The Herald, 1902-05-09, Page 7witke..440,41t,atekC4ottAciett.sae,40•Li eateataelit44.0.40•10.4&46W..41arodtgoetleALAMoxaM,4AA..eitt.1:4,491.6.441tZtedaLsoW
'Gossip About Late fashions -Beauty Hints -Matters of Etiquette
and General Chat for feminine Readers.
Te"wit-or-vr---oreatrwr-ort--w-or-or.-#1.-ar-or-vIr WIP-iy-WroarV14,4tolft4PW-PelOr.
While there is nothing strikingly
new in the way of gowns there are
hosts of pretty ones ivilich have
new and original eouchee, gilvinfe
them ev.ery appearance of being
entirely nova Mantles, coats and
wrapts ahow quite as extenstve var-
iations as thagowns, and they are
certainly dressy beyond anything
we have had beeore, especially thove
which are desigueil for. the mateous,
and /mule al lace and silk.
Black Chantilly, is the popular lace joy to herself and to all who be -
and you see long, loose coats of bold her. She has some purpose in
this, lee veell as capes made with- life. She is, nine times out of ten,
out 'a fixed linkage and finiebed with neatly' dressed, bright eyed arid
one or two llounces of the lace healthy. Watch her and you will see
and a cape collar of lace. Po collo that the ball of tlx foot ie. the eon -
bine useXulness with variety two tre upon which the weight of the
Ileings, one or then white silk, and body swings, mad that upon the heel
One of black, are made detachable,
to be adjuseed with a lew stitches
whenever the change is required.
In tele way you. have a dreeey
evening wrap and one which can
e -
be orn in the aeternoon as well.
In the lace coat you see tee full
Bowing sieevee with a lace cuff and
Xriils, and also a deep collar of
cream Ittee as showu In the second
Tee black taffeta coats are more
useful and just as good etele. They
are usually plaited and mounted
ou a yoke, tablet' is covered by a
broad collar, or cue in a partially
circular shape with a bias seem
iclown the back.
Yet there are all manner of modes
in coats, and one or the pro -Hest
models has two box Oahe down the
back, one down either side of the
waists. The material in many of
these dainty pieces is white lawn,
thoegh the various gradee of linen
in white and color's are also seen. The
embroidered deeigne spread Well
over• each side of the front, some In
black, some in white, while other
feecbing patterns are In ecru. -Mail
and Express.
• ---
Tbe Girl ,Who Walks Correctly.
The girl who walks correetly is a
A. woman will often say no, when
she mea,ns yes; but never yes, when
elle means' no.
The normal woman is capable tol
one Jove and flay aerates.
A. womaxes charity sometimes be-
gins'away from home, and then re-
mains the
A Young girl Is the nearest eaPe
preach let an angel that we bave-
and tee most exasperating.
It has never yet been decided whe-
ther a woman is happier when
happe- or when miserable.
'When a. Woman is thoroughly tired,
she finde northing so tefreshing aa
nice, long- talk. --May Smart Set.
Tb.e Honeymoon.
and the to there is an even balance Ic`I don't Mak anybody dreams
of the strain, if such it may be call -
That In a bride.
ed, the heel not being called upon You mustn't try to hole my hand;
to do more than the toes, or the
Be dignified!
tees more than the heel, while the ee"d try to look at ease and calm -
sole is the medium between the two ' "
extremes. Thom -Ay I do -
As if our going off alone
In correct walking the foot Is
Were nothing new.
placed evenly upon the surface, with And when 1 ask you things, just
the pressure upon the heel, then
arion the ball of the foot and then
Oh, I don't know!"
upon the toes. From the ball of the Why deers that horrid man back there
foot a.rel the toes the impetus and
Grin. at me so?
elastecity of the stride originate. Could he have guessed? Or does he
Many persons, in endeavoring to
n - just
alk correctly, make the mistake of
Think 1 look nice?"
putting too much weight upon the
heel, This is not as bad as putting
too much weight upon the toes. The 11E.
easiest method of learning how to eCer course he does! But, dear, you
walk correctly is to pattern a.fter hat
Is wialte with rice!"
-New York Newe.
the pereon who knows how to walk,-
centre, these attacheto an lie Philodelphia. Ledger.
yolse, and e lace ineertion , •
leg in elm space between. .5.gaen
the plalte are made wider and
trimmed down the eini•tre with hu
fineshes either hide
the *front.
The broad coliare aro tieually o
lace, lace ants tuetiel batisee et.m
blueel, or leco wite appliee.tious
e Dainty Shirt-Wasst Reg of Moen
With StIteltings.
For a plain, stylish simmer risible
t" triple arrangenu•nt ot the Gibson
slik or velvet.
e or coate, too, there is a sek whie
reeemblee eanvau 111 WeltVe6
etiouitie maybe, while For t.rarelkie
anti %invitee very otyliela eesets ar
made ue auel ealtente awe hued, nit
pongee. Thaee are usually or lull
neagth nue wits' ;tort) eiiiont
ates oieles •elelia
te tet eitiarostir
ley hen% er nwet eitia merle:ler
end lame moilia eel artlethanlie Una
Huey have the appeeroatee helm
wrought- lee band. neolnie on Wla
eer w
celleirei have Oret:el rolore neek4e
le et-1th tine white, or, poestee, itt
tee Meek veleta rublete titre:Ate
tlererisaii the °peeing%
Beetatui vitiates are naole In the n
p fawn, c lore of cloth elh%Ctri
6,tit, alto oi white In the entaie mate
retie, .1 %visite eoat throe
quarter leteeien nu eery email. eat
the 1/0,i3 beeith at the isack tend tram
with aitle fancy eelit siretiA aleo
is. Mete downs the Lonna; ewe arouse
tine teaffee ;tee eiehar.
Anienee the WI/epee:ow netel not lit
Saileereetti Heil m,hewthit0p: MallICIO It
tbp reeetaelt.lie the elleatilene tetelaate
fortningett loot -,o seal. ef hetet effeet,tne
edge etiailkr,..A
o..0 %dier 4'1
tine lieleg nreennie *Phil Nene a, Le-
vee tq,,,,ow the ,werest Hee, below eelltictla
the leareinesole ltearter, ieeverieg ete
Wollaing .inettet"..
TIM severe Weilleng etekete abkett
taffeta tU weer it't,tla 411y. egaiitt nrc,.
tItiroaltiy Kcal( Dud ovio HU le
froalkli hae the blr-a,a_tl peat
ha the 141014 autping nereate at,
the'tealet ferres ateate
tali. Tine tip thee plait is in
greepe tees- taelee, winkle meet at
tine beet.
The frail- tnekal in the a
eitalinner tete the cellar lie triple
elm 01 Mee null laws and stk. The
latitetta Wetted to tine elbows are
flatting in eletese bees% Over an Mee
tereleeee of lawn. coed laee.
New !incises.
The idAck tafkta ekirt CoittlikieS
hi tegnse ane le is with this that
plait Is very pleasing. The Illusive.-
it Hon Is taken from a, ehirl-waist suit
k of fine though beavy 'white linen,
a- Hsin\O
Hsieh Of the plaes dell teetteel clown
e the beat setae is stretched Wren
I: times with bloat, the nano' triple
I klilug Is lug used to border the
r „
7 4
1 I
the taffe
ita jeeket Is Maslen at Ile
The triple ekirt. teens to he One
of the latest taiteles, hat It is triple
let effect °illy, nuti occomplishel by
thkee citenier lied/lee% heglohliaget
tither IdeOr i narrow frobt breadin,
the tv.„13, one attached to a itiO yoke
a late, or Ole ot the material. Ageilti,
It le Made hy using two floancee,
tither etkaigint or• eh -tutor, wed tin-
1ehing the upper start IIte a tonic to
rnA over the upper femme
elotizeahle among thn thin gowirs
le the tate that the live, nine and
tight -gored skirts are very tutees
teed, but so often disguised by the
I -el -Ikea tacking Ariti Plaiting to
Meth Iit eelleeee that the gottesat,e
almost lavielble. 'The realei a -intim
tar -king stitched down below tine
keee„. the fulness being lefe to sting
ont, le very leveler for intliste ami
A fitetty model withorat tucks hag
thee narrow as raftlee artmeel tine
below wed insertions of c rose stiteeing
set in arcrand the his in yoke forts,
each lir,e 'turning at the back and
extending down to the raffle.. This
may be teversed, the on 1:14,as ex-
teeding down the froot.
A five -gored skirt may bn arrange
ed very prettily in shallow box plaits
M$ amulet and stitchee down to the
emee in the useal way. A band of
embroidery, or lace, or a gronee et
tucks:. are a pretty finish at the
&lets of six and eight gores have
a beam directly en frt. of -course,
which is very geoe tot linen. Tile
Seam Is often loined with being,
erosseetitching or partially hidden hy
a group el fine tucks at either side.
ItLI: Isbias511 a Utile, Of coarse, and
that gives a pretty flare to the
A ehic model for erepe de chine Or
tiengee is shown in the illustration,
rimmed elaborately with insertione
en'' filet 'knee combined with guipure.
the skirt has a plain hip yoke stitch-
ed on to tbe lower part and out in r
scalloped lines.,
Sbirt 'Waist Tips.
The woman who prefers to make
bee- own shirt wroSta or at least /
has them made by the borne sewn.;
stress, may find some vety delight- !
petterns in separate embroi-
dered fronts to combine with these
Sup ay School.
tWlE1tNATJo1.4)u LES8Q O, VI.
MAY 11,1902,
Oster Delivered Fran Prisen.-Ates12: 1.19.
Conimentary.-1. About that time -
About elle time Saul and 13arnabas
:came to Jeraealeia. . Chap, -xi. ;30..
leered -Ties was Herod Agrippa 1.
.1(3. wee grandson of Herod the Greet
1.-1:110 murdered the Innoeente
16); nephew of leered .A.n tepee, who
teerdered.eohe the .13apeiet Watt,
and father of Herod Agelp-
Pa le before wilota Paul .preacheci.
eeets xxvi. 1, Stretched fortli-A
flgeratiee expression, denoting that
Ile laid bis heeds on them, or teat
he eaecavored violently to oppre,sin
tee tame:le-Barnes. To vex -"To
2. Tinted James -James was one of
the three apestles who had been es--
peolally fevered by jeans. He was
present at the raising of Sairus-
daughter, at the transfiguration, and
at the time of Celine; agony in the
garden. "enmes was no doubt taking'
a Prominent part in the work of the
elnuth. With elle sword -13y killing
with the sword we are to understand
beheading. A.mong the jaws there
were four kinds of deatn,--stoeing,
burning, killing With the sword or
be/leading, end etrangling.-Clarke.
.41, Pleaseti-His object was to gain
Pehhe favor, Many others In author-
ity einee Heroies time have sacrifieed
prinelple in order to secure popular-
ity, peter also -Peter we very
oon••peitoue in the church at, thie
time. Unleavened bread -Tee feast
of tin, Paseover which mute:wee
sevea days. During, this feast the
•Itie-s ate unleavened bread (Ex.
15-18,. anti no leflrett was allowed
in tie ir Mamie "The Paseover that
year eat. April 1-8."-Prioubet. James
11. Come to hiuteelf- Beeeeered eateateetleotal....teeeteeteeteeseellie,
frona the coefuelon of mind Into which
he bad bin.en throwneaHaelsett. Now
I know -He had bad a similar experi-
ence before this, Map. v. 19. The E m
expeetation-Ten Jews Were waiting
eeefonely for hie o.xecution.
12. Considered-Wben he fully oom-
preliended whet had transpired, and
.1104 weighed everything connected
with the clreconstances at els deliv-
erance. Rouse of Mary -She was the
sister of Barnabas. Col. iv. 10. Mother
of John -John is leis Hebrew
and Mark his Latin name. Be at-
tended Paul and Barnabas on th.eir
Hest missionary Journey, and Is the
author of the gospel which bears his
name. Many praying-Tels was
probably the latter part of the
night, and this large company had,
no doubt, been praying all night,
le. Boor of the gate -Tee street
gate at the entrance to the coart
in front of the house, which was
fastened, probably, "for fear of the
Jews." Came harken.-"Otame to
anow,er."-Il. V4
14. lenew. Peter's voice -Peter may
be supposed to have announced his
name, or to have given it is. reply
to her inquiry.-Haekett. The fact
that she recognized his voice would
show that Peter had been a fre-
quent visitor there. For gladnees-
Toronto r armors, market,
• May 5. -The grain receipts were.
light on the street niarket thee mom -
bag. Prices were steady'.
1WhOat-Was steady, 200, bushels eX
goose selling at 75 to 78e per beehele
Oats -Were steady, 100 bushel -0
selling at 4.5 nol 4(ia per bueliel.
Hey -Was steady, 10 loads selling
at $11 to e13 per ton for tbriotbee
and $3 to $9 per ton for cloyer.
Stravv-Was steady, 2 loads selling
At $8 to $9 per ton.
Wheat, evlitte, 71 to, 81o; 'red, 7001
goose, 701-2 to 780; spring, 670; rye.
08e, ; barley, malt, 54 to 60 1-2o i
beeleee feed, 53 to 54c; oats, 45 et)
46 1-2o ; peas, Ste; seed, cert., job, al-
sike„ $12.50 to $16.50; seed, red clo-
ver. $6.50 to $9.25; seed, timothy,
$7.80 to $8.25; bay, timothy, $11 to
; hay, clover, V to V; etrawe
V to $9; butter, pound rolls, 18 to
2o; butter, crackle 15, to 17o; eggs,
new laid, 12 to 18c.
She was so eager to inform the Leading. Wheat Markets.
others that she ran. to inforin Follovving are the closing quota -
them without taking time to Open tone at important wheat centres;
the door. to -day; •
15.. Thou art mad -One of -Mega
exclamations which one can hardly New York ... ... ... ...... 81 ;3-4 Sfi 1-4
Castle. Sept,
resent an hearing what seems "far allienge .....
16.• They were astonished -This Duluth, 'N'tx 1 75 ; 75 a-13
too good to be true' Toledo .., ...... ... 85 i 78 1-2
done not Indicate that they were Northern ...... .. 70 1-2 74 1-2
unbelieving- and had no expectation Duluth No. 1
o an answer, but a•t the strange hard ... ...... .-... 79 1-2 -- .
way in which it came. Our prayers Toronto Country Produce Merhet.
are often anewered 10 unexpected
way see laitter-Deiries are elfering more
17. Hold their peniee-Their joy freely and the market for large
ores 80 loud in its expreeslott that relle lei a livtit, (%11,,ler. Clioice large
he was obliged to motion to there vele ere 1-2e off. Poutil rolls are
to be quiet in order to secure an stuq14. 0.61,:i't! ereameriee are tole
ago, Med JI1S't befOra and Peter was
inipsietinal during the feast. oppoetuuity to inform them of 11:s *AN. 310, 10:-.Q In prive.
, . deliverance. Jamee-Not James the Cream! I. . pi -let& 2.4..e. te. tele
son-hitentling to keep hint until line
4- APPreetellded•-See It. V- DI Pre- son of Zebedee, who bad been slain. aileite Ole et 2.2e : Itairy p itiati rolls,
ea was ans....pater was not mks. (-helve 171- te ree: de, large rolls.
tle-4 id title religious festival It would
feest use./ over. "Hering the ealeninie ed unto Runrivie_aboat 6 wein,qc. Ill....4:m le 1-2 te 17e : tee. neelesta
,a, It was in the fourth vvatele mi*' elel hew, ble te le 1-21: terge, tb--
lir"' 116"4"('-'t'uwel in'Pre3P'?r 1")' krt:ei time between 3 en•1 et Weetele. thet maiet le Ir .i at tee prea•at priee
eneottiel in the trial of a euppattei the sireel enteral tie,
-e• ereeee- , eie lee, noel 1,11.4-r.r1 aro liberal.
eriaioile"-Itarnes. Your quart :reknit; Sehaff. ' 14a t a ...i - - ne rt ;11Z11104 firni arid
19. Evamintel the keepers-Tr:411 , 'eft -reale rdr, 'i• r:. i --,,n mei. rare eri
thetai for 0 ereeee „if eip.q•ii,B.«,e0...... ' 1 ,,,, I z. 'k - ••re ;4re4,1ri•eZel at
S. 6 -A ie .te.•:11.ort we.; a cumpaity of
4., A a ' - :,•11:,-rs, hence there were elx-
1 THE CV RETIE z to,., 4, ell. The night 10•4461dia lel lute
eri • eciu: v. eat/hen or three Moire 4
KO 14` el ittur salient; were en anare
i t t:nie. A r t Pr Ea st pr --'*.l. r ter
thee {,...'kt• :5." -It. V. Mter tiu. whole
f1.34 t er., teeer. 'fee» wore leie ter itt
an iii •1 . aetieal teem ell Meer dale
.1.AAAIN:ig.o. re....4•A,,,...A.1%#•~•~•"*.
Whatever may be the co:planation
as to why emohing in the form of
eleatrettee has become so enormously
p Ppalur daring tho' poi•r, 4:N.:to/P. there
own be no timing that P enniarlie
from the tnet that it hag 11'1 to •
very tiliarn Ineineerial war. Mileens
or publie noon iy have been investu.4
in eivarette-nuthing eompAutes. i'ig-
tir•tics are titfo! unbje•o. of otkiverti.,e-
, ment in tho,lably paperg on an en or-
nions ren le utterly inconwora 'Co with
that, on widelt tobacco and t•igars
are tidy: rtNe41.
Thc, reavon t.zo :tot fur to seotz; the
eleetrette le eheap, turf, more than
that, It is a eoliveadeat form 431
"asnotie." The g001 cigar is not
eh: up. It. is emonratil,•elly Intohy, anel
11-ielsett. %ell there eit "fle t ene leeteze fen 0: "re
_pat not Itts.a. der in ite • th Lee urt° 4 1 rh"
a:teeth lie eileti m 4i, lien fele men. H•le 1. Hal • et en• :e eel e
ma. re .21-e3. '''et.e441 at ezilts eist ee for
I 'Teat TerAL elf '1;5 nee.
14r•-1,-eiti',010 ts ohe le!ritai,t. of ti,le . v,,!;4/ 1 ';'!'-',"-' ' r.f- h)))t,rh)l) .) ' ),M•ot
tait), nl 1 114•V411-` nt) pia..-,* .n 1.1.1. vac- r'0„kii,y. 11. Tin, h.. IL!. ?to- imore 4,.t.- ',.‘" • ''' ''''' `',I'll'''°3 2414 DI 41 .'7"1 0
rot 2 <-,t, lOritet; hint ft,rth-Vin.; i.r.l. iii, -4. wt, /,„1,,, la toe, v,,,,rh u„ Ito. b,1,1 1 441 `I -'i:', ' t ', 4 ""1!' 121'11 "
4111°1.1'. 411,1-'411V,4 to pot Lian to 121 a 411 4,..4141 021 ni'vre 1,1,•0 tr:ittrt• sat 6.1,4,* •e *croft:* S.)%4 ‘,,t. oeit 1,4.40,41, 1.
pe, ..., 1 "the pitette e,-tite bli.ev 2. 11 01,g4Cian, the more WC. si.1.111 1,4', ,,t; te k' ' ,
e:41,4^1 io. , ,,,), tir!! / 0-444V, a,a,1 1,Ce.,,„ e 4,004 • 1! 01= -"''`I'''''L * * * .' •'".. .. %
;.. 1 „.tpl-r--"Tao. oral:). u-,,:11,1011 they ei et 40,1 petentinii nt in sly, i -7 t. -.'•,,Ne - . eel" ' •• *e; - ' t 6 4,4
4''' Vik .6 • ; „ . 4 4 ' "'09 ,., diEl
CA at I. • le e." IaLctntt 4. etente, - teii,-- i %%ill et- Eiteele t * ee tee fleet to e el ; ea-
lao''':,',!, - It,. V. 'Pow,. pr4,,,,s elle wrote or tho foie We lattle• vere. f ' '
P5' 1,,- o about L'..-1 :1.4,1%era..i....0. tn. , Ili th! el the Pre lot I leeteet 4ef Jane. •,, ••., , wee, ie
4* I- 0 4" rek`e
Vt4' 1 ineets-Thee. DI 0 ,,2,o0EtO, m A dt ' th 4 1 aT. 1:,111 . eel; te e iier lee, eat ...- k kk k
pPv..i, ts,.”...c. itiestosiee se tine p 1', 4' )1,14.: thot loo, ,, . r 144 At,- c Lolt 4,,, 12,1., ,' ,41 4
cut: .,, -.. nt?o3 uAmtLa :lido zeiblie ,,,.?5- ' Bb V :tn. 0 ir,',.. let 1 14 1'014 44 I°404' 0441.e. 0a, le• er "' ' 4-e „
ewe.. ie.teeertotte, etree e •15.! it. to a.l., az ., a 4,004 u,..,-.1, ,... 2'. 1- ...... -.0„ ,. .
ti *4.:w Novo, 14:04t-rrne 444!II4 1V,0. to, .14 4,,, 00220,4h. , .4...",,,I '
tin. ti.Iikl:t* *NI la ino,..0i 1l.5e, -. 440- 4 Ti'. k )1,4a4 'NI 4., se .2 4441 4- 5 4:5! <i• r 4 • _I' ''
I t404 1•444413 non rt.rth for' teL41 ' t'''' -t= -.Lie% ,,6 ',":u..'si ty'AII,V.'11441" °''.4"1' ...'... ee. .
•44.0110044040, le•tee evue hi. pette.-- ti .1)eie•eele.,' '•i2.1 1444-e LI -2 4, ..,v4, , ..,- . ' , ..,,,,,
Al trci:p! -Ito ::.A.420 ZiL. 100,, trrl'4',1- 4'.'' ''C '1:: • 09:0'074. . •.;„,,...,,, , i . 11 „,•-. , ,., ,...
y It takcs FOttin Utak! tO tin1,4i. '.N114' ' l-'1 blvvi),' 1444,6' too tw,ti,i,,u4 IQ'"....' "L'' 7 'h`' 'n''''' '.I2 ''''''
I PIP,' radlt*t bkt kiln. ehNittlo it r' zit* 4i-. Ile War, r(•131:4' tA* 44,, i',,i, ii,/,_/ '-,1-u•• ee'e:e i..2‘4". V: .' 'A: V: „p! k e * I 4j, .., „ ,' ''''' . 0 1
to N. filled. and a pjoieli iner,!,! 1.0 IV < ter; wlvil tiala.,4.o he ,,..','.1 oc.ia. '1",-'t` , '-'1,... " ' ' '1 ;"•`;'c ." ,2','• ''' , -, VP- ? ..or- •,.t- . •klt
4414.701/:.: to Contain the tolleteete T.Jao., i', "W ."411 11 11-1`... 41 it w4 4 14 Ow'. ,,t",,- "' - l''''' " ' ' ;'''" . . r' ''' - '' U''
can IIK• voirriovi too tito*pq-rhost. all 0 ove '.'-i. IS., VI "ilIN lo• ..8.-11,10 .: lv 4 -i1 " ''' N''''' e 46'. ' - '' " •'' F. ...•
Itearette male- to melee, eteeetet -" kr" 113' ""." 2" '""' 14612'4' 1.4
1100410.4 In a woutehe I q in tIDC'
; 0; 10'0 B.4.014" 00:1- lee iek . J
il,ne4,enaritar:le10)ertebiibitabgetantil.vt,:„r„..*: l24 02221 3.II 1. ip1V2‘1:. It: ,‘"1. el. .1i, • . „6,
e.17102,31z1uterbitiltiIvr isa0,41t. •:11124.-; •
_v .
e0:11254.0 lelteg convenirmre.
1N9 rtbleeerer, ftpjargon44 fregt 4/ 24.11. fltg,• , ip 114 • 241'. ”' •
+iv or laralth than 0.:4 ttll11c) 11441 he - "'11111'" " r ". e" er''"7° '1" L;I41-
, „e • a 0",n,, va c.41,, „ kJr, tk•-,jD' o 4,01.1.-
r_07 a pipe, To wl1N-NAL,•••5 tieue, •,41' c•-•1 - • '7 " •
t#, ZO
4,3 411
, Emeriti initdor „ • • , 3 , •
I_ 4'11 ve
e5gett,,,,ttt3 than in 12 41 , N;4a.t.y z9lav-Ity 4-4 41-4-,e,.1ey.,.21m7. otr..J r: ti't,';f:•01e' r.,
oraft 1.1`Qe: e!':' r e • ,! - •
p44• _ ,2,,e • -
:igl:atc11;ttite-2,11.8141 • t117 rt:1./
ine n40 *'i 4t' 13 "hot" in tlo, • EU, 1,•-•01•404441101' 1'01 U0II°4 kect0IrEII 0,0 • 0", '
1144 elearette le prnietlenkv CijriTee re"r&M, EYIPt•- 'tr" tte; f051,0:c2.,
mt. 0o12aLt voutik, the cut. trimpa 'iit410,unittlis.., smt Us, .r"
llhaittNII ilij1 to tee ranuthilAy,,etamta-Iouto--W110P4nan. 141I tr!2e
4)444- '.112111 . . vz,,
itvilutroe 0.1,1173 pstte,unitttkteetlsorIntotrtaillrttamli,411,7;4•,ne•an;:‘,.: ''‘ofjr-,D4r1;''t,?‘'
- • -
eagepuputed to by contirettetatereke Eden eneene sette. are
liarrow Neintre pleelt„ the belt, the
cease the hotatce top atilt the tueks
lit the top of tfte liouhae. Triple stitch -
IheS alaa outline the etatue. tetetty•
nal dainty tetenovete for this Mitart
elttle snit ate ellowet oil the ittoek
and cults In the shape of tine whitz.A.
linen eathroldered In black and seat»
tered watt" black Prenelt dots.
It's a valtialisie little pattern dri.nt/,
awl WoUiti iserfeetive Itt Cbina or
deep blue, with White stitching/.
Reseda or venal, easter or gras-
would nice he adorned by White
etieelerspe Or deep ked le good one
leek; alse nit !Mee Color.
Nees or Prorich Modes.
Trials shertenel tit the back.
Moe and gTeen combined With black
and white,
Two . kieds ot 90)C3 nisee e e
Lattice stropping is the prettiest
Patisienere will not desert thoi
beceming Etots.
Trailleg skirts ehorteeeti insene-1
diatele- aeroes the back are stospossedi
by the wily Fretch wornars to make.
her appear yoaaneer.
Box -plaited box eoats are extreme- /
ty modish. 4
Lots of hip trimming. which slender
WOMen like.
Nothing is more ebic than Etangar-
Ian embroiders-.
There ate aziditional liegetie ge,
feces In dresses. I
Ir.ernetations of Point de Flandres
ate rnoeleit.
Lace gniets are now quite with. o
out stocks. r
Buttons serve to accentuate lace e
Batwing Intact -with buttons, edges/
lace insertion.
Tolle is bet a very dellea.te
Louis XV. coat-talls ate hung onto t
anything above tbe belt.
Pin-striped slueded tafeetas are the
latest cry.
Varonely -shaped ieedges may let 0
font funnese into• a skirt.
Not that -our dear friend, the Har-
ing florinee Is done for.
Elabora,te tucking in yoke effect
serves to perfect tbe fit of many a
dress skirt.
on the other I and to, leave hic ro.- r- at= I
4 2:••:,
t ..; - t.0.• ' e
The Triiple t'I'dosob.
'1•11- Clore • • sty.1
o , / retire !irks? a 41 , e_ 'z,1 a.I '' - ,.,01-0.-e agIu,•Ps fi,ineS -II. reete ino, 0e.i,3 t''''" '4' V''.1e'-'' `6•" • ..`'''4'''19'."2-4 "'1- Ciu
.4.• ••: enee. . iien• ,•,.... 2 4:4•1:1.0 ,L:Aa
retort in winteit 10 syline. e.*:te...vt (2„- t'll'*:-`ir or thr' /leer:A-AY oz e"'.. -Q• L'us*Lti'•Ki'-' rat,nt rditIrlt. 0,..hva i t, 1 tr.t.,. li I '' l'-, :0-
struetite distillations with therornaP- r•13IfiDeet"%,1"4"*'• •T li'll'is41.5 N':':-) 41;9 - Le;0'40DS" 2201•• 90? Me int'n 3.14.° Est •
1 .... 'i J ,. .e. e/ 4: 1 k ... e • 4' V. k kieb, 9,
t1542) 01 n!."-tid 01/4) le tet, up. One,.‚.- -Awoke 12110. '-112. V• sae iefe. A51s8- 0 '2'500 12•Tgiri4 ban 0 of tilivg h -Low,. so ls,• Le - L." '''''-5 .4
: 4-`- ' "' `''5''
.' 1: :".-1:: ''-.1.2.. 2(--' t''
1.1101**ifer., ig 1-404(the area of *roe:J.. arise. Chains 44,00 oil' - The ehalins to 60.-Itconsti-ato 4Th,3, 31.y. wtilf, '-, ni 47v3 (*L'-'-%4--, t-, 'a,',- k.-:1,'"' I1).1.011I- alC4.4
urong obk..etion to the eiganeette. The elatell not aseesP
t etee .., restrain any ele eetetheye
m -et • ' tL" Er"
,s inn s 2t02.4 24 that boztazt0 hlen to the two inlet eteee tesiteeseee- ,!lint fro 9: 11"' z:1•"°1'0I0r r0 p :eleven trenu.y
t' I
mouth aro tette tilt 10const,totisv „:„ a 541.141e5(1. te-11t hi wlimt c0,-,,, roe Ont*,fe 2,...;'!fr 27..rool.r'.ft etel' c••1,1 ‘ -n- for til. r'''''l -.•• l'' ''' '''- :'' • "2-.'
,i Incatintoy lee:Am doetaireeg ee„...,e,,7 deliver les p?:1):£: From their seine- ItliamPs.Pc.5e;ereesevfilt,inie;pelint...izittl,laFstter2:.,--mle,e, 7,1,,,,,..e''eaYe'-e'lt•I';'4".e..:ez'-eje 0- 3.14 12,
mite:02 iiitl.3eiviler:elkilVeti-ht;e4einf:fit- 1tyllfii:,,ET:it,142:::,„-'t; :8:,..iie- 80: 1.:(1,.:iii,"„ftv.-11;r k...,-(2,:ilat75f,,1,41.01..',?711,:' 2., .rt:i ' 0gS01t1117°11.1. v.s-i-l'Itr4a41.41i15114-..;%trri,l't Irdiz541tvi-st.,-12111.11..1t.,1.- ‘"I';':::j1:1:::, ',.‘.1127,:''2:1'1":;t71:,,..1:1;;2.1',1.5.:: '1.44L4,4.1.!:::::a*:,:sau 711:4:7
q Mach or ti retied uu.ongh the eigatette.. u'I' ''" dlia/15ansiliadiesil.i.!et145.:411,7te. oiiiiteviie4tylinte.,tirje: $....!;14211.: : iltri.s'l• g $t?..,:err'snoct,:lhli,,,n,,:lii t...e.2.ot. Tr.- ?'CI,,rirel.rt: , ,' ' _
, ‘..... .
e_tte efriohleg atises front eels etet. 00.. thlessoqe48:;1. ''.ii.t2".,,; tot-e,t ,,,,t`17 j",a;:;..„ pitue well, wh,„_,,s1, u!,,.... tee..„. trol,,t. (3,e. ..2.... TLf-r4' it' a, . "-: 7(7....,e, , . '''' aettgV)t:C.
in the mouth until Isetrainer Or t74., - - - --
the- cigaeette beheet Petsfeeently BA! faefeeted client the an:kles. wean titso, it)et,,i4,11:Lnut.zei.elenvitf,...; nternts,:;Itilt,Ilreul:t01„:g-: ue'-',- 19P-reeseaaet :e1::.114'....e.'1:4! '''.4;.,i •.:.':: !.'ie y.J'„,;;
le sale -elder from cigar- - „ 421p kp-4,p,,,srs it, 0, (4215.7... tn. TA, tF.ree sr -Q.
Ilpg is threatelterl. If the StOreleofierreLf'1.11 9. Aild ho tvetit 0,..itee,ri.u,le,3 4,,,,r the es nee c,..-z,,g5g.•,,al ?..--, -if•rs p s: -..-ea t; „IE",9 ,n1"',E;:..,72"":"- : 71- 44-1"'"`"-- 'I" 1. ;r.."--`4 7.1"-cwe
t hei burning tip of a eigurotte 1,, t-mget, he wet DA ell ot".7711:.(Eno rtia Ea, wones coal ea. Tee On Jr.*Pr ,-0- .7 tr, et 'a ''. f j,.,.0 t°•03,11•1•::'.!' "<
dram!, througth the cigarette may lee knew tot.
rt gte -r '!` 4 *f : e t-- se -A.40- omfot al 41 n'"' A -,d n,2,-1 1.0.0.-;a_, ,,01. grr-w (-15-1 20":11tDI'lea.' 7"`'. '*u. ' ‘ ' :::' '" z 2" :' „,-):'2•2-': .,)1..`.:°;,t•
plirpossly Inhaled for a thine a Qes-ze. ,sa--„,. If,. wasi.,,i hy ,,,,,..,-2ning....,4 „fit., -_,,,.. eos.t. .3%101 it is s11?.. "Tlvo W6,761 f 1 'At l'''''''2.-' 2' 2'r ''... 1. '' 11: .':' 11" 1n`1"-' 11)"'''''
it ,ef.e 14..:0_,r -a.. 1,10.'1 -.10.17.., 4 0 4 '4 •10..e,
pbt,,re:tthivel t..2,:11:nrilte,:z...nae •,4i..t-zy tes,irtunetorz.-7_ gulailt.,tievaaterdb-:lietut .44u5n,:e_re,,runeter,,,;-:,-;1,,,T .12.7.2..,:, ; tra 0 4.,6,12,2 try ..„.c.,ise,,..,, ti,pt frzr 5.,..,,,z,..., !:%111'.11,altc-,...j..7,i•_-.,,,,,-..s...,..!.. e
the levee Prirsl.
t" 41 4
Stilit is obtained vs-ith tine elleetr. 1' 31 eame wotel.-Wie e (ru. lb= v..„)).), c•;. " tb•---1- e` . '' "•• ee -e '
0 lz-t-z•vsl'itz .•.a.s. ..i, ,1",-%•,..,- w -•%..,.., er-0,0 7 fe.01014:::
la a, s4111 mote cospihttle NC:17. lt*L: or wards, her? se,m 1,-4
use or the cigarette or olgrir havo siate,3 eteere cS
fee ehetertere, calettietei oiwZ,••!-.1 'Like Prfeon, oe le '1,1•17 se"a.30 re
two soax•ees tnischhi-the et="nrefelly aereeDeeel ee veep 14r1
12(4114 tion or tir. powerful pangent ere eeet --Scott- Thee were ;vole -Irene' z`,13
ftorre tho ligetej eaj„ aeei tee 5;e:e.e. aeleep_ Iron gate-Ahh,e.,:gh. kaked
dectiers tOlIZICE00 eele aute hatred, It fete:eel et 11i2-2' en -
the eneetb. iaa.„. and proach rtr-protti,d-S:ops-rna:Inral 0241
kept pir,e with reed toteleee woe nronecaeetre "iree, 5. al!!
preserves the smoker agaiest Bete e°43 floW 41k'. 1n' OW71 1,'"P:A.
contiegenclese •
Where, Inowerer. the cigarette le
tatiortaify smoked, and not to ene:1FF:,
t is erobabev the mildest form or
smoking, eend tide fact. 00uple:1 wife
'convettience and cheepneee. le a.
sufficient reason tor its iratiennee
popularity.. Aand It is interesting- to '0
ota -Jett the tobacco war. arose!, 0
ot on accenint or the pipe or Ile
igaz). bat because or the cigarette. t
leer the Melt Otos.
Uncle anti tut eleicher word to ;
own to bay a nen-- clock. "Now."
aid the dealer, "here is screening
ery attractive In the way el .cleeke. ,
Veen the hour beginve, a bird e.Ometz
from the top and singe, 'Cuckoo!'
"Words on Wornet.
A plaid ti401420.11 takes prirle in her
friends, a beautiful woman la her cro
For imtairm, I turn thiS tor.",
three o'clock, and the bird comes our.
and slings "cuekooe three timese" •
"Don't that beat all ee erleei
Uncle Melchor., entirMasticaily. ;
ther, let's have Gem" . tier -
roue, so 1111,1tM SO that I could not rAst N1.01 nig.aLs. Ai -ter us14; Dr. Ceaetet, Nerve le oe -
• ne, • 1,
e'1:e 4.:3•r,• vs1:14.rzrz 4.9. ,1,e*
14.1.0"•4 4311...0,1ag• a•-kee 110:i1 14.0:••• n7.v
. ::C• ,4tt:'.ke • 4-014°.,-,4,
▪ •-xetzt,.. rirev.0"02:J.Fre 11 747001
..tralw ic.417:,
yceel Ta.,glr,';'"
arzatv werae"
we2 :211 st.e;] gt 1 T,•1,trini,7.-W1 year e• n : 'r enz t
- ;;C0-,fils
e. ie ex -
•.e." geeg
et'tee'La wili
bt. Cha8e's Nevirz. Fo6ci to'tri!:.1,s, Z..7.1o0419 0,r,z,,,ateo P.Z,s,rivz2,, Foirce.„ 12.sic.n-z--.7,,..ezt
1,,Veig!lt, cald ea7:..f/;••:....e tlfeakv fitc.tiy Poopio. 'Stirc.14 tztnc
. TIze thy of ,iorstrixtrllitv, suipl.n....• az4,5 c: tizt•ta7. ar..1 -41 ", ;.,,, ..:.... s.r•-i.::::,..!:;.• i,,,,,.,: -...7,1,,,,z.:
Preparations as Dr. 'Gift ,re"s Nr•rva l''cof12.
People are b.4.11nning co ti.:ten io t:to ..-:‘, l.le of i.z.,..ay 1) '143 a,„',...-, L;;,a,d t',.,iu t..:at,ir $2,•,,•li..-,a-,... ,, or tach
Tie f4trong pellet in favor oe tele grrat frio-1 core is tLe Zee. ,-,a. at tte,ttf.,...:4, tie71 it.,t,..
• - .,.. .., .., ,,. ., -, ,
sustaining bloo.t. and bt-.11drz, .1p z•..,.- ,,y,...-`,...,1;11 gratin:all:7 41 44* z.a.t.nrallr. 0:',..-a- -..,..:. 1-/•,..,..s.,.t.: it i.:: z.-.,-.,, iiii,,,,,t save.
factory iilring medicine' that you caa /-,...esibly obtain eva.:1 0z,-: , are .1.,,ra?:antqltly ht .:•••:-,,,•al„
'The tired languid iedir,gs ti,ain tea of low vitality arell al ex,.-aii.,t.,.1 cone•S'ti:zr. of t':Ii•10.11 ;•.• ,e.1-04.1 ,*("•;0014 dil..
opplar helore the vitrtEcing-,, oplizill,iiitg infitionce of tills .,gee...a.t. ri.:si.c,,azive. It contfaers 49102-,, *J hy Mang- ;Lilo
sz,steni with health, energy •ene vigt,r.
115`,$. 5. '711.0411pPOILL• 124ilt eltinro t•street, Teronto. rell'i,,,„ State*: 7 1-•74-1Ve•rl- mat,la run 0L7b1ral ;az health, crt;r3
whenever 3; exertel rile -self mere te 24:r rea,Z:.:al I NO 4;,- '. •re atza.-%,:ei .."),47. "I'7%0"101 le • . '" '-
.. .
W1,247,711! rat.s1
No, no," t,-.11.1 his wife, hed..tily. , ...nerves were steadier, 3. soled rest and ;at, ,p than I 41 014 Cor le,:ar; title, and was en -Z;i: :ree fror4
Lat 207
'That sort of a clock weglit do for ; headaches. I ears speak very Weber et tele preparation for nervous trouble.
folks teat have eeot Iota of time, but I 33r. Chases Nerve Forte Lae the endenerneet of the beet peepie In tee lan•e--phyeiciane nee
it'd take me ball the forenoon every I alike, it le breand to benefit tine tote velin b7,enn.Qe it is eoniposezi of tlie t laTraerh
day to take -care of that bird"'
of nature. 50 cents a box, 6 Loxes 1 .92.:50. At all dealers:, or ledmaason, Dates le; Co., Toren:So.
. e peeent reetoratives