The Herald, 1902-07-11, Page 8pro— . . I � I I I I . .1 I , . .
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The thiso
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to fight consumption, with Scott,�
* THE, HABIT. .+
'i 1.
. I I
. .1
I . And'Common Farm Pe I
. . I ,sts alld
I : �
I�Iuulsiouof cod-liver oil, L� long
. I I. .
I , I *
. : .
t , . . �,
* . I . I iii
I . . .
I I I Thar Romody. I I
iji,advance. IfitthreatQns,youcail
. ,++++
i i 11,
I . � I I I .. I
I .
I .
0 A"4
, . Forg�o:, t cistorsi,
I ,
�14-_1131?RR2WVIRR;�a;�� R I I
_SR�,Z-�, aj
resist; and you inay Overc . *, .
I Qme it
It bad
� , raillad nearly overy day for
, L
. ,� Dol,xirtment of Agrivulture.
i I � � I
For potfato-rot use six instead of
. I , 1
I .1 .
Donwt be afraid; be br �
ave. But
a, montu, r , A 1, ;
- ,
Ur, George Fergason's cellar was
V:, .
-t of more
Ther,o Is, no �ifflajeL im-
bqr pounds of copper sulildlite. i
I I . I �
flooded, .tile roof o�f lite liousr,- lmd
'i " .
- ,�
portance t,u the farmer ,it the pres.
, In 0,
en.t Went tIlILlu to be inrormed how
� � .
. Hessi'An Iff,ly, , , I
, � I 11 I
tackle it; don't waste ti
I pne.
sprung a leak, and, ever.ything In thi�
famlb'gantry was in a chronic, Bta,to
" � �
,�, �
to deal *ith Ilia . natural enemies,
and tG grapple with his annual and
Tile remedies t6r Hessian 171 y are
late Sowing, the burning of 411 refuse
StNO .WOR PXf:P SAMM.0 Ar"; 700Y 4T,
900TT & a0W.NFj _ . .Hm�jjo�
_ ". . 'T.!. . ,fonaNTO.
of dampness. I . I
At last Va r. PcTgUSQ,ll hired someo
other foes la the most effective and
either during winter or beforil spri
,-. - . I I
I .
mon to dlg a cistern, I
I ".
. I
economical manner. I
The, clover -root bover Lis best treat.
ploughing down t.he stubbles deeply
a,9 So= as possible after the crop is
� I -
True to Ills Wor.d. .
. ".)LRtke, It a large olleo" he gaiaL, "a
hundred barrels, at least. It is apity
ed by a, short rotation and the
so as to, place the insects so deep
L (M Y. Sun.)
to Jet all 1his rain water go to
ploughing down of infested fields as
baneateh the eiaxth�that the delicate
, WjfL,_U I had that .
wasteo." , �
own ,as t1jere Is a pretty good
growth, after the bay has been cut.-
flies, when thev emerge, ctranot
-reach the surface' I or to runi a. bar-
would refuse to let malullia com
The clist
-ern was completed In due
tir accordln.g to order.
The bast remedy for the green clo,
, ,
r�O* over the fields as soon as the
and Visit as, I should never have
marrIed you. , .
..48, .
tilt It kept Oil raining. 'I .
ver evil is early cutting.
I . I
Amouir roots and vegetables, cab.
0�rOA is out, so as to start th.6 Vol-
ulateer from
Z .
Flvs!banld�-Well, didn't I tell YOU
L -"- 4" : '
' '
bage worms, are a common enemy
crop grain which hap
dropped in harvesting a-nd induce a
th,at I loved You for yourself alone 2
I —_
The Stern Parent.
o'olohnny," said Ills . Xatiler., "You
of the market gardener, but they
can be exterminated by dusting with
Krov0bil of wheat on tile field sooner
than otherwise would be the case;
Don't, irrin and bear Lit. When your old
toe, rheumatlarn, gets into your
have disobeyed your mother' &.gain.
Come, out with me; to the barn."
pyrethrum (wlilich is iusect powder)
and lime or eome other dry diluting
but, WJIenl It Is found that a young
muscles put
the warming, patn-con. uering 11 The D & L.11
M athol Plaster 6 1, Ue
Sohnny compiled.
Ili turnip fields dust with one
cXo.P or fall wh eat, Is only ligiltlY
infested, it is Possible to stimulate
sore Pot, and
bleessed relief comels at once- 31
stlustitutes. I . aware of
There was a 4roodshe a on the
premises, but tile stern parent pre -
Pound of Parls green mixed with 50
pounds of Hour. !an'"' plaster, staked
tbo sToWth of the pla,nts by a, light
applicut4on or nitrate or soda, ,
ferred the harn. .
ffe, bent ills disobedient boy across
lime, or any other equally dry
wheat -stem maggat may, be remedied
The Microbe Question.
his knee and proceeded -to punish him
lul the same way.
(Montreal Star.) L
in the ordinary method. .
For root maggots of cabbages,
The best remedies for checking the
A microbe lingers" -in a. kiss, you
"Olt, that unrLs: !" screamed Johnny.
eaullflGivers, n0ishvs, and onions,
increase of the wbeat-stem saw -fly
say 7
know It, my Son, replied his fa-
manY.eXPerImv,nts have been tried
are the burning or ploughing deeply
Yes, but lie nibbles in a pleasant
ther "it hurts you (whack!) a great
with more or I -as success. On, cauli-
of all stubbles; also burning suall,
deial'worse (whack!) than it hurts me
flowers ant] cabbages Dr. James
Straw as is not need by the following
Rather than W the pipe and tete-
(whack! Nvha(�k% and I'm glad it
Fletcher. tlic Dominion Entomologist,
spring. and summer -fallowing In June
does." (wback ! whack! whack 1)
has secured the bist results by using
the Gong -It tar -paper discs. For the
I ,
every other year.
If the seeds'llare not been treated
BeUer to catch him kissing and be
- - - r ,
The Poor Young., Man and the Banker
other croop�; carbol!zPd mIxtur"
for Pca-wcevI1 fumigate with. carbon
1 1 1 1
"Xr. Awlkish," said the trembling
have proved of greateat promise-
Tbe best remedies for turnipaphis
bisulplilde as soon as possible after
the,peast are ripe.
Minard's LInImeut for Itheunia-
young mail in thet threadbare suit of
lt,ro spraying with kerosene emul-
For tile pea -moth add one pound of
clothee, have qomet to ask you for
t' ,�hand o" your augh er' ,
sion or w-liale-oll soap soluti-on one
pound in Fit%, ,r
- gallom-s of wate , at
Parls green to one hundred gallons
of ivater and add one pound of whale -
Must Cultivate Patience.
a rich anherd beetled, around in
bat, t
hi ': L I%kj at tile presump.-
the tione colonies first appear Ili
Gil M'AP to Pvex.v- twelityfive gal-
(Grimsby IndepeildenLi
tuoule youth.
August; a6o plougl-Ang down de --p-
ly tater tops as soon as -out froml tho
IOIlS of the mixture, and spray.
Mr. Deacon, pastor for two years
"Henry," lie eald, kindly, "you can
roott; as egges; are found to be,
Fj_htIllg the Cut-Worat.
of the Alethodiet Churc.h. at Stoney
Creel-, it;
have hli�, and I will see that she sup-
ports you In better style than you
laid upon tll,ese in large quantlti"�
The litaf blister I
For the variegated cat -worm, the
Good -by, Mr. Deacon -, you, were a
have been accustomed to." --Chicago
p,ar mite can eas-
11v be. lwpt down by the use of the.!,
pare' Pt MOth. OT Which in England is
knowaas t,lw "pearly underiving," Dr.
good mail, but not a wise one. ,
Tribune. �,
lime. salt. and salphur spray Used I
In winter. btiqt it Is diffletilt to ex-
Vle'wher bas: found either of these
rt,medles: Successful: Tilt- banding of
Ili theory ,you were right. In prac- I
Itlea you were wrong.
A 130ON WO HOUSE'ITEW-One bottle of
Torrainale. and will reappear It 4 freshl.r set Gilt annual ,plants with
lit- '
Your best efforts were laughed at, !
, '
,what, IV-1,ot a Mighty serious 11
completely removed
tL curb from my horse. I take pleasure in
spraving neglected., F ringst of papor or. tilt ; or the poison-
For the mealy plant apNIR spray Ing of the caterpillars either witit
affair to you was Only sport for .
the remedy as it aets with
in promptness In iNe removal from
wIVI whalf�-4ifl suap ana quassia -
traps of fri,sh vpgge�tatjokn tied in
baroll. suit or calloused jump,". blood
spavla. splints, curbs. Sweeny, fatitles and
one pounq of Soap elx'at #M,Uouls
of water, �
bundites and, -after belaX tlippe4l to u,
rul%turk, pT Paris green an I water, or
Air, Deacon, and do It julckly. but
GEORGE BOB% Fariner,
The rfd turn1p, bri%etle attaeks tur- ; oUter plaison, dIstri4ated at sliort In-
n ou. forIgot tlutt m,wal c 1."ges are �.
, �
Ujude ea,)wly. ,I, thl'i world,
lklarkham, Ont,
Sold bj, all druggistq.
nip%,. ruffiShfk"'. a:'L4,1 tile like. '%Ild ti'le
bi-smz, remedy ts to spray or flf;F;t t'jl�j �j
ter�als orer inrested land,,wilen tile
Cjlt_wormS a a.
upp;,. r. A ul"fle, tion of
g �
plara's attw1k#-FI w-40 arsonteal pal- 1i
tblls r(;ie-jX Illch nas giron take
Willarkral Lialinent. the beat
" Efair l
The Thougutrut GIrl.
1K ms Ill V,c� Sam, way as for the 1
grvatest satibruetion In British Vo -1,
V N. Y. Still.)
Colorado 11PPUR. �
lumbla, durliox ths- past Se.1.8011 le
31ailgo-Dolly Is going solutwhere
For tilt-, ai;Parw.rim N-Ptlp spr%v A
Unown as thf, pol-owN.I. bram remedy.
40'reors, Idle Tears.1,
with that young man this meal
� "I
wt�'�t ehhvr k,,ortwspae em,tIij,*jj or �
Thisr was first us,,111. sueevesfidly I>:: a
Ilk �
A, mail dops not 0 to be lovel.
Marjo, ne-re% kolux to Bit With h1ni
W4 alp -(41 soap.
Iar�;- w-,li, some ,y.�4r4, ago Ill Vail-
t0t) 541111MnI.T. ,whereas, I think tl,
ill lit" 111101110PIL Right Whir dinner
Pouliot K.nvllltes�
fortola as a, r, mll4v agloinst. gra,Nkj.
w`03111111 b1tiltiff withill, tier bea.rt an �.
libi't w0tt, III) Stairs anki put On a
* tTL%b.
. ror senh In Iloitatoms sa-il, thC
Li 'CoLolop,ve. la vin4o.-arsli. sinta whiell
�! Xitffl- It 1148 ewnk,� atoro twd inotk� Into
altar to all unknoirn 901 and leaves.
i hen- hajop:�Pst hour to steml aWay and P
dark ,qXrt walat.
— %_
ors eftwr for twa hoar,i in a sql,t-
tZon of pivc,tt nnvtpes of otuomh�'CI-11 It
us4, 0%vWX W AS VINNAO.v and VIP
easiv WILIk wllEeh it call b,,* Torepar"ll
I woraldil, * * 4 ,Njal;,L�ulluo tp .411.1 I
'aderni L
Mops the Cough
lAirniafin 4*q)rnu0do`.t.%,oI0. sit fltt(�Ps t atill appbvl. lr'��"s nlio�turv� et)n�'i&�E"
gallons q1 %vator. or for an "�.mtr aml uiork,Oy o� br.ano'
84114 t4 r1*18I)WO to tcare. I do
� rot 1711111 It 190, Itt-ttlitV. I should say I
and Oil. tile co
14xati.vt-Bra)bttotlulnlceTablets Id.
S c,jjr,,�&e0jd
1. r1wedoup-1 With tlult a funno wotlon tadev under'bactleday.
41.4�alr III a solathill or two OU11414's Kvvt�etotlfd lrstilr, awl Paris grit i 8 dc
I elL milt wator. thko a batItillic fralt, 1�
�Noeum..N;ulnk.j. jorit,eg5co 2
.at .
- .
of curresho siallInIoLtc. III si% ti;wn na I - ilallo D In thf.% pr.l1l, #rthon lIf oplo "Itwull'i 11 MwINX uUsq1rvI4`0,aIIIrb In thO vpry,�
boas 1%N -n dry I �
The Need or the Itour.
4�4 trate,r eptt Alp for ton'll ,m)nn't-1 oll V,rau, III no-Rhung, �(.9 '�'
j),ajjtt,jBg: ro)rMI%lin t�� 'to - - 44 �i Ph'11101lt f4r Whlth It IR WIPPOS141 'to I
,IS �to lot"IV,
, ant_ i� jUI%tt,%rfb illp in.*St Convo-niont InoLlIgIC: too 11dajotN1.o1Z"qUteXN,;on of lit wife"*
I.N. Y. suml
I -
614flk of bvmg; nkbbt ,�,tbLr It'voolulms nor I IR 14* 0anin''hu -b smaV splantiV6 with , june Centur.r.
Mrs. crawrord-1 al:P11986 you find
j*".',rr-. ', 4�_- � .t"'L�t�21,
� J'L!l#� " � ,��,t!� bz- ;I Ifti, pe.n,v�jot�",t,tv Vi,�?. f r'.�a ,;��ILOqw, "r
a flat rativ*r 411oo4o quartoi.� ,iftotp
. ., .,
4 ,,, 4 ?,4. , , i, __'� ,. 4�j` .,.�Q 4,� .A.". !- 14 � a P %* 4 c;,� � V� ,6t, 1 t : It " ,%I, 2
a`�p III. _"; +!.�`t r�J'JL -A .0 'J-.jj,� T.(", woll, t� a.vj u,y1q urpro Ir" 4ra � twul tow ulu ob� N ; V P U,t,d�z; 1,114.02w,�t v- ttw sr,04
lla"",, , *
,.hV,%4,i li�vl III �,% Ito us�� "
.� r .1.4 C1r4bNh.1W�YQ,14, doole,tit I
1 .. I
s"Itould. V.i-vo�ure. N_& mhRlflo tia %%�40 alsil *A ,lg,�-,�� ,.=-.1peo I 1'� i"10 IkItLI .. $4rlk.�jj It
4(met know UlIaL ive bliall fjo uuivi;s
WD p.
, or glwn�l wK,toDq, M: trotatel, SeC3 � 1.0 nol4tv! to ti.o. To,pat, v alilwat ftim
! Where 000,1 a 1811000'e (Vto ?,
1*hl &ANIV* to 1110 a Combillattin plug -
-'L Wid aulli, 101!11.1,04 el.4in'-, It, at
atenad 11* plaollt � 1 40
i r,�A'Lll r#umTk,:1Z
1 lXaInM,.%, wlepa 6"clegg sropt-1 ,,
as table ttwi folding biod.
101t ov� ur�,! tt 47,411
,Lr g,.'.t)jDjLj t�jj jolJ.") 11 - L 11-- I
. I . whoro 4.0;,08 it g", tv-011
Lfilo aim ttf�N grwtnd� 4 __ NU �vm into up.5 W, r. I 8-no,mN !-
r L 4 . 111lo a 2 aft d
. Ili..
,.§ �a�..'�#JtJO lit 114141,*04 fullit to ir 'I I L OR- A, 'v CHASEI " ** III IV I
Vins".4ttoine. Von-.
A datigOMM drank bot Intaluto w.jtpj.� It,
urnig.4 Olt d1tin'bera. 4raffI844 On -1 a4erdntr
Vajuallpta. tuto. 50,vt
po,ahas of Itto,211.14 01, I ,
.TI!001 ot'llao,thlIng
Ram Dun ZVOM --.,.I% I � ScAff"14 It
".3talo. twir otiagt&4 lla-�4,�" QTA -E am# �
V11,1141"Ilickb3oweK tot
, ,
Mot Wdalffir WoVe I* ilAkIII10�
UnLaldkookl of �
grk%M.df4,ia_,4 ti!,),At)r.LtitoliF,t,)r%v,alq��;,.�j Is vm tNttg 13 es 'd-wmd Awa.v. 440,11 jVqfj don't SIZILI, 11!1 Ito ;
I AL wl",
-eftEllay'rol,46110, Ph L
& ?,S52��nt IE,�Oz.vm Ll,�*,Wr. Wh#'rC* 41WN It 403,`)" �.
j-+.,":jjVo` 'tj)"� t!'od*j'Lj'-'_r #4001�"Dlj,1'-' �Ibte <�Z Z L, I �1 �
, . . . V� ,P,t;,-
�11 �
1. !I I I - t. "t r " --:�3 �, ,4,�Z=5, E:�e a -Z 41 V�bft'lt &40,.�%V, kafttjjl j)f)et t4ther
1SIM Hope for Him .
tw1tvang it hl a w"Nooh'a �,�,r v'�'%Nhoq 7,d-al,�I'ei ;1�!fd.!1I!nE%* � Mo..- '.
11� , L E -P:!- IFF -----Fl -
L� !19 &.� 1��1�11 kc -M -1 -ft ,
vps,4,1 limiltaoulum rv-Ir nr lit -t-, -4v . I llf.j! ,� 416�,- It *1 utek to wtia, in" I
# ,��ra at CA
0% y.salm
�� - 1
#,_",FA, &",��jr��.l - � - - We _t j
,l!'j__�'j'0Q0f?e.t�e'fj L�,W, , fraji. fimnicut'j"
3mille gaRt-,!,314 Cr lil.r.i3to ry, S"al"? ilb��, �11 I _i� "T f ±.,k
I , . &O i
llmo W atbutht-Ir vv_!�,4A. V tho 1wr-� . lk-L'-2:9 Cl� T&'*Md ."d 3k&" " IM 1 vl�qovjo;q. ls.!jk, Ran AIIA
ste-eit, t;r,3ro. t -�rrr a v ve
PrIc. ,&
dremitin pT a b,omflot to�,djy.
wh,m slatol" Is autap'!�� or '4'.Irao;,�lvak-llr, it, �-- - - . -- - - __ I lllqvi.. ont �
no-Tbra plellem* dull't Ival-P, at up,
MY3111 bo stratnt.4 01roul;*4 t@h yon!wk q
'Va coarlg4? r�.IP:Illt-�, 4) tola� 4�'?;)W1',1ftI, ;�VkA'u 613 029C . "A to 6no-ex-t I" RatIll
. ,
RadUrg Or tt V10 gatr,vc, V�4,lar thp I drl�'iil 010"'IltIl'o, ,Mvtaon m 1�% !§wr#",.ff, 1� I
tarde- kavon't S,63 V,
cv!�*_'t &404000, solatt-In tinto a lvlr� � Is d.",4foll t4� t4;7 t's, W,1�1.j wi a tt*i
"it @1APV&9P *,V,
ON"m 0, 0, TheFtard@ & (b.
vt;. "t It, llifte b# �,Pa§�tjlvel In 1Mq!:aj#:41*.('3t&vL Mm ItTatVr tin to-
4r.powwag ti,l Igne-.0.4f, &at 11M eteftb_#
Dftr SifV,-1VbI16 in the Country
te th#_% firat v1dep; �qatr ra"a ftrw- I1,"a,&,4 �'-Idl ,kod untA Ilt Es "I ft_',�nu!t Itto igatno_
Zldtt t&t fil!141� Ot ,V,,v,':. %V63fill -YMIS
liftitt stultiffibr t *&V txtdlY bAtell W
c --W.., �
It,& ,
*fth watet, Awtl the% lslW64 Dufflo. In N '11,v a_,�qwft,Attgio. ly:l% it &O fig
, ,
11to barrel W11tr1a ImAtc-91 'cur v4cr�, vg�-eoj d "Irt. htuvj juqst be 000,ler':_,�l
- - - _ fficto"', 411, watlil trier" ,bit
gftmti W,
I 'hew mt tb __
=,5&"jt0"_@a bddly. ow I thought
- ,
"Un'l " � L
outo� ty. It ts. tt'nen rr""Z, r02, m_zlg,� .*,] I'll tlttbftva,l� L11%tw"e -.-Aug Ifun ttif".5g,-2
� "IN46% T�wfs%a �Vau tvddtd Ill" qc&t.*
� 11VII.10t
I w6wid tw� Qi@r1gaim rar a cau ids
,ot W&*41 t Iftogfivi-4m " try
&1M`lk L�011�tjj��j OT q�n,P'Zotr t'n!3�ohallo�� an,� t 'IlIll" SD64GM V l11' -M-,'- OME9 P�4!92n fatily,
.. I Met h,�; "'IDATrA to Ms,�? aatqd�
Iklaizp-44 *0 8r1o,'tt" rlmtl tdw-
I tim-t ont wtitl at
Mlujeht -to Allay I.%, IrrilEdtion. Arl(i
.. - .. 4FjtL,jt_r
112AL, wastv wn't N? pto-t�*rt,,l a et'a kpy?.,
to lg;�,P,Italtp V )�,W�r-t(�-,l bmtrrnls thrmtIgzl- 44-11eW,'d at bl�.A�-Vq�an Nant4 tobe. ilor,�P.
4,180W 411 I &n,"�, .11
did om T_5# diedt ww# mot@ uml,a t
tyub the sjoav,ang yseas�1,14. Tiue qgman- tic-��'vel- or a r,!Ytv' 07 It Ma5l tye rui..
to Vne &Vus OT �,t,qL*v 14.1,21te*31
V 14 It. 111tam . tW t a"
"'WN MIL It @bm '-s.
010 W %��hily whod tbjb,v 8tt6ft%
*jtpfttod-& applofttlowi cam -
OtIdItAy eatific tho Irriftflo'n* pre-
Utic-E0 0"T C�V,w�� 1S-;,VU0V;Ia't-._�'. 1:1 -no dt,,&�ql,wo
Wat(�r sfi,�,,.41 Z -K- yeatc,tuT.I,v t,;,j1TC1.j. "
ant Foute s1l3t, 1LS1te-.tS-! -
V&AIng tae b1tol 06te,
=NAAWS TA-SiNIENT Ciq alimi a gooA j
Pop tf�W,AtvV+,,1A Welot. A9 4,�dn 401
lowiffilf., It yda vt,oa"t�-,,
I � $
Alatible, t* kloep "It Cut mos-nmitioes.
I"" 111JI'l 1",I'J"IlIL'I'li"Wii".I.ii'l,,I ... I', ......... . . ......... �".. 1, Vie dIs'I'ase isr VV,!S.,0voA-:-0L Use got -4
. I - � .. ... L.
1050filly Nekw***1 Say@ it t & W_41-1
Y&J r'l t rul r�
, "geaux ta�LXtUJV. t�jj� fotmuta tot, whidia
A pemw 11WIl tftee2e thbDuth hw
� : it
D 1� 11% 0"e -u 9EN tho tEm"Ay rot 91�,a4weti;
n potat,aei
I wr-� cah 110 vid, it, tuat"full"
"No. dr ocour.-* not, de&r.
Harbor draeo, Ntpj., Jail. a 10-9.
i , I 1 I , , I Atse"ll-al svtdt�o.
I When I he bet-fle bngv ,aLt_
I :-*no* odd Sron 'k -ho L*h6 ftu,t Vo
i TWAXI.�Ile-. 1wilile ar 'Yon vifto i
_1 . .
.tune or
A H,61P-Idgs OtIPP10 1-4 Peslored to Vuek ft -alt Ittc-t--sr 1groray lt!De focUage
#j6p bckq
,hefing nic. , �J�jg ,Cott
. ..... . �� Allftly
N111116on of flifiettoples.
Health and Stratigtho vt-Atil ZIr,S,:mL21 tX,)l!.,;5nSW. Take. f6r,
' anstanz,e, tolve pounil, of wofte ar--volvic
I -tf2ramq. what 1-4 a sffcetell�,"
� WhArx--!
blftl6rd d6 ftot eny ,Iphgeapplea, ,
b" 110 . d
.ibft�', Titto It or abbrevfat�on
.__ -1
afid ,*§"i�6 It ttl about , fonur qnart5;
fd P&j?W_tCm 16 _VtMct1&,#, atid oul, 16offl-
tjkmo� ;gaek 12ad this Mao a Ptisleaep
trf watei-, %P1 use tjjisat6.,jeffl(: S4)1,1-
� _- �
rdtittal Abftv;&tIcoi) In evpr mis-an-
I'di. a I.ohig kiffit" but at haAlt jje
� thon to slark two P �-Inds or &-ye*j,
j N'tif v6tk ceiAtill ab.d H ad§66 ult,tr
d6tstood In the titade. The Morro
round a tutt"'i bough Glvth Vyby � 1'"'Me" and add erma;th watp& to 33'�'Le
CdAla broudght froib !Irlvana 23,-
I j'Wo L
the'D000tors. gnigons of tcg`;�; stt,4-k mixtutf*
,1. "V wto� bl-,7 101t lv,v;� wabr-Fual befol
- '9 14
ThA_ abOV6 ijawc, 11 jL hausehold
il woi;j &Iftf] tft6 g,,op,tfOr I
000 battelig of piceg In her eargo.
thd Seneca J135.000. the Upx9e,* 16.,
11 ,
:�npanse, em'.. Jun-- 16.-t- �3 .�- uslng� ArA44to oT Vmad ran bF ap"illi'd
e ft%�t�:a# of
� the radA allould ba autf '
lci'P�nt tO
606 todd the U41atvrey 16.050j. - Vve I
TtLe e-00,40no WN �,�Iman wzrmar 'Lat " 1-�a laige q.:12MtKI!.si wAir.out En"Ir'y to
3 tftelt i
hiclat P,eoPq8, but row tbaq; tile
totitentaoir a barref run from 74 to ,
uvzi twon.6"11 flu 4D- U�ma Zv3r nwm- H& I'Mid UIP IZ011`X*-. VlPnl�e it R,�, v-,-ry ius#,fall 'It rate Is 014 8a
U�� .1 . f wel to 25e�v T,0l,jL- aLhd
2`e5akfs � .19alust b��M,t,s cana, QIM�Hai' gnseE.Its , W100 Wst ns by
1 -co. an olt*erage of ,�v log. Anil Vale
P. tntw 'Weigh t.f"6ra 4 1-30 to 121 pazinds.
ked =n"; M- ...... Z�.Irll tg,c�at,_
tw�.r�ts; WAill ro gnm,z vt�_--,:lx. thad, are rolM &V P&2 �1: it -11_s3A.
:adnpri�g to tDv- T,A(!Xap� tang llm��
other linc-S 1110
rdlirthet tecaidtaelrdatfoih ,Vl,aZ,A,. -
I &,
�L *-0-IXt. 'elvetz7bodsr �
fAut Jv�e, 1?�JL*e Wfthhn lit -as tban one
'We6k rcempts* Of PlIfteapples amount.
He tv�ls a LC-Lp-, s er.-p,,,',.:.�s lvvtb lz�=T-,, �r, g�r& arp 11:,41,��,�
__s "n
L ,por ,
ur-'ek, =�'k f4o�z con -j , __ zttant ru'v=s
Will tel" you it
a .
Is thel best. I
I 1
1) - "
,,p t
log to 1,030.P.O, - If tbpv ftvpv�ag
U -W a , 141.8 W��. d!
b.A1 to ILI- !.!= fin � _ !�,:�JS413 of t!,e '_-Ilgar Tw-,F-t ror wl,,11�-:j
'An I 0�;l: 'n" Tk,d, tL�
;� __ I
Pont& eAea the total W Is'4*711,-
_' .bt
I#Mr,dr�- VhP I'M is aboat ,
r,r-nls"!!U�s 3.unve b, f-'] ftoz= -�y nt,-
VaLli tn .1,_il_& �P"ek was -,A* %oi�r.v S_'-V&rf-. �AL Tbc �
rwA101. llc-alr�-�,7,-A and lo' -el, -s,:�ab.
Tfie,tvoe-.4 eir jaho'.. .�
=)AM --ht
0 c*]ftt9 a lo,xrp4l. wh C!1 tu-'Unq a rev-
Irl t L.'.3 v,str!. xa�ly -- T:�!,,-_,u's w2h lle at or "
ravva L,"_ T,),.; =0_n 4`;_-d -_ZI�Ttr,TA a, Tc,�;, en., vy�, roo-=f�dfl-A b-7 Iv,31"Ung
A deat IWI le bq�r whos�;, vl,ln4�,��,- lbontel �
in -ane 6T $49.003 for the sltf-ams�jjp
owtera for tl. W(--!-1-L1S had', 6T P'M,s�_
V_,,�',I!l. bt�ck_,4�1�j-t- Z.!1nsZ'L,'1 l5jit !�aqa �;,�q,.�n �slxtv to s�r-vr-nt.v bug-.I�s -or ai�,
.z�-,7 A,Ivo,i u :� setozA
19 art the oftlngi�is lb New �rersasp, albd I
lvtw vork Prelsa.
v�jcetely eu - i� �
_i.fd 103,�As x:dvvey b:,- Mf- use 01, nor-41-Irl'i =5 -,tura, w -A
11,� S; th*ls %,_C_j �, ,�� L;qiril tbat 11r.
" whose summer bowe is ai& r,;en S�mtft_ I
! ksr
- ctlltm, A rolou IS ON
T - 0 , m 0-
T��i-,Gr, was lr�P Ugird �&v avc,5.79�� for t'.,;e gtovfth
b,a'd [,I�� v�en,t to MLS . .
mit-, Penn., b -,at W�josra ideatity sloall I
, ,
r V_
- . 0 D-�teots atjy so".11 vik,11,. daring �se
he -=o �Lml r,Cj:jtrwfZ�1Cd twu:s meaL.Z:gne lerag srearg Pr;�'Tkpas, hag
, q
,to'b b-_ trurther diserosed, atteaffed a �',.
titke- L-axative Ut-m-no QuItalm- TablAv. -411
draggimq refund Me� moiley if It falLi to envoee.
I�W 11 - I I . pr,6�a_,el
Mr. War szabb- bea�ts.
. rx:r a n --1,'_",g gf�o I wj!o_ wc-r4� .
dame 'School lagt., Winter a, I
n2, On art
U.vv. Gr&v,e ssignaturelson each bax. 25e-
� -
nt *Zret lt.clnoill ts; E -,e ,soza,�-Wiaalk
Occa!Ooft Whell Visitors 7paro. &t_
110LW th,6 �Iaps 1_411tev.
doubtful. hlut Sic -"t wz..�s t4q- evbiet.c:F� . What Me to Say.
tu-tt Doed-� "I fg�Ly jj,'..'Si.70C_
K . . � L Ur�� yellme fFrarikfott. Ror... Per!-*.,;
nouncted, took- part in e--terLiges in
their honoi' "119 exera'sre-1
The Japanese never sleep wil the
B_ck i9lie, b-`_`firt� tE�flr very eye -3 in ,, _k, jrc ff a ,�, �-,jj-� .'a
r ,vv day 6, T .
Ue . ,;.I,lr w&8
pris;ad recitatio." by Me bri�hter
he9d to, the north. Thiel tv because
tjj,6 dc�td ju Xapan are alurZ.Va barled
P�:irskla 0Z tT,w- ra-in wkolad ly
aeD .1,16-:ent frote h9s dru-e, stote for, ,
-&-rc-4 'S-jr,8.y -.t =xst �;,a true- rf�W fflim11k-,4 "Ifid Teri h1c; VVIrd Tit I
children. and amO:09 theb, thza de'at
MAIL* 1�ay W'av `c`%af0d'61T- Ile recited,
*1[th fho head In that pc*dtl6m In
-1:54) aVtv.-r eonaa- t-.c'u.-be�rwilon t�lletr d(- ell,:gpx� .& Large Vl>tweglan who
to try,
In petrectI.V good falth the foj�o
. wing,
the vleeVift roclwsr of inkity or the,
j)flvate hcou$4�9' &Ill Ot b6teln SL dia-
l5ldtLvd ;-.-��j 1,o�v tpaj,,y are very S -0 ,
-- a '1,1Zo.Xs*1_1 nat tiv,py dO so, for ai. llgllih wilh difficulty entered
M"e, � A ��ald:
wilich he had learned or caughb tkom
an 'Indulgent, norara with senli-poet-
gttfd, of Ole pointrg, of 'the compass
the tot he
IZI a ehor' lim.-� Mr. Warnet's b-ack- , a! jo,vv.& dv, ,fir
' 1 ,M -,Ten cents�
IcAl Ibstine, .
Is Pointed Upa,u ceffiujr .t
tobi-o-alevee ot guesits.
ae'V_- LA4 VatjjSjj'�Lj' He grew gradu- I
� - V,�-,�_y well." re*pVed Mrs. th ylar -,
ally alrong;"r and lyrtttov. and at
arane abe tn'ke a0d Jane ,ste jally"
. .1
_'-----1- . .......... ..,j,j6jj,j,j ....... ��
I Suet Pay it to w. -N, and it will be
�:9;lrtt pm�':o,v,s Vie i,esct .-di-toana good at, rield.11
� .
� - IZh he T- In -tlarq. 'orwe
r1p, mg had 1. a
4=,, Went, to, bed wlth,m Pain In hck�
low- doe6 get exelted,
- '
y 4
" _8 0, Tonic
Dr ' � r;
. r maA, )v t . The, N ,4ri-an made no ottfealpt
4;'Mt- 19 Xr6t a trae, ol lalliia back toP,rodae* the roin, but gazed stead-
Dko,Wt, be m1slod,
� . Ca— I'. , .
4tcw','llt�lng, not 3 single symptom, and, ilv nt Mrst. Vaylor Alld remtted:
Foil What, Jaile, had, waa a pgja 1,n,h or
StomAch AtidCohstipAtion bitttes
U6 `heTPIPsS mall wlio us;�d to be a 4 '-- M owp -de firra ten centsV*
burtlen to hlmsOf and his wife, Isnow .4 " Yes, I heard you say that bctot45.
When UP- 7010[fige,ter t0li of' thW
.of . ,ft"alft cf aft'dthine*t
,qade,&oM tilt'
Xafladtxft 15,hyaitiaa. who 1h, usod the
strong, and a comfort to hia rattli ful XoW, If .rou .11-a afraid I will give you
hc1lj)nlAXtF_1 RIF,' RM.Vst-� . , i a receipt tor it."'
tv 1114 1�htirc[Y sUtPrised & ad vomd-
what, shookied paren-te, the
pre�rcrjptlorx Inhis Ptaetfetolot many,
years wltk itloat wCtfdactoi�, ftin%Ite,
4*1vo havo Me-] In allal)out twenty-
him: -r asked
A Purely Vegetable, T6hic: idid Wood
IWO boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and
Oven some Aw.-4y to our neighbors. I
An Old netLd.
"Whatodid, flick teacher Say?1w
PU&Iief. Pti`06 �'40 C611ts 061'BOttig.
' I , - -
nnd 1b,tt when they uae a box they
fttlta�elves I
1110 keplied: Said vo-thing all
a . 6
Jusb turned round' and looked
Ali _* 'cS btal th ",
flon OTAO't'r 1.11�4'. , , , W"
It 'in ggfat� �but' y9:pt
are ;p6h,6at as etro,ng. In
fteir tworamendations, o6a we are. t
railway Adverthrement ,All-
n(yuncing "weddhig or vacation
of Vie wthdow, but the schola,s,,cl
d&lltuot obtain Yout, 1161ghbor-
'hdod, *i. wnf send one o1w 36ors bot.
I'll tn_,o ocrIkainly Molly retommeud trips" Wag undotubtedly penned by
Vic" visitors wwlted me to saly -ft j,
tLgM,a_"_D&O0klY`u F.Stgle.
tUi, bt of Pride (50b W b6t-
t1a) carriage prepaid.
TOM's Xldvv�y P111gai asure ocure torl ft benedlet. Be knows that there
, 1,
kat.rfact; se.t FRAP oil *001cation
U,tbe I�a6kf fajr_tjj01�V' cured M% ftftd r " t9 g, alf ferefteLs. betweeft the two
boyet, heard of a woraoi ease.71 : th'OO' I -
' I
Wu*t" lAnIlbent'durID& La- Gfl&��
. - , - , - -
4 tolli6ftTo
I I "Ir 11 -I----------' -11 I I I � I 1. I � 11 .
.How tf� Get rijoijo. 1 IssurAj NO. 6,>47, 19.0%
l4 ' qua,ullty I Of silica costing ___ __ __ . — .
Ta "' a th
011-46artil Price of oil ; uth'; it Mrs w rl " "'
Mis Whlslo 'a Soothinc 8
with '011, and sell the at be iAed for ChIldr6b V.64inVLO' 11
the . Compound to soothes the child, sof tons thoj?,,aiw, cures will, I d
public at qlle price of ppre oil ; . colic and is the be -it remedy for Diarrhoea.
OfEer $"p _
I rizes "vith the compound ---------------------- ---
I to make it vilij, It IS 5 �
� I nab a
compound the publia get -when they
buy common fjoaps. In �SiAnlight DerrIelitin(l otherfrultit on vomialtistou, or
S'OAP-OctagoA Bar -the p 0 will buy V,0,13. point of mh1pninit. alHo Mit.
a pure . and, VMaj.jjr ublic buy tev, Eg�;,e, ln,U�il hkpplos.11miltry and till other
. _&do BOUP. � Sim- Xarm produee. Corresponcif-ttee twiletiod.
light Soap Wduces expense by ' WESTRUIN FRUIT & PRODUCL, CO.,
Prolonging tb,h life of the articles Oor, York and William Sta., Alarket BI
washed with ft, -17hjeh is I ottawa,%It.
Profitable to Vie public, much more
F finest in the Niagara Peninsula, at
-mon soaps wit3l pri,,js,,, 204 Willona, 10 miles from Hamilton on two r944.
. ===! 1 1 -_ I ways, 1180 acres in all 35 of which is In fraito
I Business. mostly peaches. ,Will be sold in one parcel or
� I divided into lots of 15 to 0.0 acres to suit pur-
(Brooklyn Life.) chasers. This Is a decided bargain Adftesv
Jonathan Carpenter, P. O. box 400, Witionot
The,.Vesbrywaa-i have been ap- Ontario
Pointed by oar combaittee, sir, to ex- I -
toond YO111 a call, Tbe salary will IT!, I_ Y
j 0 D ..�.l
bet double your present figure. .NP -It kj
The Clergyman -Um. I can't give I D
70a' my an,syrer now. I shall have ' HANE'S,
tol Plr&Y for guidance.
"Wo must h&ve the matter settled I
: Clean your silver-
goicon.14 were, gold, bruss, , -
"Well, can't, you give me, Say, a . .to., with , .
three -days' ontion. ?s, 11. .
. � ELEGTRIG :�r�,� I
Lifebuoy Soap -disinfectant -is strongly No powder orpolish - I!, , - . -
recommended by the medical profession as to use, just brisk rub- ,
blug with, r 4
" 4
,,, ad cloth. ,till' Fr"Pl1r; � , , I
a safeguard against infectious diseases. olts ll. till I
— magic. Price 215-e at . .. " .
druggists or by mail .
- Trial samples free. Trade supplied.
Lord Kitchener Methods � . .
South Africa. - , . - -
. �
" � " - _.. . . � � �
A writer, evidently an officer, who " ' . - .... .
met Lord Xlle�iener, presumably for .
the firost time, ait Do Aar, sends a
graphic word -picture of the General . Our Ifiastrated
to Blackwood: i �, .
I ..1A`o feel Itio presence but 1111 Is not 00alogue
Ong before we ,see hjn6 * * * Tba,t
Klold blue eye, whicU la the basilisk
or the Brittsh army. * * * A round, Will aid you In sclect"0111 Of
red and sumelviLat 90Uy jacr4 &ivare b�,mdzl prescrAts'. brides- �
head, with stafj ",) set squarely upoll
IL .Eleztv.�r x0awtaghes coverring a. ma�lds fj,vors i�nd we"inz
somewhaT, nion,ug mouth6 at the mo- rl,Z9. Wr, nave joaxt: neat
ment Inclined to amile, jl�ores)uat any- I —
rcarl CMIXentb C. 11'ree a-nd
11101y; livarY, I=t not overpowering � flier, dol'Ars, peaf, per,-
eYebrvwa in fact, a. very ordinary . .
faco of a man JUSL Past his prime. &nts from 16L dollArs
Hardly a figure Lbat yo..It Nvouttl have up-,,rards. Vrdrsne. R
remarked if it jIM 4AL I)ccu for Xhu
gilt upt)" Ills hTt-ju Taot, it was all, a 1p_ 18 cmt gold, five, seven
ahkippoluting dIlseuvtv'r. and nine d,)Ha rs,
Tne Ueneral was -9,1011%, up and
down, %iith ills hands oil ills hilp9, and � 1'
elbalv$ Pointing backwar,Js. ,tatking �
90cd-naturodi,y to a cuIojjK_,I =an who � 'AMBROSE KENUSSONS,
WILO flVidelitly jiusll; off *trek,' and with XvilL1110 ,
,,,,,,,T,tp ..f, 'Os.
1119 overgro%vu g1tit and pouderoutj I UA01 S T i:""""-' I
atep till* great Kitchpupr 11114 not lutol; � - -
hair as iaipv,s,iu$; ali Ids truvel-StMillt'd L 15 6 �?AGM,, R,M,311 $! WEST.
I T 140111,0.
coulpanion." it . I I � L
Tilt, eji.,eO waa explaining t,t)uu-tjjI,tjg I ' .. I �
t0F tht', 4210101011. 'rhlly I)a0ed Ill) and �, 11 , I,, -
. L
dolva togi-ther for kt. rt,,,vv MIIIIIW4 '. .. .
thell otojqwd antl 1,11ob convo-rsatitul !' �-: ' . 1- - __ � I I __
1vu.9 as 1011lows: i oft is 7HE any
vhIVf=-AR right " I �%ill s(K)n riall ABSOLUTE
*� On. U 'A1111 -ft Ll I lus, oel. ; .N 4�
. . . u CURE Cot-
br.gado =44-r 7 * , FULMO consump-
04l)w.I--1o,4, 10"It Ito ks at ii.k.100'lier I tion and all
road 1. % I . *�,
(1120--That'h noll -Ight. 'yon wIII � throat and Inng troublvo;. Oiledosegives
ec�utet hink in gpto I tinle. A64, %Vaolt " r0h,f. One bottle often et:re.% A LfREE
it 01404 fool. .-v),Rr otalf, llor.-, J.1*11 L SAMPLE BOTTLE to everyreaderofthiq papar.
9�111.,j lit' 4.4tr, J.021.! i to �t V�qjign#Ij 401 jf1k pt:L-NIO I!i for szde by ail druggists at
I I.
paqd.i �ubt -'j out -14'"all4NA41.11 Lot, S:.00 pL-r largc� buifle-sS cents I`6r swull
* 34 ske, or it way te Clavred dirmt firom
.Vhqo was litanAng, by?); WlIat aro, 14
410vog alpre I You W -H bP 0+1 tu THE PUL-wo CO., Toko.-S-1,0. O.NT.
tile btatr W the new v.x%ajrjv t4r4. , �____ -_
gade .1 to
X-va, cAuno'-lunt. tor- vo *�#.`tu
. f4u
eW '
4 �, �� �,
, '74,
� �Wv t ouo"Priftlo'. ll _ Nfll ��`r A
L'hvw4�`r0aat4,,,- rl r; '. � ;�L # I'L
" P .24.,,
., .. " I- � , ,� "''I
'to hi -A ortPliauto wittillivit. ji N - , w. I ". i6l,V r' -,, I ,X,it
" �,
, --
" � �
�ajftl Want trauslilwt all'o sup -.0.4, o4lo. ; 1, �� � k -, :� 7, il,%,�- V
- . , _�, , IC
%4_41!6. ,4�40 that 44115"'A "wr 1111v A ee 1� 1%
�fjtlo ,,.-.- - lq� '11, I
taudding livs hs'aul tow-kirol tho Ve i k .. �' W,j,_;0422
- L - . LLL I... - 7 - I
- . I -1
.t0,9..1) tic an I 0"04'"c", � .
A" 6001ploly 6 I I � - �
tags1ft tU&.rv-zjuq191LF- 1914" .1, '40ar AQ;- . � �, �� �
tijorltz�. Thcre. .to_lta. are ritte'l Qljoi 11, ." , ,� M'� . - I ....... I'll ,. 1. . ";
11 ,
�Vtl Vain 11owid n1i pikrt of 1-v,nir ?j:.I- � I - . - ... I
Cade Vo -night am 1w o -,)If at zj,j.%-�q�Au.jj .�, -I .... '. ..
tV.njCrt%U, W. %%'Ilat �, .""�a �"Djd' J&- :1 , t� I
. j,L%5
alat all;�� I., A 811911101 of Fli
wtP1094 uett. WiClowr it llv�r,� W swung [!! §Z
ratifid 020,11 rail b -'s to.
% #4? 0%t�,r tL'ae r 'I !`�t
llalg_ 11fled with I
Rl I
Cd1ftnl,,U4S g;4Lt02LMrUIvg �jT a0l] u_fl!jtj!g 'I - I
a&&jnh'0V*o.9 OQ11 t0149 Paj.tffFjf?C8 jt�" I 1) - I r 1.�
. _ let.ja- � �!, - son I
gIV4 0,511 a MdraggrRed viteuie fruml� l S M
hu, Lvg&t the gropap 1.#['fl,V 11ad atri-.C-1 I L- I
the torwi,c4aft,4 night !I@ the V,'Lu (04., I aftaetuju rArt. , I
the 191-natuf�4- -ItAkandol, w0_16A,!1 i: 1, Nothing t1de *111 ,
What Oro Xon vzdlug tu4pre'.1" ir - do thU. .
alftetnF 11
VT - ftdAm stir. - . ;
- btogr�,alg ". 1Z �� - __
, 4,
etir-t- , ,V�(_qn ta,ita- fe,a-tn'2 . I I
0Tft(!q,r--Ved,5r0atNrIa - CIM"-.11,66ebt. � _ - - -, .- - - I --
Uffier-youla,01 45. you &I'le Eft,.0111111- �
gimmee OrVver dr the now eavalr.v bri-'; CONTINENTAL LIFE
g.Ad#. flefels yode brigaviler; ,you wIll �
td&e OkOet.-i from h -fa. tlNramgrogifln, INSURANOIE COMPANY
to the colonel, MA holdift, -has U Rov.,1n,1% Dry2�E:�....�.pt!'�5,]D,-L.A"��
", out
haftd): There you are; y6a atv- Tit- I
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24 -,Sol.? 15y 4TTlgC:*M7:i;-. # Qu�nte.'Oae "Ah-ousand Ishards, niD!dd,
Ist. L.awtenw- 'o 1210:�trea� and ill.
NO Profit In theo 1111111pplues. A torm:Alate ports.
t*Ua4cm 116�f.� 3r I'aw Rateg of 149" --le alud
(Mr trnide wJ1,11 tiv. p�*jqj, I ve" Veturn Tieritsts.
.Vp.r,e.V for �'
fifty years will :,ot s"tow a eomnu�r- � I & 0. THE ONLY LINE RUNNINS HANDS
ela] prolit t(y ofltsc--t wTvat we rLinvift �
' , T0jt0N,I,<-)_3jo.Vj,jzp_,j,r, jjl,S
11readIr Paid ownt for the IrcorappIte �' � V_
sub1l--�ttf).'k Of their Il:h-aUAants. w MEMM?rls Imve TorcuLto at 4 p,m.;
______,_. __ - ___ - - v, C-XcO'Pt 2'-5=daY. for (ratarlo:tta,
�. 1� it! ... " I Port of ltoc�mstpr. one Tjicotasa�4
lid NUM809 &__V'11,rXFF_1_1v`j_i*1Vkt1 , . 6 � , I-qlalld-% Tta3�;-3!4. St. `XjZ-VTV_-0ei Man-
Ttei��iii�sr*".-,V.9..,-.ksf-c,��- CA:z1 . --- . .. �,
1*hamer. 9t-_�Sv&jh,eZ*.,::o.gL5f-_V � , , treal, Quebec, Murray Day. Thdousac,
I'�amr.mi��e3�4ta.eayer.tei.rA&-r" *11 . .� .1 '�4
!n*x,iiit'tt=et!a�l..Itxtr�tt*IV6446 k _ � . , . - ,Agaenay REver arA fivtormeji1ate
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T00%U,ft*i.X5r. Poe
',i.LT.if,t&6%,'ks,.se-Al,a.,.r�,i� ?Wd - . I ff. Foster Chaffee, Vrestprn P�9_
'0.&Ik,Yg"62f,brt-,Yft;,Ca,,�x�-tDe�-.I"., . . . ' Toronto: Thos. t1parl',
V,18*eA, tAnativasur"'T.01ra"41g, .. 11 �'. srsMer Agent�
.......--11 _ i Traffic Stapager, Montreal.
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They we wabtfactured from the 13Mt Of MATERIALS by the
1909T. SKILLED woftlAeft.