The Herald, 1902-08-01, Page 5HERALD,, ............ . i 7 The Doe und the Jackdaw. WASn't 10" Ilat, Allylvay.. i Going the TA1111t. Ili SavertJ4.4v NXIest I olice NVICII(IsSed Mr. Weddle, visiting Ills wife's rola. ! V, i/ NfAwa eed1rH E 'V A drummer named Peek put up at a it very pretty little kWelle. I liolk!Cd it tives up Iii Maine, fairly had to -0 to hotel in Oklahoma, the landlo r.d of g doe lying 00)),11 by herself ill a gV;t$Sv ChULT-11 that Sunday. 11 -IC didnt WtUlt whieh vvas the president of the school bollo,%v, aild as I passed her tit it dis- to go, but his wife I thouglitit would (10 -in( whole soilled fellow, , suggested that i _,o of about fifty yards it struck tne lifin good and would be apt to preserve (17 P o the harmony of the family. 'Vol 0) R Er" board. The landlord, who was it jolly, t RS shigular that site kept her head r they visit tile schools, the president of I I - I ilie board firSt putting Oil a lODg tailed low down that [.could only see tile toll The serinon was long and powder of it oil a level with tier back. Walk- dry, , and Weddle stole off into the coat. saylrq�- ing. round to get it better sl;;Jit, I saw arms of Uorphous gently and serenely. "S�e add's *dignity, an, then she hides. it jackdaw standing on the turf before As he did not snore, his wife did not Will keep on hand r-rcf. Hricldson, fh( sion and Purachule J)rnp My gun, which are a bad example a supply of Flour in it ensation i)o-%j lty.' Pufore them children. I don't approve her, very busily pecking at her face. Suspect that ho had gone to sleep of anybody under fourteen carryin' a With my glass I was able to watch her alongside of her and gave herself up and Feed at right 01ifans, Continei,.tul Eccon movements very closely. Re pecked fully to Inspecting the bonnet of tile pedes. Rosa Naylacn, with M gun. round her eyes, then her nostrils, her woman in the pew In front, Prices. -ibati( 'Wond Bard Bros_ Acrc. After returning. to the hotel from the throat and in act every part of lie" Like all things, good and bad, the ; A I Visit of ipspection the president of tile ce, and, just , as a man when being sermon came to an end a 5 agnifleent. Pyrotechnics aild fa ilt last, but vice over till liays� bq.tird, now transferred into a land- shaved turns his face tills way and Weddle slumbered on like a� baby even OUR OHOPPER HAS BEEN 1. lord, said: I I Exhibits 'urther aboad t, that under the gentle guiding touch of after a deacon began taking up the SHUT D011"N FOR THE J. "Peck, you're a good feller. 'You . . . SEA'20N. . . I bear.tiful, Bnildings irre�sistably the barber's fingem, and lifts up his collection lit a bat. When the derby aln!t goin' to let your light be hid un- chin to allow the razor to pass beneath was passed to Weddle, Mrs. Weddle der a bushel, Peck?" I . it so did the doe raise and lower and was surprised to see that lie did not i Price Lists., Map. -4, Progrannne,4 an(I inforin "No, 1. ain't," said INIr. Peck, rather 'rn her face about to enable the bird respond. . She nudged him violently to t� 1 J, 0 HIN' TIE 111 R Sm 11, C LT ­(10L. W. 21. CIARTSHORE, dubious as to the compliment. to examine and reach every part with bring Lira back to his senses, and We(k- President. "Well, I teLl you what I'm goln' to his bill. Finally the daw left the face dle, awakening with a 'start, sat nil- i do fer you. Beln! us you're a good fel- and, moving round, jumped on the right and, bewildered, gazed at the bat 1 ler, I'm a-golnto have clean sheets put deer's shoulders and began a minute in the hand of the deacon. Then he put on your bed, dad me if I ain't!�' search In that part. Having finished shooklils head sleepily and said: this, lie jumped oil to the bead and "No; that Isn't mine. Mine is a Awkward. pecked at the forehead and TOund the one." all bases of the ears. The pecking done, IN-Irs. Norton came home from a c, "JOB PRINTIN one day in such a disturbed condition be remained for someAeconds sitting Und Nerve. Hoff rn an's that it was evident tears were not far perfectly still, looking very pretty with "Well, ain!t that a lovely customer? lit the background. She lost no time In the graceful red head for at stand, the I just dote on waiting on that kind. Bill Ff eads Salo - be. -Inning her explanation. doe's long ears thrust out on either Did you see her,.though?" The shop- Jubilee "John," she said to her husband, "I side of him. girl was bubbling over with rage. A U am so mortified I don't know what to woman and her daughter had looked at No�,e Heads B do." Aniazon Ant Oardenx, not fewer than twenty-five silk walsis. Laundry.. i E.LC. "What Is the matter, my aear?" asked iDr, E. Ule contributes to Engler's At last they took up one, and the wom. Circulars -b Mr. Norton. Jahrbuch (supplement 30) some ititerz an brought forth a tape measure, We iise no chemicals "I have just been calling on Mrs. esting observations on "ant gardens" think we might get it out of three and to destroy or injure jor Pererill?" goody ` R D E ff Rt U I Rt P Poverlll. You know her busband, 1%fa- in the Amazon region, where they a half yards or three and two-Vilrds abound oil a large number of anyhow. Just walt-twenty-three your Clothidg, and we %J1 "Yes." plants. They are generally spherical in Inches down the front, three-quarters Guarantee our Work, "Well, I have just learned today, to form and about the size of a walnut. for the sleeves, allow a quarter for col - my horror, that major' Isn't his title They are formed by several species of lar and cuffs. Yes. that!ll do It" As TAILORING IN at all. 131ajorl Is his first name." ant, which appear to collect the seeds she talked she ran tile tape over the P" "Why, certainly. I've always known of many different plants and to sow waist I the clerk standing by almost CONNECTION THE 91 /E Ptl that, What is there so mortifying them In these nests, covering tip the bursting with Indigliatlon. "Three about It?" seedlings with humus when the,.%, begin yards of lace, one and a quarter of Ila- "_Kotblua said Mrs. Norton, with a to germinate. In. the structure of these sertion." she went oil, measuring the W. "n". HOFFMAN 0M groati. "only that I've been calling him 4,ant eplplyytos�l the foliage and the trinuiling. "Put that flown. ,Itmy. 11110joe every time I've met him for I roots tilsplay characters which espe-,, No -r lees go. we can got up a walst 5L 0 o D Cs the last six mouths!" -Loudon An- L chilly adapt them for the situation Ili exactly like that for $4.50. and they awers. which they grow and promote also the ask $kK They' ve got their nerve, 7: you ever contracted ar.7 Blood D*.s=.sey ia­r- t.,7.rrs21e untea kt4�;�.;! ),JaKmalarxulv butlive in hulma no u -mous r.!_,ults wiil fuUx0,,,; 1�ave you any ot- protection of the ants themselves Ill haven't they' FF symptoms? sme thr,)at. uIcers eu the touque or in "�� mouth, hair fa The #'Cry?# at 31M. their nest Quite a number at thil inalpain,, ifazineis ot tb* clan, zo&sor Ufitcber, on the body, ey�, r One of the most peculiar features epiphytes were found as denizens of vrout inse, Titcater Galler3r. W IF-, dy�_peplic wea-krx-tis-Andicatluns 0.1 thes trust to 1=11c. Don't ruin your syLm m vith the o i�on' i�on' ��on i�on �on about manufaetured silk Is the rusUlag, the ant gardens and nowhere else,, :qr. W. Pott Ridge tells In the Bug - hound Atiallhir to "err woulan. In � '.'Jish Illustrated that the best repartee' tilt, sill. trade, they call It the "cry" or 1- The Alwarent Not the IleXt. lie ever encountered was tit the gal- J ewte'll cry* sometlin ob tile Iscroop.11 Of fill textile$ A New York dealer who bus h4u­ 1(,rr of a theater. An extremely stout. FIM Is the only material which pos- died sitiplonds at fruit suld recently: good tempered woman contrIved to TITHt ('01MVPVT KTYLEK ABE sesses It. "It Is often amusin"to see ruell, worn- wedge herself Into a space thatwould T0 DE' F0E'.XI) VZ MY M.'STAll. c' j," everybody knows. the sound Is en. and, childrou picking out, its they be. iluve ltecommotlated, a person of ordl- -NI 1.11.N 111. heard 08POCIMlYwhon, silk is subjected, Ileve,, the choicest fruit tit tile uldrket nary size, to tile uncolivenled aulloy. to frietion. What Is not so i6penterally etallds. it there ure it halt it down ance or a smartly dressed youth next Lauly% Brout-hes. ill(- Lttest 0,U W It W N" Z P.T11 WD T R U AVA I P W T w I U c u rt y on, az d a I ofyou. Vudor W1 Mitueect the brain be. vnioi ueti%e, the bloud puri kikown Is that the quality 14; found Ili large oraugos within Night. they 'Will to her. Site began to pool till ornage. PUrl-', St.V104. ll I)IQ* utcem disappear. ttmu nor%c,s stroag! t .&O� Uftd silk yarn bofore- It Is Nroven. A. shein ji )MV6 HUM, even If It fit lItTeSSOrY to') and the youth. %vith tt gesture of eoiaw 1t2h1!X111_Z;111..S1kV%% blshft tln,�.nard dm",n&u. r di�_; P'n" the eveQ tit -cc of silk,. unless It haR been so tre�ated &is overturn nit the rost lit the box or bar- plaint. removed his silk bat filssily to (it -lits ( illy M111-4 luld But� the f4o3 tall atid clear, eurr�!y returtir to We t"v. Zra it.(, morai. Tolmsic to ):Ill tills property In It. will when re low.. 0outl und Strolig. nal G-mtem% av, invs1pbratel. hn draall� kezt-M­ 119 010ve VLI-* Nravw fr�ru t Slight), L -1, unit tills Is trov, with most all other a. linfer position. Tlv,'�ar�ou-� 09�,Aoo be, onie uatalriil And Inattly. Y.m lkvj -otwflf u Inan opealk-4 lip exult 'tile 116180 V.1, varlotles that tire sold by tile plet�e or 1*1 suppose.11 stild tile good tempervIol A 1`1111 lint. of wnteht.!,�. u .,,I I wA QLan D.,11t to: 41L.4" 40 3�14 IA"Ailt to!) ou of Ntur Whim tile skelli. is squeewq Ili the,dozen. TkAoSitiv-.trltklilyget,tllet)oolc'�'4t woluall. 46thut yoled rather have lind ta VVENVIL Olt No Al"'y to audible. vilociations of iho whole, crOP Altd YQt g,�atlp hand, the sound becomes quil quan altillig, by the side of yom In!-trniumits anti K,,wvlzs� Y. e v, a. n c4d c �- t c .1. 4, 11 V � 9 US I or,, W W T Y,. S I I X V A 1, Ar rlit MX E. The *vryll Is considered a, i C 01 t% 1'. VAR1C4$e%LL*X1D. ?err deslr- are not aware of It. Very rarels you 1"r. "altil t yon" DIbLASAIS. �4;" �dll 14-.c4b�, V.14UL-Ir tu WCU Aild W=tn. Cut a. will fintl it person who Is :1 good judge Tito South replied surip ble quality Ili ullk. Drers trYto plably In the WATMI MST) VIMCK URI %I yelop it as much as llossible. ii who %Vill at Once Mye up tile 110.4tviest I ING% My HOUlly. it A0 Nnnn Vi"I'd? ba% 0 Tom 10%k tt.!I,,? Art Von rout .4'vf's $03 's. 101110118 or Igiflanus, regardless 11 60.1b." &aid the wonaln thouglithIPY, `.fte'llment W11 rure. Ott. C ankligt J % O"!r N.O%V . Of hlyt-# And thOY CAPtuft" 'tilt* Q11"Ic"Ost 1! -Aciwould 1*` 2,00, NO !".AtN v4x, hv) tntalea qZ(L'GhJX1 4"r %n �1, -1 'a V.-, F. W. HAEOS S 7��, Sbortly after Mr. Wilson Marrett fruit." Joined tile thwittleat vrofesslint Ili" It(!- rr#*Ck"ve of Mind. 1uQmJWr Or ft 4LZofiJp.�1uy 1k4rf4kJrffl- Why Two Ears ArL* Nveoxvirr. rHZ JEWELZR tjo ainriie.t.n 0. 0. V. tio =ws an blucs tr efluttopts E 0 During a lierfortanuee at t9110 41U- � g a ii A 44 W fe Ing tit the oOd Theater Royal. Dublin. Solilld tVAvel-44 by Wltvft I�l 1Aindon lbeat, r, a 0,a Hit 1-h- i confide.1;A. Qat-Hor, !iSl 4=d Cost of Treatried, F=-, for 146116 cuto. Ills Dirt. naturally, Avils it sillialt olm froill it tviltnal point of d1AUrJJ-4 Gn T -he H1111 ZURIGH1 lmd to quitrel on tile Stnge' tl�'f" VV""_i, KE GM and. Awatly to lq*.s 'Surlorimp, his fin%t! Jut4t aswaveA rildhittsvVIlen. d Stolle Is * It i� oil 514, it rage Or jeacwou!�y, tile, 11-4i'a tv��- 4pod Into M!01 water. So Aur tis the i� Ing to pc�,r, 41de, Ili- that milwh was greeted with, a round of drol u jr 41he niNilgiusi& Th5!§ luolmlied for tribute il hearing of vadi loidividual Is ��i sinsplegous and tev ew caler 143 SR-ML3W ST. DETROIT MICH. t�ldttvd the Soung utaor, nn4 he tn'terted thi0hKQ liv. 1511gwith urrat SPINt it Sold by All IN sd S wives Illove Ili a dlr4vt Hue froin n were ric- N lolluself to sustuht the goaa hdpl*�24qjlft the e�,Iuse of the sound to his c t.,*_ ,ar. the wMe no; M lacr '1=1 toll upar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ be ajolkared to have made. Just us he ImIsaut l0eing The greatest In tile car We, and her nuAlin dregs; *oq nna Etv w9 the gouree. ThIs behig the;, In gin in, wtis Dontvmg the th&ltcr One Of the 101CIrtat 10 %tLalg. b*0),to at_p)" of tlt,@ he may lutighce that the derev-1 IF; "It N rED1 -em lfinghgfly se _t alliftera , Mod h1m C. P, ift Immon XV140 has Wtafly l9st the 1! holds, hour@t@r. The bushand q f," u. aire, It's got abolut 411180tog 1011se ot htilr11%; 9a one ear. fthhu"9111 ;ZJfl8?Jkd the at Itm blitqra that ye�lfv, a bV1,01her � l� �. , : I (,i, ATENTS GUARRAI itt'sh that %vas llimug!" A I�ohilaft hanged'� little 0 e -y"" Ktv. twov dvar. I was r%*LR� 'VIRS W nou lot a soutod to &tto big 116A OTARRELL & LA evoll ,U�Irrra bud that lhq=9114, P4,19d I&S el- Ift, adyto gate up ot Me leasL twtue lkmaH�y Of the 12% -when the c-Ltolter fat dislgtbankoe 11425 NEW YORK AM, WASH19 utar him. 1%1*t Lktf Oaf* mvellitt'v t") "'M t4ctq 0 A* AlAurd C1010MOL lit vitithiti. I AU Ulu_4194t 1141linet WIN a s4k�*' o-qr Wtik Mcs,,e a 0 New_. choleii In V�ettliia every maws honw I's Ills tlt*rary "me febtr4rotev V'r ctoy"ttIfit C-Offlobsifths t.,tl t� �, =�, 0 IR t;� S a I i e i 16 r -+, e f A m e t� i e a n a v t d IV% r e, 6 t, 5 n PA t e n It., 0 e S i 9 n, --t ile 64 FA �!b ef V 6 M., e *iCamplela riglift. Will retuen too if Patent is. hia c-d*urd sr�l -for doligoon from 10 if, Ill. to 0.1. 111. vielvol A Mto-tt limu ago a vvefl knowil wrlt- %MMong were g6vheg a MOO dtint; e'j 01 a , ii6 , , Is a 0y df Mid at to P. bl. lbe t_r or Ljoitdon. that h6 ly,.id thctir own. lit wb,4e'l t0Qw1sh%,?4 �,Iffld iteei Ut a !N:�ntb '14"t tig never read the lioneationfeal boo&-*. evils. l"V61ttorla Guidt, or Now to Gbt 0 Patent. vla. -it a toadivi! PaTt In tile I tedif ut Vat tt.Wt WA AUto" of ritit .otlillion, t-utraitee door of &teh block Is u Vo 11 1., � iventout in seareh of a volly gild in I " ' - bit M 6 1110MO Or O&Vk% 140 1,119 ftlld wMention thi-t Paper and teteurd u�'Oddiaf rate's -,+..A plot. Wfinethe play tvds in JVir.L,;-:1'0Ss of ttt'lliggati-te Pre b. t:tosm gild tvoltV1 Thereafter lvertsoifis 4 one bookisholp afttlt- Anothef deew Imssfil't in of Otit thuapay, a ritle of �! "lid 'of the g"wimps, west belliftA the* W. ptmR, Publishat" twolven'LV to the tonelerge until Mid- blank,. At last he weist to Ills -own Pat- 1, s*enf g and, tedvid a voy envaJ11 slt� tfithth A LdeuditStii.. Plhigadelohli. Vk, couillry V&W8 Cna, o'r 'Mial 9culde newaspaper shot#, whIch ago; . m fo. 111,L4 ling hi thd ftrivetv. R vlhe;I 11 "l, vita ..Sf0rhl igght and fonrVance from that hour to dealt lit Mles and Aeat fitoratum "JV.01y giro V6% left olit" Ile osaotd, ��t,4n'eN 'i 1�­* U- Vuqu , �tn,111*91 tlltoo 'i ffive S-ou the Alw-..Vlyb.t V he askieA. ig 4, in. TO go'dut to post a totter co-stil . T 41". jhe.N�Jnle dlitatint to ft. be if W4 qw'!e�- "mar bre two'beltee and, lilt you pllythg too'.," ZUR"O*H P vil k"of -it n%offielit the �Vouvg Nironla me tvl�bv-' ILtIg'", To line".': rl, V tyr(Ilotog a VIAt to a friend -M I's n.61. left uut.' 19th, hind the 1couilley IM41% mreled timm J �, I'll, S Ovlay-ftoM - to Ve dal��; q,X0.reVf% _t, 'th mvi 'firls d I I I av, 'Ifter '10 10, hl. incilbs ftopebte td.geV .9 the baby %Vtdtlft�l ,, boghtelling, she said, "N it a weekly; Is Ill.. tlhtil 14 19. lit.. The lnait-� are xatel, "n� out lot his fiousc, and twolvehee Mote 16 1� il 1�11.111iql�,tr%�- a, be 1, hed - fli lltfere-; Avoltoot a MtAt. distribittefl. as 1'10141W.4 TL,,q*,.ptnion #4 #11, `�e�f far -n- 43,Itq.atv 0, Ito- Way ellltr your olvu� -& natural result of. ptinter.4, Ink Undertakes -to ornpWn': 4n tt�- tavor. a, for -tills[ Irritating Mt. Is thatt of ftll fulpital 1 .31 k1f, rop. 11 nN I iios t ka.ln that Italy Bit -'If VvIly t1te jlertl3.1I*r, is tue, t Mv. T-1 0 ks MA. Wt, '01 . eh t emes Vienna Ist emoiest to bed. Ifillammation of the tv"jiductivil. bf in of unbHeltzi. ut I k, ts 8,4n Hell Wel"brane trfilch shields the front of 7n till be stili'd of Ifio other niedoung: 49 Df �" fl"` waT,tLI ind dry: V*61fti #-*,R H.. " #1.17_-�,.nn j��J 'a i"' ,j the 0-yebult from the ale Mid takositfie fithis, 411hat It got -8 everywhere ul�PAI Is 4. & III -m 1""'onk �_o ;,- Itettle-Notr that "it gave bftken:� ,b of the eyelids, Is Indicated bV the cutt.liin few 4ag-V t'l 1�rovtl"47, 0n the �' .1 ft,ad by eiFVrV1bAY- -1 u-nol, �",Cl a 9 "o �L� -p a! :�ovjr feligitgement with 14W. sball "'d or the @.vt* In the mothI119 PP.9011 111-'N'SALL. MT. I V nln to, . -7- , . ., 4 glued StatL ttld the bi9lboatilst, the street �L-alv uld "�v x,w 0 _U '. A ". . 1. 1 unk o4l:.,-lbs. e�,�n 141H -it, -�,,A, 1, bv, -m�11., return to figin the diamond r1bg ho *,lid tuote ospodally by their btoodshot I cards. vtc-. litit Me newn a ` ElInbca Noi�!an,4-. -7, h.n-,­nteter will A1111. we ,--tve you? lit red If s .- condition, the vesgels being bt%&I gof.�,v Intoevc-ty tome and fs tbreene W, i2l eu�,Vl. U%�'. � tvtl 41; 4. t,-; rot Ilettle- It color and w1nding ttlyout Ill great fr- , 'Vource of jurermatEon." ;Iee �4TUau�! ti) tike would be 4MI01 to !gve Illia A thin,- mpret:e 7 :;"H­J�T, T, tegulat�t.V,, Vith no discortublo orderof, q I - . Mr, .1%-- f that Nvould be A, constant telaindet ef, t� plati. VM %��ralt nialiv, 4L ,the Lippinesg lie bad )bIssed. LprtEps Fop, M'Xv. . A. . . L14 who was te-jitful of he- be JJCJ-.,tVq1 ha�ff an hqmr previous t�o' � 41;f� . 1)"ve Ing butied alirt Jett These final qnstra& t1le tinle for V14�.-dn­ th� 3U.91 VWl"A.- Sl,:Vultl llornudl�v nieur, re"! 811olikeepot (to ttvall child, -010 b&# vd1h llshqr Tiaroniefer follavv- btought back g veeent purchase)- D.S.F Mond 1*,tsons are wore lipt Vy be, ��.&ttet, my tlmee6me lemnie StVY oz TI.A�Ainy hi:.- 1�i-rtme!oafions. (1011tin­ Nvbtlel the matter With the ohee_,k� Jcivg et pos"Ible. Don't milke de I'll. Th ­s. Grot�invay. Vw Vulv�un �-f,wrnx perind extend'__ sommimbulistg than dark folk, and 111,� my detit? erill sermont too long, kqzo, dat'll a INfli 'JI 2"r(l, NVe set am - 'gown. hv sto"I"m alli Mars, ,C-014 climates there Is. mote SmAl Child - Pledso, 'tathe-e ftyi tatike me sleep only de sounder; but 1-ing rates. DI. dia-rZ that bulisin than in warin oneq. In cettAln WIven The wants any balt for'fisbing lie �Tovr de, dinner bd�n over li!M Ef d,& Clubb 'u.s. ut E.xeter. Geeenlittid 01 the but doots are c -an dig "em up In out- back gardem v]on,,t wake in% I is shoy gone!" P.dl�ht Ral fk� Merellry all Ien(I th�jt- tr.,af., locked from Without by In watchman In T 4 Ifi.t. new tL,tar'Mrg ptnver- Vl the, perizil. w. rdM Darnm_, tht, pt-ri �d we also, find that 6 was -i it .otdor that those, within lulty not come ",WN-Ve have made arrantrelnents '4 v� hi� the X11wal is at I-er fnR 1>n the 1,4th, .torttiv in their steely aud inaybe irtecid ivytit t -66i. imlinvt t t(y offer the ftillowing low ;111t)�)ilng !o 'd that ur� .2, t-eing thp lowest. and on fla, eciestfial eqilat�%, on tLe .to death. in thugtouutty the helm is put to tile *,You Are probably not ftwilre. S10" ratesNvithTuP fnarni�ldn.g- .4iivk vd A. 1-f Earth wfl! have entere I far pott side of tile shily (or left hand side -said the angry 'father. *,that last year, 4 23 .1. of 4'nutilll. ha, In --en, elv-�n-_a Into tlw zaltullinal equinox ith* chhAlboikt. %, �� Daily Globe looking fbitwardy at the order, "Port 0 1. *_;a -vtTli@ o�alltaxn Was leading the hOft4F IV Mail & Ellipire 11111-chw-1-1, "lle Im ton� 41ollin. at 'M� finle. to make it possible -for your Tielinrl The loaddet, of tovrge gcos ­yt-s. I anT.", said the youn" IMM -hnd Ills lieu enant wat �at the tudderv" st,�Irl wee%- e 1.60 4)v 'T. W. _Newe� bwlie. Who. a q t ilola�­ starn%�� to upl*'ar oil tile t *,w -d# knid the 8hip's, bead movel% I 11rinly, -1 advised bef. to do it over a, ty Glob tsald st lawyer ill an rnglish couft Wo� It' hail uet�enlel a 1114-rativil J�OA- sout"I(kril soas an�"' vow"tt'. If the I L to sfttfbovrd. Thlit T.,k the rule of mt-Lst -y1mr tgo, when, %Ve -Atst became 011- Berliner Jo-arixal ((4ernMil'. 2-40 t .1 , Mars pe -1.1d hbolflil takq z,)1l it, '�Vjnit4jj t-. finil:ly prestnit devembing an Ineldent 511 0*1 nations. but In swcdon the rcvftgl� Is g.Ag,�CLII' T 'A Wr the pri-elit. the stwLrwdy sidl., of tile Aflennila. 1.1al-11itV HorLl(l Star 1.7, to romabi in Clinton I al; 1-oyzlge Of a tafialbmit, "WIlele %Vq$ the cyeW1*�I%yq'0Tt@d thd tho Ili%riods in till' last half ol� jigv* W,6*1k All 01DA& Aiu-nist will 1�rhi-: general s Judge. 1rho. t1*1 V*,616 *14 961wol- Njls�tress-ls that -selver gag I smell! Oil tho Mli. Farth pa�.st-s hetwoe" Roint, of theill fuliolv; .Out, d,1tuglA& has tit last met her Sorv.qnt (lately arrived from, 0sh- sp'hda%#,, the 14un ltl.�­J Iandfrldviveid iftomiWi6t. Oft PhO and thik great Nvorlbl Jupi- The rem-tiollary s .1li.4 o jr.ondoil is lari-blu- at the followIng IIL16�,,fiiy dear -11 maam. I've cleaned the ne Great English Rone4y. ter, near new Moon un tht, an,"I 'aboif tho -24th I'l i 'l -Ah. at die eou '"How do you know?" rooms� -made the beds and turned on A by al I vecout brilli.ant �0,.t�ordjinu an the part 0 sold and reeoiniiiebded InLearaft. 011 reh the Moon*., pa-agge ovvr flia, eelvs- ter of the Meroury Ileriod and ileal 'She received s;evefal letters frolaf The gas ready for the nlght r druggists iof an Englitli politiciulk.- "We t'11111 I L y - - a 111-airtor 7-th de,� able Inedielne discovere . OU tiaT nil tilt 6th. Tilt He Mtv, I", last Iret admireit t1ilsvilorning, but Ills 'Was pe Ito cure 911 xxvg= guatantea, iievor YcAt until wo see the Mifish lie hietS wili neee-�4-4 ,,I to excessive �dt 'I d 110 \VV6kneS$4 all effect'gorub,090 the only one she didn't fumlpfto all 'Varl)l .Jtlli�r. � walk-Itig band in hand With th of To- ill(I i r elt,f._ ang and dait, Worry,, Ekeessive ugL' bofr, rhtwitliviolelice, ralloaontece"" MAI gateit o1 demaerftey." Old are the s Teachef-t Wil surl>rfsed that 7 )yJe1t11Z*a,1jat, triettl storins dt,; 'lilt reslilt ets1niC tr. e'lVe4-ittily alolit; '16fin!1�6'onepha �41'six.45. ( wi leta 'free to ar address. in ffiL, '11vtolean patlqb&gof Ulemln.411 not futtiletadvaitcod. VLT 11 be Inost liattival 0)"St,,. We enter a regulur gtort:t and Illett'the membersof nearly every ly baek-Nvard tot your Age. w4id company, \V ildsor, Ont' Tile Vnleall --torni period ventral period as wti pas,, ont of Al1g%1;,q It irov have, diamonds, lye, thitilkful, I -ing I little Girl-"Yeif"M Manlius vantil & ill, on the Oth. coverin" the -eth to the', the eritsh, of which Nvill fall in thi but d0vt bold thein up to Vie ey�A, of' houseliold Tar# engaged in the mal I Wood', Phostihofflne, i-, 11,01d: I I I *Ofto ia'rles by stritugins beaft t0gethef. I to many agalu- 41 %latich by Dr.13ttebanala, Druggest. I 12th, will be inaelied by changes in ArAtllwee day.; of Septeiliber fpovefty In sk street ftt,, _ . _ *-. � - - , 0