The Herald, 1902-06-13, Page 51� W.
50 YgARS' The Calgary 04 ea
le. or t 'Supoess, to ILI ect the beating of the a It
9XPERIENCE beart, 11O)v much stronger 111114 be TH,64#07WIN,0144140 004'
Jn-' of �1400kuien . i young
The gathor' It it,,S effect on the heart of II, New F eed MAKE
Calgary from t" j pevsoll, long s
be Ath to the. 17th before, tissue have
of May for the Live St Ak Conyerl- become fixed. The rush of blood
.6w Lind , Saloj was the PoA N
. or,
Ition, Sh t0thehead, the dizziness theun- M T
largefst and most representative steadv,beating of the heartp tile ron
TRADE MARKS ever known in tile We8t. Calgary distr�ssing dreams all - show how uses,
Is 'Ho
DESIGNS the -center of the great ranching -seriously is the nervous system
Cooynj rS 40
CopynIGHTS &C. country and it was not surprising affected. Barns,
Anvone sending a sketch and dbowirtion MAY that hundreds of able and, pros- But a. more serious charge call be Will keep on hand 4C( Fl I oors,1
qnjeliil an
ascurtnin onr opinfou free w iethor
Invent on is probalilrApate 0146. ConimunicA. d -
I Ms. perous rancheq,representing liter- brought against it under this hea
tionsarke 00nildeitial. landbookon atlipts a s
petit free, ty1dest agono r, ally "flib cattlb ow it t-housund ing". This effect on the nervo upply of Flour
3' for seouring pa'ants. Mi Cupboards, 81,21vos,
Patents taken through Xunu & Co. receive
speoNt notice, without o1bafte, in the hills",shoula assemble at the nieet- SYstein is sufficient to produce the and Feed. at right Furniture,
ing.,; which hAd for theiT-object the most marked changes iii the. mail-
$001ific AMMON, fb9terink of 14terest'S ''in which t4l activity. Recent stateme I nt,-a Prices. 'Both Tubs,
-khandpoinely illustrated weekly, r,arxesteir.
culation. of anysolentide every farmer and rancher of tile from the University of Michigan;
,Journal. Noruicsta t e ft"So
kqyear,, four Tuouths. $1. Sod by all nownclealers, plains of Albept4 is concerned. I Northwestern University, iYal OUR CHOPPER HAS BEEN Farm Tools, Eto.,,
NN & CC 3010relid-ay, New Yqk is recognized iu1be West, 4,; well College, Union Colleg�, together
atch, Oki& ;-- 7 St. Wahhiaicin. X). as in tb e East flint , those 'who en. with scores 'of other institutions SHUT DOWN FOR THE A special 7pairit for each pur.
. I SEASON. pose, not oil I e slap-dash,mix,
gage in any brapch of Agriculture and hundreds of the most aluineut
or in pastoral �uriuits are entitled teachers of the country, All testify ture for all. i
'to rank bigh ilk -tile community to the fact that . cigarette smoking "'t low -priced, but highest grade at fair, honest . pripes. You know
YOUR HELP NEEDED. their ocoupatigilps calling for as' interferes with Scholarship. If it JOHN THIRSIK our reputation. W . e say these air . e the best paints we know of. You%
inuch s1dI1 Lind intelligence as any interferes with the scholarship 'Qf say so too after you have used them.
An Appeal for Funds to Furnish the Novi of what are t6rmed the higher pro-,
young wen over twel 2OLD BY
Free Consumptive Hospital at Graven- fe
ssions. The stockmen of the Of age, how much more' seriously
hurst—Sir Wm. R. Meredith, :a =.d a.
Gage,and Xr- W- J- Territories came together to inter. In list -it interfere with the mental
or many 0 Other Trustees. In Recelpt change views t I knd experiences with activity of those under' this age 1 C. Greb Z U'rich,
Tb �4 . alls for Admission rrom, ail regard to the corn breedin and .3 'It Lowers tile Moral Tone — I I I . i
- a 0 ana"a-Beyond Doubt TUC
Most Pressing of all Charities.
I I b
improvement of stock, to xeceiTe
0 1
Another most , serious charge
The statement of Dr. Sobn Ferguson,
instruction from men who hit-ve
made a life study of such mattei.s,
against the cigarette is that it
lowers the moral tone. Boys who
one of Toronto's well-known PhYsieians,
�ird , to enioy social intercourse one
would not tell a lie on any other
that " if consumption patients were pro.
with another. That the addresses
matter, not for a fortune, our best
perly Isolated and treated, within - ten
at the meetings were well vorthv
and noblest boys, do not seem to
years from now tuberculosis would be otia
offattention will be readily Tecog-
hesitate a moment to tell any kind
of the rarest of known diseases," is full of
mzedv�ben it is -mentioned that.
of a falsehood in order to keep
moment to the people of every com-
among he speakers -were C. W,
from their parents the fact that
munity in Canada. Without indulging
Peterson; Deputy Minister of Ag-
they tire Smoking cigarettes. They
in any unnecessary alarm, the serious
riculture for the Territories ; J. R.
hide the cigaret"tes. They smoke
thought is that the victims:of consump-
Anderson, Deputy Minister of Ag-
�hew away from home, Thev try
tioh are found in all parts of the country
riculture for BA
I tish Columbia; T.
A Tnrner, W. R. Stewart, R, B.
in every way to conceal the truth,
Indeed, tbe*� will do all manner of'
and among all classes of people,
B;nnett, X P, P., A. E. Cross, ex.
things in order to deceive those
The letters received by the Association
M. p. p., and P. J. Nolan, besides
who are nearest and dearest to
are of the most heart-rending kind. One
a. stronx delogiktion front the East
mother tells how she mortgaged bar fur-
Consisting of Profs. Day, Creelman
4. It Creates a Craving for
nituro for one hundred dollars to plaeo
and Grisdale and Kessrs Robert
StrongDrink.—There has been a.
her daughter, sick of consumption,
Miller and F. W. Hodson.
great deal of discussion on this
under treatment in the Muskoka Cottage
There was only a moderate nilm.
point, but I am convinced that the
Sanatorium, and in so doing saved her
bar of entries for the St allion Show
statement is logically true. The
life. The Free Consumptive Hospital
but eTerytblng shown wits of e-.%-.
hot smoke from the cigarette tends
1 11 4, 4.1
callent quality, and spoke volumes
to make the mouth and throat dry
of Year....
JQ0MP ?V'07j;m,' ona,. give me sh-ON111i to help him on."
"117"d hi -MIS a?'d Wnre than e0l'onet&��—Tzxz;ysojf.
.. - lon MA011 Sitape. X60v. %I- for Alberbi. as it horse ridsing and -creates a peculiar sinking sell-
J'ohnstou, Toronto, writes Ur. W_ T. country. Clydesdales, Shlre%Haek. sation in the stomach. Witter inky rh e Only Free COBsumPtive Hovital In AmerIcia.
,,,e - " I lizzwo a family greatly afflicted neys, Standard Breds and $`rench temporarily relieve this dryness CANADIAN5 EVERYWHERE INTERESTED.
with consumption ia my church, Five Coachers. were the breeds repro and inity temporarily check the #Owell
sons and daughters have already fallen :�euted and all classeis -were judged sinking sensation, But -with. the
out of a fanlily of ten, anil I fear the end by Mr- RobertMiller of Stouffville, nioral tone lowered and the mental
is not yet." Another, in sending a cou- ont. powerweakened,tbe desire to yield JU T, Fellery. —The Xezv Free Constanytire J;Cospital, built under the
tribution to the fund, says: "I do not The show of cattle was very to the first temptation is strength auspices of the Xational Sanitarium Association, Will
averaged I ened, because of the slimsy e.c THE CORRECT STYLE,
-race to Canada .3 be ready�—so soon (is the 21joney to equip and ftrniA
L -now of a greater dis. large, and the quality alls�
high, although a number of the I that the boy niust hitre something To 1%. r,()U,,qD IN MY ESTAB.
titan her neglect of poor consumptives." 'emales-wereo](1, and somenotin towethisthroat. Andsoib goes 8 MEN7,
LI 11 , T. ecured—to receire 50 patients absolutely without
Rev. Fired. W. Irolliaral%es Grimsby. pn1f w1fleb detracted considerably on, front bad to worse. In other 8 s
Ont., writes: 11 Wo luwa Ili our towit I% froul their value in tile sitle ring, Nvords, the boy who smokes more charye.
young married in"ll. with two little girls The lurge niajority of the iminials C9311Y Uccepts an invitation to a Ltulys Brouches, the Latest —01�cw j700 olit of 500 palle.),ts a(7)),itled to the 311(sl-01-a
-a prinwr by trade-wbo Ila% been atif. Qx1losed, for sale Nvere Shortborns. treat t hun. one who, does not smoke. Parii Styles.
fering for some tirne. Ho did not desist with a few 119refords Abordeen, 5. It is it Filthy. and Offensive Givilits - 'uff Links and But. 11 COttafle 8a)WO410A — the p)'0j)edy Of the, Mational
work until thiti veek. I N�,as up to see Argus and. Ayrshires, &J.1 of -whit -It Habit.-ANTo matter how stoultbily tous, Good and 8trong. Sanitarium, Assoviation — hatv returned home either
him thit afternoon. He Is lying in bad were judged very satibbictorily by the boy intly do h is work, sooner A full litte of Watches,
ftiadvery weal;. I feel the, Sanatorium Prof.C.E.Dity. The skitle passed or litter Yais; clothing becoules satur. Chteks., Jewellery. Musical
off oxopedingly wq1l, and the prices ated Nvith the odor of tobitcco.,� lostrainents and Specks. —The Free comimpfire 7101pital is situated it; the, sa)ne
is the l4ace for Mm and that lie is not realimil were considered very good And let line add right here, one of 11
WD far gone. Fro fld* Im would, bavo ddightf111Y 41011fill 16Cality, lifillgilly the same ad-
takinginto consideration, the faet the most inexpliettlile things in WATCH AND tMOCK REPAIR. r,
entered t'wSanatiorium but for the qllel- that some of, the anitlikills wore its this'%Nlorltlis that it Ivell-dressed,, vatitages to tile poore). patients as to the rich.
11 IX(4, MY ljbBBY.
taun of Would it bo as1king too youngas (,ue inouth and others its young lady
I .
:244102 bf you lowrite tilt) aftlietta one. or old its twelveyears. Two Itundred will sit bythe side of a young 211all
Ifelsaviem. Lind twtilltyhead Nvere disposedof inaearringeorstreet-ear, or Nvill F. W. H 4SS
1wr duf nay ebureh here, and the peor atall avorage price of mak. walk by his side in, the strtet, imil
fellow setinv% vory incela ing the total recelpts of thp tnlL, submit to inhaling this most offeu. 7-J4J5 JEWELER
NVIlat to do to kolp stallip out doig dis. 1111he top price of the; sive odor-1xid at till times, but of 1,
wsix evellent courso incr#ased at thounand-fold
eme 14 I.,eing pracueallyan*wtrcd by Ao �ftle Nvas NOW E. n The Hill, ZURIM 4
yearling Shorthorlis contributed When the smoking-marhine is ill
Xational &uitakain Assadatiou, who "y one breeder averaged ftillolleration.
four yCav agd built 8�6 Musla"I'm c6t.
0. It. 1% Nxlunisive.- hould
d the reiquits of the mles-_ not be taught how to uselissly ex -
Sold b A I Newsdealas
ef 51r. IV. J. Gago itta tile Bulls 1�end money. Parents. friends.and
Breed cows feaebers sihould givio the direetly
da'a lato Hart A. Mtmc�y, aml u-14" 104ve Xo. Avrg. Xb. Avrk* W. P9PPER
litow ja�;k ewalAktul a magtiMernt btefld- Aber.Angins 10 W, 30 -2 72 44 0PP6-'4itQ Kdvlee-
iugtot,�61hotm asth@ A_,yrsbiws 1 400 42 37 VV rnlawful.-In nearl
114jrArAal. dgaW tedo girt of Mr. W. J. Hiraords 14 t)_o -.12 OWVY 19tatel, in the Vnion and
vince in Canad.-L there are
Gt1g,q G14,11 flu.� Ralte. shcrthurns 41 7N 4 3 103 'it.,
strin-ent. laws forbidding the fil
WE,, at tM.4 lhueth�A 191 WAft',Dr,;tA =eats
3_9 qba�vh �h tLe fact It ti to-ar YeA" 402 0 Iff I Ids I C12", C, 1, nishffig of vigntreftes or tobave
Total uninWr @f head. 220. winors tinder a cerfidift atte. 0 0
S115 r.-IttegA4 huva t9tth tf-cate"l, afid tf
TI D A*erage Sale pirlee, 0S.Lso. �11=05t of the..4;0, States thert* all, Fatalthits; Month% %a iol Idt'ift fbi &Lz PIRST PA91t HOSPITAL r -Oft cousumpTiver. Im AMICA10A
dk�ejt"tet*_, ' laws nglinst selling to such 1111notra. VIA XUM it it"t *�Dp ofte Iftl ks�w# cholew
Ur Sht1C6hV0d*l110h* brRLLq="A1. 2u 00 CfL Ir. J. coot, Z�*. anal Vj,� R'-VL1*r!dP�; Mff f A. M:,v 4� ��v P'sfarle
, -sv. Alfred MaWell & Co.. Live 441
f1at they Lave gezo tiktk to uotlk, t-AArg IL, I Wiv, fZ,; Nstriet, 4 colutubia, thv V Mi,
814V exlwiters, 8ht*wsbtw n -Ar Au t'vys, d4 vaite* of rliiiha uuilp,*
ter V.00 q�r eMrdteft er thc�tb -1" 1 howe of the American nation, aml, htIVNW!, hilt Cat plate
-wihiplivil by _ss. -46*" front Avon. rhemst ftr rims
uTw'n ft"C'.n. we fifia that 23'w* physichins. '*124 &--Mttis a 91, as -ThInk of the sorrOw and SU'1TCft9 the Bew Pree Coftsamp.
wouth rn Ike t5th. April Z;l C*htit. yea 11pu
,hire skitep brda Ur Mr. A. offleer-4und teatchers 4 the pubhe w -j RIA w It e twffib at& Mgt" UVO 110SPItal will 9ffitViato and mdweel entirtly reinove.
Tho Lew Ftea no-tritkI Auroj" tl t ef VII'VI
if; sftqatcl ha I Mut1koka, t�o& far Ittam the C. Miiinsell. ama purcha'sex by .IschooIL4, ana the tritstees ot ttuo -WHI You not send a dollir-or *2.00, C.'m r5e. $ $f0.00-
pftblie seh(vals-, afid, SO pastors v;f,i 11 W. P000A, 0.
lluskotka co!�Aga so thAb tho wsert Miller. she#p- coft. ebftrchos petitjoiled (!Ohgres�s for 1111fith a LbeatItSti;�,. J0.6, or fdore, for this most press1bg of all eharitles'?
taine lenerns, that have txeit gh*n to sistea of 14 mas, alld 10 eww;, 'ho vieflint of the Whito Plftgtte tire found all ever Cgnadg.
Ctoeibtioh Of ohe Out limssage of a bill prohibiting the
r,aqc_tLtg of tL6 %juskok& C,0ftAgd which with the 'Selline, i4iVing, or furnishing tobac-
br,flutn, kv vittue of itt wtdellellt rAmwere till too votffi& to ificitid'-
eo to any 1prsou taider sixteeiv Zu GH P. 0a
Otis Hfift W" g, 4 _S" A B
tien, shoula go also to the poDree peiefitg, ilft the film t �tt Nspl�r.
sioji sale, so were kopt by Mr. Y"" of ago. 1--iopeft daily except Sundays f roju. $50 W111 11 FURNI ED*
whoso eiuly 1120pe ig Ut *Wd6!V#a '
1 Nlausell itutil hig final faitit sale at Is a. in., until 9 p. in.. Thio mails are
'wherto 310-ither frjohey her ptio-0 14 fleedt. ightoa Hall last Maith. 'Two or thret tons of baking distributed as follows: 60-VtRfPtt10,VS m.4 I*,& -r Sv.Vr To-
taty. Mr. Vill,-,r is to W. toitgmialated powder was reeently thrown into M W.FOR HENSALL. eloseat 9 :,5S mbu
X�golaftiy Czavi to till imelatt *tdptt- 61, obtainigxF III so sfi � NVI Nev'r York har-hor li�eaute it coft- i wn- *wi Iti mitim, I)ITIf", ICU., Chief justlet"
" g ;6 fleh are- 2:S5 pw Vic
tma�es,,Ate flia notidg -wfitfeti dhov@ th-a the 1ji-t of Mr. Mtjjj4ejIs br.o.6dijig taithed AIdw and grotthd rork., ve-Vilot. Nat. Seity. Atown., Tdt6nt&
dqj)r of Cae rkeo congAmptivo Itospitm, Whielt Chudde. *111,6btafti,ata it is - cousisted 6f fines'llarp
11:10all, W* j* GAGtf Cons.. Tveonto�
anti all 62at is watffiftg tow is tlaLtsurl.�- thererato to bb hoptil that 'they sPictiles its dd'Agi�fOW4 to the stoln- 1, X.&TIONAL TPtsT co, Lfinfted
ekiat monoy be cendfibateit to tbtftigh will all aftive �,&felji at their des- adh as grotwil gltmg This -baking 's " I Tremotteeo
thiatfoll. powdeip" was a4vetifsed, iijj(j. Sol,"i - PROM IIVNSALL, Utr. I I -00 alll
the faoitpftal wiffi beds akd ftL oll- ef *aLy# ct 99
Oa Tuesdity Aptil 29th four as a bargaitt! it is beadt to Pay I - 7.30 pill: . ..... .. ... ........... .
to proptfly f-Taip it. 'The Xatioull shorthottibullillurchasod by Mr. foragoodbakitig powder if you, 10.4� will
sa-hitaflura Asscdgktf�on, bet'Atge of !Awefefted- of Mahitobt Priz-8 YoUt stoftt;A were than vour L. it. 11
ht5V_y,1e1h1% are unabld to nftleflakd thIt histeebut visit to R Q�
� uglAbd wk-je bank 64;;ujit. Get thb very 6st. L. R. & B., :30 am
I sh! - *d by vg. Lypia` to Quebec thtt i&hIch you know to be pate. ubscrile for "T' e Herald"
pae. of the riofk-, tibid appeal to the ptibhl P1 n
in all raitt% c -f Canaia—for tLn ate c6it- 1 ky Atess. A.-Ifre'd. jV"s6jjj & te, posbxl half sm hout previotLs to
zefria4—for =rutey aniMcien.1 to theet thik,� Lirg sftock mtpottors, Shrewsbury, the time for closing the mails.
i� Those bulls wete teiAly fine ani� X) iftla
pmr-ptea. Avivants largeor =M[ will)
I I S, 6 U X
be weleomoL A siiugls dollat *,Ill do =N, two'being bwd 13,y Ut. Nv� J. dn Oise$- D.S.FA, ST, Postmaster..
Hoskeri� tL114 two by Mr. ltoskry _0:6
VV11140 mote. otlt&s' 5 ARE 'A
sal.681y should prove of great setvice d g rnfit's
and should tkdy reach Mauitabx� a Backache
ient to iftrnigh toL Oat, of theit D%bin "Uvo
in Mi. Lawetouce!s, hetd,
alrandaue-e flieraf -will be gowe -who will J6'hftL 45ttlidet" W'h* 11-4 In 'be
3emA theit chequeg for $1001 ot latgar R1
btsidets I do a great dtal a(driviag ovet
Amounts. b;jd toAd_% and th4�,00nStNnt jjr 0, WWe have inade arrangements
busifteii & Port Hope, staa#s! ------ If, MY DE I RES 99
Contributions will be reo�ive& by Sit, Along with,&"Urt to all to"s Of weather to offer thd �ollowing low clubbing il'
Wm. P. Meredith, Mief Justiee, Vice- We would zivo the following, b h bdivey dis&is&. f' wat id rates vith rilltz HERALD: ALT- CASES OF
reasons for opposing the smoking; d a
Presiaent; Xational Sanitarium Asweiti,- 0,ud� suff6red a 9ttat e 1 Daily Glob6 4.25L
'i F
t pa" * ' I heard of S -S' 0 E
Van, Tbronta; W. J. Gage, Escj., Chair- of ciggarettes by boys under twen with sha pris in Toy b ck. lov Met! &-Empfre -1.25T DE A, N E. ARD N ARINC
ojkt, ieafts of ag;6 - - Dr. cha&et Riamy-Liv&r pdfs� A"I de -
man 191. Coin., Toronto; or the Xcational I. - It Liessens* th6 Natutal Ap- tidtd to tty them. Before I �had useil -01 weekly Globe ARE NOW OURA13LE
r the fiftt box i felt bettet and thret Moill & Empire 1.75 by our new invention. Only 'jItose bonq deaf art incurable.
Trust Co., Limited, Treasurer, 202 1 -Ung petite fot j?ood and Injutes 'D ... I '' " 1-1 L ' ' I—
bo%e-thtv,eL4tim1.tcaredm& TaInvery Berliner Journal (Gernian) 2 050
8treetXAst# Toronto. Digesticn.—A0" 101age observer glad ot An oppoftuftity I* r,�comm6td Dr. Tainily Herald Star T75 HEAD Mao
-will know atoftee how true is thl oe�& Xfd&,6y-Uv*r Pills, f6t I haft
statement. The bqS- who amokes peov&f tbjtjr,*oUd6tfuj Conftol over kid- P. A. W1ft*MXK,61r bIALtIM&kk, SAYS-.
wfmx trps, is "NOT LIVE, ha%, a bad digestion and a poor
will now give!?tv
-Without health. Iffe ts!ftot life', appetite. Bbeauge of thi�q� intot-
_�d to W"td tafte'y atI41 worSt.. wit -.1 I lost
it is only -a state 'Of Janoolit tina fekdnee with appetito abildigestion tt* jh& risit ol eip�t1ift6fttifig WA new vooms rabivionto,
miffering—an iniagge Of death."' thefoocli-s not properly 71je,'kted, fs&gj-&,j unteied oothedit. v,�htt you kriow the,&,eat snorah konzdv- si� Consulted a lium-
Dr.'Chasa's, N2`9tve FOOa And assimilated, cellular tLetivity is that D�. Chases Riditey-Liver Pills will told kiid r6towtmkicided by All V. W120 told nit that
A gttftil t Catkads i head noises would
oz%pill & do ad1ru a e� 0
st zsc. b� box. iiI g 1�6 d1sec ;teV Tell&
gives the weak, languia and dis- eliacked, itud. th# growtbL and 1�ulrll yoll-
*1; dtaldrs, or kdmansoft: Bate. & Co., �cq#a guamnteed to cure 611
ordered =reat-
couraged 9; new hold on life. it development of the bodr seriously fo a ot XWL Wealkness, all etftets of abuse ment. Afterl at use t roilvafew av-sacear(,ill- to. Von- di ion� tl e noiqes C and,
I Toronto, " �a v re-tored. I thanla you
,interfered with by this early g or excess, Xfttal Wony, Excesgiveuse of To.- to -day, itter fire weeks. nzy heiring in: %Ili diseased "r liev; been tntire*'
niakAs ths blaod pure oLud rieh,l timulAnN, Malkil"r1rectlpt hearii]Ly and beg to remain
creates new nevve foree and instils'401SOUing. of priot, One vekiW6 $6. One teiapznW4 -,.s.s. Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
'ift%VXftft_ freetoanyaddresa. our freatilleat -doel not inter"'ere Ivith, you). usluilocellpation.
;ly Affect-, th le's `
newetergy and vitality into tile' 2. It SekiOWS e Nor- 0 r,,, Chat Tbo W06d Company, Window, Out.
whnie being. �t iliu%ws weali- 994� VOUs, Systew.—We often hear nation ,i t it'll othint%'I
I 111—.1dViet free."', YOUD'ANCURE YOU98ELF AT HOME
people strong and well W`abouf the 'Ittobaeca heatt" of th 01, Wood's Phosphodine is sold in
building up the wjstem, Adult. It tob4cao is stfong one gh. P Zurich by Dr.Buchanau, Druggest, I