The Herald, 1902-05-30, Page 44
will n ot c ome evel y,ye,
jr, an(I so it
orooastii for Julie
4A f, Pf R I 11lay be regarded its assnre,,l that
j DaYNvill alway$ be gjj(jjy The �stornj (liagram shows 161 17
'Weloolned by the Clanadian people. tile uniteti perturbtitions of Mor- 'Af
T3VR3T)A-z ZvExlln, onry una vnicaii poriods cjjlljjijla�.e
is Victoria
By R, ZELLER LYRRY urin". tbo first, -�Vof�klr 4?1 _Tl� LIT 0 �fe_n T fl� R_,
I I AW. 4�uo I,-
TRRX8 Op SUBSORlPTION �,—sj .00 per There are tilnes N�Tjjpn eye ro 1111ir *17111("Ill storin, periotj is cern-
I .. . t,� 2 . ,
Year paid strictly in advauee� %yh - tj wOnlall I$ t0rinonted by itehiliz tral(;nthoj.,;t, to J13.
On 10 1 - I "'I'li crzl�ivl
paper is uot ordered to be discontinued s "n antl wou](1 gix,o aillthinj seneo of tile �j ow)
11TljlTi-,jjj�t You ask any doctor 'A�rijat I'() thillks' of whoeling as
f [;i, Tho lmo. AXD
tIlrb"111-0 Will prolong t1jo VLATOR cl- jA0a&%llt 011t(loo
it will be "ut until suell order is give, Tbel'o is a proparation SYSTIOT 111T 1, (1, �x 0
reatoning' I - . mlill C111".. tfix 31,0-t for woll, ill and
I 6b innm of 1)
And al"'Oaragespald $L50tobeeharged R110 W n as Ointnio period, cali.�111
n t, i; ,,� cloudy, th ho'll tell
wile" not paid in tt�vvllce. which IS 4Proniptrolie& for thege-til-all-ailly Nvotither, i)orhaps into, RUC1113(ligemitioll. ft YOtl that it'S t1lB best thing out.
Aj) xTISUNIG RATD, S.—Tran s I e n t SUVOIJ1198, Wonien pi4ve it both on Reelillir
VWP I tho reaetionari� storills evilt;?'al Met
advertisements, 5 cents per Brevier line for Their o,%Nll uso ana for itg�111of',01 all(l 7 Aftei, p,,qtjjj,,,
fOl' lirst insertion and 3 cents per line for Ith. Vito njor)n '1xv-111 llend"lobe, 8"ur
in curlao-i 1W 111 Peri-oo or noare.4t ftitIrtil, twdlIllitilksio"
each subsequent insertion. 81 -ca on
11, 4(lvs. Baby Bc%wna, kic Z %Y1wit a curo is gunraijjeL�(I?
Such as"Lost" "Rstr4y" or"Stolen I , al(I hca(I 0.htjjijtr )tll, ana fit its north extrelljo 200 DAYS' TREATMENT si,00,
*1;l and the various s 'in (jis�_
be charged 50 cents first luscrtion and 25 aria !�Toi,�� Moon on tile Gth. Th"e
e -011U for each subsequent insertion, facts aresaril to inarow§0 tile ton� Dnsllwood,
(10,130Y to hNll felllporatnres,, fIlle- says: wa.; miable to gi.,t
Copy for change of advertisement must; 11 elkf from Asti
-ter thin Tuesday night THE OLDEST V It! progsure 4, 8tollinch Trouble I 1111n
be handed in not Is 1 ttlating, baroillocri
9f eac,,h week to insure chang (Mils, aild voq, IlMill 01ir NnLive
seisni to
,e in follow At likol.v �
t intn) pttl*t. (If t I
QranclfAfher NVurin in his Nii y q I e
ing issue, I "le "�V- At. the Vlljvzjn� storn, pp 'DON OwmARTi
Local notices in ordinary reading type �ri() j
Notices hr Chur h eu� third Yfta', Polls Another -Grit" til -11 oil I'llo 13fl], 21,11d C, . (1, eel-l�
5 cents per line. Vote. 'ororing the v. Y, AaENT.
tortainments or other benevolent i ustifil- 9th to 16th, all of lightning(r, e V vg.
vA N D3
ti0A at sPecial rates, %Vith 111,111V thun(ler squall
, s,
Mr. Henry will -Ill was ollt as; (lo�vnpours nf rjill in i HE ALOR0 0, BLISS CO,
Contracts for column, half-coluinn and 111,11al on election day to east hLs, illany linlitn(l Sole, ll�oprletcrs, bicycle is the best thing 011t, aucl yjo�v tll,,tt tile
quarter -column rates fol, specified periods ballot. localities, -with soatteringr fornaffic
stornis antl Sej.,;jjli(j (ji-t1jr1hun MONTRMiL, CATI.
-fully givou. Address Ull year, having been born at Ht)jllb11r ill wheeling is oil it's ,lope. t1lall a favorite..
Will be cheet Mr, Wurin is in his ()3r(I
communications to
jan dpr Ohni, Darinstaft, 0'�' be Ill Ost natural. Ileavy hall
=3:19 th n; 8tornis, and niarkocl, snatlon
gle 2(t It's a wheel. built f or conif opt__�it 10()I�s (to,, fortable—
jl� )1�1h(, oft 11ovoinber VS01). He -I
'all i dt� � eliangro.A fo very be re. ..TH P..
the , c
t in year aintle s011s at a colufort,-tble
sin i;lany sec -
alt till t
E. ZELLER EDITOR, ZURICH, PO. land lived in Borlin an(I Bre,;l gar6tl its cer�
lie spring of 1855 when he Paine to 1()lls OsPOciallV in. tile contral, Commercial H()4el Wheels $25 to $60v According to the M. odel.
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 19 this township an(i has boon westorn an(l nortinvostorn parts of b
r esident here continnolisly since, tile Country, frojil allout tile 11th HEIVSALI OAfT, Write for Catalogue.
to l3tli, mmtorintr on and no-�,t to
There is not a bit of trut I the 13th, the da
h in the .... .. 0, te 0f tile Moon's
ssago ovor tll(� (,ejostitjl ar
saying tbat all men are born equa eqlator, Thi- popul, hotel has booli.
A few tlays and nights of niuoh t1lorougl.11 we H ESS,
They tire born unequal physical1v I cooler I'Volither y renovated and refitted, u
and intellectually, and this wffl follow the CANADA CYCLE & NOTOR CO, Limited, TORONTO Canada
innate i I and ivill be founci up-to-date in
i storlls of tlli' c0utral Vulcan
ineradicable unequality at I
the, porio(l.
every respect.
it social "od -tt- n con(litions -will re-
start must bear its fruits During- f1W 19th to 21st inclusive,
world and human nature be niade Iii,01 1101111i the barolneter -will
111(1 hill. 0011dilloss and
ever, and the causes which bring it "*::� : . : ' ' . . I
1,y 0 U Wa nt
niarl . ort, and niore Every attention paid to the � '. 11 h
'r. Tfne Kind
abouthavebeen removed for
inequality -which will last I
until the turn. Th(- tellippraturo will rise to trax-elin"' public.
ever.; R
4hunder anil winti, I
, I' - R, - -H 0 D G I ']LNT S
Canadians have Inuch will pa"', oaztwa 711.111
to be rd over the couti-
nent. All tllj%qj,-;jl this
art, of
thankful for. Here there are no P. PIZOPWETOR. 5We B"I
June there will lhi,� abnornial ton-
VOICMnoes to overwhobn tile people
Tote 11 ea d s
'With storms of lava and hot ashe,; T (0 �S'T(D-D7,4j
a y .11tal
in, i
n� COnle in -reat I'ank,; allcl volles of
'waste tile fertile -h;lt ir i
of H., L
and lay and n.)
-es to destroy the people hhlvlr� brassr.'� G ra dus at -L optician
earthquak 9 .1 k. Etc.
by-thousandsand make heaps of sliowr. xvill litaw till
rounil tilt- h; rion. vat -11 point of, HENSALL.
ruins of tile building -, no cyclones i ' Mr. wurill was, a eal-101-11tor I 1.V tilt.
to destroy life and property trade and (iia v. wk �j.jc ill v.
I far into,
that lint i A
- ill tilt' varl:v flay,; of t1w .11111 zzll thril
T f7t
V11111"'t, ory al it ;. Li%t, `NT INU
no hot' 0 'IJ yn 11 T �_ I
winds to slilivel tp the crops, no - ; ki U R R
,ill no (aw a Ila tqli thi, 1'vanti- SPECTAGLES A110 EYEGLASSES i
blizzards to freezk� tlj(� Unluelcy i 14itl itert's L-11-111 ja'-t ,olall of till,
who, stra-yr a fewyards frow tljt�ir � vilitt:X0. w1kieli 1w :ttive tq lli�s t ifill dkIPlar port�,wl., dalwwr and 11tted on SOent-We Princip:os.
diw�tk. *.%1zt r-ult., fl.1"o .4olstim"
"NA F-'%
hearths; na prolong -ed drovights to mi'l ift'llrAl. tillo'nt '.111 tir'witttre a,
kill vegetution and kill the vattle years *41ilt. ht* ali;1 J -P. Tilv;-f a '1 7 H F
zhr�,-,ij , h
bythirstandliunger, noilot)t1s, 1-0 -vonri ill the Villa liv,
blundate large artmis and drown Ill Will vt'.111A 'wel bi. 114S ',,nt till,
lmry Brim, thing -, 114) phlt-ue of 11t.k.11 l,
0 ria1zhig 11;� 11411910 Avitil
grasshf)pper,; to destroy till vt-tguta. hb-' .11r.i.J.,111%
an" 41.,
;11141 Ititt r with 11. 1 Watches an G-
_httl Im., glaring the
tift; nO V101ent disturbaneci.A of i 1-o "tr NVi4x.r. '41181 12"� 11 1'r 4taw
nature of any jiind. , Atil In -4 dan-01tor-in-law r-4
Vantula hus the fijjt-b�t t-linjIlt Wurm .1r. .�n 11ij. ji, I .
e all i I i1c"Ino..
The world, alid a;t)jI t1lat is 1111ri I fl -at tht- t
V11 "M -olfflollum will, lvv mid lizzil
W 111411V 111,1" 14,v'v reppat p till kinds vi�
ye s 4f I
ar. Iff". BUI
ledfortbegrtmthof TA E S
and the fruits r at Riplo P4,A:1N, S
of tile tvillyonate Ila. tvs in sup.
N Is t1i J. C. St
VV6 have none of the planmeq thitt I" � x, o n a nn a n,
rzll�j air, 4 fjtv
-prevail in the hot imuntriv-t. 11�me vialft"lla �t'Mt 1,41*1�R1 IMNSALL, WN'r.
Of the pollitieal disturballve4 th, ic.% N 4 sl;s� twat, �1114 t.4 'ril-
. f 1 40
.It val OR %*,Hq1At1 "
I D o
keep other parts t)f. tho, worlil in a �,VdWtvy. find
'he t �ez, _1 W OVAr
1. t, 4 �-w --,n td. t it,
;, I u OML
eangtant eumattion of NL�zql-lemnc th It gq%�t I �%_jt �f �inel,l *Acetal till lhi,, *�O# Wn I V , ,, E
A 11 . . Prio"'I -
and unri0st. At! 01 A
(Ili .1 fithi.-v A
unl b
f�Pv' f04-v��,' Cx, !.'4-4 OLv iqlauq-t apher,
Allis jjeai�ti Inqj 19s nty �,n
flit?,""ItAn ut 44 JW 0 1
ih. and thf A t;'Zi. 101a,"r d -
death rate i�_, the V 0--o.
lowf �,0co—p`1%P4 %-6t"D rMo.:7, WENSALL.
n'e.,o C
41., Vre".-,
W. a Itz-0- �'u
Let tts to tt!aULtfnl.
L 1_1� -4 " V T
hohday. cf -Rwr--I�fial slcnA,. fW'? AT 1;
L` Ila 4! -1` Cno ea-u-
gtanzaf the L'Tttt-�l 0�
the rean""n th.0 it fin',
flx '41,1111"1 ani
v4� - . 'xidn'
5u a rema,k
of the greal
Qt4eC-ft tVhq.Vf. Ion,. tpfgjj _�V.A
t4 by 'I'le ntest Splendid fritinipnq N",4 IV -o v-tjri-nnn&-4
617-k�=anffy and e1rfli7zjtj,,,n f�_at in Jng,-4.n.
AflY A�,`e 12 -as wi(ne.s,-e(j_x, tirkmUell P,r lurwe than a
olle, flar WWq'r
111-2 att. in literature, in vt4. ullol tLo'n
in thfW(. 1,1VML (-Rata4l -iav, r 0"
C'A Via ji-Atkiti ifta.
InVt1tation. ilft db wifical, I
stover,r. in ji,
a) Q land u-I'l p. Iry 417% Nle
*-44 sor�fal slew, n p
to for 5
U.'A".ed ta 2fly *:1&eS* �&t, fi*b
tilat -21 OITT
alws a (I U
the elastic terni of vulture. Uri co
Steins but zVesterday that t1ijo '�j,
IS ..i.7�,4% In 1,74, Ne�,Htelr-
Of Queen VirU�rias lon"_
'o to s'?*U19
garlierea. s
"Vt'4 as the lnr4nth giu,�.,- ont.
ffa= iffie Outcrop of tile
j*#&,t4$. to CS
be"m "RRIC61i
y the Inman rae�e. but V"F 1 n,
tehlevc-& b. ?W G
tvnze esLte- all taoln
'r the pal banu
,le even were the v." IGm
ersv, y. Mar- t -n S -
ulv] 30"',
e��lzlparo-d Willa t.
1sq_rz_C Iam 6655.
lie vas% vViaren U�ud a -,Ic- Cut.
C in urize,* pimp;.-,�
- S =,= ",
al. - �,r`T' - -`, - - -, " r n, �
71W9 ��. � "n -t-9, 21-zZ4=xr11W -
as Bzrffida is now vf;k .2
Y,.kw-s Mar
beeame i t be alt �zrrk. r_ut will
WILez the liver is lt, M
-7 the Mae- rarMy Cif V11126-ei
hy cf 'he kidneys a --i it bzco� 9
P6rPet'7Mte;4 thP, �'riZmlnnfion of .1 Nvfth
t pid and fai.s to &.ter the
it -tit ,n� vu-�A vvav 010 pres-, generalirn-Fakmew 117C ......
, trious queen anq _k goy)rj and n " C 0" 0 T131 -D
8teat ela. 'I zlic-mr4rr of an We e�lb ca;5 �& I _�
vnd Garden Prqper1Ey,)Sc;.1d, Booii 1""n -
una Exchanged. Liz
ob�e ,Wre ol the. F. -I,
and 1ho tczgua is cca*,��a,
vrarman. but lleeatl-he rh� tLte tiie 2x��d pcijc, Honey Lenaned on F irst, and Second es�.' Mar -
P1,80 Es -tate, Notes and in vouth,
Which it -falls N partienjarly fizv6r- It k inlijl�S,,%'�Ie to 1,e certa;n,! the firabg and I-ack, fee.,r!�,s cf j;:,"r pz-zi-
able for oultdoor enjo�vnjent. H, - f3t I %vei't't anti S,
it' the erater el-tinet. ; .
Aczc-ss Crcr the z":z2ach a, -i Other �iecnrlffcs.
TIE,, ;�'rf the eYe' LLcc,=( s yellow nrd !ann-
Present -Vajesty�s birthd;ay in No he `r-�!t v6' xann in,, diced, anj jjz& "n, nd 33, .lie$%
gy; &�e
nnenee rzj*n neirei9scanty and 1-4%,y e-c-rz., --d
tes 4 a,�
..e -ed N`- nzs 0-... eariv V! v-
VOnlber can never aglquire the wi+.h the PUY of E'dinbr-r-fit is bowels irref: C-rty Rented and Rents collect
Vogne that vould natnralLy ittacl, built. - V � upon. Reasonable Ternis. �:�,
vess alterrating. Tbere 13 luttl rcr lea vears I tricj
to a holiday of ne a
inthe early ,qjjnjjj0r, blew' trea'1'19 the livtr sepraze!y, as - n,-vc.r Money Investet -311.kxt Private Thdi- A �'tv
rnme' 624 iS ITC -7 -haps tile nlo.,it� be set. right rantil die kj,-:p.c_ys az.-,
The May Day of "ye olden t. :up ir, IS, r4i
y pro in 7-V\ . - - z , was, grivirig up 1-2
of lactivit mat- I'
viduals on First Mortg_,-,go on pj�ttj wl.
And Easter Monday are not sufft.
tinies. kwo tilird.4 of t ler from the
r th- last rsort 'to give tijo
A viv-
Ile' Eon that Dr. vcry r&,a- Q I �!: '. I tielit Of Dn.. K
11 trial.
k islan lipon whiell it Xt' I
1 1, 0.
)d we z7fideace I 'Coils e:% 14
re, have always pr.31Ld s,
ncx-Liv,cr Pins Lr
'c'ently rOulOved from the blea
W'zd-- Of winter to command ge !blown into the air. t: E acared rian. wag C
n- Xralattoa had cessfri in curfing t.;�; most cljro,%� cases r
-1 * Id mv. I
lvsa arrv_ aid hat,
POPUlarity, but, as a rule, the been ff ),Oo years liver compkiza, .i ay X.
liousnassand compl, Drsx-& to aly; uf�ciecl
tedailmen tsof the LidneYsliver and bone',,
111t9tweekinMay can be couxLtedjPrev)o1ls1:7' TELPIPHOINP
The Sound of the expjo�;;iou was One Fill a dose, 25 cents a br-x. x1i ; , XerV,�jjj I)o
Gleei.*, EA7.:,Atire, sy _b1lify, SeMinal VVkakieSS,
plillis, TTImatural Diserl
'012 tO Provide the 7est that Colnes; heard 2000 ni-log awaT. and file dealers, Or E6=rscn, Bates & co. Disease- --- �'rgas Self Abuse, X --L-7 Azid Bladcler
adl disizases ef NVoin'!U. ,
frota tho breath of sulinner. Thi effect -i of the (lis Z7 C lx�ipe of the Toronto, V&,N'O IT111`12_3 TjsED -%VrTHOUT WRITTtX COXSF_N-T. pRIVAT4. V0
.0 E. _ C- 0- D- X0 nanies ou t,oxes or eaveiq )as 4,arytzt 0
'Year there will be Coronation Day, 12 h E. ZELLER
Xhannel. The volcanjcdus� -
Utween this May Dr. "base's I
Jaxtnre in the i .0 f
and f "Lie Paused gorgeous -insets all -r;-7 ':' & n. -v 245, Zk-f,:L,8V, STJAVItT,
i � rv� ! RAT I wging -
Dominion Day, but a coronation sl AGEN
lover the worltj. Kildney-Liver PINS I
20P. ICH,