The Herald, 1902-08-01, Page 2IIM11110110 FOR A S1JBSIDY. enty.two Knot Steamship Line for Canada. ONEY NOT AN OBJECT. ould Give it $1,500,000 to $2,- 000,000 a Year for Ten Years, After Which Ile elopes it ,Might Perhaps Live Unaided -The Yan- kee Bogey Worked Again. , London, July 28. -Tee Holum of mmons Committee appointed to in - Ire into the question of steam - :p subsietes was In sess on to -day d examined Seirator G. A. Drum - once of Montreal. Mr. Drummond Id tbat be bad arrived at the core usion. from rent developments of inerican shitping comb:nes that the s3d late practically controlled the tuation, end that the ocean lines ere merely adjuncts. At Ilia sight it would appear that Ie purcbase of a number of old Brit - b steamers by the American com- !nation could be remedted by build - lag new boats. But be believed that it ibis was done by a new organiza- tion it could be made unprofitable try the Amer:Jeans, wlio, by means of througb bills of lading from tbe producina centres, could control freights as well as a coUsiderable portion of the passenger traffic. He bettered that the only hope of eseape from tee control or the Am- erican sleeping canine Jay through Canada. Tieteefere he advOcateil a speedy up-to-date service of 22- keet Steamers betvreen Great tre- ater. and Hatifae, instead of New York. Sueb a. elle ought to be suing- dized to the extent or I:300.000 ($1,- 600,000) to £400,000 ($2,000,000) yearly Zr ten year% hair payalie ler Great Britain an bait by Can- ada, Tberearter, be beeeved. "if se- ditiously nerna.ged," the line wooed be eelf-Supperttnge It would be ail- Inerotagcons to both eteintriee to ctinent the tattle lietween Canada 1 *ad Great Bailee. "4 eget-% "-"teWlee 're ago Seleniat lived with his grand.. pimento on their estate, The old man was anxions that Frederice marry a, eettain very wealthy woman, to whom the young 'man bad taken a strange dislike. He WaS unreasona,ble, and, after a stormy scene, young Frecierak left foe America., , Being Ignorant of Anaerioan cue - toms and the Englisi language he found it Impossible to obtain other than unskilled enaployment. He travelled all over this country, work- ing in various places and occasion- ally, writing home. The old man at last relented and wrote for him to return and again live with them, but, knowing that the ola man would try, to force an obJecticemble connec- tion upon him, the youth stayed here. Tee old man mad 3 lee w'11,, and there- in to a clause that provides that If at his (the grandfather's) death Frederiok is not married the estate goes to the church and charitable institutions. The 'old man is now in feeble health and Frederick real- izes that unless he 'soon acquires a partner the fortune may slip through his fh3gers. He is determined, however, not to marry any woman who shall not be willing to face with him the bat- tle of life. He dramatically de- clares that If ne is not man enough Ln his overalls to marry any wo- man he does not want her. Connected with this side of the strange affair is a story concern- ing a handsome Canadian woman who came here Saturday to marry Schnaidt. They first came to know each other through a mutual friend in Cleveland, but never paw each other until Satyr -day. The young women came. here to see Schmidt. When she arrived Sehmidt was cov- ered with the grime of bis vocation. She was somewhat shocked to find a finely educated rna.n in such pleb- eian hebiamenta but remained for a, few days, getting better acquaint- ed. Schmidt would have married her, but saki that he must make his $1.a0 per day keep them. This would involve a lot of hard work, and the northern beauty did not care to try it. Her name wait Lucile Wilmeranti she was one of the most strikingly beautiful wo- men that ever visited this city. Schrnitit trays that at any time he could Quit his hard job here and go bank to Germany to live, but be dies sot chose to do it that way. How- ever, if be Is to get ble inheritance eie wants a were at ones.. ERS' G009 FEELINg. Settling Down Faster Thai Was Expected. , DISCONTENT IS SFORADIAC. Totekm. Jos pieealletitt reportai treptatieg tee &Men Men - sleet ter tee nejtrs, rine the reeentfel ttitpetnitienL tne &cantle:It-rob Wartlete boteett tete eletate Who feeget, on ihe tale are elleatest telagerated, There a;lire RAW syleptonis et ellestattelartien atter tPae SIOWiltss With teleee tee Were arel releeeed ate .preltit eel Were istonaete for imatiltg ettatt Ins lever heninete, /set tee eliseffeeteste le tot etrictie Westin taette. by - tereitatis delay and trAshes 1 red tape. Vallee tato tztir kr2oZonsiel ltrir tease ersereetened .te Aetecteloort tease.? then to tits$all and recoutv1..ed tettere. tee -y ere eattlitog &Wit Mate :r2112: than tee West eauStle latz.rist.1 D.,ave cap:ate-1 When fOnee iv:49 made. tete Iiitehmiler'S monlitietes Tin the goad faith of the toer5an4 adMitation of their fight- quolltiles are attested by the: :fizal report of thintary operationn IleWastim rend auseeof of the peace Compact. and title King'S intOrenee Was bj5n 1m. Lord 14:Rehr:net FJ tFnE3 one Word sliniie his re - tare to I:talon:1 to indleate that he ak)reheridgrentWal of the pc -- Mind! ogitatinn among the BterS against the Crown. .5:lartAsts who lay stresS upon the ra5a= instances fif .resentment aral eve passten in tine Tfairtsvaal are reneeting tee same Mee or de-4,sta- lee to tee intefeste or peace *lab eireelt Sir termed wireY has been t6- • nneted dragging berate the .1Cetranone Ser ileevette elletosTJ tees as nil act of' Inetice to the nrertenete gprieral. The !est Word as. prntiy teen Sirkers i be - nil! of larler, wa was belerientee3 te War Caine* heaeartartcls arei the toeet itself Mite lie distt!seal I disgrace evete tender- ed leevitalee by Eisoten. 'headstrong. 'Tony. , I lin WIFE SUN. than Girl Looked lli Over and Wilted. FORTUNE IN THE BALANCE. Bowling Green, O. jsey 28.e-Feecl. ick Steineeit,aday laborer who bas en employed on etreet improve- ents here for some weeks easter- received were that his grand - other, Augutta, Sohmidt, in Saxe- eimar., Gerectany, had Med. Her atIS leaves hint the heir to a vast te in Germany. Fehmidt, bow- er. is bounl by the will of hie andfatber, who eta' 1ive, te arry before fee can claim tire es- te, The history of the entire affeir in mattes and intereeting, and ette lila not dream that the dusty, need, and bard-fieted laborer the anion of one of the arieto- tie Gerame eternise. Tvirelve year's 1111GRANT IS A, •WOMAN Has Masqueraded in Men's Clothes Six Years. TALKS ON WOMAN'S RIGHT. Salt Lake Male july 28. -In a wagon -load of vagrants collected in the Short Lines by the police was found a wOinan masquersiding man's clothing, Had it not been for her voice the disguise would never have been discovered, as her fea- tures are distinctly of the masculine type. When the patrol wagon arrived at the police station, and its occapants were lined up betore the desk ser- geant, "Jim," as she calls herself, opened her mouth for the first time. She was indignant at being ar- rested for simply sleeping In a freight car. Such a thing had never be- fore happened to her in her six years' experience as a traveller. Although her face had coarse fea- tures, it did not look hardened and depraved, and in her talk she show- ed a certain amount of reserve and education. When once started "elm" talked. "I have been travelling this way for six years, ever since I left my husband," she said. "Ile drove me away from home, I wear a man's clothing because a man can get more money than a woman. Why, I could get $50 as a mait where a woman gets $15. "Besides a woman has to work lots longer. She would have to do four- teen hours' work to a inan's eight. I work as a cook or take care of horses, drive a team or anything I can get to do. I am on nate way to Nevada now, to see if I can get a job cooking In a mining camp. "For the last SIX years I have been travelling around in New Mex- ico and back east. I Mere worked in Santa Fe, Albuquerque end In eome or the mining camps. I took several trips back to 8t. Louie, where my father live. "Ile believes in women wearing metes clothes. He (amen% like to set, TIEll WITH HER STOGKINGS. Thief Binds 18 -year-old Bridc and Robs House. -GAGGED HER WITH FLOUR SACK. (11neshore, N. July L50--0ne of the. most daring outrages ever rer- rietrotel tilisuctecer counis teoli glare tins niorLing ntts when 3.1m, isluolv, of eouth tilutsborte teas Intel up in aer on tbe joint et a reteleer, steel teens] gagge4%aI thi= 110EAt leOted t anvil testeutit artieles or voice, M. ellair, ale le etie IS seers Or ere Watt, rertuteey MAmid (4toige,t4 town. Ste :vita at- tng to LiV hotesulietti oti the tirst fie r Well she tiarlied at Sair a Wall With et reVolVer. Ile teteetenal lter With death if Me IFtlktit fi_V% OWI thee ettral rAir tti eteekintee, LILA, lth &lent then), tirl her haNdIS IL.:,itgnti her beck. beetle] Ler feet with 'Le • ether Steelier:1r atel nen feline am j)btritiztir wit% attire Le rags reel !ter. Then lie. tette au Sid liar, ter target reel teatel tt over her lay4d. Whrt= !fret u sW Weti eNsnkersd._ tiro izarri • later. she in nearly sallet'ate.P... and it wios MAI ran ho nr eteere she .tiebVeny=.11 safeties:Say to tea vile hnd haippr,zikd. "shr then gave a ik=s..cruptiton ,or hrr raid sz:vtt%ull. cote:tea inatany ttatale- tee 'tee teen et dienetione. Finaely Town etesehei eine- traeseested that the West etenues & Senshore Railroad ihipat he visit- ed, thinkiat! that. the Men isigt hare gme there to matte nn •cape Ity a train... 'Martin Was het mistaken, Tot Ite trun-il two strata - ere akeet to board a freight ttain - • d stepped them. They sianwed re- tance% hut nearly a tanedred ger- ons et the stnt;km waliUng tor fr.tvks. iveht tea, his assEistane.,„ end tient tau Men were. taken into cus- toey and heriCennetl. The iierti Were marelted into the town ena orralaned hefore Police judrre ran. They gs.;:e the ciT Joseph traMer. Covingtoo. arid Frank Ilet;ityi,yfPitts- ! Mrs. 'ElntiiyiCentat.1,5 irtalter nu tee men who Lad me- ted her, and re.eee many attests by tee aintedtopulace the etfa eerie suece,teleein gt,ttiteso the ;tan to tee county lain at Woodbury. lats. sintw is in a s.ertems eenee Con trore tee friget ant tee excite. Xent to which she was eateseted. 'EXPERIMENT ON HIMSELF. 3 an 'trying to Disprove Da, Rock :Meer be Dead ta Tiro montlis. Perie. Jule- Gernatilt's itect, one operatien en liens -ear in his ex- periraer.ts to daprove Prof. Koches theory regardirg human and vine tiffieroclosis. on.tinses to ex - eta interest. 1tss toberculesis tuthors resalt.ed -frora his first op- eratlen, his setond operation is eery serious. 1e eale to a vlsiter to -day: el may be dead in seven .or eight weeks. As Sco.i at the nerve ,ISSUeS are ate' 1 seall get e eat eur,g-eon to +operate. 1may lease me aria. 1 o r et wish to tett- t suicide, but 1 VAS"), to prove that I am Mabee' Dr. Gernault 1» beginnieg to tuft Ter trona las arra, which he himself "noculated with tuberculosis inat- tsr a cow. The wound is in- flamed. He is calmly awaiting the result. He maletains his disbelief in Prof. Kocha tieory, arid regards a definite •eolution :of the queetiOn as 'being or paramour,t Inmortanoe to ma:Akita/I. Dr. Gereault took ten ,.cen.tieramtees 'of elms fromtee ear- faee Of the lever Of a cow lathering from tuberculosis, wh:eb had been seized as unfit for human feed, And injected ander- the ettlia 'of ble left eerie covered are in different sections of the city leads the officers to bp- theve that he may have opened up - an establishment on almost every etreet .They believe that be maY have shipped a large 'lumber of girls from this clty under the guise of sending them to ,Join a theatrical troupe In which he said be 1,748 sup- posed to be interested. He 'claimed to represent a com- pany that was to evert out from Boston under the name of eTbe LOSt Pearl!' Brown rented the furnished home of Millionaire Tyler, in the heart of the fashienable Matelot ef Bennie, at. Nov 027 Elnavlood avenue. He le a elenteeeele man aslight tinge Of grey lin his hair, invariably wore a long Prince Albert °oat, patent leather dimes, black tie and a silk hat. He bore every appearance of refine- ment, was well educated, an attrac- tive eonversatioualist, end, by rea- eon of his extenisive traveling and evident conduct wiltib respecta,bil- lite, he twee able to suit himself to any compesna into wallet) he might have fallen.. There may be many diamond rings or brooehies mitssimg in society that cam new be accounted for. The neweemer in the Elmwood ave- nue district was not eager to pia up asi acquaintance vette those liv- ing nearby, and the forcing of ac- quaintance was done by the neigh- bors and not by Mr. Brown. it was noticed that a large number of young womencalled at tbe house, and some made repeated calls. Browa made frequent trips to tee letter box eaoh, day, end ont these trips le - variably carried a thandfel of let- ters, as much a his confidence game Le said to itave been carried OD in teat svey. As fax as ea,n be learned, Brown's principal work was to advertise for a partner to go into the deiry or butter end egg business. An Isis ad- vertisements were very flattering and attractive, and he secured many young men with money, who were willieg to invest from $500 to $1,- 000 tit a buoiness with so wealthy and influential a citizen as Mr. Brown appeare1 to be from las sur - • , FRUIT PACKING. 1,1 hat toe ivispector Sista About Nbig- ara. Distriet. Mr. P. Z. Carey. of Toronto, In- spector of Fruit Marks, lies been visiting Grimsby, Beamsville, Nia- gara, Queenston and other fruit - • VEIN" siALIANT'. M1 xri1 IwIbe eat, 1J it the caddikb in the eye with kr Geg r,3 tiy.,g• lour pet atm; tin entrunuisr rArt-zi. coxiil1t giltigiut; rvr. got arindder e,vo left. a Wettest legged uplitux a With that SOYA:4y and ev.•-d-Aldiiig That'S the way1 'Minh I never vetted go beektu%voitsenen eletleten tesann. "1 Waist horn In IcArnturhy. there until 1 Was 'Then 1 ?trent to St. Louis arrivi stay there about littera ye:::;. 1 had a good education ha an :OVA-U.11)y near St. Louie. My folks' en W,Au4-47 1 rata gang atonal this wa;--- tat hate gene te see them an,:i they' reeogieze netat EirSt. N 4rA, vrr dem any a the leen 1 1.rati, travil rartend wain Sinew that t en a Women. n 1 tirVt,4 le-ta b2t. eee man elate lac? an image. Ibate eistia iivinghi Salt Lake, bee nee Weelnitet knew tne."' RE TEO S E Clever Swindler Made a rash in Buffalo. 1(1116S RESILIIEN. Bill of Fare Each Meal Signed by the Doctors, THE KAISER'S COMING VISIT, London, July 28. -King Edward to- day, enjoyed the improved weather at Coves, Isle bf His Majesty spent the forenoon in an lnvaUd chair on the open deck, He is still under the most strict supervision, His diet menu is signed daily by one or the other of the reya,1 physicians before it is submitted to him. He suertrits good-naturedly to the some- whart severe regime. There Is every indication of His Majesty's contin- ued progress towards complete cam- valemence. Weather permitting, the royal yacht well probably go on a short cruise to-mtoerow. Truth sa.ys that Emperor William's visit to King Edward will be brief and strictly private, the German Emperor sailing from Kiel on the Imperial yacht Hohenzollern,. Aug- ust 2nd, and rematning at Cowes through tire regatta week, when bis schooner yacht, Meteor III. will com- pete for the King's Cup. KING OF NEW ZEALAND. — Title Which Premier Seddon has Won tor 111mseif In the Aratpodes. Richard J. Seddon, the Premier �f New Zealand, now on a visit to Eng- land, is popularly, known at his borne es "King Dick Seddon." Mr. Seddon is in many 'respects a remarkable mae. Ile meat:, a bit reuently by giving, in one of les speeches in South Africa, where he stopped on his way to England, the first offi- cial hint that peace actually wasin eight, but what. has -noel° hini es- pecially popular in Great Britain Is the part he played in supporting the empire during the war. As the head of his colony's government he "caine out etrong" for the mother country's side in the controversy, and in the most bop: Les days of the cant- pragn insisted that the struggle mut he fought out to a finale He head- ed the movratent to ;send a contitigent or New Zealan 1 troopt to Soath M- elee, an I promised that men lell,Illid be supplied until there was 00 long- er aue nett014111tY for reinforce - 1 =ante. The attitule WW1 him as IU191,11 applause In New Z.:Leine ati It late done In England. Hie recant journey aleng the soutievil coact of his countr.y was ;melt it euecession •if fetas anti reeeptions that it *Tented like a royal progress. and iluhletkiree Itilloawellftt. lo)14 1'3i;epteurellei irs°f°51.t23,t)- ()C0 in gold us a national testimonial Seddon is a typs of man Unit Is mutt commoner in ranada than fn Englaude-the eort of n man that brgins life with notieng bat iliA leiro imlids anti conics out on top by , Omer form of bigness of enrry ami 1 purpose. A. hslv of 18. he went out 1 tO Slew 7:rail:nil it 1807, when tit! geld frier was on, and during bin firA tin;‘a th .re got his bread and I euiter by wattling bottles fit aelteap intern. Ile liwi the hard life sit . this in Wig 4'1111911,4 Vint then hie rim began, .At ni In* went to the New geal!Alal ntriWItttlit. anti after that kept en up the heel: r %anal' be IZet 1 t ilr1 Pr; hoer r1.141). wit h a hith he Met' , dovetails iii a feteotiKr tattle riaidg. Mr it non CeolvT elal aas neer. Ilea -lister if Labile, Seeitter of Detente% nue tosamee 1 ear of Tattles ant Cat tome, i Late 14P 111t°11 who i,,ne4tel their lista in pealing tat Itle thonne village; he Vele' have ease 5 etnee tia the qualities ef the Jung -I -atilt to if mune of tlieuL Its Nal -`1',P4 has mete Sem enemies. At any rate. Mere le a eveeret te Nirter Z.aitint.0 people to weeen Mr. erdeein is *Meat Mere ettelvely, anti he hzis hal to fig,it tl...ough nanny ui lilt' r p vii,leul ctura- palm Titur, bat moat of eie pope. la-ity with ttr- ruuripitity. however. It 111 iit ha tub h ii the pr.,mlersbip for twelve years. points In tit*, renlinkria, 10 e=enstillt with shippers regarding: the raw vegetations. Ile lock copies of ter ttet for desteniatione atal en- deavored to impress 015 protegee@ upon nose Abe. wete tot areenalened %eel) tine tete state of affaire. Mr. 'Carey says That he found upon the whole, a desire afinaing the stepper -a, pareentlarly the more exteneise deal- ers, to sthele by the letter ,r the haw with regafd 10 the eking of frait, and he tide§ Sot anticipate any treuble. Among the timelier sinippere, however, be re- tratirked teetlehey eta* 10 tine eel Weer ,inf thitetes and he heard meter aeginaente re.VG7 of the old seheme of erating one !meat. of eholo eest fruit on the top of the Casket or terra lifts Catetes fecent visit witty in connection with eine reeking rI peaches. plume. tonsateee. and otear leasket goods, the season for width begibr in a. fete dates/. ABOLISH BEAT!' PENALTY. ebeh Setiate Threatens to troesake Capital Portareitent. Perist July See.. -The gnieteiner e eeeets to be doortee. A. war of words erev- woging in the Senate threat - WANTED PARTNERS WITH V,000 eras to eXtitpate capital punishment, and with it Frante's grim and lifted rafalo: Jet:sr :=1.8.-Clialtles Ettl..- staleed instalment of public veng- cat BtOWTi, peacerS the cleverest I eance, Preece _eltert-coet-at et:silk-tat con- i The etleis was bareglit ma by the tece roan that ever v,sitect Buf-1 ease of a marl named Milan:v. con- faio, came here on Nia.ir 1, spent 101 derailed by the Courts of death. For - weeks and departed a few days ago ' merly the place of execution was i with more than $10;000. Uoited States Goieillment efficlais bitt ittruat ettiaes, bneeeartr vPotee7 too chaise, and ece.ret eervete men -are eow fur te le conceded that each eXhibi- secatering the country for bum, but same have no salutaty effect upon with little chance of seeeeste, ere fax I the motels of the people. The Prima -- they lave sracceeded le locaterg his I e in confirged in La Pante, and it servat girl, whom they traced from: was suggested that the execution Vaal isticeltiyo toobtear agony, titstu4trroymsviefeet. i etaukteLtla..sacell Litilseirtb:ythoe Joyorisoeatios wa:Ixtel_, teat would aatist them in !matinee, cies foe tire dittinetiort. Ilerree the the mysterious silkehat men teem the i matter= =wits rereneed to the Senette Iciearehi.ed 'Ger' feirvnemeteaores fhb ricinbise rent- i tel.ntlw etsrhill;toteritgetellasivereultrraerpittaol Ii, eta the ObaMber or Deputies. Sev- ed in tbiS dtit end In eaelt he is, iss.... posed to hattl -aakede----a-partner. I punishroent at all, if it ututa be so For web of tbest Eferres Brown Ls _ earfilli3' cebeeated. The argnment said to have obtaireee, a partner t for and against has grown so strong with leontle. In the elatectod. avetne I that the decapitation of 'Admix pro- , raises, to be itulefititely sr/mirror/ed. Afore his partner gate hire sue 1 .forr an intereet in ite establish- , meat. I Germany now surpasees France in r From the greet &versify of • the export of kid gloves. seliernes in which Brotvik was inter- 1 'The long Overlie French berkne ested the ofticials believe that his Brent, itfiat 'which there bat bee ,operationo have extended over the i :acme et:moult/time the rate ot itt- credit* city and that he hag cleated : isuratee retwhing g,5 per neat, la lib a remarkably larg.e gem. The `feet 'et San Frantisee, Ito* 1;terw- fact that the stores they ha*e die* eastle,1-ftettnict ......, . . i Cholera continues to decreane in Manila, and provinces. The IL S. may establish a wire- less service on the Alaskan Coast, A large .portion of the wheat le headed oat in the Qu'Appelle district, Lord Roberts has eeinstated alt but 'two ef the rusticated cadets. The Governor-General and Lady, Miato have sailed from Liverpool for Canada. The Winnipeg hotels are una,ble to accommodate the throng of visitors to the exhibition. The Illinois River at Beardstown is 17 feet abate low, water mark, and is still rising. Rev. Dr. Warden laid the corner stone of ,the new Presbyteriau Church at Shelburne, The Mohawk River, at Scbenec- tady, N. Y., is newt 8 feet abieve the normal, and is stile rising. Hon,. Clifford Salton has made up his mind to start for the Yakon towards the end of August. The case of J. Aspirwal Hodge and others a,gain,st the U, S. steel corpor- ation goes over until Sept. 5t1a. The court-martial of Lieut. Hick- man for cruelty is over at Manila. It is tholught he has been acquitted. The steamer Mariposa, which has sailed from San Francisco for Ta- hiti, will use oil for fuel instea.d e°aTih'e congregation of St. Andrew's Church; Winnipeg, einenday night gterve( Rev, J'os. Hogg $8,000 as a retiring gift. Latuarrea sash factory, lumbar yard and other property at St. Remi, Quebec, were burned. The lose 10 $100,000. Goronimo, the Apache Chief, wants to be allowed to hunt the outlaw, Tracy. It is not likely he will be given a chance. W. Ir. Welsh, of Pincher Creek, bet- ter known as 4'13111y the Kid," was drowned laet week in Pineher Creek, which is in flied. Kingston sent more soldiers to South Africa, than any Other place In Canada. Not one of them was killed or died of dieease. MeLeares hardware store, London, damaged $Iti,000 by fire, caused by a clerk strikbig a neateli near a barrel al gasellee. A great llood in Iowa, and Illinois/ along the Mleasnippi has done ine- mouse damage to crops. Some figure the loss at 1;6,00(1,000. • An enteriran officer was fined Sett and euspended for one month fOr al- lowing the "water cure' to be use. miniettbred to Filipino& Several prominent Parisi:tali ties - pounced the tlovernment for enforc- ing the law of asstwilitions, and riotouo velure, meurred. Iterate, Man the NOrtittvest. Tre- aters,' inilleate a more favorable out- look for en abutelaut karma than appearea a few 'maks ago, Tine British (*female Japaneee Leh- ermen are kr.thi to be on strike, and ming forte to ciarmil the wititee en- rage 41 in ti,e rehire° Industry to acin with tlit el. A great lire Is tagleg In Mee. Les Omuta hingaeleis are burning. The tete; tine been peril,' die- troetsl, tee 'Cruilit Lyonnais ham caught fere. Ineperies at Vete Town into tee t rade eaten t In Smitit A fri ,tv that the i:herto:JiN,, of American tialle ‘11 due sob-ly to the war in freight rates fame New York to tenth Ate 114M. 1.4,14.:APP gth npatolie delegate ler tllte Isintais the Vatican L.; prupar.ng to appeitt Arce- biestep of Annette, wee will prebaely br lientep eutastean Gebeatie Mesettier. U. in. renatfiers are teaming on iii;ternationau r=Tank. with hew:Ito-at- tete in New Vera. torgineices 81 t leranebseit, City et elevate lt44vana, litto JorilehrO Atti 11919°591,Pt A TRIBUTE TO LAURIER. the i'511111111 zntRon Company of Can - eine re stride a, raid en nen. Mentrial. 1vii;e11 recently geta eherter frown the le nen-en eleven h. New Vorkeet Asked Who the Distill neut. and wive h is euspeeted 01bes geisha& hooka:sr elon Wan. Ing tt gatabling f.onnvern. Mr. it. E. (2:lettere. formerly editor Archibald Widtaber4 for a letg of this Chatham l'itatrt, volteN to lune master nachanic of the Victoria it. tee Cbloneist rutin New “taed wreee.k Ita3leaY iliWladeerS Yotk as reeletvea line been placed on this list of surer- cLf 101:12eal pied:1 11141:.47-t,11,1..gyratei feefeetees at aPension e 1105, 0%01' -:0ene. Mt. ritetage Eoce€ti 01r;e;:tap,rsonaitr11tfY of the man who l)Ci to Loneon to The entry of Newtown:Band hitt) eepresent tine eounitay or bee lirtie eonfeierationt was braes:lied at the I'wbo ly atire of the inipertance Canada Club diener in London. the tot that country and tine sent! distin- Preneer of the colony stating that gnielred perscnaLty 7,1:1 take pail.. if adven:eons terms were offers, celeriac emone, tht preeeers Or tine e:1 18 vieuiti exert himself to briu,g it about, leseire, teeing only tee Pluee Mira- ister of Engine; 1. it le in thee whin UV CA 0 ;new oat PZP5 eees deo p down out of satiot ant theta for tee name thatt states tor rt‘.. it ts not with , fnq- ttn,,rs or a Tory oil Liberal age (ii v1,1/ IT; :gut yr:hsa° gs, b. oe/tgleagotft3 that we reply tes orei..,Sit(111 U19 Areetiran in New York, or ori beard e"" ctr bY the PrevierAal the steamer: Who is that distils -I 6overnmet" guished icelang ra•ria?/' -That is ;zit. Tim erection of a new distillery Witt/ 1 t.I1LI v. the Premier of C an. itr Taranto is cottemplated for the mine' it Le with the pride or a Can- purresse ,(31 converting the resitiae deem, germ:ere eeliglat to claim as (arm beet root eager aril other tae :compatriot a man who ranks like fineries Into oliohol for use in the Sant among: the prophets wherever arts, and generally tor rion-pota he goes."' ble purposes. Within two months, Chieago meet BULLER BOBS UP AUAIN, Mr. toireli Rar, Tor many year the raitheal nightwatelninan or the ttee forrnatory XIV Boys at Penetant Asks to be Allowea to State Views itegardine Ladysmith. Loreton, July e.S.-Gen, Buller has written another lettet to Weliata Brodrick, the Saretater of State for War, le wider he complains that Mr. trottricit accentuated charges In the }forme or Commons width were never officially brought ngainst hind, and to which he was ordered not to teply. In his communication to the Wet Stetetary Gen. Dieter dee-kande that he be Allowed to state his views re- garding leadyenaltles tapabitity to bold out against the Boers. The °roves Nest Company has agents in the Pennsylvania region obtaining men for Ferule. Bev. Father Ger:dieter, 0. et. L, who has just returned (rota Dawson, bedes strong tettimony as to tee ,e0od 'iro•reer,ment enjoyed by tap peo- ple 01 the north. Father Gentiteau goet three years in Dawson in chaege of the Rrinal Catholic hole pad, and left there in June. be in (Bract communication with she cast of NOVA Scotia by a systetts or wirelese telegrpahy. Options ant two sites for the *proposed station of the new System lave been secur- ed near Evanston. The trouble with the Fraser Rivet minion Sishermen was settled moat night, When itie Jepaueee consul rot. - seeded Lis fellow c:nattymen to ac- cept the price offered by the camera and to go reeking. The Zaps were the last to hold out. Tha per diem system for the use of freight eats on foreign roads has beela in operation Only fifteen days, bat the Canadian Patine ,eay that elect dy they have obeerved a quicker movement of their cars on foreign Towle than prevailed over the old mileage eystern. There is dinsatisfactioo among the Otta.wet. Post -office employees over ant order cancelling the summer bell - daps. The staff le apparerttly ot large enough to eope with the work If the eireiday nibowan e ie made'ad the Mee have been anketi to take tkir itaeation in the athlete, w •