The Herald, 1902-05-09, Page 5SeElu XnAhe Quif Stream. An Appeal for Funds to Furnish tile NCVV Of .111 Passengero carried by O'Cean Free Coxisnmptivo r�[qspital at araven. MM -we lmye inade arrangent,ents Ow cqr ents float nost, hurst�slr will, It - Meredith, xr. W, -1, bo aff'er the follow r nds are the fing low clubbing Ing isl Gage, and Other Tvust6os In Reciallitt I.,atf% -yTi a 'I Yowwant Interesting, Mally of them have been of Many Calls for Admission Troill tall th Txfjli,, HRR.A.Ll); f6und va xaglug on the Atlantic. 111hese Paitts of Oanatla-Beyoud Mulit the Daily Globe 4.25 Will keep on hand islands were originally parts of July Xost Pressing of all Charities. Mail & Empire 4-25 weekly Globe 1.60 under stress e 10 ly,ing river banks Which broke away a supply of Flour The statement of Dr, John Fergus ��Vq . I h1e. B, I 'EM, of storm. or flood and on, MailikEmpire, .1. 76) and Feed at right L I A, floated out to dea. 'T'he Orinoco, the One Of Torontols,well-Icnowil physicians, 'Berliner Journal (Gernian) 2.50 Altlazdn, the Lit Plata and other trop, that ;1 if consumption patients werepro-' 1,75 Prices, Family 1-1-crald'& Star' J,4, a ds�, ical rivers often send forth such pieces perly isolated and treated, within ten 0. U., 3; of their shores. Some of the bits of years from now tuberculosis woura be one land are of large size and carry. ani- of the rarest of known diseases," is full of I -lug Broke'll-er Rib. Chopoping D o n P I ZD Imals, insects and vegetation, even of, momQut to the, people of every com- EVERY .1hines including trees, the roots of munity in Canada. AT Ir c u a r g, T.11 t c,. 1i], Witbout indulging . oung rhan has been sued by a Eo yo -an . e ladv for dislocating one of Tuesday and FAday CC. which serve to hold the land intact, in any unnecessary alarm, the serio s 'while their branches and. leaves serve thought is that the victims- u her ribs'bir'hugging her toclo4ezvere- of con �vas ':-%villing at rst to as sails for the wind. Genierally the 'u'P' 17. , �E',he LIP - 1" _"INTING Ad pay nd druggist bills, the small sum, 1JR MR, tion are found in all parts of the country Seq,1(_, if he woi the doctor waves break up these islands shortly and among all classes of people. 11JOHN MET I R IKE' 0 R, YO after they put to sea, but sometimes, a � under favorable conditions, they travel The letters received by the Association of eleven dollars and , fiftv cents, I "r - long distances. are of tbomostheart-rendingkind, One so �nd tore "Mll_ The longest voyage of a floating Is- mother tells how she mortgaged her far- the bills up when she handed him land, according to government records, niture for one hundred dollars to place them. Then she commenced suit took place in 1893. This island was her daughter, sick of consumption, for one hundred dollars (Itunages. first seen off F lorida, and apparently It under treatment in thelkuslcoha Cottage He waived a hearing. His attorney had an area of two Acr says the lad�,- suggested discovering H o I f ma- n's irlEl ALL Zurich as. It bore no Sanatorium, andiii. so doing saved her 11 _J trees, but it was thickly covered with life. The Free. Consumptive Hospital how tight she could hug him ancl �i bushes, and in one place It was thirty after she tried, he tried. A few had not then taken sliape. Rev. 0. 0. Jubilee feet high above the sea level. It -was More were presentat the time. in Johnston, Toronto, writes T)Ir. W. J. W1 the gulf stream, traveling slowly re ME SHEMIN-WILLMNS Co. and with occasional undulations to Gage: " I have a family greatly afflicted Laundr'y., A REXARICABLE STORY. MAKE With. COWS11111141011 in nly church. Five shaw where the ground' swell Was re for Rheumatism al)(1 Kind - ,working beneath it. Probably it got sons and daughters have already fallen cu "A I 0 Wil` A1.1 I A Discovery of till Almost Cortain, We use no chemicals a,way from its river anchorage in the Out Of M fanlily Of tail, and I fear tile end spring of the year, for toward the lat� is not yet." ' Another, hisanding M con- to destroy or inj ure Fon ter part of Aily it bad reached the lat- tribution to tlio f Lind, says: "I do not red Diseases. r your Clothing, and we itulle of Wilmington, Del.. Amongst the g-reatest discovarios, Guaxantee our Work. knour of a greater di,,,gracli to Canada No large animal life had been seen of the a -e for the relinf of human than liar neglect of poor consurript Dams, ives." Ai,fforincr, perlilips none faket so I Floors, s Dr. Clarke's I.,ittle the small creeping things on it, thou " It there must have been Rev. Fred. W. Ifollinrake, Grimsby, high a l)hLC0 TAILORING IT myriads of a Cupboads, Ont., writes: " Wo have in our tolivii, a Red Vills The forntuhL. from which abound In the tropics. By the CONNECTION voo' Furniture; end of August it had passed Cape Cod inarried man with two little girls whi0i tliese pill% aro niade Nvas tile years printer by trado-who has been sur- result of )nany study and and was veering toward the Grand banks. It followed the steamer lano foring for.smoo time. Ilu did -not desist 0XI)cri'llent. It jS -witll thO gi-patest g B-ath Tubs, M 0 F RR routes quite accurately, and several work until till-, week. I was up to see eii-l-kfidence. tberofore, that the pro- 9 T KIM 4U14 Buggies, vessels reported it One month later him this afternoon. 11a is lying Ill bed pri.: tors Iflace. these pilh, on tho Farin Tools, [to. It was Ili midocean northwest of the andvery -weak. I feel imtrhwt. anci so satittiea Itre rh,-y! tlau Sanatorium that they will prove it. blessing to: A special paint for each pur. Azores, und, its voyage evidently w.'ks is the place fur Min anit fliab ho is not It was much s posv, not one slap -dash rabc, beginning to tell oil It. suff-ering hunianitT,that they make; too far geme. Ero till, lik, would have tholollowing. offer. To tin-.%- one� ture for all. smaller and less compact. Itwas not entered the.14-ar.atiorium lout, for the ques- wbo is it subject of rhoulliatisni (no W AM 'N'coz low I)".' , geade at fair, honest prices. You know seen again, and probably It met de- tion of *5 xL, 1 8 11. I TUNUM 'MAII'l it 1115 asking too niatter how lon-, t-tantling) or any .(r W�� . � divisv are the bzst paints wo know of. You% structlouln the October gales. But It �.v So to') af."d yqu 11_� U6%:d them. bad traveled -it least 1,000 miles, and much of you to writo tho afilictvil, one, or blood disease, its enumeratted below If, -is was thought. It came frota the kindlyseathabitisdorm? Reisantern. alill 'Vill 16 -vv Dr. Malice's Orillocit. it Illust have coveced twice her of illy elaureh la -re, and tbo poor fill Little Regl Pills it fitir and iln�! � that distance. follow swans very much discourageol." parlial trial and do not find it Ixur.. VUE 't 11"f"Ek 7 �-T - 10 It Is quite possible that floating Is- What to do to help stalup oub tbiA dis- "t') Zurich. feet eure.-we will rofulld tl T, t F1 It'.\ i.N �-T :I lauds. larger than this one, under niore easo in bein- practically answered by the intia for tlw pins. if no ,ML n tittl iniprovenient ii, ol:served. wf, favol,fill, Circumstances, might dlirlo.-, National Sanitirittin Asoeiation, who will, ill addition, pay ,'.I0 ill va.,11 OC or �,4, �r- t", o% 16L PC% ge have luade the complete Jou on satis ,Q r- four years ag-o bitilt, the Musltolcft Vot rhettll-.N� ovi6nive being sup. I.' 11�vl -101tt to J3, tiropo or Africa taga.Sanatoriuni, flomil"i tu tile gollerql%ity pliptl ILg tk) tl effitt(It. Parls. 14 all ney front AXIM i and so broil -lit about m distribution ot - . � IL L_ of Mr. W. I. (*a-0 and the Executors of Wk. llaW, vvt tis kiviNT. of it 4n.6c, it,( IX .11 spedew. Or course It Is not nb- 130111telY cortftla that this Island Nvent tho late Hart A "'Maowy. aud ulto have easo wlwrt, the,�e Nvontlerful Itills 1� L'. to nou, just eontplot;,A a lowtild- 1111VO nfit bV01 10111oSt entirely sile'll') t,p %k­�i:,� Pleeits In Oetober. It might, though D I ingto be known mtho Froe 0*11-millptive 4,0"All it) uIrveting it mire VANZA this Is not Probable, have flo-tted down 311. W j DA ('11B .11,11VAL VO Into tbe region Of efthils and seiweed, 11050tall- On"Alft, Ut klf - . . t. )11 t. uv." where- It would be longer proserved.-- Gnge Mild the Ua4 "ey I.Wate. Theodore Waters In Aluslee"s. What thiq ulethud (of j ii slikiwit in the fact th..t. in tiour yeari Base Ban. MY U0B11%. THE GOLDEN RULE. 510 I�Cttknts hav�3 Itevit troutel, %nd of I lelp,61 & Golden Mitt to worldwide anil Is tilat thiLby ipone lta,.L� too 1700,; eQrhIg Mir seer TL for 119te. otary witl treas- varlously Nvieetl as followat 11tor vvift, ter chit -Iron oor llo­ie ot; nrer would like the oltl lulse-baill THE J15 VVEI-ap. Do ns you would be done b.V.�-Per- 'i JeI11sft4Jq.nt club to uppobit two unaltons to lvtok iver tile books und Nee if all is eow, N'Ve t'lle 1�.tll (,rV ngtkin S `3" these over."WO have I evvn enrutl itor.su 1 F. W. H The n-ou- Fn_a Voni;llmptive 11oApital [n Tho Hilit Z h M0 i rept ITfore Nvewturt for There Do hot that 0 a neighborwbich you 11! Is sitaat�.A ha Paitt, far frijull the would take Ill from Idin.-Greelau. must 1?,e at smull trillo vin hond- A Wfint you would hot AvIsh done to lmnefllA 10j.4t laavo 1-!aeliu ­Nonto hans, vzo 210101 Was nstld M1 fivt, MISPITA ga s M donot unto other. t- All NeWSUCIflers yourse 4,Chinese. latimit-4 'of the 1lUq&vIN& 00.tagd Sialm- Oaths whit -11 two are stilit, whit is Sold By One should Seek for otherdthe bappl- tormul, lov vintlog V4 Pq to bo tlono with flae!we U nem one diositeg for oneself.-Huddblist 404 M. PRPpr-�_ ep, thetu. it fla ptain is Io hoht thew. it liq gought for athera the good be de- sirel for Idinself. Let hita Pass on.- 'li�'Iiiuqo onfly 100t. Z, hit lxlaug a v eciv,d wfoald Ile adv"SaMo to make n --tas- mit, pital in America. VAI -11#1 Tor thf-ut lautt tlav Egyptian. flJ)41yUf-.V 19,4' tufi,iC�m i -s men should do to you, do ye e 11W D. Thit INTERESTS Ireasurer lwak . Alt things lybutsoever ye would that lnitto�voiif 11.'0111 Went atv U oo* them. th exerel e tllkt tt.r_end­� d �qei Me, Let no!�L, "t soa tMt lits Isrotber In dejww te Cw�� Vft-e ive 11nQph,10, �Jjjt IM our wol-k tv�,n- Ali Ituthilthlta. a way he leangelf wruld disdDke to he 4,,,DI tj��t, .,4 �Uffi_ V44ftj %VtDiell 4%�Ie Jor(tt Sbftlr�V f,,,) aft. 'NJL:�� .1 �-u 'J Ur_v4, cr7t,,t��; c6loytIght *, , t, - L:- , # vielit, u'u"quey 'n* Ny �nlragqh was tohle'A lku,-6t �Tz,.b 64 Tko true role In buglut-s!? la to Mlardt i� the E,4411,540 wiG'u tw 4�4 �lg qvdL�-,v -,47a�vq VQ1V-% Z� Ii hill'Ir 0111 finte ltvws "_sg*0 hn 9'8.,'1,!h- ,tie ejelgo, tit 2 11 IL -1:1 ILI plittes tar 1kild do by the Mags of "theng as they 4o preq,,4�rly cqttivj ill, TZlik yceLv":,4,��,.�.,�,.:- 5asd do by their e%vu,=-Hludeoo. X�IL Vffit tet"I tA V 11 Ind the 111w fais, Imprinted Olt thes boarb§ of alt nen Is to love the metubera ot so- loaffin, atllound the lutiple1s on't ton,.t - J. W. PIPPIER, 'Oubm-'oeir, C-let4T ag in All parlp'l q1 alg IL111'a %VbItgoever you do liot wish sto'dr Toling Inell whieh t4n. -,c*git ,-4�!r ."FL�l Lmle eitiler iullighbor to do to you do not unto him. �.eetftetl 4or rilt'Do-'y to hoeet Misi: ;tlyle b; take "Illy lylave in Thig U the whole fftxv�% The jcst Ig'a wfionlit-1 5argo fpr Small -vill t1jer ea� .JJe'e ZURICH Th;e'�nunifte;- of 11�01 hw; Yo,-: inele exposin-oft of it, �%e wele"'nQ4. A vlo'Nar Awiqj do: ia Me same soinetru hign $5 or '- 19 -.7 K 9 vr6 1.-.14 wre. otheft sfigulkl it Iso, t I,(. co ptl,., ill. �; E�cz-eta l*y. IS i t1i 4,- n 4 al 1,1 y i;� �1 th f" same ad- Ivitie't WitoteA it littit. are xii4towits-M snpl 1! diiA freasirrer. If the 7.1retch 14"Vs :-1 nD . ij &ottlsh eolaMgatlon pregentot qzIffici�!i,,t tEy futDzi-411 a tfyt. 0(tI5 m" t 1 1, ridd. k q a. J _,� �, WN111 tostttl�t up 0 eltab for 11�" their lft'Llulsttor with tt toid of MORCY tjr;aq 'Vy6 �ibffid Vjb,) tvEll �! the'r Will have to soleet a ne"', 111MV0MIk 'e�mnllittee. ealAdift. sdereitalrv. un'i unit tebt hild off to the etnitinebt for it their e&ques for MO or larger holiday. tremni-ev. The ohl Committee %Vttt fir -4p tvio %vork if thelvistart np aguhM A gefitleftlati Just COMO frOM the Con- cbntributiorE4 wiN lo.N receive I tlyient met it lVtotalvent hieraber of the a by Sir unt t1litur offiee. 'We ebilten dtid sdid to him- �Vnl- V- Chief -Tzl4iee, ViCe- would &u ptleasea to have an atlswcr tt,,40h, by the bye, t Inet your Wulstcw - pre'sident Xational &-uftarlmnx A-soci.- in tile lit -l! wee C al(I J%q 1-t Genumaly, lit- Was looking very tion, Totaft"ot; W. 'L aage� Fsn., cilair- I tsk%etl bs, Zurich Itase-ItaN eoon- ti-Tommito. iv,ell-he didn"t look 9.9 RN be tiecded A man tg. Coi gr. -i Titus 6 Co., Limitc. I, Tteis atter, 22 lifi3g, -NoP, mid iffie church tnembef Verr lgtpilot task. *roronto,, 'PAERB M" IN PP.1802V. Lvzitazo t7--% 1�' A *.7 ZY0 'P `�Ste& Ital Z Zr ftlMd'I'v; "It tvals we hirn" It wa!§ the dD.ftV*,-,1fiO9 tfiat Wdt need& a ftesVl' After a man gets 614 he resefits, W., Wienin the Zr, evej . ye Thite Dom 60 he finle ffol, it larthatisadded tohisa,", P17iltion Of 111S 110M. r D�SXAUST, -701t $Ltd telling ft. *hen A Atpbbibf6 xingstoil, 'Out.. M&y� 4.�Oix &t-, ItaP, ftid 'Willile, "Itthilt dotA It I Ay aftemooll ]Pare� cite leaeler in to tay ti, blaq Is 110he Of battiteli Legs s* Swel d x1td a 6*0 ot the the attotick sonle vears )fteiblemeb?"' litures h6bleffteb", my He Could' t all- P)Owiftiou 18911k, 14pailed, Awl -Vtho -ofte of ii K afterwixtdstn nedQueeft'sevitle3lett' etdAv, tk& Iand. got With tlire6! Y&Ira Special Tnis HrrAmo. AMPA10A soij.", telylicil the With 4, off r I n .:. F 7 E:s 0 N - I Mr. And -Mrs. W-IK4zlm 'Ny, ,qMniticaut look ift his better half, "is J walf4arown butcher of,535 Adewde Street, Z Xing:i;ton N_nitontiarv� died in the AU onaxv whov smileswhen lie VM SO11116 London, Ont.; is anotlye., proof that Dr. visited their '15r. C,,, . � Prison n three Elays ruiYenlovis chenly gift for WS birflI[Igy Chase?s Mducy-Uver Pills are effective In - - Strong tin Sunday. t WL.1t I the limst Severe, and complicated diseases; I ot th(' 0-�'pirafiolx of Ilik tzentenc&. a rrce corsump- -car. n - And exchlinis, *11ow nice! Of thatki(ifty$4 victinitogang-rond. Lasty Thon-aw, -Staudard we(In"flizky for 1(oqtti-.7mTc; Iy Mr. Tmnoffivaw -yam reRalt oi nirt I - - 1�. dga I was laid uzp vdth kidney iiseasaand fall while eseaping, frolly -Napalli e 'Ittelld the weddhic ofnn ql",ol frien,l utinary troubles. 13esides tile pain And J.Jjl'Par* Mr. ('11iris. Iril)fx�r. had hilit ]of t leg ain puta f - int-onveinlencecaused by t%.asa trouble--% I ? .ec, atthcknee- Horecovired. ulltl MM4 'Kiraii T,ines l -f is Utere, it blue Mile on voUr 4",Ms became dropsical, and m 3r legs 'Would 4bout for sall-to time When the- is visitirw at N'Vi��"Ezu.n -:.K.,I.:, 't �MZ-� 6,m �z,� ovcr Canada. are stur- Swell illy to Ithat I 'Could -scarcely go tilt. teeth? Perbapis $0n w attella - arouild a6betioll al'-serfed itself zu his oth At all., Realin� '01 W. CbAses � lil it ter Ill- from lead poisoning, ��CjS , pEi gtrenofil ; syreffliv -P 11777 X he -wilfet pipC"-, OrL it YOU are to t M&by-tivet Pills, I Procured 0. bom. and SH, A BED. �coitinuedthe useof this valuablaimedcine: sapped, and he grow weaker And iell has complet vj� m! r),Is 1,1�r Win.' plinter, carefullY NvAsb yout han4o untif now Jini.,say for acerfainty that I #t§aJv.r, 1K.'r1ils, this, week. ,.,I!d cicqll yout nalls before cating. ain entirely cured. I oever fool- Any 411 there A rcd lineon SOUr glims? Get f It i* �';Ajfj fhitt lit 7yeqlleat fnadicin& thaf did nia'so much. gqoi, and his monoi-r, -of *'hich he. pas:se.,sed to "m Ili tarill In, forcots;jelptivesor at t ain firmly convinced that if it had bot. to his re"Z .idjJJ'X L beeii for this medicine 1 would not be eonqlaci,.�I;l t 'I, 'I " 'n P110.41A10MI10. st toke Cod liver oil, open your win-. to -day." in1v1ontrcix).D ivinghisincareera-, S.Eq. Toronto. yjows:ul�llt and dayand consult. it dOL,_, worl, Gre"If Th;;_`epI'Isact directly on the lcidneys tiOn Pare Was a good, w Ming pri-s- A -mt., Toronto. wc1l Sold nnd wvoiiIr I 1(�. druggists fr eanaim� On and livo-r. regalate tba bowels andensiare oiier, and did his work For a tLblet� hiedicint, 4�11 Limited, Tr"l stirer, 55 fhe perfect action Of tb,�digestiva And fil- vuv- CH Stews. Toronto. it"It6it. Imp I Of sexam vf*., psu ell twing ty and,confinerd nloke or lessz to tll(, Cr,wvdord-lEIaTt U10Y thlllltged th0fit a boi, A.001 dealera,,or Erelmansoll, Batts or exoess, I ell --:1 of it.-!rcle since thor Mov- CO.,; Tqronle� . hospital. btlwo,,om . r ti'l li;ts. f Tho: iritn(Vt of the deecasett. 'of plift, olle A6 �6-e �ql. at:c, I -i. �ie r., i'!. 011Q,6 ta Tree to T TU wo Crabsbfnv-0 �,Priscrndi have been notifted, nuil it ell �Ijtcr their bf,'* bOuse? b, nO, ,151nce they be rol)ly hits. been received that his -eiinite y doult know balf III# A kich tile reitiaing Nvill be elainted by parties Woodrs PI-tosphodine i�q sold i:1 Inaty treeple ail they used t4i­11114964 �L P11 "The H`erata' o� Monday. - Zurich by Dr -Bi S" who will reacli the cit:T Drn,go