The Herald, 1902-05-09, Page 8tt-TE 2'01416'8 .A.L13 The veo • • Ple • s Stoire BEGINNING THURSDAY MARGH 27, AND FOLLOW/NG DAYS Under the Supervision of —"lower' Miss Ross. J. D. MERNER ZURICH ONTARIO The Leading Blacksmith and Horse=Shoer. make a Specialty of Shoeing Flatfoot- ed and Interfering Horses 101111111110101011110111110. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING Timer: kick Johnson's FURNITURE STORE Is the Place to go when vou require any of the following Articles: Side.boards, Bedroom Suites, Extension Tables. Conches. alley Rockers, Parlor Fur- nishings, Picture Framing A SPECIALTY DASHWOOD Furniture Store. 111.111•0•11111.1MAIIIIM I wish to announce to the Public that I have moved my Stock to Mr. Willert's Store, opposite Hoffman' old stand where I will earry a large and up-to-date stoek of Household Furniture. UNDERTAKING Undertaking Stook is complete and careful attention given to this depurtment. Picture Framing, Moulding and Window Shades. We make a epeeialty of Picture Framing. PRICES RIGHT. Call and see us before purchas- ing elsewhere. P. Melsaac MSc -MOOD ONTARIO The Woollen MI Store SPECIAL can give Ton good value in' Under Cialtinig,: BlanketsHos- iery, Flannels. Tweeds Et'e. L & Ms JOHNSON, Zurich, Ont BARGAINS For the next 30 Days 13 U G ci in Wail -paper, lea roll up. The 19o2 Hess BUGGIES are now finishe See them before YOU BUY.... 111811(1118LAKE oNr Kaibileisch'si Ladies' Sailor Hats • Ladies' Shoes, special, 75c. GentsBeautiful Ties, 10c„ or 3 for 25c. Special 8 bars Soap, 25c. Also many other Bargains which space will not allow ifs to Mention. Owe us a call and see thern R. C. NICHOL) MILLS. g Planing and Saw Mill We have a ood kincls of woodwork and saw- ing done to order. Estimates given for all kinds of buildings. - A full stock of 13. C. Red Cedar Shingles. All kinds of lumber al- ways on hand. 1White at 25, 40 8G 50o. Chopping done every Tuesday and Friday- rield Gates, Water Tanks for Wind -mills and Water Troughs. Assortment of the Latest Sailors in. White, Black and Colord. Mills 14th Con, Lot 25. Kaibfieisch Zurich 1. Black at 15 and n50. 50 and 75e Fancy, Clearing at 2Sets. Children's Boys' and Men's every -day Straw Hats. F. A. Edwards BAYPIZLO DRYSDALE Special to the. HIM 4L13 Messrs A. Howard and 3. John- eton delivered two valuable horses in Baytield last week. Chas. Donaldson being the buyer, Garnet Murray sports a wheel which ho purchased from R. J. Talbot, The meetings held in the north school house are being largely attended. Mr, Delgaty is a. fluent speaker and he with the help of other brethren is doing much. good. Mr. J, Elliot of the Kalbfleisch ilax-mill Co. has been busy sowing some fields in our neighborhood. The rain of last week was quite acceptable by all classes of human beings except well.borers. Mr. Harry Talbot has purchased a new traction engine. Harry possesses wonderful ambition for a little. When he starts out with his colored head and rear lights people must not mistake him for Oom Paul on his special train and start bombarding him. Mr. Alex Challet sports a new driver and a beauty it is. Don't keep him out after night for damp air is injurious to beast as well as to man. Weddings are the special at- tractions now -.days. Go ahead boys ; there is nothing like it. St. Peter's church Drysdale, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday morning, April 29th, at 8 o'clock, when. two of the most popular young members of the congregation were united in the bonds that seal them to • ono another for evermore. The con- tracting parties were Miss Annie Bedard daughter of Mr. Joe Bedard of St. Joseph, and Mr. Irra,nk Denomy son of Mr. Joe Denomy of Drysdale. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Father Prud- homme in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the bride and groom. When the party entered the churcli the organ pealed forth the wedding march and. the strains of the organ were also heard. as the party entered to the nuptial mass. The bride was escorted to the altar by the maids of honor Miss Delphine Bedard and Miss Marie Brisson and was prettily gowned. in grey organdie with satin and. ribbon trimmings and wore a Brussel's net veil .with. whit blossom. She carried. a. beautifu prayer book. She looked charming and many invied the groom in. hi s choice of so sweet and pretty.look ing a bride. Miss Marline Den oiny, sister of the groom was the bride's maid and was attired. in a handsome grey organdie trimmed with lace and satin and wore a chiffon hat. Mr. Dennis Bedard, brother of the bride, was grooms- ' man. After the, ceremony at the church was over the wedding party drove to the hone of the bride's parents for breakfast. The rest of the day was spent in danees,games, ete. The bride was the recipient of a great =any handsome gifts. Both of the youngpeople are lass. ed by the possession of hundreds of friends in town and. vicinity and one and. all wish for them a bright us , happy and prospero. future. HILLSGREEN Special to the Hue ern?, . Mr. Ed. Hagan returned home Saturday last from the medical col- lege, Toronto. City life seems to agree with Mr, Hagan, as he is hale and hearty. Claes, Downs of Exeter occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church. Sabbath., • Mrs. Farquhar and Miss Maud. and Frank were in Clinton Thurs- day last, • John Richardson now wears a broad smile., Miss Aggie Cochrane is' at time of writing very sick but we. hope to hear of her recovery in the near future. . Miss M, A. Troyer visited in Hensel]. Sunday. Mr. James Howard was in the Village Sunday evening. James Troyer intends leaving for Alymer sometime this week. We wish you success Jim. Wm. Lovo is having an artesian well drilled this week. Mr. Beavens has the contract. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. P. Stelck who are seriously ill at present. Rev. Oliver Coleman. is expected home about the 27th of this month. Rev, Mr. Carriere of Grand Bond will preach in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Mr. James Lovo was in Clinton Saturday last. Quite a nuznber of the -farmers disposed of their fat cattle last week cleaning is now the gener- al. theme, the men all wear long faces at this precious period and even the cat seeks the shelter of the barn and mourns out her plain- tive wail. Judging by the remarkable growth of the flowers this Spring we predict a bountiful harvest for the bees. John Maxwell is busy pruning trees. Mr. Maxwell is an old hand at the job, having had considerable experience in the old land. LOSS OF PLESIL If you find yourself falling below normal weight there is danger. The use of fish oils can temporarily add fat, but will never build up healthy, tissues. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food acts through the blood and nervous system and carries now life and enory to every nook and corner of the body-, It regnlates • the various organs of the bodv makes the appetite good, adds healthy flesh. and replaces the tis- sues wasted by disease. Naturally and gradually this food cure re- stores color to the cheeks, increas- es the weight of the body and thoroughly overcomes disease. SLABTOWN ameba to TIlEmn.». John Ivy is raising his barn this week. He is puttirtg a new loan. dation under it. Quite an enjoyable time was spent at John Iley's last Monday ilkVO4 Mr. nieb is going to put up a now driving shed this Spring. Atrig, P. Poitsald as spending a few days under the parental roof. Mrs. Jackson and Miss 3Iaggio left for their home in London last week. were in Exeter one day last week.1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Broderick were i thee e're visiting at A. Bennie's last Sattirl Mr. Sol. Martin traded itorsetii mrs. Neeb and Mies A. /ley last week, o1. got a. good bargain. White 1161%00 are all the go new. 06614EN LIN& �pcoiat to Tali; titkitiLb. wra. Stogdill, Jr., spent Tuesday - evening at Henry- Hayter's. Charlet Donaldson was on the line looking for horses one day last 31t. Tufford and son Arthur of MISIITER GROGAN dliniM•011M On Rouse Cleaning. •••••••101•••• Mary Ellen had her maul shpring ont-brettk iv honse-ehtinin' lasht wake, an I had th' mislifortune to clishplace me t'mnb nail wid a taek hammer whoile superintentlin' replaeetnint iv th' Annitnishter earput en tit' iltare iv our besht ronin, knourn as tie par lor. This unfortunate easuality. whoile it relives me fur th' toime bent . from th' duties ineumbint en me as Itid iv th" house, such as superintendin" removal iv mat- trishes, th" ilagillation Fr earpits, etsittery, etsittery. etsittery, but Antill it prevents me from wroitin' wM 111b usual fininey an' ong bong ' pwong whativer that manes. It was the good fortune to shtumble across me good frivol. Otto ltwitt th' other day an' ho tank/ me lie had jist composed a beautiful poein whoile laborin' tinder a sloight attack iv timporary insanity super, indooccd by house•elainin", Thi saki feud have it fur tin chats cash tit fifty chats an charm it, an.' I totthl hiin 1 wud let hint have it some-toline befoor Chrishtmas tnebby later on av I had luck. Vista& Ittivitt is a born poet, an' / 4 wudn't wonder av he had my THE RIG HT P AOE For Good odds and Right Prices will have in stock this coming season, the two Best brands of Paints on the market— and the FRANCIS FROST ARK.. and the two leading Binder Twines l'IcCormick's PURE •MANILA, MANILA. AND STANDARD. Plymouth GOLD MEDAL and GREEN SHEAF. These two Twines require no.reconneendation. You all know they are First Class. I am getting a car load of Portland Cement, Fence Wires, of all description, Nails- and other building material. All kinds of Hardware, Tin, Granite, Glass and Silverware. Roofing, Eavetrough- ing and Furnace Work a speciality. Notthing but first class material used and first class men einployed at the ig Hardware CH Main Street. ..... 9 Zurich, Ontario. ZURICH LEASING ., &HOE ST 12E It would be a difficult matter to find a Bigger or Better Assortment of Boots and Shoes than we are showing. We have a niee lot of Spring Goods and still more coming, we have a nice lot of Toe Slippers that we will sell at a right price. A number of Misses and Women's Low and High Shoes at low priees,from 50 ets. to 51, these Shoes were sold at $2 to $3.25. Come in and See our Goods. We will not be undersold by any a`a118. St. 21.1.riCla. fri Great Shipment of "r Links, a vid Satch= els. Will be sold At a Barcu in 20 set of f -Ingle Harness at mkt.'s never boron. known in Zurich, (fr in FIJI() 1110 Now is the time to Oil your llamm.s. of our Harness 011 at redured prives. nil Stock of Robertsons Mix Paints the good kind at 11 lel solute command iv tit' English language Hardware and farness Emporium, ZUM014, ONT. tho Cn==,.AiVi=err he ntoight become as dislitinguish- As the warm weather as Titinyson or dishy ori me - ailed. him Dem drubbles mit house :I 1,47 silf who knows? This is whrt0 **ow approaching. By Otto itwitt, himself. cleanieg. it illay put fle lemongolly days haf cowed, dors -vot snide about, our Summer mid tatrina she vas tearing up. have just received at our de carbeds ubside oud, Storel New Stock of yon in mind of Wear. We Lttd. raising Cain in cherteral niit Grob and their sister Miss Lucinda Jordon and. MessrPet s john andPeter dirtgs &bond do house, mid shust got to crawl arourtd Grob of 5tephen, spent Sunday at l".TtorswpWeehir- treicV3011 Spent Tuesday- DeMplleollnoltrrdfdiol-gnegystacso/sZ blown over by the wind one night tdward Ctirtm's, John matsotilt silo was notriy I De cat haf skipped alretty ond toed so silence as a in.onse. runned idself avay, n s Harburhev. spending holidays -around lidays afternoon at his father's. Mr. Henry bowson. and hear her tear rind rip, land soinednnes dmk. may be to gunday echool will start in the "[ yeti:s, Jodlosthieiliutcondat I may aIso skip. Stephensontzllaciydantieo.ritt: kegs ve.s mit mieropes I ter spent Saturday. evening at lir. Robert Alt efitrong s. Cook's Cat Rod tozpotia IIthiddellift140 titled monthly by oyer 0,000Lid4M. SafO, 600: 01110. Ladies Ask petitt er, m ixturfei, pills and 1701q4fuicrSt CV"! .00i100 Resi cat - aka o haltaition0 site danger -oat P1,100, No. 1, $1 per bo# ;146: Oi 10 dettotii litiongei,,s3 per bot. No. 1 or 1,31104d -et res of price and ;W01.00111 The COOL k company Windsor. OM: nr-Ndtistia gold ilaid recommended bk All teitiotitible waggling la cued.. No. 1 aid No. 2 are sold in Zurich at Dr-Brielistriatee drug. ''':-tote. rind mem rayls vas filled mit tea.rs Und dot's been. de same old sdory for more as forty years, Ven 1 get dot tired feeling und dot spring time fever fit, Den Katrina say, "Here Otto, smash dose carbet up a bit !" Von de rainy; muddy vedder comes dot's sad enough I know, Ven Ohanivary blizzards blow, und zero vas below, Und id's pooty sad in August yen de vedder is so hot, ut house-cleaning clays, I bet you, vas de saddest of de lot. Lawns at toe a yard up. som thing extra fine for at 25cts. a White Dress, Indian Linen e Organdie Muslins in Colors, Embroidries and Insertions. A new stock to choose from and the very choic- est patterns. Umbrellas fitted with the New 2oth Century Runner at $L,25 to $1.75. %tlittbatho, Zurich