�jn_ litn's presetit WAIS 11, gold cigarette
rda'? wor"I wa% LAA tc ,4L, vtourt "V Ls b wilongitt to �
that thih��,1144,,alkl ;jjs_;uL&r there in the eitavLm avvl ernaul(W. Ill %lairb ho It .$4.000 it, 144141 rot* a eont-iderallb. tiolis of 3fillbster Corpa, of j
3s 111-1,410 Ili!; reputatitoa t -ver ti -,4 ljjjj��. �N*O� L ,(If. . %IsP Oa pttr
� '.
.%I r
0 t..n 111Z lot ,\1a. 8'.0',
arter;.ntn. S ;,. #.U� ;�Ip I lt.�R S. -hav�,, e4Lm fit -NI eolic-rclittil'ut. _; . try. Ills bwitent% will be coullnutp,l. I - On Whiell Watt the I'Allee -
WhIlP th(k %vOTId no A "Ulp*,t-,r of conolderable fila a a Ill- , trall It diammi4p. Colulml Theodore
ecin"L was t6i"I'p. tin.Lf. uith a lawj4pr. lohlbag Undfi .1 ixornial roull oil l4it-1 .jifag ant, (t r hard Wows tile
j mr,rit. It *4Vjjq it. 1, Ilev, -John ";..Ott, .6apprinton-1plit Or
� *Ito 1-1 't"th rcluelart"%140!�-% rOvelvetl froin otbPr tit) rter the"NE,4110.1114 inim6lolls it) jollall. 1H .%. .110ighom and Commander IV. ,q
.,I :1%4� Jj.CItLfI ; . 4 for iip�trly 11vo jjj+Zjtjjq. I,oint- kill furlotiglt, Ili- will Vowles. of the lln,vy. vaell recelted
111AU44"Untrite critno ns4vd M st.4 (;vu� N.. loo'l. It so uril v,%;tabh4;htn% that ho Was Ighlueed a, day or twv ,it survirt, a 8
lairt'lirbat Olt had tit ftay for larr- thnt hf� en 1AU-1y frwii Vp) to talk Of Il q tionow-riliqi We I bp Ito Van-
a0f, tt 11Irg 0-;i,�r thnt 141r� w5s cleirgril %ho JaNces (.T jln0INNtt1r-1eJ Wood Or tb * ChIso M4, It' wht,n it way lip sjjj;j ttq Itave 4111,,l N aun for alj,unt #;��Nvll Illotiths. and will a gold eiga:,A�tie eave. ton IvIijell wore
, Odt t*f lite r,..*4nt. J1P . .
Witi; tjlrf`4�t'��01115t�* jUrj� i't&1W %IZ11 4ko. ths- mr4stury in m,eunnWations of V�tld Ira 4niple ulaivi-Lock- ttie u�qrk .M hatul-al drath. or. t(i iiiij. 11(spufttr .411c'n'l till, Al Alwdlsk ronfor(.11. �, to u Prown Jib dialuOlAv aild t1w letter
, avelot bvarli,j: tho I*rIllet�'a
vatit aW hipar". Lf.fbro lip 0tj,,d tt!ll thwt Ili tile rr44q,K-q rit tile f;toor. Tim ill a profpst,I,..;jjaj j%.#- Itinguage, to )#live I&4,n ,*pj,ny(.d bv hild In Witiffiliog In spattvalb.-Il. "U." A br.
bo_r a4ily jr�orp 111,Ews 46eb'lj�trt t�p .#. liatung jqIt,jj Out.,, Tlw aunual &tatt,)jjf�jjt tot tjop (11 Ill portrail, In rabluf ujill iffilujolift wag
, .J,�� j1p, ft.troluetftoa t"I iron M43stpathe has lftiplto.�,�Pd hv a Mr, Tail,�r� who ivaR
"I, 819u't makt*' V�rvatv." tht. C -%Id ttcln a OiNtlEpt disco-iragoment to Ut thpit t1j;,-, IS,^ a r r t. , --.--- I 11r,44,11t1,11 141, ldrt;, 11, H, 11, Plc,rep,
,T, j rr j�pjgt It. blit-4w4s gro.s.'4 t-111,21:11gs for 1%velvej Wiffs Ot tht, thirtl qt+ftdant Seerotalry
wttitr Vulp dir*k in trtoj�t 41 tht'? tho VeqIb.q:. IN�,A the sLr.lVnt;8tR Tiliv partlit'r with Barn.itil. STRIKER AND FARMER. InOlAtIlN 1111, to- Julits 30th. o; .$.a7..-,fj.4.. Of StUtP, Mid ItO )ITr. lojfNrCe WAS gIV.
� I -1
�%Vy iltiald lht-r CROve-d * it bobLu-S ary Lilown Ito r WW1 " YVY, 6t %Vas I nlin .arvid thp — 1 7 ]W vu a franted litpri wit of tlip 1q,jinee.
ludge t=j42,a,Ar,L Una �4 r MAI. vrolkilla v%JI-,lhAvs? *11*1
J�artl. ,11 j4prIbrimud P%*-rytfliicg I " bd N wonder the Agriculturibt Ilf-it plohu sn.014-10,912. n�,' 141411MI, And 11-rons pirAIVIVIN i0q.
fil.9 %taft ar-A aer�_s , A ants Cardiff giant" &VId Mr. salam V 10 'i
ri;kl 1 %rumV. 1 t B,rw, A. 6 bim W 7014TIZIn, pva rph Mr. Tatlor paid jnq� tilp 5,,.11_�d&.-=p 0 lwt prolits ov*,r I'Val (of $;�Uw
�.Urfjj.. drul, down t,,ID It1q,q 5n
, ,
I dtd llallt!:, . _ ,. for 10"j. In folurnult Imath ofla �r 'I r.UM of j§I._,,o' '�jo ftL r tit" AVOrL � vat�t Illopreeftio,4 Strikes and 1.0ekoutol. 5111M. '^ �. Parlxl� Aug. 4�-Ilat4ftlk A. Volihm,
31JQ4 f�,Nb�%'Jjj�t gg a P�'l �4jZ.j0ZDkjag i!�,Afttl?, 14foPbn0,A nre 1!ranL6matt(-r-;o1 . Uu4`1111Y bO often rave In,- $500 Xvi III- f ..4j`r8j_j;:j�Mjnt ijus jjjj�ja JBF;to'.j
, L 11 _ I. rJJ1jrV title t\qxks inrJ�1Vnt" of jIjIs Alp _ Nra,�Or of VwAofl. Mass_ Italy bre-11
1,011tg V��Wjg-j� Trol"'i fLrk k1dill nqnd eo1;tQ,21C-2Q cil�i�ai-ev. eltr Me rerc4pts wirre r,.%o-r-pjtor,r�Ijy #tr�L.r, j 4 (.j(,�ggj (b. t r, 11 a. t rd It,t%rtv-� thf, (Itolkerlam-1414 fir I appwnLod all 4411�fv or the Lf-glon
-g: v�2t r.i.wrp 4md 'Mw (-1.*tt,t,r6,%1tV2lt09 for 11BIF 11quairt. PURI. Rlk lVaS aiii t�\rir�jirlat 14W'pr ZIM1. 1'. 944 ul,k ft";. 11, t I Of" ViOAW Stutllq Mid Nvwfe�and- oj Himor #ind 11niul t*apde,�J#,lJk,,
Uytle, 1-19-r %�\�9,1'e:� Tar .1 .0 odrtaflrully
tlt;ir at.d ��11�r f,t�#S br�fijsjwra aq A�hn 11-I"'A #,.Of ALL'tllpugt�jry pa riot nty te. "W a 9VIAlowita. I �%rtroa jo.o-, gt�Ajjt -IrTiled toffit ftv N,ll land. virtr�ij%r- js.t;gaul, I,vt jfAj40r Of NIM (AjUa#14; ThouiaS St.
= 11rit. bA ,Ill Gaflge%, an uttzqrney o! -Nuw
AaAce aw-ur-ft furaigwfiws nit% hSqIru?,V. It,, a Ulrej lival. qnftaoy. Ill T111v 4a.b vtcm �.avp Ialtvl,.� bluad tI,r=wIVtfy 1� w0th dompati�. ju,�nv_. dur rati,'sa V,,..;,,
- I .. or
" ZZA 'U'�,,' t—" lv..,g n me rw_ws. ZIL,14. a0-5 gay. .a Utpral alglaugetifon I Of 91t -W1110 lvim qbftaI.ZtA In IlDp 'to -lin- � 1'4'1 infly .
" e 12 Ion 11��, tontraet to-, PlIck to wark. acd ., . ". bL'tjV,4,fNNj tt,C lo,�Eitjj,jfje4�5 and Afk�. 1plivf+n� n merelimilt tit
, US k1ir Non velk� hu%e trun ?AIVj0,f1Ai,RB the-
t"It., I 401 tmn'26b 4-& J�VroiqflaP. Jt0rro1Rj$-0 911.��. Tht-ft 19 1',It�NtQ�, ef pnv�alm . V " at � P 11 ullp 111M ctuhtt,ifs�. -0 of the Ltgi(�,%
Z � W#19 US 03%,%, tvar th �%nr�. U,: tp.�,,,,�r �. - er
11r.t<1rMLQT-.� 11,0 vtitle t-utnan ap� t61Lnh1,ii0..AfP ZaL4 �. t1wir P.C *A .0111ande I- ill %ala
. t#� 0 v,1 turr,entojap .4 ,
� - t �
ftttf4d, tP 45192M,Nd tn,y �:I�Mra,,�tpr. WAIM, brL9s&FP# Or trathrrq in un 11 -ad Itell'Anig fte d" ujIM czvaet 10,014C 11 It"Afe to Iii" ftoltvlolug.
� . taut'. rrkub 0: !I t It �,Vlt. r,tlt. b- th�at I
,iruv u6e C_r %ut Urtit?r It NA i�ldne.%" lr,gt I ku'qulw tp -at M u V unap. Z44k,L. t!lbp If - 4
11� tcM D�h,_:3 roUm.4--1 "Pt'ler-g. Ord a ml -,r_ " . _�-jDt 1�1 the "ENILOCK LOUS BARRED. 11#44-rm� 'Zoini.. 'Ang. 41"u-sp r,utgh-
frt,vra tht're 6t U.'U" t�llpjlvd ta, t, "' nr fruR-grou cr. 141�; .%Tar -s I - 11 on pl.1%a4to
N6tv� D�4 1M.'r, 114n. ,,4!�A." b'a"'In tp--4p V=t C, r - 'Vle. " 01 I 11 Z I ,",a . � — logo thr. actrfk,-i. ki.ow
tilge-.11r, 8_��,�W� ,It], ra"Ptr te.17 th,*t - �_ I tium bv wintk-r to 'Pa.1"I'. a 4 1, JLrjr,p %D�a�t rjpr,r -
wil� , le " I 4 L an, � U-totk rig rivej to a ,6 ThOt rEXPOtt to Venhis ,on Alor$l 30 110 UZ utt'. joh14 T. -Aphian. hav VIC.
rIt'. � raliv b,v fp,ou.uql�imilt ar�12 ?,f..aT,1 ,t � ehlrvig her anto-ifflon th the V11,4111tt
W F� . I , r N. ,1,.. %V1v-ry It wi�p to.�rut a V(Nr�y K.ort lnti�rval cr VIM%
e 41 .""t :�,;u � I Z"Sad-I tl,,�e awgi.!s- i VID t 11 in Next.
tytfft', V.ftltlu 61,=e asplr:tatz.. I-Mro or 11a:N pikrk�,dge %vv�o& i I aftd t�,a A lintrtirg ol tj6p IDlit,aric t7fibilic,t "oturt Or Lvwis an I Clark vonaty, to
. t pf-lblic,14 Very W.491b 41!114�r b:��,ulaae a eitlgf,lu Or tMo VultrdStratep-
0 1 4�= t�19 b&Z'. LQ lather", he vv- P891151 FOR CARIDIA151, �1 kept a #wcret. . - ___ _, j It tip .nF. -U#- %vat0wis th5* ritil pit'r-S ualp 11114 Ytrtcrdny, MC1sjsrL,q. Dly'!i1a), 'Nirs. 1.1-nulilva" twou ht -re front, the
Pla9rf.43. ntd wi),�at fir, sald he SAM .� A rAimbei, of 1.12. 111'r -Air 1*-,Af-r,-V it - rh,
1k Itt., I magl,�t to litetv." I I M011thh' Pabliall2ed lit V&?b t,ic-,.ars q-1- . ")I the tare lvw&P, and Iluto Out 1XVIS lElhtl '_Slrettoin bring In -t gf-nt. 11r. VVI'acWtitche 1);ii It Jim annoutwed
A that che wiIl takt, uji, a raliell for
"AU r�gl', *�.aki X&gostrateCrajr�jt.- L M.r. &&,N stati-ino nut it, fj�,rau- (7,1;�-tnvv, UPOU It -410 tim irl1pebse hipigrpd too DtYdeuo *110 W,"s the splacr 261illis .
" . ler, cattle raLOng Italt-C.'es.
"jut, 10.d inf,", COLAInued Cle eldc,_r` Lord KUthena's Tribute to , "t ftwtitioha L-dw,r,1 K-�,.C-._ a Ger- InCet %hf- t-tactions 1 .4 clultivated Pk0jKdt*'1# it tth�g ti.e brat ,(ecuislon to,, - - -
ghaw- "tknt this SWUrig wrilman Wag il maI juvrket, and ivi,,eri tile rru�t is rt-ady Wfitell lie luite lot.eip ft(�Ijljg I'rcmifir.
, 1�' %@ OUP� TS fluP sz-11lotorg. and . 1. .- 0 . 1 , - ,
tirchacIt'. 44V1 11 -alt 1phe uvans JE" t4it'i ather as a Nit. N11irVil�an-0. ,an I- *1ipq It te Chlvng�, where there TheAcel halmruant mattt-r attendied
ng � , 5
IE5299P voftrwd to ra,ro b, its, Oti,er Ard tl!elb u*jg.jt In , , i ! I S
With ze. I �%=Ae'dlatcll,s; COW lit'r Lieut.-Cei Girouard. f Anievicia. Mr. Rala ,t,b;,MLo tjj,it 1�4je J1;a t -vile dfma,ad tor it. 00 tb �Waff 1.110 lo"silyg of all Oreeil-5n. � , IN TO
V�I,at Lv KauI �,saol. tuL Vc_rp r'ain alyppilo " Them to I (vdl,cu pumr,g 11caty0ek logo in ulc, CRIAT FLO , U � , , A to
_t I : `
1ALP-r&qgC. cata 1�1c t ashc-d fi.An- I 111-19a Mftgplo, arid thr- jvfie �vjr llip D,,I�f �Veat's Work, "lad It lips rjt tile q 64td(N tattgOP,V aS plim, loge w1ftef. �
at�&.t,LL,Lej, Mm. * I I pt4mm, 9 0 -' -'O��"-�k'z` 0--a 41" 1"ift T�f q VAIWOP 61;.,H�41k and rollp hrramige tl,p. :� Apilal ;,O fit,-�.tj, tj,& c1gi of tjjt, lievi)&C-
PRAISE MR LORD METHUEN.'the wt.IL ar awav n,,r g" Zr'toat � oMat Is, tilt Y must Hot be vx�
"Ger,31 for bt-t. Fato Maglstratcl I tt-r. tevilasterp wFII not C. A it, i0f hate 2�earg it Considerable III *11 n1a vfr�F glwl of it. Mind. London. Ang. 4._'�Atalay page$ of i Mad,e to Apt;e9fr AneltInt. IiA finviiady t4se do r,o. whai 10.19 1 Iraft(WI. Losses to the Railways imill
� 1340te tht barial of jiuc, gi, e rtult'g'tawer dt�ne to tkP tqeal ,a Ila" sprillog 11py
1r&=9 ftc9tan.- he eald. addrr-issing V -e 6142,Ptte tto-day are tilled with' jr4t in Ih ji- �. ttad"'.11 hirw(ick log
MM (jebillue., NL4Colft do it ag. _ ,V.ter I lit, is " lAnw-pilt aig hie 4AVIA owlug W. . Ihr, 11.01-asing value C,1 112ja
, 'hose thlaig 110, 1-00rd XL^tehettr's tital deepatch on i, The old well at Cardiff. by P-eTi.j.3st rtult. All lip kr�o:%,,� IQ - i - -t Run Into Millions.
b*dt if LF, sa'.'5 " S CA vou the Doer war aEd ws jr,entlon c,,j the, ate. _ tjDaL it Ills; , C.jaft �� 'J�anblc - The preiRibition is in
a- , . -lingpnic-nt, the jjgqrf� %viip prj�,� e,rop IL4 let te,,t I'lp wotk j, . ILIU � - -
.1.1 ,- -fited to 20119 and varr,fuB ra,bj5r�g vaothing a;t;d 15 I or cc�inhag thx* Inalaufacture (."I
he, Cf.servc-4 V uEekir'g, ar'd I , M�l (.44wery ar-ti men whe distinguished I JO # -e I e Ir -r Ij rine with tile po.icy of the Grjvrrj�-
I r 5t. " bl. ' L
I ' tr �' theMSPIVeS WWII? he was lt� eatimand with Fafid and wafr-r. 1�.,1�4r-ju pr(�,,�-,, I'* fk,sf,lbly lie 18 taintd. ,j MCI .
4 ,rf-tj Pte,ha � V - 1,�-&*; tW sPtAte love for ,' the ttkodtets of the jorjp�&,t� of (),�_ I
I fiuz,l.�r I.nFir."t 1162d �va-,j tht tt 60ath AfMea. Iraip Minim Issue lill- I the winter-wern`ar.(,.r, Sr- ,r,t- tht, t. CROPS A14D MCK SMER.
. ftu ., �%Ocr_g �!,hatv it,roke ib. tburlves V"e Generao's new titlo as � Okflwa.ys. Pew ".442ppare Inave. His ': Ulr�v, witt-In thc Otollfil]M'of the It're-
It lbat�` *Selzdmed _AAL -IL tvn Cited a# InvonfroltoprUb"ge i vi- SS jtwitbio nall-V hP With tLe stilk- 4 Vh-ibf,- ti'llue Crdtr-jva-Coun�+j wil Igaigg-
_ ajettnteb "VistwJtt Ritt'hener of Xhatttuiaa , &,,t..c,e of . -8 R � Daflar�j Tel,at, Aug. 4. -The only
�g =c,an ard oTt tEe u8pall, In tx� GN thr t(IMIMMend:tUral ol tb%- ( ong. I
it-tane. '111war"'g 2=2N. do Zj" - vaai land No* .? 11 P11261rine �1ZOA41WIty- 'u U�V, tug yrtIght-bandIc-fe, Vult that tcukt-s " -
t4War�f..V .�jl 11 potes of thr, vk5n wetc varqijop, �,,_ to dUlttrctm. Aw.�y r,(%E�v . . l'ay Not hope %4,1�.,Csa ;,vlweLratev tka
10 Uit'll :�Vvar 41aVE;er a a; r ?, * , In Mie lavt dipspateh L . - ",% I.;- hap 1 lnl�ecorck 01 efewri Linuds. Earlit'r al IMM -01111 01 tht- 1100,1 *AUntJ020 i0OnieS
'I L
"ll iico% ti, O. -I Hated by p:cklng bfc.%use eerta2-L3 OV;<'r "OC-MilraitS ar, T:i�.-:dMAr,l_-dra"0n ol lois dtputtwr;tt iz%�%n tile weatiocr rcip,wis,wifleb pre-
lx�:C Ki!eE,.el,pr sam Of lootd I _ tk_e frjt5rf, r�4wj_,q..43;
v L�= iettor�r L'an *yV'I 'd 1112net, ;, Tig".1ating. It -:g �
fq_.NFK� 1.1S,.f- aetf_-t. 'Ir tav,- to le6k tLr! VrWsb 1-2591-a VoMmUs8lomer - "in "Vitli 1(r"a4len lgalnmetq fatr*43 u "th .1 .'L IM'--rellf�'" pt'l�.-'"'d- L Mr. D'XV_V rlh_"cet� rU2P,VC-OO.j nn '�he list 4-ket fuir _�kies, ag��d If,% fact. that zile
tah* for Ee inalver I 'Aleg. giving ,4 fr49- IT ti,e r%rMers were lo�?;rog ' oTartic '
els of mov ,=other many diflo;cult, fi1tuallmg it wtit, al- � lIC-1 lie pr'CuNar 11 j:,r1CSe Ica whost, ip*,port jg- prfohjitlted, Isr,92,1W RIvc:r at WwL-a is faWng
- - .
be -e gretttest 1!eliiet to Ine to �1, fierh," which pazzirt] sc, I .
.. t . 0-ag V krockf-d cut or .,t j.r.��j,ejp %vork to let " xand jcq thus ,p �p.ctang in c`c'n10r1lahY ago.119. ltailwa.,to art� tied up worse
awe Z'gtf-v.� UIC-7 . jjj t,0 Isup- WaS's th man. . As iol!lell lt��..ple fig -at tcr a, wf*u lar tvro, , V ��,'
vc't - Z. recl ttat I coulti alwa.ys rely ,on 1.,Ig, lbete, stM remained -I'lla &rV.4rance rltl� 11�"Oj'-�ey vvlu'ch hlt' LAP r1r-'Vivnc� � llmn ev,vLr lwfore In the ldstoty Of tht*
* Wbat -ari (�qal,,,ry th(re Would lit. at j ly're-ftwe&
" Thr -y L&vf; Ibc-Ir npmee�# J�t nt'stiNng s��Mrsi%thy allil tingf.adg- r4 Of fr6k1litss the figar", Was igivcf- a . . I 'b4tatc. 'file ovj,y la4road which has
. ,
4W.jrt, viz"!��' t!.f �&�g!.sjrajie. yrou iz4 nss�ataree-" Rer,erring to tvie galphuric ac 41 b,ath to gj�4,e ' I
L . _ it suf,la 44-10 abageorthoworknigman , 00 far tstimateva its damage is the
-, � -
have no Z'wl;il to C;ardeir a young deep oblIgation olf tj-�e army to the . depired appearance of a t e. ltlf�, Pu I fig T -rut tLe frilc,w wh� I A BAI) AS TP,ACV. Int(trnAtional and (ircat .Northf,rli.
' ,
- f10040ties, the writer galij ne req I "A yea -k attttward.,, tgjc� FamL_ r,.ij. .1 vfar to "fee
VIGI=174 AM] nr,w. 30ung Zady, the nest q - ,19 I Oenervi Pass,eligr-r Agent Price, of
tcvUrt to%t.niwd�:I, i-4dressing Miis W1 h",a had ever tepa re-ased by the 1 Reation vays. " it wap accidc-iatai, , vrnp u wcrlelnjimall ? -rijer�-s � -
,v that toad, says the r.cuia, damage to
Oeblu:,,rt. 'IT th!s ,,porang man ke t6ionial Goverinmcmts. and . A YreArtle-skutes-s ab . out that sort 11 A Callfot-Alan bespetildo Shoots tPjV#q
eps their con- a unearthed by well f1iggers. thr., areh- of 11,ing grat*w. Th ere' 9 1110 LtI.E-rnationul roadbed wbi reach
ItIs sort ot th' isidertLtion stil generosity only equal- D engineer of tht, hoax I- - a Men.
�ng up. come to We . ,tilog gR,j.r, $100,00J, and that road 14 not the
and te:12 me Qlaciat it. and I led the character and fIxiality of the I -D prfvICUS little G� 10e;i Rule ab�,-ut it- E,' Fresno, Cal., Aug. 4. -At irortor- woIrst sleferer. 14il lives lost was the
will as Mr. Hull (reporter or; t1je Haiodv� -Hartford Ccurant.
Vat Lijrj .'*%VaF r1iere lgv canno-t el tToops they se -A to South Africa or 4 : ville James Atoktm-y, am vx.
r- ...'..." � 1- 1. 11 -1- . total r(ported iesterday, five in thive
- nlvy 47rty storieg abolity raleed W that � - _ -11 _. I y an.1 one at wylie.
eulate y. Lieut. -Cal. " con-
Ion- f -V, -14 4 � . - . L- -,.--. . - . . ttt ; Viet shot five men amd -- , , ,_ San Marcos valle.
QLae e,�s2rf,Z*;s*d, , 'a
Lvcrybop,4 ;-.%rrlc-.d ovt of court.
- Canaugau, of Jeer, is
Warm Y pral
. I sed. Lord Kitchener say -
I �r;g thzit tR` IS a if `Oyfidek or brilliant `
racts In regard to tLis ,o=r.'.pres-eijt
Ithe mfda out of tire bgi�jjds at a p:ay-
. &11.11t,V. &td I Wje�la T�jnf illf gineeeee in 11,
lyls. Ile ])-,is
; Me new C'&paeft 'IV QS Ile"te. JDJ & great
herty. 11,114a.q, .Stallwoor3 arid ,Sauntierff,
" ,
and Private Qleswortb.�
j He th6n wcnt to 4. y !11;ali,le,
j civil ecpar' tment.'- Milaost all tile:
Marecosr Valley are not known i tvvo�
— I
Ullftg;eas ar.d I-Sceiable St"eke"I
leadEng Generale we ---e commended,'
1'sc;uding th4 writer's lirother. t;exl- �
arft: the imrf to-fty.,,
I . . .
Clwstr T*hav a i3roifiee.
� eral Prea. Mtcjjej-.or. Who, was' des- 9
'r. I)* j=ir- 1,�;,- '.'.4*b de� 96.Cen w.'a-ig,
7 cr"be4i as at eXc6ilt-50nally keen andl
.ToP hght� bag r1cr fl...rae :
,energetic of"Icer. Gereral Lord 111 e -
3A b0!l_Zg grot 1,(� w-4-rg _i vil,
4 thuen. Ltovl Kitchener said. . a,
. I
But h� gtAs C:�r ,kast eAr- vame."
. ,(Ol`;z1 more than most of"Icers towlLd, I
I - , . I
traintainflig tbt�, high PtandardL of I
W-1 �h*,r -i-ttri. Aug. i. -The range ro.'
prrscNnal ernirage, Tredevzly ar.d lium- I
tr,Pfulnes.,; c, -f t:w Za-,-partm-,�nt ,of
awt,v, which ek;nractilrlio.E; the Bri-I
Ag-ric-alturr- �, :A_r1,- 0X'_LMP'I7i.ea in a
tign army. "I sl=3 his Own fleep!a
tPullet1r, 3:::�t%sllr-t! pe'st f. -f
;;,_9,rPt, sakl she do-spatch. 'ItIlat
,he knase. S._-e:A5!ir,%'1j-�- k."".4vik no
11'.4 wonrorls prevented Illin from re.
"Citarx Lizvc,,. ;5w..- (-�`".c,rwl�e culli-
iralt,n- In tl!e Hpid untli the conrqu_
fto�.%v Vr#II;%.!j �aif- t�-fA
.. U_- , The f,n-
&:,011 of ll; -ace." Tiie '�bllowlrg Chn
".6=10 -:Sts of ',j,c. e'ejo.�rtmnnt h&vp
-wljan�R al%a arp rnentlon�cd: Lleiit.:j
!Xii,ougit .,,ricl r�xhajs%, , .tile.
001. Evatis, MAjor Ras.-,. Cartta""Inr4 Cal- I
Prevent a scrv..t wirlttv crimeref, .
., -Clix
I t- n An ,G,ccurate eg�;mate o; the losseg,
'the country in a sbo'en rig. MeXin-
i'r.ey first shot cut tyi lights of a
saloon, and thf`n in trv;ng to shcot
i so IMPOSSILle, put with the �taalage to
railro.,Ws, the, drowning o.' mottick, the
w,ushing away ol� tridges, residencet
racts In regard to tLis ,o=r.'.pres-eijt
Ithe mfda out of tire bgi�jjds at a p:ay-
, alid tillemess lujus-:�sr� Ili addition to
lyls. Ile ])-,is
j er, wounded tyi,E- linitc," "I" 1;
I thf� *L=19e to ,cott,�.,Yt an4 other
herty. 11,114a.q, .Stallwoor3 arid ,Sauntierff,
" ,
and Private Qleswortb.�
j He th6n wcnt to 4. y !11;ali,le,
,,, erops, It Is sare 10 6.�y that a. million
Marecosr Valley are not known i tvvo�
i a0d- r1t Alle Ik4lit 'Of a 11-volver ,,,*-
, Nuc:larp is a. (o,itE(rVative amount, No
arft: the imrf to-fty.,,
I . . .
'eared a 11,X As lie waz driving off
It( we li�ars com,_- IrGmt tit*-- 400 to too
14� !!emtable, a 4ePuty and severa']
woodchoplo,T9 wim ,%vf-re ,out off by
tri,ed to 11--resi 1�,jm. Fli-
th.0 i'llood lit Richl.ind Creek bottom% '
OPenied fire, wouLding lo,ur of tilt,
b-tru it is not now tilouglit that any
rtaxty. Ww, LY1111, W]108�? abComen
and jr,gs were fillf-d w'th bu�
A �ksljjot,
1;v -g wore lost there.
The Brazos Rlv,er, after filundatIng
SuCcumbed to lj�s wolln&. MeXin-
ricii Virming lands for 2(X) mileg South
I� ri,eff r*gbt arm -of
. also filled ' "
cif W.zco, IF; rc-ported falling steadily
I Greorge Burrows, a 1-r1l,trP. with
lut Waco but rii,irg, slowly- below.
I shot, and ru-nt a ,4n:lp.t into the
Ift-ar.,ie. It is estimate(I timt there
IuGuth Of Dt'Plity' Marshal Will5s,.
are from ,,I()00 to 4,0()O acres Of cul-
into thr. a.rm of D(Duty
Constable Tompkits, ant4 a lon� Vf
tivated land undcr water near
Hearne A Xough t-stimate of tile Dun, -
shot 1-atict the arin of W. D. V,'est.
bcr of --cres of cotton and other crops
I&XInney is heildr-el for pr,.,-
-11 . 4-1 4 4
Prevent a scrv..t wirlttv crimeref, .
., -Clix
, .
3agbau, Mc,xiiijan and; 'kljjt�
, voinnty, and It is bellevcd lit, will
I-— .� . - be, Brazoa uut_
,,y&g is �20,000. .
racts In regard to tLis ,o=r.'.pres-eijt
L',-mitp. Pyan aixi Churen. :14erl.gts.
"IF;n't the sea cajm:?V*
lyls. Ile ])-,is
The na=eft of tbo" elrowned In San
. Aom of man.
146 coriling to the advices of tile
herty. 11,114a.q, .Stallwoor3 arid ,Sauntierff,
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and Private Qleswortb.
"Yea; hoorribly 190. NO, GXcuse for the protection of a, etrong,matly
.1 Shotgun. a rJle ay,d n, rev�Olver,
, i,'lltl be said before leaving tbat
Marecosr Valley are not known i tvvo�
arft: the imrf to-fty.,,
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Tracy wouldn't be in it with him.
wete neg
. rose. At Wylie an infa.11t
c�lud oT Cha.rles� D&vla wa,K� drOWA 4