The Herald, 1902-05-09, Page 4niony in the diin. and distant P-1 T�',T Ifittaro. 'What Nve -want is news M7 fronlL our Correspondents, not Vag - imaginings. It'is ot no E731ty TIITJZBI)Ay ZVZI\Tll G. aries or interest to our readers to hear that 1 By LP. ZELLRR Sallie brought home a bar of soap TEWX8 OF 8UB1,1,CRlPT10X-.—$l-00 per last Saturday night and s3ippedin flyance, When I year paid strictly ill a - the !the lather N-, hen �'ascfetnding to her, potperisnotorderedto be discontlniied� '11 order is &Ivan i'room after bidding, her escort good - it will be sent until. suf, I $1.50 tobtacharged1byo about two or three o'olockiiii when not paid ill advance. the morning, Zo one outside of ti, ADVERTISING 11,xTRS,—Tran a! ell t very fe-w caros how many dogs xdvertisemelits� 5 cent-, per Brevier line for first 1xisertio and 3 Lauts per line for 11 -were seen in a field, or the amount tion. Swall Advs each subsequent insei of lumber chewed up by Mary Jane such as"Loat" "Estray" or "Stol", , a first insertion and_Y6 from be charged R cent the pickets of her father's peuts for each subsequent insertiori, fence as she looked love to eyes Copy for ebatige of advertise ant must in, 1 that v, ere moon Struck or love- laterthan Ttlesday night i be handed in not ow- struck or ought to be struck- -with of each week to insure change in toll Jig issue, a club. We do not want this kind Local notices in ordinary reading type of trash, the news is wbat we de - 5 cauts per line. Notices for Chux-oh en- tertainments or other bene-mlent illstit,l- sire, and we have no room f or no winter campaign. Ine reDort'S THE ZURICH HERALD country ll;we not yot to take Lie - count of, "kill those women "witil dirty arms, and till theie children with thin faces, twe to saffer� actt,,tLI paim and illness becti.Luse of thib- b-ndget. No one. can pretend tliEl,t I TRU C,1z1:A,r 131,001) the rnifferers will not be numerorts. KTRIVIVR AND SYS'M�'Ar RVG� Of the slual. diltricts, with such ULA.TOR shops, there aro acres lipOn acres Will cure the niost ag1ra- vatod forin of J)yspe'psla in London. and they swarm -with and in dig estion. ltwill Cu V- rect ... J'haL Vull iteelilig humanity. The pool, will inevitably After i4ating,-) Nervous eat lesstbreaa. And they do not Headache, Sour Stomacl andItlatulerice. 'NV11ys11ffe1- bave their fill tit present, becaliso when a cure is guaranteed? they have not money to btil� 200 QAYSI TREATMENT $1,00, , y many loaves as they could eat.11 JOHN HM7G, Dasbwood, says: "I was unable to get aily relief from Asthria Dismal, is it not'! What a pity artil Stomacl, Trouble until thitt human beings so unfortunate, using Our Native Herbs, should exist to place check in the way of ingenious st I atesmen. 'Exist JOHN UUMART, 0 AGENT. tgh, and in great num- they do, thoi ZURICH, ONT. bera. >4 THE AIONZO 0, BLISS CO. Don't get ally old wheel because of its cheapneiss. tire A poor on e is dea� .it any pilce, Our -vvheels. good wheels, and don't cost a . ny more Ulan the other kiind. Tboy're tho best made anywhere on Partil. P, u i righ look right—WeaT Well. CLEVELAND BICYCLES tion at special rates. i twaddle or I-ags. Sole Proprietors, Contracts for colunin, half-colunill and Something New in Silos, MONTREAL, CAN. Much lias been written 'HESS, 'Zurich qi!arter-column ratesfor speeified perlods The meagre news that arrive will be cheerfully given. Address zl I r6- W. G. communications to from Solith Africa strengthens the rd to silos and silo buildin Ma - and belief that a definite peace -will be nitinerolis plans have been 1)a'_'b'hsh- T H E . . CANADA CYCLE & XOTOR Go, limited, TORONTO Canada =2=s, =Sxald., concluded, and that there ivill be ed, but in actiull. ex'perience none I of thebn has proved entirel, . ........ F7 ­�� 'P C) , .7 safis-lCinwImp inT T bil I _--ioftlievarians meetings of Boer- factory. Soniettre too expensivel J 0 forordhittry farniers, others arel HENSALL, ONT. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1002. - 'leaders also s-ugcyest that these men cheap, but last only a few yezlr�. 1 of position are capable of determin- The round stave silo is one of the A'NV, iarton ninirod was broll-glit in- matters of tile gravest moment clicallest sorts, and if it were not This popular hotel has been i IiiLble to collapse on account of up with a round turn by" tile police'by use of the same methods that Shrinkage of the StILVIDS, and the thoroughly renovated7and refitted, magistrate of that town tile Other prevail under our system of repre- e"-pallsion of the iron hoops, it, and will be f ound up-to-date in day on the charge of killing a robin. sentation and discussion. Theout- wonffbe -very t 8 TABUIES every re3pect. ITAN-a He -was fined $1 and costs f or the look- is therefore bright for the, There is nov, a. prospect of these. I R disadvalitages being overeome. i Every attention, paif.1 to the offence. This, the magistratesaid.; establishment of representati-ve A number of farmers in the 'United; traveling public, could have been increased to $20, � institutions in South Africti, at 1111. States C) have ldop,cd, tile plan of linz of insectivorous birds. The: posed possible. We are not told 'shrint,7 or lengalifen (niftwise . Th(,.; I ""side qhe(,tiii-tr is of on� we W. DGIN& ULM defendant, however. clablied that . of eksilrse, what is being (lone at' � R. Ho" D etors as the penalty is severe for the kil-; earlier period than has been sup-, using wooden hoops. -which cannot; Georgia pine. which toenis to 1)o' the bird bad been injurea before ' these conferences. but enough s i the be -;t kind of luniber for silos, � PROPRIETOR. and he killed it to put the bird out said to indicate that the Boer gone- oil account of its xion-shrinkable of misery, and so tile police n1ft9is- rals tire honorably living up to ellaractin'. It is so full of pitch that moistlire has limeticaliv ll'�) 14 1 I&Ir" -d trate niade The. fine as light as their undertaking. that they are. � effect upon it. Tld-; luinbc,,r has'J'C B 10. N13 X A N A Goo possible, urging the acceptance of the ternis been recently laitl do'.711 :it Ottawa V. an I t I t pr* already disettssed. and t1lat so far for $27.00 lx� , It at la - let% Graduate%, Opth-la", By the Morgan shipping deal, if,, avebeen well re -!should lie one of the most fv�,fexi- alarmist journals in. London are to' their instances h. �ral oinical our farniers- ckittlilt us.�-. HENSALL. ceived. If it is trite that (4exic be credited, XT. Morgan holds Can-, Tile foutidathm of tlit-; neur s-irt Do 1yet has n1afde Ill) his inind t1lat, of silo is in its wooilon litio Six" adtL by tba tbroat to the extent of the present is the itiost favorable i.l1clles,%vitlj., Inail. Of Prescript On prohibiting British onligrati011 ttl� lialf in0l SPEOTAGLES AND EYEGLASSES r, the Dominion, to meet wbiolt it moment for ho.Ailities to cea-Se, and 0n) lumber. -praug, arountl a form that lie is laboring to have that land built ill) with Well, hililivil 3ohits r. ittk.tl Oil &-jelltifie llrlueiplos. joint Anglo-Cauadian sttttlek steaux- 1 opinion accepted. there would seem; Usilig a triflo Itni--wr nail etwh thniit�. rn?W Offiff unfil tile hoop ba -4 it I lxivkiws�, for -V WA shir, service is sit SteLl. tobelittle room for 401tilt tilftt,the threit, bottom h4ops. of five, A PULL ST01OX. OF For m--- piopositls include British legiAla- events will move rapidly to tile lttyevq. Tlw remainin- five top IML tiouxuaking illegal till seeret orimmeh desired conclusion. it roquirp only 7our layorq iewvel 11-7, postponeastNanwhip robates. van., .. 0301. Tile avmlagw 'Silo) will 11,T)t Wtirtky of note tbitt no Wilt tit the " 1,(q., colling till differential rates whielt - niro nitirt, flam ow ft. of luni1tcr favor foreip, iters. and or i ternis offerea bv Great Britain bas. anil 1-111 poun4fI, s hf nails, for tho Watches and WAXTFD -A ma el bLd 11talth that 4P eating a vetr(witteh(A tile public. government velo upon tho of from the apparent satisfaetion of nlade and �-hould nifft ft-�e-t na-�L!e Clocks 11 t I all British S111ppiug lilies. M1.r1dA%JSykJ%;4tdJr. the Boers. they probably inelilto thatt P-1.*_N3 vaeli. or for -he t, faided to any 31d4less I The conliftent (of the CIlica go wore t,!) tho, side of gene'rosity than "lot. ThisisagotAtleal 1-s tlaan Special attention Paid to the vost tit thc� u%t=1 iren boaps *Tonrnal �Jnd.�, on the price 3f l3per of-stringeney. And itis significant andl,1914. Atlarc.Q all Ifluds for Ilepairilig. is rtistful. it 11,othillp. Ase. after the, to 32ot0 thut Whilu" this is the tit the v,,uwt won4f-itlil' litte saper-heated diseussion. Tho,i feral Viow. thereswtenl% to ISO it" dis. Virellwflorellre ffd the .414% aull tlw,; hqops plavi-ld in p,#!4Hs4i% Und f�.nt- " i Zournal says* --The high prive. Of- 11,'isftion in England tfi) find fault. elled. C. Stoneman, ill stimulate everr if IMNSALL. WST, live stoelt The hubuz of tho %flo i-� tla,- it ptit t1l with 41 . .. .. ... . ..... f&TRIer i1ft tht�,, lantl to inerease Ills A utmspalwrllian histe. con. antl -.hl' stoek ana to raise =8re CIL all'a ff Ir the lbizarre vf;ok the intreaur. pive ItInAor t1type inehes vd�r,,J - for all exenst. allattIaed alliil nalknI NO fla. V Ath;&`Ikk hogs than he ba -s 41olle foir at hW141)�tr of thf-, tt*,r,3ftt taN TRATT TUBS vo anake, a lozar on the Ireid Shop the --allte us tile of ye;ftrs. 1.k- , . irge %ftims of tat- -Reir the Iftlinat is nn Wlthftl VW012!v VAIR I rx. A� ,litso areseeking investanOnt ill Cle, freq%wnwil Itty the Very plar of ilueltvA of t1w �-far0lg vlwte� 'IL ;Ilf, Photographer, , . t Al� West. null mtleb witt IV, lasjt�j ill, Lmailv,n. How nanhr tt�f tJJe!!re Tt-rV and lltlt ill 'I jffl 4 Ige fill M"Ildoll is 410�wll lvetwvef� the ht�vvrP4 0,12a LIE _,�_qv k, 5 e_,�ILL stwkingthefuttle ralage".4. wMvb. t differenue of -�id�-' Of tht-, dt,;nr for stut HENSALL. At I a&0. d'.;0.3 -finte as this. U vv�w'a e3trictuee. l[F %W U �e lt�asf Voo io wvift.1te exet4dingl'y Imsfitable. t&t tLs tv �PV;-Inem. lut tit 111 events t1here are jalulrs, Make tlK- 04t IL�re, lt%iug 1fc1JDJi r , .4 t1lig. '%Vl ."ANle JnJlJJ"lLr n rml it. (Jt3p. Ne%%- f%1(attlod -r3PezRfrU.#,kJt Xq W 8VT THr. ffisl�llt4r-v IL- a �E' fte 1-m nt_. ta CjL:4 fit ��ft rfA son &tW1 pgLtiej1t and etit itlown t1te meat t, M,4 ttlr�%' ttulkv. Mud laRtIly th0ft'SaIlds, flnIp�tltl tn - i 111N. 4 T �111 tolzrotlWr of flw htvv IS,. !6z GI:2f for the llreAe 'lz , �` I . h,t, A gc A, iprqp Wr PC' f0dll' i -'I VM.*AT WvikK TV11.2% wlrj cuu�ef­-11-1 40 (;�av* or �%u pay. tbisfan Nvin rLoL4t,,,,.re eue simt.tt6tj a viery fc,%v uteres ioE lanzl,, At at 1"!8 vqlwenr- 11 vvwl tatrfA 0VT XV RICAISONAM23:1 to then6rwal lonwItt"'Ien"" t!wt' tntt!e 'Alops whew 114 -mil D's SIM "tth .1 neys K 4 take a A Inan who qlct�h 'u'leal rhage. firevms�(A R&I Ivetto ftt�- tit paper btlo, an!gvvtr9 -MLI-Ietla -4,y to tun'l-e ati IftteregfifigV "SAIlle d-4 f0l' fih�- S40. UU4 flid" 611711111*_ ffz-�:Mln m - lie M dilr AdVertisl�tneifttl_,4 U?Ny S �� t :J&dS ;jt u'loir_q. The bak,. rs* shop fz-,6tL�61g,. V&34� tile ounel? wistle'd. it lin!L4, I :�o IkE Y'Lt,:r bad soille p�ate tatil si=141e. fragratit of kihs Without sidfnx, the -alne Us aur Rd leathed that, ky!ser'diLhg a gerNot *ht -rt f r�Llll the ovehs, ts f0i, tle inost other tab --flov. If pratcOR'A lur",7_a uroups f, X 0 to & Yaukee fitan he ejzfM get a part a lum"Iry Of healthier. hapviet the Venther the J.. elftrd for dtailkehl"e-1-S. ustwe pb� 11ist±9ets." -At the cattilteks were'sIvatild last for yeats. utA ill ut ul�vl A,5Peda1-Ey*6#W 51!1 qt�e �ev�"dftry !ttaav aml tw(V tibie, the ih!4& 15tving, 4Lean oogh he did. It lwans, to ­kiike xtke founa --woraeft MdthoUt fiat,4 T e- L%Wct,_,t�:sof S v,:,st -I � 1,40zt- it ulig*ht Im Uz�jl try v Plod'"' allil keel) AM" Beffigg dvi, Ed ti r"', Cie %'evV7 %letbod Irfe"ME'Llit Or fyzs� howislied to hiatry aud sent �o; ote attl wliase fikgers werd hofh�y atid thereby inalkitig it Geo. TROTT : vnrafrafd 4' Vi�jly 'r. "to tz&, %r mwmed fil t*fit stdblpg tO fl, ChleagO ,,.t for like (qu-�vs . abd 0.11lakeft again fat a hilin, ler o- iftf6mittiott how to inalke at ",.fth m. atted lair. adult ejte.,k, S1 h tinall cost. HERSALL. I t-.4- 'a ttfat-, al X.Tory tr#f�� mt d ioi36c, � rs .-i - S - xe� mrfteu aiiinfytintc.0, en -t. Jollall Ganad tke well T_,,.-nv7.n a V,*j-,,j pfttsiaia. W-litatheabsiver came derngutesmia lt�hi ffaees.­ The,Dairymahalld rVilriner's 'ke a a reatt --sa dOWA in a pah of wete very, 21tuell of tlid leefurer. who has "een a t, ir Tom C. _!. 'et,&C. , �­ t nit _�.Alzrd- t be L'Oestert Wc-:,tr k!" d6tigh." litr�,e ronfa tetail eat " Ilighir Of t'fioal- btevasfid*as pafleht heeon�(Iyet Vtoaftth.,j Wei! C ter !L% stimedd. The3ncdxt advert.-� stibCmcov urett 1)lalmty susple�otzs of!:; 1E. "Ott. "state S',40'ange. kC" 10s=nwnsz-!,:me". 9 dy K vp 11 .tfta.- "Row yoll CdA domb!e yo -at thestkatiget rfo= tile Voku Vhe-ee': jaokjt�y ija ta wonths. "' He, *," 1 Vitro, is V�eenty to eat. Tho istote- if Ws w�=t er ldces neit zsah ysa waft f or aellange. AL keepers thewg8tes -Weket geettly 10 1611 'thtm- &W! hO VIDIUld E60 -his "Idlettessed at, thd prospeet,­of llav- 41 P St A Jft,)Jft#yA,0ubled. Ile Wag Sloi# to in# LO.ptitUp t1le 1)kjete. of bread, 16aijisohesem,to, kno-w how to becameiftheptleb tvas putupto ply Thi Te ARE 'ANY ...... . ..... ... g46t ±ieh. U Was I 1work him th't Iffiew they would J&Ve t v ptit it To Your erves u de0l gAd dolit pay a teet." That: to thfacs ciistowers. Mhey get tlir&e! ra-rin, City, V111agai, ftbutbitm, Lhfng oil a quattetit loif, �Ittaly th'e�e syfnt�.d=g. They tire t -'r YOU HEA &is'he(t him, but hl brother wtadfi� �'Rxzt I yto=ruldimct. Yen rnay tot :-,avcft��:e�n ajad Garden Property, Sold, Bought Leer 0, bilt if you have any ef thert y=7 Mf.-. to, fiAd Out how to wfife a le" , --whMi. may. seein a Ito but it i H loong systebi is net np to the =,ark, and a an pen when the without usim e& and ink and vriks, not so ninch -y are Cheat nerve force 'ay Ifittle! tilta expeniftare ef t told to __ M�e "a lead pencil." Ile if they do not wAtell close, when A�Ljoixey Lattlied on First and Second BEA Paid SR3 to learn to, live -mitkoef therearter -swnie spWileA loave.z. Und IntolIerahceof maticn, nc-4-- 2ZI5 Mortgages. Real tst ite, Notes and" ALL CASES OF tuitchirg of the inuseks; ef the fac-'a-'i otlier 6ecuritifes. work and was tolld on a postal ear�l Wl'en they L'ZI'Ve filld Wrtipp .. gLI eyeli2s; fatigWng seep, sz:ddrlem DE&II-AFNES's OR nARD ARI C to -xish for snekers -.is we- do.'" palver. lt,.�eenis the prrofits, ­whWch And jerkit.gs, of th6 linz-Bs; d!zzine_�q a=:,A F;�rnl5. Hortses an(I Business Prop- ­ I I , 'Ias� li eyes. ir-Itik'nility E 0 W � C' RA 31'" LE' -- -f, esof ghtbeforathe mory seem a lot," soon slip away i ted alid Uents 'Collected ARE etty 11,M I Thfi� Week Wo have tonsig;ntfed a -,3,e. stor"i celver is not very ettreftil. wwn Reasoluable Terms. ATUM 'Affairs of fif& I M Y* lotoftorrespon&-ncefo tile W-01ste There was a Proxfounf.1 dejecti0ft: �and eepression, azcl Icssc., interest in the 0 C AS M -qoney Invested for Private Indi- HEAD N MAJ E E biksk,fet. WedonotcatetwosItraws over tilo virospect of i , - - L R tisc It Pticey, So long Ps the dailyexpenditurecinerve -VIdualq on First Ifort'"'. ge, -on A�eal F. A. WEP.MAW. '01; UAWt1hh&*t:, 8AYt�� to I mow that linsan chewtd all � �!. V the for if the price, of breacl were -.td 1 f6tc& Is greatter than the i2afly in -come, v�. .1�,vv Ame YOU ysittal banktuptc�y is certain to rawalt puttythttilarrvFry put in the V&need to file public bus-iness Az,x:7. -;ve v toone ot later. erve forct inust t�e -.2u, mv r -i -?t c.-4: to Wnd tltis kf­t I!zt vvorsle� unt" Iast knot hole in the fence 'while she woul(I bt sure to drop off. ­Thcre's inCreagd, and this Ca- n best 1he a -Con Was winning her W -W into the lots that don't bAr as much bread: Pushed by the -use cf Dr. Chase!s Nerve wi-,*:-�,tn Food, becaus6 it contaim in comentratel t on'v Axxon:d Money heart of Reuben; it mkiters. a.s. TELEPHON8 6-06. i4 they 'WAnt lycCVdSc they can -t' form th& very elements of natli7ewhieligo, liot to it.,, that Eva dreanafed of herL *li6n times are hard, and thefil. directly VY f07M nerVOts energy. so, xcMt!1ta­v a Nt -,v York tynvn nntf oni�,red ymirr treat- A ­7 tovng- ;H.*,Ftum�� �centsi t bfnx� ;All dealfamcIr Ed-,iansta, L c=;dn Vv.�, zntiv own Fred. last Aight and told what b',JVIV� -ACI 1)uf U13L with less still whon tateP&co., Toronto, Z'At E L L E it happy &I sshe was in fier ow= eo,:,ts more- ninney. " -,.*a S� -Mk91n4Ltfoft ; we do, not Care fwo,�, -AnA, so." lneditate_% this r h- 9 t -Wits Wheltheil4aek,Jill or llannttb'� plorer of all undei- world'. th6 like AGENT YOU CAN C RE YOU986trIP AT HOME At '"s"' SO6011TSly IC0011telilphdild Vllthi- Nerve FF od 6NTAkid, t1k SAILEAVL, 010000 ILL. i -of -which on 4a large scale ve in this, INT-MAtiMALURAUCLINIO, 59